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/lit/ - Literature

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17784012 No.17784012 [Reply] [Original]

Me heroic titles to read my son. Just finished gates of fire about the battle of thermopylae.

>> No.17784021

the story of my cock

>> No.17784022

This is basically a blog but fuck I have nowhere else to share this shit.

I have this female friend who likes to write, and the past few months we've been sharing our writing with each other and hit it off super great. We kept growing closer to the point we even started sending each other straight up erotica, and it was fucking awesome because we're both passionate about writing and just have these awesome fucking interlocking styles and personalities where we just absolutely dig each other's stuff. We even joked about going on dates when the lockdown ended and seeing about writing some stuff together in person at my place.
And then today we found out we're actually fucking related. My grandmother's younger brother died in the 1970s, and he had a young daughter and she and her mother just ended up drifting away from my family and lost contact.
Turns out this girl I've been speaking to is his fucking granddaughter and neither of us knew until a relative pointed it out. Apparently we're fucking second cousins or whatever.

Fuck bros. It fucking sucks.

>> No.17784027

Too short

>> No.17784033

Hahahahahahaya I'm sorry bro but that's hilarious

>> No.17784038

Second cousins is probably far enough off to prevent any chromosomal abnormalities in the event of pregnancy. Play ball.

>> No.17784066

Lancelot by Giles Kristian

>> No.17784102
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Try this one, LARPing fatass.

>> No.17784222

>projecting this hard
Lol ok faggot
Nice ill have a look

>> No.17784232

Man, that really sucks. I guess that explains why you're so similar though. Sorry to hear that, anon.

>> No.17784253

that you jack?

The Hobbit
Beowulf if you don't mind extreme violence.

>> No.17784269

Second cousins is no big deal as far as I am aware. Its an awkward thing to grapple with but I would try and push through it.

>> No.17784271

You will never have children.

>> No.17784419
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Surprised you haven't thought of reading him the Odyssey or Illiad. Would go well with Gates of Fire.

I'd also recommend the Hobbit, since I presume he's of the age group that would really enjoy reading it.

>> No.17784434
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Heyy the LOTR and hobbit books are a great suggestion. So is beowulf. Cheers
Ok faggot. Have fun crying alone at night loser.

>> No.17784444

>another white supremacist thread

>> No.17784456

post body dygenic

>> No.17784491

The Once and Future King

>> No.17784555

For whom the bell tolls maybe?

>> No.17784558
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The little black boy by William Blake

>> No.17784580

That kid looks black... didn't know you were into cuckholding

>> No.17784621

>Arthurian Shit
>Epics (Homer, Virgil, Kalevala, Havamal et.al.)
>folk tales

>> No.17784635


>> No.17784662

The Critique of Pure Reason. You know, that really trippy tale about the heroic Reason, standing trial at a tribunal of Reason, charged with justifying to itself on what grounds it can make knowledge claims and dabble in the dark arts of speculative metaphysics while laying down the terms of the conditions of the very possibility of all experience. It's wild, man. A tale of space and time, doubt, despair, witchcraft, hope, God, the visible and invisible, boundaries and illusion, successions of perceptions and perceptions of successions. Should be read to every child

>> No.17784738


Perhaps you were looking for a more traditional hero's tale with a happy ending. I think I have just the right work in mind. Might I suggest the Phenomenology of Spirit? A rollercoaster of emotion. In this story you follow our protagonist, Geist, who has not yet been illuminated by the light of Reason. Midway upon his journey to light, Geist finds himself in a dark forest where he encounters a treacherous path, the pathway of doubt/way of despair that leads to a mountain of tremendous light. A riveting coming-of-age tale of death, annihilation, bondage, resignation, faith, God and self-actualisation. Very gripping and sure to capture your son's imagination

>> No.17784753

np man

and hay if your little one is that small ye it's probably safe to read whatever. would also recommend poetry so he gets a feel for tone and rhymes. William Blake is good and cheap, as is Whitman's Leaves of Grass. most important of all is just being there as he gets older and being on his side even if its difficult. good luck dad.

>> No.17784792

Checked and Hemingway pilled. Thats a good one.
>fair skinned aryan son
>tHaT LoOkS LiKe a NiGgEr CuCkHoLd HaHahAh
Lol ok incel. Its hilarious that your genetic legacy will end with you. Unable to shoot your load into anything other than plastic molded into the shape of a woman. Sad sack kek.

