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17737744 No.17737744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Isn't being a Christian pretty much just larping as a Jew? I feel no connection to all of these Jewish tales about their kings and prophets from the old testament. If I'm not part of their people, how can I participate in what is essentially a schismatic Jewish tradition?

>> No.17737849

theres a reason they call it judeo christian. an amalgamation of collaborative canon of that time. further to the past you shall traverse..

>> No.17737862

That's why real Christians don't care about the old testament

>> No.17737877

If you're too dumb for Judaism maybe you should become a Hindu and spend all day prancing up and down in front of a statue of a blue elephant.

>> No.17737882

Yes, this is why being a christian essentially means you're cucking for the jews.

>> No.17737887

Aren't all foreigners all untouchables according to their caste system? I don't think Hinduism is open to outsiders at all.

>> No.17737893

Christians aren't larping as jews. Once jesus resurrected and gave the holy spirit to both jews and gentiles he ushered in a new dispensation of salivation without working under the law. Thats why his yolk is so light. Christians aren't supposed to feel ethnical connections to OT texts. The OT texts are meant to be evidence of jesus being the messiah

>> No.17737903

>Once jesus resurrected and gave the holy spirit to both jews and gentiles
But the jews disagree, why should we believe some thieves?
>Thats why his yolk is so light

>> No.17737918

your an idiot

>> No.17737921

Imagine thinking that j*daism is more complex than hinduism

>> No.17737923

Care to explain why?

>> No.17737933

I'm a tranny btw

>> No.17737936

>But the jews disagree
Of course they disagree. It was prophesied in isaiah, not to mention Isreal has always been a stumbling mess since exodus

>> No.17737941

Its the other way round being a jew is larping as anti Christian

>> No.17737952

What about their claims that Jesus didn't fulfill all the messianic prophecies?

>> No.17737955

Two things, first Lord Ganesha is pink, not blue. Secondly and more importantly, the differences between Vedism of old and current hinduism (bakhti) is likely to be even bigger than between a hebrew of old and a Protestant in the USA. They went from sacrificing to their 33 millions gods to praying to a single god (mostly) and relying on faith while paying but a distant tribute to the Veda. At least the messiah is announced in the OT - wether it's Jesus or not. Where's Lord Ganesha in the Veda?

>> No.17737957

It's their ethnic god though, it's very arrogant what the christians have done. It's like taking your friend's wife and then proclaiming she now belongs to everyone. Of course your friend will be upset.

>> No.17737962

This also goes for islam by the way.

>> No.17737972

Aren't Arabs the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael though?

>> No.17737992

Europeans are descendants of Japheth

>> No.17738036

What prophecies did he not fulfill? If you're speaking about him bringing the upcoming political state, then that's not until his second advemt. It's talked about in isaiah, and dispensationalism is how you categorize each time period.
>It's their ethnic god though,
Jehovah is the god of all creation. Which means he's always been the god for gentiles too. Read romans for more detail. He chose abraham to seed a nation that would receive his law, and his peculiar people were supposed to bring light to the gentiles pagan ways. But, of course, mankind are idiots and Israel is moreso because they knew the law and still fucked up at almost every turn. The book of hebrews goes in depth about that. God needed to bring a suffering messiah in order to give both jew and gentile a way to recieve gods spirit. He was always meant to die so he could resurrect. We could have already had the kingdom of heaven on earth if it werent the jewish elders rejectong him again and killing stephen in acts

>> No.17738071

Muslims are larpers because none of their bools tie into either testaments. Nothing in their texts references any scripture or prophecy. They only give vague fables related to catholic traditions

>> No.17738074

No. It’s more Greek than Christian.

>> No.17738075

you're not supposed to think you are a jew retard. the old testament is there to record what happened before jesus. the old testament stories still have plenty of relatable stories about sin, lack of faith, etc. that are plenty relatable without having to be a jew.

>> No.17738111

>According to Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews I.6): Japhet, the son of Noah, had seven sons: they inhabited so, that, beginning at the mountains Taurus and Amanus, they proceeded along Asia, as far as the river Tanais (Don), and along Europe to Cadiz; and settling themselves on the lands which they light upon, which none had inhabited before, they called the nations by their own names.

