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17748594 No.17748594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I LOVE Murakami, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and Camus

>> No.17748603

A thread died for this

>> No.17748604
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>>I LOVE Murakami, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and Camus

>> No.17748610

She most likely hasn’t read any of them, just says she likes them to look smart and cultured

>> No.17748636

Art hoes wouldn't like Nietzsche, he's too individualistic and kratocratic. I don't know if they would like Dostoevsky considering he's reactionary and religious. I mean, in contrary to my post, art hoes don't read to begin with so it isn't like they know any of this. Art hoes do like Murakami becomes le quirky Japanese man and they like Camus because his philosophy boils down to "bruh just don't think too hard about life smoke weed 420 blaze it." (also the fact that Camus is sexy).

Replace Dostoevsky and Nietzsche with Vonnegut and Hesse.

>> No.17748638
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>has only read Crime & Punishment
>has only read Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>has only read The Stranger

>> No.17748717

Do females read Dosto?

>> No.17748723

Do females read?

>> No.17748740

Do females?

>> No.17748743


>> No.17748759


>> No.17748775

You think this is sexy. Then you touch her hair and get really confused. It's extremely dry and brittle. You run your fingers through her hair and it's like scrubbing your skin with steel wool. All those hair dye mood swings have destroyed the life in her hair. It literally feels like a fake wig, but the sad reality is it's her real hair.

>> No.17748786

Please go on>>17748775

>> No.17748830

I don't know what else to say. Art Hoe hair is nasty. They nuke it with chemicals and it's one of the most unpleasant things I've touched. When I run my fingers through my hair is feels soft and smooth. When I run it through an art hoe's it gets caught in snags and scratches my hand. I once tries to run my fingers through this girl's hair and my finger got caught and my hand kept going but my fingerd stayed put. It was a little awkward because it nearly caused me to punch her. I stopped touching her hair after that. No man should have to feel that.

These women also own wigs and hair extensions. So half the time that's not their real hair. They go through mood swing and shave their heads. Then they realize they fucked up and purchase chinese wigs and hair extensions online.

>> No.17748838


>> No.17748842

How have your ventures with the female species been since that occasion??

>> No.17748866

I love you :)

>> No.17748875

Not to mention the cigarette breath, the musty smelling clothes, the nasty fingernails and the cake face makeup.

>> No.17748956

That was the last girl I had relations with. I believe I made her realize she was a lesbian, because a year later her social media said she had a girlfriend. Overall it was terrible besides putting my dick in her. These people are emotionally abusive. They always pretend you're wrong and hold it against you. They always make you think you've done some sort of traumatic emotional harm to them. They basically believe everyone is out to get them, and turn on you quick. They were one of the most spiteful people I ever met. During sex just lay there like a starfish and wouldn't do jack shit. She never touched me. It really pissed me off. The only consolation was every time I thrusted it would knock her head against the wall. I think she enjoyed that, but she wouldn't touch me. These BPD chicks are just really annoying and emotionally draining. It's like trying to please a baby. It's impossible. No matter what you do they'll cry and scream at you, then hold it against you and turn you into their mortal enemy for some drama. I once told the girl she looked kinda creepy in a photo. She then flipped out and went on a rant about how I was trying to tear her down because in that photo that was one of the few times she was genuinely happy. It was literally a photo of her next to an alpaca. She became emotionally destroyed and spiteful because I said the photo had a creepy feel to it.

>> No.17748967

I thought Murakami and Nietzsche readers were supposed to be more stereotypically male than female. Kinda like Bukowski readers.

>> No.17748975

Which Murakami?

>> No.17748976

The only people I've ever met irl who have read murakami were all female and one MTF tranny.

>> No.17749002

That's terrible! Go and find something better chap.

>> No.17749012

I've seen people imply that because of the way Murakami is kinda obsessed with the portrayal of weird sex scenes and related happenings from male protagonists' perspectives that he writes much more for men than women. Also, anecdotally, the only other Murakami lover I've ever known was also a dude.

>> No.17749015

That is, if you want to

>> No.17749023

Murakami is so much trash. The others are all right.

>> No.17749025

I can relate. Bitches do be crazy. A thing that makes women make more sense is that what they're saying isn't necessarily true, but their emotions are. Gotta talk to their emotions, not to their words.

