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17780206 No.17780206 [Reply] [Original]

A Kansas Bookshop’s Fight with Amazon Is About More Than the Price of Books

>If you know anything about the Raven bookstore in Lawrence, Kansas, then you know that it charges more for books than Amazon.
>Two years ago, he took that conversation to social media, using the store’s Twitter account to explain why the Raven was charging twenty-six ninety-nine for a hardcover book that a customer had seen online for fifteen dollars.
>Caine wrote. “Our cost for that book from the publishers would be $14.57. If we sold it for $15, we’d make . . . 43 cents.” Caine estimated that, with an inventory of some ten thousand books in the store, on a profit of less than fifty cents a book, the Raven could afford to stay open for about six days.
>after the publisher’s cut, half of every book sold goes directly to employee wages; the other half goes to rent, marketing, and other operating costs, including store maintenance, the Web site, and food and veterinary care for the Raven’s most famous employees, the cats Dashiell (as in Hammett) and Ngaio (as in Marsh).

these are the fucking losers you're supporting when you buy from local book stores: retards who insist on running an unprofitable business, screwing you over with higher prices, to live out their personal fantasies. they're mooching off your good will

bezos gang

>> No.17780238

A thread died for this.

>> No.17780287

They’re really buying the books at full price from the publisher? Lmfao

>> No.17780304
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I believe in capitalism, if you can't compete you have no place in the market. Why should consumers accept an inferior product or price?

>> No.17780308

Imagine a world without bookstores. Horrible, isn't it? Then fuck Amazon.

>> No.17780333

It's funny how all leftists suck the dick of corporatism until it's their turn to be fucked.

>> No.17780357

paging Hakan

>> No.17781610

I literally bought a book for 5 bucks at Half Price Books that was going for 21 bucks on Amazon. Trendy book stores are a plague.

>> No.17781666

"Independent" bookstores are garbage and just as you describe, but good used bookstores are fantastic. It's a shame so many people seem to confuse the two. "Independent" stores are really just Amazon clones, the only difference is that they sell new books based on the owner's personal taste and political inclinations rather than based on some algorithm. Used bookstores sell anything and everything, depending on their location and who's donating/selling books.
In my experience the best places to buy books are used bookstores near universities where most of the books come from professors and students, you can get normally-expensive stuff from academic publishers for a fraction of their sticker price. Charity stores are also good, since they're less strict about what gets accepted.

>> No.17781700

kek I've been to this store.
Is /lit/ really anti brick and mortar bookstores because of id-pol stereotypes about the owners though? It's nice to build a rapport with people in your community and if they know their stuff they can offer personalized rec's. Event hosting is a plus too. I mostly buy older stuff though so just go to half-price books or the library.

>> No.17781748

This. Edgy Raven Poe bookstores owned by blue haired lesbians are always overpriced pretentious shit stores. HPB is the place to go for decent prices on all kinds of books.

>> No.17781749

>was charging twenty-six ninety-nine for a hardcover book that a customer had seen online for fifteen dollars.
>after the publisher’s cut, half of every book sold goes directly to employee wages

I simply can't afford it, fuck off.

>> No.17781789
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>personalized rec's
>Event hosting

>> No.17781815

>tfw local bookstore undersells Amazon by stocking mostly mmpb classics for insanely low prices and specialist hardbacks for eyewateringly high prices which the internet will also charge you out the wazoo for
>tfw they have second hand book store too
>tfw loyalty scheme
>tfw faster than Amazon in this country
This is why we need Americans to leave this board.

>> No.17781875

Almost got in a fist fight at my local book store over wearing a mask. It’s like they want me to use (((Amazon)))

>> No.17781886

what is Amazon's BNW? what did they change? And what is the book? I assume you can still get the normal version somewhere on Amazon, right? eg the Everyman's Library? it seems unlikely they could force publishers to change the book to sell on platform

>> No.17781901

Did you not wear a mask? If so I’d have told you to fuck off too you little weirdo.

>> No.17781915



>> No.17781923

No I left after calling the hipster wagie a bootlicking faggot, some people filmed it, will post it if I find it. Also you’re a dumb faggot unworthy of washing my feet

>> No.17781936

No wonder no one talks about books here with such quality posts as this.

>> No.17781944

do you work out? no? i'd squeeze your little head like a tomato...owari da

>> No.17781945

I thought they made most of their money from dealing in used anyway

>> No.17781952

This guy has a cat named after Ngaio Marsh? Fucking BASED

>> No.17781956

if you wear a mask you're physically weak, no exceptions. i would rape you

>> No.17781957

This, I try to buy as many of my books used as I can, and my local store is always pretty crowded when I visit.

