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17764010 No.17764010 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17764057
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Fucking brutal

>> No.17764107

>As anal play is an essential exercise in human mastery, it is better not interfered with. If the adult anxiously cuts it short, then he charges the animal function with an extra dose of anxiety.
>It becomes more threatening and has to be extra-denied and extra-avoided as an alien part of oneself. This extra-grim denial is what we mean by the "anal character." An "anal" upbringing, then, would be an affirmation, via intense repression
>Penis-envy, then, arises from the fact that the mother's genitals have been split off from her body as a focalization of the problem of decay and vulnerability. Bernard Brodsky remarks about his female patient: "Her concept of woman as fecal greatly stimulated her penis envy, since the lively erectile penis was the antonym of the dead, inert stool"
>Phyllis Greenacre--outstanding student of the child's experiences--had already remarked on this same equation in the child's perception: penis = movement, therefore life; feces = inertia, therefore death

>> No.17764126

Based Becker

>> No.17764197

Everything is a cope.
Including coping.
Even acknowledging everything is a cope is, in itself, a cope.
It's all a cope.

Ok, so now what?
What do I do with this knowledge? All it's done is make me miserable. Why did someone write this? This shit should be banned, unironically. This is too grim for most people. There's no turning back from it and Becker offers no solutions.

>> No.17764263

Becker died a Christian in the tradition of Kierkegaard.

>> No.17764466

Yea I really don’t understand why people keep saying he’s a pessimist when most of the book is an affirmation of a kierkegaardian “God”

>> No.17764495

Implying that people on /lit/ read

>> No.17764518

Last book I read, made me realise even more that I need a religion; but becker kind of ruined it anyway. I'll strap in for a copeless existence, wish me luck bros

>> No.17764538

you didn't already realize everything in life is a cope for death? anyone who gets their mind blown by a "pulitzer prize winning" book is a ultra-midwit

>> No.17764888

Work on life extension technologies and enjoy what you can.

>> No.17764902

That was a cope just like Kierkegaard coped with his melancholic philosophy.

Filthy humanist get out of this thread

>> No.17764948

>That was a cope just like Kierkegaard coped with his melancholic philosophy.
Yes, that's the whole point. It's the final cope. It's a self-aware cope.

>> No.17765023

Maybe there's something wrong with me but this book didn't make me want to fucking rope ASAP. I already kind of thought that everything was cope. Relationships, religion, "passions"- all cope.

>> No.17765037
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There's so many books I want to read but I've passed on because the author is a Jude or from a jewish background. Fucking /pol/ has ruined me. Had to stop 30 pages in on I and Thou because i realized Buber was a tribe member

>> No.17765069

You're mentally fucked bro.
Literally read this book to shatter your shitty spooks. If you can't then just read The Last Messiah. Zapffe basically presented same thesis 45 years before Becker.

>> No.17765133

Good call desu, if not for the right reasons.

>> No.17765137

And that's a good thing. I don't read any Jewish literature because of conspiracy shit or /pol/, but because they are neurotic nutcase who can't enjoy life

>> No.17765176

What was Zappfe's solution?

>> No.17765192

By rejecting Christ they rejected Life. Sad! many such cases

>> No.17765235

You are an illustrate faggot.
First Tolstoy wrote the ways people in his friends circle cope with death then Zapffe wrote The Last Messiah. Both of them were Aristocrats who spent their whole lives doing literature and philosopher.
Also pessimism is a primitive philosophy which linked backed to an ancient Greek God Silenus(The Wisdom of Silenus).

Read the essay. You can read it in 30 minutes.


>> No.17765246

If everything is a cope then that philosophy defeats itself and then there is no point in being miserable. You being miserable as a reaction is the cope.

>> No.17765396

You clearly have no idea what philosophy is.

>> No.17765447

It's an ambiguous word so I don't really give a shit about an all encompassing definition. In my culture and language wisdom is also called philosophy.

>> No.17765463

You think what you said and the authors you cited characterize wisdom? Start with Plato.

>> No.17765511

Yes I do consider A Confession by Tolstoy and The Last Messiah works of existential philosophy. And Wisdom of Silenus is also philosophy.
I don't give a single shite about systematic or academic autism.

