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File: 257 KB, 750x1213, 5F01484B-514F-494C-B2BB-9D2339020B82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17756010 No.17756010 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the saddest book you’ve read?

>> No.17756026

my diary desu

>> No.17756031

A Little Life

>> No.17756051

The Castle of Otranto

>> No.17756143

A Death in the Family by Agee hit me really hard when I read it, but objectively it's not "the saddest" book. Would highly recommend though.

>> No.17756219

People throwing parties that no one comes to depresses me to the point of nausea desu

>> No.17756232

that's why I never throw parties.

>> No.17756286

This photo is staged. Dude really bought 6 modelos for beer pong? Or are people so lame they just fill the cups with water? Also the only food is 3 bags of chips? And sour cream and onions plus original? Those are the two worst flavors besides cheddar!

>> No.17756296

I dunno about "saddest book I've ever read", but the ending of Frankenstein where the monster laments about how he had started out and what could have been was pretty sad

>> No.17756425

Reminds me of that black guy who threw a party nobody went to. Someone must have the pics.

Also why I rarely throw parties, too.

>> No.17756439

lol that happened to me once when i was grade school and i had to go to my friend's houses and ask them to come by. managed to scrape something together but quickly learned where i stood on the social ladder and came to hate my birthday probably with that as much as a latent reason as the memento mori

>> No.17756561

Marting Eden by Jack London. No matter how many books you read, there is something in this world that you never ever ever ever ever fucking understand. The fragment of Swinburnes poem at the end also hit me right in the feels.

>> No.17756645

End of Schindler’s List when the commies and Amerifats won

>> No.17756647

Same here. I had a graduation party in high school that no one but family showed up to and my only cousin who was roughly my age left to go to someone else’s.

>> No.17756697

It does nothing to me because I was never invited to birthday parties anyway, I hope they all flop

>> No.17756834

someone please post the pics I need to see this

>> No.17756867
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>> No.17756878

aww. seems like a nice dude

>> No.17756882

He seems autistic. I'm not saying it in a bad way.

>> No.17756914

this but unironically
it's a slow and tortured descent into psychosis and suicide that was already inescapable from page 1
reading it I realized that my life was fucked beyond my chances of repair from the very start

>> No.17756928

I knew a guy, he used to always post pictures of whatever movie he was watching, propped up next to the junk food he was going to eat, and saying "anybody coming over?" I don't think anybody ever did.

>> No.17756936

fuck this is soul destroying stuff

>> No.17756938

yeh maybe something not quite right. I want to say that I would have gone to his birthday party but I probably wouldn't have, I'm an asshole.

I remember in 8th grade I was invited to the birthday of this guy I thought was kinda weird but I was kind of friends with, his parents had gotten some good deal on a suite at a hotel in town, we were going to go and use the small water park and pool there. I wasn't really excited for it at all, especially since it was overnight, but I said I'd go. And then the day of I almost didn't go But then I went and none of the other 3 people (also friends of mine) went. So it was just us and his little brothers and dad. And we had fun, he didn't let show at all that he was disappointed. It was nice and I'm glad I didn't stay home. Guy still reaches out to me every year or so and we chat a bit. He's still weird, still not sure I like him all that much. But I'm glad I went to his birthday party in 8th grade.

>> No.17756955

Absolutely my most hated images on the internet. They open up a chasm of sadness I can barely grapple with.

>> No.17756968

I've been seeing this image for atleast ten years now. I wonder how Julius is doing these days.

>> No.17756974

statistically, dead, in prison, or aids-ridden

>> No.17756980

Wha are fridges

>> No.17756982

>statistically, dead
I think he was already dead inside after that pic

>> No.17756985

Swindlers List

>> No.17757002

Anon he has a 40 of vodka and a mickey of Jack on the island

>> No.17757215


>> No.17757320

>beer pong
Amerifats are pathetic

>> No.17757325


>> No.17757363

What's so sad about these isn't the loneliness, but the hope.

>> No.17757370

An Unfortunate Woman by Richard Brautigan.

>> No.17757379

They’re just wanting to have fun you sperg

>> No.17757380
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pic related

>> No.17757381


>> No.17757392

Idk. It seems like something someone who has no experience with parties might do.

>> No.17757434

can't have fun until someone is in an ethylic coma

>> No.17757461

ngl catch-22 gets really sad every now and then. Mostly it's funny but some of the characters are really endearing (partially as a result of the humor) so when they inevitably die or kill someone or whatever it can be extremely poignant.
Also idk if anyone's read it but the beginning of Diary of an Oxygen Thief made me sad. It's kind of a dumb book overall but the first third definitely grabs you

>> No.17757497
File: 66 KB, 423x733, 1457840837057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should be fine. He's got a job and a home, probably a GF too. There's another pic where 4chan wished him happy birthday.

>> No.17757536

that's nice, he seems nice

>> No.17757541

your diary desu

>> No.17757628

yeah disappointment is by far the worst emotion imo

>> No.17757734

Who doesn't?