>> No.17781967

Poster who doesn’t love his grandma

>> No.17781974

Its nicer to browse along bookshelves in a store, than endlessly scrolling and finding books suggested by the algorithm. Then again a lot of lazy people just want things immediately

>> No.17781987

This is a good post. Most of the bookstores Amazon is putting out of business suck—they’re either other huge corporations like Barnes and Noble or vanity projects with Instagram aesthetics run by people who want to think of themselves as intellectuals—and staffed by people larping as intellectuals. Walk in to the average independent bookstore and they’re selling the same exact books that are bestsellers on Amazon, with little one sentence blurbs recommending the same books the New York Times recommends. I get that they see this as the only way to stay in business—but it also means that we won’t really lose anything when they disappear. Used bookstores, or geeky sci-if/fantasy bookstores, or academia-oriented bookstores offer something special and losing them sucks. But 90% of independent bookstores are complete soulless and seem to make most of their money from cards and candles anyway. So I say good riddance. Their employees can do the exact same miserable retail work at the mall—the only thing they lose is the illusion that they’re not like all the other miserable retail workers.

>> No.17781989

I would have spanked you in front of everyone whilst telling them to upload it to worldstarhiphop. brain dead faggots like you deserve the wall

>> No.17782004

i visit my grandma regularly, kiss her on the cheek. i admit it makes me a bit nervous but she wouldn't have it any other way. her husband died recently (not corona) and she couldn't even visit him, he died alone because cowardly bootlicking niggers like you. you deserve to live in the pod, eat bugs etc, you are worse than a slave

>> No.17782009

Take your meds man

>> No.17782016

Anon, tell me what a books store you would run would be like.

>> No.17782019

Your grandma could die of covid and you’d still be whining about muh bugmen, muh Jews, muh pod muh leftists, etc. You’re the most brainwashed of all and you don’t even see it. You think your eyes are wide open but they’re firmly closed, letting your brain get moulded by conspiracy theorists because you don’t like the news. It’s very sad. Many such cases

>> No.17782026

Yup, theres a bookstore near me which only does sci-fi fantasy and all their rates are the exact same as the bigger box stores closer to the city centre. Meanwhile only a block away in a large used/new bookstore that reduces their prices to more affordable interests and has a whole floor dedicated to sci-fi, fantasy

>> No.17782028

a small number of old people have always died of the cold, anon. it's no reason to shut down society for over a year.

>> No.17782029

you are the one succumbing to conspiracy friend. i am a free thinker, you are THE SLAVE

>> No.17782037

Yes every doctor and nurse in the world are trying to fool you about the severity of the virus, you’re right, you saw a TruthSeeker1 YouTube video and you see the light.

>> No.17782045

Put a bullet through that free thinking brain and do society a favour

>> No.17782046

don't care to argue with slaves, have fun living in fear the rest of your life

>> No.17782061
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>is scared of things that aren’t even real that he reads online
>buh buh you’re the slave my brain is big and strong
Pathetic honestly.

>> No.17782102

you don't know what every doctor and nurse thinks, you liar. you merely parrot ruling class propaganda and think it makes you smart. when all it makes you is a servile and brainless bootlicker.

>> No.17782104

>Virus comes about that's killed about as many people in a year as heart disease or cancer
>virus is easily preventable if you just fucking wear a mask, social distance, or stay home
>burgers can't even do that
>burgers start arguing MUH FREEDUMS when the government half assed tried to stop the virus with nothing but half measures corporations take advantage of to continue profiting off the spread of the virus
>vaccines researched with government money are owned by private corporations with pitiful production levels because other drugs are still more profitable
>dude on 4chan tells everyone but him is a sheeple because he wanted to buy some books without the least amount of effort action he could do
>kisses his grandmother when he's constantly exposed himself and probably is a non-symptom carrier
It feels like a group project that no one else wants to work on because people don't value human lives anymore.

>> No.17782111


secondhand book store-cum-cat cafe-cum cat shelter

>> No.17782114

less than one percent mortality rate

>> No.17782116

You are deranged and require medication. Stop replying to me now stupid kid

>> No.17782124

i checked out when they pulled the "look, the flu has vanished" line

>> No.17782125

Fuck the Raven. The Dusty Bookshelf is a literal 2 minutes walk away.

>> No.17782136

Dont forget to insert your anal plug, wouldnt want to transmit the novel virus via fart, do it for grandma

>> No.17782137

ww2 only had a 2.7% mortality rate you fucking idiot.

>> No.17782148

the sniffles is just like Hiroshima

>> No.17782166

If your store sells mostly new books its fucking trash, no exceptions. If its a used bookstore with books haphazardly piled everywhere, smells vaguely like cat piss from the cats running around, still doesnt accept card payment, and is run by an ancient owner then its worth preserving. Fuck hipsters, they've managed to somehow fuck up bookstores too. Meanwhile I know of plenty of old ass used bookstores that sell shit dirt cheap, have a strong customer base, arent cunts to interact with and will probably be open even after the owners kick the bucket.

>> No.17782175

It's more like the pandemic of 1918 where 50m died, but I was simply giving context to large swaths of people needlessly dying while faggots like you shrug it off because it gets in the way of you buying your next copy of Evola at a used book store and harassing the girl next to you and the store clerk, leaving you to come back here with a pitiful greentext sympathy story.

