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17745282 No.17745282 [Reply] [Original]

>in Japan posting your webnovel online can lead to success, fame and traditional publishing with adaptations in multiple mediums
>anywhere else in the world if you post your webnovel online it will gain a small following of autists at best and fade into obscurity
Why is life so unfair /lit/bros?

>> No.17745300

"Welcome to the NHK" was an exploitation novel, since hikikomori is a big issue in Japan. It's not good on its own.
If you write a novel to exploit current trends in society (faggotry and antiracism, for example) you'll achieve 'success'.

>> No.17745316

"Demons" was an exploitation novel, since revolutionary nihilism was a big issue in Russia. It's not good on its own.

>> No.17745320

"Oblomov" was an exploitation novel, since idle young noblemen were a big issue in Russia. It's not good on its own.

>> No.17745348

This, but unironically.

>> No.17745351
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Japanese society is fucking unironically the last retreat for a sane person in the clown world. I'm not sure I'll be able to learn the language in the following 5 years before the collapse, when this island will undoubtedly self-isolate for ages.
If I'm fortunate enough, in the following years I will just lie back, sip a cup tea and finally ahve a rest while enjoying the view of the West's downfall.

>> No.17745376

They know how to appreciate effort and creativity. We only know how to appreciate the lowest common denominator

>> No.17745390

Because Japanese Internet is incredibly centralized and insular. They have a very healthy and robust doujin publishing industry that allows artists to get their work out there, both in physical venues like Comiket and virtual ones like Pixiv.
Western Internet is centralized around social media lmao.

>> No.17745453

The problem of /lit/ is the ever present moronic idea that philosophical ideas and social commentary are the only thing that matters in art.

>> No.17745743

No, that’s only for the pseudo-intellectual. You know, the ones who think writing your story as if it the 19th century or early 20th century automatically makes it great.

>> No.17745763

>It's not good on its own.
Strongly disagree, it's reasonably well written and creative and the ending is both novel and strong.

>> No.17745966

They can't self isolate because they dony have an agricultural industry that can feed the country

>> No.17745975

You're crazy if you think Japan isn't going to have international strife with China and US involvement in the coming decades.

>> No.17745986

dude, you shouldnt let cartoons created for children and images you find online dictate what you think of a country. Look up on youtube the daily life of a japanese salary man, it seems worse than America.

>> No.17746046

>>in Japan posting your webnovel online can lead to success, fame and traditional publishing with adaptations in multiple mediums

doesn't mean they don't suck

>> No.17746116

And you shouldn't let those things cloud yours either. I have close friends living in Japanese and America, and to be honest the Burgers are not that much better off than the japs living style wise, but at least in Japanese the progressive crowd are treated as they should be - ignored and ridiculed. You don't have to worry about being called a racist either, since the japs will most likely outracist you anyway, so tough luck if you're a westerners wanting to live there.

>> No.17746377

Have too-much-work whining, fuck-landlords, fuck-capitalism pale millenial city-dwellers finally breached into /lit/?

>> No.17746401

Strife? You mean mutants throwing rocks in a nuclear wasteland?

>> No.17746409
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>it's another fake "conservative" (slave) defends the very atomised industrial slavery that conservatism was created to criticise

>> No.17746468

salary men are a fraction of the Japanese work force

>> No.17746469

I think OP’s point is that Japanese have somewhere to share their work and be appreciated and maybe even make money off of it, whereas over here not only is there no such thing you stand a near zero chance of being published unless your book is overtly progressive “How to Unf*ck Your Life” gobbledygook. The Japanese scene isn’t ideal but over here, in America, it’s truly grim.

>> No.17746485

>old people rule over young
>people unironically gave up on having sex
>omnipresent moralism
>subterranean perversion and pedophilia
>rape trains
>won't get admitted to medicine if woman
>medieval views on work ethics
>devotion to leaders
>unironically criticize you to death if you "embarass" the nation through your manga/anime/book
Truly the last bastion of civilization.

>> No.17746490

salary men jobs are where most of their economy is concentrated, the more recent generations have seen an upsurge of gigging, which obviously is not financially stable.

>> No.17746502

Well, from what I hear you can’t be accepted culturally over there anyway. You can only be a long term visitor. Can you imagine an English speaking expat becoming a prolific novelist in Japan? Maybe it’s possible have a hard time imagining it.

>> No.17746505

>why yes, all information I get on Japan is English wokeist clickbait lugenpresse, how could you tell?

>> No.17746506

That is all just Japanese schlock. But at least it's schlock for and by NEETs I suppose.

>> No.17746515

the the problem is all the successful web novels are just permutations of the most marketable fiction elements. you can't call any of it good literature. sure dime novels have been around forever, but it certainly doesn't foster a legitimate creative culture or at least one better than in America

>> No.17746547

sorry to ruin your weeb fantasy, but the japanese nation is failing and even the japanese know it. it's exactly why the conservative government increased immigration from brown countries.

>> No.17746567

>the japanese nation is failing
It’s not.

>> No.17746583

I’ve read the Re:Zero web novel and while I thought it was really good. There have even been manga and anime where I thought “If this just went a little farther with its themes and was in novel, it would be really excellent.” Domestic market Kanojo is one example.

>> No.17746593

Demography is destiny anon. Look at Japan's birth rates, economy, etc. They're fucked. Of course, the whole Western world is fucked by similar problems, but Japan particularly so.

>> No.17746607
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Yes it is, and it's exactly the reason why Japan has its near perfect cleanness, close to zero criminals and intellegent citizens.
To live as permanent tourist, moreover a living museum object, OR to die from hunger on a barren, war-thorn desert ravaged by looters, aka the state of 90% Earth surface in 10 years?

>> No.17746635

>birth rates
You're a giant retard. Jap birthrates are the same or better than several european countries. the jap birthrate meme is literally just society of the spectacle bullshit.

>> No.17746680

Unironically thank you. This kind of reddit pseudo-smart random facts always make my blood boil

>> No.17746682

Although this article probably points out genuine mistakes in the reporting, this still seems odd. The Japanese government itself is openly concerned about the birth rate



I'm not claiming the Japanese birth rate is the lowest in the world or anything -- the whole developed world is suffering from this problem.

>> No.17746710

This is a blatant lie, lol.

>> No.17746711

This was my vision too, which is why I learned the language and got a job teaching there, then transferred to a permanent position using connections at the school. It's really a complicated thing to talk about, but to try and summarize, yes it's much different from the West, but it has an entirely different and unique set of problems which are arguably equal to the problems the West is facing. Social issues exist here, but like all things in Japan, they're not slapped into your face, they're whispered about and swept under the rug. If a shop starts to fail, no one will have the gut to tell the owner why it's failing; conversely, people will act excessively positive to prevent the topic from ever being broached, and they'll watch it fail and act like they're shocked. No one is truly honest and upfront because they're too afraid to be individuals with non-generic opinions and they'd never want to be "that one person" who does anything.

Also, the hours here are ridiculous. 8-12 hour days, then required off-time drinking with staff. It's not literally legally required, but you can kiss your job goodbye if you don't go at least 2-3 times a week. When I was working at the school, I would get up at 6am, be there at 7:15, work till 3:15, then as a teacher you're expected to stay through most afterschool activities, which are about 1-5 hours. Then the staff would split into groups and head out to eat and drink until about 11-12pm. So some days I would wake up at 6am and legitimately not get home until 1am, then be expected to be up the next day at 6am. I would need to grade papers on the monorail on my way home at midnight.

There are plenty of other negatives, but the low crime and lack of "degeneracy" are important, and the fact that I feel safe walking through city streets at 1am means more to me than anything else. There are racists, many people get sorta snide or short, but it's to be expected. There are people who hold up signs and picket that Japan needs to get rid of all the foreigners and it's a bit awkward walking past them, but otherwise, as long as you spend years studying and becoming nearly perfect with your pronunciation and mannerisms, you will be accepted. When you hear people saying that they all secretly dislike foreigners, it's the idea of a foreigner; someone who comes into the country and doesn't learn the culture or language and who is visibly and audibly distinct from others in speech and mannerisms. I got married and taken into a family and I now have a wide circle of friends, more than I ever had in America.

tl;dr yes but no

>> No.17746747

>Japan is nice b/c of its homogenous population, I hate the heterogenous place I live
>I, a non Japanese person, should move there
You are a cancer.

>> No.17746772

They lie about these statistics. They pretend as if Japanese wages are stagnant when in reality it’s just more people are retiring.

