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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 640x960, timothee-chalamet-the-king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17730112 No.17730112 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like im destined for greatness. What books should i read?

>> No.17730119

Probably books on curing a God Complex

>> No.17730125

the sailor who feel from grace with the sea

>> No.17730129

The Iliad

>> No.17730130

>Jew boy playing an Anglo king
doesn't feel right

>> No.17730132

Twelve rules for life, unironically.

>> No.17730134

The Denial of Death
A Short History of Decay

>> No.17730141


>> No.17730146

memories, dreams, reflections by cg jung

>> No.17730147

Yeah, let's utterly destroy him with nihilism, that's a good idea.

>> No.17730171

The Tartar Steppe

>> No.17730176


>> No.17730183

I don't have one.
It inspires me.
My room is in order and dick is clean.
Why should i read that?
That's interesting. Very interesting...

>> No.17730184

I feel like that movie ended way too abruptly. You can't make a medieval royalty drama and just end it like that. It has to go on until he dies of old age and brainghosts.

>> No.17730193

Don Quixote

>> No.17730200

The Lightning and the Sun

>> No.17730207

Then he is a funny cunt to make such a claim.

>Why should i read that?
To test your existential endurance that you will face on your way ahead.

>> No.17730208

crime and punishment

>> No.17730213

Based response or read Hunger by Hamsun OP

>> No.17730217

honestly, all of the greeks, especially plato. You should also find a teacher to guide you.

>> No.17730223
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>> No.17730224

It's about being content with the hierarchy (in a general sense). If you overvalue yourself you will not be happy, humbly accept the verdict that is bestowed upon you in relation to your contribution to society. Whether you are great or not is to be determined by the people around you, not yourself.

>> No.17730227

Out of curiosity, what clues have led you to believe you're destined for greatness? I guess you must be a great writer if you posted here. A fun exercise for you might be to read great works, but write them better.

>> No.17730283

I already faced a few fucked up things in my childhood and yet still have the courage to achieve what i want. And i do that.
I read it. I know about this book and im surprised that it wasn't first response.
Yeah i definetely will.
All people put each other down, especially the ones who achieved a lot. I dont care what people tell me, except a few people who i believe and trust. But your advice is good. Humbleness is good. Im humble with good people. I respond to good people with kindness.
Im looking at my career path and opportunities that i have. The ideas that i have. And symbols in my childhood that showed me that there is no way im going to live a regular 9-5 life.

>> No.17730318

They don't put you down. Our societies are constructed in a manner that they will elevate you in relation to how useful you are to other people. Being great in this context largely means being useful. If you don't get that there will be a lot of bitterness and envy in your future.

>> No.17730342

You should read books with successful main characters who remain humble.. like les mis? That way, when you will at least not be an asshole when you are off doing great things.

>> No.17730357

You might have read Crime & Punishment, but I don't think you understand it if you still think you are destined for greatness. Reread it.

>> No.17730485

Greatness is an abstract term, and I don't think it can be reduced to plain "usefulness".

>> No.17730499

judging by this pic, you're destined for gayness

>> No.17730517

What makes you think that?genuinely curious because I used to think the same things but not so luch anymore.

>> No.17730546

>Im looking at my career path and opportunities that i have. The ideas that i have. And symbols in my childhood that showed me that there is no way im going to live a regular 9-5 life.
Already responded. I just have that eerie feeling since early childhood that i will do something big. Always was disconnected from everyone and alone with that feeling. I am highly ambitious and extremely cold blooded when it comes down to relationships with people. I just feel like that. And i, hopefully, will, do it for the better.

>> No.17730569


>> No.17730614

if you're destined for greatness you go to fucking work, or before it study the last bits you need to do it efficiently. anything you read is incidental. successful people don't read. they may have read a few random classics but that's it. or they do it modestly at bedtime for 20 minutes. and this >>17730129 or anything else that you make your personal bible and draw strength and purpose from

also fuck off from image boards. they're a fast place for answers like this, so use them only for that. it's no use being destined for greatness if you get stuck in one of the many loops that can prevent it

>> No.17730633

you told me the absolute truth. sometimes i do lose focus for stupid shit like that. i just wanted to read something important because currently i have time for that.