>> No.17782204

>Ruling class operate under the capitalist mode of production
>this requires constant productivity
>covid happens
>productivity stops due to safety concerns
>this doesn’t work in the ruling classes favour
>they want all wagies back as soon as possible
>don’t give a fuck otherwise
But apparently you think they somehow do? It’s a good job you’re not self aware, because if you were you’d kill yourself out of embarrassment

>> No.17782217

>or about 3% of the 1940 world population
is this how good the rest of the "scientific community" is with numbers? in germany it was closer to about 10%, in soviet russia it was 13%, and in poland it was a full 17%. but i guess that's not very bad at all, since according to you, it's equivalent to something with less than one percent mortality, even with the ridiculously low standards of reporting for coronavirus in some place (if you test positive within two weeks of death, it counts as "death by coronavirus" - seriously?)
like bro you should probably have a good look at exactly how high that high horse you desperately seem to want to ride actually is, because it doesn't look very high from here at all

>> No.17782229

If you thought amazon was rife with ideological garbage your local bookstore probably puts them to shame

>> No.17782232

>like bro

>> No.17782236

My shitty math was just as qualified as anons shitty 1% mortality rate. It was an illogical statistical comparison because anon saying 1% mortality rate, is itself, absurd, not taking into account many of the factors you listed. The rhetorical tool of absurd comparisons wasn’t very effective I suppose.

>> No.17782253

exactly. there's nothing better than discovering some esoteric tome deep in a used store that isn't even available online. new bookstores have nothing to discover, just the same shit you see on Amazon bestsellers list

>> No.17782276

I would love to open a bookstore like this but I think everyone knows it wouldn't be profitable and you'd have to deal with the accessable bookstore customer that reads whatever the current 50 shades is and you'd probably have to have a Harlequin romance section with fish flavored fingerprints all through them, the air freshener costs alone would bankrupt you.

>> No.17782313

gloryhole room in the basement

>> No.17782348

Very based. The only bookstores worth a damn

>> No.17782351

even "academic" bookstores are not worth getting nostalgic about. i forgot the name of it, but that one up above columbia always gets a lot of hype, but it's just rows of syllabus bait shit which is pretty generic, you won't find any "deep cuts" in a store like that. go to the china section, it's just going to be fairbanks, meisner, spence, etc.

>> No.17782391

Small businesses are the ones taking major hits. Amazon, Walmart etc are doing better than ever

>> No.17782420

Define small business. Do you mean by the IRS's standard? By the legal definition? By the political rhetorical tool definition? By personal observation?

>> No.17782421

I don't have that photograph of the scrawny nerd bent crooked over his computer, cokebottle glasses feverishly staring forward (the one often used to depict /pol/acks), but I'd like you to visualize it for me as an exercise so you know what I know perfectly well you look like.

>> No.17782432

>define small
>define business
Shut the fuck up pedantic retard

>> No.17782442

I bet you think this is a 'big hit' to 'small business' and the 'middle class' too, huh?

>> No.17782452

>retards who insist on running an unprofitable business
The world shouldn’t be a slave to the profit motive bugman.

>> No.17782462

Nice bait

>> No.17782470

Is the Dusty Bookshelf like HPB? I read the article and I wouldn't be caught dead stepping into the Raven after reading all that pretentious shit.

>> No.17783081


Why it would be horrible if you also can buy books in amazoN?

>> No.17783334
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Everybody hates on small bookstores and big corporations like amazon, but none of you will offer constructive criticism.
If none of you buy physical books how do you expect publishers to keep publishing?
If none of you read contemporary books how do you expect writers to keep writing?
Everyone ITT is the reason why literature is dying

>> No.17783351

The sole reason I don’t always buy from book stores is because their selection is trash.

>> No.17783362

Id pay a $10 premium just so amazon doesnt get my information.

>> No.17783369

What would you buy? Don't pretend that every bookstore doesn't have endless reprints of Byron and Joyce and all the 'classics' of the western canon.

>> No.17783379

>bootlicker calliung anyone else brainwashed
820 flu deaths in Australia in 2017. 909 covid deaths in Australia in 2020.

>> No.17783389

Nice argument, but you forgot one thing
>40% of all USD in circulation printed within a single year
>most of it given to global corporations
Check the profit of Amazon in 2020, bub. Covid was such a disaster for capitalists!

>> No.17783391

Meanwhile, the big publishers conspiring to sell you trash on amazon:
Support your local bookstores guys

>> No.17783447
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No it doesn't you ignorant twat. That's a figure which comes from bad mathematics.
>hurr divide deaths by population
>see it's less than 1% a calculator can't lie
>why are you dividing by total population instead of total infected

>> No.17783461

I believe as well. If you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Let people decide where they'll shop. Thats actually democracy, not fucking union meetings

>> No.17783482

Oh, yes, my choice between 6 megacorps is freedom, but participation in direct democracy isn’t. Neat.

>> No.17783483

Why are health authorities counting people who died from things other than covid as covid deaths?

>> No.17783502
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I haven't visited a physical book store in years. I illegally download all books that interest me into my Kobo eareader.

>> No.17783519

Why the fuck would you be anti-community. It's precisely the ideal to get alienated individuals out and involved

>> No.17783520
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Fuck publishers and fuck writers who write for money.
>Everyone ITT is the reason why literature is dying
Can't fucking wait.