>When God blessed Noah and his sons (Gen. ix. 1), He in blessing Japheth promised that all of his sons should be white; and He gave them as their portion deserts and fields (Pirḳe R. El. xxiv.).

>> No.17738112

>Jehovah is the god of all creation. Which means he's always been the god for gentiles too.
The jews disagree though, they don't think he is the god for gentiles and since he was their god first I'm going to go with their take.
I also disagree that he is the god of all creation. No, he is but one (aspect of) God that is jealous and allows no other (aspects of) god(s) beside him. He is the ethnic god of the jewish people, nothing more. Read A History of God by Armstrong.

>> No.17738135

According to Jews, not me:
He didn't gather the Jews in Israel
>"And he shall set up a banner for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." (Isaiah 11:12)
He didn't usher in a time of peace
>"...they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." (Micah 4:3)
There's other grievances, but I won't mention them because they're kind of stupid and I think Jesus did fulfill them.

>> No.17738195

>The jews disagree though,
Again, they ALWAYS disagree with god. Their own texts prove that. And the prophets consistently tell them they are WRONG. Isaiah specifically states that Jehovah is the god of BOTH jews and gentiles
>No, he is but one (aspect of) God that is jealous and allows no other (aspects of) god(s) beside him.
Not according to deuteronomy and, again, isaiah. Jehovah isn't one aspect, he is the full creator of the universe. His jealousy is aimed at the jews continually worshipping idols based of of things jehovah created. Jesus isn't an aspect of god. He's the passover lamb god ordained to be used in order to allow the holy spirit to circumcise peoples souls. The only one who could fully follow the law was god, and he used the messiah as his vessel

>> No.17738241

Jehovah is a poor translation of YHWH by the way.

>> No.17738249

All religions have been strictly linked to an ethnicity before Christianity. Christianity is the first universal religion, it is meant for everyone. So no.

>> No.17738256

No, the jews disagree with christians. You are arrogant enough to tell them they are wrong in how they deal with their own ethnic god, and then take him for yourself. It's bizarre.
>Isaiah specifically states that Jehovah is the god of BOTH jews and gentiles
That's the christian intepretation, why should I believe that over the jewish interpretation?
>Not according to deuteronomy and, again, isaiah.
Which are man-made texts and not infallible. You are so arrogant to think you know the jewish god and the jewish prophets better than the jews. RIdiculous. This is why christians are such cucks.

>> No.17738714

Joel 3 must take place before either of those happen
Yaweh is a german bastardization of jehovah
>You are arrogant enough to tell them they are wrong in how they deal with their own ethnic god
No, their own prophets did that for me
>That's the christian intepretation, why should I believe that over the jewish interpretation?
>Not according to deuteronomy and, again, isaiah. Which are man-made texts and not infallible
How are you going to say you believe jewish interpretation and yet turn and say their own holy texts are wrong? Their own history continuously proves they don't know how to treat their own god, up to the point where god divorced isreal in Jeremiah 3.

>> No.17738727

jewish retoactively refuted all jews

>40 “Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vinedressers?”

41 They said to Him, “He will destroy those wicked men miserably, and lease his vineyard to other vinedressers who will [a]render to him the fruits in their seasons.”

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

‘The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.
This was the Lord’s doing,
And it is marvelous in our eyes’?

43 “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. 44 And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.”

>> No.17738759

>No, their own prophets did that for me
If you misinterpret them, sure
>ow are you going to say you believe jewish interpretation and yet turn and say their own holy texts are wrong? Their own history continuously proves they don't know how to treat their own god, up to the point where god divorced isreal in Jeremiah 3.
Because I have no stake in this. I am neither christian nor jew, just a non-partisan bystander. Like I said, I disagree with jewish worldview, but that doesn't matter because I'm not a jew. What they do is legitimate for their tribe. When it comes to their god, I'm more inclined to believe them than the people who stole the jewish god for themselves and gave up their own ancestral ones.