>> No.17730658

The Khan or Hitler were 'great' in the sense of nihilistic historical significance, you propably don't want that. The alternative is excelling in virtues or hierarchies that are promoted by society because they are useful. Sophie Scholl was great even though her existence was of little significance before her death, reason being that she embodied principles that are of great value to society. That's greatness proper and anything celebrated by society originates in its perceived usefulness.

>> No.17730773

The Red and the Black

>> No.17730815

>anything celebrated by society originates in its perceived usefulness.
this have bits of true but is ultimately a lie. the worst of all is that society celebrate completely random things. not the most useful, but if they see greatness in that usefulness. there is an evasive notion in greatness that useful just cant adhere.

>> No.17730857

You are not. We are all fucking ants

>> No.17730859

>Humbleness is good. Im humble with good people. I respond to good people with kindness.
You write like a cultist, or a robot. Verbal intelligence is one of the metrics with the heaviest g-load. You're not displaying a hell of a lot of it. Are you sure you're bright enough to do great things?

>> No.17730894

>destined for greatness
What was your largest poop? In length and circumference.

>> No.17730896

Greatness as a qualitative statement has to relate to usefulness. It's the only way we are capable of thinking, good = what's in our interest. The transcendent good is society inducing behaviours that are good/necessary for society while in a material sense catastrophic for the individual (like martyrdom). These are our highest ideals because they represent the complete suspension of individual interest for others. The greatest person here again is just someone who gives everything to you. That's our concept of morality - usefulness.

>> No.17730905


>> No.17730911

9 inches long, 6 inches around.

>> No.17730918

>9 inches long

>> No.17730942

Coming to Terms with Mediocrity: And Other Humorous Life Lessons - Kari Breed

>> No.17730969

>I feel like im destined for greatness.
you're on /lit/

>> No.17730973
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>> No.17730986

Poor bait

>> No.17731002

one part of my post was about how, even if greatness is related to usefulness, usefulness is random in itself so you can be a failure looking for "usefulness". i mean, is not so illuminating as it seems.

also, you are putting martyrdom as suspension of individual interest and the origin of it greatness. but i think the greatness is because you cant do it and you know you cant do it. sometimes because you dont have the balls to do it, and you know it, and then it become greatness. that is the elusive part you dont see or want to force in the usefulness molde. we need that strange envy so usefulness can become greatness.

>> No.17731079

>currently i have time for that
no you don't. back to work

>> No.17731124

I wanted to write that as well when I saw how the guy wrote.

He's not at all appearing to be any sort of charismatic, honestly: if not for the provocative topic I doubt one of his threads would've gained much traction.
You can actually measure your people-drawing ability quite well on this site by seeing if you can get people to reply to discussions or rather boring seeming thread, if your replies are kek or lmfao, threads bumped and screencaps: stuff like that etc.
Not putting in the effort to spell I's properly in the English language seems pretty dumb to me. Someone who's actually ambitious and convinced of themself to such a degree would always be bothered by seeming not genuine or seeming fallable, likle to make mistakes, because of not writing properly, in the sense of: why should I give you my money, my time, my attention if you can't be bothered to give me yours.

I would say that someone ambitious and feeling destined would never claim to be destined but rather announce their goals and make concrete plans: "I am destined I feel it," doesn't have the same effect, I find, as "I will do x by time y, and it will be the best thing; and if I fail I shall fucking die."
Maybe just me.
This kid seems pretty Schizoid, it's not a god complex; having little exposure to the outside world turns you to the refuges of fate, or even grander, destiny--which this reminds me of. I remember a patient from ages ago who had something similar going on with him.

>> No.17731125
File: 340 KB, 853x480, get a load of this society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The transcendent good is society
What did Uncle Nietzsche have to say about that?
>To the teachers of selfiessness. - A person's virtues are called good with respect to their presumed effects not on him but on us and society - the praise of virtues has always been far from 'selfless', far from 'unegoistic'! For otherwise one would have had to recognize that the virtues (such as diligence, obedience, chastity, piety, justice) are mostly harmful to their possessors, being drives which dominate them all too violently and covetously and in no way let reason keep them in balance with the other drives. When you have a virtue - areal, complete virtue (and not just a small drive towards some virtue) - you are its victim! But the neighbour praises your virtue precisely on that account! One praises the diligent even if he should harm his vision or the originality and freshness of his spirit; one honours and feels sorry for the youth who has 'worked himself to death' because one thinks: 'For society as a whole the loss of even the best individual is merely a small sacrifice! Too bad that the sacrifice is necessary! It would surely be much worse though if the individual had thought otherwise and considered his own preservation and development more important than his work in the service of society!And so one feels sorry for this youth, not for his own sake but
because a devoted tool, ruthless towards itself - a so-called 'good man' - has been lost to society through his death.