>> No.17766423


>> No.17766478

This book probably fucked me up somehow. I read it when I was 18 or something. It's neurotic as fuck.

>> No.17766589

I remember that part about the boy whoose bowels fell out of his rectum if his mother didn't push it back in - felt very sad reading that

>> No.17768237

Now read Frankl and grow up.

>> No.17768269

Life is not for your enjoyment. This is a hedonistic fallacy that is causing the greatest rise in depression ever.

Anti semitism is foolishness. The Rothchilds are not all jews. This is a false generalisation. How dumb can you be. SMFH!

I reiterate read Frankl.

>> No.17768692
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>the meaning you choose for yourself in life matters because... uhh... it just DOES, ok!!

>> No.17768906
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*blocks ur path*

>> No.17769189

>I reiterate read Frankl
Is that the unholyhoax guy?

>> No.17769691

I agree actually, nearly all Jewish writers are neurotic cunts that live haunted existences, but that's not their prerogative, the South Africans are equally miserable. The guy that authored the meme book (you know which one) is also South African.

>> No.17770353


>> No.17770462

desu I prefer U. G.

>> No.17770501

t. neurotic jew

>> No.17770549

I gave up on UG after reading about his "enlightenment" experiences. He was just another bitter hack along.

>> No.17770691

still got a soft spot for the fella

>> No.17770747

Don't know bro.
It kinda disappointed me. I still have his philosophy in my mind.

>> No.17770896
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Same, I stopped read the OP book because I'm just not that afraid of death nor do I deny it. So its meaningless to me.

>> No.17771045

Take off your clothes and dive in naked brother. Feel the water brush against your penis like a flipper. Feel it. Use it. Swim like a fish.

>> No.17771111

>I stopped read the OP book
>I'm just not that afraid of death nor do I deny it
>I stopped read the OP book
If you'd read the book you'd know how typical your behavior is and actually affirms the author's point.

>> No.17771117

Everything is a cope, including Becker's book. Therefore it is wrong, therefore everything isn't a cope.

>> No.17771118

Based and checked

>> No.17771120

Rhetoric is not philosophy. Again, start with Plato urgently.

>> No.17771200

It is considered philosophy in my culture so for me it is phil.

>> No.17771217


>> No.17771392

I repeat: you are ignorant about philosophy. I don’t care about degenerated values of a decadent culture, and neither does reality.

>> No.17771403

I repeat: you are ignorant about philosophy. I don’t care about degenerated values of a decadent culture, and neither does reality.

>> No.17771493

It's quite enlightening that Nihlisim defeats Nihlistic lifestyles / thinking itself

>> No.17771527

What I remember of the book is that the author was talking a lot about self-defence mechanisms that spring out of the fear of death, and I just don't fear death. Otherwise the book seemed Jewwy and just didn't align with how I feel about stuff.

>> No.17771608

Life-changing. Take in small doses. Follow up with existential psychotherapy (Yalom). Become an courageous existentialist or adopt a removal strategy.

>> No.17771621


What is a "removal strategy"?

>> No.17771672


>> No.17771858

Read the Epic of Gilgamesh. We need a Cope and there's nothing wrong with that. You could travel to the end of the world, defeat Monsters and bargain with the gods, you're still going to die. Go back to Uruk, drink wine, have kids, enjoy what you have while you can and avoid reading Nietzsche like if his books were the Bull of Heaven.

>> No.17772105

Same. I don't really take issue with the content of the book itself-- I'm very influenced by Freud and Kierkegaard anyway. It's more that Becker's narrow analysis of existentialism, psychoanalysis and Rousseau was easy to see through as pure depression, one I don't have quite the same intellectual commitment to. Dude was committed to his views way before writing this book I imagine.

>> No.17772447
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>> No.17772456

>existential psychotherapy (Yalom)
any guides or resources?

>> No.17772463

Read Staring at the Sun

>> No.17772518


now you realize that coping is not actually a bad thing it's just losers on the internet projecting on everybody else for having the ability to actually deal with their own life

>> No.17772533
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>What do I do with this knowledge?
You cope

Roll your rock up a hill faggot

>> No.17772749

is there something wrong with coping?

>> No.17772817

His point is that all there is is cope. We're all trying to find reasons to keep on living, but there is no real reason to hence this >>17772533

Schopenhauer said that the only to things that keep life in motion are desire and illusion. You remove those you remove the will to live.