>> No.17738784

based poo

>> No.17738830

>If you misinterpret them, sure
The kjv has extremely plain english. If you can't understand that it says Jehovah is the god of both jews and gentiles then your conceding that you have reading comprehension below a 5th grader. But that shouldn't worry you since you have no stake in this. Just run back to the greek kiddie pool mythos

>> No.17738935

>be jewish
>kill gods prophets

so true!

>> No.17738962

The kjv is a translation, not an original text. And even then the original text is man-made and therefore fallible. It saying something doesn't make it true, genius.

>> No.17738971

But jews don't see him as a prophet, so they're not wrong are they. You're only butthurt because you think he is one. Why should I take your word over that of the jews?

>> No.17738992

I meant all the other prophets they killed, the ones they themselves accept, mr esl nonreader

>> No.17739036

God works in mysterious ways doesn't he?
>mr esl nonreader
That's not very christian of you

>> No.17739057

not sure if you are 13 or just a really out of date athiest

>> No.17739067

That's not very christian of you

>> No.17739183

Are you the Moorcock retard pagan larper from the Islam thread from yesterday? God is the god of all creation, but he selected a people to receive his law, and eventually send them a Messiah to spread his grace to all nations. As Christian is supposed to look at the OT for three reasons:
1. See that Jesus was the prophesies Messiah
2. For the beautiful prose
3. To see how retarded the Jewish people were and learn from their mistakes
Your supposed tribe doesn’t exist, it’s a toothless blind idol that you made for yourself. Your pagan ancestors would LMAO at your sorry ass. The good news were spread to all nations, our saints took over your pagan demons. And the beautiful thing is that we kept our local identities. Even in Romania, we tend to focus on different feasts and saints depending on the region.

>> No.17739221

Imagine worshipping the jewish god given your history with them lmao, what a cuck

>> No.17739248

Still can't believe there are this many keks worshiping a kike lmao

>> No.17739268

You help no-one by being an autistic retard and declaring Christianity, Europe and the world's uniting word for two thousand years, a "Jewish ethnofaith" and sperging out at your brothers-in-arms about it. I hope you're a teenage White nationalist with an overabundance of convert's zeal, because your behavior makes you look a whole lot like a bad actor trying to exploit ideological fracturepoints and convert viable pockets of White nationalism into dead-in-the-water LARPagan movements like Pierce's.

>> No.17739744
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Isn't being religious in the west basically larping as an Indo-Aryan polytheist? I feel no connection to these neolithic tales about their gods and spirits from the oral tradition. If I'm not a central asian nomad, how can I participate in what is essentially a dead tradition?

>> No.17739823

Yahew is also incorrect, nobody knows how YHWH is pronounced. Jehovah is far more incorrect though, it just stuck because of the KJV.

>> No.17739867

>Christianity, Europe and the world's uniting word for two thousand years
Europe was never united through christianity. Yes, christianity did some good things, but those were mostly because of the European influences. When you remove those, you end up with protestantism, and we both know that's even worse.
But you name the precise problem, christianity united the world. Europe can only lose in that scenario. It's universalist, we're all god's children. How can you expect to oppose globo-zion in this way? You literally worship jewish people over your own European ancestors.

>> No.17739882

Ah yes let's worship child sacrificing mud hut dwelling cum skin niggers then.

>> No.17739997
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>> No.17740037

I'm a christian and my take is that in order to understand jesus you need to at least be familiar with the old testament. Is like if you want to watch the OG Simpsons, you can get the gist of it, but if you watch the movies and know the pop culture of the 90s you are gonna get a lot more of it.

>> No.17740044
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All of West Eurasia was meant to be Zoroastrian.

Constantine fabricated his vision of Jewsus during a march against spiritually superior Sassanids. He wanted to use Nestorian minority as a fifth column against superior Sassanids.
Islam was an invention of Catholic Byzantines and Heraclius, and the Byzantines secretly aided Bedouin Rashidun during key battles. It was a fluid and temporary alliance.
J*daism began out of inferiority complexity and to win favor from magnanimous Achaemenids.
Jewsus, Moses, and Muhammad do not exist and were historical fictions.