>> No.17783521

Contemporary literature is pozzed garbage you fucking tranny.

>> No.17783522 [DELETED] 

>sitting in some meeting where boomers demand more pay than everyone else because they've stayed at the same job longer than anyone else even tho they will haven't figured out how to send an email
wow man so much freedom

>> No.17783524

Because anon has Asperger's and finds it difficult to communicate and play nice with others.

>> No.17783529 [DELETED] 

>getting your community from a store
i thought you were a flaming anti-capitalist

>> No.17783543

I don't think you even read that article let alone have the ability to understand it.

>> No.17783568

Explain where I'm wrong.

>ABC15 has learned that Maricopa County officials count people who die with the disease even if the disease was not the cause of the death.
>Maricopa County officials tell ABC15 that anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 in 60 days and dies is counted as a COVID-19 death.
>In an email, a spokesperson wrote that this is standard practice, "Someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19 by a PCR test and died within 60 days of their diagnosis would be considered a COVID-associated death. This is a standard practice in public health. Not counting these individuals would lead to an underestimate of the deaths related to COVID-19 and would not be consistent with public health standards. We follow state and federal standards to ensure that all state and local health departments are counting deaths the same.
>ABC15 asked Maricopa County health officials about a hypothetical question — if a person dies in a car crash, and tested positive for COVID-19 within the 60 days, would they be counted as a COVID-19 death?
>The response: "Yes, the death would be added to the total

>> No.17783595

Your logic
>so they could count a car crash death as a Covid death
Learn some statistics bud.

>> No.17783597


>> No.17783625

>buying books at retail price for your store is this business owner a retard

>> No.17783629

Nice one faggot, just got proved wrong and now you gotta go all sorts of strawman. Numbers are not to be trusted plain and simple specially when they are going through such lengths to falsify them. Go fuck yourself, bootlicker.

>> No.17783636

Anon I simply posted what the official in the article stated. The official also stated who they were acting within federal guidelines.
So yes, all across the country people who die for whatever random reason, be it a car crash, previously existing chronic illness, electrocution etc etc, are counted as covid deaths if they tested positive within the last 60 days. No matter what the coroner puts on their death certificate. Its a covid death.
Spam in caps some more, its really telling of your position. Child.

These figures are from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, they are legitimate.

Try form your own intelligent opinion based on actual data and not generic media statements.

>> No.17783644

What site do you use to download them?

>> No.17783666

Look I get that you're a /pol/cel and your whole schtick is intellectual dishonesty, reading fake and misleading infographics, and purposely misrepresenting information. I get all that, but let's be honest kiddo, do you REALLY THINK that a STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT number of people die WITHIN 60 DAYS OF POSITIVE COVID TEST from NON-COVID RELATED CAUSES??? Do you honestly think that? Do you really think a statistically significant portion of people are dying within 60 days of a positive test from natural causes or random accidents? Really? FUCKING REALLY!? Do you realize that after 60 days they would not be counted as a Covid death? I honestly can't believe you're this retarded and intellectually dishonest.

>> No.17783672

Woke post

>> No.17783681

Based satan poster.

>> No.17783698

>Try form your own intelligent opinion based on actual data and not generic media statements.
Your own """intelligent opinion""" based on actual data, which was a less than 1% mortality rate, contradicts the actual data you are citing. How can you be so intellectually dishonest? Did you read past the headline?

>> No.17783712


>> No.17783721

You seem to be making a point with this article, and in previous posts which I can only assume to be you, that it's mainly old people dying of Covid and old people in nursing homes. So now are you really trying to imply that all these old people who make up the majorit of Covid deaths are dying from car crashes and natural causes instead of Covid? Fuck off retard.

>> No.17783728

I used to live in Lawrence and I have been to the Raven many times. It's not a great bookstore because it seems like every time you go in, it's almost exactly the same stuff. I've ordered through them a few times to "support" them, but it's not very satisfying to pay full price for something that you can get cheaper and quicker online. I wish they could find a middle ground between the price on the jacket and the Amazon price.

There's a used bookstore nearby called The Dusty Bookshelf, and their problem is similar, but it's also just extremely hard to browse. There used to be a Borders across the street from the Raven but they closed a while back. The real gem of Lawrence was their Half-Price Books, but that also closed several years ago.

No real point, just thought I'd share since it's very rare than anything Kansas-related pops up on /lit/.

Oh, although I don't like when bookstores have cats roaming around because I don't want cat hair on my books.

>> No.17783729

genetic fallacy

>your whole schtick is intellectual dishonesty,
says after ignoring the objective reality of the previous

>fake and misleading infographics
said after blindly believing in the information provided by the Estate and the institutions that uphold it

>purposely misrepresenting information
because inside of your mind you applied a strawman of hysterical exaggeration and now you genuinely believe that is the opponent's argument

They up and admit they would count a death from a car crash as being covid related, which is admission that there is a desperate attempt to inflate the numbers, thus the numbers can not be trusted.

