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/lit/ - Literature

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17713750 No.17713750 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/. You like reading? You like writing?
You have 1 minute to write an interesting and compelling intro to a story.
If you think you are shit at writing then just pitch me a plot.

>> No.17713779

Dark as most mornings get, this one felt brighter than usual. Morning alarm wasn’t such a jar. Got outta bed with less grumbles then you’d expect for such a grueling day beforehand. Could’ve remembered to set the coffee timer, but at least it was ready to go at a click of the button. Yea, not bad for a dark morning.

>> No.17713800

For sale:
anon's condoms
never worn

>> No.17713808
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Whatever things he said stuck in my head my dick stuck in a bed she's giving me head like baloney you're corny and phony my name is cory I live in a house they adore with with my spouse she's a whore and you're looking at my watch man where are all my real friends probably breaking sticks in the woodlands man hats I wear them boots I carry them a moot point for a lukewarm day without pay you're gay this post makes me say "wow what the fuck am I writing, I cannot believe the demons I'm fighting it's enlightening like a coffee pot that's awfully hot maybe it's time to take my hand out of it before I get burned turn it down the time moves the same speed every time we go around how profound"

>> No.17713847

The captured heroine struggled against her restraints but it was no use. "You'll never get away with this, Sapphic Seductress. Your plan to brainwash the city will never succeed."

>> No.17714347

Anon, light of my life, fire of my board. My sin, my soul. AY-Nahn: My mouth caught fast in the motions of that all-too familiar shape. Tongue flicking up and down the palate to form that second, closed off syllable. A-N-O-N. You are Anon, Anon at all hours, unseen to me yet suggesting through those four letters the living, breathing existence of some equally lonely person on the other side of the world. You are Anon on the other end of a dusty screen. You are Jack or Sally or Juan or Dimitry to the ones in your life, perhaps. But on my screen you are always Anon.

>> No.17714416

On a damp and drizzly day in November a truck pulled into the prison loading dock with a special cargo: one rare lemur rush ordered from Zimbabwe. The warden reviewed the manifest with confusion. Somehow an inmate, anon, had managed to order this mysterious striped-tailed primate; the very same anon incarcerated for life on federal child pornography charges.

"We cannot accept this lemur."

But the driver told him the lemur must be signed for, due to its rare birth defect which gave it protected status under the WHO. The warden sighed. What in hell was anon up to? But he had no choice. He could not tangle with an international bureaucracy. He was just a humble maximum security prison warden. He sighed. Perhaps the strange man just wanted some furry company.

"Fine, fine. Admit the lemur."

He had no idea then what anon's true plan was, and how it was coming together.

>> No.17714548
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To think Saturn is evil is a misunderstanding, but not too inaccurate. Do we consider nature evil? There is beauty in it, yes, but what of the lamprey, the botfly, the wasp which paralyzes a caterpillar to lay eggs in a soft body? Running tempests, earthquakes, the keening of a mother holding her child dead from malaria or starvation. The body ground down under the weight of time, the mind giving way to dementia because a mylar sheet in the brain decayed. Shockwaves from artillery rupturing men's lungs, a bullet tumbling in and out of soft meat and leaving gore in it's wake. These acts all hold symbolism, and in abstract could be moralized, but the sheer physical mechanisms of death and decay, the interaction of molecules which utterly disregard the nonmaterial, save for some cases, this has no inherent mortality. Saturn lies there, and in the lessons we learn from the world that do not kill us. Do not consider Saturn evil, but regard it as though it were.

>> No.17714895

Probably a shitpost but goddamn reading colloquial speech as text is fucking awful.
Best selling short story.
2/10 didn't rhyme 'mouse' with 'spouse'.
I want to fuck Sapphic Seductress.
I cri
Fuck you for introducing a baller story in the first sentence then shitposting in the rest.
Decent start, but I'm confused from the leap of all the natural stuff to artillery and bullets, which are definitely not natural. Good prose though. Very nice. Would read.

>> No.17714952


Our hero awakes half past two in the afternoon.
"Fuck, not again," he thought to himself.

>> No.17714995

thanks anon
i cant wait for the reveal of the true plan
im too retarded to understand

>> No.17715001

okay, I posted this before but
Recursive 9/11
the plot is basically that every day a plane circles around the earth, hitting the twin towers at 9:11 AM. Every day during the journey, it produces a helper plane. The helper plane rebuilds the twin towers, creates a copy of the original plane for after it crashes, and imprisons people inside of the twin towers each day. The main character is a guerilla manhatten journalist whose goal is to get the PATRIOT act 2 passed

>> No.17715018

>Decent start, but I'm confused from the leap of all the natural stuff to artillery and bullets, which are definitely not natural. Good prose though. Very nice. Would read.
To clarify, it's to convey that cruelty in nature exists even at a level of fundamental physics; even if it's not occurring in nature, the vectors, momentum, material, pressure, etc, behind the lethality of bullets or artillery are as much derived from the cruelty inherent to physical existence as parasitic life or death by disease.