>> No.17757765

Wow that image is depressing. It also reminds me I haven’t been invited to a party since grade school

>> No.17757779

I hate celebrating my birthday nowadays because I can't deal with being the center of attention on a party where most don't show up. I would throw parties every day, though, if it meant I got to hug my grandma again.

>> No.17757799


>> No.17757800

That’s exactly it I think. It’s the complete subversion of expectations, possibly one of the largest possible subversions of good expectations. You expect to see all of your friends, family, and near acquaintances. You expect to have a joyful experience and great lasting and positive memories. Instead you get feelings of shame and disappointment which are doubled because of you previous lofty expectations. It isn’t just getting an experience of -3, but one of -10 because you expected a 7. Soul melting. I’d instantly kms

>> No.17757824

Especially since it was largely autobiographical, though he didn't kill himself irl.

Stoner comes to mind. I also thought the end of Infinite Jest was pretty sad.

>> No.17757865

I had an experience like this. When I was in grad school people would come to the parties I threw, but then everyone sort of dispersed after we graduated. About six months after graduation I tried to host another party, but no one came except this one good friend of mine who's obnoxious and talks a lot. My girlfriend chewed me out about his coming because she doesn't like him, but I snapped at her in what was probably the closest I've ever come to crying in front of her and told her that literally no one else was going to show up, and that even if he was annoying at least he showed up.

>> No.17757880

Post more sad porn about dudes having expectations that are being crushed

>> No.17757891

Imagine having a gf and then being sad about nobody coming to parties. It's like having 2 million dollars in gold and then being jealous of people that have 2 milk8on dollars in silver.

>> No.17757900

fuck you, eat shit

>> No.17757918

The sad birthday photos are like staring into the abyss. Maybe because I haven't had a birthday with friends since I was like 8.

>> No.17757928

Your temporary girlfriend honestly doesn't have shit on your friends.

>> No.17757931

Havent had a birthday party since I was 8 or 9... A rich relative once wanted to rent the ballpen(?) at McDonalds so that me and all my friends could go, I didnt do it because I figured no one would come. This year on my birthday I only had one friend come over for some cake and saved a piece for another friend. Its not like we are that close but they are the last people I havent pushed away. Honestly desu its pretty gay to have expectations about stuff like this when you have always been unpopular. Do these people think that just because its their birthday people will like them?

>> No.17757934

>Imagine having a gf and then being sad about nobody coming to parties.

If you have a girlfriend and then make her the center of your universe, make it clear she's the only thing in the world you have, and that you'd be nothing without her, that's a really good way to lose your girlfriend. Women don't want men who are overly dependent on them for anything, and they're suspicious of men who have no friends because that probably means something is wrong with that man.

Also, not that you'd know, but you get a girlfriend by having friends in the first place.

>> No.17757952
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>> No.17757960

People like you whine about only having 500k in bitcoin on /biz/. They call it 6 figure hell. They say its worse than being poor and worse than being rich.
I will never understand you eternal victims.

>> No.17757980
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>everyone in my class threw a party on their birthday
>you had to do it at least once
>everyone tried going to everyone's because it'd be rude to leave them hanging
>my uncle had the biggest playhouse/playground or whatever that's called
You know, those places with the huge play areas, like amusement parks but they're covered and have those giant inflatables.
>most people did theirs there
>if you were tight with them you got invited to the house
>always got invited
>always tried to get them expensive gifts
>my time came
>gave out my invitations
>the day came
>a huge storm broke out
>only my 5 or so closest friends came
>everyone grew up and stopped having their parties there
>went to some more house parties
>at the last one my mother made me buy bath bombs and salts as a gift for that girl
>elementary ended
>left with fewer friends
>they kept leaving me
>mostly because they thought I was too dorky and they were "slayers"
>by the time Junior High ended I was completely alone
I've never even been to a bar desu. Or a proper night out. I guess that one 3-day trip counts, where they took us to a bar... Still, I missed out on everything. Uni was, and is, even worse. Sometimes I feel like I get enough "normal" things in my life to not be a complete outcast, and then they're snatched away leaving me utterly alone. I'm a friendless KHHV at 24. All I can do now is own my autism. I don't even want personal relationships anymore. I've evern stopped jerking off to porn. It's all meaningless to me. I'm God's lonely man...

>> No.17757994
File: 256 KB, 1120x1018, 6E14F485-3F73-4CD2-967B-5CCEC6E72498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His bear friends were assholes but his online bros pulled thru

>> No.17758189

ITT: Seething, entitled, white incels

>> No.17758200

I just realized that someone refusing to celebrate or even acknowledge his birthdays in order to avoid the scenario of nobody showing up at the party is the perfect allegory for my own life.

>> No.17758247

so i already gave up on having friends, how do it at least present myself as someone more or less social, i know having common interest helps, but i've found that i have no such thing, would just asking questions about the topics that the conversation revolves around be useful ? any books on this ? like a playbook ? i'm not really interested in getting into something (eg. gaming, motorcycles, cars, etc etc ) just for the sake of having things in common with people.

