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/lit/ - Literature

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17737760 No.17737760 [Reply] [Original]


1.) Karl Marx (seethe)
2.) Immanuel Kant
3.) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
4.) Baruch Spinoza
5.) Alfred North Whitehead
6.) William James
7.) Maurice Merleau-Ponty
8.) Ludwig Wittgenstein
9.) Michel de Montaigne
10.) Blaise Pascal

>> No.17737776

0.) Emil Cioran

>> No.17737787

Incorrect, it’s
1. Schopenhauer
2. Kant
3. Schelling
4. Hegel
5. Fichte
The rest of philosophy is irrelevant

>> No.17737820

11.) Me

>> No.17737884

1. Neitzche

>> No.17737896


>> No.17737900

Spelling is wrong

>> No.17737905

Forgive me

>> No.17737925

1. Me
2. Johann Kaspar Schmidt

>> No.17737934

1. Nietzsche (finished modern philosophy, seethe)
2. Kant (metaphyiscs)
3. Plato (formalized philosophy, Aristotle tards seethe)
4. Leibniz and Spinoza (not as related, but god and monads)
5. Hegel and Marx (solved society)
6. Wittgenstein and Russel (better logic and post language)
7.Merlau-Ponty and Jaspers (psychology)

>> No.17737939

You will never be a woman

>> No.17737960


>> No.17737984

>finished modern philosophy

>> No.17737985
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Heidegger 1927
Heidegger 1930
Heidegger 1933
Heidegger 1939
Heidegger 1942
Heidegger 1948
Heidegger 1950
Heidegger 1960
Heidegger reception 1920-1960
Heidegger reception 1960-2020

>> No.17737986

Kant is anti-metaphysics

>> No.17737999

Heidegger thought that Nietzsches philosophy, especially his notion of wille zur macht, was the culmination of western metaphysics

>> No.17738017

The disrespect to Schopenhauer itt is disgusting.

>> No.17738022
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>solved society

>> No.17738026
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1. Plato
2. Kant
3. Descartes
4. Hegel
5. Nietzsche
6. Spinoza
7. Bergson
8. Deleuze
9. Heidegger
10. Land

>> No.17738115

His main theory is just footnotes to Kant with a little twist and a trampoline for Nietzsche, his side writings are kino though

>> No.17738193

>No Hegel
>No Husserl
>No Descartes
>No Plato
>No Aristotle
As a guy who vaguely identifies as a marxist, I think your list is shit.

>> No.17738238

How the fuck can anyone think that some hipster neet who took Hegel and made it gay and retarded is the greatest philosopher of all time?

>> No.17738255

Human race has only two genders. The reason is simple, they're the only ones that contribute to the continuation of the species. The man is the one the produces the seed and he carries it to the woman, who cultivates it, and produces the next member of the species. When the child grows he's going to do the same. What role does the other 89 genders have between the symbiotic relationship that happens between a man and a woman? What does it contribute to the human species? Does it produce the seed? That's a man's job; Does it plant it? That's also a man's job; Does it cultivate it? That's a woman's job; Does it delivers the final product? That's also a woman's job. So where do the 178 genders come in play here? Nowhere, because there are no 356 genders. The only purpose of the 712 genders is fetish, is to satisfy the insanity of a man that has lived in comfort for far too long. Therefore you will never be a woman, and will always be a faggot. Just another freak that will kill himself.

>> No.17738421

Neitzche is the philosopher who solved nihilism in the first decade of the 22nd century, he shouldn’t be confused with Nietzsche, a man who wanked himself to death

>> No.17738462

Gender is not the same as biological sex, Nigger.

>> No.17738478

What is there to be solved? Nihilism rests on nothing, "there is no meaning" is just as unprovable as claiming there is a meaning

>> No.17738500
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>> No.17738537

>Human race has only two genders
No, we have only two sexes. Gender doesnt exist

>> No.17738557

1) Aristotle
2) Plato
3) Nietzsche
4) Kant
5) Spinoza
6) Heraclitus
7) Hegel
8) Epicurus
9) Schopenhauer
10) Jesus

>> No.17738584


>> No.17738608

Absolutely fucking disgusting, by far the worst ranking here

>> No.17738615

1) Parmenides
2) Zeno
3) Melissus
4) Xenophanes
5) Heraclitus
6) Pythagoras
7) Democritus
8) Plato
9) Aristotle
10) Plotinus

11) Lao Tzi

>> No.17738621

Sorry, I don't speak wrong.

