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17747607 No.17747607 [Reply] [Original]

From Thus Spoke Zarathustra 'On the Gift-Giving Virtue'

>Wake and listen, you that are lonely! From the future come winds with secret wing beats; and good tidings are proclaimed to delicate ears. You that are lonely today, you that are withdrawing, you shall one day be the people: out of you, who have chosen yourselves, there shall grow a chosen people – and out of them, the overman. Verily, the Earth shall yet become a sight of recovery, and even now a new fragrance surrounds it, bringing salvation – and a new hope.

hang in their neets

>> No.17747641

NEETS are the most dependent, useless people ever. He wasn't referring to them.

>> No.17747643

Does that mean watching anime and reading books on my balcony all day and just taking it easy until society collapses is a Nietzsche-approved lifestyle?

>> No.17747789


>> No.17747801


>> No.17747826

Damn, that's based.

>> No.17747839

Yes, hermits make the path through the desert that the overman shall travel.

>> No.17747840

G A U N T • U N W A X E D

>> No.17747875
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The Overman Bifrost is littered with the bodies of higher weebs

>> No.17747893

Wait wasn't Nietzsche against escapism?

>> No.17747900

X • Y

>> No.17747954

Verily, thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.17747961

nobody said anything about escapism.

>> No.17747977

Anime is escapism, lad.
It's also mostly wish fulfillment fantasies, which Nietzsche found abhorrent

>> No.17747994


>> No.17748084

Becoming a hermit does not require watching anime. Reread the quote in the OP. Out of all the weebs/neets/hermits will grow a CHOSEN people. These will be the hikikomori who have moved beyond anime and escapism and are left with the raw Self in the desert. From these chosen few neets the overman will rise and redefine virtue.

>> No.17748125

>are left with the raw Self in the desert.
What does that mean?

>> No.17748139

Try to interpret it, child.

>> No.17748145

Look at the responses to >>17747643

>> No.17748177

so my midwit take from this is Neetcha is saying NEETS are closer to the ubermench ideal because they have drifted away from society, isolated, lonley?
Doesn't the tendancy of NEETs to be the biggest consooomers of culture/media via the internet negate this idea? They are alone, isolated but they are hyperconnected in a way 19th moustache man couldn't imagine

>> No.17748196

This is necessary to part of the coming of the overman, who, like a lightning bolt, will strike down from the clouds. But, before the lighting, many anime-watching raindrops shall fall to the earth.

>> No.17748209

Again and again the anglo seeks to get some sort of self-help philosophy from Nietzsche. Bet it feels good. This is not any different from trannies thinking they are making truth and are the ubermenschen, these are the very same anglo thought patterns.

>> No.17748214

the neets that are the biggest consumers of culture/media are not the chosen people from which the overman will rise. There will be some who reject these things.

>> No.17748225

>Quoting Nietzsche like some form of Bible
I find it hilarious you treat this man as some sort of god. This man who mentally collapsed under the weight of his philosophy. The overman is an enlightened state of being which he theorized was possible if one is able to eschew the reality given to us by others for one we create ourselves. Escapism is not this, Escapism is living in the reality of others in order to avoid confronting it. He was not saying that hermits and fucking escapists were enlightened, he said people who felt lonely because they had surpassed those around them mentally would one day no longer be lonely because the number of over men would grow as time went on. They are not special, magical, or superior beings, just men who have freed themselves from the false reality of the world around us. Like all philosophers, who knows of this theorized state of being is even possible. You can try to reach it but just being a NEET will not take you there, if it is even real. Any retard who quotes this man like the Bible is an actual brainlet

>> No.17748226

>There will be some who reject these things.
When you're a neet, there isn't much to do except consume and learn.

>> No.17748248

>You that are lonely today, you that are withdrawing, you shall one day be the people: out of you, who have chosen yourselves, there shall grow a chosen people
this sounds like the meek inheriting the urf

>> No.17748249

so remain a camel then, and fall like a raindrop while some may choose to become lions and fight the dragon of 'Thou Shalt'

>> No.17748256


>> No.17748257

It's funny how everyone interprets Nietzsche differently.

>> No.17748266

implying is different when you are not a neet. arbeit macht frei.

>> No.17748268

It happens with every religion

>> No.17748272

Nietzsche isn't a religion. Are you a projecting abrahamist or just being facetious?

>> No.17748313

Like so many posts in the thread...

>> No.17748316

Not >>17748268 but the way the anons in this thread are quoting Nietzsche is oddly religious, wrapping themselves in these quotes as if they self evident and prophetic proof of the future just like how the religious will quote revelations to counter the arguments of others. There is no critical argument or analysis to support this interpretation, only random cherry picked quotes used as proof of concept for a prediction.