>> No.17758258

I asked for books about alienation and I was suggested to read Dostoevsky.

>> No.17758295
File: 166 KB, 959x716, 6145C1FB-84F1-4FB3-93AF-BA4759A00AE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infy jest

>> No.17758301

My birthday is soon, nobody outside of my family knows
I will get four text messages and that will be the extent of the festivities

I'm reading "The Social Skills Guidebook" by Chris Macleod to try and improve. It has a chapter on conversation that I haven't gotten to yet, only read the introductory portion so far
You can just google for the topic, that's how I found the book. Just need to specify for adults because most books like that are aimed at autistic children, to teach them right and wrong and that type of stuff

>> No.17758315

This one always does it for me. The father in the background just not giving a fuck.

>> No.17758378

This kid is definitely trans now

>> No.17758387

Oh no...

>> No.17758394

I can't post your diary desu

>> No.17758424

Yeah i think how individuals and social groups work would be an interesting and useful topic to get into.
Thanks, seems like a good start.

>> No.17758449

how's being racist AND sexist working out for you?

>> No.17758457

>Berkeley Jazz Festival
I would have been his friend

>> No.17758476

The Lost Weekend. The pain the character goes through just to hide bottles again. It's astoundingly sad.

>> No.17758568

The weekend after my high school graduation, I was bored hanging out at my buddies house looking for something to do. One of my friends gets a text from a pajeet from school that he is holding a graduation party and it was gonna be crazy. He sent us a picture with a ton of booze so we were pretty pumped. When we arrived, there were 5 guys sitting around drinking beer. This isn't that bad, except in the middle of the kitchen table stood a crystal chalice full of condoms. We asked what they were planning to do with those, and they said that they thought we were bringing girls. In the end, nobody else showed up. We all got drunk and had a pretty fun bro night but I still kek when the image of that big goblet of cheap condoms pops into my head.

>> No.17758578

>Thanks, seems like a good start.
I hope so. I found it after asking similar questions on /lit/ and not getting any answers. If there is anything you would like to know about the contents I can tell you

>> No.17758588

it's literally all about compliance and conformity, including acting like you're a rebel and anti-conformist

>> No.17758598

The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne is soul crushing in a very delicate way.

>> No.17758601
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You'll never understand 6 fig hell until you've been there. Dear God, those were dark times.

>> No.17758634

It's kind of funny how I can never tell the difference between posts made by women and minorities. Both parties are all snark and no substance.

>> No.17758646

bro that post was made by a white man

>> No.17758647

I'll go to a jazz fest with you, anon. I don't live near Berkley though.

>> No.17758659
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>> No.17758680


>> No.17758688
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>> No.17758703

what is sad about this? this old faggot had a happy marriage that only ended when she died of old age and he still fondly remembers her
i will never experience that. only unfortunate thing i see here is that he remembers her at some shitty fast food place

>> No.17758715

kill yourself

>> No.17758722

eat shit!

>> No.17758738
File: 134 KB, 706x397, the-sad-story-of-how-only-two-real-madrid-players-came-to-michael-essiens-30th-birthday-party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of only two people coming to Essien's birthday. For a sports player in a team with like 18 other people, that has to hurt.

>> No.17758814

A reprint has been "coming soon" for what seems like forever in Amazon.

>> No.17758846

Modric just seems like such a based guy. I’m glad he went

>> No.17758859

your diary です

>> No.17758872

Oh no

>> No.17758883

Stfu humble bragger

>> No.17758912

Where do you live?

>> No.17758940

No money no pussy getting rag tag crag bag sag fag

>> No.17758999

6 figure hell is not enough for me to retire on but is enough that it has crippled my work ethic and I'm now running a C average and will probably get a shitty job
t. college student

>> No.17759039

Well its too bad your attitude towards life sucks in general. Rich people never stop working

>> No.17759061

yeah I've really got to kick back into gear desu

>> No.17759071


>> No.17759078
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that guy did fine later. people message him periodically on facebook

>> No.17759084
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one more

>> No.17759088

at least his family loves him
baked him like a black metal cake that seems considerate

>> No.17759096

those pics are awkward but they probably just sat down with their parents and had a cake to collect the itunes gift cards, then that night they went out and partied with their friends

>> No.17759101

>all 20
What makes this age such a depressing time?

>> No.17759117
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>> No.17759122

This is why I don't do birthday parties anymore.

>> No.17759126

women don't suffer. they can't feel lonely

>> No.17759128
File: 205 KB, 1024x1024, 1607322250128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot i also have this one in my depressing birthday folder

>> No.17759130

It's getting harder to keep on with IJ. It's so fucking sad, can't believe people thought it was a comedy.

