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File: 86 KB, 634x594, p4f8ji9juus41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17719811 No.17719811 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like there are a few strands of authoritarian ecologist thought, the differences of which go largely undiscussed, buried under layers of memes, rhetoric, and irony.
For example Ted K is singularly interested in the impact of technics on his own negative conceptions of human freedom. Linkola may share some of these views but he is primarily interested in the long term survival of a diversity of non-human life as an end-goal, and endorses scientific approaches to population management including sterilization, abortion, eugenics, etc. Savitri Devi has some common points with Linkola but does not seem to understand or care very much about technology, instead veering into a reactionary elitism that is more or less a call for a return to caste systems, where non-human life is privileged above the lower castes.
Additionally, Linkola and Devi have the complete opposite positions on domestic cats, which I find poetically indicative of where they are coming from.
I also recall eco-anarchist movements from the 80s-90s being quite a thing in the news although that seems to have completely died out as anarchists become urbanized. Early 20c progressivism a la Madison Grant, Maggie Sanger, and TR as its milquetoast mainstream representative had an ecologist bent, but this seems to have been warped into Green Party liberalism these days.
So what is going on with this? Is there anything of substance behind the memes or is ecology better left to apolitical actors?

>> No.17719823

Non-human > kuffar

>> No.17719864
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Unfathombly based

>> No.17719895

if you post ghost face mask pepe I immediately assume youre an underage larper

>> No.17719922
File: 601 KB, 1200x863, 1605254214750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but it does kind of reflect the point he is trying to make, alot of radicial ecological movements are very hollow and dont have much of a goal beyond thier narrow field, and even there, there are massive disagreements between

>> No.17719927


>> No.17721286
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How does one come to the conclusion that non-human life is more important than human?

>> No.17721771
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>Additionally, Linkola and Devi have the complete opposite positions on domestic cats, which I find poetically indicative of where they are coming from
What exactly are their respective positions on domestic cats?

>> No.17721803

Dont know for Devi but Linkola is into the whole 'cull wild cats'

>> No.17723147

It's sad what has happened. I can't imagine how utterly horrified Madison Grant would be if he saw America today. The environment and the American people, the two things he cared about most, are both being destroyed.

>> No.17723691
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What an asshole

>> No.17723845

>[blank] seems to [blank]
>[blank] doesn't seem to [blank] but instead seems to [blank]
Well is it or isn't it? Do they or don't they? Sort yourself out.

>> No.17723917
File: 158 KB, 1628x958, mammal-biomass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe there's any sense in trying to preserve the ecology, it's already been irreversibility fucked on a level not seen since probably 65 mya. People talk about 'invasive species' and how they destroy the native biodiversity, but that's a pandora's box that we opened already, the native ecosystems of the Americas for example have been irrevocably fucked by shit like earthworms and introduced european birds and rodents. All of the pacific, polynesian and micronesian islands, as well as new zealand and australia to some extent, have been completely fucked by pigs and rats, entire microcosmic ecosystems that existed in isolation for centuries destroyed forever. Keep in mind this level of species exchange hasn't really happened since a few million years ago when north and south america collided, and even that probably wasn't anywhere near as disastrous as the current interchange, though I admit I'm not super well read on it. And then you have the utter annihilation of forests and natural habitat, to be replaced by massive agricultural monoculture croplands, the plastic in every single part of the marine environment, ocean acidification, insect collapse, greenhouse gasses, overfishing, and all the species that have already gone extinct or had their populations reduced to non sustainable levels. This chart gives you a good idea of what's been going on, we've almost completely changed the landscape over to human civilization and the meat animals that support it, massacring wildlife and chasing it to isolated refuges, and poisoning the survivors with our industrial byproducts. There's really no saving it now. The wild animals that will survive and do somewhat well are species like pigeons, crows, rats, roaches, and other species that can survive on the fringes of human civilization. Economic incentives will take care of everything else.
My point is, people don't really realize how truly fucked things are, it's only going to continue to get worse for the foreseeable future, and there's absolutely nothing any of us can do about it.

