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17736841 No.17736841 [Reply] [Original]

Why did everyone stop talking about Baudrillard about ten years ago? He's a lot more interesting than guys like Camus or Foucault, both of which continue to sell.

>> No.17737025

>everything is like... not real bro.... woahhh
Yes very interesting

>> No.17737077
File: 49 KB, 736x414, 98C2F062-3E4F-4020-8892-AA00E3EC3829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep down, the US, with its space, its technological refinement, its bluff good conscience, even in those spaces which it opens up for simulation, is the only remaining primitive society. The fascinating thing is to travel through it as though it were the primitive society of the future, a society of complexity, hybridity, and the greatest intermingling, of a ritualism that is ferocious but whose superficial diversity lends it a beauty, a society inhabited by a total metasocial fact with unforeseeable consequences, whose immanence is breathtaking, yet lacking a past through which to reflect on this, and therefore fundamentally primitive. . .

>> No.17737086

read adorno instead u pseud
you ought to read the French poets and their novelists but please stray away from their philosophers.

>> No.17737093



>> No.17737097

keep masturbating to tranny porn if that pleases you

>> No.17737105
File: 230 KB, 514x960, E1C550C4-45BE-4A43-9C9A-0376B7D82412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s right

>> No.17737112
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>> No.17737121

>every person I disagree with masutrbates to tranny porn
Stop projecting

>> No.17737127

>>every person I disagree with masutrbates to tranny porn
Yes. "Tranny porn" is obviously meant as something more than mere tranny porn here, but I'm not surprised you're not able to understand that. That's because your brain has been fried by tranny porn.

>> No.17737143

Even with his lamentations of the US, he still admired it -- somewhat, anyway. The deserts of California, the cars with the auto-pilot and cocooned environment with AC (even he liked them more than the cars he had in EU), the naked and upfront advertisement that didn't hide meaning, etc.

It is a primitive society, and, somehow, its influence is felt and spread globally. What does that say about the "refined" societies?

>> No.17737148

Take your meds

>> No.17737151

incomprehensible.stop watching pornography.stop talking about trans people,stop fetishizing barbarism. your illegible prose style reflects how damaged you've been by incessant depravities flailing towards you from all sides. stop subjecting yourself to horror. read a poem,a novel,hear a Haydn sonata.

>> No.17737267
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>> No.17737792

>incapable of understanding imagery and polysemy
>telling me to read a poem
I bet you were thinking about tranny porn or sissy hypno while typing your post.

>> No.17739340

you ever notice how european thinkers talk about america the way the sexually frustrated talk about women

>> No.17740689


That's right around the time he died, OP. It's interesting that you make that connection, because interest in any creative typically goes up just after they die, but according to you, the opposite happened with Baudrillard. This just goes to show how irrelevant he really is.

>> No.17740706
File: 52 KB, 500x464, EE9EA744-5C4D-4AD5-A9E0-BB3AB1571015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The beauty of the Black and Puerto Rican women of New York. Apart from the sexual stimulation produced by the crowding together of so many races, it must be said that black, the pigmentation of the dark races, is like a natural make-up that is set off by the artificial kind to produce a beauty which is not sexual, but sublime and animal –a beauty which the pale faces so desperately lack.

>> No.17740814
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>> No.17740826

>superficial diversity

lol he should have looked at Islamic Republic of France...

>> No.17740838

What's this painting?

>> No.17740847

>,hear a Haydn sonata.

any recommendations?

>> No.17740883

I thought his hysterical screeching about guns and stuff was funny. These guys never realize that they themselves are symptoms of the decline, and therefore not qualified to write about what they are apart of- what they cannot see from the outside. He couldn't even manage originality in his platitudes, he couldn't give them the superficial polish which would have at least let him pretend to be a real thinker.

His work is wholly Simulation, it is counterfeit, it is a shadow of what was really done in centuries past, as most modern work is. So the simulation points to the simulation and decries it, but only in the terms of the simulation, for it sees no way out. For there is nothing to compare it to when one's whole world is simulation.

>> No.17740937

Ship of Fools by Bosch

>> No.17740948

his main claim to fame was claiming that the iraq war only happened on television as a simulation or whatever, but then ten years later when an undeniably real iraq war popped off, no one wanted to hear that shit anymore

>> No.17741008

Were you there? You seen a 3 minute clip of a grainy desert video, staged statue toppling and stock footage of burning oil fields from the 80s. But it was real in your mind?

>> No.17741075 [DELETED] 

how is that different than one black and white photo of the aftermath of a battle from the crimean war? was that somehow less "simulated"? baudrillard's take on this shit isn't even midwit, it's straight up brainlet

>> No.17741104

Filtered. There are many arguments to be given against Baudrillard, but this isn’t one of them.

>> No.17741125

200 american soldiers died in the gulf war, 4400 died during the iraq war.

>> No.17741132

baurdrillard is lame midwit who will be filtered out of the canon in a century tops

>> No.17741138

no wars have ever been fought, it's a ritualistic show of strength like monkeys charging at each other but not actually doing a thing. People used to march in their bright coloured uniforms in a line and fire muskets at a 45° angle to make noise.
You think Persians seeing the phalanx just decided to charge into it? No! They said it was a cool gimmick and agreed that Alex should conquer them.
This is why when the jews said germans turned them into soap everyone had to go along with it just so they didn't expose the business.

I know this is a lot to take, like finding out pro wrestling isn't real. You'll get over it, and maybe even learn to love it.

>> No.17741153

>his main claim to fame was claiming that the iraq war only happened on television as a simulation or whatever
jesus how absolutely retarded are you to understand baudrillard like this?
You are so fucking retarded I cant even imagine what braindead site you stole this take from.
You are dumber than a tranny nigger.

>> No.17741180

imagine being this committed to defending a second rate french theorist who is already irrelevant

>> No.17741216

your take is so retarded you clearly never even read one of his works, let alone from some other source learned to understand how a simulation can become more real (hyperreal) than that which is real, therefore allowing the phrases:
>the vietnam war never happened
>the gulf war never happened
>watergate never happened
to actually make sense, and not be refuted by retarded fucking niggers on 4channel.org simply by saying
>xd lol like what? didnt he see the fires in Baghdad? ahahahah
kys you tranny faggot. stop posting in threads where you know nothing regarding the topic.

>> No.17741251

op asked why people stopped talking about him, i told you why. accept it, or continue wasting your life on irrelevant works by midwits. have a nice dya.

>> No.17741278

kek you are so dumb.
>op asked why people stopped talking about him, i told you why
so fucking retarded. never post again. I could never make a comparison for how retarded your "explanation" was for some other philosophor's ideas because your's is absolutely peak retardation.

>> No.17742318

why did he hate joggers so much bros

>> No.17743695

de Tocqueville and Frances Trollope wrote better about America but his take feels very current at times

>> No.17744444

Simulation of walking

>> No.17745867
File: 218 KB, 305x549, baudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he was a comfy fat guy

>> No.17745897
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