This is the real redpill of history: Pisslam, Cuckstianity, and J*daism all grew due to inferiority complex towards the magnificent, glorious Achaemenids or Sassanids.
Abrahamism has no culture.
Every single Cuckstian, Mudslime, and Jew will plummet to the House of Lies.
Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, etc. are all good.

>> No.17740089
File: 36 KB, 647x365, 0_ZrOazi3L9E8q8-1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't being a Christian pretty much just larping as a Jew?
Pic rel.
Like Christians are new Jews, and old Jews are like Judas, traitors to Christ, scum.

>I feel no connection to all of these Jewish tales about their kings and prophets from the old testament.
The problem is that Christianity developed within Judaism, so the first Christians were 100% Jews. The fact that there would be Christians "from the pagans" did not seem to fit well into the head of the first Christians. Then the Romans defeated Judea and the Jewish Christians died out, so the problem was removed.

>If I'm not part of their people, how can I participate in what is essentially a schismatic Jewish tradition?
I hope I will not disappoint you: You are not the first to understand this.
I also once set a goal to read the Bible from cover to cover. I learned a lot of new things. It just turned out a lot: to the wrong address (I am also not a Jew, maybe I was a Jewish Christian everything would fall into place).

I am now interested in the theory that Christianity was not a new Jewish "heresy", but, on the contrary, a revival of ancient Jewish pre-temple Judaism. The fact is that almost all of our knowledge about Judaism was created under King Josiah (c. 640-609 BCE). Perhaps Jesus was the bearer of the old pre-Reform Judaism of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and Josiah and the priests of Jerusalem were the bearers of the temple tradition of Judea - the Southern Kingdom.This is very interesting, unfortunately we have very few facts in our hands.

>> No.17740103
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My ancestors were Orthochads like myself. My great-grandmother from my father side's was friends with pic related, and my great-great-grandfather from my mother's side was a colleague and friend of his dad's. My father's grandfather was a merchant who supported the Iron Guard, and then anti-communist resistance up until those men gave up because of old age, in the mid-1960s. Every Easter I leave red eggs on their graves for them to eat, I go and light a candle for them whenever I go to Church. I honor them, individually, though I haven't had the chance to met them, I know more about them than you will ever know about yours.
We have local saints that perform miracles to this, we have mystics that have powers that those faggots over at /x/ would sacrifice a goat to have. Think I am making this shit up? I am willing to chat to you fuckers on discord and if you ever want to come to Romania I will take you to the wilderness to meet them personally and see for yourself
Our medieval Voivods of Wallachia, Moldova, and Transylvania defended Europe against the Ottoman Empire when it was at its peak. Most of them lost their lives because of this, but what kept them going? Their ancestral Christian faith.
It sucks that the Catholics were fags that gave birth to Protestantism, it really does. I have no affinity for Europe and the Europeans. We defended it again and again, and they always left us in the dust. They left us to the Turks, then to the Russians, and now we are just a market of consumers and an exporter of cheap labor. Fuck the EU, and fuck those PC cucks. Europe is doomed, I would love if the few Orthodox nations would unite and try to keep out the degeneracy for as long as we can. But it's not long now, Kingdom Come is getting nearer and nearer, you just watch for when they let women step on Mount Athos.
Now, you go and LARP being a pagan and worshiping your blind & silent idols. I will be asking our Lord and Saint John Maximovitch to help you see the light.

>> No.17740132

Christianity is fundamentally incompatible with the Aryan soul.

>> No.17740298

>>calls his ancestors stupid
>this is an argument unironically fielded by LARPagan faggots who think they are unique snowflakes smarter than every single one of their ancestors of the last 500-2,000 years

>> No.17740309

Post physique. "Aryan soul." Please. Your soul is as arische as a lump of tar, fat fuck.

>> No.17740321
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>> No.17740333

>ancestor worship
When was the last time you visited your great-grandfather's grave?
You don't object to Christianity because you know of a secret, better system that you're putting into practice- you're a lazy, noncommittal retard, uncomfortable under moral authority.