>> No.17731200

Yes, welcome. This is indeed the place where great people meet. You have come to the right place, sir!
Why don't you take a confortable sit, yes, yes, right here. I'll be bringing you a fresh, classic thread very soo... Oh, you want a seasonal dish. Very well. At this time of the year, we have some fine "Incel threads claiming their favorite writer was, in fact, an incel himself", some "Can women write spiteful and uneducated threads", and the odd "Where do I start with [Insert random long forgotten (and for good reasons) failed author] thread.
Whatever your choice of thread, you'll certainly be a step closer to greatness after reading it. In the meantime, feel free to shitpost.

>> No.17731280

>why should I give you my money, my time, my attention if you can't be bothered to give me yours.
>if your replies are kek or lmfao, threads bumped and screencaps: stuff like that etc.
>I remember a patient from ages ago who had something similar going on with him.
>a patient
imagine being the patient of some retard like this.

>> No.17731314

Read Dune (1965), and, more importantly, its sequels.

>> No.17731354

>Don't be a Khan or a Hitler bro! Just cuck out to society for your whole life and you can be like, uhhhhh, Sophie Scholl. Even though she was against society... just make yourself, you know, useful to what society will be like 50 years from now and die alone and despised. Now that's greatness.

>> No.17731393

Napoleon Hill, outwitting the devil

>> No.17731398

>You can actually measure your people-drawing ability quite well on this site by seeing if you can get people to reply to discussions or rather boring seeming thread, if your replies are kek or lmfao, threads bumped and screencaps: stuff like that etc.
So just say nigger a bunch and people will think you're a comic genius?
That doesn't seem right....

>> No.17731410

>im nineteen
>make thread on basket weaving board
>le epic bait
>people respond
>criticise me
>this was bait but i still get the angries
>call him a retard
>owned him hard
>he even responds
>i knew it
>im destinyed

>> No.17731414

You're just describing extraordinary usefulness. Individually we can't imagine people doing things that are so removed from their material self-interest and you shouldn't be motivated by the psychological need to induce envy in others. That's not the path to greatness, it's all about subduing your ego. If you would ask people who are the greatest men who ever lived you would get answers like Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi or MLK. It's clear what these people have in common, sacrifice of the self. This is the highest ideal and where the judgement of greatness is to be found.
What you imagine is largely found in wordly hierarchies. People want to be Elon Musk or whatever. They want the talents that would bestow a high social status on them but these people are not great in an ideal sense. They usually just have useful talents.

See this comment for the nihilistic interpretation:

>> No.17731457

Look up some yet unfullfilled prophecies. See if you're in it.

>> No.17731496

Read books on alchemy. Specifically Evola's "introduction to magic". I'd also recommend Machiavelli as a guide to all your future actions in life.
Ignore all the slave moralists ITT who base their self-worth on good boy points. The first thing you should be doing if you truly want to be great and self-differentiated is coming up with an income stream that isn't dependent on the opinions of other people, one that will keep a roof over your head. Once you've done that you're free to take risks other people cant and have opinions other people cant, and that alone will make you a more charismatic and magnetic personality.

>> No.17731514

my diarrhea desu

>> No.17731525

The Prince, obviously

>> No.17731528

Just look at his hands, so effeminate. Butterfly would sneer in envy.

>> No.17731540

Sophie Scholl wasn't against society in a fundamental way. She embodied the highest virtue of all societies and would've been a saint thousands of years ago as well. We always celebrate the same thing - give me everything demand nothing. The particulars aren't even that relevant - I disagree with this because I consider it immoral, no I would not want to escape judgement if it meant I had to lie - execute me if you have to. Then without a single sign of fear to the chopping block. That's admirable even if it only relates peripherally to an accepted view of reality. That this comes from a little girl just destroys us, it's superhuman. And the regime that executes such a person has to be despised for it no matter your political convictions.