>> No.17784805

>using your son to brag about on an anonymous image board

>> No.17784841

>coming to the /lit/ board looking for specific titles of heroism thatd be good for a young lad
Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.17784874

>Aryan son
Yeah, they're a Pajeet. You can tell by that dark skin.

>> No.17784894
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>blonde hair and blue eyes
Ok retard. Have fun being a faggot loser that nobody loves or wants a life or family with

>> No.17784904
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>another triggered tranny freak that will never have or come close to having a family at all

>> No.17784907

Why are you projecting your insecurities onto me, Heeb?

>> No.17784915

don't indulge them, man. Don't derail what could be a wholesome thread

>> No.17784936

>if you are not a white supremacist you are a tranny

>> No.17784942

>second cousins
Might as well say that you're unrelated.

>> No.17784960


>> No.17784983

No adult male unironically posts cringe fashwave shit. You're either a rapist showing off their latest steal from the orphanage or you're visiting your much more successful sibling's family.

>> No.17784989

you're not white

>> No.17784996

lmao looks like I was right about you being a fat fuck
your kid is gonna be gay btw

>> No.17785034

as a dad who reads with his sons: you guys fucked this thread for no reason what the fuck. I was stoked about this.

>> No.17785038
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Man youre gonna hate hearing that im literally a multi millionaire from buying chainlink for the last 3 years kek. Lifes just not fair, is it tranny?

I think im going to go with the Hobbit next.

>> No.17785056

Man, its not my fault. People here are sick in the head. Gotta take the good with the bad with this site.
Regardless, hello fren. What was the last book you read your son?? Im thinking ill read the hobbit next.

>> No.17785074
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>> No.17785218

how does it feel knowing that you'll always be a mutt and you'll never be white?

>> No.17785285
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Better than you must feel knowing you will never be a woman.

>> No.17785301
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>he posts it again
sorry bradelyn but stealing pictures of people's children from Reddit doesn't make you "based and tradpilled" and neither does having schizo delusions about how you're constantly being attacked by a cabal of transsexuals make you

>> No.17785702

Congrats, OP. Parenthood is a wonderful thing. Don't listen to the subversives in this thread.

>> No.17785713

He adopted his wife's son.

>> No.17785879
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>> No.17785893

>OP desperately replying to himself to reassure his delusions that he has a family and isn't actively being hunted down by Interpol for child abduction

>> No.17785896
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>> No.17786081

Please stop shitting up multiple threads with your derailing fucking trite. Just bang her or something, we really don't care.

>> No.17786094

Zola, Germinal

>> No.17786112

Just fuck her only in the butt to be safe

>> No.17786341


>> No.17786387

Probably taking bait here but whatever, second cousins is nothing. Its not illegal, its not immoral, and theres virtually no chance of genetic deformation in utero. Just fuck her bro.

>> No.17786408

He might have been a faggot, but Dr Suess has some unironically good stuff. The Lorax is a great introduction the principles of ecofacism. The Sneetches is a great way to teach your kid about both tribalism and subversion by a bad actor in a free market. Seriously its some good shit. Even though Im pretty sure its supposed to be an antiracist book it doesnt really convey that message.

>> No.17786428

have sex

>> No.17786433
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>> No.17786435

Percy Jackson is great at showing Greek mythology in a more approachable way.
Or if you want to get to the source, just buy a collection of Greek mythology.

>> No.17786437
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>> No.17786441
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>> No.17786469

Second cousin?`Not a problem. Shoot your shoot, king.

>> No.17786484

lmao completely assblasted

>> No.17786591

Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay - Lays of Ancient Rome.

Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the gate:
“To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods"

>> No.17787598

Wew greek mythology thats a great idea.
Yep this sounds like a home run. Based, sir.
I luckily collected all the classic dr seuss books when i had first learned we were pregnant. Seeing as how the cancel mob is piling onto him now. You cant even find some of his books on ebay anymore. I think ill probably save those kids books and stories until he is old enough to read along with me tho.

Anyone read Anabasis?

>> No.17787697

We read together as he’s old enough to. We have been reading the stormlight archive together been fun for his age group.

We took a break and read the Odyssey just recently too

>> No.17787781

Wow so true