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17769921 No.17769921 [Reply] [Original]

reminder to get a KJV and not some corrupted piece of shit fake bible

also get saved

>> No.17769931

Does nkjv have all of these?

>> No.17769932

*prays to Athena instead*

>> No.17769935

reminder to read the bible in the original, (God's language,) Greek. anything less and you are stealing from your station in heaven.

>> No.17770056

Those verses are usually included in the footnotes, not really removed. It's not included in the main text, because modern versions are based on older manuscripts. I could ask why does the KJV remove 7 entire books.

>> No.17770065
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>> No.17770100

>valuing bible translations by how many verses they include
i find this metric questionable at best

>> No.17770119

This picture assumes that a translation made in 1611 is somehow the original Bible. It's based on poorer textual sources than modern Bibles. One of the main texts they used for the New Testament was the Greek edition of Erasmus which was quite poor, using only a handful of Medieval manuscripts. Erasmus didn't have access to a complete Greek manuscript of Revelation so he translated the missing parts into Greek from the Latin Vulgate! And this was used by the supposedly perfect KJV.

>> No.17770121

Of course you would. The Gnostic bible would win this way.

>> No.17770132

>reminder to read the bible in the original, (God's language,) Greek
So, at this point I've heard all these languages being considered as God's language:
>Latin (Christianity)
>Arabic (Islam)
>Hebrew (Judaism)
>Punjabi (Sikhism)
>Greek (Hellenism and Christianity, Both Attic and presumably Koine)
>Spanish (Charles V)
>Sanskrit (Hinduism)
>Aramaic (Christianity)
Missing anyone?

>> No.17770151


>> No.17770158
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>tfw you get the dollar store discount bible and it comes with all 15 of the baby jesus stories, the gospel of judas, and some material that appears to be machine translated from chinese appended to revelations

>> No.17770169

>Italian (Dante)
>German (Eckhardt, Luther, Boehme)

>> No.17770174

I like the opaque hosiery

>> No.17770195

Gods language is frogs, boils and thunderbolts as >>17770174
will find out if she don’t repent

>> No.17770283

The KJV was commissioned by a sodomite.

>> No.17770331

>why does the KJV remove 7 entire book
in 1611 they were included because people only carried one book so they wanted to - might aswell have it

So either the books are relevant or theyre not, i don't like others choosing for me because many people are either smart or dumb

Where can i read more on this?

my understanding is in James time period, freemasonry was a solid untainted christian brotherhood - it had yet to be infiltrated

>Source of letters: https://archive.vn/bTWyY
[Washington to Reverend Snyder]:

“I have heard much of the nefarious, & dangerous plan, & doctrines of the Illuminati […] I believe notwithstandings, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati.”
[Washington responding to Reverend Snyder’ reply]:

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more fully satisfied of this fact than

>> No.17770391
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>> No.17770398

it has nothing to do with "gods language" it was just the most spoken language of the time and most the early christians would understand


>> No.17770406

I kind of figured the bible had been tampered with overtime, but whose to say every single piece of literature hasn't been tampered with?

>> No.17770410
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>> No.17770563

Reminder to learn Ancient Greek and read the closest thing to an original text you will ever get

>> No.17770577

>God's language
Um, that would be Hebrew sweetie.

>> No.17770614


>> No.17770727

So is it safe to assume that butters is gone?

>> No.17771053
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To bed. ‘Night

>> No.17771068

>god promises you everlasting life if you believe in jesus
>therefore you can't go to hell
lmao what? you keep living but in hell

>> No.17771105

You missed English you dolt t. Anglican

>> No.17771138

>freemason conspiracies
thanks for mentioning them so I know that you're out of your fucking gourd


>> No.17771139

The Numbers 6:14 one is the same in both (lamb). The Ezekiel 24:7 and the John 15:20 ones are different though

>> No.17771210

>Missing anyone?
We actually have a Dutch version of the KJV crowd who only follow the Statenvertaling in early modern Dutch.

Ironically people should prefer the KJV because its NOT an accurate translation and closer in spirit to our own culture.

>> No.17771225


>> No.17771502

I got my KJV earlier today. What are those removed passages about? Why were they removed? I was surprised to see how liberally the text is changed from version to version, some versions read in a completely different way especially the more modern ones. And also from publisher to publisher. I expected reviews to be strictly on the craftsmanship of the book but these omissions and changes are a common concern.
I wonder if this is also the case with other sacred texts like the Quran?

>> No.17771532

>I wonder if this is also the case with other sacred texts like the Quran?
Quran had been perfectly preserved dsince inception. Of course translations may vary but you can always refer back to the original

>> No.17771590

If the Quran has been perfectly preserved then why are there so many different manuscripts?

>> No.17771594

There aren't

>> No.17771628

The Caliph Uthman destroyed manuscripts. What were they?