>> No.17715059

And, I suppose for further reference, it's a prose-form of my recent research subject in the occult, specifically the symbolism, role, and nature of Saturn; that is, a teacher who murders you if you get the answer wrong, and the physical world is a classroom.
I could go into a lecture, but this is a speed-writing thread

>> No.17715147

30 miles north of Sadhasta in the basement of a blasted and abandoned semorial complex there is a locked door behind a haiti. Sporadically, the pounding from the within shakes the dust from the moldy fabric which settles on a pile of discarded monitors and obsolete electronics. No words are ever heard from the hidden place, but two are often spoken:

>> No.17715151

But anon, 'Git out of here STALKER' is 5

>> No.17715152

The tube was filled with niggered niggers niggerously niggering about and niggering to nigger music, niggering rhythmically up and down in a niggerish kind of way; the kikes were kiking and counting their money they'd robbed from the speeks and chooks who speeked and chooked themselves in their native manner.

>> No.17715193

My addiction of throwing car batteries into the ocean was getting out of hand. It was perfectly legal. Chunking bats, we called it. It started as a joke. Me and the boys were on vacation and the motel dumpster had a car battery in it. We took it along with us to the beach and my buddy dared me to just toss it in. It's perfectly legal, he said. The rush I felt when I tossed that black box was like no other. The rush. The total control. I laughed it off, but weeks later I felt the need to do it again. Now I lurk the dump and the pick n' pull for extra juice cubes. I've taken time off work to time the drive down to the beach. I've found a particular spot. Some days I'll hoist so many of those fat babies it shouldn't be legal. But it is.

>> No.17715541

>Wants people to be creative
>Complains he's too high or too retarded to understand half of them
Stop being a dumbdumb

>> No.17716126

what are the words
god this is amazing. Thank you smoker. Your contributions are always on point.
Look man its usually just the super abstract ones with dense language that I don't understand, I still respect them, but they are beyond my intellect. I won't deny that my cannabis habits play a role in this but i disagree that its half the posts I don't understand, its usually just one or two. Either way this made me laugh very hard and i will try to be better.

>> No.17716414

legit wuality

>> No.17716634

Grief counselor who accidentally sets up shop next to a veterinary hospital and thinks all of her patients are talking about people when they’re actually talking about pets.

>> No.17716669


>> No.17716703

Thanks. I expanded upon it here.

>> No.17716760

god I absolutely love this. hilarious writing and I like how its almost implied that there's some sort of sexual gratification he gets out of it

>> No.17718101

You just broke every one of Chekhov's guidelines

>> No.17719273

A smelly fat pimpled virgin and his rivalry with a walmart coworker, a smelly skeltal pimpled virgin. Their very similarity is why they cannot stand each other, for neither can tolerate the trespassing of the other in their personal kingdom of escapism they've built up over the years. Petty shenanigans and anime references galore.

>> No.17719882

I am seated in an office, surrounded by heads and bodies. My posture is consciously congruent to the shape of my hard chair. This is a cold room in University Administration, wood walled, Remington hung, double windowed against the November heat, insulated from Administrative sounds by the reception area outside, at which Uncle Charles, Mr. deLint and I were lately relieved.

I'm planning this to be my epic novel about 90s America, like 1000 pages long pls critique anons

>> No.17719957

Going through the vineyard was unsettling.
Wet dirt was moisting his feet and creating a very uncomfortable feeling adding to his already overbeart body as the sunlight struck his eyes and making seeing painful as well.

>> No.17721540

so are they friends? or enemies?
sounds interesting. Continue
where is he going

>> No.17721626

She use to roll joints with no filter. I believe that's called a Jamaican joint.
We were young back then. We use to lounge in suburban parks past curfew. Midnight picnics.
We would lay in the grass and stare at the stars. Street weed and cheap beer were no a rarity.
When security would come we would run. Our teen bodies clumsily cleaning up our mess in the headlights.
Usually they didn't come though and we would have hours to ourselves. Just the stars and our conversations.
Some nights id get too drunk. The awkward kind. But she never seemed to care about my social ineptitude.
She saw past what everyone else couldn't.
She saw me.

>> No.17721892

You should basically never use the word very

>> No.17722038

why. informal word?

>> No.17722062

I was being a bit absolute about it, but what does it really ever do for you? Like in this case, what’s the difference between uncomfortable and very uncomfortable? If it’s more than uncomfortable then there’s probably a better word you can use. And if it’s just uncomfortable then that works.

