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File: 64 KB, 1000x563, eyes-wide-shut-1999-013-tom-cruise-cult-circle-16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17764066 No.17764066 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on secret societies, occult cults and the like?
I want something that gives this Eyes Wide Shut feel of misterious, unkown forces controlling things behind the curtains.

>> No.17764082

The Damned by Huysmans.

>> No.17764081

If you live in a big city, chances are your local representatives go to these parties.

>> No.17764089

Illuminatus trilogy
Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
Colin Wilson, The Occult
Webb, Occult Underground
Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope, Anglo-American Establishment
McGowan, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon
The Creature from Jekyll Island
Rigorous Intuition
Them: Adventures with Extremists

>> No.17764102

Can some one explain this movie to me? I was totally confused when it ended and I think I missed the point.

>> No.17764113

Add Behold a Pale Horse

>> No.17764123

Upper middle class guy forces his way into secret society party. Big no no so he makes up for it by selling his daughter.

>> No.17764188

Thanks anon, will check them out.

>> No.17764357

Even in small towns tbcdesu

>> No.17764387

>by selling his daughter.
wait what ? i never saw that

>> No.17764401

How come nobody mentioned Foucault's Pendulum yet?

>> No.17764413

It's just the anon making an extreme assumption over the subtle symbolism at the end of the film, which shows the daughter being followed by two older men (who were at the party).

There's also the themes of selling out your daughter and sexuality in general throughout the whole movie. But these are themes to be focused on and reckoned with, the anon is just being overconfident in connecting the movie to irl conspiracies so he assumes Cruise's character sold his daughter.

>> No.17764489

Desu it makes perfect sense for precisely the reasons you mentioned.

>> No.17764501

cause it sucks

>> No.17764520

You can't assume that, many people just assume that he got a warning and was kept out of the cult. And the fact that the prostitute sacrificed herself for him, seems to suggest he wouldn't have to sacrifice his daughter or something far more removed from the story like that.

>> No.17764762

The fact that sacrifice is at all involved should tell you enough about the nature of their cult.

>> No.17764768
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Good recs from what I’ve read of this. I’d also add Senator John W. DeCamp’s “The Franklin Cover-Up”.

>> No.17764775
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How does this have anything to do with Cruise sacrificing his daughter?

>> No.17764781

It means that the cult obviously deals in blood, and sacrificing children wouldn't be beyond the norm.

>> No.17764794

The Cyclist Conspiracy by Svetislav Basara,

>> No.17764841

Jean Ferry's short story collection (and only fiction writing ever published) The Conductor and Other Tales is pretty amazing and is pretty close to what you want. Here is an article with the beginning of one of the stories, called “Kafka, or ‘The Secret Society"

>Joseph K —, around his twentieth year, learned of the existence of a secret, very secret society. Truth be told, it is unlike any other association of its kind. Some have a very hard time gaining admission. Many who wish ardently to do so will never succeed. Others, however, are members without even knowing it. One is, by the way, never entirely sure whether he is a member; many people believe themselves a part of this secret society when they aren’t at all. Although they have been initiated, they are even less a part of it than many men unaware of its existence. In fact, they were subjected to the trials of a fake initiation, meant to distract those unworthy of actually being initiated. But it is never revealed — not to the most genuine members, not even to those who have reached the highest ranks in the society’s hierarchy — whether their successive initiations are valid or not.”


>> No.17764873
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the greater good!

>> No.17764958
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The Crying of Lot 49 had a little bit of that, but it's not really what you're looking for. I'd recommend the movie Society if you haven't seen it.

>> No.17764966


>> No.17764986

Sure, but that's nothing to do with Cruise actually selling his daughter. The movie obviously has real world parallels, but Kubrick wasn't going so far as to say "see this is exactly how it happens, now Cruise is going to sell his daughter off too!"

>> No.17764994

These Call of the Crocodile books are mostly about spooky cults. Probably the most similar thing I’ve read to eyes wide shut.

>> No.17765083

Idk it seemed a bit too on the nose for the ending to be just
>and then they lived happily ever after and the little kid got some nice Christmas toys

>> No.17765262

Nice, those look great.

>> No.17765374
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This one will do it

>> No.17765379

I think it was just following the themes of the whole movie, and the danger his daughter was in, or at least the importance she had for cruise in contrast with it.

>> No.17765441
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>> No.17765526

Right and we agree that his daughter getting taken as recompense would fit the theme, no?

>> No.17765530

This was a present surprise. Are the other books in this series just as good? Crocodile is the only one I read.

>> No.17765731

The Club Dumas or watch The Ninth Gate.

>> No.17766939

Masters of Europe - The Unseen Empire that Governs Governments

>> No.17766968

Jay Dyer's books, I guess. Esoteric Hollywood

>> No.17766997

John Silence

>> No.17767005
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>> No.17767060

This any good? I didnt know Evola was an author

>> No.17767089

Yes but it was written in the 30s so keep that in mind (and it shows how much worse it's gotten since then), Evola did the foreword iirc

>> No.17767119
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Guenon did a review of it as well, never knew that either. Il check it out anon

>> No.17767140

Good stuff, never knew that Guenon reviewed it either.
You might also want to check out Kerry Bolton, he has written books on these topics as well.