>> No.17731565

but that is what i was saying. the difference between greatness and
>They usually just have useful talents.
in your previous theory elon musk is greatness too.

>> No.17731581

How to bomb the US government

>> No.17731601

>National Suicide, Anthony Sutton

>> No.17731603

Moby Cock

>> No.17731613

Yeah he is great but not in an ideal sense. He does good things but he is not an embodiment of the highest virtues which we would call 'truly great' and which is ultimately what we're talking about here.

>> No.17731617

The Idiot

>> No.17731646

cuck shit

>> No.17731650

The Loser by Thomas Bernhard

>> No.17731737

and that was my fucking point and why usefulness is too bland to explain what is greatness.

>> No.17731826

Don't be so mellow-dramatic. Every society on earth throws up a couple sexy young women as virgin sacrifices for their ideals. If the NAZIs had won you'd be repeating a bit about some pure self-sacrificing little German girl who got abused by a Jewish pimp in order to provide for her grandmother.
Its a hackneyed trope to aspire people towards being self sacrificing worker ants, no different than the white feather movement in Britain. I for one am not going to let an idealistic piece of pussy determine my moral compass or relationship with society.
>The particulars aren't even that relevant - I disagree with this because I consider it immoral, no I would not want to escape judgement if it meant I had to lie - execute me if you have to.
You're dumb man. Nobody who is executed is thrown up as a martyr, and more likely than not under one of these regimes you'd be framed up as some sort of pervy sex freak, not a heroic dissident who distributed fliers. Your family would be pressured into testifying against you, and the last memories you'd have of the society you cucked for would be a jeering mob waving banners and rehashing everything they dislike about you while you are put in chains and shipped off to die in some forced labour camp.

>> No.17731961

No because the ideal is total usefulness. Negate all your individual interest and put your body and mind in total service of me(society). This is what we call greatness.
Obviously people get confused and you will get the label in a colloquial form and often also the social benefits when you are at the top of a hierarchy in general. That's one of the reasons people treat celebrities almost as religious figures.

>> No.17731993

You don't get it. I'm not talking about particular societies but society in general. The nature of morality here never changes and holds true across all cultures. You can be objectively moral which is why all these systems look so similar. And don't be vulgar about Sophie Scholl, it's disgusting.

>> No.17732077


>> No.17733526

Are you a sigma male??

>> No.17733753
File: 21 KB, 418x600, 604061a581b45b8c0afa77718cf6b7e5a0e1f158-00-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that at least your room is clean.

>> No.17733780

op btfo

>> No.17733794

The Failure - Papini

>> No.17733803

the pale king

>> No.17733885

based miller recommendation

>> No.17733927

>reeeeeeeee noooo you can't think highly of yourself, you have to hate yourself as much as i do!
they'll never understand, OP. even if you fail more spectacularly than in their wildest spiteful and vindictive fantasies, you'll still be above them for trying. even their dreams are of nothing but mediocrity. don't let it rub off on you.

>> No.17733955

my diary desu

>> No.17734115
File: 637 KB, 1274x476, Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 11.42.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is a pretty good self-help for helping you accomplish your goals
TL:DR Do what you imagine yourself doing

>> No.17734318

The only fine people here. Thank you a lot. Maybe i am crazy. I dont care. Ill read Machiavelli most definitely. Thats a good one.

>> No.17734618

bro you actually can't tell the difference between being great and being "successful"? they mean the same thing to you?

>> No.17734632

Great Expectations

>> No.17734656

The Culture of Narcissism

>> No.17735156
File: 6 KB, 318x159, Mother Tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destined for greatness
>asks 4chan about books

>> No.17735475

>Says he's a international revolutionary
>Talks with his comrades In a back street cafe

>> No.17735487

> retarded shit
> lmao

>> No.17735514

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

>> No.17735526

It was a joke you mong

>> No.17735532

16 year old schoolboy spotted

>> No.17736140

Fuck off big city yank

>> No.17736488

the actual revolutionaries would meet in Vienna Cafes. I think cafes are historically places where people met and discussed ideas over a drink. Of all things to complain about wanna be communist, this is the most fox news tier boomer take.

>> No.17736554

I know that, that was my point.