>> No.17738633

12) Hegel

This is in a separate post to indicate how far he is from the greats. Just as Lao Tzi is listed with a gap to indicate space between him and top 10.

>> No.17738654

1. John Rawls
2. Bertrand Russell
3. Robert Nozick
4. Michael Walzer
5. Aristotle
6. Nietzsche
7. W. V. Quine
8. Ludwig Wittgenstein
9. A.J Ayer
10. Jacques Derrida

>> No.17738688

ok so he didn't finish it, that's just what Heidegger thought and also, don't really see how metaphysics can ever find an end or be finished. I didn't read Nietzsche that much, but I did read Kant for whom people say he also finished metaphysics, but what he did was just metamorphosise it - if anything is finished, it is a current period of metaphysics, dogmatism in Kant's case. What was finished was an existing metaphysics, what follows is a metamorphosis, and that is not "new metaphysics", but the same one thah as been overcome and changed.

>> No.17738705

1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Me
4. The Pythagoreans
5. - 10. Irrelevant

>> No.17738711

People still study metaphysics? The analytical movement basically killed that off. Logic is also a dying area. Philosophy today has shifted towards the ethics, epistemology, and aesthetics.

>> No.17738717
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> 3. Me
absolutely based madman

>> No.17738725

>The analytical movement basically killed that off
Analytics have rejuvenated metaphysics. Frege's project, through Wittgenstein and Godel, all the way to Putnam and Kripke has solved serious serious issues regarding causality and meaning, while continentalcuck trannies talked about muh politics and muh opressive power structures.

>> No.17738733

>Logic is also a dying area
empirically false

>> No.17738751

God I share a board with uneducated plebs.
Plato, Aristotle, Kant, *maybe* Nietzsche are the only claims to “greatest” anything. The rest are footnotes, historical summaries, word games.

>> No.17738761

lol, discredited jew, refuted by Spengler, Einstein, Frege, and many other

>> No.17738770
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>People still study metaphysics? The analytical movement basically killed that off.
>Logic is also a dying area

>> No.17738777

Ontology as general metaphysics will always be studied because it is the basis of every other "branch" of philosophy. Ethics, epistemology and aesthetics; all of them have an ontological basis on which they stand or else they wouldn't work at all (regardless of how aware or unaware people are of this fact).

>> No.17738787

Nothing has happened in epistemology since Kant, get over it, you and all your pop tier thinkers.

>> No.17738794

Imagine being this filtered
No hope for you

>> No.17738804

who would be top ten mythologists or story-tellers? homer? shakespeare?
t. know-nothing

>> No.17738809

Keep projecting soiboy.

>> No.17738827

>gets filtered by Spengler
>can't say so*boy without getting filtered as punishment
Kant is truly the biggest 120 IQ cope philosopher

>> No.17738836

Spongle my dongle faggot. You’ll grow out of muh bald man.

>> No.17738850

You haven't read him. Twitter trannies just brainwashed you into thinking he is the evil /pol/ man.

>> No.17738852

Remove Nietzsche, insert Hegel and agreed. Now you have 4 people whom you cannot avoid in philosophical studies. Nietzsche on the other hand... of course, you would suffer greatly if you avoided him, but it could be done. Nietzsche is yet to have his renaissance.

>> No.17738877

>Guy I don't like
>I'll call him a jew
Why are you like this? Who molested you as a child?

>> No.17738888

What? Spengler is summer-before-college tier, esteem him/damage control as you must

Idk mang I’m torn over whether or not Hegel actually moves past the Kantian paradigm—as seemingly everyone is in the secondary lit. I only choose N because of his innovations in value theory. Hegel obviously won the war influence wise.

>> No.17738893

But it is, until you faggots redefined it to suit your faggot agenda

>> No.17738907

Objective List:
1. Plato
2. Immanuel Kant
3. Aristotle
4. Martin Heidegger
5. Georg Hegel
6. Friedrich Nietzsche
7. Thomas Aquinas
8. David Hume
9. Rene Descartes
10. Edmund Husserl
Honorable Mentions: St. Augustine, Plotinus, Karl Marx, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Gilles Deleuze, Gottfried Leibniz, Baruch Spinoza

>> No.17738911
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Back to redd*it

If you truly have read him, summarize the way the rivers of chinese civilization relates to the concept of becoming. You can do it in 1-2 sentences if you have read him. Of course, you haven't and will therefore resort to insults and lies instead.