>> No.17746778

Are there any other variants if I don't want to fucking die?
And I'm not trying to bring the slightest bit of my culture in Japan. I hope my grandchildren will be able to call themselves Japanese

>> No.17746797

I don’t think that’s the reason. The fact Japan was very much a militarized society (much like former Germany) and one in which the political aristocracy managed to built efficient economic corporations that stand forever rather than get beheaded by angry rabble who open up livelihood to chaotic flux as well as the enormous post-Meiji emphasis on collective respect and discipline which still exists today probably has more to do with it than homogeneity itself. They have school children clean their own schools. That sort of thing is almost unthinkable over here.

>> No.17746815

So guys I lived in Tokyo for 2 years back in 2015-2016 and i can promise you guys 99% of people are not racist or weird if you can speak Japanese. The reason they are sometimes biased against foreigners is because they and who can blame them really, expect a walking through the city gaijin to be either a clueless jock or a fat weeb or some retarded Indian guy who works "in IT". If you actually talk to them in proper Japanese about Dazai or something, their eyes instantly gleam with great appreciation and then you engage in conversation.

>> No.17746833

>Also, the hours here are ridiculous. 8-12 hour days, then required off-time drinking with staff.
How japanese people can live like that is beyond me, it's the main reason why I would never want to move there permanently.

>> No.17746844

The truth is that Japan and the west are completely fucked as far as birthrates go, they'll both suffer the same problems in the future.

>> No.17746845

>probably has more to do with it than homogeneity itself.
The two are very related I'd say, it is precisely because there is a real sense of identity they things like
>They have school children clean their own schools. That sort of thing is almost unthinkable over here.
are possible. What's that old saying...when something belongs to everyone, it belongs to no-one? There's very little personal responsibility in America because we're all just 'renters' so to speak. I don't want to do anything for my neighbor, I've nothing in common with them, I don't know them, and I don't want to since our relationship is transitory and transactional at best That's why Americans rely on the government because it's a way to collectivize duties without actually being responsible for your neighbor, since you are not like them. Of course government is horribly ineffective at most things, so....

I live in NYC. There's trash everywhere. I couldn't believe how clean the roads and the like were when I finally got to travel. It was genuinely unnerving to see clean buses or trains that actually ran on time or didn't stink of urine.

>> No.17746857

Anon, that's only if you're a salaryman. Become a novelist, you don't have to work at all..

>> No.17746902

Has there ever been a good webnovel?
MT isn't it

>> No.17746911

>There are people who hold up signs and picket that Japan needs to get rid of all the foreigners
Based. Hope they execute you.

>> No.17747051

>people unironically gave up on having sex
only men, and it's mostly because women in japan are the most hypergamous in the world. top 1% of japanese Chads fuck more than anyone in the world, while majority of men kill themselves due to not being able to get laid
>old people rule over young
is there anywhere in the world where that doesn't apply?
>medieval views on work ethics
why the fuck would you want this? you can do that here, just get a job as an accountant in big 4

>> No.17747162

>t's not good on its own

Might not be deserving of any high-brow prizes, but it's single most influential work for me, desu senpai.

>> No.17747170

they will switch to it. Do you think techno-industrial society doesn't know how to plant and harvest rice?

>> No.17747190

how else would you build a bastion around your culture? By celebrating degenerate art that embarasses your nation? By not practicing moralism? By not letting the old, who have worked all their lives, lead? By abandoning hierarchy?
If you have a stable agreeable society it's only natural tehy are devoted to their leaders, because they aren't atomized and their leaders aren't pawns to the rootles globalist elite clique.

>> No.17747198

Not him, but what he said is true, I have lived there for five years. Autism is strong with the japanese people. Women are way uglier than in anime, and chinese women are more beautiful. Food is great, though.

>> No.17747200

>most influential work for me
I'm sorry.

>> No.17747210

Is it really exploitative if the writer himself is a hikkimori?

>> No.17747249

exploitation is just a label with no meaning at all. No need to think about it or defend it or argue it.

>> No.17747260

>writer himself is a hikkimori
Irrelevant. The point here is that if you write about a societal problem that's on the lips of everyone at the moment, you will trivially achieve popularity irregardless of quality of your work. For example, during the recent GME stock market chaos, you could make a name for yourself on Youtube or whatever just making videos about GME everyday, even if you have no clue of what you're talking about.

>> No.17747267

Great read, thank you.

>> No.17747422


>> No.17747601

This thinking is so stupid.

>> No.17748187

It’s not.

>> No.17748598

It really is.

>> No.17748699

>Also, the hours here are ridiculous. 8-12 hour days, then required off-time drinking with staff. It's not literally legally required, but you can kiss your job goodbye if you don't go at least 2-3 times a week. When I was working at the school, I would get up at 6am, be there at 7:15, work till 3:15, then as a teacher you're expected to stay through most afterschool activities, which are about 1-5 hours. Then the staff would split into groups and head out to eat and drink until about 11-12pm. So some days I would wake up at 6am and legitimately not get home until 1am, then be expected to be up the next day at 6am. I would need to grade papers on the monorail on
I was supposed to move there this summer. This was my only hang up since I’m a writer and obviously like to read a lot.

>> No.17748954

Ocean farming will fix that.

>> No.17749262

How old were you when you made the move?

>> No.17749283

western civ is dying this is why. in the old days you could reach fame just by doing well at the Symposium. nowadays unless you sell your soul to GAFAM and the establishment and rape kids you are basically nobody. Japan is somehow still holding on to basic concepts of culture. It's remarkable.

>> No.17749326

If you can read on a train, that'd be ideal. I stopped writing when I was working at the school because I had no time. Unfortunately I get motion sick if I try to read a book so I'd mostly read manga at the beginning. Were you going to sign up for a JET program? It was always busy but it was a very enjoyable experience.


>> No.17749718

How well did you know the language by the time you moved? How did you go about learning it? And how much time did it take you to come to feel 'accepted' by the community you were in?

thanks for answering questions btw, this is pretty interesting to me

>> No.17750162

>Why is life so unfair /lit/bros?
Doesn't help that /lit/ looks down on webnovels.

>> No.17750235

>f a shop starts to fail, no one will have the gut to tell the owner why it's failing; conversely, people will act excessively positive to prevent the topic from ever being broached, and they'll watch it fail and act like they're shocked.
This is why Japan will implode in some decades. Everything will collapse and it will be the fault of China or gajins or God but the thing is that Japan is a country ruled by old mans in their 70's for people in the 60's and fuck everyone else and fuck the future.

>> No.17750499

Wow, what an absolute retard.

>> No.17750695

I just saw one of the WORST webcomics get a contract with netflix.

>> No.17750702

There's your problem.

>> No.17750728


>> No.17750985

Pretty well. I had been a weeb/neet for a few years and been watching anime, then moved on to dramas and whatever else I could find. I learned the kana and then learned about 1000 kanji definitions (the most common ones) using anki. Then played visual novels and extracted kanji phrases to learn their readings. Then I started to get serious and tried to make Japanese friends online for language practice and that helped a ton though it was pretty uncomfortable.
As you probably know, you can't move to Japan unless you have a job waiting for you there, and I was a part of one of many programs which bring english speakers over to teach. Being in one of those programs gives you an immediate community of gaijin to associate with. The gaijin teachers keep separate from the native ones for the most part during lunch and other socializing events. I really started to understand the culture on a deeper level and my Japanese improved tremendously. I stopped reading english books for months and forced myself to think exclusively in Japanese as much as possible. After I was there for about a year, half of the foreigners decided not to renew their visas, new people came to replace them and I decided it would be better for my future if I took a chance and, instead of staying comfortable with the english speakers, tried getting closer with the other staff I was assisting. They were all super welcoming and I started to basically merge into the native social circle instead of the gaijin one. The shared sentiment they would each mention to me separately was that they thought I was "very good at speaking Japanese" and that "you don't seem like a foreigner" which I know recognize after a few more years of being here, is a Japanese person's unconscious way of saying they accept you.
Sorry for rambling aimlessly at the general questions. If you have any specific non-personal questions, and the thread is still up by morning, I'll gladly answer them.

>> No.17750988

Is this the new cope for you faggots?

>> No.17751020

Make sure you get your Anki and immersion flowing if you wanna learn quickly

>> No.17751302

Do you want to apply to Japanese citizenship?

>> No.17751330

I could see Japan just defecting to the Chinese side if things continue as they are. They are already started to pander more heavily to the Chinese in their media and expressing ideas of Asian solidarity against the West.

>> No.17751362

Living the weeb dream.

>> No.17751367

How so?

>> No.17751732

Ignore him. He's a china shill.