My point was that revolutionaries would meet in cafes, so criticising this 'great man' being on 4chan isn't really a criticism.


>> No.17736560

This side of paradise

>> No.17737098
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Unlikely. Sigma males are the rarest type of male.

>> No.17737390

>used to think I was destined for greatness
>suffered repeated life altering failures
>fall into despair and anguish
bros... am I being punished for my hubris?

>> No.17737655

You need to suffer and fall, to fall into deepest pit of anguish and hopelessness in order to rise. soon anon...soon.

>> No.17737702

i have and its very dross

>> No.17737843

Crime and Punishment

>> No.17738449

I've suffered enough, but what of mercy?

>> No.17738461

Crime and punishment

>> No.17739495


What you're talking about is "the hustler". God I hate the type. They go on about their petty little companies and gigs and constantly jump around and talk a lot but at the end of the day they're insufferable brainlets and funnily enough will be the first ones to get absolutely wrecked by almost any change in the world.

>> No.17740415

Please read mine, so you can boast that it affected and inspired you, rubbing some of that greatness off on me.


>> No.17740452
File: 70 KB, 1340x737, average 4chan poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound exactly like Eliott Rodgers. Read his manifesto. It's uncanny. You're actually a known stereotype but don't interact with other people frequently enough to have ever been called out on it.

Like most schizoids you'll try to come up with excuses for your symptoms. Hopefully you at least won't end up shooting up a bunch of people as the rift between your fantastical perspective and that of the outside world widens past a tipping point (which is when schizoids turn schizophrenic and lose control of their perception entirely).

>> No.17740520

You're being punished for your hubris, not by god, but by reality. Most hubris lead to self destruction.

Delusion of grandeur are especially ironic because they will lead you to be demoralized from the get go, since a part of your mind (your actual consciousness typically) knows full well you're highly unlikely to reach your absurd expectations.

So you paradoxically end up a bigger loser than everyone around you because your perfectionism leads you to become a neglectful daydreamer or downright chronic procrastinator.

>> No.17740531

don't contribute to the spread mental illness online faggot

>> No.17740539

Hey where did you get that picture of me? I don't share personal stuff on the internet.

>> No.17740551

>So you paradoxically end up a bigger loser than everyone around you because your perfectionism leads you to become a neglectful daydreamer or downright chronic procrastinator.
I can attest to this from personal experience.

>> No.17740561
File: 352 KB, 1400x2266, GreatGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read this.

>> No.17740797

I was making good progress, I was at least approaching that greatness (or so it seemed) but failure grabbed me and dragged me under. I feel crushed by my past ambition

>> No.17740809

>I feel like im destined for greatness
You ain’t.
Also learn 2 apostrophe.

>> No.17740869

>I was making good progress

you most likely weren't. Look back from an objective perspective. Odds are you're too biased to do that, so try to get someone else that specializes in digging through people's thoughts and memories and how they tie up together.

If you're afraid of putting your sense of grandiosity to the test by fully exposing them to someone else, free of negative social consequences, odds are your grandiosity is actually extraordinarily fragile.

>> No.17740905


>> No.17740916


>> No.17740943

Okay now you're just pulling retarded nonsense out of your ass. You don't know what my goals were or what my progress was. My progress was so good and close that it's more painful because many of my family members assumed I had reached my goal and when asked I have to tell them it isn't so. I can view objectively and the steps I had taken had lad ground work that was bear fruits but at an important step the wind blew and the path changed. My work isn't undone but I'm paralyzed to stall any longer to correct. You're far too cynical, which only works some of the time because the obvious guess is often right, but you lack any good insight on matters and end up basing your conjecture on your own insecure thinking. Am I wrong?

>> No.17740981

something something replace something

>> No.17741005

If your 'greatness' was being a successful plumber then sure, I did react impertinently to your post.

At the risk of sounding snubbish I don't think you should use 'greatness' to describe humble, realistic goals. Getting a degree, a fun good paying job, and a family is a great objective but not a grandiose one.

However the fact that you're not even revealing that objective, even on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum, is a dead giveaway that you're insecure, anon.

