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/lit/ - Literature

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17781905 No.17781905 [Reply] [Original]

Post your backlog, others tell you what you should read next.

>> No.17781910

- Spinoza
- Leibniz
- Locke
- Berkeley
- Hume
- Giovanni
- Rousseau
- Wollstonecraft
- de Maistre
- Emerson
- Peirce
- William James
- Dewey
- Pascal
- Jung
- Husserl

>> No.17781919


>> No.17781928

Divine Comedy
Von mises

>> No.17781932


My backlog is about a thousand books deep though.

>> No.17781935

here we go

>Sweet Thursday
>East of Eden
>Wise Blood
>The Violent Bear It Away
>The Bluest Eye
>Light in August
>Absalom, Absalom!
>Bartleby, The Scrivener
>Billy Budd

I usually read a book a week, and today I'm finishing up Invisible Man and I don't know what to read next

>> No.17781960

Bartleby, The Scrivener Is very short and hilarious.
Dosto if it’s the gambler, I just finished it and it was a pretty fun lil romp. Otherwise the Iliad. I fucked hated notes from the underground.

>> No.17781994


>> No.17782691

East of Eden

>> No.17782942

The Hamlet
The Beautiful and Damned
The Garden of Eden
Humboldt’s Gift

>> No.17782953


>> No.17782957


>> No.17783003

>The Complete Works of Rabelais
>Intelligence and Spirit
>Melmoth the Wanderer
>The Trial (re-read)
These are all that immediately come to mind. Currently reading "The Silver Dove" by Bely
Read Hamlet

>> No.17783103
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I'm currently half way through Peter Falk's autobiography, and I might even finish it before I go to sleep since its a really easy and quick read, whilst still being fairly decent, and 300 pages deep into Norwid's poetry, which is bangin. I already know I'll read Ogniem i Mieczem next, but after that I've got no idea so maybe someone can sort me out for the next few weeks or months

>> No.17783154


>> No.17783388

Gargantua and Pantagruel
Count of Monte Cristo (was halfway through and got busy, didn't read for weeks and forgot about it)

>> No.17784154


>> No.17784371

wise blood

>> No.17785706

Journey to the West
Gravity's Rainbow
The Complete Works of Walt Whitman

>> No.17786082
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https://justpaste dot it/6mtxp

>> No.17786093

"The American Historical Review"

>> No.17786103
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>Almost Trasnparent Blue
>Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
>Naked Lunch
>American Psycho
>Rules of Attraction
>No Longer Human

>> No.17786106

>Democracy in America
>Two Treatises on Government
>Political Essays of David Hume
>Sorel's Reflections on Violence
Trying to get a good grasp of political thought. Any other suggestions on political history are appreciated.

>> No.17786167

Urgh. Engels, Peasants war in Germany. Lenin State and revolution; (KAPD or Dutch ultraleftists, like Pannenkoek); Lenin Left-wing communism and infantile disorder.

You're also going to need discourse studies.

Your basis is way too liberal-bourgeois. You need some fucking realists. You should also grapple with utilitarian labourism,

>> No.17786533

>The Complete Works of Walt Whitman
This. Leviathan heavily influences all the others and all modern political thought in general.

>> No.17786539

Also ignore this idiot >>17786167 unless you're also a 12 year old

>> No.17786600

Go on cunt. Cite some bourgeois fucks, fail to reference labourism. Fail to reference nomenklatura acting with Marxist awareness.


Eat shit and suffocate while hanging yourself.
Wake up in Gensokyo.
Jump in the lake.

>> No.17786612

Didn't read

>> No.17786622

The Bible
Madame Bovary

>> No.17786628

>Didn't read
By his own mouth condemned.

>> No.17786636

The bible obviously

>> No.17786673

>Soseki - I am a cat
>Bell - the cultural contradictions of capitalism
>Jünger - the worker
>Kazantzakis - Zorba the greek
currently reading vollmann's europe central

>> No.17786703

Hume, Rousseau, de Maistre
Illiad, Dostoevsky; for libertarianism go Hayek -> von Mises -> Friedman
no longer human. almost transparent blue was the worst murakami, no idea why he got famous for it
cant go wrong with the bible as a foundation, but it's a long read. a very long one.

>> No.17786719

>>Kazantzakis - Zorba the greek
This because modern greeks deserve respect purely based on their ancient reputation.