>> No.17751840

>There's very little personal responsibility in America because we're all just 'renters' so to speak. I don't want to do anything for my neighbor, I've nothing in common with them, I don't know them, and I don't want to since our relationship is transitory and transactional at best
Yeah that's sort of what Robert Putnam, Michael Lind etc. have talked about. Diversity, civic participation, free market, etc.

>> No.17751846

>because they aren't atomized and their leaders aren't pawns to the rootles globalist elite clique.
you just described japan

>> No.17752092

Japan can salf-isolate and prosper at any moment. They have an ideal defensive position and self-sufficient economy, even China can't make them dependent on their goods

>> No.17752119
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>Japan can salf-isolate and prosper at any moment
Their economy has been stagnated since the 90s...

>> No.17752143

The west's publishing industry will have to emulate Japans at some point, the demand is incredibly strong. We are already seeing male-oriented genre fiction take off in the self-publishing space.

The one piece we are missing is illustrators, the LN format with covers, illustrations, etc makes the books work better with a male audience and drives physical sales.

>> No.17752152

Stagnated, but hasn't collapsed like the West. Cities are still clean and safe, country hasn't given in to immigration. They can win the world simply through attrition. Any Western country could as well, but they're too comped.

>> No.17752352

If not Western financial manipulations it wouldn't be so

>> No.17752580

I wouldn't build a bastion around my own culture because I am not fucking autistic and I know that for my culture to progress it needs to interact with others. That's why the Greeks happened on the mediterranean instead of in the middle of the russian mainland.

>> No.17752702

My little brother finally decided to read after finding that and another from the same author.
What's wrong with it? Should I check it out for the heck of it?

>> No.17752941

Russian? Wtf

>> No.17752979

>Japanese society is fucking unironically the last retreat for a sane person in the clown world.
Nigger, I live in Japan and I'd give anything to go back to my shithole (sadly it's physically impossible right now). They don't like you, they don't want you and the cops will check your sorry white ass whenever they fucking want. Trust me, today I went (again) through that shit. Stop watching anime, it isn't healthy.
>inb4 then how come you live there?
A woman, a now dead passion for a dead hardcore scene and money.

>> No.17752984

Why would you bring your insane ass into that country? You're part of the problem lol.

>> No.17752998

>They don't like you, they don't want you and the cops will check your sorry white ass whenever they fucking want.
You should write a book about that, I'd love to read it

>> No.17753010

It's not book material. Best case scenario they consider you a long-term tourist, others will see in you a potential criminal and/or peace-disruptor (good help you if you mix up the trash).

>> No.17753038

Hathor the Cow Godess?
Moon over June?

>> No.17753079

Neither of those.

>> No.17753337
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>MT isn't it
>hurr durr it's popular so it's bad
MT is definitely one of the best isekai stories out there, it became #1 on syosetu for a reason and got an adaptation for a reason too. You're probably just another retard who read a touched up Google translation machine translation version of it and formed your 'opinion' based on that.

>> No.17753401

I bet you are not higher than N3

>> No.17753465

No. I've thought about it, but it's too much of a commitment. I currently need to pay taxes to both countries and it's a pain, but it's hard for me to just abandon my USA citizenship. Once I decide I'm definitely staying here for the rest of my life, I most likely will, but for now I'm still considered a visitor.

>> No.17753499

>They don't like you, they don't want you
That's because you are the equivalent of a mexican imported over the border to pick the fields who can hardly speak English. They have no reason to respect you when you haven't put in the effort to show you want to be part of their society. I've been here years and the only time I ever got checked by cops was at the airport.

>> No.17753515

>There are plenty of other negatives, but the low crime and lack of "degeneracy" are important, and the fact that I feel safe walking through city streets at 1am means more to me than anything else. There are racists, many people get sorta snide or short, but it's to be expected. There are people who hold up signs and picket that Japan needs to get rid of all the foreigners and it's a bit awkward walking past them, but otherwise, as long as you spend years studying and becoming nearly perfect with your pronunciation and mannerisms, you will be accepted. When you hear people saying that they all secretly dislike foreigners, it's the idea of a foreigner; someone who comes into the country and doesn't learn the culture or language and who is visibly and audibly distinct from others in speech and mannerisms. I got married and taken into a family and I now have a wide circle of friends, more than I ever had in America.
I feel like people don't ever factor this shit in when they talk about how good or bad a place is. Who gives a fuck if you can spend all day bad mouthing the government if you can't even get to your local shop without being shot?

>> No.17753533

>They have no reason to respect you when you haven't put in the effort to show you want to be part of their society.
Look, I mind my own business and I don't give two fucks what my japanese neighbor does. I don't know what you mean by "being part of their society", I pay my fucking taxes and don't break the law. Weebs like you love to project a bunch of bullshit about language and society and blah blah blah, I don't see the correlation between all that and the fact that a blue-nigger stopped me over nothing when I was literally walking in a straight line from Asakusa to Ueno.
I bet you suck micro-cocks.

>> No.17753685

>I mind my own business and I don't give two fucks what my japanese neighbor does. I don't know what you mean by "being part of their society", I pay my fucking taxes and don't break the law.
Those are not positives. Japan is community-based and you should know the people around you. My neighbor is an old lady and we talk almost every day when I'm walking home. She waters her hanging garden at that time specifically so that we can talk. Three houses down, there is a family who just turned three and the kid is a goof who plays pranks on all of us. There are some people who don't talk to others, and they ostracize themselves, usually because they're either unstable and probably going to off themselves or they're foreigners who suck at Japanese.
The correlation is that when there is a crime, it's much easier to believe it's the guy who clearly does not understand and conform to the society's culture than someone who does.
I visit Ueno from time to time, but now that I'm situated a bit outside Asaka it's harder to make time.

>> No.17754238

God, that’s stupid.

>> No.17754400

I don’t actually know anything about it. My point is there’s only a few types of books which are getting published here and most of them are cookie cutter, not good.

>> No.17754407

> 22
You think it would’ve been harder for you if you were older?

>> No.17754455

>Were you going to sign up for a JET program? It was always busy but it was a very enjoyable experience.
Yeah. I want to do JET. I already work in education albeit not as a teacher or teaching assistant. I have no idea what I’d do after but it seems like a job I wouldn’t mind so much. I’m not thrilled about the timelines though. Some of us who interviewed have either been put on hold or dropped because of the virus situation and issues with visas I guess. I chose to drop and re-apply later when things are more clear so I can keep my current job. Thing is, applications don’t open until the fall to work for the fall of the next year and I’ll be 29 at that time...which has caused a few mental blocks for me among other things
but it’s not like I could get there any sooner anyway.

I have a friend there who thinks that learning the language really well, or as well as you can from home, before he got there and looking/dressing the part helped him a lot. What do you think about that?

>> No.17754603

That’s because in their country it’s 100 percent Asian demographics.

>> No.17754814

They want young people. Most of the other teachers were 21 to 30. If you're older than that, you may have issues and would want to try and find a different route to work in the country.

That's unfortunate about the current travel/hiring situation, but I suppose it's to be expected. I would keep applying when you can as it's a great experience, but also keep in mind it's not meant to be permanent. Most of the teachers are simply using the job as a way to be in Japan and create connections and search for some other job which will let them remain in the country. So even if you do get the job, you probably won't want to be there more than maybe two or three years. There's no room for upward movement and they will eventually cut you off to give others the opportunity.

Understanding the culture and mannerisms and having a basic grasp of the language is key to success. There were other teachers who knew about fifty words of Japanese and they did fine in the position, but they left after a year because they had no way of breaking out of the small gaijin circle. Many foreigners also don't take the time to learn the inner workings of how their society and social interactions, which are very different from ours. A compliment could easily be an insult. If someone "It's good, I guess" (in Japanese) that means it's bad. Slightly bowing your head at the proper time when making small statements which are requests is important. So many tiny cultural things can help you.
I never went to school for Japanese so you can definitely do it from home. I self-studied to N1 and, while it's a lengthy process, if you immerse yourself in Japanese media, it's not difficult. Watch Japanese dramas and variety television shows like Gaki no Tsukai and pay close attention to their mannerisms and the tone variety in their words. Learn about how their language is still heavily formal and you need to change your word choice based on who you are speaking to. At its base, the language is easy, the sentence structures are amazingly simple and, unlike English, rules are almost always universal. It's not until you start getting into the writing system and trying to master a vocab larger than common daily usage that the language gets incredibly difficult, but that's not technically something you'd ever need to worry about.

>> No.17754872

I’m the same person you’re responding to. Sorry I’m bombarding you with questions. I’m about to turn 28 so I’m 27. I would be 29 before the program begins, if I’m accepted again. Like I said, I have something of a hang up about my age. I wish I had gone when I was younger, but I’m working on my language skills so if all else fails, hopefully, I’d be able to get a non-teaching job. I’m using MIA/AJATT method so I’m immersing. My progress is actually slow but I’m getting better. I really want to be able to read and write above all else. Do you think my age will be a problem for me at all?

