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/lit/ - Literature

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17769217 No.17769217 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/ reading tonight?

>> No.17769233

Little, Big

>> No.17769244

The Rebel, Camus

>> No.17769245

reading east of eden before sleeping is comfy

>> No.17769286
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a little bit of history

>> No.17769291


>> No.17769310

I hope you're reading it aloud

>> No.17769332
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holy based...brother...

>> No.17769339

i've wanted to read this for a while but it's super long and it looks boring

>> No.17769360

yeah it's poetry

>> No.17769379

comfy, I picked up that one and the rest of the set, planning to make my way through them all over the next couple years!

>> No.17769389

It's super long, a dry read, but an interesting subject. I think about Orwellian doublethink a lot.

Altogether tho it is so far (I'm about half way through) a light 7/10

>> No.17769401
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Been picking away at this for a while. I'll finish it one day.

>> No.17769415

Based Landmark Herodotus' The Histories. Absolute kino

>> No.17769499
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I'm sure the languorous descriptions of nature is a wonderful sleep aid, not to knock Steinbeck down
I had to look this up since I've only read some of his plays and two of his novels, the plague and the "infamous" Stranger. Is this essay at least well written? What are your thoughts on it so far?
what do you think about it? what is its argument? that capitalism creates or increases the amount of schizos?
based. I enjoy the slow read and the maps they contain since I'm a visual learner. What are your favorite parts of the history? I enjoyed the section in Alexandrian wars about how the Egyptians, well known for being clever, contaminated the water that the Romans were drinking from with salt.

>> No.17769575

sorry, I'm actually still only on book 1, section 90ish. I just had it open to the middle in this pic because I was exchanging pictures of our favorite books.
So far I liked the comment when he said abducted women shouldn't be rescued because they want to go. I also kind of like how the oracle keeps fucking people over but Herodotus is like, "Well the oracle was right they just misinterpreted it"

>> No.17769770

bumpity bump

>> No.17769781
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So far the book feels like a summary of another book, but still very interesting

>> No.17769786

your mom's vagina pores

>> No.17769793

I am casually looking for parallels between Socrates/Aristotle and The Bible. I have accidentally encountered two noteworthy connections.

1. In the apology, Socrates shares that he is going to “put his trust in what I say, and let none of you expect anything else”17c this connects us to Christs words in 10:19 Matthew “but when they deliver you up take no thought in what ye shall speak: for it shall be given in that same hour what ye shall speak”

2. According to Pythagoras, in Aristotles fragments, pythagoras states “do not carry images of the gods on your rings” f197
The possible connection to this is Exodus 20:4 “ you shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth below or that is in the water under the earth”

Either (i doubt) these words are inspired from the OT or the words were revealed to him without an intermediary influence

And so ultimately either these are connections or they are not.

>> No.17769877
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thanks bro :)
no prob, as long as your are reading, you are ahead 95% of this board. thank you for the funny anecdote
have any thoughts about it? looks interesting. I've listened to a few lectures about the involvement of the church and realized how much of antiquity they saved despite how much blasphemy the content contained
yes, yes! I've profited a lot from contemporary religion, and if you wish to know of a 19th ce English doctor had to say on the subject, lmk. Thank you for the interesting tidbits

>> No.17769955

It just talks about Catholic influence on many subjects significant to Western civilization like art, science, and economics. Some of the examples are stronger than others; like the law chapter felt weak to me because he spent most of it talking about Spaniards in the Americas.
It seemed like the Catholics kept all the 'blasphemous' books because the monks were nerds that liked books and debunking/building off of Aristotle. I'm not Catholic, so a lot of this is new to me.

>> No.17769964

The Gospel According to Matthew. I would have also read the Hellenica, but for the next three weeks I have to read some obscure NYT best-seller for an English lit class

>> No.17769969

>obscure NYT best-seller
How does that work? I've never really looked into what makes an NYT best-seller, but they do seem a dime-a-dozen.

>> No.17769977

Klara and the sun

I’m just about done with part 4 and the Ishiguro blues are hitting me hard :(

>> No.17770000

>I've never really looked into what makes an NYT best-seller,
It pushes whatever message New York Jewish capitalists need pushed that month

>> No.17770006
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>> No.17770013

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. comfiest of reads :)

>> No.17770021

fucking wasted

>> No.17770027

anon... best seller is descriptive not prescriptive

>> No.17770039


>> No.17770072

I also am halfway done with the odyssey. And I finished the iliad last week. I fell for the greek meme

>> No.17770079

What sort of beta male can't sit down and thoroughly enjoy the Iliad?

>> No.17770088

I'm not sure. Relevance?

>> No.17770263

>19th ce English doctor
What interesting observation[s] did he share?

>> No.17770271


>> No.17770284

Dubliners, just about to finish, maybe tomorrow.

>> No.17770339
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If this thread makes it tomorrow I'll provide with a link since I'm far from my computer. The best I can is that I found it on archive.org and it also includes ancient pictures! I should correct that I meant comparative religion.

>> No.17770357

ill call you out at 6pm est if it dies

>> No.17770396

Boogiepop Returns: VS Imaginator Part 1

>> No.17770524

It's 8 in the morning and I've only just woke up, but I'm starting on Lord Jim today.