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/lit/ - Literature

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17738433 No.17738433 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any hope someone who is going to a shitty state school? I'm reading an autobiography from someone who went to Oxford and it's unimaginable how fucking based it is. Every day you converse with the absolute best in whatever fields interests you. You like philosophy you will become friends with the best philosophers in the world. Whatever imaginable hobby you have has a club filled with the most interesting and dedicated people. You will date high iq women who actually read. It's literally the perfect life and I'm sitting here with fucking 70 iq retards taking lectures from facebook tier moms who lecture using youtube videos at a commuter school where everyone leaves the class after and goes home. All because I didn't take high school seriously. Is there any hope for me or is it all down here. I can't take 60 years of this.

>> No.17738446

There’s always suicide

>> No.17738480

>going to University of Swansea
I literally writhe in despair when I think about it. I was so fucking ambition and tried so hard but I slipped up once and now my life is flushed down the toilet. Better look for a cope anon, I'm either going to join the army or live in the woods.

>> No.17738491

rich people are more likely to have varied experiences due to the wealth of opportunity afford to them. is that that much of a revelation to you? if so, i recommend >>17738446

>> No.17738578

Get good in your first year and then transfer.

>> No.17738628

>Oxford University does not accept transfer students. If you wish to follow an undergraduate course here, then you need to apply to start the course from the beginning.
Don't bully OP even more

>> No.17738645

What makes you think you could enjoy any of that? It's all likely out of your league, even granting that you're better than 70 iq proles.

>> No.17738665

You can go there postgrad. A mate of mine fucked around at school, did an English Lit degree through Open Uni and got either a 1st or high 2:1, got onto a masters at Warwick, then did PhD at Oxford. Admittedly it was pointless since he now works at a fancy private school which he could have done with just a masters, but at least he can call himself Dr and has the bragging rights

>> No.17738672

If you believe that shit, you’re an idiot. I don’t even really know what else to tell you. The answer is yes, it’s fine by the way.

You like literature? Do you want to write? You should start writing NOW while you’re in college rather than worrying about where you went to college.

>> No.17738701
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>could have gone to a second-rate uni known for its writing courses
>instead chose to stick with fellow-loser high school best friend and go to third rate uni that's exactly how OP describes
My only cope is that the flu shut everything down anyway and that real life is nothing like movies and books set in universities.

>> No.17738716

You believe that smart women must exist, and then you tell yourself they MUST be SOMEWHERE - perhaps in Oxbridge. I thought that.

I am in Oxbridge. They are not here either, they are the same as women everywhere, just more motivated.

Take that as you will

>> No.17738741

It does not matter where you did your undergrad. Excel, do something to beef up your application, and apply for a postgrad at a better school.

>> No.17738778

if you're not rich you're not going to get into one of the colleges where this actually happens. you can get into one of the pleb ones though

>> No.17738792

Grow a fucking spine dude. Instead of looking at what other people are doing and how "based" their life is, focus on yourself. Read books relentlessly and study what interests you- if you do this with enough discipline you will basically be engaging in a dialogue with the smartest, most original thinkers to have ever lived. With the internet, and the infinitude of information available on any subject, you really have no excuses.
Based off what you've said it sounds more like you're enamored with the idea of prestige and being surrounded by smart people rather than actually wanting to become well-learned yourself. Why depend on others, on an environment, on your given circumstances? None of these things can replace an innate drive to learn and ask questions. For the many people at these elite institutions who are intelligent and interesting, there are also many who are intellectually vacuous and just there to be funneled into finance or rewarding careers after graduation. So don't idealize these schools (especially on the basis of anecdotal evidence) as something you desperately need to unlock your potential- take the direction of your life into your own hands.

>> No.17738900 [DELETED] 

frmr robert graves autobiography on going from public (private) school to oxford

>> No.17738905

kingsley amis lectured at that university

>> No.17738958
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from robert graves autobiography on going from public (private) school to oxford

>> No.17739109

I used to be depressed about going to a mediocre school but then I realized that even if I went to a great school it wouldn't have made much of a difference.
The best thing about schools like this are the networking opportunities you have and the connections that you can make but I'm so socially anxious that I spent all 4 years of university talking to nobody, never made any friends, and graduated a kissless virgin. Even if I had gone to a prestigious school I would have done the same thing and I would still be in the same position so it wouldn't really matter. Once I realized this I stopped being upset about my mediocre education credentials.

>> No.17739170

If you think Oxford is still like that I got some news for you

>> No.17739179

This is how I cope as well

>> No.17739198

what's oxford like now?

>> No.17739205

Are there any schools that are still like that?

>> No.17739213
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I can't imagine a single thing more pathetic and oversocialized then craving University life. I hope all you middle class dumbasses die when your adult day care centers get burned to ash.

>> No.17739220

It's all woke shit

Classical education is dead

>> No.17739230

>looks down on higher education
>can't use "then/than" correctly
boo hoo, you didn't get into your dream school? how sad.

>> No.17739286


>> No.17739303

They wouldn't want you there anyways.
You'll never be accepted by these people because you didn't attend an elite private prep school, or because you cant afford to spend the summer in Italy working at archeological digs or otherwise raking up "experience".
Think you can use your charm and intelligence to compensate? Think again, because they don't give a fuck about how well read you are or how much you know. Thats all dead white men stuff anyways, the kind of things that your new peers grandparent's used to filter plebs. Now its all woke shit, and no matter how much you try you'll never walk the walk or talk the talk. When they finally boot you out they'll use it all against you anyways, if you quote Homer you'll be painted a boorish white supremacist, if you quote Marx you'll be a champagne socialist, if you're a man you'll be a thug who makes women uncomfortable. Let me spell it out for you, they don't like you and they never will, and you can bust your ass for years but you're never going to belong in their world.
All of the accomplishments these people brag about were bought and paid for anyways. Thats what really separates you from them, they have a nearly infinite amount of disposable money and all the connections necessary to make the most of it. You don't and probably never will, so at best you can be a kind of rube yokel they slum with for a couple months before getting bored and dropping you.
I know thats not what you want to hear, but thats how it is. Better to get used to it than wasting years of your life pretending that your suit isn't second hand and that you can't go out clubbing tonight because of a stomach ache or whatever lame excuse you'll use to hide the fact that you're broke.

>> No.17739310

literally go talk to professors in other department, they don't have anything better to do.

>> No.17739330

>t. didn't get accepted

>> No.17739346

>>looks down on higher education
"Higher education" does not exist, it is a myth fabricated by elitist academic circles to give themselves a sense of prestige and purpose.
>>can't use "then/than" correctly
Before you criticize lazy posting habits, maybe try capitalizing the beginning of your next two sentences, but I know you won't do that because like all effeminate males you need to seem "disengaged" from the discourse before you.
>boo hoo, you didn't get into your dream school?
I don't have a "dream school", because I'm first and foremost concerned with "real life". It does not matter what kind of school I went to in the first place if I have zero intention of joining academia.
>how sad.
Petty shame tactic.

>> No.17739351

I did get accepted. Spent years rubbing shoulders with these people. They're all gate-keeping scum and unless you're exotic enough to be a token whatever they'll always look down their noses at you.
Unless you grew up in the kind of hyper-competitive focused lifestyle they did you'll always be trash to them. You don't need these people and they don't want you.

>> No.17739368

cringe and basedpilled

>> No.17739376


>> No.17739379

If you go to a state school, you may still be able to dip your toe in the waters of a prestigious university by doing study abroad.

>> No.17739380

>academia cucks in 2021

jesus christ

>> No.17739386

just learn german and go to a german university (which is free). if you aren't an anglo fucktard you won't miss oxbridge anyways.
>You will date high iq women who actually read.

>> No.17739392

Do you follow Rob Henderson at all

>> No.17739395

where do you get all this

>> No.17739398

Oxford is a joke. I never take the degrees people receive from there as anything serious. Students who earn a bachelors automatically get it changed to a Masters after so much time. Sure do not study anymore but now it is a Masters.

Their doctoral programs are crap anyways. Just write a paper and if someone likes you and thinks it is good, here is your doctorate.