Basically what I’m trying to say is the word very modifies a word in a way that just using a different word probably does better. In most cases.

>> No.17722105


Also, in this particular case, there’s obvious room for better imagery here. If you (or whoever wrote it) is trying to describe a feeling and get the reader to actually feel that, the wording there is really generic and a missed opportunity for immersion.

>> No.17722118

What would you replace 'very uncomfortable' with? Why does the word even exist if it serves no purpose

>> No.17722129

I didn't write the story but I can see both sides to the argument. there is probably a better word to use but 'very' also serves as a standard intensifier.

>> No.17722211

I’d probably brainstorm words like saturated or grit or loam and stuff like that that fit the scene more specifically.

>> No.17722222

Yeah I was being a bit too final about it but I tend to feel that the times to use it are way less than the times to use another word. But I’m not basing anything off of that but my personal taste. So feel free to disregard.

>> No.17722348

Either way. Nice fucking quints.

>> No.17722449

We're both seat on my old single size bed and as I stumble through words trying to explain her what it really is about she nods, hums and yeas. I'm sure she couldn't care less about what I'm trying to say, and I wouldn't mind keeping it to myself either. After all, nothing is more shameful than being unable than articulate your own thoughts, but she asked in such a sweet voice "so, what you're thinking about?", and I won't deny it feels good to say it out loud and having her attentively listening to all of my words.

>> No.17722846

One day, I read the newspaper. 'Suiciders in Bellamy Subway', it reads. 'People with fulfulling lives are worried they might be people pushing other people on the rails out of desperation, because after all we're idiots that do not understand how suicide works.' it said.

As I stood on the metro station platform, I couldn't help but glance at the rails. 'People can die here,' I thought.

The tunnel rumbled as the train pierced through the underground winds. In anticipation, the crowd closed in on the tracks.

Would it hurt if I threw myself in there? Probably. I looked around, and as usual, all of the colors were dimmed. I remembered my childhood and how vibrant they were at the time.

How everything looked and seemed more intense through the eyes of a child. I must confess, it eluded me.

It was probably the glasses.


Fucking glasses.

With a clank, the frames fell to the ground. I probably wouldn't need them in heaven, nor in hell, if it existed. There isn't much to be said about why I wanted to die. Unhappiness was enough.

I would've liked to have a grand reason, something I could claim to the heavens was the reason of my demise and could be unashamed of, but I was just tired.

The train approached at great speed.

Some people among the crowd turned to look at me and distanced themselves. I wondered if they knew.

I'm sorry, mom.

I stepped on the air and, contrary to my expectations, my body wasn't instantly being dragged down.

I heard the train wheels hitting the tracks, the surrounding gasps and the scream of a woman.

And then I fell.

As I was about to hit the tracks, I rotated my body and my eyes met the crowd one last time. A man wearing the mask of a monkey was sitting on the platform and was waving at me.

Hello, you.

The next second, everything turned blurry and moved at high speed. I felt a sting on my arm, then nothing.

A year later, I woke up in a hospital and immediately cried.

>> No.17723346

>A perfectly serviceable used car. Large trunk. Wheels unbalded, treads wholly intact. Under eight hundred. Needs an oil change, but we can figure that. Sickly beige: a perfect flesh mover. We’ll begin with the red head after we’ve signed the paperwork. Delightful — slashed eighty six off the price. More to come tonight—

>> No.17724438
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>Chunking bats, we called it.

>> No.17725859
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"Alright /lit/. You like reading? You like writing?
You have 1 minute to write an interesting and compelling intro to a story.
If you think you are shit at writing then just pitch me a plot."
Anon typed as he breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he had gotten the last laugh, he could kill himself with only some regrets.

>> No.17725867


>> No.17726128

The president announces a "bombing referendum" that will be held a year from today where the country with the most votes gets bombed

>> No.17727429
File: 149 KB, 659x960, 27067734_1062928973849013_8859645333794193083_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother and I took the 8:45 from Maidstone to Dover. She wore her deep grey princess coat. I loved the way it felt on my cheek. I cuddled up to her on that train journey. We both stared out of the window blindly and without thought. The rich countryside encapsulated our tranquility. The rolling hills and green pastures inhabited by cows were remarkable. The clear blue sky lit up the domain as far as the eye could see. There was no restlessness, the scenery was devoid of commotion. How we must cook to those cows is a silly thought that now pops into my mind, the train barrelling past at who knows what unnatural speed. That morning it was less than folly, however. We derailed. Her coat was warm and wet, but I couldn't take my cheek away from it. She said nothing, nor did I.