>> No.17748321
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Neets are dependent in one sense, but not at all in the other. They only rely on the dependence you imagine as a way to completely reject the systems of participation that define mediocrity. It is wagecucks who are the real dependents, true believers in god, government, fashion, females, power and plans - - all hollow, all vain, all thoroughly detestable. Neetzsche was absolutely talking about us, the neet master race. And I quote...
> Once the sin against God was the greatest sin; but God died, and these sinners died with him. To sin against the earth is now the most dreadful thing, and to esteem the entrails of the unknowable higher than the meaning of the earth...
>What is the greatest experience you can have? It is the hour of the great contempt. The hour when your happiness, too, arouses your disgust, and even your reason and your virtue.
>The hour when you say, 'What matters my happiness? It is poverty and filth and wretched contentment. But my happiness ought to justify existence itself.'
The 'happy' wagecuck is ever the enemy of 'humanity', though humanity only be found in solitary enclaves and islands before our very screens. We accept the support and reproach, or dependence as you put it, of this hated enemy only that we may readier wash our hands of it, the foe thus acknowledged materially is divorced from ourselves fundamentally.

>> No.17748334
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Imagine still crying about anglos.

>> No.17748335

>he said people who felt lonely because they had surpassed those around them mentally would one day no longer be lonely because the number of over men would grow as time went on. They are not special, magical, or superior beings, just men who have freed themselves from the false reality of the world around us.
I've got to say, it sure sounds a lot like you're describing hikikomori...

>> No.17748341
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based and neetpilled

>> No.17748379

>felt lonely because they had surpassed those around them mentally
moreso that the normies saw them as different and tended to avoid them, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy of loneliness

>> No.17748401

Yes, Nietzsche's overman (and philosophical interests) is more interconnected with the last man than most would have you think. Out of the existence of the last man is the overman born, it's not quite as simple last man bad, overman good, I believe Nietzsche even praises the last man's contentedness at one point. That is, through the unique psychological gaze we get into the last man, in the incel, something of an uberman is prefigured in him.

>> No.17748422

>There is no critical argument or analysis
If you're looking for cold rationality, Nietzsche won't satisfy you at all. The people who say he's not really a philosopher aren't wrong

>> No.17748440
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>tfw the uberman is prefigured in you
I knew all those hours of watching cute girls doing cute things would pay off

>> No.17748443

no; he's saying Last Men are the siren song of Mere Men differentiating into Overmen and Last Men. it's just easier to identify Last Men than Overmen for the same reason it's easier to not-do-evil than it is to do good.

>> No.17748458

Physical loneliness is not the same is emotional loneliness. And embracing a false reality presented to you by religion and consumerism is not being freed from said false reality, it is simply indulging in it. The consumption of goods is one facet of the modern illusion, where value and purpose is given from working for and then purchasing goods. Hikikomori simply indulge themselves in solely the purchasing part, and in a way are little different from the content wagie who works hard and then consumes in his free time. The only change is that he has more time to consume. What reality have they created for themselves? Nothing, they have merely adopted the most basal form of hedonism and mental denial. You do not need to be physically lonely and not involved in society to be an overman, because the overman will understand that society is just one more tool and system which can be navigated while one pursues his own truth.

>> No.17748474

You can argue Nietzsche and discuss his points without quoting him like the Bible. I would not call Nietzsche a pure mystic, because there is an inherent logic to his philosophy

>> No.17748478
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If we don't breed, how could this be?

>> No.17748484

Honestly, I don’t know if I agree with this but there’s an often ignored fact that NEETs simply aren’t just people who are lazy or ill equipped to navigate an increasingly complex society, but are rather also people who simply can’t compel themselves to because they don’t find this world appealing. Nietzsche himself was not so different.

>> No.17748491

>there is an inherent logic to his philosophy
It goes beyond logic, which is pretty much the definition of mysticism

>> No.17748500

I don't think he's talking about hikikomoris, but generally any man (can't be a woman, of course) that has decoupled themselves from the mainstream psychosis. From those men, a few will possess the perfect mixture of egoism, confidence, and intelligence to construct a new value system. There will be many more failures than successes, too, like this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Nechayev

>> No.17748505
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to be fair, the average NEET has indeed surpassed normies in terms of their values.

>> No.17748507

Any philosopher can be spoken about in a rational and analytical manner, but if an argument or claim looks like this, then it is indeed religious >>27885051

>> No.17748523

No, he shit on von Hartmann for that (or maybe David Strauss? I forget). The patience that he prescribes to his "good Europeans" is not the same as complacency. Complacency makes you weak.