>> No.17724200
File: 32 KB, 850x400, Edward Abbey quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Edward Abbey. He was considered to be on the political left in the US of his era. Hard to imagine a leftist writing something like this today:

>Immigration and Liberal Taboos

>>In the American Southwest, where I happen to live, only sixty miles north of the Mexican border, the subject of illegal aliens is a touchy one. Even the terminology is dangerous: the old word 'wetback' is now considered a racist insult by all good liberals; and the perfectly correct terms illegal alien and illegal immigrant can set off charges of xenophobia, elitism, fascism, and the ever-popular 'genocide' against anyone careless enough to use them.

>The only acceptable euphemism, it now appears, is something called undocumented worker. Thus, the pregnant Mexican woman who appears, in the final stages of labor, at the doors of the emergency ward of an El Paso or San Diego hospital, demanding care for herself and the child she's about to deliver, becomes an "undocumented worker." The child becomes an automatic American citizen by virtue of its place of birth, eligible at once for all of the usual public welfare benefits. And with the child comes not only the mother but the child's family. And the mother's family. And the father's family. Can't break up families can we? They come to stay and they stay to multiply.

>What of it? say the documented liberals; ours is a rich and generous nation, we have room for all, let them come. And let them stay, say the conservatives; a large, cheap, frightened, docile, surplus labor force is exactly what the economy needs. Put some fear into the unions: tighten discipline, spur productivity, whip up the competition for jobs. The conservatives love their cheap labor; the liberals love their cheap cause. (Neither group, you will notice, ever invites the immigrants to move into their homes. Not into their homes!)

>Both factions are supported by the cornucopia economists of the ever-expanding economy, who actually continue to believe that our basic resource is not land, air, water, but human bodies, more and more of them, the more the better in hive upon hive, world without end - ignoring the clear fact that those nations which most avidly practice this belief, such as Haiti, Puerto Rico, Mexico, to name only three, don't seem to be doing well. They look more like explosive slow-motion disasters, in fact, volcanic anthills, than functioning human societies. But that which our academic economists will not see and will not acknowledge is painfully obvious to los latinos: they stream north in ever-growing numbers.


>> No.17724206

>Meanwhile, here at home in the land of endless plenty, we seem still unable to solve our traditional and nagging difficulties. After forty years of the most fantastic economic growth in the history of mankind, the United States remains burdened with mass unemployment, permanent poverty, an overloaded welfare system, violent crime, clogged courts, jam-packed prisons, commercial ("white-collar") crime, rotting cities and a poisoned environment, eroding farmlands and the disappearing family farm, all of the usual forms of racial ethnic and sexual conflict (which immigration further intensifies), plus the ongoing destruction of what remains of our forests, fields, mountains, lakes, rivers, and seashores, accompanied by the extermination of whole species of plants and animals. To name but a few of our little nagging difficulties.

>This being so, it occurs to some of us that perhaps ever-continuing industrial and population growth is not the true road to human happiness, that simple gross quantitative increase of this kind creates only more pain, dislocation, confusion, and misery. In which case it might be wise for us as American citizens to consider calling a halt to the mass influx of even more millions of hungry, ignorant, unskilled, and culturally-morally-generically impoverished people. At least until we have brought our own affairs into order.

>Especially when these uninvited millions bring with them an alien mode of life which - let us be honest about this - is not appealing to the majority of Americans. Why not? Because we prefer democratic government, for one thing; because we still hope for an open, spacious, uncrowded, and beautiful - yes, beautiful! - society, for another. The alternative, in the squalor, cruelty, and corruption of Latin America, is plain for all to see.

>Yes, I know, if the American Indians had enforced such a policy none of us pale-faced honkies would be here. But the Indians were foolish, and divided, and failed to keep our WASP ancestors out. They've regretted it ever since.


>> No.17724209

>To everything there is a season, to every wave a limit, to every range an optimum capacity. The United States has been fully settled, and more than full, for at least a century. We have nothing to gain, and everything to lose, by allowing the old boat to be swamped. How many of us, truthfully, would prefer to be submerged in the Caribbean-Latin version of civilization? (Howls of "Racism! Elitism! Xenophobia!" from the Marx brothers and the documented liberals.) Harsh words: but somebody has to say them. We cannot play "let's pretend" much longer, not in the present world.

