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File: 83 KB, 634x753, philosophytube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17740608 No.17740608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does Marxism cause transgenderism?

>> No.17740615

transgenderism is only caused by a missreading of texts.

>> No.17740622

It's caused by a misunderstanding of esotericism.

>> No.17740627

No, but progressive leftism at least has a correlation to it.

>> No.17740634

Correlation does not imply causation

>> No.17740635
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No but the evidence says otherwise, sadly. Lenin would be rolling in his mausoleum

>> No.17740637

Brainlets reading Mein Kampf brought us the femboy menace

>> No.17740640

No. It's unironically capitalism that causes transgenderism.

>> No.17740653


>> No.17740656

In a roundabout way, yes. The more research I do though the more I realize that this can’t really be considered Marxism anymore. It is truly Neo-Marxism. They’ve taken some of the fundamental ideas of Marxism and somehow managed to make them way fucking worse.
The wires in their brains are being crossed and resoldered so that they reality itself is processed incorrectly.
Imagine if someone did brain surgery on you and you woke up and all of your sense were scrambled. The doctors lab coat appeared green, your hands appeared purple, pizza tasted like fish, music sounded like dogs barking.

>> No.17740681
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He'll 41% in less than a year.
Screencap this.

>> No.17740690
File: 22 KB, 313x500, images - 2021-03-09T170726.214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not marxism but watching too much pornography.

>> No.17740693

Could you please explain how labor theory and wages led to this?

>> No.17740694

This person claimed to start a YouTube channel to give away their philosophy MA for free because of the British government raising tuition fees, which is such obvious credentialist horseshit. If that were the intention the channel would contain one video explaining how to use libgen and some book recommendations. As usual these 'revolutionaries' are used as proxies for the regime to cause low level chaos and division, and they always fall back on the supposed legitimacy of its institutions. Of course, you can't be a spokesperson for the regime anymore without being a member of the client caste so transition was inevitable. Clearly wants to be Contrapoints too. Sad!

>> No.17740697

>No. It's unironically capitalism that causes transgenderism.
How so?

>> No.17740700

It's just western individualism brought to its logical conclusion

>> No.17740703

generally speaking most people who identify with marxism and leftists in general are very open minded regarding grand utopian ideals like unnaturally perfect harmony and cooperation on massive scales, and are thus much more open to the idea of a "paradise where biological sex doe not matter"

I wouldn't say marxism causes trannies necessarily but the two without a doubt correlate intimately due to similarities in their appeal

>> No.17740709

Read the transgender industrial complex. There are big bux in gender reassignment surgeries. Troons are just another demographic to make big money on

>> No.17740726

he also makes big bux on his own and becoming a tranny further elevates his status within woke circles. before he went tranny he was just another generic and dispensable white lefitst

>> No.17740744

>and are thus much more open to the idea of a "paradise where biological sex doe not matter"

Do people actually believe physical sexual characteristics would cease to exist in such a reality? While they, then ironically, seek to emulate such physical aesthetics due to their fetishism of experience?

>> No.17740745

>Does Marxism cause transgenderism?
The """Marxist""" to tranny pipeline is a part of the CIA psyop to discredit any and all anti-capitalist sentiment as the delusions of mentally ill, entitled brats. The funny thing is that Marxism as an ideology is also controlled opposition

>> No.17740746

Yeah, I was more talking about trannies in general rather than PT’s situation.

>> No.17740762

>can't be a spokesperson for the regime anymore without being a member of the client caste
Interesting. But sports commentators are often fat, Bill Gates isn't a scientist, and advertisers aren't artists. So I'm not sure desu

>> No.17740769


>> No.17740770

Could you explain why you’re so dishonest, weasel?
Capital looks at history as being able to be boiled down to power struggles between economic classes.
They took that and tied it to immutable characteristics. What do you think “Critical Race Theory” is? It’s literslly just a copy and pasted marxist view of history but with classes replaced by races.
Either get a clue or stil lying

>> No.17740776

All is controlled opposition; dialectic of dialectics

>> No.17740779

Because capitalism wishes to transform everything that exists into an indistinct gluey treacle, so that it is more easily monetizable.