Weak bait at this rate.

Fuck yourself, never speak of any political or social issue again as long as you live.

>> No.17783749

I havent used caps in any of my posts. You screaming like a retard.
Calm the fuck down lmfao.

Yes. Especially when so many people get tested. Are you unaware just how dangerous life can be? Probably not as you never leave your basement.

I've already provided you with a link showing that 70% of covid deaths already had underlying health issues.
And in that article it also states,
>Among the 682 deaths, conditions caused by COVID-19 were reported for 366 people.
Numbers are from the Australian Bureau of Statistics by the way. Not 'fake and misleading infographics'.

>> No.17783756

I never made that claim. Stop strawmanning.

>> No.17783763

I can't believe you think that passes for a refutation. You can't even dismiss the main point. The chances of some dying within 60 days of a positive Covid test of non-Covid related causes is statistically insignificant. They are not inflating the numbers because they simply aren't happening. If it makes you fell better chud you can reduce the total number of Covid deaths by 1% but that's really being generous.

>> No.17783772

>The chances of some dying within 60 days of a positive Covid test of non-Covid related causes is statistically insignificant
Do you have any data to support such a claim?

>> No.17783777

The only thing this guy explains is how his business has been rendered obsolete. Good riddance.

>> No.17783780

The number one underlying health issue was dementia retard. You're so fucking intellectually dishonest I can't believe it. Still you also wont admit your data contradicts your less than 1% mortality rate.

>> No.17783781

>hey’re really buying the books at full price from the publisher? Lmfao
Yeah, pretty weird.

>> No.17783789

Yes statistics. If it's so fucking statistically likely for you to die of a car crash within a 60 day window then why aren't the majority of deaths from car crashes? You're a fucking imbecile who uses "data" and "facts" in an intellectually dishonest way. Fuck you. If I had your IP I would find you and kill you or pay $20k for someone to assassinate you.

>> No.17783801

>You can't even dismiss the main point
Just did, you're just too retarded to comprehend it.

>The chances of some dying within 60 days of a positive Covid test of non-Covid related causes is statistically insignificant.
If they are so insignificant why are they so desperate to claim those numbers as covid deaths? Because you got yourself an extremely fast spreading virus that is basically baby's first harder flu that spreads like crazy but doesn't kill too easily unless you're a dinosaur or already very sick, so you need to pump those death rates as much as possible.

>> No.17783804

>Still you also wont admit your data contradicts your less than 1% mortality rate
Lagos, Nigeria:
>22,562 cases
>220 deaths
>0.975% fatality rate
And lets not forget that Lagos has a population density of almost 7000 people per square kilometre, they have no way to safely isolate, they live in each others refuse, they cant ubereats every night.

>> No.17783816

I never claimed the majority of deaths are car crashes. Why are you so obsessed with car crashes. I was using car crashes as an example of how ridiculous the whole situation is. The fact that health authorities are counting car crash deaths, how every little they may be, as covid deaths.
You realize that most of the people dying from covid, old people, were already sick beforehand?

>> No.17783833

Where am I supposed to steal hard copies from?

>> No.17783835

Basically none of these arguments matter anyway. Because anon is going to stay inside his house like a good little slave, afraid of something that only kills sick old people, instead of actually living his life.
I've already won. You lost. Its a beautiful 26 degree celsius day outside, Imma go for a walk with no mask :^)

>> No.17783837

>For the second consecutive year, the U.S. experienced a small decline in roadway deaths, according to preliminary estimates released today from the National Safety Council. In 2019, an estimated 38,800 people lost their lives to car crashes – a 2% decline from 2018 (39,404 deaths) and a 4% decline from 2017 (40,231 deaths). About 4.4 million people were injured seriously enough to require medical attention in crashes last year – also a 2% decrease over 2018 figures
Now account for the positivity Covid test rate (4.2%) in the US population and the number of car accident deaths in a year and you get that in a year a potential 1596 deaths car deaths could have been covid positive when they died. It's very unlikely thought that 1596 people will die in a car crash within 60 days of a covid test. Fuck you argue against that twat.

>> No.17783849

Stop throwing a hissy fit faggot, people are looking as you foam at the mouth because people dare not blindly believe admittedly falsified information. Stop clinging to car crashes like a true to god projecting disingenuous fag, there are a million ways to die that are not covid, and they're all getting counted as covid for the good of the cause.

>> No.17783862

Thats only car crashes though. What about every other possible cause of death?

>> No.17783868

>Lagos, Nigeria
Ah yes! Because Chinese people and Westerners are always travelling to Nigeria! Again you're fucking intellectually dishonest and cherry picking your data to confirm your own biases. Ignoring the fatality rate is higher in Australia, the US, and just about every other damn western country. Please tell me more about how island nations have a low covid death rate and how it proves covid is fake and just a media sensation!

>> No.17783881

>get Covid and it kills you faster due to health comlications
Again intellectually dishonest.

