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17772253 No.17772253 [Reply] [Original]

This book is the final blackpill, even more brutal than Denial of Death
>Not all males get a chance, many remain without females and without sex. That's female choice, a law of evolution.
>“Sex is a finite resource for males that females control. The fact that males try often and persistently to establish sexual contact with females and that females almost always refuse these attempts is not a fault of the system - it is the system. "
>Meike Stoverock spreads out the panorama of evolutionary biological relationships with relish - and the conclusion that comes to mind when reading this: humans are also only mammals. From a scientific point of view, the principle of female choice must also apply to them. That’s how it used to be, the author explains convincingly.
>"Today's world population has about twice as many female as male ancestors, so in pre-cultural times around 70% of women mated with 35% of men."
>Men must be brave when reading this book - because the biologist assumes that many of them will no longer find a partner. What is ignored in this biological perspective: Men and women are probably more than the sum of their instincts. They don't just bind to each other to complete an evolutionary reproductive program. However, the biologist is right in her observation that the so-called Incels, the involuntarily celibate men, can be dangerous. Incels also exist in the animal kingdom.
>“They are the 'rest', the non-premium males, who remain after the evolutionary screening process and have no chance of reproduction. This phenomenon has only been suppressed to this day by the male civilization that controlled and disenfranchised women. "
>Now Meike Stoverock makes suggestions as to what the coexistence of men and women could look like in a post-male civilization, a world order in which women tend to choose several alpha men in the course of their lives, but in which not every pot has a lid. She reckons with the institution of marriage, in which she sees an instrument of the oppression of women, and calls for a departure from the romantic notion that men and women can be happy in lifelong monogamy.
>Men who can no longer find women in this new world order should be cared for in other ways - Stoverock thinks about sex assistants and the role of prostitution, she describes pornography as a possible “socially acceptable support” for men.
Now that even the liberal elites recognize the scope of the incel problem and the validity of blackpill ideology how should our society be reorganized in order to accomodate the superflous men? Any books about this?

>> No.17772258

>the non-premium males

>> No.17772262

Stop justifying the fact you´re a coward loser who´s scared of talking to girls

>> No.17772263

Idk, sounds like female power fantasy to me. There is always a correction.

>> No.17772265

Men cant find woman because they are usually either on the schizoid/autistic spectrum or masturbate heavily. Neither of these types should reproduce

>> No.17772281


>> No.17772282

what do you mean?

>> No.17772295

The idea of a "post-male civilization" is a literally stated power fantasy for women. It will never exist because we are evolved to work in a complementary manner. The faults inherent to a society dominated completely by either gender will cause its disastrous collapse and reversion to the evolutionary mean

>> No.17772298

He means that eventually patriarchy reasserts itself and women get oppressed again.

>> No.17772303

>t. coward loser who´s scared of talking to girls

>> No.17772317

Yet we are here. And we are your mortal enemy.

>> No.17772324

I think that Stoverock intends to create a utopian society to ensure this is not the case. think a 1984 police state with government mandated sex robots
history will move past the need for the Y chromosome

>> No.17772349

this thread has moved past the need for your swiss cheese brain.

>> No.17772357

female choice is to find a beta provider and then mate with an alfa

>> No.17772358

Such a conclusion is not more brutal than Denial of Death because death is still a specter, regardless of civilization turnings.

>> No.17772363
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Does she provide a solution though?
I'm not participating in any way shape or form in civilization if there is nothing in it for me.
Including following laws.
That was the social contract that my ancestors have signed for.

>> No.17772366

>Men cant find woman because they are usually either on the schizoid/autistic spectrum or masturbate heavily.

Well, the schizoid type don't have the urge to reproduce or be in a relationship, really. There are many people in relationships that shouldn't reproduce and aren't schizoid or autistic.

>> No.17772369
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>Not all males get a chance
For every 16 women that reproduce only 1 man does throughout evolutionary history. Men are Darwins experiments, this means that women are less evolved than men.

>“Sex is a finite resource for males that females control. The fact that males try often and persistently to establish sexual contact with females and that females almost always refuse these attempts is not a fault of the system - it is the system. "
“Man is the one who desires, woman the one who is desired. This is woman’s entire but decisive advantage. Through man’s passions, nature has given man into woman’s hands, and the woman who does not know how to make him her subject, her slave, her toy, and how to betray him with a smile in the end is not wise.”

>Stoverock thinks about sex assistants and the role of prostitution, she describes pornography as a possible “socially acceptable support” for men.
Only because otherwise these men will revolt and destroy the system that they work to build, because they get nothing in return for their labor aka slavery. Prostitution is a way of sedating the slave underclass. If they could be killed without the system collapsing they would kill them and feel morally justified in doing so, we are all naturally eugenicists.

Check out this book by Tim Birkhead called Promiscuity. Its a good read if you're interested in these books.

>> No.17772370

truly exposes the cuckoldry of men, (non-gigachad men at least) going along with leftism and feminism.

>> No.17772373

You can still cope with the outcome of the Denial of Death, OP's book proves that one of the most important copes - love and romance - will no longer be a possibility for the vast majority of men

>> No.17772403
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>truly exposes the cuckoldry of men, (non-gigachad men at least) going along with leftism and feminism.
We are mammals. If you look at chimps, of who we share 99% of our dna. Female will have sex with beta chimps, only if they provide a service or transcation aka pick fleas of their back or bring them a banana, that sex will be passionless.

Where when the female chimp is in estrus she will seek out the alpha and have primordial passionate sex, book the alpha and the female will chase away subordinate males at this time.

The purpose of sex is procreation, no one wants to procreate with bad genes, if women get the option not to they take it obviously.

>> No.17772414
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>if women get the option not to they take it obviously.
But in doing so to the extreme society becomes destabilized and rightfully so, because it is an injustice to the men. Who invest and die for a system that hates them.

>> No.17772416

she envisions the state providing comfort for men, probably via some form of state financed prostitution or sex robots. I don't think it's a viable solution for two reasons
1) to my knowledge the only country where this is implemented and practiced is Netherlands. many sex workers have expressed outrage at the idea of being buffers against anger of sexless men and are refusing to participate in this. this is not a surprise since prostitutes are women too and incels are by definition men who are not attractive enough to have sex with a woman
2) sex robots aren't even a thing yet and there are already organizations who rally up against them arguing that sex robots fuel male fantasies of rape and sexual abuse and working tirelessly to outlaw these robots. as of yet the outcome of their struggle is uncertain
the question is will men accept these new terms of the social contract. what do you think about it?

>> No.17772423

This is literally what incels believe and she's spinning it as something great. Maybe we should just try and not plummet into this kind of shitty society.

>> No.17772428

>“They are the 'rest', the non-premium males, who remain after the evolutionary screening process and have no chance of reproduction.
This book has a central failing point in conflating sex with reproduction: many many women go back to men they discarded once they hit the wall and nobody wants them anymore. I see so many cases of "bad genetic material" having kids with a spent thot.

>> No.17772429
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This, the social contract is null and void now. Breaking law in a manner that risks getting caught and punished is still dumb, but I will make sure I contribute to society as little as possible. For example I made quite a nice amount of money from stock and crypto but I will make sure my country doesnt get a cent of it trough taxes, even though its financially fucked right now. Also ignore all the "you must make sacriface for global warmming and eat bugs" bullshit, just make sure to enjoy yourself and consume as much resources as possible

>> No.17772434

I've seen a few losers reproduce, not completely accurate, but it does explain hypergamy, and the fact that most women don't think like men, they won't realise that the top choice is gone and organise themselves into a hierarchy and go for the next best guy, they'll all willingly share the top male(s). You're in the position to be one of those males and find a niche in which you are naturally good at.

>> No.17772442

>>Now Meike Stoverock makes suggestions as to what the coexistence of men and women could look like in a post-male civilization, a world order in which women tend to choose several alpha men in the course of their lives, but in which not every pot has a lid. She reckons with the institution of marriage, in which she sees an instrument of the oppression of women, and calls for a departure from the romantic notion that men and women can be happy in lifelong monogamy.
>>Men who can no longer find women in this new world order should be cared for in other ways - Stoverock thinks about sex assistants and the role of prostitution, she describes pornography as a possible “socially acceptable support” for men.
Absolutely disgusting. Reminder this is what the elites want for us. Complete dehumanization.

