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/lit/ - Literature

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17729365 No.17729365 [Reply] [Original]

>took a linguistics course
>get assigned to a group project
>everyone speaks and writes like a nigger
>"finna, bruh, senpai, desu, lmao, big brain, facts, straight up"
>want to kill myself everyday I communicate with these faggots
I don't think I'm gonna make it.

>> No.17729537

sounds like you're just a smooth brain OP.

>> No.17729553

>I judge others based on their choice of words, rather than what they try to convey

>> No.17729616

you’re going to feel like a retard after this post if anyone of them outperform you

>> No.17729664

>their comprehension is too low to convey anything meaningful

>> No.17729671

op is definitely in the bottom 20% of the class

>> No.17729684

dude just talk fucking normal, stop being an edge lord about this shit and do your work

>> No.17729696

Trump lost

>> No.17729703

>I'm a condescending piece of shit who thinks of himself as some hot shit above normies

>> No.17729735

I did a linguistics course and the whole time the professor was just trying to convince the class that nigger speech is on the same level as shakespeare and that it's all subjective. Dropped it

>> No.17729774

The Stoics and some medieval writers (Alain de Lille) attribute degeneration of language to degeneration of people.

>> No.17729786

yes. You fucking unidimensional aesthetic-deprived faggot nigger

>> No.17729789

You're superficial

>> No.17729807

>degeneration of language
English was born degenerate.
>finna, bruh, senpai, desu, lmao, big brain, facts, straight up
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.17729811

You sound like a piece of shit

>> No.17729843

And I'm not meming. The degeneration of language is pretentious fucks who use filler words to pad their word count and their egos. Peak language is focusing the most emotional content into the smallest verbal package possible.

>> No.17729850


>> No.17729851

>English was born degenerate.
Basado. Imagine gatekeeping *nglish LMAO

>> No.17729890

This is /lit/, he needs to continue to be an autistic edgelord who thinks he's superior so that when he inevitably quits pursuing his BA (by choice or otherwise) he can blame it on everyone else rather than himself. He needs to become another angry pseud.

>> No.17729961

They wouln't deny that English is degenerate. They believed even their Greek and Latin were degenerate of older languages. Older = better to them, because older languages were closer to reality than newer language which became more nonsensical.

>> No.17730050

Stop seeing the plebs as anything but hopeless cases. Those people should be farmers with families and strong religion. The demonic neoliberal state intentionally mixes people like you with them and uses them to dilute discourse and prevent the emergence of self-conscious elites (who would ultimately serve and protect the plebs, uniting them in shared values against the neoliberal state). This isn't a normal or perennial state of affairs. Forgive the plebs, rise above them gracefully, and take what residual access to real learning has accidentally survived in the universities in spite of this social engineering. Don't let it get you down. You're under attack by an enemy whose weapons are mongrelisation, mediocrity, distraction, and despair.

Learn linguistics in spite of, not because of, its current academic form of "we're all equal" rigourless happy happy fun time and hangout zone for the mentally retarded. That's just all of university now.

>> No.17730087

Humanities degrees are what idiots flee into in their escape from maths. Don't be surprised it's full of retards.

>> No.17730110

Take your meds

>> No.17730118

>thinking the lowest common denominator is a good thing

>> No.17730251
File: 179 KB, 436x456, 1611386834135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will
>two words
>subconsiously separating the self from the will
Anglos finna stay cucked, bruh.

>> No.17730263
File: 17 KB, 473x357, 1557467204489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17730264

He isn't wrong

>> No.17730297

>a contraction
>symbolizing the Anglo*ds frustration at his inability to fully merge the self and his desires.
My point stands.

>> No.17730300

it is fundamentally true but practically cringe

>> No.17730317

based and screencapped

>> No.17730320


>> No.17730324

He did. Your point?

>> No.17730358

What's the better alternative to "I will?"

>> No.17730379

How is it fundamentally true? People take it as an inviolable fact that linguistic prescriptivism is wrong and I never understand why. Clearly some languages are superior to others. If a language has greater expressive capability, it is superior to a simpler language. Also some languages just sound better than others. This type of niggerspeak is bad because it dumbs down the language and adds nothing of nuance.

>> No.17730405

This thread really brought out the contrarian trannies, the same fags who trip over themselves to correct people for being linguistic prescriptivists so they can show off that they have the hot inside scoop, that the EXPERTS! are all descriptivists. "Actually, uh, language flows and all language is equally valid??"

Fucking retard midwits who think that because joe sixpack is a reflexive prescriptivist, because he's disgusted by decay and disorder, that ivory tower descriptivism must be correct. Simply because it's above joe sixpack, because it's what all those ivory tower experts believe. You know, those cool, hip, trendy experts who have also turned musicology and ethnomusicology into degenerate apologetics for capitalism and the culture industry, the ones who chide you that blacks rapping about murdering eachother is just "authentic street knowledge" (as they tweet from their dad's second beach house - at least one of the faggots reading this and getting mad at it right now literally has parents with a beach house).