>> No.17740783
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The tranny and anti tranny mass hysteria is just the usual transhumanist billionaires and intelligence agencies conducting unethical experiments on the masses and laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.17740801

Capitalism has caused a severe spike in all sorts of mental illnesses. Gender dysphoria is likely either caused by or a subset of schizophrenia.

>> No.17740805

I should say a cleric or priest for the regime rather than the more generic spokesperson. One who speaks on what is just and unjust, etc. A straight white man is not very convincing as a moral arbiter in today's climate which attaches so much moral meaning to marginal identities and speaking one's personal truth.

>> No.17740817

Clown world it is brother. Everything is a game to those in power. I hope to see some sort of revolution against the elites and their subversions, but it won’t be in this lifetime

>> No.17740819

Bringing class to a race war is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. These people want us broke dead our children raped and brainwashed and they think its all pretty funny. They are deranged violence is the only language they understand

>> No.17740823

Ok but then wasn't it always like this? Like an obedient slave preaching the virtue of obedience, or a dionysian preaching the virtue of madness and wine.

>> No.17740837
File: 57 KB, 779x749, DB97771F-CEEE-4B8D-99BE-5BA8C950F82B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who still wins at the end of a race war, don’t you...

>> No.17740844

Totally agree. It’s amazing to me that so many white people support people who literally want to wipe them off the face of the earth. They’ve been tricked into thinking that self-interest and the survival instinct makes you le ebil nazi

>> No.17740859

This is why we have to unite with our redpilled black latin and muslim brethren and go after those sicko jews

>> No.17740875

Yes, there will always be a priestly caste. The issue is with the cynicism and hostility of the regime itself.

>> No.17740879

Trannyism is just red teams answer to neet incel trolls. Both teams need loyal supporters that stay in their basements, get their benefits from the state, keep engaging in online skirmishes, never question their ideological cults, sedate themselves with pop culture and drugs, disfigure themselves with fast food, sedentary lifestyles and medical procedures.

Trannies exist as much as incels do. But I'll say it's easier to have sex than to cut your cock off.

>> No.17740881

From what I've observed it takes two or more of these things to becomes transgender. Have autism, consume porn, or be around people that encourage it. You can do one of these things in isolation but if you add in another factor it becomes a matter of time and natural defenses, meaning if you were taught to despise trannies while growing up or you previously have a good philosophy then it takes a proportionate amount of time for that to wear out and for you to give in and buy the striped socks.

>> No.17740882

You've been scared by propaganda my friend. Easier to control a scared population.

>> No.17740888

I don't like philosophytube, he was always a pompous wanker. Contrapoints is good on some subjects though. Has Natalie even commented on his transition?

>> No.17740892

>race war
Doesn't exist except in poor neighborhoods. Which, you know... kinda suggests that it's not actually about race.

>> No.17740906

>Has Natalie even commented on his transition?
His name is William

>> No.17740914

As an incel i am still on the fence about trannies sometimes i see them as incel class traitors who have gone over to the side of the enemy, others as deep cover incels who after comitting the ultimate sacrifice infiltrated the feminist movement in order to subvert it from within

>> No.17740917

>it’s not about race
>prevailing cultural narrative is that “whiteness” is to blame for black crime and black failure

>> No.17740919

In ancient world it was the eunuchs that remained the most fervent supporters of regimes.

>> No.17740921

i dont thing racial tension in areas where nonwhites congregate suggests what you think it suggests

>> No.17740931

No but you'll keep believing that they do anyway because it's easier to strawman ideas into absurdity than it is to learn about them and engage on intellectual terms

>> No.17740958

>prevailing cultural narrative
It's a marketing ploy to rake in money from poor and lower middle class people, the same ones participating in this "race war," who are only in it because their boxed-in existence doesn't allow them to see anything outside of their low income neighborhood. Ultimately, the war is economic in nature; the upper class is exploiting the lower class (not that I have a problem with this).

