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/lit/ - Literature

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17775373 No.17775373 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>weekday nights have mostly been wasted
>wake up on Friday morning
>start work
>motivation starts faltering after lunch and I try to make myself "grind" or work with higher energy but I see my job is kind of pointless; I am mostly waiting for the next paycheck
>end up putting in an extra hour on menial stuff anyway
>finish work
>waste time browsing internet
>go jogging
>spend rest of evening wasting time; feel really fat after eating pot noodle
>wake up on Saturday morning before 9
>do chores; spend almost 2 hours reading a praised but overly theorising non-fiction book that could be summarised in 20 pages
>lie in bed, trying to sleep more
>play vidya (an acclaimed but kind of empty game)
>eat normal but carby food plus some chocolate
>browse internet
>go for 2 hour walk while listening to Cum Town and dumb BBC shows
>browse internet
>go jogging
>browse internet
>now lying in bed and will read soon

I read a few articles about crypto 10 minutes ago and realised how much time I've wasted. I've spent my entire adult life wasting time online when I should've been doing smart people stuff. I'm hoping that from Monday I can finally start working on productive stuff consistently in my free time (lol).

I went to a supermarket and bought healthy food but I was salivating over the chocolate ice cream and crisps. I only bought two large bars of chocolate but I don't see a way out of this conundrum.

This was a very boring and forgettable Friday evening and Saturday, although the exercise was good. I don't expect Sunday to be notable.

>> No.17775405
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Your life really isn't that bad. I'd blog post to one up you but I don't if I want to pour all the context needed to tell my tale. Either way I'm going to kill myself on the 20th March. I wonder how many more of your posts will I see until then. I plan on burning myself to death using gasoline

>> No.17775410
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Stop making these post about you doing random bullshit you will feel better.

>> No.17775418

Fire punch was a good manga. Also please dont set yourself on fire, if you live they will lock you up in constant pain from burn wounds. Find a peaceful way to go.

>> No.17775420

Can I print out some compilations of your books and publish them Londonfrog? Back to back they're amusing and genuine to read and I think a lot of people would relate.

>> No.17775421

This is londonfrog’s board, we’re just posting in it.

>> No.17775454
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Sorry anon. Ever since I could conceptualize suicide I knew self immolation would have to be how I would do it; it has to be as painful as possible.
>printing an unfinished story
When London frog bombs an airport or has a heartattack is when the story is over. Why print and publish it while new posts are still being made? Also I'm pretty sure some have already compiled it into ebooks

>> No.17775476

this faggot again

>> No.17775489

Why do you never say the titles of the books and video games you talk about? I would like to know what they are.

>> No.17775490

>Why print and publish it while new posts are still being made?
Idk maybe it will help him feel a bit more like a success in his life.
Anyways there's no discernible plot arc, character growth, or relationships to be built on. Its very po-mo actually, like the Book of Disquietude as told by a 4channer

>> No.17775495

I hate English people

>> No.17775682

excruciatingly based, as always

>> No.17775808

LF would never be a terrorist, he is the most emotionally vacant poster I have ever seen. The one time I ever remember him getting mad was when he was fired for his job, according to him because he was not 'normie enough' lol.

The guy doesn't even bother to become an alcoholic or something, he just eats junk food and he even tempers that addiction by working out.

>> No.17775853

Why such a painful method? Will you post something beforehand so we can look you up? I feel obligated to tell you that you shouldn't kill yourself. It's not worth it, no matter how terrible things may seem.

>> No.17775871

Since there's no response I'm going to assume 'yes' on this.

>> No.17775879

londonfrog never specifies what he's reading, watching, or playing. adds to the charm in a weird way

>> No.17775895

Being sad and British is a blessing anon, like Fanon said about the Jew we are brothers in misery.