>> No.17759136
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because they only have 3 years left

>> No.17759137

i have a picture like that of me on my 20th birthday lol

>> No.17759177

god the first one is so fucking bleak

>> No.17759189

Amazing, please be well Julius

>> No.17759195
File: 16 KB, 248x256, F21E7041-2AC7-4768-A1FF-9239D1A525BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin birthday cake vs the Chad birthday pretzel

>> No.17759219

You gonna post then? You could blur your face

>> No.17759230

I feel like the early 20s are critical when it comes to deciding how happy you’ll be. You’ll make most of your friends in your early 20s, and strengthen the friendships you had in high school. Making friends as an adult is much harder. If you socially in your early 20s you’re fucked.

>> No.17759256

There's a hard cutoff at the age where you finish college. After college age is past you're supposed to be someone with a job/stability or otherwise fully formed. If you're fucked then you're fucked forever, but I'm suicidal so I might not be reliable.

>> No.17759270

i remember my mom telling me how university is where you make friends for life. made me really sad

>> No.17759292

Flowers for Algernon, beautiful book

>> No.17759302

that one hurts

>> No.17759310

when i was an undergrad i remember sitting in a carrel and seeing graffiti that said "they say these are the best years of our lives" with underneath it from a different hand "and that's the sad part" but also on the same desk there was another one that said "MBA + stocks = rich"

>> No.17759317
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good thing I spent all that time on the 4chins!

>> No.17759335

This is sad until you realize the two people that showed up are worth a lot more than the 18 that didn't

>> No.17759339

two more than mine

>> No.17759342

i just realized that i downloaded this before as an audiobook and never listened to it, anyways ... would you say that is goes for the 'just b urself' type of advice or provides a more structured approach to the problem.
thinking about it at least there was someone who cared enough to get the cake and take the pic, most probably their mothers, man that's good enough for me honestly. take care of your family.
I met this girl last year that constantly whinned about being lonely even though she had lots of friends irl and online, probably had daddy issues or some shit, endend up being my first gf later i realized i didn't wanted that shit and dumped her making up excuses, fuck that.

>> No.17759386

>i just realized that i downloaded this before as an audiobook and never listened to it, anyways ... would you say that is goes for the 'just b urself' type of advice or provides a more structured approach to the problem.
definitely more structured, the first part about shyness I read has lots of lists, examples of counterproductive beliefs and how you might tackle them, that type of stuff

>> No.17759403

Amen brother, it physically hurts.

>> No.17759419

And just like that, my day is ruined.

>> No.17759439

Probably The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. Is it the best book ever written? No. But reading her go over her most intimate pains in this part of her life when her husband died at the same time that her daughter went in septic shock from a bad case of pneumonia, and who soon after died, and express these thoughts and feelings intelligibly as the pillars of her life crumbled, left an impression.

>“How could this have happened when everything was normal?”

Second place would go to The Myth of Sisyphus. To my mind this is Camus' most indelible work, and his somber, brooding sadboy attitude bleeds through every page while maintaining an logical argument. Also the last couple paragraphs are the the only ones to make my eyes well up in all the reading I've done. In fact it's been quite a while but I once memorized it. Also "One must imagine Sisyphus happy" cut me to the core.

At that subtle moment when man glances backward over his life, Sisyphus returning toward his rock, in that slight pivoting he contemplates that series of unrelated actions which become his fate, created by him, combined under his memory's eye and soon sealed by his death. Thus, convinced of the wholly human origin of all that is human, a blind man eager to see who knows that the night has no end, he is still on the go. The rock is still rolling.

I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain! One always finds one's burden again. . He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night filled mountain, in itself forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

>> No.17759492


>> No.17759500

My 20th birthday was probably the lowest point in my life so far. I had just started university at a place I didn't want to be doing a course I didn't want to do, knowing I was wasting money and time at a third rate University getting a useless degree because my parents didn't want me in the house any longer. All my past friends had long cut me off (not without making it clear they never saw me as much of a friend) and I hadn't spoken to a single person at this. I was a late enroller so I had work piled up and had to pull an all night to get work done. So there I was reading and working alone in my room on my 20th birthday in my ugly and noisy accommodation; I got one text from my parents asking me how university was. It's only been a few months since then and I don't think I've had a period of my life where I've wanted to kill myself so much.

>> No.17759509

It get's worse, you gotta find the optimism and satisfaction in small things to get by. Kierkegaard or Camus friend, that's all you got.

>> No.17759544

i think on my 21st or 2nd birthday maybe i got really drunk watching tokyo drift and vomited on the bed in my sleep

>> No.17759553

>20 years old
>50% through course
>literally cannot engage with anyone in my classes
I've tried. I talk to them when we're there, they talk to me, and then we walk out of the room and they just forget I exist. I got a haircut and went unrecognised for almost a month.

>> No.17759611

One time I was renting a room in a shared house and this fat bitch lived there. Everyone who knew her for any amount of time hated her, because she was a complete cunt.
On her birthday she invited 16 people from her workplace and none of them came, and only 2 of them bothered to even text a reason why. So it was just the 4 house people and then 3 of her relatives. The house people were only there because we lived there, so it was basically like any normal day like when those same people had visited before.
It was justice.