Most education is just an elitist institution designed to keep those less fortunate down. There is nothing special there

Seriously it is not hard to get a doctorate in higher education. All you need is a lot of money. Mainly in the sense that you can pay for the full tuition without needing any financial aid. Then schools just accept you because they want your money. They grade inflate to make their graduation numbers look better. Honestly was one of the few students actually read the books and articles. Most students just coasted by and did very little if any work.

It only gets worse as politicians push for tax payer funded higher education. Give everyone a bachelors degree. Does not matter if the person learned anything, just give them a degree.

Then you realize anyway that it makes no difference in life. I know people without High Schools who pull in 6 figure plus incomes. It is more about who you know and who you blow.

>> No.17739400

Hey anon, would you say there is a distinct streak of English classism in it, or would you expect the exact same ghouls in America?

>> No.17739401

You're delusional if you think Oxford is anything they brand themselves as

>> No.17739411

Ah, the hallowed halls of Oxford where you can be hectored by the hijabi daughter of some Pakistani diplomat about how sugar plantations and India were the basis of Britain's wealth despite there being no evidence for this. But everyone knows that white people are rich because they were crueller than everyone else, that's it, there was nothing special about European society, that would be racist, whitey was just meaner to everyone else and that's how he got on top. That's the kind of flawless logic you can expect to encounter as Oxford.

>> No.17739424
File: 428 KB, 2131x1332, Oxbridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17739448

>It only gets worse as politicians push for tax payer funded higher education.
This. Sick and tired of every fucking "Marxist" SocDem faggot talking about how academia is "underfunded" when they directly leech off the working class in the first place.

>> No.17739450

No, but he seems like an interesting guy now that I've looked him up.

I went to a top-10 PLAC and saw it firsthand.
You got a problem with that?

I've never been to England so I couldn't say, my post was referring mainly to American universities, but in my experience elites are the same in every country

>> No.17739452

It's the same everywhere. The class you're born into is the class you'll always belong to. You can imitate their mannerisms and tastes as much as you like, but you'll eventually slip up and out yourself as a rube who doesn't really belong. You fundamentally have different lifepaths. Their parents were grooming them for an elite college before the second they left the womb. They went to a private high school that has a kind of culture completely alien to you. You'll never be fluent in their social signals because you're rote-learning. Unless you're a novelty, you're just too different to truly fit in with them. You'll come off as gauche more often than not, and nobody wants to hang out with a rube.

Stick to your own class.

>> No.17739504

proper weirdo. england hasn't been very stratifiedfor 100 years. you couldn't differentiate the way princess anne talks from someone who works in a boutique

>> No.17739520

The class system is still very prevalent in the UK. I say this as an upper middle class, Grammar School educated Englishman. It's not strictly limited to the job you do, either, it's a combination of things. Pretending otherwise really is denial. Look up the Great British Class Survey that was done a few years ago.

>> No.17739521


>> No.17739524

Let me tell you a story anon
>be me
>educated at traditional 400 year old public school
>all boys, boarding, over £20000/year fees
>huge gothic chapel, weird traditions, a fucking polo team
>I was in on an army scholarship - normal non-super rich middle class family
>hated the other kids there, hated the culture of the upper classes, hated the posh worldview
>was bullied for this
>I was consistently best in my year in humanities exams
>seriously scored 100% in AS English Lit - highest result recorded in that academic year
>school had a program for pupils who they thought had a shot at oxbridge
>started training me for the interview, giving me extra tutoring so that I would ace A2 as well
>I told them that I wanted to go to goldsmiths instead because I hated the posh world of traditional educational establishments
>dropped out of the oxbridge classes, stopped making any effort on exams, smoked weed the day before my final English exam
>instead of going to fucking Cambridge I went to live in New Cross

I avoid any conversation about oxbridge and any oxbridge graduates because of the enormous wave of regret I feel.

>> No.17739533

Accent and being well-spoken barely comes into it, anon.

>> No.17739556

>You got a problem with that?
as it happens i do since it's only people outside the oxbridge world or on its fringes who imagine it's run on patronage, old-boy networks and words dropped in the right quarter. it's not, and could not be.

>> No.17739578

>you couldn't differentiate the way princess anne talks from someone who works in a boutique
I could. The person working in a boutique is just trying really hard to imitate princess Anne.
It's said that in the old days slave girls would imitate the mannerisms of their master, ie if their master wore a certain colour or used a certain phrase they would all copy it themselves.
It's the same principle today. The flamboyant drones who work in boutiques and affect a trendy urban lifestyle are just house-niggers looking down on the field niggers. Maybe you don't see the difference, but everybody who matters does.

>> No.17739580

That's crazy if u got 100% on as english

Do you mean on one paper or the whole qualification??

>> No.17739581
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>>Stick to your own class
What if I don't want to to be stuck working in a call centre or as some bottom rung "manager" scraping by in some C grade company, that ends in a despair induced suicide?

>> No.17739583

I'm in a similar position, went to an unbelievably good school in the South, disproportionate amount of Oxbridge students. Did well in English but fell in """love""" in Sixth Form and sacked off my A levels for a girl. Went from a life of privilege and academia to literally working in a factory alongside Polish immigrants and telling myself it was somehow noble. Managed to scrape onto a low tier university later with the grades I had, topped off with an MA at a Russell Group and here I am. What do you do now?

>> No.17739595

I scored 100% on both coursework and the exam. For the A2 I got something like 75% overall

>> No.17739603

East Coast American Ivy Leagues that accept poor people "let them" make ends meet by cleaning toilets in the student dorms. If anything, there's LESS classism in Britain. Or at least it's so flagrant that poor students don't end up disappointed when Roger II, son of count blahblahblah turns out to think less of them. Because, you know, they expected that to happen anyway.

Not to mention that many top-tier colleges in the US are run almost exclusively by Jews, who primarily admit Jewish students.

Work your ass off at your state school and then go to grad school somewhere that's actually decent. This is the route many rich people take anyway, because it's a better financial option and only the petty bourgeoisie and ultra-ultra-rich think you're a supergenius for going to oxford.

>> No.17739606

honestly the whole posh vs. not posh dynamic reminds me of the flamewars between oldfags and newfags
the oldfags pretend they are better and shit on the newfags, but eventually the newfags integrate and become the oldfags, shitting on the newer newfags
old money always shits on new money, but new money often grows to surpass them, just look at the IT startuppers.
however, this requires the new to have thick enough skin to endure the harassment. it's a bit of a vetting system.

>> No.17739611

illustrating a point, anon.

er my point was princess anne speaks in a generic southern england accent

>> No.17739618

Become a tradesman or skilled industrial worker.
What's with kids nowadays thinking there's no life outside of offices? If you have a real skill that allows to make real things you're a million times more employable, and thus better treated by employers, than office drone #1252134 with a degree in using ms office and operating a phone.

Industrial sectors jobs don't have to be physical demanding either, don't get scammed by retards who brag about making 200k a year breaking their back so they can spend the last 50 years of their life in agony.

>> No.17739621

Be a modern day Julian Sorel

Seriously though, education is your best ticket to upper middle class. Professions (Medicine, Law, Engineering, Accountancy, Architecture) are tickets to upper middle class. High monetary capital (save, fill up your ISAs, invest wisely), purchasing property; social capital (making connections and relationships both professional and personal with other upper middle class people); and cultural capital (educating and indulging yourself in highbrow pursuits and sharing that enjoyment with other upper middle class) are the key factors.

It may be that, if you're a genuinely lower class philistine, you will never truly be accepted. But your children might be if you work hard enough

>> No.17739622

commit suicide and respawn in an isekai with a harem tailored to your tastes

>> No.17739642

This just proves what I'm saying.
Point out the way that power actually functions, state it in a clear way without beating around the bush or sparing anybody's feelings, and the response is
>...it's only people outside the oxbridge world or on its fringes who imagine...
It's not about how you speak or accent or diction or anything like that, its about lying to yourself and other people to such an extent that you believe the lie, or getting labeled an ignorant rube and blacklisted from 'society'.
That's how power works and how it's always worked, and you were born into it so you can pretend otherwise while affecting a moral superiority.

