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17721479 No.17721479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for clicking on the b8 image. I'm a classical marxist and would like to find more about the arguments that right-wingers often make about ethnic replacements.
Which books are good on this? And which books make actual salient arguments against it? So far the best I've heard was "bro they have their own culture too" which would mean they are okay if the migrants adopted their host culture, but this is not the case as racism is still prevalent against Muslims that speak our language and celebrate New Year.

>> No.17721511

-You can look into the limited communal unity possible in ethnically heterogenous society.
-You can look at how mass immigration doesn't help anyone except global corporations because it makes the labour pool and consumer pool effectively infinite without any standardized labour laws or regional protections for manufacturing. Therefore, we have more crap, more cheaply made, are charged more for it, and are paid less to produce and ship it.
-You can look at how the societies from which people usually have to flee are often undesirable for several fundamental reasons...unless there are strict integration rules and limitations on the flow of immigration, integration is impossible and the desirable societies become more like the third-world hell holes the people have fled from.
-lack of integration obvious leads to the erosion of unique cultures. it's already demonstrable in countries like the US, UK, and France. In the west, we're all going to be a monoethnicity with a monoculture in 2-3 generations.

>> No.17721521

Most of the books about this are pretty bad but here are a couple I read

The Strange Death of Europe (Douglas Murray)

Pat Buchanan has like 3 books about this
>, The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization
> State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America.
>Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025

You don't need a book about this really, several graphs plotting ethnic percentages and crime rates are basically the whole story.

>> No.17721523

>-You can look at how mass immigration doesn't help anyone except global corporations because it makes the labour pool and consumer pool effectively infinite without any standardized labour laws or regional protections for manufacturing. Therefore, we have more crap, more cheaply made, are charged more for it, and are paid less to produce and ship it.
Mass migration helps those who migrate too. If your country is bombed then what options do you have as a family head?

>> No.17721537

I imagine some history books on Yugoslav Wars would make a good read on modern take on the subject, but good luck finding them in English.

>> No.17721544

>-You can look into the limited communal unity possible in ethnically heterogenous society.

>> No.17721550
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>> No.17721556

muhh replacemeeeeent

>> No.17721560

just visit the uk the muslims all have their own districts and live amongst themselves

>> No.17721570

yes that's was happening as you can see

>> No.17721573


Islam is a religion and a culture foremost. If your statement were true then Muslims of all ethnicities would be mixed within their own enclaves: false.

>> No.17721580

most muslims come from 2 countries - Pakistan and bangladesh

>> No.17721583

>60% white british
>70% total white(which includes like Poles who don't really assimilate)
I'd call that replacement yeah

>> No.17721587

>racism against muslims

>> No.17721596

What's the argument against it? If the immigrants adopt the host culture then what does it matter? Non-meme replies only please.

>> No.17721612

Also immigrants came for a better future and now they should leave? Lmao, most of the 1st and 2nd genners worked their asses off doing jobs no one else wanted to do.

>> No.17721613

they dont adopt the host culture
non eu migrants are an economic drain (billions)
causes tensions
don't like em simple as

>> No.17721615

But they don't, that's the problem.
Good post

>> No.17721621

>non eu migrants are an economic drain (billions)
Source? A lot of them are being integrated and will work as others.

Yeah because rightoid media keeps yammering about le evil muslim conspiracy ebin xD

>> No.17721622

>second generation

>> No.17721633

>Also immigrants came for a better future and now they should leave?
People have always migrated throughout history, that goes two ways
> Lmao, most of the 1st and 2nd genners worked their asses off doing jobs no one else wanted to do.
Retarded take, the locals were never asked and big corporations just wanted cheap labor. Why should regular natives have to suffer for the wrongful actions by their governments?

>> No.17721638

yes its the terrorism is a rightoid conspiracy sure


oxford so its probably reliable

>> No.17721644

Fight for it. The reason it's getting bombed is to displace these people.

Of course most of these migrants are only fleeing poverty. Without their families.

>> No.17721647

worship of money over everything else

>> No.17721648

>Yeah because rightoid media keeps yammering about le evil muslim conspiracy ebin xD
Fuck off retard, you're either very naive or very disingenuous. There has been a massive rise in terrorism and crime related to these invaders.