>> No.17772445

>women get oppressed again.
Its not oppression, even under patriarchy women have it better than men. They're subjugated because they are parasites. Patriarchy is slightly fair. But in times of war and struggle its still the men who suffer and die.

>> No.17772451
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>Absolutely disgusting. Reminder this is what the elites want for us. Complete dehumanization.
What you gonna do about them then?

It is great, for them. What you gonna do about it?

>> No.17772458

>the year is 2025
>due to lobbying from feminist groups all sex bots have a chance to reject advances based on temperature of the room, time of month and facial symmetry of purchaser
>men who ask their sexbots for sex more than twice a day are reported to the authorities and charged with harrassment
>sexbot rape is punishable by death

>> No.17772461

Same outlook here but it's not women-related but job related (you can't be what you have talent and drive for, and we need warehouse workers!) and I still try to have little impact on the environment and animal suffering because it's not their fault and to be honest I care about animals more than people.

>> No.17772467
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>The idea of a "post-male civilization" is a literally stated power fantasy for women.
I could how ever invision a post-female civilization with the advent of the artificial womb and sex robots. As these are the only things women offer, they exist solely because of the male sex drive.

>> No.17772472

Regime change would be nice.

>> No.17772473

>will men accept these new terms of the social contract. what do you think about it?
obviously not. most will just kill themselves and the odd one will shoot up a public place. that's all that will happen

>> No.17772474
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>women control everything by choosing who gets to breed
>uh but actually men control everything and oppress women
>anyway women should be able to have as many boy toys as they want and incels should get free prostitutes so they stop shooting up schools

>> No.17772479
File: 8 KB, 238x211, 1615638350950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That was the social contract that my ancestors have signed for.
Amen, forcing someone to do something for no benefit, under the threat of death is slavery.

And it is not only your right but you're obligation to put an end to them.

>> No.17772482

Feminist politics have hitherto been a proxy for the elite to implement eugenics and population control policies. Sex robots may be released, but I doubt artificial wombs will ever be made economically accessible, even if technologically possible.

>> No.17772485

true but why should men go along with it. they have never in the history of civilization done so previously.

>> No.17772487
File: 93 KB, 1000x628, 5p4q6ppl7h351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regime change would be nice.
How you going to do that when women vote?

>women control everything by choosing who gets to breed
>uh but actually men control everything and oppress women
See pic related

>> No.17772507

They shouldn't, but they don't have a choice, this is the injustice. But fundamentally we exist in a state of nature, there is only one law and that is might makes right. Men will go along with it as long as they don't have the balls to stop it.

>Feminist politics have hitherto been a proxy for the elite to implement eugenics and population control policies.

>Sex robots may be released
Only to sedate incels

>but I doubt artificial wombs will ever be made economically accessible, even if technologically possible.
If hypothetically it was made technologically possible and was released, it would be the complete end to women.

>> No.17772509

debunked by sex at dusk.
Humans are mostly monogamous.

>> No.17772516
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>They shouldn't, but they don't have a choice, this is the injustice. But fundamentally we exist in a state of nature, there is only one law and that is might makes right. Men will go along with it as long as they don't have the balls to stop it.
Forgot to attach image

>> No.17772519

>It will never exist because we are evolved to work in a complementary manner.
Technology disrupts this indefinitely. The fantasy is the idea of correction, which must necessarily take the form of some Ted K civilization reset.

>> No.17772520

I think we should encourage it. She can make as many value judgements as she likes ("patriarchy," "oppression"), but if this sort of thinking becomes pervasive, society will either come back around to the viewpoint which has allowed for its self-preservation, or it will collapse like others have and be replaced by one which still upholds sexual parity.

>> No.17772521
File: 79 KB, 800x418, 39891-HolyBible-Bible-read-ThinkstockPhotos-585291064.1200w.tn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Bread pill of eternal life.

>> No.17772525

Regime change in this case would mean discontinuity with democracy.

>> No.17772548

this is correct. once again leftists are too myopic. they don't understand how anyone could ever hold non-leftist viewpoints so they don't see the danger in espousing the truth of their ideology which only benefits select groups to the detriment of others.

>> No.17772559

No, technology merely disrupts the balance in the short run. One need only glance at differential birth rates between societies to confirm that these technologically augmented gynocratic ones are doomed.

>> No.17772569
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>*removes you from the gene pool*
This is the author btw

>> No.17772571

Well animals will continue to make each other suffer with or without us at the end. I would care about the future if I thought there is any worth having, but since I probably wont even have kids I dont have any stake in it and the world can go kaput. Après moi, le déluge

>> No.17772574

Why is it always fugly cunts who write garbage like this?

>> No.17772579
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>This is the author btw
The bitch can try to remove me from the gene pool, but I'll submerge her head until she stops breathing in a real pool

>> No.17772584

I've knocked up at least four women that I know about. Sucks to be you.

>> No.17772586

with a face like this she could fuck exclussively Chads and her son would still be a hideous looking incel. she'll probably just abort him though

>> No.17772588

physiognomy is real, bio-leninism is real

>> No.17772592
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>One need only glance at differential birth rates between societies to confirm that these technologically augmented gynocratic ones are doomed.

I predict that before we're assimilated we will see major financial collapses that will put an end to welfare and thus feminism.


>> No.17772595
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With her premium male husband

>> No.17772600
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Men have to struggle to find a partner, but on the whole do not have to deal with harassment/unwanted sexual attention. Women DO have to deal with harassment but the flip side is they get to choose their partner with out effort. It's a mirror image like yin and yang baby. We should be thankful that there is at least this semblance of fairness because there is absolutely no reason why there should be whatsoever. If this makes you seethe, take it up with God cos it isn't society's fault.

>> No.17772606
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Exactly, but all bio-leninism is parasitism of the weak, but when the host dies the parasites have to fend for themselves. Women are parasites, it only exists of the backs of men's hard work, but when the economy collapses women will go back to their natural state, with their legs spread on their backs.


>> No.17772610

Women have never been oppressed by men that is a modern myth.

>> No.17772620
File: 59 KB, 471x849, 1614365483556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exactly, but all bio-leninism is parasitism of the weak, but when the host dies the parasites have to fend for themselves. Women are parasites, it only exists of the backs of men's hard work, but when the economy collapses women will go back to their natural state, with their legs spread on their backs.
For fuck sake I never proof read.

Exactly, but all bio-leninism is in the end is parasitism of the weak, but when the host dies the parasites have to fend for themselves. Women are parasites, feminism only exists of the backs of men's hard work, but when the economy collapses, women will go back to their natural state, with their legs spread on their backs.

>> No.17772631

Schizoid here. Watching the rest of you retards scurry around, driving yourselves to suicide, murder, rape over relationships will never stop being funny. It's like watching all these prototype versions of a human being working themselves through every possible permutation in real time, all with the knowledge of what the human being ends up looking like.

>> No.17772632

>If this makes you seethe, take it up with God cos it isn't society's fault.
If god exists everything is his fault faggot, including society.

>> No.17772636

based. you're all fucking pathetic

>> No.17772640

My children will commit suicide, murder and rape among the stars while your body rots here on earth.

>> No.17772646
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>> No.17772655

>Schizoid here.
Yeah you're a mentally ill socially rejected freak. Sorry that the rest of us care about having human relationships.

>> No.17772656


>> No.17772663

>you're a mentally ill socially rejected freak
you sound upset :(

>> No.17772675

um and you're a dysgenic unfuckable subhuman who no one will ever love. who wins here exactly?

>> No.17772689
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>it's a literal chud
this is too fucking funny mane.

>> No.17772694

You purposefull fail in life so you can be hate filled and vindictive.

>> No.17772702

This the final boss of the western gynocrat is the tropical migrant.

>> No.17772703
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>Hypergamy is fine because... IT JUST IS OKAY?

>> No.17772709
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>um and you're a dysgenic unfuckable subhuman who no one will ever love. who wins here exactly?
No one, we're all going to die

>> No.17772714

Where's your body going to rot?
You know, there was a time that I internalized that kind of thinking. Of course, I was way better at it than someone outside my head ever could be. What hope do you have?

>> No.17772716
File: 16 KB, 280x356, Genie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not by my choice.

>> No.17772722

>we're all going to die
thank god

>> No.17772723

Somebody post this broad's mug.