>> No.17739643

what school did you go to? me: i'm alleyn's.
doesn't the existence of a thing like the great british class survey say something on the issue

>> No.17739647

oxbridgefags are exactly the type of person the "DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city" copypasta is making fun of.

>> No.17739650

That's not workable advice for regular people. If you're not unnaturally skilled and determined, you're not going to climb. Better to aim for a regular life than to gamble on an amazing one and fail and end up in debt and with regrets. You can always go to university later, but you can't take back failing out because you're kinda shit at life and don't know what you're doing.

>> No.17739653

Pretty sure that is ironic posting. Oxford is an absolute fucking joke, and if you really think it isn't then name a single relevant writer who came out of there.

But you know what? Leopardi, Keats, Baudelaire, Dickinson didn't need any fucking university to become what they were, you actual retard.

>> No.17739669

i thought the key to being a good writer was reading a lot and writing a lot, why would you go to a school to learn how to write lol? it's not like engineering or medicine where it can just be intravenously fed to you

>> No.17739671

I eventually learnt that the public school social mannerisms can be used to enormous advantage - I stopped being embarrassed about it and so I weasled my way into what is probably the most overpaid admin role in the country, at a major London institution. The system is completely corrupt, my job could be done by someone with basic gcses but I have it because of the old school tie and affected posh boy charm. I could probably get a challenging job and earn more money but I am still a great underachiever and just can't be bothered/lack ambition.

>> No.17739672

Just read American Psycho if you're from the US and realize the upper class isn't everything.

>> No.17739674


>> No.17739677

I'm so glad I'm not British. It's clear that every bong is fated to live life on one side or the other of the Oxbridge filter, and those who fall below it are doomed to a life of resentment and feelings of inferiority. I went to St Andrews so I've seen firsthand the bitterest products of that rejection, i.e. those who nearly made it. The poor shits will never get over it, I'm afraid.

Orwell said:
>within the bourgeoisie there is another unbridgeable gulf between the ‘public’ school and the ‘private’ school. It is quite clear that there are tens and scores of thousands of people to whom every detail of life at a ‘posh’ public school is wildly thrilling and romantic. They happen to be outside that mystic world of quadrangles and house-colours, but they can yearn after it, day-dream about it, live mentally in it for hours at a stretch. The question is, Who are these people?
He was writing in a time before postmodernism convinced the masses that they all had a right to the same privileges as gentry, so today the answer to his question is apparently 'everybody'.

>> No.17739684

Alleyn's in Dulwich? Do you still live in the area?

>> No.17739691

ITT Americans who don't realize that in the UK your class background actually plays a huge role in your future.

>> No.17739697

dalston, why?

>> No.17739700

the fucks who stayed in bri'an rather than colonizing the new world are the people with no ambition or drive to change their situation so it makes sense

>> No.17739706

Maybe, but given today's standards there really isn't an excuse for not having a bachelor's at 2:1 or above. It's the most basic metric of your ability to commit yourself and demonstrate a modicum of intelligence. I'm not saying things SHOULD be that way - I wholeheartedly support a closure of universities, reduction on courses offered, and re-establishment of guilds and the like alongside focus on apprenticeships and trades.

I went to Aylesbury Grammar School. Not quite as fancy as a high-performing independent but selective at least.

>> No.17739720

Just interested to know if someone from my neighbourhood was poasting - still have yet to meet anyone irl who has admitted to using 4chan

>> No.17739734

>best post
>no replies
Hit a little close to home, huh /lit/?

>> No.17739736
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>the absolute best in whatever fields
Do you know that half of the junk science published in the world comes from Oxford?

>> No.17739740

this actually does shine a bit of light on the subject though not in the way you mean

>> No.17739742

It ain't based, where do you get your info from? Oxford is full of tards and awkward neeks and home to so many crazy unshaved fembots. Private school ppl may be more based but if ur not the 3rd Earl or Twattington you're not gonna join the Bullingdon. Stick to finding interesting people around you. Speaking as someone who went there.

>> No.17739752
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Move to Europe. Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark. Maybe Netherlands or Italy or France or Spain or Portugal. Or even Czechia or Poland. Escape the Anglo lunacy. I promise it's nicer here.

>> No.17739754

i probably wouldn't admit to it if asked to be fair

>> No.17739757

then in what different way?

>> No.17739760

I just wish I was independently wealthy enough to spend all day writing, like Tolstoy or Proust

>> No.17739761

looks like shit

>> No.17739773

Ironic how right wingers who claim to love 'Western civilization' are mostly illiterates who almost never actually engage with any of it; mock people who actually engage with it through studying history, art, literature; and have no respect for the fields that actually built it and continue to contribute to it in the first place. These are the kinds of people who have no problem with a world where mindless bugman subjects like business, econ, STEM are worshiped but humanities departments can barely scrape by. Also hilarious how academia, arguably the most important institution in Western civilization is considered as "leeching off the working class" but corporations are not. STEM bugmen and rightoids contribute nothing to civilization.

>> No.17739786

>Also hilarious how academia, arguably the most important institution in Western civilization
Ahahahaha shut the fuck up.

>> No.17739788

>I didn't take high school
You mean secondary. Unless you plan on going to Oxford as a foreign national which will cost millions.

>> No.17739789
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nice american reddit tier straw man arguing. you have to go back

>> No.17739790

>Maybe, but given today's standards there really isn't an excuse for not having a bachelor's at 2:1 or above.
So many people get given this advice and get a bachelor in nothing and then can't find anything but minimum wage service shit jobs where their employer treats them like subhuman vermin.
Get an associate's degree and do internships in real companies, or a bachelor in something that actually is a real job on its own, nothing with a degree of abstraction, because nobody hires that for anything worthwhile.

>> No.17739793

hungarian here, britain used to be where the smart but not well off kids went, but brexit happened so all those kids are going to france germany etc. if brexit never happened all of our brains would still be going there. nobody unironically wants to be in yurop, and culturally britain was the furthest a hungarian could hope to get away from yurop with no money
on the other hand, america was and is where the smart AND well off kids go. despite the recent anti-american sentiment, there is still a powerful drive in ambitious students to "go west"

>> No.17739804
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here's your academia bro

>> No.17739810

Britain is mainly popular because of English. Nobody wants to learn some retarded fourth rate language that has no utility besides being able to live in a country without cultural output. If it was otherwise, ie if people could get by with English everywhere, I'm certain they would move to Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, the Nordic countries, over Britain, as Britain really is a quite miserable place without a future.

>> No.17739816

I want to gain money when I got older. Honnestly regretting my choice a bit considering that I love history and reading way more than my current major.

>> No.17739819

majority of oxford is non uk students

>> No.17739820

>Britain really is a quite miserable place without a future
What on earth makes you think that?

>> No.17739833

Yeah the children of the rich foreigners who can spend millions on their children's education. Not some state school attending son of a mong.

>> No.17739849
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What a colossal generalisation. Are you an imbecile? I have a first class degree in the humanities and a Master's in Literature. The great passion of my life is in the study of Literature, Art and Philosophy. What is the result? A deep, abiding conviction that objective beauty exists and objective standards can be applied to art. Don't tell me that the works of Shakespeare or Goethe or Proust are no more valuable than the mud etchings of savages in a dark and dismal jungle. Postmodernism elevates the Benin bronzes to Michaelangelo. What rubbish! I loathe and detest the notion that 'equality', a tenuous term and best applied to the innate dignity of man merited by their creation in the image of God, is now wielded by the proverbial foxes to demand equal access to grapes. Not everybody should go to university - not everybody should be allowed. Gateways should be rendered narrower, not torn apart by the forceps of jealousy and pride. Academia used to mean something. Everything I love is degraded by the very existence of LGBTQ literary theory. But guess what? I am excellently paid, have a prestigious career in society, a wonderful white fiancee and a circle who share my convictions. I will do my utmost to keep the flame alive so that once the tide turns something from the great library of human dignity and lofty thought yet remains. And when my grandchildren's grandchildren look back to me and those like me who loathe and detest the corruption and perversion of the West's monumental artistic history, I comfort myself with the old Eliot quote:

>That things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life.