>> No.17740960

I'd be more sympathetic to trannies if they just admitted they are autistic people who became perverted from watching too much anime pornography instead of pretending to be an oppressed minority

>> No.17740974

The fashion industry wants you to buy pants and skirts. Bras and suit jackets. Seriously though trannies are just another lifestyle consumer to be marketed to.

>> No.17740975

nah, it comes from the CIA promoting leftist theorist that focused more on identity than economic matters

>> No.17740984

Now you can pay to indulge in the world as a woman

>> No.17740985

They are purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for NGOs the democratic party and multinational corporations

>> No.17740997

They commodified being a woman

>> No.17740998

The Marxist believes he is alienated from the product of his labor, the tranny is alienated from their penis, all the same

>> No.17741009

>It's a marketing ploy
nah sorry but this is absolutely a midwit take, the entire diversity meme is about dividing working class populations to weaken them. it was never meant to "bring us strength" nor was it just to make a buck for corporations, its there to specifically to divide population among racial lines and destroy social cohesion in order to weaken the white working class population and fortify the current liberal power structure

>> No.17741025

American right wingers are deathly afraid of blacks despite never had seen one because they dont go out of their homes but american liberals fetishize the image or blacks as a means of virtue signalling rather than spare a dime for the poor but live behind electrified fences and closed gates

>> No.17741036

don't think women pay 20k just to have a gash between their legs, they commodified being a patient

>> No.17741044

A mental patient

>> No.17741047

>using it wrong
Correlation does not imply causation IN ITSELF. In no way is it unsound to argue for causation from correlation, you just need more premises/evidence

>> No.17741048

Fuuuuuck why does this keeepp happening, this is why the left is taken as a fucking jokeeee. This is not what the workers movement should be

>> No.17741055

The American right is geographically located in the south. They interact with blacks and browns on a daily basis, at times about half their state populations are black. You're right about the liberals though. They either interact with IQ filitered college blacks or not at all. The highest opinions of blacks are found in people who have no experience with them.

>> No.17741058
File: 94 KB, 1024x683, ecd12f6ed571e4bfc292f39d93a61121[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only problem with transgenderism is that we do not immediately devote every possible resource to it. pic related is the future that republicucks and magatards want you to fear.

>> No.17741067

They don't pay but you can!!! For just 199$ a month!!! Its the cool new trend you don't want to miss out do you???

>> No.17741071

Based and transhumanistpilled

>> No.17741094

>its there to specifically to divide population among racial lines and destroy social cohesion in order to weaken the white working class population and fortify the current liberal power structure
Either way, it's the upper class exploiting the lower class, the classes being defined by their economic status, making it an economic war in nature. The "race war" is virtual and much smaller in scope in comparison.

>> No.17741107
File: 35 KB, 680x408, the kind of bothered that honey won't fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a fetish? Do people beat off to this?

>> No.17741114

technology is not there yet, and cutting of your dick does not make you a woman.

>> No.17741120
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x627, Pass it along if you are a saved Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17741122

look up autogynephilia bro

>> No.17741136
File: 1.01 MB, 1802x2460, 1612344225500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a quick reminder

>> No.17741152

Have you ever considered the idea that maybe material conditions are responsible for molding aspects of our mass culture and society

There might be a certain philosopher that explains how that works, maybe you've heard of him

>> No.17741157

I specifically mean old man to young female tennis player. If it's a fetish it's wonderbread levels of specific

>> No.17741158

>she, her
Go back to /lgbt/ schizo

>> No.17741161

the cutting off of dicks has happened throughout history. every dick lopped off in the name of transgenderism is a defiance of the entropic forces that threaten transfutirism. EMBRACE THE FUTURE.

>> No.17741181

lads.... we have to save contrapoints.

>> No.17741182

All of you are wrong and fucking retarded this has nothing to do with Marxism it's just a natural development of our globalized liberal dystopia, it's pretty much the first major social change until we eventually go to transhumanism. This person is a liberal LARPing as a radical Marxist just like every other leftist

>> No.17741200

But here's the thing though, now you can sell skirts and makeup and hormones to men. In fact, now you can sell even the metaphysical "being a woman" product to men.