>> No.17759796

fuck,Ive been seeing this pic around since Iwas younger than all those dudes and now Im older than all of them
as for the question in the OP, Elementary Particles by houellebecq had me really sad for two days after Id finished it

>> No.17759827

lmao, there was this nerdy girl in my class who wanted to get popular, I remember her buying an absurd amount of candies and distributing them to the popular boys trying to buy their friendship, her birthday came and not a single one of them came, only a friend of mine because he wanted to play xbox and eat. I think I wasnt invited

>> No.17759917
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This one tells a few stories.

>> No.17759953

>have a birthday party when I was like 8
>only the autistic kid with anger issues showed up
>never want to have a birthday party again

>> No.17759984

In my country everyone brings at least enough alcohol for themselves and some food. Depending on the party, either you drink your own alcohol or you buy like a bottle of vodka and share with everyone, and they share with you. Of course if you don't bring anything you will still eat and drink, but it's impolite

>> No.17760006

>some shitty fast food place

In-n-out burger puts all other fast food places to shame. Also you sound like a dickhead.

>> No.17760019

>tfw I'm that guy
>tfw I don't even see anything wrong with it and don't feel bad about myself

>> No.17760033

you do need to learn how to cut cake, however.

>> No.17760061

why? If I do it in an ungraceful manner, but the result is the same, then it's fine with me (especially by myself)

>> No.17760091


>especially by myself

but you're not by yourself

>> No.17760101

'especially' doesn't mean 'only'

>> No.17760109

but you're not by yourself at all, clearly at least one other person was there to take the photo

>> No.17760128

And it's still fine with me, but not especially. Just regularly fine

>> No.17760131

You need to sleep more, your eye bags are huge

>> No.17760154

A thread asking about sad books quickly turns into an open demonstration about why we're all on this website in the first place.

>> No.17760185

This thread makes me glad that I'm genuinely really close with my brother. Even If I have no other friends at least I'm friends with my brother.

>> No.17760744

holy shit, that can't be real

>> No.17760758

trust me anon, things can get so much fucking worse.

>> No.17760761

i have wasted so much time in my life

>> No.17761204

>Moved out and achieved financial independence purely so no one in my family knows how fucking lonely I am.
This thread is really dredging up some shit.

>> No.17761217


an oldie but a goodie

>> No.17761257
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>Depressing Birthday Folder

My sides

>> No.17761280
File: 317 KB, 944x1000, birthday cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see book related thread with a suspiciously large amount of replies
>turns out it's just people posting birthday cakes
anyway ethan frome was pretty fucked up

>> No.17761328

They don’t really look like they have anyone waiting for them after they’re done with their family. Obviously we can never know for sure, but it seems like the pics are of legitimately lonely guys. Lonely, asocial young men isn’t exactly a small demographic.

>> No.17761356

>When we arrived, there were 5 guys sitting around drinking beer.
>in the middle of the kitchen table stood a crystal chalice full of condoms. We asked what they were planning to do with those

This all ended in a giant daisy chain, didn't it?

>> No.17761422
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>> No.17761434

I think The Lighthouse by Woolf and War and Peace by Tolstoy caused me to tear up the most. Sometimes had to stop reading as it was too much.

>> No.17761458


>> No.17761463

>I haven't had a birthday with friends since I was like 8.

>> No.17761473

I never liked parties. I would get invited to them but eventually stopped because I started turning all the invitations down. Now I have no one, and I am utterly alone.

>> No.17761483
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>> No.17761630

Pretty sure it's just a genetic thing. I've had massive bags for years no matter how much sleep and exercise I get. I always look like a fuckin' panda.

>> No.17761685

I’ll pray for you tonight anon.

>> No.17761691

I'm the exact same bro, age and everything.

>> No.17761703

Imagine being in despair because you have no friends. Failed normalfags are such a pathetic breed.

>> No.17761713

friends are a fucking meme anyway, at least past elementary school. as soon as everyone gets horny, that's when everything goes to shit. i don't regret ditching all my high school "friends" for a second

>> No.17761751

happy bday anon <3

>> No.17761772

your uncle owns a funtown?

>> No.17761778

Damn this thread is depressing. The last birthday party I had was when I was ten. Ever since then the night of my birthday I would go out to eat with my parents and sister. Fuck guys I love my parents so much, they would push me to at least go out to eat when I would feign not caring about my birthday. I’m very lucky to have them. What terrifies me isn’t that I’m struggling, but knowing that my parents know I have no friends and knowing that this deeply saddens them. If I can’t improve myself for my own sake I’ll do it for them, I want to make them proud.

>> No.17761782


>> No.17761785

No, having your mother care about you as an outcast is the worst. She'll refuse to acknoweledge it at first and make deseparate attempts to try and fix you but she'll eventually realise there is no hope for you and that's the worst part.

>> No.17761789

Stoner probably. Leaving Las Vegas also. The ending of The Crossing is pretty sad too.

What's that book about the guy who lives in California I think and he lives through that whole crazy era of hippies, and drugs, and LSD, and surfing, and rock & roll, but he doesn't participate at all he's just on the outside looking in the whole time.