The way the managerial class makes itself feel better about its status as a parasite and a cancer on society, the way the professionally tweeting beach house class soothes its guilt over owning all the wealth and dominating the ivory tower, is by glorifying the laxity and degeneracy they themselves cause in the lower classes by impoverishing them. There is now a neverending supply of rich effeminate faggots to tell you that it's GOOD that black people no longer have a future tense morphologically distinct from the present tense, it's GOOD that everyone's a mindless consumer who sucks down pop culture slop because his brain has never been cultivated beyond the minimum necessary for serving food to rich people, it's GOOD that the lower classes are addicted to smoking weed and other spirit-sapping substances and activities!

Laxity is good! Disorder is good! Everyone's just FREELY EXPRESSING themselves, man! I'm freely expressing myself when I go to my dad's beach house during summers while attending Rice and getting a B+ average, and you're freely expressing yourself when you serve me food and speak in the degenerate pidgin creole you call a language because all you've ever been exposed to is culture industry prolefeed and slavery working conditions at a company my dad owns shares in! BECAUSE WE'RE BOTH JUST DOING WHAT WE WANT, THAT MEANS WE'RE DOING THE SAME THING!

It's called a lumpenproletariat you fucking faggots. If you actually read the Marx you pretend to read to justify the leftism you claim to adhere to, you would know this. I hope your negro slaves escape from the new plantations you've created for them (these ones are okay, they have weed, and special negro music playing at all times for the special negro character, the negro is more "loose" and "with it," you see) and stomp your fucking tranny heads in.

Virtual signalling slumming upper class FAGGOTS.

>> No.17730418


I get it OP. It's pretty fucking shit, I don't even live in america and people here say shit like y'all, folks and that do be the way it is etc etc niggerphonics is just awful and makes people sound so dumb.

>> No.17730435

I live in a run-down apartment with two other guys you communist freak. Keep pulling shit out of your ass, midwit.

>> No.17730452

Great, if you're one of the lumpenprole pets who has been taught to justify his own mass character and mediocrity, and not one of the owner class, you actually have a chance to escape it because your soul hasn't been crushed like theirs has from years of justifying being a slave owner and attending minstrel shows performed by your own slaves.

The more you do, the more you will want to extirpate the people who did this to you and your family. Unlikely that you will do anything but hopefully this plants the seed that other ways of thinking and living are possible. You know, that thing university is supposed to do, but doesn't do anymore because it's a feel-good orgyporgy for rich faggots.

>> No.17730453


>> No.17730463
File: 73 KB, 1140x641, 827e174e8ba25e9a16a016c52230420774c01d3a804eca70bff341fc760a0e74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all folks are just angry you have to vomit up as many fancy words as you can in order to get a point across. *spit* Round these parts a man says what he means. Simple as. No need to pussy foot around by soundin' like a pseud.

>> No.17730597
File: 46 KB, 500x500, artworks-000075877369-c3ow6o-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, I never claimed to care about the poors. People creating short meme words with high emotional impact is a good thing.

>> No.17730605


>> No.17730641
File: 62 KB, 570x537, ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread really brought out the contrarian trannies, the same fags who trip over themselves to correct people for being linguistic prescriptivists so they can show off that they have the hot inside scoop, that the EXPERTS! are all descriptivists. "Actually, uh, language flows and all language is equally valid??"
>Fucking retard midwits who think that because joe sixpack is a reflexive prescriptivist, because he's disgusted by decay and disorder, that ivory tower descriptivism must be correct. Simply because it's above joe sixpack, because it's what all those ivory tower experts believe. You know, those cool, hip, trendy experts who have also turned musicology and ethnomusicology into degenerate apologetics for capitalism and the culture industry, the ones who chide you that blacks rapping about murdering eachother is just "authentic street knowledge" (as they tweet from their dad's second beach house - at least one of the faggots reading this and getting mad at it right now literally has parents with a beach house).
>The way the managerial class makes itself feel better about its status as a parasite and a cancer on society, the way the professionally tweeting beach house class soothes its guilt over owning all the wealth and dominating the ivory tower, is by glorifying the laxity and degeneracy they themselves cause in the lower classes by impoverishing them. There is now a neverending supply of rich effeminate faggots to tell you that it's GOOD that black people no longer have a future tense morphologically distinct from the present tense, it's GOOD that everyone's a mindless consumer who sucks down pop culture slop because his brain has never been cultivated beyond the minimum necessary for serving food to rich people, it's GOOD that the lower classes are addicted to smoking weed and other spirit-sapping substances and activities!
>Laxity is good! Disorder is good! Everyone's just FREELY EXPRESSING themselves, man! I'm freely expressing myself when I go to my dad's beach house during summers while attending Rice and getting a B+ average, and you're freely expressing yourself when you serve me food and speak in the degenerate pidgin creole you call a language because all you've ever been exposed to is culture industry prolefeed and slavery working conditions at a company my dad owns shares in! BECAUSE WE'RE BOTH JUST DOING WHAT WE WANT, THAT MEANS WE'RE DOING THE SAME THING!
>It's called a lumpenproletariat you fucking faggots. If you actually read the Marx you pretend to read to justify the leftism you claim to adhere to, you would know this. I hope your negro slaves escape from the new plantations you've created for them (these ones are okay, they have weed, and special negro music playing at all times for the special negro character, the negro is more "loose" and "with it," you see) and stomp your fucking tranny heads in.
>>>17729553 #
>>>17729616 #
>>>17729671 #
>>>17729684 #
>>>17729703 #
>>>17729807 #
>Virtual signalling slumming upp