I’d really like to go sooner rather than later so if travels open up, I would apply to any and all immediate postings. I’m just wary about getting stuck with a shitty dispatch company I suppose. I wouldn’t want to be an ALT or ESL teacher forever. I know it’s not a career, but I might be interested in teaching generally as a career long term. I don’t know.

So you think immersing in a lot of media is the best way to pick up on social norms and body language before you get there? That’s something I haven’t really been actively paying attention to.

>> No.17754970

As Hegel pointed out, the Orient has an intrinsic tendency toward stasis. India and China for example, despite the intrusion of the modern world, still maintain archaic social structures. China repeats the Emperor despotic trope (whether it be Mao or Emperor Qin), India stubbornly clings to its caste system and its medieval social norms. Japan is no different. Despite how technologized and modern it has become, it still reproduces the feudalist hierarchy which was its norm for thousands of years, including maintaining the imperial household which has lasted that long, being the last imperial royalty in the world. Concomitant to this is deference to authority, "knowing your place" and a culture of self-sacrifice for surrogate clans and daimyos, in this case, one's corporation and their CEO. The Japanese salaryman is the samurai of capitalist Japan, self-sacrificing and in service of their clan, willing to commit ritual suicide by working 12 hour shifts until they die face down in their desks from exhaustion.

>> No.17755063

>Do you think my age will be a problem for me at all?
It probably depends on the other applicants who apply when you apply. I really can't say for certain, but I personally don't think being 27/28 should stop you from applying, especially because you have prior education work experience. I had nothing but a bachelor's degree in a wholly unrelated field.

Yes, and dramas are great because they exaggerate them so they're easy to pick up on and emulate. It probably sounds dumb, but pay attention to head movement and shoulder placement. When you are around your senpai or your superior, you keep your shoulders forward and head slightly tilted down. Again, not a 'requirement', but a thing which everyone does subconsciously and will make you less of a foreigner and more invisibly native.
They're also good, when you have a solid grasp on listening, for picking out how Japanese conversations differ from English ones. They're poetically simple and indirect and vague, based entirely on context which is why there are frequently misunderstandings. Plenty can be said in just a word or two, but the meaning hinges on the mindset of the listener.
There's also a youtuber Rambalac who walks aimlessly with a nice camera, filming places in Japan. I would recommend watching some of his videos and paying close attention to the people, how they interact and how they don't. When you see people standing in a shop, look at how they're standing, or how they're interacting with the clerk, and how the clerk is treating them. Focus entirely on the small details.

>> No.17755070

>The Japanese salaryman is the samurai of capitalist Japan, self-sacrificing and in service of their clan, willing to commit ritual suicide by working 12 hour shifts until they die face down in their desks from exhaustion.
I read a book that explained how contrary to popular belief, it was actually a lot of the former fuedal aristocracy that transformed itself into the industrialist caste of modernizing Japan. That stands in total opposition to what happened in the West.

>> No.17755182

Yeah, I’m still going to apply. I think I’ll get it but you never know. I’m more concerned about like integrating I guess. You know? I kind of feel like you’re still malleable at 22 but at 30 it’s getting hard to teach an old dog new tricks. There’s also things like dating and friends, and such I guess, which aren’t the end all be all for me but obviously you think about it. Can I ask what part of the country you ended up in?

I subscribe to that channel. My YT is filled with channels like that. That’s sound advice though. I never really thought of that.

>> No.17755330

>at 30 it’s getting hard to teach an old dog new tricks
I'm 29 and I feel the same way, but it's all just in your head. As you get older, it's just harder to get yourself to care enough to learn new things, it's not actually harder. I can't believe I'm going to recommend this book on /lit/, but The Shallows by Nicholas Carr does a great job of outlining neuroplasticity and how our brains can continue to learn and physically change until we die, unlike common knowledge which says the cutoff is about 20-30 years and things start slowing down or outright stop. Don't let that sort of thing bug you, anon, there are people who start new careers in their 50s and flourish.
As for dating, I had assumed I'd be foreveralone until I was 26 and got the courage to go to some party another english teacher was having and I met a cute girl there and now we're married.
I started at a school in Sagamihara, then got moved to Hachioji, then finally got a separate job in Asaka

>> No.17755334
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Yeah yeah yeah, India and Japan are completely same cultures which can be effortlessly put under one 'orient' banner. Tell me more of 18th century racist, ramblings about 'muh european exceptionalism'

>> No.17755415

I see. Yeah, I can admit that the age thing is a personal hang up for me. I mean, you see it on this board. “I’m 28 and I haven’t published. I should’ve started in college.” and things like that. I feel like that about lot of things. The writing, the place, the fact that I’m single. My 20s feel kind of wasted in that regard and I’m sure I’m not alone but you think about it, especially in this context given the things you hear about the norms in your country. Anyway, I won’t continue to spill my guts to you. I’ll read the book in all seriousness.

Would you recommend avoiding Tokyo? I have a particular interest in Tokyo but I’ve been advised to not relocate there.

>> No.17755464

People are not as big alarmists plugged into 24/7 news media cycle like you.

>> No.17755648
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I would avoid living there. The apartments are stacked high, are small and expensive, there's no greenery and there are far too many people and tourists. It's also kinda dirty, but on a Japanese scale. It's still probably cleaner than any large city in the USA or Europe. If you get a chance, stay in one of the surrounding cities and it's only 30-60 minutes by train so you can visit it every few days if you love it.
If you ever do show up, I highly recommend visiting Kyoto at least once. Walking through the narrow streets, surrounded by classically built houses, really feels like stepping back into history. Tokyo is far too busy for me, and if you feel that way, Yokohama is my favorite city. Bright shining neon lights and billboards, tons of shotengai filled with book-offs and arcades, cozy clean streets. pic related, Yokohama in like 2016

>> No.17755710

I have a contact in Tokyo and the city is appealing from the outside looking in so that’s why I asked but I have a bunch of places I want to see including Tokyo. Yokohama is another I was looking at. The girl I mentioned was from near Enoshima, which I think is kind of close. I heard Yokohama is kind of stretched out and you need a car though? Is that true? At the end of the day, I guess it doesn’t matter so much but might as well figure out preferences while you can, you know?

>> No.17755725

Just realized I didn’t mention the girl...I knew a transfer student from there in college.

>> No.17755802

Never been to Enoshima, honestly don't think I had heard of it until now, but it looks like it's about two hours from Tokyo by train so you might be able to do day trips on the weekend. I don't have a car or license but it's possible that Yokohama is much better with them. It does involve a ton of walking, so it is probably stretched out compared to other places, but it's by no means enough (to me) to be too noticeable. Granted, it might be different if I lived there. And yeah, do as much research as you can. When you're there, you'll be too overwhelmed to search for things to do. Right now, when you're far away and everything seems so distant and wonderful, you should make long lists of things that seem nice, places you want to visit, and you will appreciate the effort if/when you ever do move or even visit.

>> No.17755839

That’s pretty much what I’m doing. Anyway, thanks for all the advice.

>> No.17755892

If you have any other questions, check out the Japan General on /trv/, I lurk there sometimes as well to answer questions. Best of luck, anon.

>> No.17755968

Don't forget: the language is everything. Put the most of your effort in it. 70% of crybabies who whine about 'cold xenophobic Nippon' are lazy ass idiots who try to live in Japan with 250 words vernacular

>> No.17756079

Will do.

Yeah, do you have any tips. I said I’m doing refold which I found online. It’s based on MIA/AJATT but my progress is kind of slow. I found it slow just grinding kana actually. Idk if I’m just not dedicating enough time or what.

>> No.17756084

>as long as you spend years studying and becoming nearly perfect with your pronunciation and mannerisms, you will be accepted. When you hear people saying that they all secretly dislike foreigners, it's the idea of a foreigner; someone who comes into the country and doesn't learn the culture or language and who is visibly and audibly distinct from others in speech and mannerisms. I got married and taken into a family and I now have a wide circle of friends, more than I ever had in America.

So, you're spineless, a fraud and accomplice to why a population is declining? Good for you. If it's true of course.

>> No.17756467

How did you find /lit/ with such poor reading comprehension?

>> No.17756512

Be merciless on yourself learning kanji. Write them with your own hand. Write them many times, like 5 or 6 lines. Learn them by your heart, and write them from your head. Repeat the sets of recently learn kanjis daily, MINIMUM. If you can't write a character by your hand using nothing but own memory, you haven't learned it yet.

