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17764287 No.17764287 [Reply] [Original]

You are buying books that might be potentially banned in the future right?

>> No.17764363

never heard of that guy and looked him up on twitter,

he makes 20 posts a day for weeks now crying for being canceled.

Cant we just call these threads /grifters general/??
they wanna declare themselves as victims so damm hard....

>> No.17764519

go back to twitter

>> No.17764556

Give me the basic gestalt

>> No.17764584

You gotta go back. Also dilate and have sex.

>> No.17764591

I’m writing books with the intention of having them banned.

>> No.17765799

>You are buying books that might be potentially banned in the future right?

Yes, I’m working my way through Joseph Conrad.

>> No.17765801


>> No.17765815
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>Silence of the Lambs
Buy buy buy

>> No.17765856

I’ve already bought the "When Harry Became Sally" just after reading this. Does anybody have the full list of the other books banned, or is able to create such? I’d be a nice reading list.

>> No.17765877

An active list would be beneficial, perhaps something online that can be periodically updated.

>> No.17766316

no im downloading them

>> No.17766330

Same. Although the delivery time is so long, I think they will cancel it.

I also looked up the History of Central Banking book that gets recommended here so often and I can't find it fucking anywhere. So I just got a pdf. Wouldn't dare have it on my stack anyway.

>> No.17766347
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>> No.17766355 [DELETED] 
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before leftists in the thread get too smug, this book by long time marxist agitators about the affect of covid lockdowns on the working class was also recently banned from amazon

>> No.17766356
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>> No.17766364
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>> No.17766402

For what reason? Does it blame the jews or something?

>> No.17766474
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>Holocaust Handbook Vol 32

My fucking sides

>> No.17766501

The link is right there, you should read it

>> No.17766531

Does he still run the Public Discourse? I haven't been there for a while but I remember it being quality, with a slight Catholic/Thomistic bent.

>> No.17766543


Oh don't you worry. I downloaded it. Thanks, fren. I've wanted to get that book for a while and can't find it anywhere. The fact that there are 31 volumes before it makes me laugh. I could imagine the kvetching that would happen if some normie saw that.

>> No.17766563

Good stuff, but yes I hear you. It makes sense once you understand the same people who exploit that event also control the media. I came across this book by accident and it changed everything.

>> No.17766592
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>they wanna declare themselves as victims so damm hard....
*pulls shirt* "Don't fall in love with your suffering. Never presume that your suffering in itself is a proof of authenticity." *sniff*

>> No.17766706
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>> No.17767865

Bruh this book just vanished. Put it on my blackwells cart at work but now cant seem to find a copy anywhere.


>> No.17768632
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