>> No.17783892

>health centers are willing to count any random death cause as covid related within two months of a prosititve diagnosis, which is seen as absurd by many
>go as far as admitting that they would count a car crash as being a covid death
>faggot foams at the mouth shrieking "THERE IS NOT EVEN THAT MANY CAR CRASHES

Submission is a hell of a drug

>> No.17783905

Every other possible cause of death would also he so fucking insignificant you little twat. Let's not forget people aren't doing as much to cause random
accidents because of lockdowns. You're so retarded. I can't believe you think you can't trust covid death counts because you think people getting killed by lighting bolts are massively inflating the death toll. You're intellectually dishonest. You're a snake oil salesman. Go peddle your shit on /pol/ where chuds like you gobble it up.

>> No.17783913

>retard believes this is such a common scenario that it is inflating the death count

>> No.17783934

Ignatius, is that you?

>> No.17783939

>if the methods are self admittedly falsified, what is admitted to you is merely the tip of an iceberg of much corruption and manipulation. The methods are thus untrustworthy in infinite ways

>> No.17783951
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>motherfuckers be lying about this shit, they're counting car crash deaths as covid
>b-b-b-b--but car crash isn't even that common

>> No.17783952

Okay then, Im from Sydney Australia. 5.5k cases in NSW, 54 deaths.
Suck my dick you fucking cunt.

>> No.17783978

based and juice pilled

>> No.17783987
File: 95 KB, 708x800, 52DA8FC1-A6BD-4357-9AAE-484AE7C606A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nnnnnnooo all those people dying hospitals are paid actors!
>they were already sick!
>stop telling me that what I'm saying would statistically never happen!!! You can't use science and logic to prove me wrong! Only I can do that by presenting data in an intellectually dishonest way
>total cases: 29000
>total deaths: 909
>mortality rate 3.1%
Keep cherry picking.

>> No.17784005
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Also here's your intellectual dishonesty again. Your purposely inflated the case numbers so the math would be less than 1%. As you can see it's actually sitting at 1.03%

>> No.17784040

>all those people dying who are a very small portion of the actual number of infected people, and are representative of a death rate that is clearly manipulated
>admittance to falsifying information is entirely compatible with the scientific method of verification, I'm using science and logic
>admittance to using any death not caused by internal bodily processes as being a death caused by covid is not an attempt at bloating numbers because this one specific instance of it can be interpreted as mathetimatically unlikely
>Has repeated "intellectually dishonest" 11 times ITT like a pathetic child throwing a thought terminating cliche

You don't deserve attention, you're a retarded dog.

>> No.17784073
File: 619 KB, 729x663, Hakan book stores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related

>> No.17784076

I'd rather give money directly to the cat.

>> No.17784136

i don't know who this guy is. sounds on point

>> No.17784138

Compare it to actual 1st world nations
Such as Australia
Sydney specifically
Non stop gooks coming in on plane, no lock downs, two weeks of mandatory mask in December no other time, 54 deaths

>> No.17784146

That includes victoria, who the fuck knows what they are doing
They have 80% of the nation's covid deaths while being less than 40% of the total population, and they've been in hard lock downs since the beginning
Compare it to sydney and you'll see a large discrepancy that just doesn't make sense

>> No.17784159

See >>17784138 and >>17784146
I live in Sydney, it's been basically business as usual all of 2020 except pubs being shut down for a lil while. No lock downs, two weeks of mandatory mask in December only.
Melbourne has been doing multiple lock downs, curfews, the whole shebang. Yet why so many infections and deaths?
Sydney is larger than melbourne also.

>> No.17784164

You're not white.

>> No.17784165

The best poster. Forger Kantbot, Logo, BAP, Delicious Tacos, Lindy Man, the BAP’tists, Ulysses, etc. Hakan is the only one who is interesting

>> No.17784169

I wish I had a good local used bookstore. All I really got is HPB and Goodwill

>> No.17784178

where do i find him? has he got twitter or something?

>> No.17784209

Who is this based being?

>> No.17784297

>thinks that amazon and bezos is the result of free market capitalism
poor boy

>> No.17784470

Hakan Rotmwrt, esoteric race scientist. Pic rel is an from an archive of his tweets. italicized text should be from a Rothschild iirc. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots besides the one pic I posted, and I can't find it in other archives.

>> No.17784482

Forgot to mention that if you ask around certain parts of twitter you might be able to get it. Hell, someone here might have it on hand.

>> No.17784484

Half Price Books is definitely overall cheaper than Amazon.

>> No.17784606

have you ever actually, like, been outside? those people are scum

>> No.17784901

Have you tried not being a misanthrope?

>> No.17784930

anti-community is anti-communism. simple as.

>> No.17784985


>septegenarian +, comorbids, R0 off seasonal flu x.25
Enjoy your Mandarin overlords

There’s every financial incentive in the US to overreport in hospitals, even to actively expose dead weight (ventilators, my 600lb life cases) to cut future costs with plausible deniability, as they did in New York with the old folks homes (rip pensioners).

Just as suicides are lumped in with ‘Gun violence’

>> No.17785200

Kill yourself maskcuck

>> No.17786649

In germany we have something called "Buchpreisbindung", fixed book price. It exists in many european countries. A book costs almost exactly the same in stores compared to Amazon. Often even small stores have their own web shops. I love wandering through them and just picking up something intriguing. We also have open book shelves for trading in the public.