>> No.17748536

Yes, but being a hermit is not necessarily the grounds for being an overman. Plenty of individuals adopt hermit lifestyles for one reason or another, including religious hermits, and all of these are considered abnormal. Acting abnormal or adopting an abnormal philosophy is not enough to be an overman, because by that logic everyone and everything would be over men. Over men must have a fundamental understanding of nihilism that includes personal pleasure as another thing that is utterly worthless. Only from that point of nothingness, where nothing matters, including consuming, can an overman be born. Until then it is denial.

>> No.17748548

Isn't the overman just the one who rejects all values to make his own?

>> No.17748552

>Over men must have a fundamental understanding of nihilism that includes personal pleasure as another thing that is utterly worthless.
Didn't Nietzsche support erotic pleasure? Not hedonism per say, but the experience itself?
What is supposed to be of value to the overman?

>> No.17748570


>> No.17748607

>you should be dancing, but also don't be a hedonist, but affirm life in the here and now without being a hedonist somehow
Nietzsche's ideas seem contradictory at times

>> No.17748615

because he dances to music you cant hear

>> No.17748621

Is this a cryptic way to say I got filtered, because I'm honestly trying to understand

>> No.17748631

the difference being a gay person who likes to suck cock in the privacy of his own bedroom and the gay person who likes to get fisted while marching down the street

>> No.17748641

He doesn't like hedonists because they're obnoxious?

>> No.17748644

>I'm honestly trying to understand
Have you read the books? No? Try that.

>> No.17748652

He does, but not as a point of pleasure to avoid the pain of existing but pleasure for the point of exploration. Nietzsche seemed to encourage actions of mental and physical exploration as important to a free individual, perhaps as only a free individual could appreciate them for what they were or even partake in them

>> No.17748653

I exclusively get my knowledge of philosophy from /lit/, wikipedia articles and stanford encyclopedia entries

>> No.17748663

Stop listening to anonymous retards and just read him. He isn't contradictory when you have the right idea of him in mind.

>> No.17748669

hows that working out?

>> No.17748685

I can convincingly pretend to be knowledgeable about most great western schools of thought as long as nobody who actually knows what they're talking about is in the same room

>> No.17748689

very cool anon

>> No.17748691
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>> No.17748705

You realize books are kind of a myth right? Like the physical type you see in a movie or whatever, most of those books are not actually full of writing, there might be a few pages that have some bullet points and some scrolls but mostly the pages are blank or just have some geometric designs. This whole idea that there are actually books of hundreds of pages is just something Hollywood came up with to fit the 'mad scholar' image. There are just not that many things to say.

>> No.17748708

This makes me feel good about myself...based

>> No.17748718

If you're a welfarenigger you aren't neet master race though. Just saying.

>> No.17748728

>he isn't literally on autismbux

>> No.17748783

We’re all on welfare one way or another

>> No.17748833


>> No.17748948

>bro i'm the overman
>I don't even know what that means exactly but I'm sure as hell better than other people so seems legit
>Duuuuude I'm an overman because I fail at my life everyday, now I'm getting it

>> No.17748962

>the overman is the meaning of the world - freedree needzee
>anon you give meaning to my world - anon's grandmom
nothing personnel unterweenies

>> No.17748973

To be an overman, you have to reject Nietzsche in his entirety.

>> No.17748992

Based. Find your qt autistic gfs and live innawoods, lads.

>> No.17748995

You can't reject Nietzsche without acting out nietzschean ideas at the same time,

>> No.17749005

I think it makes some sense if you mean... "successful" hikikomoris?

The fact is that living alone and socially isolated takes an incredible toll of pain. It is not a fun existence. It is not a constant stream of terrible pain, but it is a dull and terribly withering experience.

To stand in that kind of void of purpose or meaning or basic social necessities and still be able to stand tall and say achieve something then I think that requires a lot of strength.

kind of drunk rn sorry if that sounds retarded

>> No.17749016

Why is everyone surprised by this? Zarathustra spent 20 years alone in a cave.

>> No.17749052

Yes you can. It's called wanting for truth, once you want for truth you have no choice but to stop cloaking yourself in the aesthetic platitudes of mentally ill poets.

>> No.17749063
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Nietzsche is based as hell

>> No.17749092

Is that a pic of all of Crowley's gnostic saints?

>> No.17749097

>in his entirety
Sounds like you want an excuse to not read him.

>> No.17749112

They are all Platonists

>> No.17749120

To consider this seriously though; he wasn't referring to the Hikikomori when he said this. He rather implied that those who are lonely are so because their ideas and views are so fundamentally different from the rest of the herd that they can't help but feel ostracized. These loners try and achieve something worthwhile, while hikikomori are just downright pathetic.

>> No.17749135
File: 106 KB, 599x846, 33ADB11D-ECCC-436F-8844-CAAED3E3A2BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true

>> No.17749137

If you actually read Nietzsche, you would know he said this himself.