>> No.17757016

That’s good advice. I just need to grind it harder I think. Thank you.

>> No.17757095

I've visited Japan and it's a very nice place but I could never adapt to the country's culture, so there's no way I'd able to live there.

>> No.17757324

Okay, but what you think of how they handle web novels

>> No.17757490

Look at royalroad. There are people on that site making thousands a month from patreon and ebook releases. A very small amount succeed. Now look at syosetsu and see that most make little to no money, and only very few succeed.

The real difference is that Japan is small and there is far less competition.

>> No.17757702

You’re welcome.

>> No.17758374

Yeah, but /lit/ hates royal road, so does it really count.

>> No.17758973

>Japanese society is fucking unironically the last retreat for a sane person in the clown world.
massively fucking retarded weeb take

>> No.17758995

The fact that you say you were in a hardcore scene tells me that you stick out like a sore thumb on purpose. I'm sure you've heard the Japanese proverb "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." You're being punished for not being a conformist. Not ridiculing you but I assume this is the case, you look shady.

>> No.17759048

>Also, the hours here are ridiculous. 8-12 hour days, then required off-time drinking with staff. It's not literally legally required, but you can kiss your job goodbye if you don't go at least 2-3 times a week.
Sounds like literal hell to me.

>> No.17759098

Pc talk? Back to plebbit.

>> No.17759932

You are correct and I am Japanese. I don't like American global homo and their society has never benefited Asian men. All they did was create stereotypes that in affect benefit Asian women but harm us. Fuck em.

>> No.17760496

Its not. Sheeple love their trends, most consciousness is directed like a symphony.

>> No.17761805

I hate the west.

>> No.17761841

Why? Because it's litrpg infested?

>> No.17761847

No, because they still believe in a dying industry, like traditional publishing.

>> No.17761863

Is royal road really that profitable compared to publishing a book?

>> No.17762003
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You will never be japanese, it doesn't matter if you marry a jap, have mixed children or spend your whole fucking life studying their language, customs and culture.
And the whole country will remind you of this fact every fucking day until you die.
Japan is an ethnical nation, which has it's ups and downs, but you should ALWAYS keep in mind that you will NEVER be japanese.
To everyone contemplating to move here, don't. You will be miserable for 2-5 years and finally give up and move back, becoming a stranger in your own country as you watch your firends and family have moved on with their lives and you don't have a spot in them anymore.
Or you will get locked here because of children or your finantial situation and watch your life be slowly consumed day by day, working your ass off for people who will always regard you as a big baby even if you have reached complete mastery of their language.
Seriously, Japan is one of the most aesthetically pleasing countries in the world, and among the best tourist destination there are, but DON'T move here. You will hate it in the long term like 99% of the expats. There is a reason why most of them form their closed national communities, it's to escape Japan while remaining in it.
Just learn the language and take some long vacations here, it's the best thing to do if you like it.
Besides, by moving to Japan you will be taking part on the destruction of the thing that makes it unique and special.

>> No.17762192


>> No.17762210

>since our relationship is transitory and transactional at best
Tonnies has some great stuff about this.

>> No.17762276

t. 馬鹿外人

>> No.17762545

True but what else are you going to do? Be miserable in your own country where you are prevented on a systemic level from having any agency within the power process while you watch the few remaining vestiges of what WAS a country go down the toilet?

>> No.17762579

You will be as miserable, if not worse, in Japan, with the added point of tension of never really feeling at home.
You will forfeit the most precious thing a man can have, your sense of belonging.You will always be a visitor, a passerby. It may not seem like much, but you don't know how tolling it can get until you experience it first hand.
If you take an average class of a language school (only taking into account the westerners, not the philippines or chinese) you will see how in 5 years less than 10% of them will still be in the country. In 10 years almost none will reaming.
There are dozens of countries better than Japan to build your life in.
Take a gap year and come here to travel and learn the language if you fancy it so much, but trust me, don't dig yourself into a hole you will have a really hard time getting out of.

>> No.17762594

>You will forfeit the most precious thing a man can have, your sense of belonging
If people don't even have that in their own country what are they going to miss there?

>> No.17762612

How do you not have that in your country?
It's not about external political pressures like the open border types, it's a sense you have since childhood about being at home, where you belong.
You can do whatever you want, but I can guarantee you you will burn out.
I spent nearly six years in Japan and past the initial 'honeymoon' phase of discovery and amazement (which is wonderful, but doesn't last long) I can tell you that never did I truly feel like anything more than a casual visitor.

>> No.17762688

>How do you not have that in your country?
If you live in an Anglo country you get attacked for who you are from every angle, if you try to maintain a homogeneous social group you get accused of being a white supremacist and are threatened with loss of employment.

Local history and architecture is bulldozed to make way for shitty globalised franchises and any resistance to this is endlessly pathologised. People from outside groups are celebrated and encourage while yours gets chastised if it ever comes up at all. Politics revolves entirely about suppressing your group interests and insisting that your group simultaneously doesn't exist but is also responsible for every ill since the dawn of history.

Now given all that, given that someone experiencing that is living in complete isolation, living alone with no roots, no family and no community, how would they be that worse off in a country that simply looks at them sideways but otherwise pretends they aren't there?

>> No.17762704

>You will never be japanese
No Japanese-born person will ever tell you this. Just pointing that out gaijin-san.

>> No.17762846

This is not about becoming Japanese you moron, it's about your individual fucking survival. Nuclear war is inevitable, and even if USA somehow comes out victorious, ever growing african and mexican population can and will cause civil war and chaos.
The West, the East Asia, every civilized country is destined to disappear in this century, except maybe couple of islands of light in the ocean of darkness.
Each of this oases will live in squalor and misery on a tiny land, under a constant siege, like Byzantine Empire in its final years.
Japan is the only fucking place on Earth which can survive this

>> No.17762852

That experience doesn't correlate with the real world at all. No ill feeligs mate, but you should really stop browsing /pol/.
If that kind of politically correct acting bothers you so much then move to a smaller city with less minorities.
Or if you are an american then blame your great grandparents for abandoning their homes and condemning their offspring to live in a land where they don't really belong either.
Besides, anyone in Japan who would agree with your outlook on migration would want you out of their country inmediatly, so don't expect much support when you are so hypocrital as to not perceive yourself in another country in the same way you are regarding blacks or mexicans in yours.
They won't tell you in your face, but they will make pretty fucking clear anyways.

>> No.17762871

Yeah, so move there and contribute to the disolution of their culture. Big brained idea
To the japanese you are exactly like a Mexican is to you, someone foreing and scary who won't ever adapt into their culture and will eventually outbreed them.
So stay the fuck away from this 'islands of light'. You are the pollution they are trying to keep at bay.

>> No.17763001

>They won't tell you in your face, but they will make pretty fucking clear anyways.
No, they won’t.

>> No.17763008

>That experience doesn't correlate with the real world at all.
>Or if you are an american then blame your great grandparents for abandoning their homes and condemning their offspring to live in a land where they don't really belong either.
So which is it? Do they have a place they belong or don't they?

>> No.17763032

You’ve never lived there, spent time there, or anywhere outside of your home country have you? People don’t think like this outside of Europe and North America.

>> No.17763170

You are the same as >>17753533 and you probably know about the same amount of Japanese. 間違えたかな?
They don't like you because you are dead set on not becoming part of them and retaining your individuality. Work is hard because you want to do your best for the country and for the people around you. If you aren't part of the community, you definitely are the equivalent of a Mexican.

>> No.17763198
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Holy based

>> No.17763232

Americans actively longing for a racially homogenous nation are retards, since they ancestors left their homelands in order to make fortune and thought importing niggers en masse was a good idea.
The only Americans who would have a right to an ethnostate would be the natives, and that would entail kicking all white retards like you out, which I'm glad would never happen, since I would want such pathetic losers back on Europe.
Why do you find it hard to believe that people may not want you in their countries?
Do you think that becuase you are white you can blend in anywhere? Boy do I have bad news for you.
Nice weeb cope.
Maybe one day you will realize your dream, move there and realize you have been conned by anime.

>> No.17763573

Anon, you are treated like shit because you can't even speak Japanese. Your larp is falling apart.

>> No.17763582

>Why do you find it hard to believe that people may not want you in their countries?
Because I’m from here and I know how people think...
>Do you think that becuase you are white you can blend in anywhere? Boy do I have bad news for you.
I never even said I’m white. You have spooks in your head.

>> No.17763590

People like this are the same people who will say how Americans make them (Europeans) think along racial lines and they hate it...talk about hypocrisy.

