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File: 268 KB, 1710x2086, pabaltiski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17730916 No.17730916 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Countries that have never, are not right now, nor will ever produce anything worth reading.

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>> No.17730927

seethe harder tibla

>> No.17730934

I have asked people I've known from the baltics for anything they think would be worth reading from their countries and they have never inclined to say there's anything worth looking into.

>> No.17730946
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only Poe is decent

>> No.17730948

Baltic bros...

>> No.17730950

pan tadeus from lithuenia

>> No.17730964

Gimbutas, Uždavinys, the most obvious picks on surface

>> No.17730975

Nothing can save the Baltics. German occupation, Russian occupation, migration to the Americas, independence, they've gone through every developmental stage a nation can experience and yet their soul is so barren, so non-existent they have NEVER produced a book, nay, a sentence! worth reading. The faster they are turned into Russian port & holiday resort, the better it is not only for the world, but for the pitiful insects that inherit these lands/

>> No.17730983
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>angloids will never experience reading Rehepapp

>> No.17730984

There are only 6 million people living there and individually that's much worse. There are apparently around 2 million people speaking the Latvian language so what do you expect?

>> No.17730988

these countries are so irredeemably irrelevant that even if they do produce something decent it will never reach the world outside their borders

>> No.17730993

Baltic girls are super cute though.

>> No.17730996

I might be biased because it's my native tongue, but in my opinion the Lithuanian language is very beautiful. It's supposed to be the "most archaic" European language in that it preserves many features from proto-Indo-European.

But yeah the Baltic nations are very small so what do you expect OP? Also certain historical circumstances (Polonisation of the upper-class in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania after the union with Poland, being conquered by the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, for instance) have to be considered. We still have our writers and artists though.

>> No.17731007

>nothing worth reading
lmao cope, midwit

>> No.17731014
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>female voice

>> No.17731026
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Don't worry, the poem is shit anyway

>> No.17731030

just write anti-russia lit and the swedes will be throwing nobels after you in no-time

>> No.17731032

Came here to post this.

>> No.17731040

too much of a paradise for it's inhabitants to waste time writing books

>> No.17731054

Total nobodies SO DESPISED by their own countrymen that most have not even been translated and even then, if a Lithuanian ever did learn English to a level capable of translating a book into another language (impossible!) they couldn't pool together the five roubles necessary for a print larger than one hundred copies. The Baltics are the laughing stock of Europe.

I-if only we weren't oppressed and so teeny-weeny! Get a grip.

>> No.17731089

Go read Harry Potter and Twilight, you trend-chasing faggot. Might suck your wife's boyfriend's cock while you are at it.
Besides, Greimas is one of the most widely read semioticians in human history, you retard.

>no libtards (although this might change)
>beautiful nature
>everything is cheap
>you can get neetbucks easily because of Skvernelis (pbuh) and Karbauskis (pbuh)

>> No.17731097

I didn't mention oppression so maybe you get a grip. You can't expect such a tiny population to compete, that would be insane.

>> No.17731104
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>> No.17731123

Ten seething Lithuanians, nine seething Lithuanians - and then there were none!

>> No.17731134
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>> No.17731145

>I-if only we weren't oppressed and so teeny-weeny! Get a grip.
Uh, yes? Literally what do you expect when the nations are over 25x smaller population-wise than the great European producers of culture like Germany, France, UK, USA, and so on. Ireland is a special exception because their writers wrote in English and so had a large audience among English speakers, which allowed their literary scene to flourish. But even if a Lithuanian or Latvian or Estonian wrote the greatest novel in existence it would be hard for them to gain continental recognition just because of how few people speak the languages or even know of the existence of our nations.
Literally no outsider cares about the Baltics as much as you seem to do, which leads me to believe that you are just a self-hating Latvian/Lithuanian whose blood is probably diluted with Russian.

>> No.17731164

It's a Polish book

>> No.17731170
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>Uh, yes?
You are so pathetic. I hope they set you on fire for writing this nausea-inducing post.

>> No.17731174
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Statistically speaking, at least. It's a single, isolated island buried in the South Pacific that got tossed around different colonial masters until they ended up as the US's bitchboy in the past several decades. Their entire population is only 12,000.

>> No.17731175


>> No.17731193
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Based. Fuck the Baltics, fuck Belarusians, fuck Ukrainians. Poland is the only relevant country in the region. Bow down to your Polish master, fucking dogs

>> No.17731194

it's luigi irl

>> No.17731197

lets agree to disagree

>> No.17731228
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I will cite Mickevicius himself:
You may be a Belarusian, I may be a Lithuanian, but at the end of the day, we are both Polish.
A much better argument would be about Milosz. He was certainly culturally Lithuanian and even spoke the language.