I rankle at your post and despise the mindset it betrays.

>> No.17739851

Not that guy, but Brexit pretty much assured that England would fall into gross irrelevance. It's weird to me, since so many of you have a "we used to be an Empire!" complex, but there it is. Irrelevance and marginalization from here on out.

>> No.17739853

>duhhh bugman!!!
Do you really think the humanities isn't full of these so called "bugmen", anon? Do you even have ANY conception of just how oversaturated the humanities really are? Just how many of those people provide REAL contributions to their respective fields? At the very least, the STEM/Finance/Trade guys are honest.

>> No.17739854

mostly it's scholarship boys

>> No.17739855

Romans and Greeks weren't white, they were light-dark brown mediterraneans with their own rich culture distinct from what these woke people consider "white".
Almost all top universities in Europe offer courses in English, especially highly developed countries like the Netherlands and Germany. Yet, before Brexit, highly achieving students tended to choose Britain over those countries.

>> No.17739864

Why does that mean it has no future? It simply means its future isn't leading the charge into a global melting pot.

>> No.17739865

don't compare STEM guys to finance parasites, the former at least occasionally actually build stuff.

>> No.17739866
File: 289 KB, 986x553, 1576230146466 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a state school and got free school meals and just got accepted for a PHD at Cambridge. It's harder if you're from the bottom, and you have to sacrifice more, but be scrappy and be bold and you can achieve great things in this country.

If you're still in college get at least 3 A's (ideally a little better), and get some good academic adjacent extra-curriculars (like essay comps or video documentaries) and apply. Then you want to look at which courses have the best acceptance rates (or really focus your extra-curriculars if you already have a course in mind). It may be worth saving over a gap year so you can get advice from an admissions organisation.

Truthfully it helps a lot if you can get yourself involved with upper class right wing social circles via social media - you'll get the no bullshit advice on getting in and making the most of it when you're there.

>> No.17739868

could be a blessing in disguise that

>> No.17739869

This ceiling is unappealing because it's too busy and has too many sharp, cutting lines.

>> No.17739880

the absolute arrogance

>> No.17739887

England is Mammon's whore and must be destroyed.

>> No.17739888
File: 25 KB, 296x377, 1614448944512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw
>british "people"

>> No.17739890

>Yet, before Brexit, highly achieving students tended to choose Britain over those countries.
Thank you Brexit for making people aware British education is worthless.

>> No.17739892

>It simply means its future isn't leading the charge into a global melting pot.
But it is. its population is the least European in Europe (maybe tied with France). By far. And after Brexit, European immigration has stopped, and generally Britain becomes more economically aligned with India, China, Nigeria. It's horrible.

>> No.17739902


>> No.17739907

Appropriate since Mel Gibson is entirely descended of the British Isles.

>> No.17739908


>> No.17739909

if anything it'll make it easier to get in for the home students, viz the poor bastards itt

>> No.17739913

France is way further down the line than England, you can only get very indirect measures of what's going on there because they banned racial statistics but the information you can glean is pretty dramatic

>> No.17739921
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>> No.17739924

If you're not LARPing, PhD in what? I'm finishing the Literature and Culture MA at Birmingham and would love to continue into a PhD but I hear lecturing jobs in the humanities are basically nonexistent in the UK now. Don't know whether to go the journalism route or take the teaching pill - I can't imagine myself doing anything non-English related.

>> No.17739926

>he wants to "contribute to civilization" at all

>> No.17739929

Just to add to this, don't think that Oxbridge in 2021 is the Oxbridge of the 20s or even the 70s; it's full of leftists who break down in tears if anyone disagrees with them and plenty of Oligarch's kids who bought and cheated their way in but can barely write. There's remnants of the sort of culture you're expecting but that's the case at any good university.

Go there for a reason, be that career, or the specific focus of one of the faculties.

>> No.17739952

Quit being so damn melodramatic. If the UK is as economically fucked and irrelevent as you are saying then there will be a mass exodus of people from all ethnic backgrounds.

Cherrypicking the worst parts of the country with an image that could just as easily be found in any Northern European country isn't an effective argument on the future of Britain.

>> No.17739960

Class matters a lot in the US as well it’s just not quite as “in your face” as it is in the UK

>> No.17739968
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>all these faggots larping as upperclass

>> No.17739975

Corporate law, I'm aware of the economic outlook within academia so I'm really not sure if I will take it or just become a lawyer/join a bank - I've got a lot of applications juggling atm more than anything I was just telling OP not to give up - if you make sacrifices very few careers are out of reach for someone with a good brain.

Surely if you're you're a literature buff actually writing could be a shout? Teaching is probably the easiest way to get a solid wage under your belt while you figure it out - apparently one trick is to become a teacher at a private school, they have excellent links with unis and a lot of the teachers are semi retired professors - could be the way to land a lecturer role.

>> No.17739978

England has a certain squalor about it. Really gets you down after a while. Hard to describe.

>> No.17739984

You're american aren't you?

>> No.17739985
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weird argument to put fwd considering the mad amounts of gentrification going about in areas like this

>> No.17740001

>Almost all top universities in Europe offer courses in English
Yeah good luck with living and studying in a country where you can't speak the local language and can't communicate with the average person on the street. Really fun to be limited strictly to the couple English language courses and not being able to choose based on interest and quality, also being forced to live in a bubble of foreigners because locals will still want to mostly speak their own language when around friends.
You can absolutely do it, but it won't be a great experience.

England has disgusting food, disgusting architecture, the government is extremely incompetent on every level, health care is shit, and everything is falling apart. The country is overrun by muslim hordes on one side and neo nazi proles on the other with a noble elite sitting on top of the pigsty siphoning off what little money there is. Britain fell for the service meme and now they pay for it, while the economies of countries that retained a strong industrial base are pulling ahead.

>> No.17740007

why have britbongs seemingly never heard of a porch, every house in North America has a porch even if it's like 3 feet wide

>> No.17740013

Yes, do really well and go to graduate school, you might even go to Oxford and talk to those philosophers.

>> No.17740017

Britain has narrower streets.

>> No.17740020

because 3 feet is unironically about 10% of the depth of those houses and houses of that style were built in blocks which can be 100 rows of houses deep. We are a hive city.

>> No.17740021

there's literally no difference aside from one was born with wealth and connections and status, and one was not. the less able you are to distinguish people the more upperclasses are emboldened to define themselves apart.

>> No.17740023

>Romans and Greeks weren't white, they were light-dark brown mediterraneans
Yeah those dark brown *subflavus* emperors. retard

>> No.17740032

No? If I was American I probably would think the opposite since upperclass is wealth based. You middleclass faggots read a book and go to Uni and you think you're aristocrats.

>> No.17740038

cringe and larp

>> No.17740041

you could literally just build one in the space right there in the picture between the house and the street

>> No.17740048

Then there's no sidewalk anymore.

>> No.17740049

Exactly my point.

>> No.17740056

What is your career if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.17740060

Wow, you'll be raking it in mate. Congrats! Writing is really my passion, I've had a few short stories published and an agent's nibbling at my novel manuscript which is exciting, but I still need a day job. Maybe I'll try for a private school like you say. I like the look of the civil service grad scheme, too. I could write and LARP as Goethe or Churchill or Neruda.

>> No.17740061

It's just not the done thing, terraced houses never have porches. It's just how it is, the houses are meant to create a line.

Some have internal porches where the door is set back from the wall.

>> No.17740064

stop crying bitch. if you want to get in there post grad then kick ass at dumbass school. know that you don't actually need this place to accomplish things but you don't seem to care about that.

>> No.17740083

I don't mean the sidewalk, I mean the little yard

>> No.17740086

Ah the PHD is probably a bad economic decision but thanks!

The only issue with things like grad schemes or "paying your dues" as a junior journalist is that it can sort of trap you in; you have this sort of objective of a job after 2 years, then you get pretty good conditions, then boom theyve stolen your life as a writer. That said, if you could get into one of the good departments like FCO or justice you could probably find some really interesting material to write about.

