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/lit/ - Literature

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17728798 No.17728798[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I don't read female authors

>> No.17728805

tell me about incels. why won't they go somewhere else? you'll literally never understand literature without experiencing romance

>> No.17728812
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>I don't read female authors

>> No.17728817

>why won't they go somewhere else?
A lot of them do, they have their own sites, but are you seriously asking why they post on 4chan lol, le ebin nazi pedo cesspool

>> No.17728821

lmao it's 2021 get with the times grandpa

>> No.17728823

no but why /lit/? they dont care about reading. why not /r9k/ which is basically an incel board where they can write whatever they want

>> No.17728828

Incels are okay. I prefer incels to people like you who complain endlessly about "muh incel boogeyman" Incels are more interesting than you faggots, such as they are.

>> No.17728835
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>I don't read female authors

>> No.17728836

incels literally complain about a boogeyman that comprises half the global population and does it constantly. they bitch more than any SJW movement ever did and they do it here, where it affects us

>> No.17728839

There is lots of incel tier stuff in literature, especially if we expand incel to mean anything sexist. And especially the literature that /lit/ focuses on, being mostly older, is full of sexism. So it's not really surprising

>> No.17728848
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>I don't read female authors

>> No.17728852

you'll literally never understand literature without understanding inceldom.

>> No.17728854

>Incels are more interesting
Yes the 9999999th "women bad" thread was just so interesting

>> No.17728856

I used to be (more of) a faggot, so from my experience /r9k/ is nothing but tranny spam, e-girl worship, mommy gf or gfd threads and blacked posters, every board could do better than to whine about an imaginary boogeyman as >>17728828 puts it, on /his/ there is legitimately more incessant bitching about /pol/ than any form of actual discussion on history, if I had to guess maybe 30% of posts contain some mention of /pol/ while maybe only around 2% of posts contain legitimate holocaust denial and whatnot

>> No.17728860
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>especially if we expand incel to mean anything sexist
Your tears are delicious.

>> No.17728862


>> No.17728866

Tears about what, I was just saying you can call Tolstoy an incel for the way he writes female characters like Natasha

>> No.17728878

Why do Americans look like this?

>> No.17728885
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Fuck trannies. Fuck homos. Fuck women. Simple as

>> No.17728886

they find out they were circumsized and they harbour resentment towards their parents, medicine, and the jews.

>> No.17728889


>> No.17728892

so these are the guys calling you tranny and soiboy over and over.

>> No.17728899

Yes, Incels with their incessant bitching about muh ebil womyn and not being able to get their dicks wet, are much funnier and more interesting than you people, unironically. Incels are funny as fuck. People tend to forget this.

>> No.17728901

They're only interesting if you're a virgin and a loser, sorry.
>inb4 being a virgin and a loser is good
Slave morality cope.

>> No.17728903

what the fuck is wrong with americans, why do they look like this

>> No.17728911

They don't, it's a compilation of people who all look a specific way. I'm sure we can find a bunch of revolting specimens from whatever country you're from

>> No.17728912
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>I could not care less about the circumstances of the author, which is only a vessel that brings the book to life

>> No.17728914

actual cringe.

>> No.17728917

No I mean as a uniquely modern social phenomenon and all the memetics surrounding it and the culture, that is genuinely interesting. Sorry you're just not very bright.

>> No.17728918
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>> No.17728923

>Yes the 9999999th "women bad" thread was just so interesting
I only read truths

>> No.17728922

wannabe normie loser

>> No.17728939

>I don’t read authors
Ftfy* this board is only worth browsing on the toilet. It’s the literature board, so I’ll read a book. No one else here does

>> No.17728942

holy fuck this shit only exists in your head retard. take some time away from the internet. go outside. see a shrink. you need one. also get the fuck off my board.

>> No.17728966
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>> No.17728999

>pol disinfograph
So who did he kill again? Bankers? Lobbyists maybe? A bunch of oath-keepers?

>> No.17729009

>lefties attacking bankers

>> No.17729021

top left of the circled ones is cute

>> No.17729024

i look like that and read female authors

>> No.17729030

where did you find this picture of me?

>> No.17729045

Post face

>> No.17729049

>Occupy Wall what? Never heard of it

>> No.17729065

Fav ones?

>> No.17729078

That was a different time

>> No.17729079

Let's sit in tents and shit on the ground...that'll teach bankers

>> No.17729088

...beat with a stick?