>> No.17786739

Invisible Cities
Shadow of Torturer
Maldoror Cantos
Anna Karenina
Metamorphosys (Ovid)
Focault's Pendulum
Canterbury tales
Holy Mountain
The Idiot
Doctor Zivago
Dying Earth
Phedra (Racine)
A Confederacy of Dunces
Something by Mishima
Something by Mary Renault
Industrial Society by Unabomber
Vita Nova
Journey at the end of the night
The myth of Sisyphus

>> No.17786837

>Metamorphosys (Ovid)
>Canterbury tales
>Phedra (Racine)

>> No.17786841

>t. greco

>> No.17786846


>> No.17786875

>kafkas diaries
>leaves of grass
>the shallows
>black book by jung
>the rebel
>in search of lost time
>how proust can change your life

>> No.17786886

>>leaves of grass

>> No.17786951

Das Kapital Volume One
The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged (stopped 1/4 the way through but still remember where I left off generally)
Infinite Jest
Revolt of the Elites
America The Farewell Tour

>> No.17786988

that leaves me with one question - original or translation? i'm an esl.

>> No.17787031

Hayek is v relevant now

>> No.17787048

Obviously original and look up words you don't know

>> No.17787056
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>> No.17787137

alright, thanks. i hope the meaning wont fly over my head.

>> No.17787156

dub dubs were wasted on this

>> No.17787170

Melmoth the Wanderer in a heart beat. Excellent book

>> No.17787176

Anything by kazantzakis is great

>> No.17787183

Read the cosmicomics and malador back to back

>> No.17787276
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>Roberto Bolano - Nazi Literature in the Americas
>Colette - Ripening Seed
>Bohumil Hrabal - Too Loud a Solitude
>Deleuze - Bergsonism
>PKD - Ubik
>Eco - Foucault's Pendulum

seconding >>17786837

>> No.17787545

>Deleuze - Bergsonism
I vote for this

>> No.17788159


>> No.17789451 [DELETED] 

Not sure if you're recommending No Longer Human but it is in my backlog desu. Almost Transparent Blue was a commentary on a post-WW2 Japan. If it weren't for that book I would have not known that there was a rampant meth crisis in Japan after WW2 and still has left a residual impact to this day.

>> No.17789482

Almost Transparent Blue was a commentary on a post-WW2 Japan. If it weren't for that book I would have not known that there was a rampant meth crisis in Japan after WW2 and still has left a residual impact to this day.

I'm gonna ignore the critics and just read No Longer Human, lately I've been going through a phase of reading Japanese /lit/erature. Guess you can say this is my 2nd weeb phase lmao

>> No.17789886

based vollmann reader

>> No.17790006

I dare you motherfuckers:

>Presocratics (OUP)
>The Landmark Thucydides
>The Oresteria
>Lysistrata and other plays
>The Trivium
> The Bible
>Plato Complete Works
>Aristotle Complete Works
>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from the underground
>War and Peace
>Don Q

>> No.17790021

The Bible

>> No.17790659

Presocratics, the version that is on the start with the greeks /lit/ chart
Them Thucydides

>> No.17790931

oh boy
>Robin Robertson - A Beginner's Guide to Jungian Psychology
>Robert Greene - 48 Laws of Power
>George Orwell - 1984
>George Orwell - Animal Farm
>Henry Hazlitt - Economics In One Lesson
>Ludwih von Mises - Human Action
>Theodore J. Kaczsynski - Industrial Society and Its Future
>Robert A. Heinlein - Starship Troopers
>Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger In a Strange Land
>Three Initiates - The Kybalion
>Max Stirner - The Ego and His Own
>Mark Z. Danielwski - House of Leaves
>J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit, or There and Back
>Kim S. Robinson - Red Mars
>Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
>Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
>Anonymous - The Holy Bible, King James Version
>Virgil - The Aeneid
>William C. Collar - The Beginner's Latin Book
>Frederick M. Wheelock - Wheelock's Latin
>Stephen King - It
>Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment
>Montesquieu - The Spirit of the Laws
>Derrick Broze - How To Opt-Out of the Technocratic State
>Samuel E. Konkin III - An Agorist Primer
>Raymond Khoury - The Last Templar

>> No.17791106

You know what? Go with Stephen King.

>> No.17792936
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>Ibsen- Selected Plays
>Montaigne- Complete Works
>Nathaniel Hawthorne- Complete Stories
>Breece D'j Pancake- Complete Stories
>E.M. Forster- A Passage to India
>Edith Wharton- House of Mirth
>Thomas Mann- Buddenbrooks
>Carlo Ginzberg- The Cheese and the Worms
>Herman Melville- The Divine Magnet (Letters to Nathaniel Hawthorne)
>Sherwood Anderson- Winesburg, Ohio
>Nora Chadwick- The Celts
>Robert Louis Stevenson- Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes
>John Fahey- How Bluesgrass Music Destroyed My Life
>J.P. Donleavy- The Ginger Man
>William Vollmann- The Atlas

Read Kierkegaard
Finish the Dumas, better be unabridged!
Read Infinite Jest, breh
Seconding Presocratics
Read 1984

>> No.17792988

Re-read some Lovecraft
If on a winters night a traveler
Death on the nile
Beyond good and evil
The prince (Macciaveli)
Some stories by Huysmans
My great grandfather's memoirs from ww1

Please help.