>> No.17740101

Wow, did they really demolish those horrible skyscrapers and build old-style houses?

>> No.17740113

This government is actually moderately based on architecture, they let Scruton write the basis of the new policy on architectural aesthetics.

>> No.17740121

I'm head of English at a top 50 school and will be deputy head from September.

>> No.17740129

But the porch is an essential comfy boundary space, where you are shielded from most weather but can feel the air, and somewhat private but people can still see you as they walk by and hear you.

>> No.17740133

Potential for a connection lads?

>> No.17740140

Anglos can't into philosophy.

>> No.17740141
File: 37 KB, 297x322, 639860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studied in America, Germany, Switzerland
>completed my undergrads in Germany, didn't pay a dime of tuition
>highest GPA is faculty
>applied for a masters at Oxford solely to take a spot from some anglo scum who has worked his entire life and spent thousands of dollars trying to get into Oxford
>will reject the offer at the last possible moment
Gott strafe England

>> No.17740142

hmm, perhaps, but people romanticise the way that the terraces fostered a communal life where the working class lived inside each other's pockets.

>> No.17740148

Well that gives me some hope for young of the nation - best of luck.

>> No.17740151


>> No.17740160

I live in a terrace and don't know any of my neighbours :(

>> No.17740161

based, methinks

>> No.17740163

one of my friends unironically wants to go to a big British university because "it's like Hogwarts but IRL :DDD"

>> No.17740164

>England has disgusting food, disgusting architecture, the government is extremely incompetent on every level, health care is shit, and everything is falling apart. The country is overrun by muslim hordes on one side and neo nazi proles on the other with a noble elite sitting on top of the pigsty siphoning off what little money there is. Britain fell for the service meme and now they pay for it, while the economies of countries that retained a strong industrial base are pulling ahead.
Not saying you are wrong about everything but that comment does not reflect reality and if we were having this discussion in person I would have serious concerns about your mental health.

>> No.17740166


>> No.17740173

ffs please save him the wasted cash

>> No.17740177

well that's an urban area, houses in the suburbs have front gardens.

>> No.17740178

>but that comment does not reflect reality

>> No.17740179

basierend und rot gepillt

>> No.17740186

Wahhh wahhh, I can't be an internet philosopher because I went to the wrong school! Wooeeee is me!

>> No.17740187


>> No.17740193

Is the hand of the hun punching caithness on this stamp?

>> No.17740202
File: 183 KB, 1080x581, Inglinga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that for thousands of years most of the modern day West was no different from sub-Saharan Africa. The dark forests of northern Europe were for most of their history no different from your "dark and dismal jungle". Even those huts you detest so much could be found all across bronze age Britain, and for many more centuries than cathedrals could be found. I can't help but notice how not even nature itself is spared from your irrational hatred of these "savages"; so much that even tropical forests brimming with beautiful life can be warped into a "dark and dismal jungle" by their mere presence. The same nature the Romantics saw such sublime beauty in, or even the primitive cultures in which Herder and others saw such simplicity and nobility. Would you also dismiss the art of old northern Europe as mere stone etchings, unworthy of study and appreciation? Art doesn't have to be 'civilized' for it to be meaningful, something lost on your shallow and politicized view of art.

Your style betrays you as a pseud who cares more about appearing 'sophisticated' than saying anything deep, insightful, or meaningful. You can continue your larp as some noble, Scruton-esque savior of Western civilization, but that would be meaningless if your appreciation of it is so shallow even these figures you idolize would reject you as a pathetic midwit.

>> No.17740205
File: 219 KB, 1300x952, suburban-houses-in-the-mead-beckenham-south-london-C417EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17740211

they'll just get in through clearing

>> No.17740213

I have a porch which is a plywood cube on breeze bricks and the door comes out of the side not the front.

>> No.17740219

that's supposed to be a gothic glove methinks

>> No.17740221

Based - I would save stone henge over st Paul's any day

>> No.17740224

no clearing for postgrad is there?

>> No.17740239

no fkn way anyone is dumb enough to believe all that shit lmao

>> No.17740251

>worshipping elitism, classicism, money
>worshipping nepotism, sophistry, status
>whining he can't be spoonfed knowledge, on the book board
What the fuck happened to this board? Holy shit when did it get this bad? I've never seen dumber beliefs than all I just read in OPs post. Just imagine being such a will-less pride-less, spineless npc that you complain about retards hoarding status as a survival strategy when you can just as easily access all of their resources for free and surpass them while they gloat in a mirror.

Keep worshipping status, it will be a good cope for you until you rot the same, just in a less pretty patch of dirt.

>> No.17740263

you can get a late offer, no?

>> No.17740272

cope harder poorfag statuslet

>> No.17740294

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.17740312

Why would I want a porch that I could only sit on for 2 weeks in an average year.

>> No.17740314

Cope that I'm fucking your bitch while you at some lame ass tea party

>> No.17740325

Not him but are you a slav?

>> No.17740337

yeah thats true pretty true and yeah thats true

>> No.17740348

Nope, am a commonwealth citizen

>> No.17740350

triggered & seething

>> No.17740354

looks like a reskin

>> No.17740371

You don't type in a commonwealth vernacular.

>> No.17740374

This is the condition known as Englishness. Minds broken by their occupational elite. It's sad.

>> No.17740377

good one

>> No.17740408

How did I know this retarded loser was going to say
I suppose you're just the stupid. You do worship money, so that makes sense that the only argument you have is a 4chan buzzword. Ask yourself, do you really think a high class person argues with meme words? You're destined for nothing, you have the mentality of a loser and underclassmen. That is why they don't accept you, not because they're selfish, but because you're not worth anything.

>> No.17740429

Righto then mate.

>> No.17740447

You don't know my life, man.

>> No.17740450

The American mind everyone

>> No.17740457

Definitely diversity officer at the bbc

>> No.17740458

"Hey maybe your beliefs are wrong bro"
>"cope, seethe, lol umad"
Man what a whiny Bitch pussy. Can't even engage in the arguments he started. Please kill yourself. Like seriously, overdose, gunshot to the heart, jump off a bridge, something. Humans like you are just not worth anything and really need to die. Nobody likes you here, not even on an anonymous imageboard does anyone like you. How sad is that? Just go away forever.

>> No.17740468

Absolutely delusional hahahaahahah

>> No.17740478

Second quote meant for >>17740272. Sorry, saw "cope" and assumed it was the statusobsessed faggot.

>> No.17740490

>disgusting architecture
>Laughs in Palladian

>> No.17740494

You ain't meant for Oxford bro, you right where you should be.

>> No.17740497

He's probably c*nadian from an inner city. Aka plastic yank.
If he isn't that, then he's a massive faggot ahhaaha

>> No.17740560

yep based

>> No.17740586

>they let Scruton write the basis of the new policy on architectural aesthetics.
Jesus fuck I didn't know that. Absolutely based.
>google it to make sure it's real
>first result is a giant novel length Gaurdian article bashing him and using examples of modern crap to counter his style
Sounds about right

>> No.17740602
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I am


And I'm open to a connection if you are. I would advise against journalism - it's dying, becoming more of a PR/social media hybrid role, with generally appalling pay and irregular hours.

Civil Service is a stable route, and your desire to join it is commendable. However, the fast stream is ludicrously competitive. Also, if you do get on, bear in mind you'll likely be assigned to one of many bland, innocuous departments, struggling beneath the strain of bureaucracy. The hours can be long, and you might find your creativity stymied.

Teaching is likewise a noble profession. You contribute to the country in the same way you might in the Civil Service. As I'm sure you're aware with your philosophical study, Plato and Aristotle are among many great thinkers who espoused the value of education and educators. To teach - especially to teach 17 and 18 year olds, who are essentially university aged, mature enough to grasp concepts, yet still developmental - is the best way to undermine the postmodernism, subjectivism, Marxism et al which are corrupting and perverting the West.