>> No.17729116

lmao now you retards suck banker cock so long as they pay lip service to gays/blacks/females

>> No.17729119
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>> No.17729126

Why do you autistics have the same hyper political argument every day? Isn't it clear that you're not changing anyone's mind? Save the few pathetic people that inspire these caricatures.
I've got enough going for me, I've got enough to back up my pride that you'll never get to me with this dumb shit

>> No.17729128

genius post

>> No.17729132

You have no actual experience with any of it. Watch some Adam Curtis or something

>> No.17729158

"Antifa fascist" ok now I know that's bullshit no one says that.

>> No.17729192
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Yeah I guess you could say that.

>> No.17729201
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>you'll literally never understand literature without experiencing romance
excuse moi?!

>> No.17729203
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imagine getting so triggered you need to make a separate post to make yourself feel better

>> No.17729229

Look more disinfo! He left a manifesto. There’s no confusion that he was an alt right chud

>> No.17729232

>He reads ribs

>> No.17729234

fact: chinlets are the most powerful race on earth

>> No.17729237

homer was a woman

>> No.17729239

How can you not be fascinated by the female perspective? I wish women wrote more.

>> No.17729258

>be ugly
>escape to the internet
>social medias take hold everywhere and kill it
>escape to IBs
>normies trying to ridicule your appearance even here
posting polface should be bannable offense

>> No.17729267

4chan is unironically not your safe space though. the freedom to call people niggers will be in danger the moment you try to ban calling people incels, and if we lose the nigger word we are lost

if you want an incel hugbox there are plenty of them elsewhere

>> No.17729277
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Don't want to upset the resident virgins, but this is unfortunately true. Only had one long-term relationship (3.5 years) myself but it was enough to go through all the stages, from the sweetest intimacy and love to hostility and cucking.

Been volcel for many years since, however the experience - including the trauma - is invaluable. There's no way a virgin could possibly understand social and sexual dynamics which are one of fundamental aspects of literature.

>> No.17729278

>How can you not be fascinated by the female perspective?
Quite easily.

>> No.17729285

>however the experience - including the trauma - is invaluable.
Cope. You have literal brain damage.

>> No.17729290
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>> No.17729292

Have sex

>> No.17729294
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>however the experience - including the trauma - is invaluable

>> No.17729298

Have a non damaged brain

>> No.17729302

Having sex doesn't make you a talented writer. Sorry.

>> No.17729303

>gets called a chud
>acts like it
wow you really showet (((them))) non, congrats

>> No.17729306
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For someone who hates them so much they sure live RENT FREE in your head
I don't read female authors either

>> No.17729326
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>write nothing but unpalatable self-indulgent junk with poor prose that doesn't sell for centuries
>build up massive stigma and get banished to the romance section for ages
>when you manage to squeeze out, rebuild the same resentment all over again by making the same exact junk
>make a shitty strawman thread on 4chan because that'll totally change things

>> No.17729325

He is happily married.

>> No.17729327


>> No.17729334

everyone was a teenager once chud, you are not special

>> No.17729343

t.liberal twitter
neck yourself

>> No.17729346

It's all so tiresome, why can't women see how retarded they're?

>> No.17729349
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True and checked. Still don't like reading women

>> No.17729352

he fucks chink pussy on the daily

>> No.17729353

>why can't women see how retarded they're?
probably because they're retarded

>> No.17729354

we’ve all been virgins, retard. Success comes after failure

>> No.17729357

Married to a chink. Having an Asian gf is an incel trait.
t. anon with a Vietnamese gf

>> No.17729363

This one struck a nerve

>> No.17729370

thousands upon thousands of worthless retards fuck everyday and are none the wiser for it. you aren't special for having put your dick in a warm hole. get over yourself.

>> No.17729378

>he thinks sex is just fucking
and like that you out yourself. Go outside

>> No.17729380

see my post

>> No.17729388

literally what did anon mean by this

>> No.17729390

Being married to anyone automatically disqualifies you from being an incel.

>> No.17729391

having sex, making love, fucking, call it whatever you want faggot. you aren't special for fulfilling a very fundamental human need. have as much sex as you want, it wont make you any less untalented and medicore.

>> No.17729394

>not being celibate is an incel trait
retard. He didn't get a thai mail order bride (mtf) or some shit

>> No.17729397

i have the polface. what do i do, let hair grow or shave it?