>> No.17763591

Anon that's... literally what he just said. Did you seriously feel the need to try and look smug by throwing around a few kanji?

>> No.17763632

I was throwing the mexican phrase back at him because he was copying the same analogy I used earlier in the thread, which I assume was him as well. And if he can't respond in Japanese, he's clearly a troll.

>> No.17763638

It's funny, because I'd argue if there is an industrialized country that's a clown world, it's definitely Japan. It's all fake, even their economy, their material wealth, isn't supposed to exist.

>> No.17763672
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How come unironic western masterpieces like Worm and Mother Of Learning never get a real-life book deal, with maybe a Hollywood deal on the side? They'd make for great movies and shows. Seems like the Japanese constantly turn any flavor of the week light novel into an anime, which makes me think about the cost. How does your typical anime production compare to a TV series? And if making anime is so cheap, why doesn't the west try investing into making our own brand?

>> No.17763745

>How japanese people can live like that is beyond me
I think peer pressure and not knowing any other way of living plays a role. They also start them quite young on the self-denial. Lots of pressure on kids to study, do extracurricular activities, etc. It may not be as bad as South Korea, where you have 10 years old coming home at 10 pm from their extra classes (which were made illegal by the gov at some point, but parents still registered their kids), but yeah right from the beginning they put into your head the idea of sacrificing your personal needs or goals for the collective (pleasing mom and dad when you're a kid, and then becoming a good taxpayer as an adult).

It's like >>17746711 says
>No one is truly honest and upfront because they're too afraid to be individuals with non-generic opinions and they'd never want to be "that one person" who does anything.
That's where our civilizations really differ, and once you start looking for that mechanism, you start seeing it everywhere and in most of their interactions. If you go online and look for japanese penpals, lonely japanese looking for international friends, their profile will be the most generic thing, with hobbies such as "movies, music, travel". They don't really have identities. The core of their identity is shaped by their society.

>> No.17763783

Just stop responding. OP asked about WNs and the these people, who are bizarrely all over 4channel, completely detailed it. Let them think what they think. There’s no point in continuing.

>> No.17763795

>And if making anime is so cheap, why doesn't the west try investing into making our own brand?
It’s easier (and cheaper) to Netflixize eastern media. Besides, many of the stuff they include would get you cancelled here. Our media industry is dead, literally, so it’s almost a moot question.

>> No.17763796

Oh so you are japanese.
Do you know about the difficulties to get the 永住権?
About how it's impossible for a foreigner to get custody of the children if the spouse is japanese?
About the police checking on you just because you aren't japanese?
How everyone treats you like a monkey, fun for a short while but ultimately unequal?
How this 'benevolence' towards us can become demeaning and humilliating?
Why do you think people find it so hard to stay in Japan, leaving after 2 to 5 years? That doesn't happen in other countries. You make integration impossible, yet you demand perfect accomodation from us. It get's really fucking tiring to be the 外人 every single day of your life.

>> No.17763831

>How everyone treats you like a monkey, fun for a short while but ultimately unequal?
Why do you think that is? I've never been to Japan, but I've heard a lot about this attitude, and sometimes I kinda wonder if they treat each other like this, even among themselves.
Like they're all polite, and 95% of the time, you can't have a real conversation with them, you can't talk about personal opinions with a random Japanese on the subway, because the conversation won't be about exchanging ideas, it'll be about mimicking what the consensus is.

>> No.17763871

lol cute mini japanese pal

>> No.17763895
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>mfw Slav who moved to Japan for two years at one point
Can you imagine what it's like going from lazy as fuck mentality where it's normal to spend an hour a day just drinking coffee with your friends to a culture of workaholics who maybe see their family for couple of hours every week?

>> No.17763930

If only Japan was still as productive as it was in the 80s.

>> No.17763989

I found it to be a lot of busy work and just finding something for people to do all day long due to inefficiencies.

>> No.17764002

My japanese is not very good, that much is true. It doesn't matter either way, if you had ever been to Japan for longer than a year you would know everything I have said is true.
I think it's cultural stereotypes perpetuated by the media mixed with a very ethnocentric view that leaves them with a very biased view of the rest of the world. That plus they try to be polite not making difficult questions or making things difficult for you leaves you having to answer the same basic shit every time you meet someone new. It's very difficult to really get to know someone.
And maybe it might be just me, but hearing the same 日本語は上手ですね every time when you know for a fact it isn't can really rub you the wrong way.
It's also pretty clear how different people who have spent some time abroad as students regard you.

>> No.17764050

Why is this bad lol
>old people rule
The West is a worse gerontocracy
>people given up on having sex
No different than the West
>omnipresent moralism
Implying anything than Japan can come up with is worse than neovictorian postwar morality centered around "muh racism..."
>subterranean perversion and pedophilia
the West is ruled by pedo blackmail networks
>rape trains
We have the mirror image problem, women imagine rapes on trains
>won't get admitted to medicine if woman
won't get admitted to medicine if male + not from Oppressed Group
>medieval views on work ethics
Implying the West is any better
>devotion to leaders
We have the same thing in the West but it's Democratic Kitsch instead
>unironically criticize you to death if you "embarass" the nation through your manga/anime/book
the West is no different but it's centered around "muh retrograde views embarrassing the nation

The West has literally every problem Japan does, but as bad or worse, and also has a bunch of resentful foreign serfs with low IQs and is even more strangled by reactionary moralism.

>> No.17764055

China will never forgive japan LMAO
>Japan making amends towards china
Amends? Like saying we dindu nothing?

>> No.17764083

>if you had ever been to Japan for longer than a year you would know everything I have said is true.
I have been here nearly ten, as I stated above. Your experiences are a result of your lack of motivation and effort, nothing more of less. Yes, if someone doesn't put the time in to become as fluent and invisible as possible, they will stand out and be treated poorly, that much is true, but plenty of people adapt just fine and you shouldn't tell others they will fail just because you have.

>> No.17764096

based Japan making people feel so uncomfortable that they leave. imagine if EU/NA/AUS did this instead of going on about Our Democratic Values

>> No.17764104

>Why do you think that is?
It’s not true.

>> No.17764151

How many of your foreing friends at the language school when you arrived are still in Japan? Be honest.
You are being misleading to people who may throw a significant amount of money and time to travel to a country that doesn't want them there.
You said it perfectly, make yourself invisible to blend in. Well, I can't change my hair and eye color or my height, so I'm not sure about that baing an option.
Besides, what kind of country asks you to basically forfeit your identity to gain a semblance of respect? People should ask themselves if it's worth it, and if weren't so deep in the hole you would agree with me that it's not.

>> No.17764200

China will do whatever is in their best interest. Learn to politic.

>> No.17764203

>Do you know about the difficulties to get the 永住権?
Yes. It should be.
>About how it's impossible for a foreigner to get custody of the children if the spouse is japanese?
You would have a Japanese-born children sent away with foreigners by the Japanese government instead? That seems irresponsible.
>About the police checking on you just because you aren't japanese?
Why wouldn’t they? Anyway, don’t overstate this.
>How everyone treats you like a monkey, fun for a short while but ultimately unequal?
Anecdotal. If Japanese want to befriend you and speak English and you take offense to their being overly nice and polite, that is your problem and not theirs.
>How this 'benevolence' towards us can become demeaning and humilliating?
It’s in your head. I can’t imagine finding it humiliating that someone takes an interest in you.
>Why do you think people find it so hard to stay in Japan, leaving after 2 to 5 years?
They decide they don’t want to stay or they fail to integrate. No problem.
>That doesn't happen in other countries.
Yes, it does.
>You make integration impossible, yet you demand perfect accomodation from us. It get's really fucking tiring to be the 外人 every single day of your life.
I know more than a handful foreigners who are well-integrated and happy. Don’t project your unhappiness onto others just because you’ve had a bad experience.

Japan’s relationship with immigrants and foreigners is much healthier than anything in America and Europe where foreign people are brought over by the boatload to run amok and change the face, language, customs, of their host country and cause friction. In Japan, foreigners are guests until they’re not and once they’re not, they’re not. They either integrate or they leave. It is very simple and shouldn’t be so controversial.

Now, this thread was about web novels so if this could just end already or the thread could be deleted for now being off topic that would be better.