>> No.17793464

Read Dosto! He is the best, truly.

>> No.17793716
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Please excuse my handwriting

>> No.17793719
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Shit haha I forgot it's the upright shots that get turned around and not the parorama ones. Excuse me.

>> No.17794419

Have not read any of them but i will say either the calvino or machiavelli

>> No.17794435

>simulations (baudrillard)
>society of the spectacle (debord)
>one dimensional man (marcuse)

>> No.17795261

Take your meds/sober up/take a helicopter ride
Whichever is applicable

>> No.17795332

>My backlog is about a thousand books deep though
Read Thousand and One Night

>> No.17795550

>>Anonymous - The Holy Bible, King James Version
>>Virgil - The Aeneid
>>Montesquieu - The Spirit of the Laws

>> No.17795648

Brave New World

>> No.17795657

>Eco - Foucault's Pendulum
Go for it!

>> No.17795679

Plato's republic
Machiavelli il principe and frederick II anti machiavel
montesquieu l'esprit des lois
thomas more utopia
Polybius (not sure, I mean the one with the six stage cycle)
burke reflections on the revolution in france

Ignore >>17786167 marxists are completely retarded and should only be read as a historical case study and not political thought.

>> No.17795813

>>simulations (baudrillard)
This one

>> No.17796220

Your post made me pick Baudrillard

>> No.17796379

You mean what I have yet to read or what I've already read? I'm assuming it's the to be read option
>Hellenica (Xenophon)
>Euripides 10 plays
>Plutarch Lives
>First Philosophers (Oxford)
>Complete Works of Plato
>St Augustine's Confessions
>Divine Comedy
>Don Quixote
>The Idiot
>War and Peace

>> No.17796454

Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Hitler's Revolution
All of Plato except Trial and Death/The Reeeepublic
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
The Cheese and the Worms
The Israel Lobby
Guicciardini's History of Italy
Carl Schmitt
Ted Kaczynski

>> No.17796680
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>>First Philosophers (Oxford)
Anon... read the proper version.

>> No.17796686

>Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul
>All of Plato except Trial and Death/The Reeeepublic
>Carl Schmitt
These ones

>> No.17796872

What of Plato specifically? I have his collected works. Don't say everything, I don't think I have the endurance to read all of him consecutively. I can only handle so much

>Socrates: Well would you agree with X Glaucon?

>Glaucon: Of course Socrates only a mad man would disagree with X!

>Socrates: Well then surely you must agree with Y?

>Glaucon: By God Socrates you are right!

>> No.17797574

Just follow the approximate/speculative chronological order

>> No.17797720

>Li Yu, The Carnal Prayer Mat
>William Burroughs, Interzone
>Walter, My Secret Life, Vol 1
>G.M. Trevelyan - A Shortened History of England
>Marquis De Sade - Justine
>Maurice Cranston - Jean-Jacques, The Early Life and Work of Rousseau
>Richard B. Sewall - The Life of Emily Dickinson

>> No.17799017

Li yu

>> No.17800084

Yeah no, the brutal complex realisim in 18 Brumaire is entirely history of thought and not a current tangent inside political science.

Go be the human toilet you need to be.

>> No.17800113

Maybe decide whether or not you want to read a book before you buy it then

>> No.17800125

Grossman - Stalingrad
Kay - Fionavar Tapestry
Carey - The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith
Zola - The Ladies' Paradise
Gogol - Dead Souls (reread)

>> No.17800194

UNIRONICALLY, my next three books are mein kampf, culture of critique and turner diaries.

>> No.17801343

An old favourite from my school days. I found something truly absurd about the social environment he depicts. It's within the modern era, but there's a disconnect between his plays and my experience of the social world that I found really interesting when I got into his works.

>> No.17802976

Incredibly based

>> No.17803232

>John Fahey- How Bluesgrass Music Destroyed My Life
Curious if he writes any decent. I wanted to read his musicology work but it's probably all gibberish to me

>> No.17803470

what is backlog i am bad at english :(

>> No.17803477

Eliade - The sacred and the profane
Bakhtine - Rabelais and his times
Jünger - Eumeswil
Weil - The need for roots
Jacob - Le cornet à dés

>> No.17803481

UNIRONICALLY why would you read such garbage.

>> No.17803563

>Eliade - The sacred and the profane

>> No.17803606

The list of books you want to read