>> No.17721674

>What's the argument against it?
Are you asking us for arguments that replacement isn't happening?
>If the immigrants adopt the host culture then what does it matter?
Most aren't, and the more that are given residency the easier it is for them to not assimilate since it'll be easier for them to stay with their own.
I in next to a no-go zone in Sweden
There are mostly Iranians and Eritreans here. A few km away in a other area there are almost only Somalians.
People naturally try to keep to their own and try to maintain their own culture.

People here are poor and a substantial subset don't speak Swedish, so stand no chance of getting a decent job and as a side effect criminality is high.
Swedes, rightfully, refuse to have their children educated in the schools here because they are obviously shit.
It's just a shame people think it's ok to vote for the current situation and then move away when the consequences become apparent.

>> No.17721700

>Source? A lot of them are being integrated and will work as others.
No source because you can look up the stats yourself but from work experience I can tell you most people mooching off of social benefit and doing their best to evade having to work are immigrants. The only ones that integrate and work are the higher educated ones, but those are a tiny minority and cause a brain drain in their own countries.

>> No.17721722

>Lmao, most of the 1st and 2nd genners worked their asses off doing jobs no one else wanted to do.
That's objectively false.
Almost none of the Syrian refugees are working and it's soon been a long time decade.

Here is a pro immigration source. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/germany-half-of-refugees-find-jobs-within-five-years/a-52251414

The numbers include people who the government pay companies to accept, or government programs to pick up trash or whatever and government training programs as working.

>> No.17721738

>invite people en masse
>don't integrate them, let them form enclaves

>Almost none of the Syrian refugees are working and it's soon been a long time decade.
Why don't they integrate them better then?

>> No.17721741

diversity is our strength ;)

>> No.17721752

>I can tell you most people mooching off of social benefit
the ones in their own worlds yes as stated here >>17721738

>Are you asking us for arguments that replacement isn't happening?
Again, I don't care which colour the citizens of my country have because I'm not a remedial. If they uphold our cultural values it's fine.

>> No.17721753

Mine is under 4in circumcised and so sensitive that anyone touching it brings tears of pleasure to my eyes. What does this mean? Am I gay?

>> No.17721754

They can't even integrate their own native underclass, why the fuck would they be able to integrate people who speak a different language, are a different race, and have a different culture.

>> No.17721755

why should they integrate and lose their culture religion customs extended family traditions to become another corporate rootless megapolitan slave

>> No.17721757

this blog has tons of posts on the subject, here is one such post: http://thosewhocansee.blogspot.com/2019/11/islam-why-we-culturally-profile-it.html

For me, it was realizing that the same groups succeed no matter what. You'll notice that Europeans and East Asians have nice countries generally, and that they will usually be the most successful groups in any country. For example, East Asians outperform white children in school in Europe, Latin America, North America, Australasia… etc, while white children tend to outperform MENA people, Africans, mestizos, etc. Again these are averages, and selective immigration changes things. You might notice that Indians/South Asians tend to do well in the Anglosphere, sometimes out-earning East Asians. I don't think this contradicts my position since a) there's a ton of immigration selection going on and b) India is very heterogeneous w/r/t caste/religion.

I don't think there are any books on the subjects I talk about, maybe Sowell's Conquests and Cultures, and the D. Murray book others mentioned.

>> No.17721763

>People naturally try to keep to their own and try to maintain their own culture.
[citation needed]

>> No.17721766

Integration is not something you can force on people, genius. They have to be willing to do that but most people (except liberal whites) aren't too keen on giving up their own culture. Why would they take on the culture of their oppressors who caused them to have to leave their own countries in the first place?

>> No.17721780

>the ones in their own worlds yes as stated here
Which is the overwhelming majority
>[citation needed]
Read a fucking history book

>> No.17721784

>Why don't they integrate them better then?
Because they don't want to. They are here to get as much money for as little effort as possible.
Both smuggler and NGOs tell them how fantastic the west is and how everything is free and they get paid a lot of money for no reason.
The NGOs are brainwashing the immigrants before they even decide to go to Europe.

>> No.17721788

Are you seriously implying Germany isn't trying to integrate the people they invited in?

The excuses people make. It's never the fault of the persons let in, but some exterior thing.

>Why don't they integrate them better then?