You'll hear the pay is poor, but that's not strictly true. Independent schools are not beholden to state pay scales. Many teachers become teachers as they don't know what to do and aren't particularly passionate about anything - my department is comprised mainly of complacent women - which makes it a fertile environment for any individual truly passionate about their subject to advance their career. If you know your stuff, you can take a course to become a Lead Practitioner, where you're looking at £50k minimum in most good schools. Leadership gets a bigger bump - I'm on £62k as Head of English, and that'll be up to £68k as deputy head. Headteachers regularly bring in £85k+. Does it compare with salaries in Law, Medicine, Finance? No - but bear in mind you also have weeks off during term breaks, over Christmas and New Year, and 7 weeks off over Summer, which is the perfect time to work on your own novels.

If you are interested in what I have to say, I can give you further advice if you email madeleineproust738@hotmail.com (obviously a throwaway email). If you're in the South, I'd be happy to arrange a work placement once Covid measures ease, and even look to a training position if you decide to commit - although if you sincerely believe that Shakespeare or Milton do not possess objective artistic merit greater than contemporary LGBTQ writers then please do not waste my time.

>> No.17740715

Work hard to improve the chances of your son or grandson going. Oxford is generational and will take a generational effort in order to attend.

>> No.17740730

Australia, cunt.

>> No.17740735
File: 299 KB, 1200x1571, 1608661930183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have neither the time nor the inclination to fully explain myself to you, but the point is the development of art in the Western world was not static. Nature does possess great beauty, as it does great ugliness. Bone cancer is nature, but you won't find Keats praising its merits. Thousands of years ago the cradle of the West produced Hesiod, Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, while darkest Africa crouched in the huts they remain in to this day. I do not believe any human to be inferior in dignity to any other. However, to claim that one human is not inferior to another in faculty is to deny one's own senses. I believe the stone etchings of old Europe to be inferior to the greatest works of the Renaissance, yes, very much so. The point is we surpassed those etchings, while others in the world did not and have not.

>> No.17740749

Ignatius is that you?

>> No.17740773

Sure, sent you a message.

>> No.17740803

lot's of angry poorfags in this thread
watch them type walls of text

>> No.17740821

I'm going to rape you.

>> No.17740841

>tfw I live in a poor area with all of the bad qualities of England
I don't see a future for myself and I hate the life I live. I would like to move to another country but it's most likely I'll die a painful death because even suicide is restricted to only using a rope.

>> No.17740846

haha what a bunch of wankers

>> No.17740864

I went to a military school in some insignificant corner of Brazil, which itself is an insignificant corner of the Anglo-ZOG-American Empire, so I was like in this far flung satrapy in some distant outpost of Empire, and I share your pain.

I guess we can't ignore the half-full-glass angle, namely that we get to all be here in this cesspit together, flinging turds at each other forever. Unironically, this website is the best that it can get for us plebs, it is pretty much the place for the highly competent, but powerless.

>> No.17740894

>highly competent
I am an actual retard

>> No.17740901

Actually it's much worse than that, there's no hope even for someone going to Oxford or Yale. The days of prestige are long gone, they just survive as echoes of what once was at this point.

>> No.17740927

unthinkable someone coming out the end of 5 years of education with such basic opinions
>gives eliot the final word
ah right you're just full of it

>> No.17740936

true, it's all cambridge now

>> No.17740949

>unthinkable someone coming out the end of 5 years of education with such basic opinions
because 5 years of education really IS that worthless.

>> No.17740952

Open tinder and have a conversation with a normie woman. Otherwise, get that Bumble BFF app and try to hold a conversation with any normie. I never had impostor syndrome but I sure used to hold to some pretense that normies were actual "normalfags" i.e the standard of normality. But I'm growing old now, and eventually we have to quit this modesty, false or not, and just admit that the average normie sucks. Note that whilst I was born in Brazil rn I have been living in Scotland for years and it is exactly the same (well maybe the british are a little bit better, but still, plebs are plebs anywhere and not impressive at all to look at)

>> No.17740954

He got sacked for some stupid reason, the beginning of 'cancel culture' iirc

>> No.17740956

You read Mr Nice? lol

>> No.17740968

You will never be a woman

>> No.17740969

True, it could always be worse. I could be brazilian where the closest thing to high society is /lit/

>> No.17740989


>> No.17740991

>Does it compare with salaries in Law, Medicine, Finance? No

I'd say absolutely, but maybe that is because I am not exposed to the higher salaries of the upper classes. Generally, as far as UK standards go that is excellent

>> No.17740996

ok with me

>> No.17741031

oxford is full of nerds

>> No.17741037

He is right, /lit/ discord servers is as close as we'll ever get to high brow discussions.

>> No.17741039

>no evidence for this.


>> No.17741049

this, bunch of fucking egghead wankers that probably has to call a guy to fix a broken chair.

>> No.17741064

I feel a similar way to you, although not quite as bad as I am only middle class.

Performed excellently in GCSEs, fairly smart, got raped by A-levels and ended up going to an ex-poly to study engineering. Never would have been able to go to somewhere prestigious, but half of my uni must be retarded, it's full up with plenty of courses that shouldn't exist.

I work hard, will graduate with a good grade and an internship for experience. Any advice?

>> No.17741072
File: 156 KB, 640x596, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no evidence for this.


>> No.17741076

Any discord links? Been looking for ages. Cheers

>> No.17741077

>Yeah good luck with living and studying in a country where you can't speak the local language and can't communicate with the average person on the street. Really fun to be limited strictly to the couple English language courses and not being able to choose based on interest and quality, also being forced to live in a bubble of foreigners because locals will still want to mostly speak their own language when around friends.
Somebody with half a brain would just learn the local language and add that to their resume.

>> No.17741078

Not him, but legal partners/barristers, GP partners/consultants & surgeons, and chartered finance directors are all clearing well over 100k a year here. City law firms have STARTING salaries of 70k and above

>> No.17741089

Do you currently work or study or what? Brazil to Scotland is quite the change.

>> No.17741097


>> No.17741098

Where is here? UK?

>> No.17741145

All in low marketcap cryptocurrencies

>> No.17741151

Pursue higher education or focus on developing yourself and excelling at your current job. Exercise, lift weights, save money. All will help you. Do not give up.

>> No.17741155
File: 173 KB, 1080x1130, Screenshot_20210309_235753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Just took this from hogan lovell (law firm) website. 85k in 3 years, after 20 you're going to be on hundreds of thousands. Next to that 100k as a headteacher after 10-15 years doesn't seem as much. But compared to lower middle class on managerial jobs at 45k a year its great

>> No.17741164

>all that book-learnin' and still to stupid to hide his power-level to save his career
Yikes. If mongoloids like you are what passes in elite education these schools are doing us a favour by rejecting most applicants.

>> No.17741167
File: 176 KB, 1200x1260, 93AE5493-76A2-4EC7-913D-BF2FA44981F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well connected guys itt, can you give advice to someone who WILL go to the really prestigious university? How to socialize, network and get the best out of connections as an average middle-class guy

>> No.17741170

kill yourself

>> No.17741183

>Thousands of years ago the cradle of the West produced Hesiod, Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes
That cradle was North Africa you pretentious racist moron, it had nothing to do with Europe other than being picked up as a LARP.

>> No.17741187

If you're not a yank you're a faggotb

>> No.17741197

based brazilian

>> No.17741202

Why are you so mean? What did I do to you

>> No.17741203

Excellent salaries, I imagine most who hold those positions come from money. As you say, the middle classes usually end up on 50k a year with experience

>> No.17741208

Yanks btfo again ahahahaha

>> No.17741217

The cradle of the West's culture was in Greece you dum dum. I also don't buy the out of Africa theory. Certainly we aren't descended from Africans as we know them today

>> No.17741225

Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself

>> No.17741226

>North Africa

Western civilization is inherently Greco-roman you cuckold.

