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/lit/ - Literature

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17741663 No.17741663 [Reply] [Original]

>Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery

Why haven't you plagiarized your favourite author yet? Pass his work off as your own that his words may achieve greater diffusion.

>> No.17742319


>> No.17742359

damn is she gay or something

>> No.17742469
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 80EF59E4-7046-4C27-83EA-F102373B8140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young & Wild, a 2012 Chilean film


Capitalism. Copyright laws stifle

>> No.17742596

Oh I definitely try to pastiche their style and the like, I think the thing which pushed me over the edge into unapologetic imitation is reading Milton and seeing how much he’s literally just rephrasing homer or translating Virgil or inverting Bible passages. I’ll never be as good as Milton and if Milton is doing that and says that’s how you do well? Who am I to argue.

>> No.17742628

I want to smell both of these girls assholes.

>> No.17742635


For literary reasons?

>> No.17742639


>> No.17742644

My favorite authors are too well known

>> No.17742649

I'm going to imagine that's you on the right fron now on butters

>> No.17742652

Correction. The character is a bisexual. I never saw it.

>> No.17742654

I might lose my composure and start tonging it.

>> No.17742655

Plagiarism doesn't actually exist, it's just a literary device created in the 1930s for academics, by academics

>> No.17742669


Why are they so evil?

>> No.17742732

You can get larger firms to scan the undergrads' essays for you

>> No.17743255

It doesn't really work

>> No.17743280

Heckin CUTE

>> No.17743283

Don't be so lazy. Remix everything. Text from books, essays, emails. Throw in stills, screenshots, paintings, handwriting.

What have you got?

That's a spicy meatball.

>> No.17743289
File: 98 KB, 315x332, D314293D-4504-459E-8A8C-7D976319C891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17743298

hi butterfly

>> No.17743313


>> No.17743319

does the average chilean girl looks like this? if so, i am moving rn

>> No.17743357


>> No.17743395
File: 56 KB, 680x441, 9A28AC80-6103-4293-9E39-5821E59FB8A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like all of Latin America, they’ve got some natives and some blancos

>> No.17743419

This is how girls give the "signal" BTW boys

>> No.17743427

I am from latin america, but I feel chilean and argentine blancos are quite different to the ones in my country idk.

>> No.17743443
File: 180 KB, 800x450, EC60B81F-7FEC-4CBE-866E-AFCD1AF7C315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not stealing the half-formed monstrosities of non-entities and fashioning them into printable material on Berber camel milking forums

>> No.17743481

I hear they’ve got a lot of German and other European types there.
Like Alejandro Jodorowsky and Clarice Lispector

>> No.17743837

Anyway, it doesn't really work

>> No.17744322

As we might all testify

>> No.17744537

Don't let me find out who tried to bite

>> No.17744976

Om, nom