>> No.17772726

Tell us how bad your childhood was that you would compare it to Genie anon

>> No.17772730

Already posted, scroll through the thread retard

>> No.17772733

Read the thread bro

>> No.17772734

It's not that I'm comparing myself to genie. It's that your abilities are solely determined by your environment in childhood.

>> No.17772746

no. I've had sex with 6 women, and this is completely accurate

>> No.17772747

Ill have my ancestors launch me into the sun

>> No.17772752

Woops. Anyways, it's exactly what I expected.

>> No.17772756
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Shitpost thread!

>> No.17772760

Really, you tried going to the gym, taking a course on how to interact with woman, buying expensive clothes, cold showers, nofap, buying a Ferrari, picking up a hobby, learning jokes from a jokebook, doing keto or just buying sex.

The great majority of incells will never do this, because ultimately they want to fail at life. They want to be unwanted, so they can go around being hateful and vindictive.

>> No.17772762
File: 1018 KB, 655x900, nugget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks /pol/!

>> No.17772770

>taking a course on how to interact with woman, buying expensive clothes, cold showers, nofap, buying a Ferrari, picking up a hobby, learning jokes from a jokebook, doing keto or just buying sex.
I have more respect for the lazy vindictive incels than for men who go to such a song and dance and debase themselves so just to get laid.

>> No.17772783

>your abilities are solely determined by your environment in childhood
Even the abilities I learn as an adult? or am I only in the position to learn those things because of what I learned in my childhood? Do adults make decisions for themselves while children do not? At what age does a child become an adult?
>yeah I'm a loser but... only because I don't have free will!!!

>> No.17772785
File: 167 KB, 602x443, Genie comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes actually.
I can buy sex whenever I want since it's legal here (euro), but that doesn't fill the void.
I'm good looking, 6'1, do boxing, own a 10k$ car and get approached by women and I the second I reciprocate they scowl and call me insane. The seed of despair has been planted in entire being by the way I was raised. There is no way out of this.

>> No.17772791

You can learn skills, you can't learn new character traits.

>> No.17772814

Posting little girls, pretending its just inpossible to find woman because they immediately reject you. Yeah, you choose all this. Being an incel is a choice. Lol a form of narcisme where you pretend you cant get laid, so you dont have to form an emotional attachement, then lust after littke girls because they are still unformed and dont have strong characters that can overpower yours.

>> No.17772815
File: 750 KB, 1536x2048, 859840501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the netherlands, they give people that are disabled free sex. 12 times a year, they get a state sponsored prostitute. The WHO says that someone that can't get a GF in 12 months is disabled.

You understand what I am getting at?

>> No.17772819


>> No.17772822

it's only a blackpill if your ambition stops at having sex and you aren't willing to lower your standards

>> No.17772824

Are character traits not contingent on the actions through which they are expressed? If a child is raised to be lazy and then chooses to exercise everyday as an adult is he still lazy? or is laziness not an appropriate character trait to use as an example? Will unkind children never be kind? Will ungrateful children never be grateful? Will an intemperate child never be temperate? I don't see what prevents them

>> No.17772826

>no. I've had sex with 6 women
No you didn´t

>> No.17772837

any eng version?

>> No.17772848

yes, I did

>> No.17772873

not yet

>> No.17772881

>Stoverock thinks about sex assistants and the role of prostitution, she describes pornography as a possible “socially acceptable support” for men.
What are the betting odds the author is a jew? Anyone?

>> No.17772886

fucking your sister 6 times doesn't count anon

>> No.17772892

The answer is actually quite obvious, under monogamous pairing she can't get access to the best quality men because she is not best quality woman. You ever notice that the girls you see hyping up monogamy and 'tradition' and stuff tend to be in the top decile of attractiveness and under monogamy things would actually improve for them because the hot guys they date would have to commit.

>> No.17772895

>in pre-cultural times around 70% of women mated with 35% of men."
This is not the true blackpill. Evolution is much crueler than that. Within ten generations 2/3 of those male lines will be unsuccessful. Not only do three chads have more kids, one of the chads outcompetes the other two every 200 years or so. Focusing only on your genetic success this time around is a gross misevaluation of how evolution works: it's not one generation that usually leads to failure, it's is more commonly ten. You are here because you won out against two other potential strains from your original founders, and you will likely be gone rather than a founder of a new line even if you have ten kids.

>> No.17772896

but fucking my 6 sisters does

>> No.17772900
File: 140 KB, 886x731, meike stoverock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the person calling you an incel and rallying against marriage
Lesbians and transexuals shouldn't be allowed in academia.

>> No.17772911


>> No.17772914

You buttfcuedk all 6 of your sisters? That's based.

>> No.17772936

That's genie mate.
Our mascot.

>> No.17772937

I can FEEL the contempt for low quality incels in her eyes... It's equally arrogant and arousing.

>> No.17772939


>> No.17772940

Is this the sister fuck thread?

>> No.17772950

This is why the tribe or gens is all that matters. But now we have neither

>> No.17772951

nope. sorry cletus

>> No.17772953

Humanists are sex addicts

>> No.17772956

Excuse me that is offensive. I'm Muslim.

>> No.17772961

That one looks great. Have you read the selfish gene?

>> No.17772963

Evolution is like an infinite branch being eternally fed into a lathe, entropy just devours most of the material every moment and some small portion barely keeps up the balancing act of functional complexity.

>> No.17772966

I love how women dominate the sex market and this makes beta simps seethe so fucking much

>> No.17772976

fat ugly cunt detected

>> No.17772978

Lol technology puts women even more at the top of society.

And by the way, women can produce sperm thanks to all the atheists in academia.

>New research suggests women can make sperm, and men can make eggs


>> No.17772981

I am no expert on the topic of evolutionary biology but isn't it a little bit risky to reduce a man's chance to get a girlfriend and successfully reproduce all to his genetics? It sounds corny but to my mind, there are a lot of modern ways to outcompete other males if you are just average. Be thin and you are already better than 50% of the population. Get a valuable education and make money. Practice social skills and develop a personality etc.
Maybe I am just naive or bluepilled but I still believe that men have to at least put in some work before calling it quits. Your dad successfully reproduced which means that your genetic make-up at least has a chance of doing it again.
Idk about incels but I still try to have kids and get a girlfriend.

>> No.17772983

>have money
>have better food/nutrition/ grow taller
>attract women because money and taller

Being a manlet isn't genetic.

>> No.17772986

Our dads reproduced during the biggest economic boom in world history

>> No.17772988
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There's a flip side to that coin, you know. Methinks she doth protest too much.

>> No.17772991

I don't really get all of this. Isn't this woman really arguing that alpha men dominate the sex marker? Women are in their prime for 1/3 the time of men. As soon as Stacey turns 28 Chad can dump her ass for an 18 year old

>> No.17772994

My father is pretty much a neet, lives with his parents, my mother made all the money in this family and pumped out 3 kids.
I don't know how this happened.
He taught me nothing.

>> No.17772997

>Be thin and you are already better than 50% of the population. Get a valuable education and make money. Practice social skills and develop a personality etc.
The reply would be that your ability and willigness to do these things are largely genetic. One can see why this is not a very popular view

>> No.17773010

Because none of those are the actual solution.
I've seen fat, weird, and ugly blokes with quite stunning women, with several kids infact.
They have none of that and yet they reproduce? How?

>> No.17773019

They are more chad than chads because they don't even have to look like a chad to be one

>> No.17773020

The problem is that while I still bring everything my dad brought to the table and probably more, times have changed and women dont bring the same as my mother or grandmother. For example 50 years ago expecting woman to be virgin, loyal, willing to do housework and have a lot of kids was the norm (at least here, cant say for the rest of the world), but now it seems next to impossible. So people say you should lower standards but I dont really know why I should since women clearly havent. I think most men might find a way to cope around this but I simply cant

>> No.17773028

Woman in her mid thirties still has much higher sex market value than an incel - who has none.

Yeah generally speaking men can still be desirable past their sexual prime but the "men" in question have no qualities. Physically unattractive, socially awkward, sexually unskilled, very likely bitter and resentful after experiencing nothing but rejection.