>> No.17749034

at least 4 girls in my class said their fav book was Crime and Punishment. When you think about it, its very pro-feminine so its kind of understandable.

>> No.17749035

Very accurate to my experience with art hoes as well

>> No.17749053

Fuck you made me double check if i wasn't a art hoe

>> No.17749159

Another thing that really pissed me off is I took her to the movies after dinner once. I worked at the movie theater so I got in free and everything, but the moment the movie started she fell aslee. That really pissed me off. It's not that I was expecting sex in the movie theater or anything like that. But how could you go on a date to a movie and then fall asleep for the movie? It was more annoying because I had to shake her awake at the end, and people were staring. I tried to wake her up gently but it wasn't working. So I gave up and waited for the end of the credits. When the lights came on she was still asleep. My coworkers came up and saw me shaking awake my date. It was embarassing.

She would also browse instagram and twitter when I would bring over dvds to watch. She would never pay attention. Then she would inevitably ask what was happening. It's really fucking hard to share culture with women that isn't pure Bacchanalian hedonism. They just get bored and wish they were getting drunk, doing drugs, listening to garbage music, or doing something that stimulates their social media fried dopamine receptors.

>> No.17749186

>I once told the girl she looked kinda creepy in a photo. She then flipped out and went on a rant about how I was trying to tear her down because in that photo that was one of the few times she was genuinely happy. It was literally a photo of her next to an alpaca.

>> No.17749272
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Arthoe lips always seem so soft, like pillows. They are always using the most pastel, brightest colours too. It's almost like they want to get some dick into their mouth....

>> No.17749295

lol but if a girl who says this has actually read them and means this that's kinda based

>> No.17749300

>lol but if a girl who says this has actually read them

>> No.17749345
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>> No.17749416

Not all girls are how you envision them in your incel mind

>> No.17749487

All the attractive ones are. Who cares about a 250lb woman with mannish features who reads and analyzes Joyce, Proust, Faulkner, etc.? She's a freak and can go fuck off to freakville with all the other manly females and feminine men.

>> No.17749505

Don't even get me started on the Youtuber and adult cartoon obsession. It's just sad, and I find it disturbing that someone would sink that much of their life into something so trivial. But then again I'm on 4chan.

>> No.17749797

Is it possible to be over twenty and never have read The Stranger? It takes like one hour and the read comprehension of a 12 year to finish

>> No.17749806
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>All the attractive ones are. Who cares about a 250lb woman with mannish features who reads and analyzes Joyce, Proust, Faulkner, etc.? She's a freak and can go fuck off to freakville with all the other manly females and feminine men.

>> No.17749821

You're incorrect I've had a lot of hot English lit and philosophy/poli sci professors who are hot. My current lit prof is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen and she's in her mid 30s.

>> No.17749868
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>All the attractive ones are. Who cares about a 250lb woman with mannish features who reads and analyzes Joyce, Proust, Faulkner, etc.? She's a freak and can go fuck off to freakville with all the other manly females and feminine men.

>> No.17749875
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t. incel

>> No.17749880

Sounds too familiar, almost identical to my current situation. Stuff like this would be 'eye-opening,' several years ago where I'd convince myself it was different and how I'm above you, or somehow try and give you 'advice' just to re-affirm delusion, or pretend I 'found love' this time, but I just don't care enough to do that anymore. I don't care if she's right, and I don't care if she leaves me. I don't give a shit if she gets mad because I was watching some smutty comedy she disapproves of, It's all one big joke, the sex isn't even good, and I'm just bored. I'll probably break up with her eventually, but it's only because she's too nervous to leave me, and then I'll forget about her, and a few days later once I'm convinced I'll never speak to her again I'll completely forget I was in a relationship two days prior. The worst thing that would happen would be if she doesn't feel exactly as I do, and gets surprised when I end it.

>> No.17749898

>still expecting THAT type of relationship
That'd be nice, but this reality I'm afraid. You don't want to be friends with women, that's just subliminal messages from television.

>> No.17749923
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Leave her first. Otherwise she will lure into a false sense of security and leave you when you least expect it or when you’ll be at your lowest. It’s all a game to her and she’ll try to make you suffer as much as possible to feed her fragile ego.

>> No.17749973
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Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.17749996

Why does this matter?

>> No.17749999


>> No.17750125

>It was literally a photo of her next to an alpaca.