There is evidence that refutes the out of Africa theory iirc. CBA to find it, I'm going to bed

>> No.17741235

>says the cradle of Western civilisation was North Africa
>has the audacity to call anyone else a moron

>> No.17741256

I assume you have no experience with engineering salaries in the UK? I imagine a managerial role would get you around 50k like you said

>> No.17741287

get good at public speaking. join toastmasters or some similar society, because the ability to address a crowd is the sole skill that really separates the plebs from the leaders. you'll notice this in a lot of privately educated people, its about the only good thing about them.
involve yourself in clubs that offer opportunities to travel. you can often see the country for free this way. don't just join the club either, but integrate yourself into the mechanics of the club, as secretary or treasurer or whatever. I did this in my ex gf's model UN club and it let me basically plan out school trips to different competitions, get first dibs on spots, and chose who got to go and who didn't.
these schools throw up a lot of useless bureaucracy. you'll meet plenty of functionaries where it seems like their only job is to sit around and get paid, and that's because it is. all the useless bureaucracy is there to teach you independence and how to go above peoples heads. the people that matter at university is your professors, department heads, and the dean/president/vice-president. if you have a problem, say you want to change rooms or get a new meal plan or whatever, you'll be told to speak to such and such bureaucrat and it's all a scam to waste your time and make you feel like a chump. you figure out who you need to talk to, then talk to their boss, and that's how things get done.
the most valuable perk of your university is your email address and alumni contact list. you get both these things before you start your first class, so make the most of them. don't be afraid to cold-call alumni until you find some wealthy benefactor who will get you a cool summer job.
don't waste too much time studying, they want you to learn how to fake it and will throw way more material at you then is humanly possible. what you're learning is how to APPEAR to manage a super-human workload without burning out.
avoid using school therapists, they are spying on you and work on behalf of the school.
don't do speed. don't cheat on homework. lots of people do but they're all the lowest of the low.
don't stick out to much or your classmates will try and take you down a peg. keep your head down and focus on your career.

>> No.17741291

Best post in this entire thread

>> No.17741297

As an engineer if you get chartered status you're looking at 60k plus, but the real money to be made in engineering is through going the project management route. I used to work in recruitment so know a fair bit about UK salaries and how to maximise them

>> No.17741377

This post is the kind of spirit /lit/ should embrace. I can empathize with OP, but ultimately learning is up to each of us.

>> No.17741386

>Their parents were grooming them for an elite college before the second they left the womb.
Hahahaha oh man, I'd love to have what you're having my dude. The "upper classes" have been doing their awkward and cringing attempt at mimicry of the lower classes and ethnic minorities for decades now. Aristocratic kids larping as communist revolutionaries or slumming it up in the ghetto are a common sight. If all their "grooming" counts for anything, then it's to their detriment, since all they learn impedes their individual development. They have an advantage in terms of resources and schooling, sure, but if you're cunning you'll be way ahead of them in every other aspect.

>> No.17741479

The cradle of Greece was Africa you dum dum.
Lets break it down analytically:
His family came from a city in Turkey. Not African, but not European either. He wrote pastoral poems about his idyllic rural backwater and adopted a couple of African myths such as that of Hercules, the Egyptian demi-god who wanders around slaying African fauna like boars and lions.
Wrote an Epic poem about an Ethiopian division arriving to aid the Hellenes at Troy.
Member of an the Eleusinian Mysteries, an Osiris cult from Egypt comparable to the modern Freemasons. Only learned to write tragedy due to the long Persan occupation of his city introducing civilization to Greece.
Traveled Africa extensively in his youth and introduced motifs from Egypt such as the Sphinx in his work.
Only famous for dick jokes and ripping on
Big nose and nigger lips. All his writing was recorded by
Who also traveled extensively in Egypt and wrote about how much wiser and more ancient the Egyptians are than the Greeks.

Of course we could look forward in time to Euclid and the Golden Age, but all of that took place in North African colonies after Alexander. Almost as if the Greeks were just copying down what already existed there.

>> No.17741535

>His family came from a city in Turkey. Not African, but not European either.
>adopted a couple of African myths such as that of Hercules, the Egyptian demi-god who wanders around slaying African fauna like boars and lions.
Genuinely can't tell if you are trolling or just retarded
>Wrote an Epic poem about an Ethiopian division arriving to aid the Hellenes at Troy.
>Member of an the Eleusinian Mysteries, an Osiris cult from Egypt comparable to the modern Freemasons. Only learned to write tragedy due to the long Persan occupation of his city introducing civilization to Greece.
Ah okay you're just trolling

>> No.17741603

this doesn't mean he cannot apply. OP can just apply as a first-year

>> No.17741614

>Genuinely can't tell if you are trolling or just retarded
Did you never ask yourself why a seafaring people on a few rocky islands told stories about a guy killing lions and misdirecting massive rivers? It's all African paganism dressed up as Hellenic, you can even find tribes in the Congo who worship unironic Thor and Loki figures. It's just that this is called Vudu and not Based Nordic Paganism so you think its stupid.
He did. Look up the Epic Cycle on Wikipedia. Copies of this work were even found when the French sacked Algeria, but they were seen as a threat to french authority and burned.
>Ah okay you're just trolling
Can you provide any evidence of literature existing in Greece previous to the Persian invasion? Or mathematics existing in Greece previous to the Hellenic invasion of North Africa? I've never seen any.

>> No.17741626

There were lions in southern europe back then, and idk why you think rivers didn't exist

>> No.17741632

LOL name THREE "great minds" you would like to converse with.

>> No.17741639

Don't do it anon he's just pretending to be retarded, in fact he's a bit too blatant about it so his trolling comes off as a bit distasteful.

>> No.17741668
File: 205 KB, 775x500, pri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, I will definitely look into toastmasters, thanks. I have a few questions if you don't mind. Do you think that the schemes and cutthroat politics between students are less present in STEM fields (more meritocracy), where I will be going, or are they spread equally? For example, I heard economics majors are notorious for this.
>don't waste too much time studying
What if I want to get good and thorough at my subject? Does networking and succeeding in this kind of atmosphere exclude that?
>don't be afraid to cold-call alumni until you find some wealthy benefactor who will get you a cool summer job
Does this actually work? How do I go on about this? I thought that those privileges exist only for already well connected. Speaking about well connected, how do you go on about socializing with them, if you had any experience? I mean in unofficial settings, such as parties. Thanks again anon, you are the best.

>> No.17741691

Me, myself, and I.

>> No.17741730

I have went to Durham and Bristol after being rejected from Cambridge. I realize that it's tough getting into good unis from state school, but if you get good marks at whatever uni you're at and then work hard in your career it's not impossible. Also, uni means less these days.

>> No.17741778

Absolutely this OP. My brother went to a fairly small school in the states with no international recognition, but he worked hard and got into a masters program at an elite university and then got accepted into a PhD program at Harvard for English Lit. You can do it no matter where you go as long as you study.

>> No.17741782

what years were you at durham?

>> No.17741790

>going to any anglo university

>> No.17741824

>They have an advantage in terms of resources and schooling, sure, but if you're cunning you'll be way ahead of them in every other aspect.
You miss anon's point. It's not because they're richer that they have an "advantage", it's because they're SOCIALIZED to be prepared for college life. The truth is all those "larping communist revolutionaries" you speak of are exactly the sort of person that will fit in perfectly in university life.

>> No.17741840

it makes me sick to hear americans go on like this. your nation was built on the rejection of our fuss about social position, art-snobbery, and high-flown circuitous talk. the most accomplished american to have lived was born into poverty and dropped out of primary school. have a word with yourself.

>> No.17741917

>Durham and Bristol
These are both good Unis and I want to shoot myself every day because I'm at somewhere far worse. I remember thinking to myself "aww I didn't get into Oxford, I GUESS I could go to Bristol since they're offering"

>> No.17743548

based kenshiro btfo poster

>> No.17743768


>> No.17743903

Don't try to be something you're not, never allude to being wealthier or more connected than you are. Just be kind, warm and affable and you'll be fine. Dress like the others do. Get involved with everything you can. Don't do any kind of gauche social signalling and you won't make a fool of yourself.

You have an opportunity to learn elite mannerisms and ways of being first-hand. You can make connections here most people would dream of. Don't fuck it up for yourself by trying to impress someone.