>> No.17773030

Lol even if women did lower their standards (which they likely did), you have no reason to lower yours. Just find a non retarded woman

>> No.17773041

My dad is a 5'6" manlet with subpar looks but he lead a successful business for 25 years. I don't know how he did it but his social skills are not from this world. He told me that most of his success came from having a good reputation within a large social network and not only an econimic boom.
Also, he only went after girls shorter than 5'4" which worked.
The two main observable predictors of success are discipline and intelligence. Surely, both are genetic to some degree but discipline can be trained, it is nothing but a muscle.
To my mind, maybe again to me being naive, I believe humans limit themselves A LOT and that we are capable of much more improvement than we are aware.

>> No.17773050

They have attractive personalities in some way, maybe this is a mystery to you because you're not a woman, but 'attractive personality' to a woman might mean that the guy appears to have no emotions and be prone to violence. This is just one example to be clear, the point is that this person could be very dysfunctional in general but still have a trait that strongly appeals to some percentage of women.

>> No.17773051
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>Have you read the selfish gene?
No, I need to, but I have read the God Delusion

>> No.17773056

Who cares about them then? If these people have no redeemable qualities whatsoever, I do not want them reproducing. Same goes for femcels. Are people actually arguing that evolution is UNFAIR? how fucking weak are incels nowadays?

>> No.17773063

my dad is a manlet too and he had tons of gfs when he was younger and managed to marry my mom, who was hot as fuck. he's naturally sociable, funny and charismatic though which trump good looks every fucking time.

>> No.17773067

Well, one of two things will happen:
1. Some sort of equilibrium is established, where some men never get relationships, some get 1 long/stable one, and some swim in women. This is the likely path for the Americas and East Asia.
2. Islam becomes the predominant faith and its patriarchal norms become the standard, restoring a "male civilization". I think this will happen in Europe (and has already happened in MENA and parts of SEA), but it will be localized to there.

Personally, I'd rather live in option 1

>> No.17773071

Seems easier said then done. I dont doubt I could get a gf but finding women to start a family is much harder. I remember during recent polish ban on abortion every single one of my female classmates changed profile pic to virtue signal (i dont leave in poland). So with rural background and moral standards of seemingly bygone era I find it very hard to even bother

>> No.17773082

The fundamental error she makes is the assumption that liberated female libido necessarily leads to eugenic outcomes. If anything, we're seeing the exact opposite.
In female dominated societies that embrace sexual liberation, women seem to mate with physically powerful, yet intellectually mediocre men (see the black community). They breed for pleasure, not for evolutionary success. Male dominated societies had complex hierarchical structures, and thus, allowed for complex breeding patterns.
Female liberation is also dysgenic because more intelligent women breed less in these societies.

>> No.17773085

In 18th century, the usual incel would get assigned to neighbour's virgin daughter once she turns 16. Now when we see some freedom in the sex market and natural selection takes place, the low quality males end up celibate. They're angry, they screech, ignoring the fact it's completely natural and on display with vast majority of mammals. See >>17772403

>> No.17773095

2 produces high fertility rates and 1 produces below replacement fertility rates so we have a bit of an issue in terms of these two types competing against each other

>> No.17773106
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>Humanists are sex addicts
You got any better ideas, anti-coomer?

>> No.17773109

>genes disappear if social ties erode
No. Most of our genetic material can be found in sea sponges. It is a very small branch.

>> No.17773122

>how should our society be reorganized in order to accomodate the superflous men?

>> No.17773126

>genes disappear if social ties erode
I'm saying if you weren't an alpha male back in the day you could work for the good of the tribe. There was a purpose to your existence. That no longer exists.

>> No.17773135
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>the low quality males end up celibate.
You either breed or don't, nature and life doesn't care if you suffer. In fact that suffering is built into the system to incentivize you to breed. I hate all these incel faggots, not because they're wrong, but because they're pussies who quit. There is no quitting, and there is no end until you're fucking dead, so suck it up butter cups and stop complaining like a bunch of cackling bitches and fucking do something about it.

>> No.17773136

That's where technology and military power comes in (see China and the Uyghurs). I do think such repression is wrong, but it will clearly be used if the issue arises.

>> No.17773138

>women seem to mate with physically powerful, yet intellectually mediocre men (see the black community). They breed for pleasure, not for evolutionary success
>t, intellectually poweful yet physically mediocre man

>> No.17773149

What the fuck is a "value"? Do you realize that if you have a long term partner, she has no choice but to have your kids if she wants to keep you? Do you realize that she has no choice but to be monogamous if she wants to keep you? People ponder these hypothetical "values" as if people need to have them written down in order to follow them. How about the value of not wanting to starve on the street? Oh, you don't want me anymore? Good luck hunny. See you tomorrow

>> No.17773150

What? Females keep wanting more power? No way

>> No.17773155

>No. Most of our genetic material can be found in sea sponges. It is a very small branch.
you evidently didn't understand the metaphor

>> No.17773159

>what are 2021 divorce laws

>> No.17773165
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>They breed for pleasure, not for evolutionary success.
And evolution makes pleasurable that which is adaptive, in so far as it fails to do this the woman will die and her offspring will die. This is natural selection. Women aren't perfect eugenicists, but nature wants them to be.

>> No.17773181

>what is the ability to discern loyal people from non loyal

>> No.17773183
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You forget that you live in a civilization.
A concept created so incels wouldn't go around pillaging and raping. There is no "natural selection" here.
Either play by the rules or we won't.

>> No.17773193

Thank god I like dicks

>> No.17773196

>Either play by the rules or we won't.
Incels (and their femcel counterparts) will play vidya, watch porn, and seethe online. Civilization already has the perfect way of dealing with such emotions.

>> No.17773200
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Women have been nothing but trouble for the last two centuries. They need another thousand years of time-out to think about what they want from participation in society, and men need another thousand years to learn not to think with their dicks. Giving women the vote was the worst mistake humanity ever made.

>> No.17773201

Not sure what you are referring to here? Surely you dont think that woman would starve if she leaves you, this isnt 18th century anymore. Besides I am having harder time finding woman that would match my moral values at least to a degree

>> No.17773203

I will take the full responsibility for this

>> No.17773212

Lol I'd like to wish the incels luck with their raping and pillaging.
>Some vandals just pulled to shore. They're all 120 lbs and can't make eye contact with each other

>> No.17773218

what do you think ISIS mainly is? it's exactly that led by a few sociopathic alpha types

>> No.17773221

>Giving women the vote was the worst mistake humanity ever made.
Personally, I disagree. In fact, I think the problem is that our modern Western civilization fails to acknowledge the importance of women and their role in it, and this oversight is reflected in the way that women act. If more emphasis was placed on the role of women as the ones who propagate society, who determine the future of a society, then I think the way many women act would be different.

>> No.17773223

>they're 120 lbs but all armed with AR-15s

>> No.17773227

The incels that will do the real damage are the migratory ones from tropical places

>> No.17773232

You're right in that the scenario is far-fetched. In reality if your woman is leaving she is already starved of something that you are not giving her. My point is simply that it is not difficult to earn the loyalty of a woman. Just don't be a retarded incel who doesn't know how to make a woman happy

>> No.17773236

Why do you assume that incels are weak or incompetent?
Look into the shooters.
90% of them were "successful" in life and in good physical shape.

>> No.17773241

Why not train and civilize them BEFORE giving them the vote, then? Notice how even when they are criticized for being shit, your first instinct is to find some way in which it's men's responsibility, men's fault, etc. This is instinctive, men always let women off the hook. But being a citizen, which is what earns you a vote, is all about being on the hook, it's about taking ultimate responsibility and having the virtues necessary for a citizen.

If women don't have those virtues yet, but could later, great, let's train them. But until they do, at least on average, they shouldn't vote.

>> No.17773243
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This too.
Incapable of attracting a woman =/= incapable of action.

>> No.17773247

This book is the ultimate proof that giving women rights was a fatal mistake that wrecked our civilization

>> No.17773248
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>The WHO says that someone that can't get a GF in 12 months is disabled.

>> No.17773254

t. simp who think he's a chad because he got pity fucked by a 5/10

>> No.17773257

Exactly as it ought to be. Weak men have no utility except to be used by strong men.
Yet they're too weak to hold in their temper tantrums

>> No.17773258

Well, that sort of cultural shift would take time, and I do agree with the suffragettes, women's right to vote was needed ASAP. That's not so much the problem, the problem is that no efforts were made in that direction after the right to vote was given to women.