>> No.17771640

>What were they?
Devil's work

>> No.17771641

>Quran had been perfectly preserved since inception.
Thinking about it it's kind of disappointing that Christian sects ended up basically making their own Bible, there are obviously multiple sects of Islam but they all refer to the same book, right?
Also what about the Torah?

>> No.17771647

They were variant manuscripts. Why do you believe they were the incorrect ones?

>> No.17771654

Don't be fooled by blustering rhetoric from Muslims. There's at least 30 different Quran's being used today, the most popular one being the Haf's which is actually one of the more unreliable transmissions.

>> No.17771659

Isn't that an admission that christianity isn't right for northern europeans?

>> No.17771668

>There's at least 30 different Quran's being used today, the most popular one being the Haf's which is actually one of the more unreliable transmissions.
The fact that there's a minority that uses a modified Quran doesn't exclude the fact that we know which is the correct one that remained unchanged since the beginning

>They were variant manuscripts
>As the Islamic Empire began to grow, and differing recitations were heard in far-flung areas, the Quran was recompiled for uniformity in recitation (r. 644–656 CE).[2] under the direction of the third caliph — Uthman ibn Affan. For this reason, the Qur'an as it exists today is also known as the Uthmanic codex.[3]

Recitation, not variant according to wiki.

>> No.17771670

So religions have a worse approach to canon than cartoon fandoms. Why are things so complicated?

>> No.17771744

>Why are things so complicated?
They're not, really. Whether or not there were several versions(unlikely) at the beginning is irrelevant. The fact remains that Quran we now have is the same everywhere. So if you're a Muslim, and you travel to any community in the World, in Egypt or UK or USA or SA, you will have a single standard Quran with same rules for pronunciation.

>> No.17771760

It's interesting how different readings don't count as differences.

>> No.17771773

Why would they? Same text different notes. The fact you hold a letter for longer at the end of a sentence doesn't change the text and what it's about.

>> No.17772163


>> No.17772186

The DR bible has even more stuff that the others don't, entire books about aliens n shit.

>> No.17772214

Good to know

>> No.17772450

Read KJV's interpretation of corinthians 13 and tell me they arent cucked as well

>> No.17772721

>a minority
The Hafs version was used as the basis of the Cairo edition which has been reproduced dozens of times and is what you will get if you buy any printed Quran. Muslims just uncritically accept any printed version as "the" Quran without question.

>> No.17772797

What does /lit/ think about the Douay-Rheims version?

>> No.17772805

Sumerian because it was the language annihilated and divided at Babel, hence it has no linguistic descendants.

>> No.17772835

You mean the version that edits out entire books to save printing costs?

>> No.17772874

do any anons know where you can have books made? for the longest time ive wanted the esv new testament with the non apocryphal brenton septuagint but have no idea how to make it happen.

>> No.17772875

I like it, I have one with Latin text on the side.

>> No.17772887

Some "trad" larpers are trying to make it into the Catholic KJV. They are just fooling themselves into thinking they are reading the Vulgate when they are reading the Challoner revision which also draws from the Greek and Hebrew (and the KJV!)

>> No.17772987

>the Challoner revision
This bothers me a little, but I'd like to see a good, somewhat detailed overview of the actual changes from the DR.

>> No.17773062

This is a good article on the differences:


>> No.17773125

based, was just about to say this

>> No.17773180

Its actually Aramaic, because thats literally the language everyone spoke in the region at the time.

>> No.17773216

Thanks, I had read through that, but I didn't pay attention to the link at the bottom.
I think this is what I was looking for.

>> No.17774203

What is the best way to read the Bible alongside translations of their original languages? I'm sick of this fragmentation and debate.
YES exactly, I was studying this chapter last week, thank fuck I was doing it alongside an ESV (for the above reason)

>> No.17774265

Please give a very brief detail of the difference.

>> No.17774370

"Charity" (KJV) Vs "love" (every other translation). The Greek is ἀγάπη which is one of the four different Greek words for love. It is very misleading.

>> No.17774630

Reminder that if you could read the original Aramaic, you would know the Jew or Greek line refers to language and not people, so all of those leftists claiming Jesus was pro-nigger and not a bonafide KKK member are wrong.

>> No.17774794

>Every other translation
The DR has charity as well. Agapé is love for your fellow man, and in Latin it's caritas, from which charity comes.

>> No.17775568
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>Doesn't have the Apocrypha
Prots are so silly

>> No.17775631

New Jerusalem has all of these

>> No.17775647

Charity (love of God and neighbor) is the 3rd theological virtue, so I don't see a big problem here. It's likely because of the common understanding of the word charity compared to then and now and not a flawed translation. Certainly in modern usage love would be the clearest expression.

>> No.17776401


>> No.17776605

Objectively speaking, the best way to read the bible is in hebrew or latin - the two most unadulterated versions of the bible

>> No.17777124
