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17732285 No.17732285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Trannies seething because they can’t debunk this and they’re going to hell.

>> No.17732291

bruh, if you think this is a good argument you are retarded

>> No.17732294

Did the /tv/ thread get 404d

>> No.17732303

>christcucks have become so desperate that they're quoting THIS movie
Could you faggots at least quote Aquinas or something? wtf is this shit?

>> No.17732304

It is right though. There isn't a single compelling argument against the existence of God

>> No.17732307

Debunk it then or dilate

>> No.17732308

Nor is there a single compelling argument for the existence of God

>> No.17732310
File: 83 KB, 403x394, 6784308C-AAB8-4824-AD9B-F9955706C14F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can prove time exists, only its effects exist. I can’t prove
God, only his effects.

>> No.17732315

Debunk it then if it’s so beneath you

>> No.17732316

Re you newfreind or just bait?

we have actual christian threads that dont have such lukewarm nothing reddit teir stuff in them.

>> No.17732321

Just wait until you find out the infinite amount of other unfalsifiable things there are! For example
>no one can prove OP is a faggot
>no one can disprove OP is a faggot either

>> No.17732323

But there’s no compelling argument against it

>> No.17732325

Absolutely absurd statement

>> No.17732333

I mean it’s a decent enough argument against atheism. Atheism is a theistic approach to religion, taking an absolute point of view on faith alone. The only intelligent and rational choices for a person are religion or agnosticism, atheism is not rational in the slightest.

>> No.17732336

But there’s no compelling argument for it

>> No.17732337

Debunk it then
Argument of a coper

>> No.17732338

Proof that the existence of God is unfalsifiable?

>> No.17732347
File: 1.25 MB, 500x467, E55A6F64-3503-4304-8DF8-71BB7E7227F8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there’s no compelling argument against it

>> No.17732360
File: 60 KB, 343x320, 3996E92C-6736-46D6-887E-E490B2C0DADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there’s no compelling argument for it

>> No.17732379
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But there's no compelling argument against it

>> No.17732381


Ask me how I know you don't know what atheism is

>> No.17732391

God is thus defined as no compelling argument for which there is no compelling argument against.

>> No.17732396

What about the fact that the earth is demonstrably billions of years old when the bible suggests that it isn't

>> No.17732400

Atheism is the disbelief in god, or rather the belief of god’s nonexistence. Faith based approach.

>> No.17732404

>only thinking in terms of judeo-christianity and the bible
LOL you really owned him with your ‘btfo’

>> No.17732415

That argument at best refutes the literal veracity of the creation account in genesis. It does not refute the existence of God

>> No.17732426

>God does not exist
>RBMK reactors do not explode
science niggers are stoopid

>> No.17732434

so bible based arguments against homosexuality and trans people are also refuted.

>> No.17732450
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But there’s no compelling argument for it

>> No.17732456

Everything that is in motion is moved by something else. Some things, like a rock, does not have the power to move itself. The rock must be moved by something else, like a stick which is itself being pushed by a hand because the stick doesn't have the power to move itself. The stick is deriving its power of movement from the hand, and the hand is deriving its power of movement from the brain, and the brain deriving its movement from something else, a higher source and so on. The chain of movement must ultimately terminate with a first mover which is itself unmoved by anything else.

Change is the actualization of potential, or the turning to potential into actual. Potential can't actualize potential so the first mover must be pure actual because the first mover, in order to be the first mover, must be able to actualize any potentials.

>> No.17732465
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But there's no compelling argument against it.
When will you choose to bask in his beauty?

>> No.17732467

is that supposed to sound like Joss Whedon? because that's definitely who I thought said this for the first 3 reads

>> No.17732471

No. If you assume that Gensis can only be accurate if it abides by a young earth creationist narrative then you can only at best demomstrate that the creation account in genesis is flawed. That has no bearing on any other part of the bible

>> No.17732473

Even if God exists, there's no reason why trannies would get punishment for they delusion. You would need to prove that said God is a punisher of trannies.

>> No.17732476

Getting beyond this, religion doesn’t pretend to be built off logic it’s built off faith. Atheism on the other hand pretends it’s built off logic and science when in reality it’s just as much built off faith as religion. Atheism is a religion for hypocrites.

>> No.17732485

It says in plain language that faggot go to hell. Is dilate and pretend for eternal damnation.

>> No.17732488

If anything, this is an argument against any further internet discussions of this kind.

>> No.17732493


>> No.17732497

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.17732498

That's only the Abrahamic God.

>> No.17732499

Fuck autocorrect shit

>> No.17732514

Name a single major modern religion that doesn’t say faggots go to hell. Even if you can pull some gay African folk religion out your ass that says sucking your homies dick is ok? You have to admit that vast majority think faggots should drop dead.

>> No.17732518

this movie is one of my favorites. teacher challenges him to prove God exists and he starts with this line lmao like hey faggots you just conceded your position, go sit down now

>> No.17732557

Based Thomist

>> No.17732558

Then physically bring your god to me and i'll believe

>> No.17732590

I'll physically ram my cock in your ass

>> No.17732601
File: 69 KB, 1294x478, 1609997752979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17732609

This retard gorilla nigger dick is gonna be busting those cheeks open

>> No.17732618

The only thing you can bust open is a peanut cracker