>> No.17761814
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>this thread

>> No.17761822

You have us anons, it’s not much but it’s something

>> No.17761833

>never made freinds throughout school
>think its probably because I smelled bad
>little brothers never made freinds either
>realize it's probably because we were autistic or kinda poor.

Guess I am just not an interesting person, hey at least I have my cousins though we don't talk much anymore.

>> No.17761877

Is money the answer to loneliness? I figured that if I have a strong goal and work all the time ppl wont have to give me shit about having no friends. Hopefully they ll think that I dont have time for partying

>> No.17761904

Sitting alone in my room and the world. Knowing many would-be friends surround me in a mile radius. But we’ve been stunted by the internet. Though we share the same interests, and in the past would have met via some social event. We remain at our desks. Chasing traces of dopamine masquerading as the thing we truly desire, all the while lamenting our state of discontent.

>> No.17761909

How are /mu/ even worse than us, holy shit

>> No.17761910

hey anon, im sorry. it doesn't matter if you've got dirty clothes or not a lot of money, you still matter and deserve happiness. youve got us spergs here to call friends. i know it isn't perfect but you're not totally alone fren.

>> No.17761922

Holy fuck you are a faggot

>> No.17761933

um cyber bullying is mean anon please apologize to me

>> No.17761950

It seems like it can make you forget the void for dome time

>> No.17761953
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No bully in the feels thread I don’t care about your dubs

>> No.17761962 [DELETED] 
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Will this book finally help me enjoy and understand poetry for what it is? I currently harbour a hatred for it but I want to change

>> No.17761968

Other people may bring their own beers and more food. That happens in real life, anon

>> No.17762011

The thing you truly desire is also dopamine, you deluded sentimentalist.

>> No.17762040

Yeah. I don't really care about birthday parties, mine, or other people's, but the image of having a party and no one showing up just hurts.

>> No.17762084

That’s sad.

>> No.17762252
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>happy 17th birthday dale
that cake got me wheezing holy fuck

>> No.17762347

it should be illegal to have kids

>> No.17762376

does he think he's a character in a film and the photograph is a device to allow him to verbalize his thoughts?
it's sad because it's so profoundly meaningless and inauthentic, he probably takes it there so he can guilt waitresses into talking to him
our culture is shit, this man is shit, we are all this man

>> No.17762398

He looks and acts like me, I also had an alcohol father. I'm alright now, but 17-23 was my dark NEET years that I have blank memory of.

>> No.17762404

>I also had an alcohol father
me too king
i see myself going down the same path, just without the being a dad part

>> No.17762412

> celebrating birthdays, the celebration of "me me me"
Glad I don't have time for that shit.

>> No.17762546

kill yourself degenerate sodomite

>> No.17762570

i was complete autist loner in school, tried to make some friends in uni but couldn't mantain those friendships due to the aformentioned autism that always came out. haven't spoken to anyone from uni in like two years

>> No.17762575


>> No.17762591

at least you're alone, i have to endure my parents on my birthday like those guys in the pics. i would rather no one mention the bday

>> No.17762651

of mice and men. I haven't read it since 8th grade but it made me cry then and I am sure as hell it would make me cry now. fuck, what a gut wrenching book.

>> No.17762683

Fuck this thread, man

>> No.17762719


FUCK! You are right! How do I become authentic?

>> No.17762733

>that bald
>at 23
I'd laugh but I'm balding young too.

>> No.17762737

You are going to make it, anon, dont give up. I had given up hope until last year. Had more or less similar situation. Find something you like to do and stay strong.

>> No.17762801

I was actually really social in school and was involved in my fraternity. Now that I’m out though and we all moved apart I literally don’t know how to make friends. All my hobbies are isolating.

>> No.17763255

nah my friends are fucking awesome but to be fair we are all incels who don't even consider women to be human

>> No.17763352


>> No.17763508

i read a short story called "Flowers for Algernon", it's one of the few stories i've read that has made me cry. also "The Brothers Lionheart"

>> No.17763581

It's not that hard to build up parties. I started by just inviting 2 people to dinner, then 3 to board games and dinner, then 4 to boardgames, and.... Now I get ~20 people willing to play boardgames with me or eat with me on call. Covid makes it so I limit my party sizes to 10 though, so no dodgeball anymore :c

>> No.17763754

fucking hell

>> No.17763769

you've seen the greentext right?

>> No.17763788

>Flowers for Algernon
Brilliant taste lad

>> No.17763799

Based jazz enjoyer. I would've gone to his party.

>> No.17763828

what greentext?

>> No.17763880

One of my friends is 21 and is completely bald.
On the plus side, he never gets carded.

>> No.17763887

fuck me just put it in a savings account and go on with your life as usual you fucking dolt

>> No.17763896

The Bible

>> No.17763906

I haven't been happy in almost a full decade. It's all been endless trips to the drug store and psychiatrist. The fluids in my brain don't work, no longer get dopamine from any circumstance. I don't even know how it started, used to be a happy kid without friends until one day I died inside for a reason I still don't know. Not that it matters now, I just keep living to not hurt those that still love me.