What, exactly, would you suggest Germany do that they are currently not doing? And that is assuming they've not done what you will suggest.

It could very well be the case that many people would rather live off the welfare system than contribute to the system. I know for some people this reality is an alien thought.

>> No.17721794


>Integration is not something you can force on people, genius.
Integration models have varying success, if you incentivize newcomers to blend in with the locals and accommodate them rather than letting them to their own devices, then they will naturally feel more hostcountryan. We see the opposite in countries like Sweden where people are left alone and not given reasons to adapt to the local culture: a disaster, of course.

>> No.17721800

Its a threat to the future of Europeans?

>> No.17721810

>Read a fucking history book
nice deflection, just give me an argument instead

>> No.17721811

Do you have an example of successful integration of Syrians anywhere in Europe?

>> No.17721814

Are you going to address it or what? You're pathetic.

>> No.17721823

What's so special about the European gene pool that it may not change?

>> No.17721830

You can't be serious.
Don't you have the slightest grasp of human psychology? If you at least try to learn a few basic concepts about how humans work before trying to impose your delusional views of society.


>> No.17721834

The argument is in any history book about interacting cultures, you dense fucker. Did you forget the entire 20th century?

>> No.17721849

fuck off

>> No.17721854


In a society where media and politicians promote group differences and alienation that's quite normal.

>> No.17721855

So Native Americans disappearing is fine by you too? Or Tibetans, Uyghurs, you name them. What's so special about their gene pools that they shouldn't be changed/replaced?
But actually Europeans have very rare phenotypic features not found (or not nearly as often) in most other gene pools, such as blue eyes and red hair. If you care about diversity, you should want it to stay that way.

>> No.17721857

stop worrying about how sensitive my cock is, euros.

>> No.17721868

It's normal in almost every (minority) group throughout history, genius

>> No.17721869

Its special to me because its my own.

>> No.17721878

How is that not replacement? White British made up 99% of the population 100 years ago and now they are only slightly over 60% of the births. How many people in Britain will be British 100 years from now?

>> No.17721885

No, in group favoritism is a basic human trait and is shared with all mammals.

You need to read up on evolutionary theory. In group favoritism is vital and has been for many millions of years and won't go away no matter what propaganda I society spouts or no matter what philosophy you follow.
People who ignore in group favoritism ironically give benefit to genes promotion in group favoritism and will make future generations in group favoritism stronger while their own die out.

>> No.17721889


>> No.17721896

By blood? that's it?

>> No.17721901

It's funny how fast they went from "you're not being replaced" to "but why is replacement bad", this has to be bait

>> No.17721908

then it goes to "heres why you deserve it"

>> No.17721914


>> No.17721922
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>Doesn't believe in atavism

>> No.17721928

I never said that there wasn't an ethnographic change the West is experiencing.

>> No.17721929

every time. They do it instinctively too, like they've just been fed all 3 narratives separately, so they reflexively deploy them against specific claims without ever integrating the three and noticing the pattern behind them.

>> No.17721937

it all so tiresome

>> No.17721939

>placates the memiest philosopher in order to make his case

>> No.17721945

Who is them?

>> No.17721951

look at the image before replying to it

>> No.17721955

The reason you can trust people closer to go genetically is because they gain genetic benefit from helping you, the closer relatedness the more benefit.
This is why only ethno states can be high trust societies and it's why blood matters.
It's also why people don't trust each other In diverse societies.


>> No.17721967


>> No.17721970

You, and the other drones like you. You didn't do the programming but you're acting out the program.

>> No.17721971

The narratives

>> No.17721974
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>He has yet to understand the Platonic theory of recollection combined with the harmonic importance of the thumos is actually an attempt to awaken the heroic (as in ancestral) potentialities within our blood.
heh, sorry bro.

>> No.17721978


>> No.17721996

>meme answer

>This is why only ethno states can be high trust societies and it's why blood matters.
How is that a logical followup though? Is there anything that indicates that people act according to >you can trust people closer to go genetically is because they gain genetic benefit from helping you

>> No.17722008

>The west spends decades bombing the Middle East and killing Muslims for profit in needless wars
>Extremist terrorists come from this bombing and killing of families
Who could have foreseen

>> No.17722019

According to their rhetoric then Muslims from Syria should always have been bloodthirsty even though it was a relatively commonly frequented holiday resort before 2011.