>> No.17730696

>"finna, bruh, senpai, desu, lmao, big brain, facts, straight up"
This is the sort of dialectical variation linguists delight in hearing.

You are a retard. The expressive capacity of a language has nothing to do with the number of words it has.

>> No.17730723
File: 331 KB, 510x660, 1612616967486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few years ago I would have been compelled to tell you to use a better language but thankfully a new word has been developed recently. Finna.

>> No.17730743

Not only does it merge the self and the will, but it also incorporates a finnatude. A sense of certainty that the self's will shall be carried out because at long last the self and the will are united.

>> No.17730760

Have sex

>> No.17730762

Finna is slang for "fixing to."

>> No.17730777

OP is right on the running academic spirit to bullshit the origins/justification of ebonics, but OP is also an autistic sperg who can’t connect connect with his peers. them speaking that way is a stronger indicator that they’re socially competent than clueless on linguistics.

>> No.17730805

>"finna, bruh, senpai, desu, lmao, big brain, facts, straight up"
>faggots, niggers
Pick your poison

>> No.17730812

Sir, its illegal to be this based

>> No.17730814

>You are a retard. The expressive capacity of a language has nothing to do with the number of words it has.
I have no idea where you even got that strawman.

>> No.17730833

>Finna pick up some Air Jordans
Implies the self, the will and reality are singular. The only noncucked way to speak English.

>> No.17730835

when did he even say that
>reading comprehension check

>> No.17730842


>> No.17730851
File: 54 KB, 708x708, 1615234133292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they say "finna" because F and I are next to G and O on the keyboard?

>> No.17730866

It's clear that there's much more to language than linguistic validity.
It's impossible to use language without having some sort of normative attitude towards it. So called descriptivists are just prescribing the social forces that are influencing linguistic change in the present. It's an impossible position.

>> No.17730870

Sounds like another way to say "bout to pick up some air jordans." You're just cutting words off the sentence to make it quicker to say or read

>> No.17730873

Imagine a 100% white country. Imagine all the niggers deported back to Africa. Or better yet, collectively hanged, freeing the world from their inferior monkey genes.

>> No.17730889

Reread your first post then.

>> No.17730892

>linguistics major
>Has pool mixing AAVE and Estuary English/Japanese
>Does not see the billions in consulting fees he could make from any number of large data sifters for that profile
Your rage is unproductive.

>> No.17730923

>when did he even say that
The fact you don't know says more about your reading comprehension than mine.

>> No.17730990

i don’t think “simpler language” necessarily connotes one with fewer words, if that’s what you’re referring to

>> No.17731263


>> No.17731300

going to -> gonna -> finna
it's like kek -> jej, instead of g and o the letters left of them on the keyboard are used

>> No.17731375

yeah if words that everybody in the mainstream uses on a day to day informal basis have you seething this fucking hard maybe you'd be better off after an hero

>> No.17731391

>it's another "amerimutt makes off-topic thread to complain about niggers" episode
Someone please fucking nuke this useless country already. This is just unacceptable.

>> No.17731443


>> No.17731456

you're a retard

>> No.17731480

just because I'm a descriptivist doesn't mean I'm a leftist or a Marxist, anon

>> No.17731487

itt negrified liberal whites who talk like niggers who now feel extremely insecure that OP has called them out for what they are
niglish will NEVER be proper english, get over it you dumb fuck spiritual niggers

>> No.17731511

Take your happy pills.

>> No.17731535


>> No.17731541
File: 311 KB, 1114x1326, 77FC8893-1D7D-4428-9D98-86F0EC98276F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should be filtered by 101, keep at it fren


Based. Xe will never be real men, or women.

>> No.17731550


>> No.17731586


>> No.17731604

I don't speak AAVE. I just don't think it's degraded or inferior. Go back to pol you fascist cretin.

>> No.17731614

have fun never adjusting to normal civilized society over fucking linguistics. maybe you should straight-up get some bitches.

>inb4 your entirely unwarranted pseud superiority complexes flare up and make you post frogs at me.

>> No.17731686

That's based.

>> No.17731818
