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17743641 No.17743641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What type of books should I read to learn about 21st century Nippon culture?

>> No.17743662


>> No.17743686

Unironically go to Twitter, Idk why but there's almost as many japs on there as much as there are Americans.

>> No.17743707

slap ball suck

>> No.17743733

Japan doesnt have a free standing army, it relies on america and its allies for protection, also only 2% of land is suitable for agriculture on that island so relies heavily on imports to sustain its population.

>> No.17743751
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>> No.17743771

It's hilarious.
You'd never see this sort of thing in anglo social media because they're all still puristanist authoritarian shitheads who report anything they don't like on sight, whereas the japs just kind of ignore it.

>> No.17743788
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>> No.17743794

wanting to learn about the least interesting period in Japanese history

>> No.17743796


>> No.17743802

2015 cllaed

>> No.17743849

what do you mean?

>> No.17743857

I love Japan. It's like Germany without Turks or political correctness. I really need to go there.

>> No.17743862
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if u want a critical analysis

>> No.17743890

Do you want to change places with me? I want to get the fuck out of this cursed island. I miss mankind, these yellow reptilians aren't even from this planet.

>> No.17743895

No Grip; no varnish

>> No.17743901

they have an army now

>> No.17743937

they have self defence force which can only help allies, they cannot actively wage an offensive.

>> No.17743959

read the news

>> No.17744110

>Praising Japan for being Conservative, nationalist, isolationist
>Actually thinking you would be welcome there as a white trash incel loser

>> No.17744132
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If Japan is so great then how come there's a huge and ever increasing number of NEET incel schizoids refusing to leave mommy? The country is about to collapse within this century unless they do something about the hikikomori.

>> No.17744159

Japanese government opening up citizenship for bwc chads when

>> No.17744202 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17744211

country fucked up with how it responded to the shimabara rebellion, meji was a promising second chance but the reactionary chuds and IJA incels ruined it.

>> No.17744214

The Japs are extremely puritanical but just according to their own societies standards.

Why do you think treating old age as unimportant in practically all Asian countries is seen as a grave sin?

>> No.17744312
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please dont reply to my posts, subhuman Marxscum

>> No.17744373


>> No.17744386

Japanese: the white people of asia

>> No.17744387

There's a lot of beauty and niceness in this video, but it's also kind of depressing how long he works.

But some how the depressive feel is appreciable in it.

>> No.17744782

>Conserative, nationalist, isolationist, capitalist, and a constitutional monarchy
you can help Japan stay that way by staying in your own shithole!
>wow a nationalist xenophobic isolationist country?? that's where I want to go!
massive retard wants to have his cake and eat it too

>> No.17744801

i watched the one with the delivery woman and she worked literally all day and just goes home to sleep.

>> No.17744851


>> No.17744882

This video is giving me serious anxiety. I would be well and truly FUCKED if I were Japanese.

>> No.17745167
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Life of average Nip
>study your ass off for 8 hours every day since middle school to get into Tokyo University, will kill himself if he gets a B
>survives on vending machine ramen, too poor to go for sushi at a restaurant more than once a year
>>economy has seen 0 growth since the 90s, at best will get a job as a salaryman at a zombie Zaibatsu on life support
>will wageslave to support his Boomer parents, which unlike American Boomers, will live to 120 because they don't eat like pigs and because of the 1st world healthcare system
>lives in a society, gets money exhorted from him by black lackeys of the yakuza, abysmal birthrates, culture is a parody of what it was, atheist
>lives either with parents in suburban home or in a closet sized apartment in Tokyo
>too proud to get into the JSDF, doesn't know that the Osakan chads that join it lead better work, social and sexual lives than him despite being country hicks
>will be a lifelong virgin, girls his age are all engaging in enjo kousai with ugly bastard executives, too proud to shack up with the hot single Christmas cake/office lady that works in the same company
>only upside of his society is homogenous demographics, advanced infrastructure and non-woke media, fat lot of good that's going to do to an outcast NEET/hikkikomori that no one wants to interact with
>gets outcompeted economically by his supposed inferiors the Koreans, will get outcompeted in cultural exports in the following decades
>1 step ahead of the West, this translates in already bowing to his Chinese overlords
>almost entirely clueless about the world
>won't emigrate, vaguely aware that the West is fucked too, plus he got blackpilled about how Asian men are treated there, especially by women because of the occasional browsing of English-speaking imageboards
>too proud/scared to emigrate to other Asian or Latinamerican countries, despite his secret intense attraction to Latinas, if dating app data is anything to go by
>indulges in consoomerism, watches anime and plays videogames because IRL he lives in a society
>gaijin think his country is like in anime, invariably get disappointed
>his corpse will be desecrated for views by YT celebrity after he inevitably an heroes in Aokigahara
Such is life in Nippon

>> No.17745268

The same reason there are hikki NEETs anywhere. Some are lazy, some are ill equipped to navigate society, even more so in a society with rigid expectations, and some just realize that our society has gotten increasingly complex and also increasingly dissatisfying at the same time. If American teenagers grew up with realistic expectations about life in their country as Japanese teenagers do, our hikki NEET problem would be 10x worse.