>> No.17738919

first decent one

>> No.17738932

Summarize Kant for me first bud.

>> No.17738940

Philosophy doesn't matter, you're going to die one day. Consider that now, buddy. Really get deep into that and consider it hard. Philosophy's a waste of time, music is a waste of time, everything is a waste of time. Everything is a shallow pastime/entertainment for you, you're going to die one day.

>> No.17738943

What do you people find in Heidegger? Tell me!!!

>> No.17738948

>Of course, you haven't and will therefore resort to insults and lies instead.
I guess I forgot the 3rd option: change the topic and ask them to summarize 5000 pages of dense philosophy.
I will gladly answer any specific questions about any of the critiques after you proof you have read him by answering the simple question.

>> No.17738967

Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.17738969

You do realize you did this first right?

>> No.17738973

Used to make up lists all of the time in class. Eventually people would just start putting down any name. The list itself is stupid. Requires you to define what makes someone great. I can easily say the characters of Beavis and Butthead are the best Philosophers.

You have an unfalsifiable list of random individuals.

Someone can easily claim Donald Trump to be the greatest Philosopher.

>> No.17738987

how new are you?

either answer the question or admit you haven't read Spengler

>> No.17738997

That is still philosophy. You are now in the Nihilism field/area. You cannot escape it.

>> No.17739011

Very based
Very cringe

>> No.17739014

This! So much this!

>> No.17739015

You don’t dominate the shape of discourse here bud. Suck my dick and then I’ll summarize your face.

>> No.17739016

I've been here for years.

And I'm not joking you legitimately need to gtfo of /lit/ and go over to /pol/ because retarded ideologically obsessed bugmen like you do nothing but degrade the quality of this board even further.

>> No.17739031

I literally voted for Biden, you stupid cunt. This is how half the board talks. Lean to take a joke or go to tumblr.

HAHAHAHAH now this is just pathetic

>> No.17739038

Says the Spongleroid

>> No.17739046

Dude, you literally got exposed as lying and now will make up outlandish bullshit as damage control. At least close the thread and pretend this never happend.

>> No.17739054

Nihilism doesn't matter, you're going to die one day. Consider that now, buddy. Take a deep breath. Really get deep into that and consider it hard. Hopelessness is a waste of time, nihilism is a waste of time, everything is a waste of time. Everything is a shallow pastime/entertainment for you, you're going to die one day.

>> No.17739064

>I literally voted
You're even dumber than a /pol/tard then. I suggest tumblr or twitter might be more your speed.

>> No.17739070

>exposed as lying

>now will make up outlandish bullshit

>damage control
Glad I could teach you something

>At least close the thread and pretend this never happend
project much

>> No.17739071

>no u
Alright, you convinced me, I am making a tumblr account as I type

>> No.17739074

what exactly did marx contribute to philosophy beyond some valid criticisms of the way working class people were treated?

>> No.17739080

>some valid criticisms of the way working class people were treated
not his critique

>> No.17739083

When you claimed you implied you read Spengler but couldn't answer a basic question about him

You keep responding but won't answer the question despite the fact that it would take you 10 words to utterly BTFO me and prove me wrong

>> No.17739099

Sickening. Uninstall 4channel.

>> No.17739111

you guys are funny af, real list for real niggas:
1. plotinus
2. gautuma buddha
3. adi shankara
4. plato
5. pythagoras
6. iamblichus
7. proclus
8. schelling
9. syrianus
10. hegel

>> No.17739122

>When you claimed you implied you read Spengler but couldn't answer a basic question about him
It’s called ignoring you brainlet. And I didn’t imply. I said I HAVE read Spengler, it’s not a monumental achievement.

>but won't answer the question despite the fact that it would take you 10 words to utterly BTFO me and prove me wrong
That’s not bullshit. That’s called making fun of you. Because that’s the only appeal of this level of discourse. Calling you a fag is always free.

>> No.17739135
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>Philosophy doesn't matter, you're going to die one day. Consider that now, buddy. Really get deep into that and consider it hard. Philosophy's a waste of time, music is a waste of time, everything is a waste of time. Everything is a shallow pastime/entertainment for you, you're going to die one day.

>> No.17739136

I will after I uninstall this dick from your ass.