>> No.17740351

>le brother-killer druggie turned parasitic migrant face

>> No.17740432

Such kind chr*stian words

>> No.17741130


varg is a retard

>A TRUE REVOLUTION, the last true rebellion this failing world has ever known. You see, dear reader, we—likewise born into chaos, likewise gasping in a life of asphyxiation, likewise dirtied from our foolish actions—can attest to an urgent, life-and-death realization: Standing on the threshold of the authentic life requires alertness and the evasion of a predatory world that aims to draw you into its entangling and poisonous affairs. The authentic life requires one not to put to death the world outside oneself; the authentic life requires one to put to death the world inside oneself. All the world’s hypnotizing idols must be toppled and shattered; all its deceptions must be exposed and rejected; all its protective masks—declared by some to be for your protection—must be ripped off and thrown away. In this process and only by this process does one encounter Truth, for Truth is not an abstraction, a philosophy, or an idea but a Person Whom one begins to know through action, contemplation, and transfiguration.


>> No.17741176

Christianity is founded on being good, not on being nice.
If you consider it more rightful to be some kind of ancestor-worshipper, you should actually be engaging in the veneration of your ancestors, near and far, not just living your fat, worthless life as usual but with the addition of being an edgy contrarian sperglord online.
I want you to be better. You don't want to be better- you want a reason to pick gay little fights.

>> No.17741196

that's not what he was saying anon. He wasn't saying that those tales are dumb or that Jewish tradition is dumb. He just asks how and why as a non-jew he should feel a connection to the epics of another culture and another people than what he identifies as his own. Which is a perfectly valid interrogation.

>> No.17741241

The only way you can come to this conclusion is if you haven't read the bible.

>> No.17741433

>judeo christian
Doesn't exist. Christianity is the worship of God and the study of the universe he created. Judaism is opposition to this. Christianity, via its theology, ushered in the era of successful natural philosophy (possible due to the fusion of Greek philosophy and theological secondary causality--an intelligible universe). Judaism doesn't seem to grow anything. It merely urges its people to remain an insular, hostile group that preys on outsiders via deceit and financial networks.

By their fruit you shall know them.

>> No.17741593

Not everyone is as overweight as you, anon. Quit projecting and sort your own problems out before lecturing others with such contradictory advice.

>> No.17741609

>two books, which antedates which in earliest attested copies [Greek]
>Jesus: Essene — what does this suggest
>Judeo-Christian is mere decades old in English usage
>dual covenant, pre Tribulations rapture & dispensationalism are heresies only injected into Southern Evangelicals of the American South via Scofield Bible notes, and John Nelson Darby’s Plymouth Bretheren (Crowley’s family’s sect)
Supercessionism is your fren.

>> No.17741900

Will you please stop? I mean you're stupid, you don't know anything, why do you keep talking? Please stop I can't take it anymore

>> No.17741976

I am half Romanian

>> No.17741983

You guys would HATE him if he just had a different skin tone

>> No.17742761

If you're too hylic for Hinduism maybe you should become a Judaic and spend all day prancing up and down in front of a voluminous text of a tribal law.

>> No.17743191

Christianity like other major religions isn't bound by race

>> No.17743264

Büdös román. Cioran-on és Eliade-on kívül semmi értelmeset nem tudtatok produkálni.

>> No.17743321

>how can I participate in what is essentially a schismatic Jewish tradition?
You can't. Judaism is simply ethnic supremacy/fascism. Christianity was a response to how evil Judaism inherently is. Christianity was meant ONLY for Jews. It makes to sense for anyone else to worship it. Jews should be forced to become Christians and non Jewish Christians should be executed for crimes against humanity. I am not joking about this. Abrahamic people should be forcibly returned and walled into the Middle East. There should be no contact or communication between the Middle Eastern psychopaths and humanity on the outside. Anyone from the outside you thinks they're cool be becoming a Jew/Christian/Muslim should air dropped into the Middle East along with their immediately family as punishment and to set an example. Their should be a heavily armed military encompassment surrounding the Middle East. Anyone who tries to escape should be absolutely annihilated by multiple rotary cannon's mag dumping everything into the swarthy Semite. Every gun should be mounted with a high speed camera to video the obliteration to be broadcasted over every internet channel and to every IP address in order for the world to cheer and celebrate.

