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File: 46 KB, 575x685, greek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17743595 No.17743595 [Reply] [Original]

we had to roleplay as greeks and make a political argument as to who could be citizens. naturally, I argued to prevent the filthy freedmen and slaves from ver being gained citizenship

>> No.17743602

Why are you roleplaying as someone who said that in class?

>> No.17743603

howd it go, did you get gasps?

>> No.17743608

you aren't interesting

>> No.17743615

it was an assignment
no i only quoted the first half, that we were made in jove's fair image, etc. had I said the wrought a beast part, i would have been expelled.
you arent moral

>> No.17743623

I know it was an assignment. I'm saying you're lying and didn't actually say it, because you're a pussy who's scared of black people and women and posts on 4channel.org

>> No.17743657

>muh dik
>go outside
>no friends
>bad parents
now that all of your insults are out of the way, is there anything you have to say?

>> No.17743667

Surprised you forgot incel.

Are you racist? What's your political ideology? Do you believe in god?

>> No.17743682

Haha anon you are so based lmao. Dare I say keyed?

>> No.17743698

Wow you're so cool bro *fistbump*

>> No.17743701

the first three covered incel, in my opinion, and i try to refrain from using meme terminology as it is meaningless.
racist, yes, because of the intelligence of blacks, i am largely neutral towards the rest, except arabs. i hold the standard ranking of races from top to bottom of white>asian>indian>native>arab>black>aboriginal if counted
politically, I believe in people, so white communisms is better than black capitalism. consider that the apartheid gov was a nuclear power, while the ANC has the rape capital of the world. similar with other former colonies.
God, maybe, but I am a determinist, so I am a deist at best. If Jesus's kingdom is not of this world, then in this world it is not relevant.

>> No.17743705
File: 59 KB, 600x465, 44BE896E-7977-434D-B616-A54FFF0A7AAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17743829

>the intelligence of blacks
Do you believe this is due to the socioeconomic and educational inequality between whites and blacks? Or do you view it as a genetic quality?

>politically, I believe in people
A politician's answer. Sounds like you're neutral to whether a government is fascist or democratic, as long as it has whites at the helm? (not shitting on you or anything, genuinely wondering)

>God, maybe, but I am a determinist, so I am a deist at best
Is this the Christian god you're thinking of, or do you believe in another/nonspecific higher power?

>> No.17743855

For all 3, yes. Blacks are deficient because of their genes; twenty years ago, before the human genome project, one could claim it was because of socioeconiomic factors, but now we know which races possess which alleles and what the function of those alleles are. Consider also that IQ goes up proportionally in mixed-race individuals with % white admixture. I am neutral about the government, but not only the leaders matter, the populace too must be white (or asian; the "chance" of success is analagous to my ranking). God as the cause of existence is my definition, so essentially. I will respect sun cults though, as that is the reason for our existence. Lunar cults are retarded.