>> No.17767185

Thanks for the info

>> No.17767448

Lurk on /x more. 20 minutes of the movie were cut, were supposdly, a child sacrifice happened in the castle.
Also, this is known, the common interpretation at the end of the movie is that two men take aways cruise and kidman's children. Lots of symbolism like the pedo bear. Check explanations on the web.

>> No.17767477

It's not necessarily cruise character, but Kidmans, who gave the daughter to the cult. What's more, the kid is not necessarily given to a sacrifice, but will probably be used in sexual rituals,

>> No.17768754

Moonchild by Crowley
The Magus by Fowles
Masters of Atlantis by Portis is a funny spoof

>> No.17768809
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Really good one here.

>> No.17768811

The Talmud is a good foundation to understanding secret societies.

>> No.17768812

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.17768828

That one freaked me the fuck out

>> No.17768877


>> No.17768886

That's the book Dan Brown plagiarized for The Da Vinci Code.

>> No.17768974

Society and The Void are two pretty fun cult/secret society movies.

>> No.17769160

Book of Enoch

>> No.17769237

Wilhelm Miesters Apprenticeship

>> No.17769322

>Just read 10,000+ pages of Judaic autism, goy!
Hard pass.

>> No.17769350

Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.17770474

If Kubrick put it in there, then sure it would fit, except one might say it doesn't match Cruise's character. But it isn't in the movie, and we're supposed to assume their family life continues after this.

>> No.17770478

>Lurk on /x more. 20 minutes of the movie were cut, were supposdly, a child sacrifice happened in the castle.
It's supposed 20 minutes were cut, and it's possible, but as to what the 20 (or 22) minutes were, we don't really know.

There's just guesses.

>> No.17770488


>> No.17770648

That's, like, 10 days of reading at most.

>> No.17771170

Sure, but reminder that Kubrick was killed one day after having a clash with people who didn't want him to release the movie as it was supposed to be.

>> No.17771421

The Spiritist Fallacy and Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-religion

>> No.17771427

know thine enemy

>> No.17771478

To quote David Lynch, if you don't have final cut of a movie its not your movie.

>> No.17771490

Niggea they're freaked the fuck out at the end, they're literally doing all they can to pretend everything's fine. Fuck, read the book Kubrick used for the plot, shit's about desire and cheating.

>> No.17771710

it isn't what you are looking for but the novella the movie was based on is amazing

>> No.17771723
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>> No.17771728

Most people here are being influenced by the satanist occultists without even noticing which is a little funny.

>> No.17771738
File: 57 KB, 390x600, 9780140447675_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of satanists..

>> No.17771811

I know the real world parallels EWS has, but it's just stupid to assume that Cruise sold out his daughter in the movie.

>> No.17772023

The fantastic stuff never actually happened. It was all in the guy's mind because he couldn't deal with the reality of his life and his actions; the lighting is the trick to figuring that part out. It's also a story about individuation very heavily influenced by the works of Jung.

>> No.17772412

Not Cruise, his eyes are wide shut. But Kidman, who is part of the cult. Or maybe they just took the kid without asking. They won't take it, like murder them, but abuse them, and mind control them.

>> No.17772425

The prostitute sacrificed herself so the cult wanted somebody to replace her.

>> No.17772491

You know, it could just be of thematic and psychological importance, rather than literally meaning old men are taking their daughter.

Lol, that just defeats the purpose.

>> No.17772497
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I haven't read it so I can't say if it's good or not. Read it and report back, anon.

>> No.17772508

Literal nightmare fuel.

>> No.17772528

What purpose?

>> No.17772587

Her sacrificing herself.

>> No.17772644 [DELETED] 

Yes she did, but the purpose?

>> No.17772706

Oh I meant that since she sacrificed herself the cult wanted somebody to replace her. It came out confusing, my bad.

>> No.17774392


>> No.17774546

It's about the Bohemian Grove and some of the shady shit that happens there.
It's not a metaphor or some 2-deep-4-u schlock, its a re-creation of some of the ceremonies and blows the lid on how America's rich and powerful sometimes murder hookers for fun.
Kubrick was a member and the occult hood stuff is a literal recreation of the Grove ceremonies.

>> No.17774593

Obvious choice is Traumnovelle (Dream Story) by Arthur Schnitzler, the book Eyes Wide Shut is based on.

>> No.17774609

But he's a yucky yucky jew in that one.

>> No.17774616

Sasha Grey wrote one.

>> No.17775428

Just another thread where I have to remind dumb anti semities that not all jews are rothschilds puppets. Some of them are pious.

>> No.17775605

Do those pious jews support ethnostates for whites like they have in israel?