>> No.17743948


>> No.17744103

Thanks, that is exactly where I'm headed actually. Good news

>> No.17744112

>Most education is just an elitist institution designed to keep those less fortunate down. There is nothing special there


>> No.17744121

Were you the same anon that posted in the thread about boarding school?

>> No.17744367

Universities are not meritocratic, they are gates for upper middle class yanks to initiate their children into their upper middle class lifestyle. In that manner, universities really do exist to put those "less fortunate" down.

>> No.17744520

If you can't see the beauty and marvel of the Benin bronzes you are, ironically, a nigger undeserving of education.

>> No.17744622

>bunch of middle class bores crying they aren't upper-middle class

>> No.17744630

Yeah, I can't relate either.

>> No.17745119

> You can make connections here most people would dream of

>> No.17745170

Absolutely pathetic cope

>> No.17745208
File: 23 KB, 234x297, 46e2aa2a49c2d449ee4d8964317b0eab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda sad and poetic too. OP is like the little match girl. It becomes pathetic because he wants to renounce his people

>> No.17745253

>That cradle was North Africa
This retardation invalidates any points you have made previously.

>> No.17745259

When you look back at your uni experience, is there anything you’d do differently or regret not doing?

>> No.17746379


>> No.17746538

>Does this actually work? How do I go on about this? I thought that those privileges exist only for already well connected.
If you have access to alumni records you are well connected, you just don't know it
>how do you go on about socializing with them, if you had any experience? I mean in unofficial settings, such as parties
just talk to them, don't be a kiss ass. they're normal people.

>> No.17747362


>> No.17747431

I come from a long line of noblemen, privately educated in the best schools of England, and so few can match my excellency. A simpleton like yourself would get relentlessly mocked if you tried to converse with me and my acquaintances.

>> No.17747559

Seeing how much /lit/ hates academia is making me proud. I love you guys.

I have a PhD from an elite school and I teach at an elite liberal arts college. The rich and elite in both the UK and USA are worthless, empty-headed, perpetually medicated retards. Do not look up to them. Instead start planning for how you're going to stop them from jumping ship when this one starts sinking thanks to what they did to it. Let them be the rats who go down with it, not you.

Build a new academia on the ashes of the dumpster fire these rich little private school fags turned this one into. Make it brutally meritocratic, make it serve the nation and the people. If your nation doesn't hate oligarchs at a gut level, the way Romans made a sport of hating kings, it's sick. Just remember when you get around to curing the sickness not to let the oligarchs flee with all their capital. Otherwise they'll go spread their disease of "influence" elsewhere.

>> No.17747605

I went to a gigantic Flyover State University commuter school with open admissions and worked my ass off and was accepted to a Ivy League school for the top program in my field.
It's definitely possible, but sometimes you gotta start small first. Go to your state school and get amazing grades and some research experience and then apply to the good schools

>> No.17747635

why must i suffer 60iq retards everywhere i go?

>> No.17747656

this site is pretty much the least exclusive social setting in the history of humans. There are posters who do literally nothing but say 'sneed' and spam random images in between resetting their ips every 10 minutes, every day, for months.

>> No.17747674

That's a very superficial analysis. There are midwit government reports on how this place defies study because of how baroque its social codes and rituals are. Normies are so fucking retarded they think the basic image board layout is some kind of ancient alien terminal, because they're so used to social media with all the sharp edges sanded down.

>> No.17747681

I hate the whole concept of the college life, but I want more than anything in this world to have a piece of paper that says I'm better than the vast majority of the population. What's sad about it is that I still feel this way years after graduating.
The only reason I want to have children is that so that I can be redeemed by having someone with my genes go to one of these schools.

>> No.17747694

4chan is way easier to read and post on than either reddit or twitter, which are just absolute clusterfucks to follow a thread on

but anyway, even if you're right about that, there is still absolutely no barrier to entry and no real mechanism to exclude people so of course there are retards

>> No.17747703

formerly chucks. but honestly, I get the sense that 80%+ of posters are 16-20 year old retards. Imagine now many bored twitter rejects hopped on the site last year because of lockdown. Even boards you'd think would be decent are full of drooling idiots. If OP actually thinks Oxford is like that he's got to be a 60iq retard aka the average 18 year old on this website. Have you visited /his/ lately? Unbearable shit all around, it makes me want to actually spend more time reading since this site isn't even a good time waster anymore.

>> No.17747706

Stop larping newfag. This is normie central and you pretending it isn't just outs yourself as one.

>> No.17747750

Of course, I agree with you there. The newfags have completely swamped the board since 2013 at least, although the real sea change was obviously 2016. I'm just saying, compared to other social media, it keeps a lot of the absolute human dross out. You periodically see some twitter tranny or woman trying to post and getting all huffy because people aren't deferring to them.

I know normalfags in real life who think 4chan is some kind of top secret mecca of internet culture mixed with a criminal underworld. I wish. Within the set of people it does allow in, nerdy youngish men, it doesn't filter at all. The site started tasting like reddit at the very least in 2015. Boards like /pol/ and /v/ are nothing but phoneposting reddit tourists and zoomers who want to be part of the secret club.

Banning phones would do a lot to filter the trash. The sheer disorientation of the zoomers as they can't use the website like a comments section would be worth it alone.

Oldfag fight! I'm old as fuck and have been on 4chan for most of my life. Just because 4chan is being sucked into the gravity well of reddit doesn't mean normies don't still have trouble with it.

>> No.17747784

Books on how to combat OPs situation? I'm in the same boat of idealising a university environment without actually being smart enough for Oxbridge.

>> No.17748116
File: 165 KB, 650x883, bukowski-c-1981-by-mark-hanauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga is still remembered for his writing and didn't even finished college
he was surrounded most of his life by "70iq retards" and still managed to be a writer
the problem is you and I, OP
I don't like talking to my classmates either but I don't consider them retards
if I would have to choose tho I would rather talk with a homeless retard than with them because it forces me to think like that guy, to formulate my phrases and choose my subjects in such a way that not only he will understand what I'm saying but will also enjoy talking with me(or at least not mind)
>think about humans as icebergs
>at the bottom is the amount of knowledge that a retard has - the most basic knowledge that you need in order to survive
>at the top you'll have the more complex knowledge that goes beyond survival and requires actual effort to be learned
both you and your peers use the tip of the iceberg in everyday interactions since you are in school and the environment promotes complex exchange of information
the problem is that even though both of you try to use the tips, your tips are not the same
when you/I try to speak with a retard we use the base of the iceberg and so both of use know what we are talking about
the same thing applies facebook moms, and hardcore boomers
you consider each other intellectually equals, you might even be intellectually equals, but your knowledge was not invested in the same area
you invested your time and intelligence into read dostoevsky/kant these people invested their time amd intelligence in learning how to trick the tiktok algorithm and learning celebrities routines

>> No.17748227

The only person on this board that’s probably true of is rapture, and he’s actually a pretty cool guy

I live in Boston, went to Harvard, and have met some pretty “elite” people. The very top crust are usually down to earth, educated, actually sane people. It’s the vast swath all clamoring right below that are so hollow and disastrous.

It’s surprising and uncomfortable to swallow, but the real top actually read and have real discipline.

>> No.17748243

I went to Cambridge and it's just work all the time. I got the sense that most people hated it. There's no alumni network that gives you a job just because you went there.
>Every day you converse with the absolute best in whatever fields interests you.
No you don't. You sit in a lecture theatre and copy notes from the blackboard. Do you think a prof wants to have a conversation with some teenager about hia field?

>> No.17748326

Hey, can you answer one of these?>>17741167

>> No.17748578

>Do you think a prof wants to have a conversation with some teenager about hia field?
I guess it would depend on the professor. Some professors at my uni would happily talk to you during their office hours whilst others seemed to resent even having to give lectures.

>> No.17748803

Take the Mike Rowe Pill. Academia is a meme.

>> No.17748878

>Ultimate covet is a piece of paper
You're worst than retarded, because at least a downy doesn't rely on something so pathetic to be content.