>> No.17741201

>Muh futurism
You'll soon be able to have sex in VR anon

>> No.17741218

i like your thinking but VR is only a facet of the broader structure of the future that is frankly beyond our primitive thinking at this point in time. all we can do in the meantime is cut off our dicks and do our little tea parties and masturbate to hentai.

>> No.17741223
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, 1C78A00C-F7AB-4A40-B457-3F796A3E0BFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an atheism thread

>> No.17741240


>> No.17741247

of course, but people who proclaim their class consciousness while continually fighting for increased racial divisions among the working class are still useful idiots. pretty much every class conscious movement has fallen for this trap and are now little more than attack dogs for liberal capitalism. you are not uniting the working class by pulling up an infinite pool of grievances and and racial and cultural divisions under the guise of diversity and inclusion and a false sense of unity, youre dividing and alienating the working class.

>> No.17741262
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>> No.17741264
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>> No.17741293

Holy shit, this is turning me into a conspiracy guy.

>> No.17741315

by choice or by force, either way i'll see you real soon and you're still invited to my tea party.

>> No.17741322

It definitely causes some kind betaness which may lead to trans. VD related, a radical Marxist trying to come onto a republican women.

>> No.17741381

No, Christianity does.
They’re actually just homosexuals with strange inferiority complexes. They retain a spiritualist outlook and convince themselves that they’re just in the wrong body. It’s rooted in the sexually repressive culture of western judeochristianity.
The craze is fueled, actually well funded, by liberals.
All that said, they are finding the Left amenable places to land. The modern anarchist/activist culture has roots in the gay rights movement, a Quaker in particular, and why not also in the tankie strains? Also quite cultish. Does seem an odd fit their being strictly materialists, but there ya go.

>> No.17741394

wow leftists are truly fucking delusional lol most leftists unambiguously prioritize transgenderism and race over everything else, it has nothing to do with christianity it has to do with your shitty godawful ideology being institutionally promoted in a watered-down liberal aesthetic and everyone eats it up

>> No.17741437

>most leftists unambiguously prioritize transgenderism and race over everything
Naw. Anarchists prioritize being against white supremacy, so they’re inclusive. You’re missing the fact that reformist left-liberals are pushing IDpol
So are rightwing liberals. Rightwing IDpol

> it has nothing to do with christianity
I just explained how it’s related to social norms making them nuts. They’re just homosexuals
>it has to do with your shitty godawful ideology
Wanting a free world isn’t to blame

>> No.17741448

> if you just embrace sexual deviancy and let deviants do their thing, sexual deviancy will just magically disappear because more people are openly practicing it!

whew lad, yea that makes total sense butters

>> No.17741489

>anarchists dig up and exacerbate all sorts of interracial grievances and cause more by forcing people together
>this is totally how we unify the working class!

KEK, you're a capitalist pawn doing their dirty work butters. the fact that you spout feel good fantasies about anarchism does not change the real tangible impact you have by spreading this retardation, which is fueling divisions of the working class to maintain the liberal power structure

>> No.17741510

>They’re actually just homosexuals with strange inferiority complexes
Don’t forget the agp fetishists and the groomed children. Gender ideology is a lot more insidious than just self hating homosexuals, you know that butterfly.

>> No.17741534

>No son ‘o mines gonna be a fudge packer!
If you just accept that some people are just not going to be breeders and let them find love on their own terms, you could avoid seeing so many “trans”
Mentally unbalanced people need love too, and a different therapy to help them be comfortable with who and what they are.
Stop sniffing the portapotty fumes, anon.


Fetishists. Pedophiles aren’t a separate sexuality. Wouldn’t call it “gender ideology” either.

>> No.17741536
File: 240 KB, 665x1000, tranny wignats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17741563

none of what you said explains how being open about sexual deviancy magically means there wont be sexual deficiency, you're just restating the original claim, not clarifying it. the fuck were you thinking when you typed this out in response to what i said?

