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/lit/ - Literature

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17756371 No.17756371 [Reply] [Original]

>Count the books I own and how many of them I have read
>Own 750
>Estimate that I have spent 15000 dollars on my collection
>Have read 250 of them
What about you guys?

>> No.17756415

i have like 1-200. mainly used, $1-3 each, so I'd estimate $500 or so.

now i mainly trade for books and try to trade off the books i've read and don't like.

>> No.17756434

Post shelf

>> No.17756453

oh wait probably more on the lower end of 10000* forgot to estimate that I got a lot of used books at a lower price

>> No.17756624

I have like 80 books and I have read all of them except one I got two days ago. I wish I could have your problem, but books are expensive in this shithole so I never have much more than what I am actually going to read.

>> No.17756666

where do you live anon

>> No.17756676
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I have exactly 28 books piled up in two untidy stacks to my right and of those books I have read 6, half of which are notepad sized.

>> No.17757204


>> No.17757257

I own about 130, have read about 115 of them. I have no idea how much I must've spent on them, but converting my Brazilbucks my very rough estimate is of something like 3-4k dollars.

>> No.17757310

I'm a richfag too and have spent about 20,000 bucks on my library/study so it has that Roger scurton vibe. I've got a lot of books and I estimate I've read about 20%

That being said I'm easily the most well read person in my social circles. A lot of these people care only about work and money

>> No.17757437

I think I own around 200-250. I only own a handful that I haven't read. I don't really believe in buying books I don't intend to read. I like spending money on books but I don't like wasting money on books that won't get read. I read a lot on my Kindle too which keeps my library a manageable size.

I have no idea how much money I've spent on books. Probably a good bit, but most of my books are second-hand and from Amazon so they've been very cheap. I stopped using Amazon a few years ago so I pay a bit more now, but I also buy physical books less often because of the Kindle. I pirate all my e-books.

I like owning physical books but storage becomes a problem fairly quickly.

>> No.17757474

I haven't read even half of all the books I own but don't feel bad about it. I like the way they look and I'll probably get round to reading them all eventually

>> No.17757567

but are you happy

>> No.17757599


>> No.17757652

Where does your money come from? Have you invested in GME?

>> No.17757682

are you retarded?

>> No.17757692

Too fucking many that I haven't read and I just bought another one. What happens is I'll feel like reading something specific that I don't have, buy it, then by the time it arrives I want to read something else. Sometimes I buy books just to "have" with the intention to read them in the distant future.

>> No.17757853

I have over 1,000 books, mostly buy used so the ones I do not keep will sell for at least what I paid for them, if not more. Also buy some books just to flip when I find something with some worth for a good deal, but I need to make at least $50 off the sale to bother, most recent find to be flipped, Man In The High Castle first edition in fantastic condition for $15. Probably have around 300 unread. No idea on how much I have spent, been years since I have had to worry about the modest amounts I spend on books.

>> No.17758008

Do you not buy used? wtf