>> No.17764217

>No one is truly honest and upfront because they're too afraid to be individuals with non-generic opinions and they'd never want to be "that one person" who does anything.
that's the future of a the vaginal western society. because women have no critical thinking

>> No.17764248

>No one is truly honest and upfront because they're too afraid to be individuals with non-generic opinions and they'd never want to be "that one person" who does anything.
>Also, the hours here are ridiculous. 8-12 hour days, then required off-time drinking with staff.
I think this is peak capitalism

>> No.17764266

Nigga you are literally insane if you think the japanese model is any good.
Japan is going to be the greatest economical disaster of the 21st century. It's torn between an aging population that will have great trouble sustaining and an unwillingness to adapt to the new economic realities. It won't bring inmigrants because they are protective of their culture, and this will cause them an insane economic backlash in the next 30 to 50 years.
The debt is above 200% of the GDP, with a production model less and less efficient as time passes and great economic powerhouses rising in their corner of the world, like China and India.
We will see if the elder population is willing to renounce to their pensions and healthcare quality (which is alredy mediocre at best) to keep their country homogenous, or they will prioritize the economy and open the borders.
Either way Japan will face a crisis never seen before, it's on them to decide if cultural or economical.

>> No.17764288

The West has the same problem but thinks that low-IQ migrant laborers will somehow save them

>> No.17764354

The west is a much better spot, it has a problem with birthrates, but Japan one with it's whole economic model. It's at it's limit, it can't grow anymore and the recession will hit hard.
It will either open borders (cultural and social damage), do nothing and try to live thorugh it (economic damage) or make a half assed solution which will only postpone it's inevitable end, maybe switch to a tourism based economy for the new Chinese and Inidian elites, making the island a souless themepark ala Venice.
It's also pretty fucking bad that no one in there has the guts to openly talk about their impending doom and actually try to do something about it. Whatever way you look at it things are gonna get sour over there pretty soon.

>> No.17764359

Okay. Agree to disagree. Please stay home and all is good.

>> No.17764436

how is this different than the Western one, which is driven by pumping real estate prices or by borrowing money to pump stock prices?

>> No.17764549

Most western countries:
a) Have capacity to grow or atleast maintain stability due to not being as constrained by physical space (not as high population density).
b) Have industries still not fully developed while Japan has already peaked in it's market niches like automobiles and electronics.
c) Have considerable smaller debt per GDP that may still be managed, while Japan's 12.33 trillion dollars is never getting paid, and this fact will explode on theri face sooner or later.
d) The West's housing crisis can be tackled via political measures feasible today, mainly allowing to construct more, while as I said Japan is much more deprived of land.
e) Have a greater pool of compatible inmigrants, bringing Romanians into Portugal may cause problems today, but with good enough measures they will integrate in time and their children will be fully local, while Chinese or Koreans won't blend in as easily in Japan.
f) At least in the West politicians can talk about this problems frankly, most Japanese are either oblivious or unwilling to accept that they are in a very dire spot right now.

>> No.17764650

only because it leads to a stagnant economy which leads to a smaller voice internationally. why the fuck wouldn't politicians make a fuss over it?

>> No.17764818

Most of the statistics are. People always point to stagnant wages, including economists, while completely ignoring that it’s due to “retirees” who continue to “work” but don’t collect a paycheck. They know that but they’re not going to say it. Why?

>> No.17766055


>> No.17766580

>18th century

>> No.17767076

Nobody here is going to make it.

>> No.17767107

>in Japan
they write nothing but garbage

>> No.17767124

which is weird becase the writing generals threads are full of weebs

>> No.17767175

What do you mean? It’s common for retirement age men to stop collecting a paycheck but stay in the labor force so there’s a lot more people at that age than younger where they’re collecting a wage and in the labor force so as the population gets older, it suppresses average wage even though in reality, wages increase for the normal worker. I guess I wasn’t clear.

>> No.17767215

Holy fuck, the weebs of this thread is cancerous. Do you think the webnovel industry make classic mishima-esque novels? No, you retard, they only shit juvenile literature made for people (young men) escape their shitty reality. They are producing a bunch of garbage made for manchilds. Its no difference to those young adult romance books.

>> No.17767281

Yeah dude, the west is fallen. I will live in nihongo (its how they call It there) as a fucking foreigner for life. They clearly wont deport me to muttland when the west falls, they will let me live between them for ever

>> No.17767439
File: 397 KB, 1771x2500, coffeslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur thinking non retardedly
Good job

>> No.17767484

>men kill themselves due to not being able to get laid
I will never understand this. Yes, I want a gf and all, but if I knew I'd never have sex I'd move on, maybe focus on leaving a legacy in ways beyond having a child. The world is a nice place, no need to kill yourself over not having sex

>> No.17767500

>Japan's 12.33 trillion dollars is never getting paid
This isn't how national debt works anon

>> No.17768047

>Americans actively longing for a racially homogenous nation are retards, since they ancestors left their homelands in order to make fortune and thought importing niggers en masse was a good idea.
Most of them did not, they didn't have a choice in the matter because it was the courts and the rich that did that. If left up to the normal people it would have been a resounding no because they undercut their jobs and only rich people could afford them.
The ones that do get investigated by the FBI for "hate" and at best lose their jobs.
>Besides, what kind of country asks you to basically forfeit your identity to gain a semblance of respect?
Apparently people are quite fine with this in El Norte. People are willing to put up with all sorts of shit for a less shitty place to live.

>> No.17768592

fuck off, braindead nonce

>> No.17769889

If you're not a retard who refuses to integrate in their culture, they can absolutely keep you. Japanese are stroct, but not heartless.

>> No.17770111


>> No.17770643

Okay, anon.

>> No.17770646


>> No.17770866

Stop using word you don't understand.

>> No.17770968

This thread has made me question my last 10 years of being an otaku culture consumer. It seems like the Japanese won't give a shit about you unless you're extremely subservient and that's an abhorrent thought to me. As a very brazilian brazilian, maybe I should take a few steps back and start immersing myself in my own nation's entertainment.

>> No.17770980

As a brazilian brazilian, you should contemplate liberating the planet from the blight of your people

>> No.17770991

What was the point of that? You don't even know me.

>> No.17771004

the one dude here who gave up his entire culture to larp as Japanese and thinks it’s reasonable to spend ten years there as making yourself entirely invisible and humbles himself to “fit in” with his Japanese colleagues who are polite enough to not tell him what a joke they think he is(how could you not look down upon someone who completely gave up his identity and heritage just to live out a weeb’s ultimate fantasy?) - you’re a joke. At this point you don’t want to admit it because you’ve put in so much of your life into it, you don’t want to admit you took a misstep at 22, but the way you’re trying to justify it seems more like you’re trying to convince yourself, not other anons here.

Move back to your own country while you can. It’s not too late. If you’re non-Japanese and you’ve had kids there, your family will try to distance themselves from that one non-Jap figure in the family pedigree and at some point they’ll pretend like you never existed(which they’ll find hard to deny if the kids don’t look pure).

The fact that you said you haven’t given up on your American passport implies that some part of you realises it’s not meant to be.

Also wonder why you’re on 4chin if you’re so well-adjusted there.

Not trying to shame you, though I may have put some things across harshly. Don’t mislead the gullible people here into going down your path here, it’s just not sustainable.

>> No.17771012
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, kofxiv_hattori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, just don't go to Japan dressed as some weird ninja and you will be okay.

>> No.17771020

> This thread has made me question my last 10 years of being an otaku culture consumer

Same, anon. I’m starting to understand why people look down on anime/kpop consoomers.

Although I don’t think I’m going to start participating in retardation that passes as entertainment in my country(Bollywood) just yet.

>> No.17771101

>culture to progress
Absolutely spooked. There is no progress or regress, only change.

>> No.17771124

>As a very brazilian brazilian
Just admit you are a macaco negro

>> No.17771128

I'm from a central euro country that's the exact opposite in terms of cultural attitude and I think it would do us good to follow their example without all the retarded elements that come with it (the culture of keeping up appearances, etc.)

Maybe that's just me being frustrated with my country's default attitude being that of a slacker in school. I suppose it's kind of a blessing in disguise because it doesn't allow historical/ideological fads to wash over us as easily as in the west, but still.

>> No.17771133

I'm >>17762003 >>17763796 and >>17764151 and this is what I had been trying to say to all of you contemplating to make the jump to Japan.
Seriously, learn the language if you have time, save money and spend a gap year on an academy here if you really want to live the dream, Japan is a wonderful country to get to know, but don't destroy your whole life like the other anon in order to fit in where you are not even wanted. The stories of people getting stuck here because of family or financial situation and being miserable are too much to count.
It's not only that you won't be regarded as Japanese, not even your children will be depending on their looks. Look at the shit Naomi Osaka had to put up with. They subtitled one of her interviews on tv using hiragana and katakana, which they would do only to foreigners, even if it seems subtle it is a way to say that she doesn't really belong. And that's a Japanese born woman with a jap mom.
It's the same with that half black miss universe a few years back.
Plus that anon did not get into how problematic Japanese women can get once you marry them.
You will be forced to embody your national stereotypes till the day you die. If you are a black musician prepare to only play jazz for the rest of your life, they don't give a fuck about anything else. If you are a cook from Mexico you will only be allowed to cook typical Mexican food, even if your expertise is in anything else.
You are there to serve a role and you can't deviate from that. Ever.
And my experiences come from a 1,80m, blue eyed, pale, white European, which is the most privileged type of foreigner (it's actually the only image they have of the gaijin, so it can have it's perks). The brazilian and indian anons here would be treated pretty terribly from the start.

