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17769532 No.17769532 [Reply] [Original]

anyone have scholarly work on the jewish subversion?

>> No.17769979


>> No.17771237
File: 43 KB, 450x600, eek eek ook ook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews would be fine with this as the story is for goyim. What would make them mad is if she was played by an average-looking black.

>> No.17771307

>His other two books
>The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
>The International Jew by Henry Ford
>Beyond Chutzpah by Norman Finkelstien
>200 Years Together by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
>Slaughter of Cities
>The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
>The Confessions of an Anti-Semite by Michael Collins Piper
>Cloaked in Virtue: Unveiling Leo Strauss and the Rhetoric of American Foreign Policy
>The Jewish Strategy by Revilo Oliver
>The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 3: The Leo Frank Case
>Anne Frank's Diary: A Hoax by Ditlieb Felderer
>Jewish Supremacism : My Awakening to the Jewish Question by David Duke
>You Gentiles by Samuel Maurice
>The War on White Australia by Brenton Sanderson
>The American Jew: An Exposé of His Career

>> No.17771312
File: 1.35 MB, 3000x1166, Holocaust Handbooks copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally any of these.

>> No.17771315

skip all the conspiracy crap above and read The Ordeal of Civility

>> No.17771321
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>skip all the conspiracy crap above and read The Ordeal of Civility

>> No.17771748
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Soo based I came

>> No.17772098

E. Michael Jones
Michael Collins Piper

>> No.17772113
File: 638 KB, 1696x2560, Debating-the-Holocaust-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also pic related, read it here: https://archive.org/details/ThomasDaltonDebatingTheHolocaust

>> No.17772138

>42 books straight of pseudo-intellectual seething
yeah, i'll get right on that

>> No.17772165

You can read the most important one here >>17772113
Just give it a go, the rest is optional.

>> No.17773378
File: 122 KB, 850x1100, wujshasbara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're on 4chan or just on the internet, the Hasbara Handbook is the most important book on Jewish subversion you can read. It wasn't even written by critics. It was written as a propaganda manual for Jews by Jews, containing rhetorical techniques to use against gentiles.

There are several known editions of this Handbook, but only one seems to have been leaked to the general public.


This edition focuses on collegiate criticism of Israel and its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. However, the techniques it outlines are universal.

>> No.17773401
File: 48 KB, 300x424, hasbara handbook vol 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another edition of the Hasbara Handbook published 11 years later.

I've been unable to find a copy of it, and it's probably not been leaked in its entirety.

Has almost certainly read a version of the Handbook.

>> No.17773551
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From the Chapter titled "Seven Propaganda Techniques"

>Name Calling
>Through the careful choice of words, the name calling technique links a person or an idea to a negative symbol. Creating negative connotations by name calling is done to try and get the audience to reject a person or idea on the basis of negative associations, without allowing a real examination of that person or idea. The most obvious example is name calling - "they are a neo-Nazi group" tends to sound pretty negative to most people. More subtly, name calling works by selecting words with subtle negative meanings for some listeners. For example, describing demonstrators as "youths" creates a different impression from calling them "children".

>> No.17773731
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>> No.17773738
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>Glittering Generality

>Simply put, the glittering generality is name calling in reverse. Instead of trying to attach negative meanings to ideas or people, glittering generalities use positive phrases, which the audience are attached to, in order to lend a positive image to things. Words such as 'freedom', 'civilization', 'motherhood', 'liberty', 'equality', 'science', and 'democracy' have these positive associations for most people. These words mean different things to different people, but are used to gain the approval of an audience, even when they aren't used in their standard ways. Consider the use of the term 'freedom fighter', which is supposed to gain approval for terrorism by using the word 'freedom'. Or, consider why it is so beneficial to bring home the point that Israel is a democracy.

>> No.17773763
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>Transfer involves taking some of the prestige and authority of one concept and applying it to another. For example, a speaker might decide to speak in front of a United Nations flag, in an attempt to gain legitimacy for himself or his idea. Some of the symbols that might be used in discussing Israel might include the Israeli flag, or Star of David; Islamic symbols, which might lend a militant speaker the apparent support of Islam, even when what they are saying goes against mainstream Islamic beliefs; non-denominational prayer, which gives a sense of religiosity to a speaker even when his message is not 'religious'; and the national symbols of a speakers' own country - such as the American flag - which create the impression that the speaker is presenting 'American values'.

>> No.17773799
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>Plain Folks

>The plain folks technique attempts to convince the listener that the speaker is a 'regular guy', who is trust-worthy because they are just like 'you or me'. Often politicians present themselves as being from outside the standard 'political cliques' and above political bickering, and then call for tax cuts to help the 'regular guy'. More often than not these politicians are multi-millionaires financed by large corporations, but the plain folks technique allows them to obscure that fact by presenting their 'common' characteristics.

>Support for an alleged underdog in a certain situation can often be part of a 'plain folks' agenda. Critics of Israel can paint the Palestinian people as the underdogs, and Israel as an 'oppressor' of a weaker people. This sort of populist position can best be combated by shifting blame for the Palestinian predicament away from Israel and towards Yasser Arafat.

and so on. I'll stop walltexting, but this Isreali propaganda manual —dated as it is— is an invaluable read.