>> No.17773262

>the importance of women and their role in it
women are supposed to make dinner and shit out children. beyond that, they are at best useless and at worst outright dangerous to themselves and everyone around them.

>> No.17773271
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>Yet they're too weak to hold in their temper tantrums
Hold in why? To submit?
Why would they participate in your system if they get nothing?
Why wouldn't they go nuts and chase the maximum adrenaline into fiery death taking you with them?

>> No.17773275

>and I do agree with the suffragettes, women's right to vote was needed ASAP
People like you are the cancer that has destroyed the west
How has society improved after women got voting rights?
They increased the size of governemnt and the welfare state and marriage and birth rates shit the bed

>> No.17773277
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Guys, please, how do I make sure to get a girlfriend and have a family in the future despite being only 5'9" with an average face/penis?
I have been reading into this blackpill wikipedia and it scares me to death. Is self-improvement really a meme? Help out a confused young man.

>> No.17773279

This is bullshit. I'm a 23 year old virgin but I could probably find an ugly fat wife if I really tried hard. I know guys who are uglier than me with girlfriends. Probably only like 0.1% of all males are truecels. The 30% of males for 70% females is because a lot of men died in wars or genocides in the past while all the women got enslaved and bred.

>> No.17773308

>Why wouldn't they go nuts
If they were still rational beings who weren't driven to give up by their weakness, they wouldn't. A strong person does what he has to do. A weak person retards out and shits his pants. If I am shot by a wild bullet, I will not piss and moan about how "unfair" society is. I'll just live until I die, because I am not a faggot

>> No.17773318

Well, I don't think you give even those two things the respect they deserve. Even Islam, which is considered (for often good reason) a rather misogynistic faith, calls a married woman "the queen of the house". And that's actually the proper way to refer to it, because women are the ones who raise children, and they are the ones who will do the most to develop the child's worldview. As for "making dinner", well, the woman is the one who runs the household. If she's unhappy, everyone is unhappy. So you see that even if we limit the role of women to solely the two things you listed, they still decide the fate of one's domestic life and the future of civilization. Now, women can also take roles like that of being leaders, being caretakers, innovators, etc., but that overlaps with the responsibilities traditionally assigned to men, and I think the importance of those roles is already understood. It is unfortunate that Western civilization chooses to ignore the pivotal importance of the role of women, and much of modern society's ills can be placed on this neglect.

>> No.17773323

>First inceldom took /pol/
>Then it took /fit/
>It's killing /a/
>It's even showing up on /lit/
Pretty soon the only place on this website I'll have left is /out/ and that may also succumb to the same disease.

>> No.17773350

The rates of incels in the west are rapidly rising, soon traditional relationships will be impossible for majority of men and the population collapses

>> No.17773355
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What's your personality like? That is crucial. If you're naturally social and people like you, then it shouldn't be much of an issue despite your vertical handicap. Of course you'll still need to get fit and get a respectable job.

If you're introverted and awkward, well... Better get some money, and get a LOT of it so some panicking 32 year old Tinder hoe settles for you as provider.

>> No.17773363

And yet retarded boomers still claim nothing has changed since their time. Having incel threads on every board should be proof enough of how fucked society has become

>> No.17773364

>Stoverock: Men oppressed woman for thousands of years, that was very very bad. We should only make decisions based on evolutionary science. Ignore all the evolutionary reasons for males dominating the vast majority of mammalian species.

>Also Stoverock: Let's structure society so only 35 percent of men have a chance at the life 70 percent of woman have. It's not inequality, its EVOLUTIONARY SCIENCE.

>> No.17773366

/out/ in order to experience so-called objective reality while coping and pretending that the narrative world doesnt exist

>> No.17773371
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Wars are a thing of the last 10000 years, humankind is much older than that. Better yet, there was no massive war or genocide on a grand scale before the French Revolution. The pre-civilizational times is where the 30/70 meme comes from.
>Guys, please, how do I make sure to get a girlfriend and have a family in the future despite being only 5'9" with an average face/penis?
Are you white? Incels tend to exaggerate things and imagine a sort of beta uprising taking place in America. This won't happen. What is likely to happen is massive importation of mail order brides mainly from Asia and East Europe . If you're white, 5'9'' with an average face and penis then you'll have a Thai, Vietnamese or a Filipino girl (Chinese, Koreans and Japanese are harder but you could probably make it with some effort). If you're against race-mixxing then you have East Europeans to choose from - Belarusians, Ukrainians and maybe even Russians. How old are you fren?

>> No.17773373

>oh no i have to fuck someone who is somewhat equal to me in terms of looks and status

>> No.17773384

>And yet retarded boomers still claim nothing has changed since their time. Having incel threads on every board should be proof enough of how fucked society has become
My guy, how desperate are you for a gf? Because if you are really desperate, there are ways to get one that you haven't tried. I dunno about your financial situation, but try matchmaking services if you can afford it, or hire some lady to be a dating coach, or something else in a similar vein.

>> No.17773387

I can't wait for China and Islam to take over the world and put women back in their place

>> No.17773388

I am a little bit shy but not awkward. My family is absolutely loaded and I study chemical engineering while being an only child. However, does money really make such a difference? I want a normal girlfriend and not a gold-digger whore.

>> No.17773400

You seem to be projecting quite a bit, I was merely saying that increased frequency of this threads in the last few years, regardless of the board you are on, seems to imply thing have indeed changed. But you are free to try another ad hominem instead of argument

>> No.17773403

>so-called objective reality
>while coping and pretending that the narrative world doesnt exist
I can still be aware of the state of society and its myths without lamenting it and mulling it over 24/7.

>> No.17773408

All women are whores, if it's not gold-digging they're whoring themselves out for attention or for good Chad dicking. You'll be fine though, height doesn't matter if you come from money.

>> No.17773411

I wonder if women know what happens to them in times of war

>> No.17773418

Lmao her own ugly feminazi face totally refuted her book.

>> No.17773419

>having any agency or accountability

>> No.17773420
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This. I like incels but they massively underestimate the importance of redpill. Granted if you're 4 or 5 redpill probably won't save you but if you're 6 or 7 than you can easily ascend thanks to the redpill and LARP as a Chad. The crucial thing is to stay away from Tinder. Meet girls in real life but don't cold approach them on the street, try to talk to girls from your immediate environment like work, school or church.

>> No.17773422

>Design society around womens narcissism and brazen detachment from reality

I'm sure it will go well for them.

>> No.17773428

lot of incels have autism problems that prevent them from adopting the sort of behavior that rp calls for

>> No.17773434

All correct

>> No.17773441
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Nothing changed about the female choice though.
Males have grown softer over time, pic related.

>> No.17773460

imagine becoming a transman at this point

>> No.17773468

Honestly, Anon, the reddest pill of all is that you're not that special. Maybe you don't really merit getting a 10/10 tradgf. I don't mean to seem rude, and it's not that I don't think you're great. But what I've noticed is a lot of peoples standards are very high.
My wife is far from a "prefect" partner. But there's no one I'd rather talk to or hang out with. That's what you should seek, friendship. And not in a friendzone and let her fuck around until she settles kind of way. What I mean is you will spend more time just being around each other than fucking, so make sure the being around each other part is built firmly. Fuck after.
So my advice is seek friendship and stop discounting women who have a belly or a big nose or small tits. There are some incredible women out there, and you should no more be discouraged by the bad ones than girls should be discouraged by thinking every guy is an incel.

>> No.17773473

The modern incel problem is the result of no major war in over 70 years, in the past war has maintained male scarcity which has prevented gynocentrism

>> No.17773487

it is the result of it but this cant be the longterm solution for it

>> No.17773492

>supposedly well read intellectuals
>took 210 replies to expose the simple historical cause of 21st century inceldom

>> No.17773500

using those words wrong. go back to r/fds dumb cow.

>> No.17773507

>simple cause
70:100 isnt 20:80

>> No.17773510

My mother raised me like a dysfunctional girl and would frequently gaslight me into believing her to be the victim when I confronted her about it. When I was a teenager, she had the gall to say that I was a very "feminine" man and accused me of being gay. She unwittingly gave me identity issues and made me feel fucking miserable for most of my life, everyday was a fucking nightmare. Why did she think I was gay? Ever since I was a kid, I kept a tidy room, and was a generally loving guy. Apparently that made me a faggot. Luckily I had some great male role
models in school, and I was able to piece myself back together from being an insecure fat ass hampered down with anxiety. I love my mother, but outside of menial tasks while unattended, they'll create havoc. Women can never be held accountable and it's not because they aren't capable of being responsible, but because when under supervision women will act accordingly. Take away the authority over them and she won't know what to do, she'll gladly waste away if not held to any particular standard.