>> No.17739143

This list is pozzed as fuck

>> No.17739226
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fuck shopenhaunenurerand the musical scores u DONT & CANT wirtne.

>> No.17739404

1. Aristotle
2. Epicurus
3. Buddha
4. Confucius
5. Lao Tse
6. Jesus
7. Joe Rogan
8. Milo
9. Paul-joseph watson
10. Nassim taleb

>> No.17739615


>> No.17739692

1) Plato
2) Plotinus
3) Ficino
4) Pythagoras
5) Heraclitus
6) Parmenides
7) Heidegger
8) Severino
9) Hildegard
10) Eckhart


>> No.17739709


>> No.17739718

1. Leftism
2. Will
3. Never
4. Ever
5. Work
6. Kill
7. Yourselves
8. Retarded
9. Leftists
10. Thanks!

>> No.17739762

>it's not translated in my language therefore it can't be top10

>> No.17740242

Gender does exist. Your professor is a retard.

>> No.17740290

Only good post thus far


>> No.17740413

imagine not having hegel as 1

>> No.17740518



>> No.17740548


Footnote: Everyone else

>> No.17740810
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>not epistemology

>> No.17740834

Gender is the psychological expression of biological sex.

>> No.17740874

1. hegel
2. heraclitus
3. plato
4. thomas aquinas
5. nietzche
6. no more good philosophers

>> No.17741034

Plato formatted his work into stories. It's still dry philosophical stuff, and it doesn't unfold like a normal story, but it still makes it a little bit more easy to digest.

Platos cave is a perfect description of people watching TV in their living rooms thousands of years after him.

>> No.17741041

Honorable mention

>> No.17741065

>you're going to die one day.
Wow this is news to me friend. What comes after life?

>> No.17741455

>gender doesn't exist
Based. Fuck John Money. All my homies hate John Money

>> No.17741458

>1.) Karl Marx (seethe)
Not the greatest, but the most influential

>> No.17741806

1. Marx
2. Nietzsche
3. Bertrand Russel
4. Peter Singer
5. Albert Camus
6. Karl Popper
7. Hegel
8. Plato
9. Socrates
10. Aristotle

(Jordan Peterson is not a philosopher or intellectual you fucking retarded psueds)

>> No.17741865


>> No.17741873

The greatest philosophers are the one's whose works actually increased the quality of life of the people who applied it.

>> No.17741946

No he fucking isn't. What makes you be retarded enough to actually think this?

>> No.17742262

1. Alex James Murphy
2. Simon Weston
3. Klaus Sperber
4. Marshall Applewhite
5. Sathya Sai Baba
6. Paul Francis Gadd
7. James Wilson Savile
8. Tetsuo Shima
9. Yngwie Malmsteen
10. Colonel Harland David Sanders

>> No.17742282

I forgot Heidegger lol I'm even reading him right now.

>> No.17742301

There is no need for life philosophy after Nietzsche. All other topics just continue to a degree, but everyone just ends up with pseudo nietzschean stuff. The greatest philosopyhy of life is to grow a pair and take what you want. No discussion.
epistemology progressed a lot since Kant. Kant created modern metaphysics. I doubt you fag have even read the prolegomena, groundwork, and while we're at it: I don't even believe you've read the critiques. Cringe dude.

>> No.17742622

1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Kant
4. Heidegger
5. Hegel
6. Spinoza
7. Nietzsche
8. Marx
9. Husserl
10. Schopenhauer

>> No.17742667

What makes them great?

>> No.17742699


3.Ibn Arabi
5.Seth ibn Adam

>> No.17742776


>> No.17742795

He´s worshipped as a god by the largest and soon the most powerful nation on Earth. Thats a good start.

>> No.17742888

>6. Wittgenstein and Russel
>No Frege

Based aside from that

>> No.17742915

1. Plato
2. Kant
3. Aristotle
4. Frege
5. Wittgenstein
6. Spinoza
7. Hume
8. Hegel
9. Descartes
10. Kierkegaard

>> No.17742942

1. Imam al-Ghazali
2. Nietzsche
3. Allama Iqbal
4. Baudrillard

There’s all you need to know to understand the modern world

>> No.17742981


>> No.17743053

1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Kant
4. Heidegger
5. Hegel/Schopenhauer

>> No.17743063

>8. Deleuze
>9. Heidegger
Why would you put Deleuze above Heidegger? I think by even Deleuze's own evaluation Heidegger would be more important and original.