>> No.17786717

A /lit/ book store would just be Finnegans Wake, foreign books in obscure languages (don't you dare ask if they have a translation!) and terrible books by anons.

>> No.17786725

Depends on whether you live in a small town or some city block filled with faggots.

>> No.17786750
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Is this where he was replying to a literal Rothschild?

>> No.17786753

Sorry bro I just don't need any "live laugh love" stickers and rubik's cubes.

>> No.17786798
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>> No.17786812
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>> No.17786824

Who's Hakan?
Sounds Turkish.

>> No.17786842

I am blown away

>> No.17786843

Or you could try and actually understand that masks don’t do anything comparable with no masks. You are a typical mid wit.

>> No.17786865

so is this guy like a varg imitator or something?

>> No.17786881

What would happen if all the Russians in Volga-Uralia disappeared tomorrow?

>> No.17786904
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>> No.17786918

You know, I think I'm going to start hitting some used bookstores now. Thanks, friend.

>> No.17786961

Get enough success that you have personal private data about every American to share and the state has a vested interest to keep you around
Is that still capitalism

>> No.17787217

>Further isolating myself to own the libs

>> No.17787316

If I recall, yes. If you have a screenshot of the actual tweets (not from the archive site) please post them; realized I didn't have them saved.

see >>17784470

Currently tweets as Zolbar Sakusun. Highly recommend you follow him. The best poster I have seen anywhere.

No, he's beyond anything Varg could accidentally stumble upon. His posts are a real wonder to behold.

>> No.17787378

based dusty bookshelf chad
let's leave this town brother

>> No.17787400


>> No.17787552

they're buying at the same price Amazon pays for it, Amazon can just afford to only make 50 cents per book because they run a lean business
>all leftists suck the dick of corporatism
you aight mate?

>> No.17787554

He's like BAP if he had spent years wandering in Zomia

>> No.17787701

This. Any non-used bookstore that's small is shit. Barnes and Noble at least has a good atmosphere and decent selection. In my city there's a small bookstore downtown that sells new books and they were so fucking expensive I've never gone there since. For me it's either Amazon, Thriftbooks, Barnes and Noble, or used bookstores. Fuck small bookstores that only sell new books. Yeah I really want to pay thirty dollars for a copy of The Great Gatsby while being bombarded with BLM propaganda signs all over the store

>> No.17787728

This is why we need socialism.

>> No.17787979

/lit/ still simping for American mega corps I see?

>> No.17788070

>large swaths of people needlessly dying
The ongoing obesity and drug abuse epidemics are fine tho. no government intervention necessary there.

>> No.17788092

the only two times i shopped at the bookstore that opened in the gentrified downtown, the fat chick at the counter made snarky comments about my purchases. one was piketty, which wokes should in theory approve of, but i think she just talked shit because it was non-fiction rather than a story about wizards and werewolves, and the other time i foolishly had them order me a programming book, which they belittled me for reading. i was like ok, message received, i'll take the train over to b&n next time.

>> No.17788094

I have made over 1,000,000 unauthorized digital copies of JK Rowling's works and immediately deleted them over the past 2 years. You may have noticed the dire financial straits she's in because of these lost sales. I estimate that my efforts alone have deducted about $10m from her bank accounts at this point, and I'm not the only one doing this.

>> No.17788096

Ah yes, because I am worried about one cause of death, I do not care about other causes of death. You are very smart.

>> No.17788106

if it's ok to shut down all the restaurants in america to save 500,000 people one year, why don't we permanently shut down every mcdonalds and kfc in order to save that many every year?

>> No.17788359

unfathomably based

>> No.17788388

bumping this question, I'm still confused. I can't find anything about this online. How did they censor it?

>> No.17788721
File: 1.67 MB, 480x324, 008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest everybody on 4chan is a nebbish anticommunal misanthrope and any local community would do well to exile such filthy monsters.
It's no surprise there is genuine support for Amazon here when most people don't value their own communities, don't shop local, don't attend a local church and don't have children so as to attend a local school.
With such an ill participation in society there really isn't any need to partake and as long as the free movement of goods, services, labour and capital remains unchallenged then rent won't go down once these businesses go under and the property will be changed into low cost housing for more internet bug people to wallow in.

>> No.17789076

>When your local bookstore is an institution
>always sells books lower than online and matches prices if you notice they're making you pay more than amazon
>has a massive second hand section where all the books are in great condition and never cost more than 4 quid
feels good man

>> No.17789087

Welcome to Bulldyke Books we've never heard of Updike, Mailer, Roth, or Hemingway may I take your order

>> No.17789690

don't care. still not buying your overpriced shit

>> No.17789895

What do you care about?

>> No.17790039

What is it with bookstore owners being snarky as fuck? I've seen it so many times where they're just flat-out rude to some customers. Good riddance. I'm glad all these turds are losing their stores.

>> No.17790059

I'm normally fine to see the more efficient business succeed but since all these companies decided to flex their political muscles and pick sides I'm all for destroying them.