>> No.17741574

you literally said that "anarchists fight (x)", that literally means they use force to enforce something

>> No.17741576

yes all breadtubes/leftist are tending towards transgenderism see contra points, jim sterling, philosophy tube for prominent examples

>> No.17741587

a lot of obnoxious shit has its roots in conservative communities not having a way of dealing with alterity beyond cover-ups and shunning, if they could get their shit together for the rest of us that would be great but we all know they're going to quadruple down on purity politics, send all their gays and trans and homeless to blue cities and then blame them for having the symptoms of being overburdened. tired of these lazy fucks and their lazy thinking.

>> No.17741608

Why tho? and who'll be next?

>> No.17741616

Abby pussy is the best pussy, she succ dicc down gud

>> No.17741623

>implying Marxists are reading esoteric literature (and no, Hegel isn't part of the tradition, despite his perlexing writing style).

>> No.17741625

You don’t know the difference between deviancy and degeneracy. Nothing wrong with homosexuality, there is something wrong with people who are at odds with their own bodies.

You don’t know jack shit. Need a book rec?

Exactly. Anarcho-communism would be nice right about now.

Taking off again. Thread should be gone when I’m back

>> No.17741629


>> No.17741635

homosexuality is being at odds with your own body, its literally a mental abnormality that conflicts with your natural gender role

>> No.17741643

I’m not your baby machine, degenerate

>> No.17741652

That's a common misconception because of the high overlap, in reality it's just that both appeal to losers and the unintelligent.

>> No.17741660

How is this off topic thread still up? The mods need to their fucking job. They’ve been doing an even worse job than usual recently.

>> No.17741667
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>You don’t know jack shit.
this is not a valid refutation or response to what i said, its a bunch of angry buzzwords because you have no argument because i was objectify correct in calling you out

claiming that anarchists work to enforce specific social rules practiced willingly by other people means to are actively working to force conditions onto other people. you are objectively incorrect and have lost this debate like you lose every single one you engage in here. feel free to clarify this fact by spouting some more buzzwords or insults or ignoring me in place of an argument which should be very easy for you to produce since you believe so strongly you are correct

>> No.17741679

ok but that does not refute what I said, so by your own logic, you are wrong to draw a line between homosexuality and transgenderism

>> No.17741680

absolutely based

>> No.17741732

honestly I have nothing against trans people cause I generally am an accepting person and never really view people poorly unless they murder someone or something, but lets be honest, this is what trans people are. idk I feel bad for them.

>> No.17741752
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dont forget to properly maintain yourself after srs

>> No.17741758

its the inevitable conclusion of their ideology as for saying who's next i would keep an eye on vaush eventually he will have to transition so he doesn't get cancelled other than that im not familiar enough with breadtube but if they are a white male watch them closely they will start flirting with cross-dressing or being androgynous and eventually transition

>> No.17741774
File: 155 KB, 2048x1116, vaushlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's already a woman.

>> No.17741795

Fat people’s cocks are partially hidden in their gunt you retard.

>> No.17741841

This is like when fat people claim they really just have big bones. No, you're actually fat and you actually have a little dick.

>> No.17741848

fuck, he really did plagiarize contra a lot

>> No.17741857

I should have explained. They're confronted by the esoteric within reality and are incapable of dealing with it properly. They think the anima being female means their soul is female therefore they ought to be female. In many cases this simply happens unconsciously

>> No.17741911

This guy lives in the poor parts of Beverly Hills

>> No.17741956

Once PT moves to the States in some hope to win her back, that's when we have to intervene

>> No.17741969

There is a very distinct type 4chan ED kiwifarm trannies who pride themselves on their 'self awareness' but that just means they are more neurotic perverted and mentally ill than regular anime fetishists.

>tfw no high functioning autistic trans gf who gets off at being degraded as a retarded faggot during sex

>> No.17741986

god this is the dumbest fucking take i have read in my entire life, and trust me i fucking HATE troons

>> No.17742002

>t. transgender marxist

>> No.17742011


>> No.17742012


>> No.17742052

Cope https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buried_penis

>> No.17742073


>> No.17742090

This is fetish porn, you have turned your fetish into a state of being and sexuality.