>> No.17763908

I'd go in the wood with that money desu

>> No.17763915

No. Unless you're fine with paid company

>> No.17763917


>> No.17763932

>Most people are the opposite. They’re slightly benignly deluded in a way that helps them function better
Gotta laugh out of this, thanks anon

>> No.17763991

that's euphemism for women

>> No.17764011


>> No.17764175
File: 162 KB, 949x648, Shute_Beach_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the Beach by Nevil Shute

>> No.17764206

>be me
>no passions or interests in life, NEET
>spend my days playing chess online because it helps pass the time and feels vaguely intellectual
>Christmas rolls around
>brother gets me a chess set
>nobody else in my family plays chess
>family members play a few pity games with me, I win them all because I've played like 3000 games online
>we stop playing because they obviously don't feel like losing every time, I don't want to patronize and purposefully lose games
>chess set now sits on our coffee table collecting dust

>> No.17764226
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Train your brain through exercise, healty food, love and sex, and religion
You'd be surprised how well it works
I was a happy teenager too then my brain just stopped being happy at age 21 until I changed my ways half a decade later.

>> No.17764267

Recently I've read this book, that isn't the most depressing I've ever read, but it really hit close to home. It's "L'airone" by Bassani (I don't know if it was ever translated) and tells the story of a man who has a lot of things, but he can't appreciate them anymore, there's always something that bothers him. Existence is a continous tedium.
As for the other theme of this thread, I stopped doing biththday parties at 18, when pretty much didn't have friends anymore. But years passed, and now, except for this coronameme thing that makes me impossible to see other people, I've a good number of that. It helped a lot praticising speaking to people at uni and joining the social group of my young brother. But still, sadly tfwnogf

>> No.17764869

same here anon. Didn't make me cry but it shattered my soul for a few days

>> No.17765386

>Joan Didion
Unfathomably based.

>> No.17765406

It's allergies to dust. Get tested ASAP.

>> No.17765412

Really? a somber ending sure but Martin's failing is that he could not find is faith in and among his brethren. This is more parable to me than depressing tragedy given the rest of the text. There are many books with more oppressive nihilism than Martin's spirit of becoming.

>> No.17765488
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you will hate me, but unironically the single book that made my cry was the hirst half of the acclaimed and fantastic My Twisted World by the beloved supereme gentleman
no meme book would be metamorphosis

>> No.17765496

eventually, you'll stop caring if the hurt. Then what will you do?

>> No.17765503

>I think I wasnt invited

>> No.17765528
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>Thanks auntie love you

>> No.17765546
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This is the first time i'm feeling empathy for a black man in a long time.

>> No.17765565

The side of my hair is turning white and I'm only in my mid 20s. there is like a whole region now that's white there

>> No.17765999

I'm surprised nobody said The Conspiracy Against the Human Race - Ligotti
Or is this a feels regret man wasted youth thread that excludes doomer black pills

>> No.17766002

I stopped celebrating my bday for exactly this reason.
man, that's painful

>> No.17766151

victim seems like not quite the right word though

>> No.17767296

My biography.

>> No.17768068

I'm 22, go to a top ranking university, studying something I love (and am good at it), but I've been miserable all my life. I didn't have any friends in high-school, and I wanted to make sure that didn't happen again in college, so I joined a lot of clubs, reached out to people, spoke a lot in classes, but nothing ever stuck, and now I'm going to graduate without literally a single friend. The worst part of it all is knowing that there are tons of other people who share interests or passions that I have, but I'm just for whatever reason unable to connect with them.
I'm terrified of graduating because I'm under the impression that it will be even more difficult post-college to make friends/form social relations. Is the best route at this point to kill myself?
The sole reason I haven't killed myself at this point is because I've dreamt my whole life of being a novelist/filmmaker (To this point I've written a book and made a feature with all the extra time I had as a result of not having any social relations.) I'm scared that by dying I'll miss out on making my "magnum opus". But it just doesn't seem worth it at this point, when every day and night is spent in relentless agony just crying and cutting myself. The only time I feel good is when I'm asleep. Based on what I've read here and elsewhere, things are only going to get worse, and I don't think I can take it any more.

>> No.17768085

realized I wrote "to this point" an egregious number of times in that post, but just ignore it

>> No.17768322

do it faggot

>> No.17768334

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

>> No.17769444

>birthday coming in 3 weeks
>turning 26
>used to be one of the best everywhere I studied, didn't get any scholarship or help to get a decent job
>ex just told me we're never going to be together again, wants to stay as friends and expects me to suppress my feelings and act like we were nothing despite all I sacrificed to be together
>can't find mutual interest with anyone
>lost the energy to even bother with casual sex, only interact with people to share memes
>the only mutual affection I get is from my pet which got a tumor in his head that made him lose an eye and it will probably kill him eventually
Honestly I don't know how am I going to handle another birthday

>> No.17769517

I did it...