>> No.17743067


>> No.17743077
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It's the Deleuzian century, fren

>> No.17743165

Lol, no it's not.

>> No.17743174

1-10 judith butler

>> No.17743703

Philosophy just is

>> No.17743765

big dick take coming through
1. Trismegistus
2. Plato
3. Aristotle
4. Augustine
5. Leibniz
6. Locke
7. Kant
8, Nietzsche
9. Jung
10. Althusser
11. McLuhan

>> No.17743832

wtf are you serious??? he doesn't even belong in a top 50, let alone top 10.

>> No.17743841
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2. Wilde
3. Evola

>> No.17743850

1.) Ayn Rand

>> No.17743852

1) Hitler (cope)

>> No.17743879
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1.) Jesus
2.) Everyone else tied for last place

>> No.17743883

>Karl Marx
No. Kys you commie faggot.

>> No.17744058

It's good to come back to this when you get too deep into an autistic argument about metaphysics on /lit/

>> No.17744068

>There is no need for life philosophy after Nietzsche.

>> No.17744143
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>Aristotle before Epicurus
>Lao Tse and Jesus before Joe Rogan

>> No.17744273


>> No.17744597

Is it wrong to say that Nihilism is the default of humans anyway, like the Scandinavians were nihilists before they had their Christian episode and so on?
Or the Goths showed signs of Nihilism when they had employed a two faced system in Western Rome after they conquered it etc.

>> No.17744636

Very based

>> No.17744651
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1) Aristotle
2) Euclid
3) Frege
4) Gauss
5) Al-Ghazali
6) Thomas Aquinas
7) Euler
8) Godel
9) Spinoza
10) Alphonsus Ligouri

>> No.17744662
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Jesus Christ is above all philosophy.
His glory is of such magnitude that to ascribe that title to him is nothing short of denigration.

>> No.17744770

1.) Muhammed
9.) Jesus

>> No.17744797

chaotic, but honest

>> No.17744823

1) Hegesias
2) Heraclitus
3) Hegel
4) Husserl
5) Hartmann
6) Heidegger
7) Plato
8) Plotinus
9) Parmenides
10) Pythagoras

The only philosophers worth reading start with H or P (except Aristotle and Kant).

>> No.17745176


OP asked for the 10 best philosophers, not the best sleeping aids.

>> No.17745349
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1) Sneed
2) Sneed
3) Sneed
4) Sneed
5) Sneed
6) Sneed
7) Sneed
8) Sneed
9) Sneed
10) Sneed

>> No.17745369

Wrong for so many reasons.

>> No.17745639

Really based list, you would be a very interesting person to talk to irl

>> No.17745849
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1) Husserl
2) Aristotle
3) Plato
4) Descartes
5) Thomas Aquinas
6) Emmanuel Mounier
7) William James
8) Maurice Merleau-Ponty
9) Brentano
10) Wittgentstein

>> No.17745871

Based and Chuck'spilled

>> No.17745907


There are only two sexes in the human specie. Gender is originally a gramattic concept that has been subverted for political reasons to substitute sex.

>> No.17746062


>> No.17746263


>> No.17746421

China is hardly communist anymore. In the west he was important to the history of the 20th century obviously but his significance here has deteriorated rapidly.

>> No.17746430

China is communist. As long as capital is still around he will always be relevant.

>> No.17746433
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>> No.17746434

1. Me
2. Pewdiepie
3. Jesus
4. Plato
5. Zizek
6. Alan Watts
7. Sam Harris
8. Socrates
9. Kanye West
10. Hume

>> No.17746473

>solved society
come on now

>> No.17746868


>> No.17746876

Incredibly based choice

>> No.17746904

Where are Peterson and Zizek?

>> No.17746906

who's in charge: me or my brain?
t. cutting edge analytic philosophy of mind

>> No.17746961
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>> No.17746983

There was ever only one philosopher, Plato

>> No.17747206

Capital was around for at least 3000 years before he was born.

>> No.17747230

I don't get this shitty discussion about gender. What the fuck is gender? I unironically don't know. I only know that there are two sexes in nature and a variable amount of genders in grammar (Romance languages have two genders, Latin has three, English none (apparently) etc.)

What the fuck is gender, if not merely a grammatical thing, and why is it used in politics? What a shitty world