>> No.17731234

No, I mean it. It's literally written in Polish therefore it belongs to POLISH literature. By the same token, Potocki's Manuscript Found in Sargossa belongs to French literature and Józef Korzeniowski's aka Joseph Conrad's works belong to English literature and have long been regarded as such

>> No.17731274

Mickiewicz was a polonised Lithuanian, a descendant of one of the Lithuanian noble-families who began primarily speaking Polish after the Polish-Lithuanian union. He knew how to speak Lithuanian at least well enough to write down lyrics for Lithuanian folk music. It's not for no reason "Pan Tadeusz; Or, The Last Foray in Lithuania" begins with "O Lithuania, my homeland!"
Of course he should be considered culturally Polish as well given the historical circumstances, but his heritage was Lithuanian.
So I guess Sir Walter Scott is an English writer, not Scottish, just because he wrote in English? Is Beckett a French writer?

>> No.17731290

Why is it we in the old country only appreciate Poe of all American authors? I'm no different. Feel like we like him more than Americans do.

>> No.17731298

Gimbutas is debatable but Uzdavinys is pretty great yeah

>> No.17731316

Go eat some fucking cold soup russian bitch.

>> No.17731325

Because Poe felt the decadence before we even did at a time it made no sense to feel that way in the US. Poe was a aristocrat in a land without aristocracy. If you can read French there is a very good essay about him in Préférences by Julien Gracq.

>> No.17731424

I like šliogeris but other than that, those countries have too small of population for true talent to appear. even russia has like 10 literary talents for its +100 million population.

>> No.17731482

piss off

>> No.17731519

note how only lithuanians lack the self awareness to throw shitfits instead of simply accepting their pathetic nature as the estonians and latvians do. lithuania is the nigger of europe.
correct. poland is a diamond surrounded by nothing but gross animals made of pungent diarrhea. the polonisation >>17730996
this guy mentioned was a blessing, a once in a million years chance of divine rescue that the dogs of lithuania couldnt appreciate or accept and instead stuck to their laughable nationalities covered in pigshit. see where they are now and their true nature is revealed.

>> No.17731529
File: 467 KB, 1944x1443, Belarus-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute cultural wasteland
>no relevant contributions to science
>no relevant contributions to philosophy
>no relevant contributions to literature
>only contribution to music is some modern le sad post-Soviet doomer post-punk band
>language is just Russian with some extra feats
>most people don't even know where you are on the map
to think I got close to being born there

>> No.17731564

Their women are cute, but I never heard of anything interesting coming from their country except for some pogroms done by the Latvians. The inhabitants of this region have the worst of everything; Russian depression, Finnish autism and Polish backwardness.

>> No.17731623
File: 350 KB, 770x514, polackfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17731640

Baltic languages are all more based than whatever you speak.

>> No.17731667

my baltic friends wish they were polish, because then they would not be working in gulag tier industries that pay them only enough money to buy enough food for one meal a day and the rent

>> No.17731693

poe??? mad.

>> No.17731704

yeah they'd be migrating to the uk

>> No.17731713
File: 227 KB, 1200x1143, DZ63GFHWkAEWaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohnonono Polandbros

>> No.17731728

they just aren't economically powerful enough to produce "canonical" authors at the moment. if the latvian economy gets super hot in the next century, i'm sure everyone will suddenly discover the genius of latvian writers.

>> No.17731762

no latvian would ever post this

>> No.17731773

Hasnt stopped latin america

>> No.17731789

british women needed company, with how little they are sought after by their men

>> No.17731840

usually it's vice versa

>> No.17732005

the baltics will produce the funniest book of copes before they produce anything that make the canon. "not economically powerful" to produce anything of value, you must be joking?

>> No.17732452
File: 366 KB, 449x599, Chodkevicius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mindaugas unites Baltic tribes in Lithuania under one kingdom
>BTFO the Mongols
>Conquer all of Eastern Europe from Southern Latvia to the Black Sea
>BTFO the Teutonic Knights
>Become the largest state in Europe; the last to be Christianised
>War with the Muscovites engenders Polish-Lithuanian union
>Slight cultural decline due to polonisation
>BTFO the Swedes
>P-L Commonwealth partitioned by Russian Empire causing severe cultural decline
>"National Revival" occurs after WW1; Independence achieved
>Little war with Poland, Vilnius region lost
>Vilnius region restored by Soviets; Lithuania annexed due to Molotov-Ribbentrop
>German occupation; Holocaust of Jews and some Poles in Lithuania
>Guerilla fighting against Soviet occupation; mass deportations of Partisans and supporters to Siberia
>Independence as Soviet Union collapses
Such is the history of my nation in brief. Not that bad for a small peoples I'd say.

>> No.17733007

Baltics is the only European region more irrelevant than the Balkans

>> No.17733081

I wouldn't go that far, some of the balkans are as sparsely dotted with civilization as the steppes of mongolia

>> No.17733614

the main export of Estonia is underage traps.