>Therefore - let us close our national borders to any further mass immigration, legal or illegal, from any source, as does every other nation on earth. The means are available, it's a simple technical-military problem. Even our Pentagon should be able to handle it. We've got an army somewhere on this planet, let's bring our soldiers home and station them where they can be of some actual and immediate benefit to the taxpayers who support them. That done, we can begin to concentrate attention on badly neglected internal affairs. Our internal affairs. Everyone would benefit, including the neighbors. Especially the neighbors.

>Ah yes. But what about those hungry hundreds of millions, those anxious billions, yearning toward the United States from every dark and desperate corner of the world? Shall we simply ignore them? Reject them? Is such a course possible?

>"Poverty," said Samuel Johnson, "is the great enemy of human happiness. It certainly destroys liberty, makes some virtues impracticable, and all virtues extremely difficult."

>You can say that again, Sam.

>Poverty, injustice, over-breeding, overpopulation, suffering, oppression, military rule, squalor, torture, terror, massacre: these ancient evils feed and breed on one another in synergistic symbiosis. To break the cycles of pain at least two new forces are required: social equity - and birth control. Population control. Our Hispanic neighbors are groping toward this discovery. If we truly wish to help them we must stop meddling in their domestic troubles and permit them to carry out the social, political, and moral revolution which is both necessary and inevitable.

>Or if we must meddle, as we have always done, let us meddle for a change in a constructive way. Stop every campesino at our southern border, give him a handgun, a good rifle, and a case of ammunition, and send him home. He will know what to do with our gifts and good wishes. The people know who their enemies are.



>> No.17724229

i seriously dislike mexicans, brown smelly pieces of shit, they´re constantly giving a bad rept to the spanish language, their lack of civility, their atrocious accent and drug culture, this is speaking as someone from south america

>> No.17724259
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Cull him.

>> No.17724449

i didn´t know cats could be attractive

>> No.17724463
File: 838 KB, 2550x3300, Ted ecofascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted rejects ecofascism

>> No.17724467
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>> No.17725224

>autism/anti social disorder/other
>grudge against society/people/parents *justified or not, can be included in point above)

Then just realize that a dog once happily wagged its tail at this individual. Animals can be very non-judgemental to humans on occasion. Next thing you know its ghost mask pepe and anti-world time

>> No.17727444

Very interesting, kind of unsurprising although I don't think his plan has any hope of success either

>> No.17727583

Feral > natives
Your the asshole

>> No.17728328

Same, but it is genuinely interesting to hear someone I respect give legitimate criticism for some of the half-baked ideas I have. He's definitely right about China, but I don't see how exactly you are going to get everyone, worldwide, to agree to limit technology in general.

>> No.17729197
File: 50 KB, 454x700, 421c216a7563e43ebc05872cc1364ac9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly surprised her cat didn't have a racial slur for a name

>> No.17729230

To be fair, you're not wrong.

>> No.17729231
File: 140 KB, 430x722, Timur_defeats_the_sultan_of_Delhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pajeet fears the mongol

>> No.17729242

he's right desu, india obviously didn't have any nature anyways, but cats have wreaked havoc on finnish nature

>> No.17729249


>> No.17729257

>you just know

>> No.17729272

>but I don't see how exactly you are going to get everyone, worldwide, to agree to limit technology in general.

You can't, in all honesty. People who are power-hungry would obviously see nations lacking technology as ripe for conquest, in such a scenario. It would have to take an external event that forces technology to be demolished to level it all out; but, even then, technology will likely rise again and people will always strive to make advancement.

It's just not possible, as far as I can see.

>> No.17729307
File: 72 KB, 551x600, Jacques_Ellul_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now ready for the Ellul pill.

>I describe a world with no exit, convinced that God accompanies man throughout his history.

>> No.17729335

its not even right wing memes or wateva. its just decentralization. overpopulation of cities just grows the kind of rural cyber sprawl. a more 'natural futurism' if you will.

>> No.17729356

content free post

>> No.17729829

Which is why he was right.

>> No.17731620


>> No.17731626

Ghostface Killah did nothing wrong

>> No.17731952

ajajaj webos sudaca

>> No.17732027
File: 123 KB, 1041x425, 1613875742049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking fascism needs is about racism
>thinking socialism is when planning
>socialists don't contemplate the elimination of all private propert