>> No.17741082

Looks like I hit the nail on the head there Mr Armchair. It's clear your reaction to my obscurity is unchecked vindictiveness because I'm not giving you what you want: extra ammo to build more false assumptions on half truths—placing your cynicism in a reductive breakdown of my words. Your own insecurity is apparent in that you seem in complete rejection of the idea that a person could be making progress towards some form of greatness and that even my complaints are delusional. We're talking in concepts and yet you resent the fact I don't use factual examples so you can either reduce the goal or reduce the steps as either too realistic or too unrealistic using yourself as a measure where your clearly common faculties are some sort of authority. Am I wrong?

>> No.17741112

History of the Peloponnesian war is a good intellectual start for a future statesmen

>> No.17741144
File: 70 KB, 590x332, 78684563798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like I hit the nail on the head there Mr Armchair. It's clear your reaction to my obscurity is unchecked vindictiveness because I'm not giving you what you want: extra ammo to build more false assumptions on half truths—placing your cynicism in a reductive breakdown of my words. Your own insecurity is apparent in that you seem in complete rejection of the idea that a person could be making progress towards some form of greatness and that even my complaints are delusional. We're talking in concepts and yet you resent the fact I don't use factual examples so you can either reduce the goal or reduce the steps as either too realistic or too unrealistic using yourself as a measure where your clearly common faculties are some sort of authority. Am I wrong?

>> No.17741184
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>> No.17741234
File: 52 KB, 600x556, 2345536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With OP and plenty of people in this thread being likely sincere there's no reason to assume your post was satire. Many schizoids legitimately defend themselves that way.

>> No.17741325

>I feel like im destined for greatness.
you're not you're posting on /lit/ lmao you've already failed

>> No.17741366

How old are you OP?

>> No.17741468

What even is the difference between Anglos and Jews?

>> No.17741657

isn't he french

>> No.17741676

Dieu et mon droit.

>> No.17741844

I will Hex this thread because it is stale and there is nothing to say.

>> No.17743139

Back to my thread after a day. So many people assumed that i am crazy and started acting like psychologists. Why do you guys feel offended when someone is not afraid to speak about himself? Why you put other people down with “schizo” “elliot roger” “autist” etc. This is what ive been talking about at the start of the thread. Its fine tho. Im used to it. Same thing happened when my friend roasted me for wanting to get into stocks in 2018 and now i have a mil. He stopped talking with me when i showed him bank account and a screenshot of his message. His message was “lol you wont do shit and will go broke fucking retard”. And things like that happen to me all the fucking time. Instead of trying to put others down learn dignity, learn kindness, put your fucking ego aside and be approachable instead of acting like your daddy Jung.

>> No.17743291
File: 6 KB, 125x125, apocalypsetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you guys feel offended when someone is not afraid to speak about himself?

No one is. That's just your own projection. It's a good thing that you can at least expose that side of yourself to anonymous voices on the internet.

You're not the first loon with delusions of grandeur, there are millions in your shoes, almost completely cut off from contacts outside their immediate family.

You don't have to take those anonymous' word for it. Why don't you go out and start a conversation based on the premise of your OP with people you know, face to face, see if you can convince them that you're destined for greatness.

Also 'tits or gtfo' applies to any threads based on an unlikely personal claim. So, even in the highly unlikely event that we're talking to the next Napoleon, provide proof of your greatness or gtfo, this place isn't your personal blog.

>> No.17743338


>> No.17743423

Most of the people on here are depressed

>> No.17743487

I think the problem is how you presented it, including this post. Instead of saying, "I want to be great", you say "I WILL be great" and here you are saying "I am ALREADY great". Being confident is a good thing but having too much makes you look like an asshole.
>put your fucking ego aside

>> No.17743490

If bait, spectacular, tremendous. If serious, Yikes.

>> No.17743524


>> No.17743571

And again, everyone claim that i am shut in or something like that. It was never implied. I have a job and a girlfriend that always supports me, she actually believes in me and always calms me down when something goes wrong. Why are you guys always implying everything negative? I mean, if that's your first thought, negative one, maybe problem with you? Anyway, it was a good thread. Because there were a few very good points made about me being not humble enough, which is i think might be truth, that's not very Christ-like. And also there were lots of great recommendations, ill start with the greeks of course.
Maybe you are right. I just said what i believe in. I believe in that. That's me. What's funny is i don't say that i am the one. There are lots of people like me, there are even more people who are more successful than me at the moment (and i would love to meet and talk with this people so they will give me legit advice,i came here only for books to further my inspiration and help my path). And literally everybody in this thread can become succesful if they change their mindset, but they never will, because being petty to yourself is hell of a drug, maybe even bigger drug than egomania (which i guess people think i have, there is lots of psychologists now for some reason, maybe they want to play pretend or to jerk off their ego by showing themselves and everyone how good they are with psychoanalysis).