>> No.17729406

you are genuinely excited by this thread aren't you. Time to jerk off for the 6th time today and think about never feeling the touch of a person who loves you

>> No.17729414

lose facial fat and comb the hair to the side and up a bit

>> No.17729415

let it grow, get contact lenses

>> No.17729417

cope, seethe, and projection. that you put so much store in sex as some prerequisite to success just makes me think you're a compensating virgin yourself.

>> No.17729423

Pretty much. Incels are not human. Might be suitable for soulless philosophy but they will never comprehend beauty.

>> No.17729424

Houellebecq married an Asian (who are generally considered to have lower value than white women and back-up girlfriends for incelish white men who aren't able to find a white gf) way past her prime who probably only married him because she's an expert on his literary legacy. For all we know he might've been an incel prior to marrying her. Before you ask - no, fucking whores and escorts doesn't rid you of inceldom.

>> No.17729429

put in more buzzwords, you seem like you still have braincells my little polcel

>> No.17729433
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>i don't read

>> No.17729435

>you'll literally never understand literature without experiencing romance
Yeah, this is why literature made for women is trash.

>> No.17729437

It is quite simply the most fundamental of human experience, since without which the human species would be extinct. So not understand sex and romance is to not understand life itself. Do seriously think you’re getting the most out of those novels you read while being completely oblivious to this side of life?

>> No.17729440

have sex virgin

>> No.17729443

>who are generally considered to have lower value than white women
They're on the same tier pretty much, the asians might honestly have a slight edge. I'm not talking about my own preferences, I like white girls better, but their overall social status. This is just east asians though, Japs, Koreans, etc.

>> No.17729448

A woman only wants a vapid life of fads & to keep men competing for her, with the euphemism of being a princess seduced by princes, only to end up in bed where she wants to talk dirty, to be fucked raw while squirting everywhere, joyfully exclaiming ''omg this never happened to me before'', succumbing to a convulsive orgasm, the highlight of her life, the legendary vaginal holy grail heard about during the regular sex gossip at the spa with her girl friends giggling in unison.
For years she dreamed it was HER TURN, yet for years she put up with subpar self-glorifying sexual partners hooked up from work, hobbies & bars, conveniently avoiding thinking her sex-based existence. She's not ready to accept it & keeps in the back of her mind a vague fantasy of merging the vaginal duality of the princess at day and whore at night: the state of a glorified Liberated Lady, all the time, where her cognitive dissonance would've no beginning & no end. No more hysteria, no more schizophrenia, pure non-duality. Diana would be proud of her enlightenmen

At this stage, women prefer to let the men do the first step, let them think they're in control & the stronger sex, as a bonus she doesn't view herself as a total slag & gets the harassment card if the orbiters are too repulsive. Men love this, falling hook, line and sinker.

Willy-nilly, the little minx ends up pregnant, it's what happen after years of bending over. She debates for a few days whether to keep it, whether to tell whoever she thinks fertilized her these last few weeks.
She fancies playing the helicopter mom, feeling like protecting & providing for a tiny kid, taking it in her arms & feel the heartbeats; exactly what men dream of doing to women.
Women love their kids, remain faithful to them. Women never love men & aren't faithful to men. They don't even need to anyway. Women practice love like a banker performing a cost-benefit analysis.

Bored with the helicopter mom, plus the kids grew up, she longs for the golden years of her 20s when she was kind of a looker. Why not go for a tattoo or a makeover?
She's spreading them even wider, in secret or not, this time dropping the prudish act for she knows what she wants after all those experiences & with little effort on her side, she still gets various bulls eager to be at her doorsteps.
The menopause really kicks in & all her aging orbiters have only a semi hard-on from her when she's nude. She thinks about a breast lift, some bottox but she feels bittersweet as the end is near. She's open about the swinger sex. Her official provider accepts to be one of her numerous cuckolds & is happy to make her happy, to be here day after day for her & her kids.

Hardly any man looks, now that she's a young grandma, a bit jealous of her daughter relentlessly becoming what she was.
Grandma finally dies & everybody says she was a saint. The daughter hits the wall, the teen granddaughter bleeds and is active, it's her turn to embrace the cycle of the vaginal existence.

>> No.17729449

>that's why (unrelated thing)
you are supposed to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.17729456

kek my point was more that Houellebecq certainly has the knowledge of the sexual revolution and its consequences from the perspective of someone who was a loser in the game.