>> No.17773969

This is stuff everybody should know. Israel's not the only one who does this by the way (but they're the most obvious)

>> No.17774014
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>The Israel Project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary

>How do you sell the American public on the idea that Israel has the right to maintain or even expand Jewish settlements in the West Bank? Be positive. Turn the issue away from settlements and toward peace. Invoke ethnic cleansing.

>Those are three of the recommendations made by Frank Luntz, a political consultant and pollster, in an internal study he wrote for the Washington-based group The Israel Project (TIP) on effective ways to talk to Americans about the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.


Frank Luntz is the pollster who became a household name by publishing a talking points memo, delivered daily to conservative politicans and pundits, during the runup to and during the first years of the Iraq War. He sold the Middle East conflict to the American People. Luntz is, of course, Jewish.

>> No.17774078

They're the only ones who do it as STATE policy. Their state forigen propaganda apparatus is more extensive than any other.

Their propaganda engines also set the tone for propaganda in most Western countries. Especially the USA.

>> No.17774099

if you can get yourself off the neo-nazi plantation jewish authors themselves write about it all the time in great detail, they just don't use dogwhistle words like "subversion"

>> No.17774104

Name some.

>> No.17774125

meh, the israeli strategy is just to stall until total israeli control of the the west bank is the de facto situation. a thousand pinpricks kill as surely as a single stab

>> No.17774135

philip roth

>> No.17774149

That's their invasion strategy.
The Luntz book outlines a propaganda strategy.

Which book?

Name more.

>> No.17774166

Yes, correct
Subversion is a real thing viewed from western peoples. To jews it isn't of course. Or are you denying that jews have tried (and succeeded) time and time again to change the societies they inhabit to fit their own needs? I'm not saying nobody else does that, but jews seem to very good at it.

>> No.17774168
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>> No.17774169
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Nazism vs Zionism, or Nazism vs the modern PC multiculturalism cult, is a false dialectic. Unlike some others, I actually sympathize with the /pol/ Hitler supporters because their hearts are in the right place and often they genuinely think the Holocaust didn’t really happen and Hitler was just going to relocate all the Jews to Palestine. But like >>17774099 aptly puts it, they’re on the “neo Nazi plantation.” They succeed in discrediting themselves. Naval intelligence whistleblower and conspiracy theorist William Cooper has an interesting theory about the Turner Diaries (white supremacist classic) which I think is also apt for modern neo-Nazism.

>The Turner Diaries were actually written by the CIA prior to 1972. They were not written by Pierce. The concept of leaderless resistance was promulgated to enable easy destruction of any resistance to the world supra government. Small scattered units without a concerted tactical plan and a solid reliable command structure will be defeated in a very short period of time. No such movement could ever affect the necessary political control to restore order and re-institute government of any kind even if they managed to win the war, an impossible feat using leaderless resistance.

William Pierce, who claims to have written the Turner Diaries, is a Marxist change agent provocateur operating in the Hegelian dialectic for the purpose of creating a racist enemy of the new world order establishing an Aryan racist Christian Identity movement which he will label "Patriot" and "Militia" that will be scorned by the populace... thus turning the sheople to world government and away from Patriotism or religion as the solution to their problems.

>> No.17774182
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>> No.17774191

Good pilpul, schlomo. Too bad your tactics have been layed out above.
Read >>17772113

>> No.17774197

Also rolling for >>>/pol/

>> No.17774223

>the questionable actions of the state and government of Israel means suddenly I should be suspicious of all Jews, even those with no ties to or interest in Israel

Take your meds, schizos.

>> No.17774229

>Or are you denying that jews have tried (and succeeded) time and time again to change the societies they inhabit to fit their own needs?

He's basically telling you gentiles aren't qualified to criticize jews.

>Not just a baldfaced lie, but the exact opposite of the truth.
Ask me how I know you're jewish.

>> No.17774241

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17774248


>> No.17774256
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>Take your meds, schizos.
Read Culture of Critique, it shows that non-Irsaeli, secular jews still exhibit behaviour that subverts gentile culture and promotes jewish in-group preference and nepotism.

>> No.17774283
File: 25 KB, 645x770, 978C135D-95C9-418E-BF42-F1758FF6ECBE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>376 KB JPG
>>>17774223 #
>>Take your meds, schizos.
>Read Culture of Critique, it shows that non-Irsaeli, secular jews still exhibit behaviour that subverts gentile culture and promotes jewish in-group preference and nepotism.

>> No.17774291

>He's basically telling you gentiles aren't qualified to criticize jews.
Yes that tends to happen often with these subjects, but the other way round and they're suddenly fellow whites

>> No.17774301
File: 81 KB, 506x450, I-must-undermine-my-host-country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry Schlomo, did I hurt your feelings?

>> No.17774310

Rolling for >>>/pol/ as well

>> No.17774322
File: 28 KB, 432x269, C7930E71-3B9A-4F26-A7BC-7D3131AC382E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>81 KB JPG
>>>17774283 (You) #
>I'm sorry Schlomo, did I hurt your feelings?

>> No.17774335
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Kek I don't usualy get them seething this hard, thanks for the laugh

>> No.17774339
File: 42 KB, 329x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America by Don Jordan & Michael Walsh

Not directly about subversion, but discusses the jewish slave trade at length.

>> No.17774352


>> No.17774359

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/311922500