>> No.17743583
File: 109 KB, 576x1024, 1613172747449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>feel destined for greatness
>read classical literature
>get a job in a supermarket for 7 years
>work in another supermarket for 17 years
>turns out I'm not destined for greatness

>> No.17743651

I'm scared of this happening to me. how do I avoid this?

>> No.17743664

Does it need to be cured? If it pushes him to pursue greatness then what is the problem?

>> No.17743677

Man im still in this thread. So i think i will give you advice. People shitted on me here but i hope you weren't one of them. Just start with what interests you and what can be monetized. Like for real. If you like fashion, music, just whatever the fuck. After that create a project in your head and on a paper, that will help people in that field, that will legit be useful. After that do everything in your power to give that side project a breath of life. As i said, i got interested in stocks, read a bunch of shit on the internet about that (0 books on economics, 0 books on stocks, just internet). Invested 70% of my savings from my job into that. Made a bunch of money. I will keep that money to start my project. I have the idea for one, and asked a bunch of people about that, everyone claimed it to be an interesting thing. After some time (because i need more money, more knowledge that my jobs actually gives me, more expirience and more connections) i will leave my job and start my project. And i believe, that shit shit might legit, help the world. Basically all you gotta do is to find a source of income where you work for yourself and you are your only boss. That feeling of being near a canyon when you can fall and die will motivate you further. Honestly i enjoy this feeling. It's fucking inspiring.

>> No.17743694

I don't see any

>> No.17743711

I agree with you and OP, people's automatic response is to take you down if you have any self respect or personal ambition. People are terrible, don't let them get to you

>> No.17743712

Why do you hate incels? We are just a bunch of sad lonely people.

>> No.17743727

While this poem shows a truth, we literally have nothing else to do with our existence. If we want to prove --to ourselves, not to anyone else-- what we're capable of then we may as well try, or not, I mean do whatever you want!

>> No.17743742

>I think
KEK, you haven't even evolved to I Know yet. Your greatness is nothing compared to mine. The stars bend to the aura which I radiate. My sole purpose on this planet is to show you just how powerful a human can become. Greats, such as myself, don't need to think it. They are it.

>> No.17743750

It says i feel. Are you dyslexic? Radiate some neurons in yo head.

>> No.17743756

I don't know, but I think people typically attempt to destroy society

>> No.17743761

curb your enthusiasm retard. Stop thinking about going to the moon when you haven't figured how to climb a mountain. You're headed for one massive existential wall, possibly an endless mid life crisis if you repress your consciousness like that.

>> No.17744020

post portfolio.

>> No.17744126

Yanks are such big faggots

>> No.17745448

he's a norman

>> No.17745455

watch Jonathan Bowden speeches on yt

>> No.17745880

Bhagavad-Gita, Greek epics, Campbell's 'The Power of Myth', Jung, Robert's Napoleon biography

Generally if you feel you are on some path and have an ounce of self-awareness to feel you aren't being completely delusional then take the perennialist-Guenon (pbuh) pill. Jesus wasn't 30 until his purpose truly manifested

>> No.17746252

He is French

>> No.17747271

161 replies. kek. based anon got /lit/ on a bitter savagery.

>> No.17747283

Survivor, Chuck Palahniuk.
Unironic recommendation.

>> No.17747317

>'great' in the sense of nihilistic historical significance
No, they were objectively GREAT. Khan in particular was a strong and ruthless warrior in his own right, but by his mind he conquered almost all of Asia. He was an obscenely powerful person by any metric except altruism and abstinence. "Great" doesn't mean something is nice.

>> No.17747326

How does one gauge verbal intelligence, and for that matter, what in the hell a g-load?

>> No.17747529

Honestly I'm starting to agree with OP, so many lit anons are just sad fucks who live only to tear other people down to their level, that was not a bad post but your reply was dogshit, why did you even bother posting it?