>> No.17775899

he always mentions Cum Town and sometimes 'alt right podcasts'

>> No.17776020
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Yeah, I said that and immediately thought "he would never do something that passionate" so I added the heart attack line. I think the core of LF's despair is related to his arrogance. He thinks he knows what is right way to spend time and the superior way to live. He's always talking about how he regrets wasting time reading when he should have been doing "smart people stuff" or whatever he used to call it in the past (some /biz/ buzzword—bulldog?) like coding or whatever. I think London Frog loves to romanticize his despair by exacerbating to himself.
I've rationed lots of reasons, sometimes jumping between them but I believe that death should be really painful; dying is potentially the last thing you'll ever feel so it may as well be intense. A painful death also would serve as a sort of penance that might help to absolve your sins. If you buy into that kind of thing. The main genesis of the pains of my life relate to my pride and inability to sustain it. There are many things in which people can sustain a pride—an ego—like wealth, family, respect; I could join the army for example and kill a bunch of evil doers (evil only to me) and earn some medals or rank, or I could plant bombs in airports encapsulate evil, or I could try to become a monk and take pride in that. I can't unmonk myself with self doubt, I can't unkill people by insecurity, if I wish I can take pride in these specific acts. Or I could walk into the woods, cover myself in gasoline, and light myself on fire—and, while only for a moment, I could take pride in the resolve that would require and the anguish I was being put through. Although my ego would surely perish were I to fail at a task that much in my control. But self immolation is a means to endowing oneself in the pride of suffering. A man should only ever attempt suicide once.

>> No.17776079

can you give us some (not too specific) details? i want to know which newspaper or area i should be looking in for news of your suicide

>> No.17776196

>regularly reading
>regularly(?) exercising
Congrats you're already doing better than 90% of us retards on 4chan. My days consist of waking up late, mindlessly browsing 4chan/youtube, wasting time on discord, eating junk, and then crying myself to sleep late at night swearing that I'm going to change tomorrow (which I never do).
You've already got some good habits formed, just keep improving bro.

>> No.17776361

>absolve sin by committing a sin

>> No.17776387

i cant tell if this is based or not

>> No.17776414

There are already a couple volumes out there in pdf form, you would have to pay to print them yourself though no publisher would touch his work

>> No.17777084

Good to see that you are still at it after all these years. Reading your posts reminds me of when I was reading The Book of Disquiet entry by entry a few years back.

>> No.17777322

I’m in a similar post-college rut brother. I’ve been waiting for a big project to seize me. Maybe woodworking. Find another hobby besides intellectual pursuits.
>reading productively
>craft (woodworking, electronics)
>outdoor activity
These are the five elements to a satisfying life, imo. Problem is I live in an apartment so not a lot of room for woodworking. Find a diy project you need done and do it man, life’s not all theories and acclaimed literature, even if it is a good pastime

>> No.17779178

bumping this gem of a thread

>> No.17780734

How far are you from this. How far.

>> No.17781094



>> No.17781781

What do you even mean by this?

>> No.17781802

that's a pretty badass way to go. i think you should have a backup plan though just in case.

>> No.17781876

LF is our Bridget Jones

>> No.17782231

>>17775373 man that bit at the end about pb&j sandwich was hilarious

>> No.17783197

That he is the epitome of cool, of having a life, of having success with women.
And London frog is basically the opposite.
That if you apply normie valuation.
I don't give a shit, Many judged me as a looser in the past i don't rank lifestyles, except for coke addicts, who truly are the scum of the earth.

>> No.17784676

Very holy energy in these threads. It reminds me of 2012 r9k, old 4chan, wizchan

>> No.17784693

Have you given up coffee or something?

>> No.17784716

>seeing your job as pointless
>not as a means to future property and lifestyles

>> No.17784760

don't do it anon :(. have you thought about getting professional help? what are you going through?

>> No.17784880
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Bouldy believes in you, and you believe in Bouldy.

>> No.17785332

god speed anon. If you do decide to go through with it consider taking out a large a loan/credit as possible from bank of america or any other predatory institution and donating the money to a cause you find worthy.
I hope you change your mind, but people don't understand that sometimes it gets so bad that just the act of continuing to breathe can be a struggle. Let alone getting up and going to work.