>> No.17722036

do you think we had a say in that

>> No.17722045

The natives never asked for the bombings. But at least you're admitting they're not integrating and have no intention to and it's ridiculous to keep them here.

>> No.17722046

>trying to logically deduce something instinctual
This has to be Jew

>> No.17722049

The elites bomb other countries and the people pay the price.

>> No.17722051

Lol yet again we go from 'it's not happening' to 'of course it's happening'
like 5 fucking posts after the dynamic was described

>> No.17722059

>Rome as ethnicnically homogeneous society: ever-growing and unstoppable
>Rome as ethnically heterogeneous society: degenerate and overtaken by a forein religion and sacked by barbarians

>> No.17722064

Diverse societies can't be high trust, non-diverse societies can.
This does not mean all non-diverse societies are high-trust. It is perfectly logical but there are many more factors that contribute to high trust, ethno states enable altruistic behavior to propagate and thrive.

You can't have a green economy with coal power, this does not mean your economy is green if you remove coal power.

>> No.17722065

I asked for substantiation and now it's "ur a Jew", great fucking work, the homies at pol must be hollering at you.

>> No.17722079

Why did you omit the impact of culture, dynamics between citizens and non-citizens and the constant warring?

>> No.17722111

You are either very stupid, completely delusional or intentionally subversive.
I'd wager you're subversive and you fit the description of a subversive jew as described in the culture of critique.
What's sad is that you're likely not aware of your behavior, but it's plain for all others to see

>> No.17722122

My dad is Anglican and I'm practically white so I don't see what the entire ordeal here is if you care about this type of thing?

>> No.17722127

Where do you think those issues stem from? Oh yes of course, of ethnic clashes.
Stems from the fact that they're from a distinct ethnicity with different cultures. This was very normal until the last few centuries.
>dynamics between citizens and non-citizens
Most non-citizens were of course, people from other ethnicities, until they too were granted citizenship in the time when the empire was disintegrating.
>constant warring
Who do you think they were warring with? Ah yes, peoples from other ethnicities and cultures of course.

>> No.17722132

Was the Balkan conflict from the 90s ethnic? They were the same by blood, basically, but the religions made it so that they warred. Not ethnicity.

>> No.17722134


>> No.17722135

You don't have to be a jew to behave like one, you're just very well integrated into jewishn behaviour, anon

>> No.17722141

Jesus you are the great Satan himself

>> No.17722142

Why don't you respond to what I said first before changing the subject?

>> No.17722145

they don't

>> No.17722152

So you're the son of a missionary and some tribal woman? Just stay where you are and live like a king don't come over here.

>> No.17722165

And if they do it's fine?

>> No.17722172

No, but now it's even worse

>> No.17722177

Why isn't it fine?

>> No.17722186

There's plenty of arguments throughout this thread

>> No.17722188

Read the rest of the thread.
Many arguments have been given and many of them backed up with papers from elite universities like Harvard and Yale.

>> No.17722227

Only to a small extent but it was mostly religious. That's why muslims for example are some of the worst immigrants, they're both ethnically and religiously distinct from the nation they inhabit.

>> No.17722243

>yeah just fight the barely visible aerial drones with your cheap soviet kalashnikov bruh

>> No.17722258

>muh invaders
>muh homeland
>muh whites
you sound like a genuine retard. Quit the medival knight larp faggot

>> No.17722267

he literally only said 1 of those words how can you be so brainwashed

>> No.17722285

I'm not sure if you are genuinely asking questions or being a sophist faggot. I live in Ireland which is 98% white yet my shithole town is 50% black, ask me anything I can divulge the delights of Nigerian multiculturalism.

>> No.17722294

Of course it’s happening, but I’m also not retarded in thinking it’s every person of Asian descent committing terrorists acts. I’m know a few and they’re good people with similar interests, and also some amazing food. It’s very easy to dehumanise and discard a whole culture of people, but it’s harder to have nuance and make rational decisions based in the material world and not just muh numbers and muh statistics.

>> No.17722303

Why so triggered, faggot? Do you say the same about any ethnic group or just whites?