>> No.17749163

I know Zarathustra says that, but your post jumps the gun and ignores the most important aspect of his statement, which is that it comes at the end.

>> No.17749214

Because he is

>> No.17749249

The only conclusion Nietzsche offers is the realisation some years after reading him that you wasted years of your life on a beautifully written denial of truth. You can cloak metaphysics in as many beautiful little poems as you like, it will never suffice as an investigatory conclusion. You will realise this when you turn 18.

>> No.17749270

>Virgin Mary behind Socrates

>> No.17749278

So I was right about you wanting an excuse lol

>> No.17749496

They are platonic hikkimoris

>> No.17749876

makes sense to me no need to apologize

>> No.17750644
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Um, yeah, I'm bumping this thread.

>> No.17750670

This. Living amongst the herd while rejecting it is a whole lot harder than just removing yourself from it.

>> No.17750726

Where is there left to go in the 21st century? Honest question. Is there a yet undiscovered philosophy that will help?

For me, it's oliet bang's.

To be serious, I think that fukuyama might've been correct about the e d of history, but not in the way he thought. Liberal democracy isn't the end of the road, but every philosophical angle has now been explored. Can you create a new one, a la Nietzsche? Christ tried and was crucified for it. His message lasted awhile but is now overrun by degenerates and jews.

What form does your Ubermensch take?

>> No.17750741

You only continue to live with the herd because you are a coward. You don't have the strength to face the utter loneliness of a hikikomori and see the truth

>> No.17750776

This is a secular and less eloquent knock-off of Christ’s teachings.

>Happy are those who are poor [lacking], for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
>Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

>> No.17750949

Not him, but hikikomori are a bit of a paradox:
>hate and fear the outside world/average life, causing them to avoid confronting it
>yet live a life that would turn most people crazy and/or cause suicide
>devote time to hobbies/escapism rather than self actualization and self preseveration

I wasn't technically a hikikomori but I dropped out of society for a while and then "returned" to it. Isolation estranges the loner from social norms. When you reenter society, you have to relearn a lot about what it means to be "normal". However, it's not a total cleansing of norms or values in general. NEETs and the like are always socialized, but it happens through the internet and consumerist media than through people. It's like a half-assed rejection of the world, not a complete one -- which might explain why it's such a miserable state. You're never decoupling yourself from the values of the society you're rejecting. Anyways, for me, >>17749120's take got it

>> No.17751241

I made this shitpost. Verily, actually reading some Nietzsche for once has made it a lot easier to shitpost and get (you)'s.

>> No.17751299

I was with him until the Star Wars reference.

>> No.17751594

Who's translation is this? It's not Kaufmann the jew is it? I don't think he writes that well.

>> No.17751706

it tis Kaufmann

>> No.17751710

you don't capitalize the s

>> No.17751741

>Kaufmann the jew
I don't get the hate Kaufmann gets on here. Is it just because he's Jewish? His style is generally very flattering towards Nietzsche and his footnotes are often very extensive, helpful, and interesting. The KSG is more comprehensive and I like Parkes' Zarathustra more but Kaufmann is still pretty good from what I can tell.

>> No.17752047

This is clearly Hermetic, with Thoth at the top, Hermes on the left and Hermes Trismagistus on the right. The Platonists are there, as well as the Pythagoreans.
Where's this image from?

>> No.17752060
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>> No.17752269

>wanting for truth
Keep chasing after a ghost

>> No.17752275

Metaphysics is a waste of time and you got filtered

>> No.17752293

>a miserable state
Why do wageslaves say this? I was never happier than when I was a neet living alone. Student life and work life have always felt like a complete waste of my time and efforts, which I coped with by reminding myself they were temporary periods that preceded my return to neetdom.

>> No.17752337

because they hate themselves. how could you not as a wageslave?

>> No.17752347

Christ = shit. Reject religion and embrace Overman.

>> No.17752377

>reject religion
This isn't too hard for me but where I'm struggling is rejecting metaphysics. I keep thinking I may be abandoning the truth even though I know this is probably bullshit and reason cannot ever grasp transcendent truth assuming it even exists. But still...

>> No.17752776

Sounds like a pitch for the Church of Scientology.

>> No.17752795

After reading these replies im 100% confident no one in this board actually reads

>> No.17752816
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>> No.17752823

Hey, if it makes you happy and as long as you're not obnoxious about it.

>> No.17753848

you can have a job you like.

>> No.17753866


>> No.17754793

No, we're all fucked.

>> No.17755005

Who is the auth right guy supposed to be?

>> No.17755040


>> No.17755979

To me, early Christianity, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, the Chaldaean Oracles, and late Orphic and Pythagoreans as shown in that image are all outsets of Platonism

>> No.17756189

Didn't orphism predate Plato