>> No.17769525

> Is the best route at this point to kill myself?

Answer is always no. Regarding your problem, you need a perspective shift. Either realize it's infantile thinking friendship is that important (not saying it's worthless), or get therapy.

>> No.17769549
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well anon, look on the bright side: you got trips

>> No.17769570

Binge drinking isnt cool.

>> No.17769595

Is your dad still alive?

>> No.17769614

nope, why?

>> No.17769621

I haven't celebrated a birthday or really been happy in years. I'm not even sure what "being happy" would look like at this point. I used to have friends a long time ago but due to my autism and personal issues they cut me out of their lives or I pushed them away and I doubt I've changed enough since then to make new friends without repeating my mistakes. Of course, I don't have and have never had a girlfriend or any kind of intimacy with the opposite sex and it feels laughable to even imagine such a thing.
I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Deep down I've been hoping that I'll randomly have a heart attack or get hit by a bus on my way to work so that it can all just be over already. I know not everyone was born for a grand purpose or anything but from my perspective it seems that all I ever did in life was burden others without accomplishing a single thing of note or doing anything good for another person. I'm so tired.

>> No.17769625

I havent had a birthday party with non family members since I was like 10 years old. Not like people wouldnt have come, just didnt see the point desu.
Highschool years on my birthday I'd just hang with friends during the day, like any other day, than have dinner with extended family.
Then I left school and cut contact with everyone because I dont care. Birthdays are for family.

>> No.17769632

Btw my birthdays are forcibly organized by my mother and I get in trouble if I dont wanna do anything.

>> No.17769652

your mom sounds like a sweet person

>> No.17769681

Truth is anon for most people, highschool friends are the only friends theyll have. And even then most forget about each other after school.
Normies with a social circle are a legitimate minority in the world. Dont feel bad, because 80% of the population is in the same position.
We've been told out whole life that humans are social animals, we survive off social interaction. Thats bullshit. We are fine without a social life especially now the internet exists.

if you are really desperate for friends go to an anime convention or something. Just sliding into a group of autists and asking if you can hang with them.
But do you really want to hang with anime autists just to have friends?

>> No.17769729

old people tend to care less about insecurity. to the precocious /lit/ cretin, bringing a picture to help you remember a love lost would make you melt and masturbate all night; but for an old man he just wants to think of days gone by not giving a fig what other people think

>> No.17769891



Its a sci-fi book about aliens (who are civilians, insectoid and not evil or hivemind) that crash land on Earth after their spaceship malfunctions. They crash next to a german village in the XIII (or XIV?) century, right before the black plague reaches the town.
Shenanigans and cultural clashes happen while the aliens try to repair their ship and well, its fucking sad.

>> No.17769933

sounds good thanks for the rec

>> No.17770037

My birthday is tomorrow, why did I read this thread.

>> No.17770228

Rapes of gath

>> No.17770309
File: 957 KB, 812x805, 026e341b750278ef8b7d71017b1780c2-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels like you're talking about me desu. I'm almost 21, just started studying philosophy with a primary reason being that I'll make friends here. I also want to be a filmmaker in the future, but unlike you I haven't done a single thing to get to that.
Fortunately I have managed to make some connections, but I'm so afraid that I'll fuck it up by being cringey and awkward. Happens more often than I like to admit.
I just want someone to watch movies, talk about books/philosophy and play vidya with. Why is that so hard...

>> No.17770465

Hello darkness my old friend...

>> No.17770469

poor guy

>> No.17770480

Happy birthday anon

>> No.17770492

His diary.

>> No.17770539

You play with water in the cups used in play and drink from your own personal cup. Nobody wants dirty ping pong balls landing in the beer they have to drink.

>> No.17770578

>july 2015
I hope he is fine too.

>> No.17770586

why are amerilards so obsessed with these red cups? why not pink? why not blue? you fat faggots are pathetic

>> No.17770625

reddit thread

>> No.17770639


>> No.17770713

I remember when I was in high school, it was at the height of anti bullying campaigns and the main slogan was always "things get better", as in once you get to college you will be able to meet people with same interests as you, have friends, etc. I was just like you, entered a career hoping I would find people with similar interests, be able to discuss literature, films, etc., but it was just the same shit, vapid people everywhere (though I accept the problem was always me), only managed to make one friend who happened to be as autistic and dysfunctional as me. My youth is over now, and I'm just as alone now as I've ever been.

>> No.17770752

you fellas sound a lot like me. you guys wanna play vidya sometime? :^)

>> No.17770851

Yea it’s easy to forget to maintain friendships. But it’s a really important thing.

>> No.17770857

buddhists were right

>> No.17770871
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Had my birthday a few weeks ago, I'm 31. Got no friends but I don't give fuck I'm almost crypto-retired. Gonna buy a house soon then find a nice young woman ~17-18 to start a family with and save the White race.

>> No.17770877

I don't even celebrate my birthday anymore
I get my mother making a facebook post about it and that is all.
I don't know what I did to be this alone