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17756880 No.17756880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain LGBT Christian logic?

How do they read the book and come to the conclusion that they can live their life “in sin” and continue to “sin” despite the fact that the Bible instructs Christians to stray from sin as often as possible, and to never be content to live in sin?

>> No.17756910

Not /lit/
Please go away to /his/ or preferably /x/

>> No.17756946

>How do they read the book and come to the conclusion that they can live their life “in sin” and continue to “sin” despite the fact that the Bible instructs Christians to stray from sin as often as possible, and to never be content to live in sin?
How do most Christians read the book and come to the conclusion that they can liver their life "in sin" and continue to "sin" despite the fact that the Bible instructs Christians to stray from sin as often as possible, and to never be content to live in sin?

>> No.17756957

Something about glass houses, I assume.

>> No.17756978

Most Christians don't read the Bible. It's more of a cultural thing.

>> No.17757032

They are an order of magnitude more perverted than regular trannies and faggots imo.

>> No.17757051

I asked a self proclaimed Christian how she justifies her pre-marital sex.

>its okay if you just ask for forgiveness afterwards!

>> No.17757058

Personally fucked 5 teenage church girls back in high school, all catholic. Shameless sluts.

>> No.17757073

thousands of years ago, then other desert man made up that this imaginary friend was his father and now people are making up that he likes faggot while the people before then believed that he hated them.

>> No.17757081

It's simple: they're sinners.

>> No.17757129

Basically this, before pushing for gay marriage those denominations were already devoid of any theological fundaments... what's left is only a film of moralism no much different than any other secular institution, susceptible to whatever cultural changes that may be in vogue.

>> No.17757130

you can't, it's a subversion of the doctrine

>> No.17757151

A lot of gay Christian couples don't have sex, believe it or not.

>> No.17757152

lmao maybe you can also post in the seven frog threads, 5 jezebel posts and a fucking MBTI thread if you're worried about staying on topic.

or maybe something about discussion about christianity makes you irrationally mad? because the OP is actually asking about something pertaining to a hugely influential text so you're actually shitposting in one of a few truly on topic threads.

>> No.17757171

did jesus really die for our sins? I never got that feeling when reading the gospels, but I might have overlooked it as I was reading it before bedtime.

>> No.17757214

They're demonic. As we see in the temptation of the desert, the devil himself will quote scripture to serve his own ends. The only difference with these fags is they're not half as clever. Where the devil gives plausible interpretations, these people will lie about what the books say.

>> No.17757731

NTAYRT. A purely theological discussion doesn't really belong here, it's a /his/ question. It doesn't belong on /x/ because they're so schizo they make the rest of 4chan look sane and normal.
That said, I'll give OP a crumb and a starting place:
A bitt of the contemporary argumentation could be gleaned from
>The History of Sexuality, esp the discussion around the term "homosexual"; even if this isn't explicitly mentioned in many arguments, it's worth noting
>The footnotes from DBH's translation of the New Testament, as he discusses arsenokoites, and I think he talks about malakos/malakoi as well
>Knust's Abandoned to Lust: Sexual Slander and Ancient Christianity, especially the first chapter
>Coakley's The New Ascetism, especially the first and fifth chapters
There's probably more, but much of it boils down to the discussion of some Greek terms and how they were used giving way to people to try and analyze what they actually mean, especially given that they've been translated very differently over time. Coakley's book doesn't deal with translation as much, and goes more into what an attempt at orthodox LGBT Christianity would look like by analyzing Patristic treatments of sexuality.

>> No.17757845

There is nothing to explain. They say they believe in Christ yet live a life of complete sin and completely corrupt His and his Father's word. As such, do you truly believe they believe in Christ?
It is really just a symptom of the times/society we live. Just read 1 Corinthians to understand it all. Paul condemned the whole church in Corinth mainly because of them accepting one person who was fucking his step mother (among other things, but this was the major reason). The Corinthian church was in one of the most sinful cities of the time. Can you imagine what Paul would say now?
It is understandable for a church not to turn away a lost sheep but it is something else entirely to ENCOURAGE this sheep's life of sin, which is what these TikTok faggots do.