>> No.17773513

It's a reductive and not very compelling explanation since the ratios are changing dramatically while the amount of war remains constant.

>> No.17773516

Based Chad

>> No.17773523

20:80 isn't real

>> No.17773533

>that Israel data point
why are they so superior bros

>> No.17773544

Nice appeal to nature fallacy dumbass

>> No.17773564

simple. they should hire a squad (me first) to root them out and kill them like blade runner.

>> No.17773568

1. dude on the left is high-status politicalwise
2. she could tinder MANY hot dudes in berlin
3. They both share the somewhat same political ideation and guy on the left is competent at her way of looking at the world

>> No.17773571

Thank you but I don't actually have any physical standards other than that she should not be fat as I am quite ripped myself.
I think that incels underestimate the power of a good social circle with many female friends. I have found that the best way to connect with girls was through my female classmates who organically introduced me to them with, and that is important, social context like a party. Something like cold-approaching a stranger rarely works even for an average looking man.

>> No.17773580
File: 63 KB, 750x721, 3a80399f0d2b93acfb8d421cf8ff4a60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care for human relations nor sex, my only worry is chocking while eating and not having someone there to heimlich tf out of me.

>> No.17773586

4. btw they broke up
>>17772595 is coping

>> No.17773592
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>Stoverock is married to Sascha Lobo

Lmao. This kind of undercuts the argument, because its definitely a clear that women are retarded and don't know what the actual 'top' males are

>> No.17773597

once you're past 25 there's no point in even trying to get a gf anymore. people can literally smell your virginity from a mile away and it weirds them out. i speak from experience

>> No.17773598

He has the big dick face

>> No.17773601

There is always natural selection. Rules only exist if they are enforced.

>> No.17773604

this is a cope, you could get laid but you're a coward

>> No.17773616

>B-but you're not G-Genie!

>> No.17773619

When yougive women complete freedom of choice they will not find a good responsible man to marry nd raise children with, they will fuck chads and drug dealers and then become single mothers on welfare
And then they will raise more socially inept sons or slutty daughters

>> No.17773623
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This, absolutely. Until mid-twenties I still had some interest from girls until my social retardation got in the way, once you're no longer college aged it's over. Girls see you awkwardness and assume you're gay or mentally ill creep.

>> No.17773647

I had a friend who lost virginity at 27, there is still hope

>> No.17773654

no idea wtf you're referencing dude.

>> No.17773659

i believe that, but i dont want to be an old bloomer who will regret missing the best years of his life, teenage love and other meme bullshit. i'd rather just accept my fate and preferably die as soon as possible

>> No.17773664

lmao I wonder if he has read the book

>> No.17773665

Same desu

>> No.17773668

Typical NPC reply

>> No.17773678

if it's bullshit why do you care?

>> No.17773680

I'm 31 khv.

It's been an red flag and an absolute no since about twenties, no point even bothering.

>> No.17773694

You ousted yourself as an unattractive or gay male by the way you are looking at other men through a woman’s view. And women don’t “dominate” the sexual market, perhaps they dominate your options but a good attractive man has choices when he dates. Also, attraction is something that happens naturally, women (and men) are slaves to their desires. Nobody is in control or dominating anything in reality. You are scared of the competition and your powerlessness so you put down the “sexually inexperienced” so you can tell yourself you are one of the superior males, tell me what kind of superior male is concerned about signaling he is superior to incels on an anonymous website? Your view of incels is a 1:1 copy of an incels view of women, and you are just as sure of yourself as they are too.

>> No.17773701

He probably thinks the only time he can score with teenagers is when he is one.

>> No.17773706

because i would still like to experience it even if according to every normie it's bullshit and totally not worth it

>> No.17773711

He's not worth the effort dude, just ignore.

>> No.17773715
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>tfw jewish
>tfw no jewish princess GF

>> No.17773717
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Incredible dangerous if you take it to it's conclusion.
I can only assume that Meike Stoverock has no insight in how violent and desperate a systematically shunned man can get.
Sure, a second rate paradise-bird with smaller tail-feathers than the others will not get his chance at reproduction. But that paradise-bird also doesn't have a overdeveloped brain at his disposal that can easily talk itself into destroying and killing dozens and more of his own species simply out of spite.

Pic related here is true. Evolutionary arms-race is out of the window. Attempts to go back to it just because holes want to get railed by Chad again without having anything to worry about will fail. A system that would aim for that is just a few narrow shouldered high functioning autists away from getting blasted.

>> No.17773773
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>> No.17773796
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picrel is an autistic savant and extremely gifted - and gay.
but in general as a straight guy he could be almost khv by todays standard, would prolly end up with a 7/10 east-asian

im really scared of women not being able to identify true talent as they generally are worse at taking responsibility and controlling their emotions (on average of course, not generalizing here).

or even worse imagine someone beautiful in terms of genetic potential but ending up ugly for some enviromental reason + talented = he will die out

>> No.17773819

>imagine someone beautiful in terms of genetic potential but ending up ugly for some enviromental reason

and on the other hand i believe that men would be more capable on avg to partner with an ugly woman with good genetic potential

>> No.17773826

>systematically shunned man
The system operates to prevent attacks from men like this and tries to protect females at all costs. Even rape was extremely rare in prehistoric times because men on top of the dominance hierarchies still tried to ensure peace within a tribe.
Men who are at the bottom either kill themselves, land in prison after crime or simply improve their standing through effort. Your beta-uprising bullshit is pure cope.

>> No.17773859

men at the bottom simply turn to porn, netflix and video games and shun the outside the world. the actual incel shooters or whatever the media calls them are an anomaly. a woman is more likely to get murdered by her normie bf than by some literal who incel on the street

>> No.17773901

If your a man and you think sluts like this don't deserve to be burned at the stake or stoned to death then your letting the team down.

>> No.17773910

>The system operates to prevent attacks from men like this and tries to protect females at all costs
Exactly. A system that is currently, and for the last few thousands of years, a patriarchal system with stable marriages where hopefully most of the tribe get a partner.
Now OPs author suggests something where 70% go without a longterm family? How the fuck is that ever going to result in anything that's close to being a stable system for society?
I don't have to dream up anything when Stoverock is the one who effectively makes more than half the male population into "incels" and expects smooth sailing with just a free access to fleshlights.

>> No.17773911
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>as they generally are worse
>(on average of course, not generalizing here).
You are generalizing, there is nothing wrong with that faggot

>> No.17773921

>don't deserve to be burned at the stake or stoned to death
No because I'm not a dog, whores like this deserve social ostracisation, not death. I think if you believe that they should be killed, you need to institutionalized.

>> No.17773975

But I've already produced offspring. And so have most of my friends. How can this be more brutal than death if it doesn't even apply to around 75% of the population?

>> No.17774028

How old are you friend?

>> No.17774051

That's not what's gonna happen, a weak matriarchal society will simply get taken over by stronger patriarchal one

>> No.17774061


>> No.17774063

ok boomer

>> No.17774068

>Neither of these types should reproduce

And in history they generally don't so I fail to see what you are arguing against.

>> No.17774071

Then you have no idea how fucked and socially dysfunctional the young generation is

>> No.17774152
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It's a recent phenomenon though.
It will happen more often with time.

>> No.17774153

I'm not disagreeing with that.
I'd just wagger that a society like OP describes would self-combust before it even has the opportunity to be taken over by another.

>> No.17774204

>you tried going to the gym, taking a course on how to interact with woman, buying expensive clothes, cold showers, nofap, buying a Ferrari, picking up a hobby, learning jokes from a jokebook, doing keto or just buying sex
Normies really subject themselves to all of this just so teenage girls will throw them a few crumbs of pussy. Have some self respect.

>> No.17774226

>Normies really subject themselves to all of this just so teenage girls will throw them a few crumbs of pussy.
they dont, it comes naturally to them, but they love giving out this sort of advice.