>> No.17790060

>but good used bookstores are fantastic
Satanic trips poster is correct. It is the only way for the traditional bookstore to survive.

>> No.17790203

>a used bookstore where the elderly owners have been running it since they were young and books are stacked floor to ceiling and are piling up in the aisles
So comfy, how can anyone like the other sort? They're like a Barnes and Noble with no selection and no Starbucks to give you diabetes.

>> No.17790419

The market has invented solutions for me to download 90% of the books I want for free. By the logic of capitalism am I morally justified to engage in piracy?

>> No.17790501

That depends

>Go to neighbourhood bookstore in Berlin
It's full of faggots. Mostly gay books. Hipster owner tries to strike up a conversation based on my selected purchases.
>Go to esoteric bookstore in San Sebastian
Only me there. Cool books. Based proprietor says nothing to me as I pay him.

>> No.17790627

The little bookstores are on the same side as the megacorps though wtf are you talking about. If the big ones deserve to die bc of their politics then the less efficient, shitty little ones with the same politics arguably deserve it more

>> No.17790649

butterfly, you forgot your trip.

>> No.17790767

I'm not picking sides on this, I just want large corporations to die because not only are they acting politically, they have the power to enforce their politics. These companies decide what truth is when they choose to ban opposition.

>> No.17790867


b8 thread, but for any idiot who actually agrees with this..

You are retarded if you don't think that after Amazon has a monopoly on books that they won't jack prices up to the fucking moon.

inb4 but muh free markets!!!!

Won't do shit buddy. If we lived in an actual free market, then theoretically the invisible hand could topple Amazon's monopoly, but Bezos is just going to pay off a few dozen senators to interfere in the market and stop that from happening. Then we all pay out the fucking ass for books.

>> No.17790962

>You are retarded if you don't think that after Amazon has a monopoly on books that they won't jack prices up to the fucking moon.
lol i'd just stop buying amazon books

>> No.17790982

How long until Amazon buys Thriftbooks?

>> No.17790999

just accept that they won--they're the better option. you're just coming up with this whese-if scenarios to reject the reality of the situation. you're not in some fucking resistance to mega-corp take over, you're just spending way to much for books

>> No.17791142

>in the future Amazon will charge thirty dollars for a copy of The Great Gatsby so in order to prevent that you should buy a copy of The Great Gatsby from your Snarky Dyke-owned bookstore for thirty dollars

lmao you're so assblasted you must be a lesbian. Go shlick to the thought of diving into Jodi Foster's old dessicated clam

>> No.17791157

>BLM poster
Yeah, nothing of value is lost.

>> No.17791167

Why the fuck should I care what a book costs. I don't care what anything costs.
Just spend the money you get it back eventually.
If I can't afford.. Well.. Some unlucky Chinese student will be walking home shoeless.

>> No.17791181

>hurr durr the purpose of money is to buy the things you want or need
>hurr durr it's not for irrationally hoarding
ya fuck you

>> No.17791310

Purpose of money is to buy cool shit
Like designer clothes and rare books

>> No.17791881
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>> No.17791962
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>Danny Caine’s Continental Breakfast ponders Midwestern-suburban Jewish identity

It's all so tiresome. I am feeling sleepy, brothers.

>> No.17791968


>> No.17792020

Black books.

>> No.17792043
File: 260 KB, 800x1158, 1_Finn_heard_far_off_the_first_notes_of_the_fairy_harp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be willing to pay double whatever Amazon is charging for books if the store owner was a cool old man in a cozy shop. Until I find such a shop I will continue to pirate ebooks.

>> No.17792067
File: 44 KB, 542x345, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who goes to a local book store for a new book? They're great for used books and for the discovery of something interesting you might not have found otherwise.

>pic related
>here I've often found great books cheaper than on AMZ

>> No.17792071

>amazon brave new world
>cheap books quickly delivered to my house
the only bad thing is that amazon treat their employees like shit

>> No.17792079

You guys are all against "globohomo" until it saves you a couple bucks on shit you don't really need. Amazon is winning at a rigged game, there is nothing praiseworthy about that.

>> No.17792083

fuck publishers

>> No.17792215

Because Amazon will become a monopoly and exert their control

>> No.17792235

>fish flavored fingerprints all through them, the air freshener costs alone would bankrupt you.

>> No.17793681

If you have to say it, it's probably not true.

>> No.17795640

Not him but z library or myanonamouse. MAM is a private tracker so there are some hurdles. Great source for audiobooks.

>> No.17795703

Neoliberalism rules and the fact that people want to enjoy it's comforts even when they want to feel like they advocate some other system is just more evidence of how much it rules.

>> No.17795744

>The death rate with these super restrictive policies was similar to the death rate in a totally different situation without them
>We shouldn't have restrictive policies. That way the death rate could have been much higher and it would be clear that we needed more restrictive policies.

>> No.17797089

that's cool the government should make Amazon pay their taxes and they should also subsidize small businesses so retards in my community can live out their personal fantasies. I will continue to pirate all the books I read