>> No.17757856

Just like christianity cannibalized old pagan beliefs cultural marxism in turn cannibalizes christianity as the new faith replaces the old

>> No.17757930

and you should go back to red.dit

>> No.17757982

oh, this one's easy - they're not really christians at all, they're just liberals appropriating christian spirituality. paul said sodomites deserve to die, so they decided they'd go full sola scriptura and only listen to jesus. jesus said no divorce, so they decided he didn't really mean it because times were different then. jesus said judge not lest you be judged, so they decided that meant nobody ever gets to judge any behavior by any standards whatsoever. viewing their behavior in terms of christianity is backwards - their real belief lies in liberalism, and it only encroaches onto christian belief insofar as it doesn't contradict what they actually believe in. they never cared about these things on their own terms, only what they mean (or are allowed to mean) under liberalism

>> No.17758073


Is this video accurate?

>> No.17758131

left over soviet subversion from the 50's

>> No.17758179
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Read Machen.

>> No.17758196

The lgbtsjwtfnpc community
The cultural marxism community
The biopolitics social engineering community
The lgbthivaids community
The pedophile normalization community
politically correct victimhood units

>> No.17758221

I am not even religious and I am deeply offended by all these homosexual false “reverends” on the internet these days

>> No.17758308

Christians seem to have pretty flexible understandings of Christianity, especially in America

>> No.17758318
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>> No.17758326

>I was okay when they killed, robbed, stole, cheated etc. But them tolerating fags?? FUCKING HYPOCRITES!

>> No.17758346

sodomy is worse than all of those things

>> No.17758356

Old slave morality is compatible with new slave morality

>> No.17758372

>duck in butt is worse than murder
No fun allowed: the religion

>> No.17758408

Qanon, pizzagate are psyops or wargames run by the department of defense, alex jones is obiously himself a long time cooperator of FEMA continuity of government programs. And its confirmed trans stuff is funded by transhumanist billionaires like martine rothblatt, the lgbt agenda that has been always linked to elite social engineering and population control and the pedophile stuff gors from implicit to explicit.

>> No.17758466

>antisemitic point of no return
>worse than science denial.
Lmfao. Whoever made this is a moron.

>> No.17758479

>How do they read the book
There's your answer, they don't nor do most Christians in America today anymore.

>> No.17758493

I mean epstein proved there are powerful jews who literally run paedo rings and have blackmail on all celebrity scientists but sure the left will ask you to trust the (((science))) and zionist propaganda outlets

>> No.17758557

They're simply possessed, no way around it. I'm serious.

>> No.17758586

>>its okay if you just ask for forgiveness afterwards!
She should repent. I'm honestly not sure if it's not on the brink of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit at this point.

>> No.17758626

>science is corrupt
The guy who would have felt the need to make this chart wouldn't have thought that though. From his chart just seems to believe that thinking mean thoughts about jews is the absolute worst thing someone can do. Worse than destroying the earth or letting your kids die of disease.

>> No.17758629

If I were the government I would produce such charts on purpose to put some shit we actually do in the top part together with the hollow earth and the faked moon landing. Just saying.

>> No.17758640

maybe if the catholic church could stop molesting little boys for five minutes there would be fewer LGBT christians

>> No.17758655

Most of the people who commit these things don't live in it day by day. Having said that, cooming is almost as bad as sodomy in God's eyes. All these things are a crime against nature.
Also this. I live in Ireland in which many people my generation say they are Catholic. This dumb woman I worked with voted for abortion and could not fathom the hypocrisy yet swore she was a devout Catholic (and would have sex with a different man every Saturday).
Jesus said
>O faithless and perverse generation...
Wtf would he say today?
This is retarded. Yes the Catholic church is corrupt as sin, but what justification does it give for others?

>> No.17758709
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Because true Christianity petered out centuries ago and was replaced by liberalism wearing the symbolic language of Christianity.

We’re all liberals, whether we like it or not.

>> No.17758721

Jesus ate with the marginalized of society with no preconditions and condemned the people who thought they had the will of God all figured out. Who are the marginalized of today? Who are the self-satisfied whited sepulchers of today?

>> No.17758741

abused kids are more likely to be LGBT. also you said it, its corrupt as fuck, and sets an example which people follow.

>> No.17758752
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>petered out
>mfw i see what you did there

>> No.17758777

The catholic church and the lgbt movement and qanon type psyops are plainly all mind control devices who prey on victims of systematic child abuse.