>> No.17733894

>Steinbeck? Nay'er'eard a'im.

>> No.17734054
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>> No.17735223
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Poles, stop being so mean.

>> No.17735235

Frank Herbert and Bret Easton Ellis are both American

>> No.17735249


The Dutch language has a solid tradition of literature.

>> No.17735259


>> No.17735491

Not sure about the Flemish part (except Verhaeren who is a very good poet - but he wrote in French) but Wallonia has some great authors.

>> No.17735577

absolute pleb

>> No.17735585

And why do you accompany it with a Polish magnate with a Russian surname? Could it be that modern Lithuanians are more alike to modern (Northern Former Yugoslav Republicans of) Macedonians?

>> No.17735593

>he hasn't read the Myth of the 20th century

>> No.17735668

кaк живeтcя пoд caнкциями yнтepмeньш pycнявый?

>> No.17735742
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>cockhole defends his buttbudies
Like pottery.

>> No.17735775

mano vienas iš ruso pavogtas ir įsisavintas "pašol naxui" sudirba visus jūsų dalbajobiškus "argumentus"

>> No.17735793

>Become the largest state in Europe; the last to be Christianised
Belarus comprised most of medieval Lithuania's territory, native Lithuanians cannot claim its history
>Slight cultural decline due to polonisation
massive cope, we civilized your savage pagan nation, if it wasn't for us you'd be nothing.

>> No.17735883


>> No.17735927

Just entered this thread to make sure no one posted my country, because if they did i would have to call them a nigger. Luckily no one has!

>> No.17735965
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>> No.17735978

I feel for non-baltic plebs. They are so blinded by their barbarism that they cannot even comprehend how backwards they are compared to us, all they need is
And they'll be happy. Like a dog with a bone. Good for you doggy!

>> No.17735992

cope harder about a book which wasnt even written in lithuanian

>> No.17735999

It pains my heart, but this is true.

>> No.17736001

the idea of belarus is about a 100 years old, no wonder they havent achieved much

>> No.17736002

seethe harder tibla. you will never be able to learn latvian or lithuanian

>> No.17736012

mccarthy, bret easton ellis

>> No.17736014

>Slight cultural decline due to polonisation
aka limiting an already weak culture to rural areas

>> No.17736153
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>> No.17736164

What is your country, I'll tell you honestly what I think of it.

>> No.17736167


>> No.17736185

tu neko nevienam baltijas iedzīvotājam nekad neesi prasījis. beidz melot un lasi raini

>> No.17736217
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You can't leave a Lithuanian unattended for two minutes lest he start banging his head against the wall or selfasphyxiate with a charger cable, how can you expect him to write books? This thread alone is likely responsible for more Lithunian deaths than the coronavirus.

>> No.17736358
File: 45 KB, 600x900, biliunas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blet debilai amerikieciai sugadino ketvirta kanala

duok burner email ir parasyk top 5 autorius

>> No.17736430

Analai kur tu

>> No.17736455

what an edgy opinion. pass me some black eyeliner.

>> No.17736465
File: 377 KB, 1946x1500, stanstan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get the low hanging fruit out of the way

>> No.17736529

XX century Wilno was a Polish city in a Belarusian countryside, what are you even rambling about. Adding an -as to every word does not a nation make.

>> No.17736613


>> No.17736661

it is edgy, but for real, most Europeans think burger-lit ended with Faulkner and Hemingway.

>> No.17736693

Nema krsta do tri prsta jebo te bog u glavu

>> No.17737062
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Why do the Poles persecute us so?

>> No.17737344

>still butthurt about Vilnius
Prczszszsczszyk, you should be satisfied with the lands you stole from Germany already. But of course, the polack cries out even when he gets metric tons of gibs from the EU so there's nothing he will not stoop too.

>> No.17737452
File: 52 KB, 643x1075, scotland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>CS Lewis
>Oscar Wilde


>> No.17737458

They have about the same population too, and Ireland is economically flourishing while Scotland is a boggy dump of addicts and welfare monkeys

>> No.17737486

that's such a stupid thing to say

>> No.17737496

robert louis stevenson, burns, walter scott, arthur conan doyle

>> No.17738308

Arthur Conan fucking Doyle. Also Walter Scott.

Jokes on you, Scotland is Ireland's cousin historically and linguistically.

>> No.17738327

>he doesnt know the epic of Manas

>> No.17738360
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You aren't even a country, you are a French colonial possession.

>> No.17738616

Ok, nigger.

>> No.17739206

Lietuva is based in my book had a childhood friend Domentas who carried a shank to school at 9 years old and played Runescape. Love from Georgia.

>> No.17739739

based Sakartvelan