>> No.17772823


I unironically pass over some jewish authors not as a rule but because they're always so popularized and overhyped by fellow tribers in the media. Death and Denial is a prime example of this. Another is "Thinking Fast and Slow" by Kahneman. I won't pass over any serious literature but any book that's been pushed to prominence from credentialism I approach skeptically.

>> No.17773060

Wasn't this obvious to anyone else from the time they were young? Like you guys didn't realize by their teenage years that life had no central narrative? Western civilization has lived with awareness of this since at least Nietzsche's time

>> No.17773110

Too true. Because Hitler lost the war the only acceptable narrative that can replace the God shaped hole in the heart of of mankind is the neurotic fretting of urbane Jewish intellectuals? Why not heroism? Why not violence? Why not meaning carved in blood? Why not the pagan spiritual rebirth that the BAP types want? If no true meaning exists then let the lads forge their own. Beats porn and videogames

>> No.17773166

fuck life extension

>> No.17773186

unironically my favorite answer to nihilism.

>if nothing matters, then why does it matter to you that nothing matters? Unless of course, something does matter, and you were too afraid to face it....

>> No.17773190

yes but Schopenhauer was phenomenically obsessed baindead ape so I can easily ignore his bs and realize instead that all existence demands it's realization therefore all reasons needed to wan't to keep living is to become myself even if I will still be a mortal man at the end of the day (wich is a good thing anyways)

>> No.17773220

...Unless of course, something doesn't matter and you were too afraid to face it.

>> No.17773240

It doesn't matter to me that it doesn't matter to you, I'm off to rape, what now?

>> No.17773246

It's not some enlightened revelation. Many people that grew up in shitty families have this feeling

>> No.17773249

You can't possibly reach your own ass.

>> No.17773261

If I already read the Ligotti should I read this too? I liked that one just wondering if they are majorly different. Thanks

>> No.17773287

When you're young you're able to process that you're going to die but it takes a while for the grimness of the situation to really sink in because in the beginning your idea of death is kind of vague and time seems so slow

>> No.17773300

>Modern people can handle death and spend their time alive obsessing over it.

>> No.17773322

always has been like this

>> No.17773329

Schopenhauer is what happens when you hate your mother

>> No.17773351

I guess, I'm mostly aware of how angsty the Greeks were. However, the anxiety I see now over death seems to be oddly pervasive and intense.

>> No.17773394

Books like this are the reason I am utterly fascinated by religion. The inevitable conclusion from the nihilistic rationalization put forth by people like Becker is no less insane than Christianity

>> No.17773427

is because we now have no religion to cuddle our balls everytime they shiver in fear and existential dread

>> No.17773590

>>if nothing matters, then why does it matter to you that nothing matters? Unless of course, something does matter, and you were too afraid to face it....
There are those who don't care that nothing matters, there rare because we long for a sense of meaning and purpose in life, because it gives our existence a sense of validity and that we are worthwhile. If this is true I don't know? But just because you feel a certain way doesn't prove anything

>> No.17773733

>BAP types
what are those anon?

>> No.17773801

what's the opposite of this book?

>> No.17773836
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This. Ironic considering he was so influential to Becker.

>> No.17773868

The acceptance of life

Also kill yourself

>> No.17773896

Becker became a Christian in the tradition of Kierkegaard.

>> No.17774021

Really? I've not seen or read any mention of a conversion at any point in his life, especially not in Escape from Evil where he basically goes on a full Nietzschean polemic.

>> No.17774638
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You can read these books as long as you prepare yourself mentally and stay wary.

And use Libgen.

>> No.17774688

just another kike popping off

>> No.17775263

Nietzsches ideas are basically all Christian even though he doesn't realise it. The superman is just his failed attempt to understand the messiah.

>> No.17775283

This is what I dont get. Given the pic, this is why I believe in God. No it can't be proven, no there might not be meaning in it, but I choose to have faith.
I feel like fucking neo when I have these thought, it mkes me cringe a) that I think this and b) that atheists, agnostics and all sorts of secuar peopels are too dumb to understand this.

>> No.17775298

It matters because you make the choice to give it meaning you dumb fucking pleb.
No. Just not an idiot.