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/lit/ - Literature

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17733004 No.17733004 [Reply] [Original]

What do you write to comfort yourself /lit/?

>> No.17733010

my diary desu

>> No.17733015

I don't write when overly upset, certainly not when I'm despairing. I pray

>> No.17733601

>What do you write to comfort yourself /lit/?
Affirmations and scripting regarding my SP. Reflections upon the relation between my lived experiences and the consequent worldview they engendered, whilst trying to sort it out from the life I wish to lead and an understanding of my most authentic self, which is all inscribed of course in my diary desu.

>> No.17733740

my manifesto desu

>> No.17735331

this. I designed myself a simple blog on Neocities where I post my thoughts from time to time.

>> No.17735339

post your socks :)

>> No.17735340

Apparently everyone on /lit/ just shitposts the bad feelings away.

>> No.17735356



>> No.17735358

not what you think I am

>> No.17735477

This. Sometimes audiojournal too. It’s always Incredibly cathartic to dump your conciousness onto something, whether that’s another person or a notebook

>> No.17735486

Small notes in my diary; letters to one of my friends who got me into letter writing, I love her so much for doing that.

>> No.17735494

>female friends

>> No.17735893

emotional torture porn

>> No.17735937 [DELETED] 
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>What do you write to comfort yourself /lit/?
My novel, and sometimes, writing second-person stories. I occasionally make updates on /wg/, one of the few to actually write in that general

>> No.17735957
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>What do you write to comfort yourself /lit/?
Writing my novel and posting updates on /wg/ and sometimes, write second-person stories.

>> No.17736040

>post on /wg/
Level with me here, are the animefags the only ones doing any writing on those threads?

>> No.17736052

>Level with me here, are the animefags the only ones doing any writing on those threads?
Yeah, pretty much. I mean, there are anons in denial about it, but its true. We're the only ones doing any sort of writing on /wg/. Everything else is just shitposts, blogposts, trolls, anons asking questions they can find if they google it, a vocal minority seething about the OP pic.

>> No.17736085

>Future writers on /lit/ will be animefags
I always knew this was bound to happened, I just expected /lit/ to put some sort of resistance.

>> No.17736903

I whine about my shitty life

>> No.17736928

I hate the fucking "..." that you constantly do. That's annoying to read.

>> No.17736960

letters to my drawer

>> No.17736963

Some poetry, diary entries and I sometimes analyse my relationships with other people and question my negative beliefs and complexes. Coupled with meditation it really helps me get through the hard days.

>> No.17737000

Sorry, anon, I promise to do better. This is just a rough draft.

>> No.17737007

Good boy :)

>> No.17737037

Just get pills

>> No.17737268

Already you’re proving yourself a better writer than /wg/.

>> No.17737788

dope to see you here jack

>> No.17737822

Non-animefags aren't writing. Animefags are writing because they have shitty lives and have an absolute desire to live entertaning and exciting stories, whereas non-animefags are so obsessed with real life they can't even imagine.

>> No.17739304

I cant really write when I am upset about something, and comforting myself is a very new, just this week infact, mental concept for me.
I go out into a wheatfield behind my house and scream, I disassemble, clean, and reassemble my guns, I consider how to change the trajectory of my life in an attempt to escape the circumstances that put me there, and I do what >>17733015 does. Dont know if we pray the same, though.

>> No.17739309

what's the difference between diary and journal? is diary supposed to be every day detailing what happened and journal is just reflective writing? or is there some other distinction? or are they essentially the same?

>> No.17739317

As for me, writing is fighting. I'm combating my own ignorance or that of others.

>> No.17739319

The self is an illusion anon. It's impossible to be authentic.

>> No.17739699
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t. life-denier

>> No.17739719


>> No.17739729

>You have made us for yourself, and our hearts shall find no rest until they rest in you. Amen.

>> No.17740437

I wrote this one.

It contains some sliver of hope, sprinkled with black pills and self-deprecating humor. Sure to slowly destroy the readers self-esteem and leave them autistic.