>> No.17722304

you will never breed

>> No.17722316

just whites ;)

>> No.17722321

Of course not all, but you can't deny the horror of the paki grooming gangs for example, it creates ethnic tensions where there weren't any before.

>> No.17722323

Are you kidding? British national pride is effectively dead. Only boomers in America are proud to wave the flag. Large parts of London and Paris are unsafe for whites. Rape and knife crime has risen in western European nations and the statistics reflect that the increases are directly caused by non-native Europeans.
Refugees escaping warzones is not the same as mass migration into western Europe. By definition, if you're a refugee you are seeking the nearest safe place. Economic migration is what is being discussed.

>> No.17722324

I am married thank God, cope harder

>> No.17722327

no you're not ;)

>> No.17722331
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>> No.17722335

Be sure to have lots of Irish babies, anon. Ar dheis ar aghaidh!

>> No.17722339
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>> No.17722358

>it creates ethic tensions where there weren’t any before
Almost solely down to the reporting by the rag newspapers if you mean the UK. They made the word “grooming gangs” synonymous with Asian men, yet most grooming gangs are headed by white people. Hell, just look at the amount of pedophiles in Tommy Robinson’s Britain first and the UK is essentially ran by paedophiles. It’s just pushing the availability heuristic

>> No.17722360

>but it’s harder to have nuance and make rational decisions based in the material world and not just muh numbers and muh statistics.
What are you even trying to communicate here, you want to use anecdotes instead of statistics?

>> No.17722363
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ITT: a crash course in pilpul

>> No.17722365

>yet most grooming gangs are headed by white people

>> No.17722374

>Almost solely down to the reporting by the rag newspapers if you mean the UK.
Grooming gans yes, but the ethnic tensions are there in any western European nation.
>They made the word “grooming gangs” synonymous with Asian men, yet most grooming gangs are headed by white people.
Fuck off, it was paki muslims who targeted white girls, they were headed by pakis not white men, but white politicians helped them cover it up from the mainstream.
>ell, just look at the amount of pedophiles in Tommy Robinson’s Britain first and the UK is essentially ran by paedophiles. It’s just pushing the availability heuristic
Fuck off, disingenuous shill. Go waste your time somewhere else.

>> No.17722379

V is for victory

>> No.17722385

Im saying to not base your whole worldview on statistics which can be easily manipulated to support a myriad of different arguments if you don’t look at a) how the data was collected b) what is the data looking to show and c) how this data can be understood within a social framework

>> No.17722392

What is pilpul?

>> No.17722393

If you fancy actually learning something about the topic instead of riding on pure emotion

>> No.17722404

>a) how the data was collected b) what is the data looking to show and c) how this data can be understood within a social framework
All of this is open to manipulation as well, any information about society is. Do you think the statistics about crime rate disparities between ethnicities are untrue?

>> No.17722410
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wonder what his agenda is

>> No.17722429

>Endless quibbling and argumentation as a tactic to confuse and tire out opposition in political debate. Typically employed by liberal bugmen posing the question "What is a White person" and then continuing to focus on outliers and border examples unrepresentative of a well defined core definition.

>> No.17722439

I'm sorry, I'm not interested, I've dug deeper into this subject than just a retarded deboonk youtube video. You're seething so hard.

>> No.17722456
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Why would I be seething? I bet you’ve just looked at “your sides” sources and that’s good enough. No nuance for this guy brown man bad

>> No.17722478
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>he’s not on my “side” so I won’t listen to anything he has to say
What a retard cunt you are

>> No.17722481

Because you're just as biased as you accuse us of being, and refuse to engage with arguments you can't refute. You left half of the arguments in this thread unadressed from your side but instead kept sperging out about fringe cases and exceptions.

>> No.17722506

thats not what im saying but if I told you to watch ben shapiro or something to find out the "truth" you would obviously dismiss it. the guy clearly has a political agenda to push I don't trust what he has to say just like you would trust fox news or whatever

>> No.17722513
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if you can pull off making 90% of population slaves, good on you. lord help me i will slaughter you and your kind if it is within my power. i bet you eat cockroaches, marxist.

>> No.17722527

As garbage as the british are, nonwhite genetics are still worse. The exceptions to this rule are not the people immigrating.

>> No.17722530

Truly a Jewish art