>> No.17771163

Not any of the people you talked to so far but thatnks for the write-up.

Are the japanese truly as weird about hafus as people say? Like, they both love them and alienate them as foreigners even if they never stepped outside Japan?

As for myself, I think I'll go on a vacation one of these days, visit all that is worth visiting (especially the countryside, shit seems beautiful), probably learn the language because I love how different it is from mine and maybe start translating japanese lit in my country's language because the overwhelming majority of the japanese canon still hasn't been translated into it, or if it was, it was made from French, English, or German. Beautiful country, amazing culture, but I could never see myself staying there for an extended period of time.

I feel the same way about China, India, and Iran, but those countries are a lot harder to familiarize oneself with either due to their sheer size or political instability.

>> No.17771220

I'm not that familiar with hafus but I would suppose it's very variable depending on how much you pass as Japanese and if you went to school there or not.
If they are Jap looking then they will probably have this exotic feel and be popular in school and not subject to too much alienation. Ironically if they actually look exotic they will probably get more alienated.
Everything is about not being the center of attention, not being too different from your peers and staying in line. At the same time there are those counter culture groups of people desperately wanting to stand out that use crazy clothing and hair dyes, so even if there are rejects they can probably falll back to a solid group of friends.
If you don't look Japanese and didn't go to school there then you are just another gaijin. It's especially fucked since they don't allow dual nationality, so they will most likely lose their Japanese nationalities when they turn 18 and basically become another tourist in their (or one of their parents) home country.
And that's coming from half white kids, other races mixes are probably worse off from the start.

And just a heads up, I don't know how it may work in your country, but if you want to make a career in translating get a degree on the language, or you won't be recognised as a translator in Japan in case you have to travel there for professional purposes.

>> No.17771233

>And just a heads up, I don't know how it may work in your country, but if you want to make a career in translating get a degree on the language, or you won't be recognised as a translator in Japan in case you have to travel there for professional purposes.

I'm about to start my translator's masters degree, actually. English and German. Niche languages, like Japanese, work on the basis of you passing a test which you can apply for if you already have a translator's masters in something else. I suppose that's because so few people actually work as Japanese translators, there's just not enough interest to set up an entire department for it like there is with Romance languages or English/German.

>> No.17771336

You do not seen to understand that others can have different experiences than you. I am happier than I've ever been here, otherwise I would be thinking about going home and not be starting a business and burrowing myself into my community and it's politics. Not everyone thinks like you do, and your quip about looking down on people proves you don't understand their culture. I came because the west has no dedication, everyone is sloven and has no intensity or self-respect. I didn't come for a "weebs fantasy" I came for the culture and the sense of belonging (yes, because not every foreigner is rejected, whether you believe it or not.) They don't see it as "you rejected your birthright, race traitor" because that's not how most well-adjusted people think, they see it as "wow japan sure is the best, even this foreigner abandoned everything to be here."
It has no relation at all, but I came to 4chan for the /djt/ threads when I was hardcore studying the language and I love books, so I visit /lit/ and /gif/. I've unironically used 4chan posts in lessons before at my elementary school to show funny interactions that use simple English. Not everyone and everything on this site is so pathetic. And again if you must know, the only reason I'm keeping my citizenship is to keep options open. I have no intention of returning to the states but it's hard for me to make such a massive permanent decision, one that involves plenty of paperwork and tests, so I keep putting bit off. I have no voice in the back of my mind telling me to go back.

Also, this will objectively be my last post in this thread because a quarter of the responses "from me" yesterday were some other dude larping as me and that sort of thing pisses me off. Hopefully things will get back on topic now.

>> No.17771529

Do you regret it?

>> No.17771613

If he doesn't now he will at some point.

>> No.17771708

>learn japanese to read webnovels
>learn chinese to read webnovels
>"oh neat a thread on /lit/ about webnovels?"
>234 posts of off-topic basically nothing discussing webnovels
i didn't want to discuss it anyway.

>> No.17771734

>Not everyone and everything on this site is so pathetic.
R-really? The thought of people who are less pathetic than me actually reading my posts fills me with joy. Thanks anon.

>> No.17771735

He wouldn’t admit it, not after all he’s done and said. It would be dishonourable and he’d have to commit seppuku(just like real Japanese)

>> No.17771776

Permavirgin weebs' duality about love and sex is so absurd and disconnected from reality that they manage to both degrade it to its absolute lowest and at the same time idealize it as something they'd want to kill themselves for.

>> No.17773097


>> No.17773777

It's the most basic imperative of every living being, there's nothing weird with wanting to kill yourself for not being able to fulfill it
>focus on leaving a legacy
and what exactly would that be hotshot?

>> No.17773838

Move onto what? You have to put yourself in the shoes of someone who fundamentally feels at odds with the world. Perhaps they don’t really want anything besides to really connect with someone intimately. Deprive them of that, and it’s difficult for identify additional things worth living for. If the greater world around you felt to be a series of greys, you’d naturally want to bring the world down to the level of interpersonal relationships, but what’s left after that? Raw escapism I guess.

>> No.17773857

>Do you think the webnovel industry make classic mishima-esque novels?
I don’t think anyone said that.
> they only shit juvenile literature made for people (young men) escape their shitty reality
So the fact that it offers a means of escape makes it juvenile? I’m not sure what you think it is exactly that fiction does then which could make it not juvenile.

>> No.17773871

> left their homelands to make a fortune
It’s always shocking to see how historically illiterate people are. The large majority of Americans came because they tried to escape famine, war, poverty, political unrest, ethnic unrest, religious persecutions and other worse conditions in Europe, not because they wanted to work at FAANG for six figs bro. Just read a book for me one time, please.

>> No.17773883

Correct. And that’s a good thing. I suppose you’d prefer stories which actually sideline or diminish romance rather than elevate it...

>> No.17773895

Graduate from college please.

>> No.17773922

I’m not sure what you people think is so absurd about having to try hard to assimilate into a new culture.

They’re treated pretty much normally. Obviously kids can get bullied if they stand out but that is the case anywhere. A lot of hafus are thought of desirable by the time they are older.

>> No.17773940

I think he made it pretty clear he doesn’t regret it. Why do people in these threads insist on being confrontational idiots?

>> No.17774874

Because he's lying.

>> No.17774970

Mother Of Learning is unironically the best fantasy book i have ever read, if it became successful i'm sure it would inspire a lot of decent works.(like in japanes).
But that won't ever happen, because nobody read it anyway.

>> No.17774997

>Mother Of Learning
Now for my personal reasons for the scores. I find this webnovel amazing, the time loop is executed so well. The MC moves between tasks in a pace that refresh the plot instead of falling into the predicted looping as one might think.

The grammar is as far as I can tell is amazing. I can’t judge someone with grammar better than mine anyway!

There are no romantic interests so far, but I prefer my novels romance free so its a plus in my books!

It honestly more than deserves a full score, each chapter makes me crave more chapters, and the chapters are quite beefy as well.

TL:DR: An amazingly written fantasy novel with lovable characters, a good magic system, and an amazing plot twist! Recommending this to everyone like a zealot.

Enjoy your read.

Ashamed nobody here will ever read it.

>> No.17775045

> I suppose you’d prefer stories which actually sideline or diminish romance rather than elevate it...
No. That's what the permavirgins do,
>they manage to both degrade it to its absolute lowest
AKA I wuw uu Anon-kun >_< because...?
Why does Kawaii-chan wuw you? There is no human element in these romances and they all boil down to teenage hormonal lust where you fall in love with everything that moves. And at the same time they an hero if they can't manage to experience this bootleg idea of romance.

>> No.17775060

Give some examples.

>> No.17775126

Here is an interesting archived thread from Wizardchan, about a wizard who travelled to Japan without any money and lived homeless for I believe several months:


>> No.17775463

>As Hegel pointed out, the Orient has an intrinsic tendency toward stasis. India and China for example, despite the intrusion of the modern world, still maintain archaic social structures.
Lumping together Mongoloids and Caucasoid/Australoid mutts is clearly a case of insufficient racism.