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17779688 No.17779688 [Reply] [Original]

So, I want to talk about Video Game Novels, and how they compare to other fictional novels. The most famous one being the Resident Evil Novels, but there are other novels that are based from Video games. Are they just cash grabs? Or do they hold some literary merit?

>> No.17779706

>Are they just cash grabs? Or do they hold some literary merit?
The former.

>> No.17779709

They hold even less merit then Star Wars Expanded Universe books, and even those were slop for children too autistic to read an actual young adult novel.

>> No.17779730

old halo books are kino

>> No.17779757

does anyone remember the DOOM novels? those were so batshit insane

>> No.17779759

I've heard good things about the Witcher books. Though I'm not sure if the game was based on the book or Vice versa.

>> No.17779767

The only video game novel I've read is Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father, and it's just pulp, but it's interesting from a structural angle. Reading it taught me a lot about the differences between game writing an novel writing.

I've been curious about the Death Stranding novels since the game leaves a lot of room in the world for more stories to unfold, but it seems unlikely that they'd hire anyone above Chuck Wendig's paygrade, and >>17779709
is 100% right.

>> No.17779775

The books came first. The English translation is kind of awkward, but the stories are well structured so it kind of transcends that. Polish storytelling is great.

>> No.17779991

Any news on the new ones?

>> No.17780044

Oh really? Any recommendations? Did the author just go full ham on the source material?

>> No.17780064
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>Did the author just go full ham on the source material?
it was written by two dudes and they just said fuck it let's introduce all new aliens, romance, and a war between two opposing schools of ideological thought.

>> No.17780065

Based! I love trashy novels. I'm going to get the vidya novels after I've collected all the TV show trash novels.

>> No.17780071

Sounds kino. Didn't they do some of this in Doom Eternal with the opposing forces?

>> No.17780147

>two opposing schools of ideological thought.
Afraid to ask, but were they?

>> No.17780155

I read one of the Resident Evil novels as a young teenager and I recall it reading like an old text walkthrough with some character drama peppered in.
I also read the novelization of Metal Gear Solid and that was just as bad, which is surprising given MGS seems like something you could easily turn into a decent techno-thriller if you weren't slavishly devoted to the structure of the game and just focused on conveying its narrative in an appealing way. It was never going to be high art, but it could have been a slightly wackier Tom Clancy novel.
Instead it was like "And then Snake found extra ammo under a crate."

>> No.17780190

Honestly, I think it’s due to the fact that the IP of these novels were new and none of the experience authors of their field wanted anything to do it. I could totally see some techno-thriller author write Metal gear. In fact, Tom Clancy should have written it.

>> No.17780306
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I used to love the Diablo and WarCraft novels.

>> No.17780375

Oh shit, I remember them. I want to reread them.

>> No.17780697

They would hold merit if I wrote them

>> No.17780876
File: 92 KB, 183x184, 1381689458905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arriving at the alien base, later revealed to be beyond the orbit of Pluto, Fly, Arlene, and Albert encounter several alien species, although the only alien to pay any attention to the humans is Sears and Roebuck. The marines learn that humanity is of little interest to most of the aliens; the invasion of earth being of little more than a strategic move during a quiet period in an intergalactic war. This war is fought between two opposing schools of literary thought (hyperrealists and deconstructionists) over eleven pieces of prose left behind by the long deceased alien race responsible for building the Gates. Fly and Arlene also learn that there is no faster than light travel (although travel at velocities close to lightspeed), and that humanity is the only species in the galaxy that 'dies' or has religion.

>> No.17781330
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picrel is the only good video game novel, because it was chronologically earlier. haha!
>Assassin's Creed (the original video game)

>> No.17781506
File: 34 KB, 314x500, 0DE4554B-491C-4E6F-86D6-D9BE467B222A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the best video game book I’ve read. Fall of Reach is a close second.

>> No.17781832

Way to meta.

>> No.17781851

Didn't they make Jill's Dad some master thief, just to explain away how Jill can use lockpicks?

>> No.17781853

Sounds like Assassins Creed just ripped this off wholesale.

>> No.17781871
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Some are decent and can be a bridge between games. I don't think" video game novels" are really represented enough to be a thing, though.

>> No.17781975

They explain that Jill's father trained her to be a thief before she joined STARS, the irony being she uses her thieving skills to explore the Spencer mansion.
Perry tried her best to try and introduce some actual themes into the RE story.

>> No.17782023

One of the Columbine dudes named his shotgun after Arlene from the Doom novels.

>> No.17782025

>Are they just cash grabs? Or do they hold some literary merit?
What a stupid question, have you ever even had a job in your life?

>> No.17782048

>Based! I love trashy novels.
Typical American.

>> No.17783202

Are those good.

>> No.17783534

Perry made the novels. Tried to explain and rationalize the why everything was. Also, doesn't Umbrella win her novels?

>> No.17783758

Weren’t a few video games based on novels? I wonder how that worked out.

>> No.17783775

Dragon Age had a bunch of books out before the game, and then they ruined it.

>> No.17783776

Metro 2033 is one as well witcher >>17779775

>> No.17784752


The newer ones are fine, but nothing special.

The books depend on how much do you give a shit about understanding the new games. If you actually care, they are solid enough mid-tier science fiction. If you don't care, you aren't missing out on anything special.

Super easy reads. You can fly through them in a few days even if you're busy.

They do some important things for the lore. Like, you might hear dumbshit like "Guilty Spark came back to life" and think "that's retarded." But then if you read the prequel books about the forerunners and then read the books where he comes back to life it all starts to suddenly make sense and is a lot less retarded. I thought that bringing him back was stupid, but after reading the five books about it, I like the direction they are taking the new arc.

They are fine books if you like Halo, a bit under average if you don't.

>> No.17784770

Far Cry 2 and Spec Ops: The Line were influenced by Heart of Darkness

>> No.17784950

I fucking hate gamerfaggots.

>> No.17785017

Let us have our books.

>> No.17785208

Thanks. I'll check them out.

>> No.17785258

Halo fall of reach and first strike are good

>> No.17785269
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>and how they compare to other fictional novels
nigga u stupid

>> No.17785282

please do not speak like a nigger here, thank you

>> No.17787221
File: 18 KB, 200x320, 753b5be2258a2070dc742812d6e9dca0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ico novel is just honestly a good book.