Sorry best I could do in a minute. I don't read fiction so I struggle with description and flow.

>> No.17727659

I sing of arms and the man

>> No.17727673

A man lives in a lighthouse. He works for the coastguard. It's very stormy there. He creates a brilliant mathematical proof but is struck by lightning and dies before sharing it with anyone.

(ran out of time)

>> No.17728794

dike shit

>> No.17728898

Apologies for my absence

Glad he didnt die
Sounds like a good car
Love it
funny idea
Mathematical proof of what

>> No.17728964

Born wild, they put a buck up her and watched her ride off the herring while my pa started sitting on her; an underage, I think it’s the right thing to do now, since we’re all men.

>> No.17729345

>>>17727429 (You)

>> No.17729676

Working as a lamppost isn't a bad job, if you know how to rein in your expectations.
Most of the time your biggest concern is muscle cramps.
When I first started out, I made it about one hour before I had to lift a leg. Rookie mistake.
When you shift all your weight onto the left leg; it gets tired twice as fast, see?
So if you go down that path, in no time at all you'll be hopping from leg to leg,
wincing and moaning with the best of them, only stopping to check if it's quittin' time yet.
Some say you should try locking your knees, but I won't do it. That's a one way ticket to arthritis.
Just look at Ol' Pete up there: excellent posture!
Straight and true like an arrow, I heard he's been lamppostin' for over 45 years, but you wouldn't think it to look at him!
Most of the youngin's want cushy assignments working street corners or marketplaces. But not Ol' Pete.
He likes to be alone. His favourite is when he's stuck up somewhere on the beach or harbourfront on a windy day.
Out there; the wind cuts straight you. Flexing... bending... it's all terrible for the back.
But the worst part is when a steady breeze hits you at just the right frequency to resonate...
That's when a lamppost starts vibrating and warbling out an eerie little tune. The Wayfire's Lament, we call it.
I once asked Ol' Pete how he could stand working in those conditions. Why it was that he even kept volunteerin' for it,
Even after his quota of harbour hours was served long ago?
The way he told it to me, he said he grew up with a lot of brothers. One of them was a dentist, the next one became a garbage compactor, and the third worked in retail.
By the time he grew up his brothers had already snatched up the good jobs, so he became a lamppost.
This wasn't the job he would've picked, in his heart he said he always wanted to be a composer. Make music.
When everyone else got hit by that wind and started screaming; Pete said he started singing.
Well I guess if that's what makes you happy. There ain't no law against dreaming.

>> No.17730904

Bumping to write later on

>> No.17731146

its a calm tranquil moment before death.
i thought that was lovely.

>> No.17731219

He was the type of guy who didn't fit into any company, he didn't even know why. He spent more time having imaginary conversations in his head than with other people, the more he did so the deeper he went into solitude. After puberty, and now at an early age, all his peers led some form of life, and he struggled to fill the hours of the day. He had no life, and his time was reduced to the dopamine shocks that he pumped from cigarettes, grass, drinks, dice, pornography, games, music, fast food. At first, he was engulfed by hate when his former school friends and various acquaintances, whom he thought were ugly stupid and had all the other possible negative traits, would enter into marriages, relationships, jobs, etc., and then he accepted it and completely indulged to the numb silence that gripped his soul, why wake up in the morning at all? Why anything?

>> No.17731469

Aww fair enough, I can appreciate that then. I thought it was low-level mocking.

>> No.17732735

>If you think you are shit at writing then just pitch me a plot.
I am not shit at writing. I am shit at making plots. Now what?

>> No.17732743

>"There could be niggers here"

>> No.17732762

just write.

>> No.17733316
File: 252 KB, 864x1000, 820E39F6-3CC0-4B97-A55B-563121DFA361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, then this >>17732743 delivering to a Vodoun witchdoctor outside old French town

>> No.17733513

A dance demon has infected a major city and instilled fomo to people sitting at home. Once they get outside they dance until they shit themselves in a frantic effort to bring meaning to their lives but once in the crowd they realize there is no meaning and give up on their purpose.

>> No.17734093

Women gets raped, but can not come to terms with the idea that she was sexually aroused by the encounter. Instead of talking about this, she starts to walk alone on the street more often, hoping that one day she will be raped.
This day comes of course, but in her mind she is incapable of percieving this as rape, no, she sees this as consensual.
Cut to later when she tries to settle down, mid 60s now, she meets a man on an online dating site for seniors. Things go well until the third or fourth date when things get intimate. it is only thne that she feels the same feelings as she did on the night she lost her virginity

>> No.17734150

This is the story of OP: he is a massive faggot.

The End.

>> No.17734558

got confused with the second half but yea. pretty good. dark
i did nothing to you