>> No.17774249

>i dont want to be an old bloomer who will regret missing the best years of his life
>thats why I do nothing to change my position in life
retarded desu

>> No.17774257

didnt this guy mention kc and bernds once kek

>> No.17774326

>they dont, it comes naturally to them, but they love giving out this sort of advice.
Sure they do. If you spend time around them you'll see that most of what they do revolves around banal striving for social position. The kinds of men taking courses/reading books (that aren't biology textbooks) on how to interact with women, buying expensive clothing to take to the club, and putting themselves in debt over a fancy car aren't doing it for no reason.
Men are the niggers of gender, when you look subjectively at all the dumb crap they do in the vain hope that women will find them attractive.
I'm glad I'm a schizoid weirdo who treats humanity like a zoo.

>> No.17774350

>In 18th century, the usual incel would get assigned to neighbour's virgin daughter once she turns 16
I don't really believe this. I doubt it was so simple. What man would willingly marry his daughter off to a dead beat retard? I just don't buy it. Show some historical evidence.

>> No.17774354

Humans are serially monogamous at best, like most mammals bust plenty of societies and sectors of societies have been openly polygamous in some way.

>> No.17774357

>I'm glad I'm a schizoid weirdo who treats humanity like a zoo

>> No.17774384

>when you look subjectively
I think you mean objectively

>> No.17774389

Every species where females have crypto estrus is promiscuous

>> No.17774426

i'm new to TRP practices, but from what i've seen, it works quite well if you put needed effort.

>> No.17774441

yes, that's why ovulation is concealed to facilitate promiscuity see >>17772369

>> No.17774447
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What else is there though?
>Science, research, invention, art
All for the purpose of getting cunny.
The only truly saint and holy man among us is the weeb who rejected 3d.

>> No.17774460
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>This is literally what incels believe and she's spinning it as something great.

Thanks to widespread connectivity, men are able to share their stories outside of small communities for the first time ever, so they can compare notes so to speak. It's really difficult to suppress incel memes about Chad, betas, and all that shit because it's funny and it resonates with the frustration a lot of men feel, especially in the age of internet dating.

So now that the genie is out of the bottle, the author is trying to reframe it as "Yes, okay, you were right all along, but you know what? Fuck you anyway. You can't stop it."

>> No.17774490

What I find funniest about this discourse is that it is frequently women themselves that give the baldest expression of the more taboo dynamics. I really wonder what certain men who deny these things to themselves feel when they see women just state it openly.

>> No.17774500
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>"Yes, okay, you were right all along, but you know what? Fuck you anyway. You can't stop it."
But the irony is that it will inevitable be stopped because it is a ponzi scheme. See >>17772592

>> No.17774509
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>What I find funniest about this discourse is that it is frequently women themselves that give the baldest expression of the more taboo dynamics. I really wonder what certain men who deny these things to themselves feel when they see women just state it openly.
Confusion and subsequent gymnastics

>> No.17774530

damn i'm ugly i guess, i try TRP but damn

>> No.17774537
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>> No.17774555

Orthodox Jews

>> No.17774583
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I just hate women so much. It's their pure hypocrisy of complaining about oppression while having society carry them from cradle to grave.

>> No.17774598

the feminist critique is actually that male oppression is harmful to men. you have been tricked by /pol/ and i doubt you are well read.

>> No.17774601

Do you also hate children for being irresponsible? It's the same thing

>> No.17774611

The biggest lie that the humanity has ever been told is that women are the more empathetic gender

>> No.17774617

where is that male oppression. i would love to get some of it cause feminism so far has given me zero benefits

>> No.17774623

>the feminist critique is actually that male oppression is harmful to men
And what are they actually doing it to fix it? They constantly ostracize men for being toxic, demand more rights without responsibilities and show no interest in any male issues and prevent men from speaking out

>> No.17774635

Women are not children lmao. Tradlarpers have this absurd view of women as helpless damsels because an accurate view of women would damage their egos.

>> No.17774642

>where is that male oppression

haha ah haha ha ahh aha ah aah hah hah ahah ha haha haha hh ah ah ah ah ha hah HAH AH HAH A HA HH A HA HA HA HA HH A HA HAH HA HA HA HA HA HAH AHA

>> No.17774644

Where do I find this book, Physical, and or in English?

>> No.17774647

cope if real

>> No.17774648

>socrates, whenever i see philosophers, they simply aren't doing anything! they argue and cause problems and take money for bad teachings. i hate philosophy!!

>> No.17774653

Yes they are stupid brats who throw tantrums whenever something doesn't go their way

>> No.17774656

but they clearly are doing something it's just that none of it benefits men despite them claiming that they want to help us too

>> No.17774659

Buying sex is not being wanted you actual dumb whore. I hope the next Elliot Roger puts a bullet through your skull

>> No.17774664

The law of stoning for adulterers (there like, the sexually immoral in general) needs to be reimplemented.
People still care about preserving fakemocracy?
"It is good to guve thanks to the Lord, to sing praise to Your Name O Most High."

Im serious. The proper order needs to be reestablished. Woman worships man and man worships God. The problems have only come from men worshipping themselves, i.e. worshipping how good it is to coom in womb.

Lol. Deluze you big ol cumbrain.
Grow up anon.
Does this mean what i I think it does? Can someone elaborate for me? Is it like: women want men to be just bio matter for them or something?
This is wrong. Read Duties of the Heart. Its the hardest thing you can do but I can and should be done.
One could still be lazy but exercise. Actions are dependant on character traits. In that instance determination and discipline over ride laziness. Actions do impact character but its always a matter of which is more dominant and which you choose to cultivate. Imo anyway.
>we are capable of much more improvement than we are aware
Its true we all have infinite potential. Those who dwell in darkness simply hate the light.

>> No.17774666

>all women are american tiktok thots
saddest shit on the planet. you are little boys before the eyes of a woman, and you know it

>> No.17774674

The funniest thing about women bitching about oppression is that they used to be genuinely happier back then when they had less rights and got married early

>> No.17774679

Seems to me as if women are just irrational and we need to go back to patriarchy and theocracy now.
If it is the will of Heaven let it be 2. 1 is the current state anyway.
>coomer posts pick of slut and fuckboy
How surprising.
Mmm. I see now that it will essentially be the communists verses the Abrahamists. The latter will win even in death.
Well said.
As I said above. There'll be war between them though. Cant wait to do salah in the grand mosque of Beijing.
This seems true. Men seems softer and more beholden to their desires (their dicks) than ever.
Ive seen this and belive its true. They seem to degenerate into hedonism.
Because the OT is the greatest text in history. Its better than gold and the real treasure. God is absolutely real, eternal and one.
Arabic proverb: he who eats alone, chokes alone. My friends repose: he who eats alone chews his food carefully.
Stop the self pity party fuck tard. Grow up.
>women (and men) are slaves to their desires. Nobody is in control or dominating anything in reality.
No. You can control desire. Dont be weak. We can choose to delay gratification. We can choose to suspend gratification indefinitely. Self sacrifice is possible. Your just too weak to see it.
>what kind of superior male is concerned about signaling he is superior to incels on an anonymous website?
One who wants to help all souls return pure and luminous.

>> No.17774680

Stop mass replying you retarded christcuck newfag

>> No.17774681

>nawalt meme
There are no good women, only the ones raised in non degenerate patriarchal societies

>> No.17774694

>in pre-cultural times around 70% of women mated with 35% of men
>because of female choice
Uhhhh are you sure about that? It’s always been a marketplace of pure female choice?

>> No.17774695

>argument is derisive laughter

uh oh, someone watches colbert

>> No.17774697

This thread makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.17774698

kek you got burned by some bitch on facebook now you think you know what's up in the rest of the world. give it a few years kid

>> No.17774702

>women know better about the specific issues of your gender than you do, and also get to determine your value and level of self realization for you, because you are too brainwashed by your own shitty culture and toxicity to think for yourself
>btw this doesn't apply for any other group of people in the world, and if you applied that black people are toxic or asains are toxic or women are toxic and that they need to conform more to the norms and expectations of white men (who are the real heroes of this struggle) you would be labeled an evil racist and lose your job and be socially ostracized
Crazy how this double-think is never questioned.

>> No.17774708

>history will move past the need for the Y chromosome
all the top doctors, chess players, sports players, chef, scientist, artist, etc are male, women don't contribute shit

>> No.17774709

Are there good men?
If so why?

>> No.17774711
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In to the oven kike.