>> No.17743330

You are a brutally pathetic sissy cuck faggot

>> No.17743350

what board is this?? ive been here since 2020 and wtf!

>> No.17743401

50000 watts of GAY SEX

>> No.17743908

I could easily prove you wrong, but there is no point in answering an overweight loser with pedophilic fantasies on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.17743970

You /pol/tards are pathetic idiots. You admire fascism and/or nationalism, yet you seethe at the Zionists for being more successful nationalists than any of your heroes. You read Guenon and Evola, but fail to see that Eastern Orthodoxy is the single true tradition.

>There should be no contact or communication between the Middle Eastern psychopaths and humanity on the outside.
>pagan larpers

>> No.17743983


>> No.17743993

>multiple rotary cannon's mag dumping everything into the swarthy Semite

>> No.17744001


>> No.17744004

>Eastern Orthodoxy
You're just a cucked slave you god damn niggerfaggot. Jesus was the son of a Jewess whore who fucked a Roman soldier and then told her pathologically cucked Jewish husband god did it lololololololol

>> No.17744009
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Except Christianity unlike other major religions was bound by race for the vast majority of its scripture/history.

>> No.17744019

Dude learn you ancestral culture and history. Jews biologically hate you so stop worshipping their fake and gay religions of cuckery and Satanism

>> No.17744025

Just take the Swedenborg pill.
Christ is the LORD in that he is the perfected Divine-Man on earth, and is the manifestation in physical reality of Goodness and Truth, which is God.
The Word is not so much an accurate account of events (although it may retell some), but rather relates to the witness of spiritual events, which are universal in their application.

>> No.17744077

>Christianity is the worship of God and the study of the universe he created
Keep telling yourself that. Just like you acknowledged in your own post but tried to brush it off, any semblance of philosophical value Christianity has is due to ripping off the Greeks.

>> No.17744107

Yes, and pagan when it comes to sites and dates.

>> No.17744123

When you're part of a fandom, you can be a Roman, an Elf, Achilles, or even a woman
And none of it matters, because none of it is real
Now take all your /rel/ bs off /lit/

>> No.17744128


>> No.17744129

>any semblance of philosophical value Christianity has is due to ripping off the Greeks
Hebrew and Coptic influence is greater than the Greeks. Never mind that Greek philosophy was ripped from Egypt anyway.

>> No.17744153

As a Christian you typically believe that God's special covenant with the Jews ended with Jesus. The Roman-era Jews hated Christianity because it challenged their status as God's special people who are better than everyone else and put all races on equal footing.

American Evangelicals have this weird fixation with Jews and Israel that has a really obnoxious role in American conservative (and hell even bipartisan) politics. Evangelicals literally think that supporting Israel and having them rebuild the Temple will cause the end of the world, it's fucking dumb.

>> No.17744170

>Evangelicals literally think that supporting Israel and having them rebuild the Temple will cause the end of the world, it's fucking dumb.
As cartoonish as it sounds, that is true, and they hold a powerful position in American politics which should really tell us something as a culture.

>> No.17744232
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>Never mind that Greek philosophy was ripped from Egypt anyway.

>> No.17744236

Really though, you can say it Started with the Sumerians.

>> No.17744467

They had influences from Egypt but philosophy as we know it was a Greek invention. Claiming Egypt invented philosophy is silly. It's like tracing down the origins of mechanics and then claiming Archimedes invested cars.

>> No.17744473

Yes, the non-dualist Greek philosophers who influenced Christian philosophers were in turn influenced by the Egyptians.

>> No.17744534

Buddhism wasn't. even before the Christianity.

>> No.17744654

Jesus was Jewish and sent to save the Chosen People, but he died for humanity. So the turning point was at the end of the Gospels.

>> No.17744778

>Jesus was Jewish
no he wasnt