>> No.17729460

Ain’t reading that, have sex

>> No.17729475

Have a coherent though.

>> No.17729476
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>Ain’t reading that, have sex

>> No.17729478

literally nobody in this thread has ever had sex (except me, i fucked your mom)

>> No.17729483

sex is just fucking, but for some retards with inferiority complex it is also about self-esteem.

>> No.17729485

Incels experience romance, that's their whole problem.

>> No.17729487

Listen to yourself coomer. It's just sex for fuck sake, not some transcendental gateway to higher knowledge and understanding. Embarrassing

>> No.17729489

Have sex

>> No.17729493

this anon has never had sex. i've had sex though (with your mother)

>> No.17729498

This is quite simply a cope. Stick to non-fiction.

>> No.17729501

Having kids is a lot more important/meaningful than the sexual act itself

>> No.17729506

I am an incel and like to read.

>> No.17729512

Have sex and you'll realize it's not a cope, just reality.

>> No.17729513

This except it was 3 months and it was so insufferable it made me gay. Relationships (and women) are a meme

>> No.17729517

Even as a virgin I realize this is true.

>> No.17729522


>> No.17729527


>> No.17729536

rent free

>> No.17729545

This except I've rejected every girl that's tried with me. I tell myself it's because I don't like them and find them annoying, in truth it's because I don't feel worthy of being loved.

>> No.17729546

Why do sex-havers project so much? Literally, the age where sex is overflowing and we have no literature left. The only author sex-havers have is Houellebecq and he is mediocre at most.

>> No.17729582

>in truth it's because I don't feel worthy of being loved.
You might actually be gay too. Have you tried loving a man?

>> No.17729598

I'm not gay although I wish I was. I hate Women.

>> No.17729611

They probably just had sex and are enjoying the sweet ego boost you get for a little while.

>> No.17729614

Right in the feels, man

>> No.17729712

Used to do that before I fucked my brain with drugs, chronic sleep deprivation and interpersonal stress
I miss the person I was in the past.

>> No.17729717
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Hey you know unfuckables and lonely people live life andexperience the human condition too? or do they not matter? if so then that doesn't betray a particularly deep understanding of life that sex has apparently given you. fuck you you want to write a book about love and romance? write a book about being cursed with garbage genetics and never being truly accepted by anyone, cunt

>> No.17729775

This, I'm with you Anon. The arrogance of sex-havers is outrageous, just because they got lucky with looks and normal social development.

>> No.17729784

I want to give you a hug now anon :( no homo ofc

>> No.17729799

Gas all incels

>> No.17729803

We are all fucking ants you timid fuck

>> No.17729806

start with yourself faggot

>> No.17729813

See, I’ve experienced both. You’ve only experienced one.

>> No.17729817

and you are none the wiser for it

>> No.17729832

Incels are actually very romantic. Maybe even more so than normal people. It’s one of their road blocks

>> No.17729833

I'm curious, is there any author who could be qualified as "incel"?
>inb4 Elliot Rogers

>> No.17729834

suck my dick. write a good book about it or shut the fuck up. i spit on you and your "life experience" faggot. eat my shit

>> No.17729837

>why won't they go somewhere else?

they did, they came here, youre in their space.

>> No.17729848

There are many paths to God and beauty, not just a woman.
If you can't have sex redirect your loosh somewhere else.

>> No.17729875

No, schizoid personality disorder centered around envy and lust is not romantic

>> No.17729891

Most men who read only men are pretty happy with what they read
Women read more of the opposite sex but they complain about what they read pretty damn near constantly

>> No.17729904

They're not romantic, failed romantics just mope around sadly. Incels are typified by a combination of narcissism and autism, which reached hilarious levels of pathology in their symbolic leader Elliot Rodgers.

>> No.17729935
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>I can't read or write. I am an ape and lack any sentient thought. I am happier than you could ever be. This conversation, Ernest Khalimovic, is entirely in your head.

>> No.17729948

I don't mind the odd female writer; one who manages to create something vigorous and entertaining, and occasionally looks beyond the usual feminine concerns. I can't say that I read a great deal of female authors, however. While it's understandable that a woman would look to her own similar perspectives more often, I can only imagine that a man who goes out of his way to read female authors would look a far sorrier sight than the registered Democrat with glasses.

>> No.17729980


>> No.17730022
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>I only read female authors

>> No.17730097

Romantic like Ted Bundy

>> No.17730145

He left a manifesto retard