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17733677 No.17733677 [Reply] [Original]

Which books can influence and guide him to create a totalitarian regime?.

And which books have dictators who have existed in the past read? And which books do current dictators read?.

>> No.17733689

my diary desu

>> No.17733693

A really heavy one across the back of your head

>> No.17733703

This is a really stupid question anon.

>> No.17733716

Probably Plato, Macchiavelli, Gaddafi, The Desert Fathers, Ceaser, Sun Tzu, Pseudo-Dionysus, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, and Hobbes.

>> No.17733717

infinite jest

>> No.17733805

"ow a tranny just hit me in the head with a book man I hate trannies I should make a totalitarian regime and kill them all"

>> No.17733838

Did Romans really salute like this? I've heard that the historical support for it is dubious and Augustus' arm doesn't really look like it's saluting desu he's just gesturing off into the distance.

>> No.17733908


>> No.17733944

delete that pic, Augustus (Deus Benedicat) was a demigod with the Mandate of the West, not a dictator

>> No.17733960 [DELETED] 

>it's another incel /pol/tard fantasizing about how he will be a Caesar figure saving the "degenerate west" while spending 12 hours everyday posting on twitter for his 6 followers

>> No.17733968
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>it's another incel /pol/tard fantasizing about how he will be a Caesar figure saving the "degenerate west" while spending 12 hours everyday posting on twitter for his 6 followers

>> No.17734120

I'm just bored

Have sex anon

>> No.17734156

Gay midwit suggestions
Give him a good childhood first and foremost. Have him read the classics, poetry, the Bible, high literature like Faust and Hamlet, and endow him with a sense of wonder with the world. Then, finally, initiate him into philosophy

>> No.17734400

Thanks desu

>> No.17734557

If you have to ask, you don't have what it takes to become a dictator.

>> No.17734746

Being a dictator is fucking shit, you basically have to be constantly manipulating people and every small thing that goes wrong will drive you into a bloody rage, not to mention the constant threat of death

DOn't get me wrong it's fun to fantasize about, and in fact I used to want to be some sort of dictator myself, but overall it's way more stress than it's worth and you'd be better off just doing your own thing

>> No.17735023

Wtf, Dude I'm just a 22yo guy who want to know what Stalin read when he was taking a shit

>> No.17735035

The Quran so they create an Islamic state and make all women wear a hijab like I do.

>> No.17735040

I know you are joking but that's exactly what happened lol

>> No.17735052

No they didn't. It was introduced by D'Annunzio at the time of the occupation of Fiume. Then was adopted by Mussolini and named the "roman salute". The same was made with the goose step, which was adopted ant the re-named "roman step" or "roman march".

>> No.17735317

Plutarchs Parallel Lives

>> No.17735385

If you only know about the 20th century then you might be right. Modern day politicians and democratic institutions do the same shit, whereas monarchs did their job

>> No.17735389

Klaus Schwab - The Great Reset

>> No.17735399

Mein Kampf

>> No.17735466

>Only one anon mentioned Marx

>> No.17735499

>ow, oh, sorry lady, did you trip? Here, let me help you with that *picks up book*

>> No.17735836
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was obviously constructed from the opposite direction but it will work

>> No.17736802


>> No.17736830

The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence.

>> No.17737611
File: 129 KB, 1084x728, EC7BADD6-153E-4D03-8080-7C0B56F55053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republic, Leviathan, The Prince, Phenomenology of Spirit, Thus spoke Zarathustra, Reflections on Violence, State and revolution, Origins and doctrine of fascism

>> No.17738013

This and the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital

>> No.17738167
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>Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.17738270

you don't value human life, right?

>> No.17738332

have kids

>> No.17739445

Can you spoonfeed me some gold nuggets about from those books

>> No.17739446

>he thinks OP will become Hitler

>> No.17739460

Sure commie

Dictator 101:

>1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes
>2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax
>3. Abolition of all right of inheritance
>4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels (like the russian kulaks and jews)
>5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly
>6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state (Propaganda)
>7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wasteland; and the improvement of soil generally in accordance with the common plan (four or five year plan)
>8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially of agriculture (slavery and war)
>9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country (Shrinking Markets - to ensure parity between soil and Volk)
>10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production (Hitler Youth, Free German Youth, All-Union Leninist Young Communist League)

Communist Manifesto P26-27

>> No.17740012

>commies support this
Commies need to be gased

>> No.17741024


>> No.17741106
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>> No.17741431
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>> No.17741734

No it was not introduced by D'Annunzio. Salutes of that nature have a long precedence in Western culture since at least the Enlightenment (see Oath of the Horatii).

>> No.17741760

>which book inspires suicide the most

>> No.17741879

Maybe tangentially useful but they're too bogged down by unironic weirdo ideology and bogus economics. Better to read about communist dictators/regimes directly and gleam what you can about the underlying theory therefrom.

>> No.17741914

You wouldn't even be alive to do so.

>> No.17742081

Is this OP?

>> No.17743905

12 Rules For Life-- by Jordan "the great" Peterson

>> No.17744787


>> No.17744815
File: 432 KB, 799x720, 1615374587014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never look like an anime girl, not even remotely close. You will never be a woman. Merely looking at you will give it away.
But let's say you are in the .0001% of trannies who pass the eye test. Your bone structure will give it away.
But let's say you got on hormones at a ridiculously young age and your bone structure doesn't immediately give it away. The way your skin binds will. The moment a man touches your skin he will feel something is off.
But let's say you somehow got a man to ignore this immediate first touch of your skin. The moment he squeezes he will notice your subcutaneous fat distribution is off.
But let's say you somehow got a man to ignore this. Your pheromone levels are going to be off. You do not have the scent of a woman. You cannot fake this, no matter how many hormones or surgeries you get.
But let's say you somehow got a man to ignore this. The moment he sees your puss-filled bloody axe wound, it's game over. It will not look, smell, feel or taste like a vagina.
But let's say a man has never seen a vagina before and ignores this. How long can you keep that charade up? Someone else will notice and inform him. Not everyone is going to ignore every sign of the truth.
But let's say you can get 100% of the population to become braindead and ignore their senses and instincts. Despite the sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste of you they are fooled by these (and hundreds of others) physical and chemical differences between men and women.
Is this the life you want to live? One of constant deception and attempting to fool everybody around you into believing that which is not true? Do you really "feel" like a woman when you have to constantly lie, trick and deceive?
You still have an Y chromosome. You still have male DNA. Your bones will show it. Your blood will show it. Your urine will show it. Your saliva will show it. Something will always show it.
You will still be a man. You will never be a woman.

>> No.17744829

You know trannies side step this by pointing out you don't have to use science to accept or respect them. You might as well say, "there will never be a real god, or a real after life because of science!"

>> No.17745344

No matter how terrible OP is you always seem to find a way to make it worse.

>> No.17745377

The Republic, Das Kapital, Nicomachean Ethics, Twelve Caesars, my diary desu

>> No.17745399

Utopia by Thomas More.

>> No.17746136

Kantsaywhere by Francis Galton.

>> No.17746947


>> No.17747244
File: 18 KB, 238x300, 1CE57F55-8EA5-4BD7-8444-8F7DA5621A1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rousseau, especially if the future dictator is still a kid.
Pic related was a big fan.