>> No.17774712

Wow, 310 replies? I guess this really did hit a nerve lmao

>> No.17774725

women dont think, its that simple.

>> No.17774728
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Is it suprising? Majority of /lit/ regulars are incels, and this book cliams they'll stay incels until death and you know what, it's actually A Good Thing™ too.

>> No.17774731
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Women are like wolves. Wolves kill sheep, that's just what they do. They aren't malicious on purpose, that's just what nature makes them do.

>> No.17774744

Anon, it's only been X years since women have done Y, they need a few more decades!

[Repeat when a few decades have elapsed]

>> No.17774751

men have the natural drive and desire to know and discover, women just want to be taken care of

>> No.17774753

I understand it. It just doesn't apply to genetics. If it did, we would not be able to map them at the speed we do. Discovering it does not apply to genetics is how we came up with the idea of a genetic code.

>> No.17774764

I really hope women like her get raped by Ahmed

>> No.17774770

This is a man, son.

>> No.17774772

the metaphor was that the branch is the total genetic diversity of a generation, and natural selection devours most of the branch, leaving only a portion remaining that succeeds and passes on its genes again

>> No.17774797

Nothing reminds me that 4chan is filled with mediocre men quite like an incel thread. The worst part is that most ugly women would fuck ugly men too, but most incels have surprisingly high standards despite the fact that they're generally awful people.

>> No.17774826

>I really hope women like her get raped by Ahmed

It's a cruel fact of history that the deeds of one generation, good or bad, only bear fruit for coming generations.

>> No.17774829

Cool story roastie.

>> No.17774834

>The worst part is that most ugly women would fuck ugly men too
delusional. online dating has allowed even uggos to fuck (above) average guys

>> No.17774845

>The worst part is that most ugly women would fuck ugly men too, but most incels have surprisingly high standards despite the fact that they're generally awful people.
The problem with ugly women is that they're the world's most expensive prostitutes. The cost is too high.

>> No.17774847

>pretending to be roasties on 4chan
Very funny guys

>> No.17774853

>Nothing reminds me that 4chan is filled with mediocre men quite like an incel thread.
No one asked for your opinion normalfag
>The worst part is that most ugly women would fuck ugly men too
All dating data and statistics prove you wrong idiot
>but most incels have surprisingly high standards
And women's standards are objectively way higher
Men want someone who looks nice and treat them with respect, women want someone who is tall rich handsome popular and checks their long ass list of demands
>despite the fact that they're generally awful people
That has nothing to do with it, lots of awful guys get laid

>> No.17774866

Thats why wolves need to be cultivated to be like dogs. Submissive.

>> No.17774879

>Men want someone who looks nice and treat them with respect, women want someone who is tall rich handsome popular and checks their long ass list of demands
Women also want a strong dominant masculine man who will also treat them like a princess and provide for them. It's like a unicorn.

>> No.17774941
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Take this friend, and kill somebody else.

>> No.17774949

Good idea. Thank you friend.

>> No.17774959

>delusional. online dating has allowed even uggos to fuck (above) average guys
what above average guy fucks an uggo? if he's above average then clearly he has access to better women. men have standards, they're not all sex crazed monsters that will take any chance to fuck.
>The problem with ugly women is that they're the world's most expensive prostitutes. The cost is too high.
what does this mean?
>All dating data and statistics prove you wrong idiot
all that dating data is taken from shitty apps that people use mainly for the sole purpose of finding hookups.
>And women's standards are objectively way higher
This thread is filled with men claiming that all women raised in the United States are disgusting, stupid whores. Men only date in their league or above their league. You never see a 8/10 guy with a 4-5/10 chick. You can't say one gender has "objectively" higher standards over the other because people often date people who don't meet their standards, and not only desirable traits can be measured objectively as well.
>That has nothing to do with it, lots of awful guys get laid
I meant awful as in men who have very few redeeming qualities, many of which are not attractive. you unintentionally agreed with me thinking that I meant awful men are men who have shitty personalities.

>> No.17774977

>what above average guy fucks an uggo? if he's above average then clearly he has access to better women. men have standards, they're not all sex crazed monsters that will take any chance to fuck.
just another case of a woman who doesnt understand anything about men. 80% of men will fuck an uggo as long as it's sex only. men have standards when it comes to dating not some random one night hook up with some tinder slut

>> No.17774990

>this person doesn't agree with me so they must be a woman
how many men have you talked to that would fuck a 4/10? Most of the porn addled brains using 4chan don't know what an ugly woman looks like.

>> No.17775008
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Most women treat men below 5/10 as literally invisible

>> No.17775011

The worst black pill you could find is related to sex. Come on aesthete be better.

>> No.17775014

I can smell your roastie seething from here

>> No.17775021

Men do the same thing to women below 5/10.

>> No.17775035

Only a woman would lie so blatantly holy shit
you actually have no idea how remarkably easy everything is for your dumb ass

>> No.17775053

why are you so against the idea that there are genuinely ugly, unfuckable women that exist and go unnoticed by men? what makes you think it's only women that don't notice ugly people?

>> No.17775077

It's statistically demonstrable that women rate men on a much harsher scale than that on which men rate women.

>But women suffer too!
I know, but that's not what we're talking about.

>> No.17775092

>she thinks 5/10 is considered generally ugly for woman
Not suprising since women consider 5/10 man ugly

>> No.17775134
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Roasties are so delusional jesus fucking christ

>> No.17775144
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Who's gonna make a new thread? There's obviously more to talk about.

>> No.17775149

Reduce the male population so they're out numbered 10:1 by females

Literal utopia

>> No.17775169

based femdomchad just gets it

>> No.17775182

>It's statistically demonstrable that women rate men on a much harsher scale than that on which men rate women.
Is this true though? I think the average man is uglier than the average woman because men don't put as much effort into their appearance. In a world where men prioritize their appearance I doubt there would be such a disparity in sex received among the different genders.
a 5/10 is a 5/10

>> No.17775184

> the idea that there are genuinely ugly, unfuckable women that exist
Thats not what you said you strawmanning whore. The question is whether anything below a 5/10 is invisible to men, which isnt true whatsoever nor is it any similar to below average men's experience based on ample data from dating websites
And when called out you try to start strawmanning about the ugliest possible woman in existence in a discussion about 4/10 men? Do you have a single honest bone in your body or do you really have so few brain cells not focused on sucking cock that you thought it was a real argument?

>> No.17775213

Imagine in the same post saying
> I think the average man is uglier than the average woman
>a 5/10 is a 5/10
Women are so fucking stupid it hurts holy shit just put a gun in your cunt and pull the trigger

>> No.17775227

>scales have to be adjusted for averages
>which isnt true whatsoever nor is it any similar to below average men's experience based on ample data from dating websites
>based on ample data from dating websites
incels are fucking brainlets

>> No.17775256
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>>It's statistically demonstrable that women rate men on a much harsher scale than that on which men rate women.
>Is this true though? I think the average man is uglier than the average woman

Jesus Christ, are you fucking serious?

>> No.17775287

Not true at all.

Even 2/10 women go after 8/10 because its realistic they can get some of them.

>> No.17775292

what do you mean exactly? my point is that women don't rate men harsher, the point is that less men give a shit about what they look like, so if women are rating men appropriately then of course they'd say more men are not good looking.

>> No.17775307

Look like a model
6% body fat
Six figure salary minimum
Have at least three homes in the right cities minimum
Have wealthy family
Have loads of friends
Cook perfect meals
Have really good humor

Don't be obese

>> No.17775309

>Don't be obese

Stop policing women's bodies, incel.

>> No.17775340

>actually we were just rating men against literal Adonis so its okay
>btw its not okay to fat shame and expect every woman to be a playboy bunny
whores all need to be killed in minecraft

>> No.17775364

>>>actually we were just rating men against literal Adonis so its okay
how did you get that from what I said?
>>btw its not okay to fat shame and expect every woman to be a playboy bunny
when did I mention fat shaming?

>> No.17775370
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>> No.17775504

The infographic that keeps me up at night...

>> No.17775510

>Don't be obese
Is it the early '00s? That's no longer required from women

>> No.17775534

I was going to say they just have to have a hole to fuck but even that isn't required according to progressives. Suck that girl dick.

>> No.17775839

>364 posts
>ctrl f
>only 7 instances of ‘rape’
the number should be a lot higher fellas