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17718772 No.17718772 [Reply] [Original]

I see /lit/ shit on nihilists a lot but I haven't seen anyone make a convincing case against it. Nietzsche said it was inevitable. Camus basically told people to cope by inventing meaning. Seems like it's inescapable.

>> No.17718778

It's a non-issue for anyone over the age of 18. Whenever I see "nihilism" used unironically I know I'm talking with an underage.

>> No.17718790

Nietzsche did not say nihilism was inevitable. He said it was inevitable in Christianity (see Ecclesiastes for a concrete theological manifestation of why).

>> No.17718791

Nieztche also called jews the master race and that most people are fucking goyim.

Nihilism is copium for the lazy and uneducated.

>Why must I change anything when everything is meaningless
>Time to go masturbate

>> No.17718797

>nothing in life matters
>except nothing in life mattering
Nihilism is self-refuting

>> No.17718805

I didn't say it was an issue, I said it was inescapable. Abandoning the search for meaning is liberating.

>> No.17718821

The other way around, everything is a cope for nihilism

>> No.17718831
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What are you liberated from faggot? Nothing about you has changed in anyway.
You will always be the same faggot today and tommorow. That will remain always true. Find meaning in your inability to escape being the eternal faggot.

>> No.17718861

Why does nihilism make people so mad

>> No.17718876

I'm asking you a genuine question, explain to me what about you has changed now that you have "no meaning"?
Which, being the 15 year old that you are basically equates "I don't wanna do my homework anymore".

>> No.17718883

You do sound quite mad for no reason, could you explain why?
>what about you has changed
I don't feel the need to look for meaning

>> No.17718887


>> No.17718893
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>I don't feel the need to look for meaning

>> No.17718897

Nobody knows what nihilism is

>> No.17718905

>we should take on board transcendent myths that resonate on a subconscious, intuitive level.
What if none do?
Let's say I do open myself to the possibility of a transcendental reality that I have to take on faith, what then?

>> No.17718926

>>nothing in life matters
>>except nothing in life mattering
>Nihilism is self-refuting
Should this person be allowed to waste oxygen?

>> No.17718935


>> No.17718944

/lit/ doesn't understand nihilism
extremely low IQ

>> No.17718958
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>/lit/ doesn't understand nihilism
>extremely low IQ

>> No.17718960


>> No.17718979

Perhaps you’re not truly open to the possibility of transcendental reality because you’re not really a nihilist—you’re a physicalist who puts his faith in “matter”. Once you reject everything except your own immediate experience —solipsism—you make room for a meaningful philosophy.


>> No.17718988

Nietzsche made the convincing case agsinst it already (his philosophy and the Overman). He didn't say it was inevitable AND permanent, just that Europe was inevitably moving towards a nihilistic phase. Nihilism is very much a psychological phenomenon for Nietzsche.

>> No.17718989

Most people get nihilists wrong.

>> No.17719018

I don't know what most people mean when they complain about 'nihilism' because most of them are nihilists themselves. Are they talking about a descriptive claim, a normative claim, or what?

>> No.17719054


>> No.17719060

Me on the left

>> No.17719076

I'm skeptical that the nondual experiences in meditation are anything else than just training your brain to perceive things in a certain way. Drugs can do the same thing, it doesn't prove that the universe is pure consciousness. I don't buy that the explanation of consciousness as an emanation of some singular oneness is the only logical explanation
The different philosophies mentioned in that article hinge on faith too by the way. And I don't see how disintegration into a singular oneness is any more meaningful than the physicalist view, which I don't necessarily agree with by the way
The only way I could find it meaningful is if it goes back to a kind of solipsism where this whole existence is the same thing as a dream and the impression that you're interacting with conscious subjects is you interacting with yourself. But this is just spinning nihilism in a more aesthetically pleasing way

>> No.17719116

>training your brain to perceive things in a certain way
That is one interpretation. Have you read much Chalmers? The point is that physicalism cannot explain how your brain gives rise to consciousness—it is a huge hole in the theory. There are alternative theories like panpsychism, different kinds of idealism that at the very least are on par with physicalism with regard to the theoretical virtues—parsimony, empirical consistency etc. The difference is that non-physicalist theories at least leave open the possibility of a higher purpose, teleology—God. Yes this requires “faith”, but no more faith than believing in other minds, the past, or the existence of “matter”.

>> No.17719136

>explain to me what about you has changed now that you have "no meaning"?
You need a meaning in life to drive your actions. Without an end goal, why do anything?

>> No.17719141

I haven't read Chalmers.
The thing is, consciousness not being physical does not itself give any credence to allegedly mystical or supernatural experiences. If I bash your skull in with a hammer you're gonna get a very different experience than you're used to, there's nothing supernatural there.
So I'm open to the idea that idealism might be right but there's no reason to make assumptions past that. The problem with idealists is that they immediately make leaps of faith and start talking about god, the good, brahman or whatever.

>> No.17719175

If idealism were right—say the kind advocated by Kastrup the article covers—then the universe is essentially a cosmic mind. The question then becomes: what would a cosmic mind be like? Obviously we could never know, so we’re only guessing. But theistic interpretations seem just as likely as Eastern all-is-Atman explanations. We have to make leaps of faith to believe in anything beyond our own immediate experience in the present moment. With regard to the question of what to have faith in, all I’m saying is physicalism is more shaky than most people realise and theistic/idealist views aren’t all that crazy by comparison.

>> No.17719186

In urbanized society indeed, it's hard to avoid.

>> No.17719231

not only is nihilism in the context of meaning inevitable, epistemological and even ontological and metaphysical nihilism is inevitable too

>> No.17719249 [DELETED] 

Your need to waste hours investigating untestable metaphysical crap is a clear sign of mental degeneracy and sky daddy loss copium overdose, stop being a faggot.

>> No.17719263

Your need to waste hours investigating untestable metaphysical crap is a clear sign of mental degeneracy, and sky daddy loss copium overdose, stop being a faggot.

>> No.17719304

Philosophy isn’t for everyone

>> No.17719390


>> No.17719405

Everything is a leap of faith but there are degrees of likelihood to the things you choose to believe in. Okay physicalism is shaky and idalism is possible, but to go from that statement to believing in Yahweh or Brahman or in the New Age higher self is weird.

>> No.17719673
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>> No.17719679

Both conclusions are retarded

>> No.17719691

Based Fuko

>> No.17719837

>is weird

>> No.17719853

Because it's a huge leap for no good reason.

>> No.17719876

Yes, of course finding cope is the only answer.
In fact, everything you do is a cope. Since everything is a cope, there is no such thing as cope.
Just do the things you like to do.

>> No.17719892

Absolutely based.

>> No.17719908

In truth nihilists are the people who party hard in their 20's and then spend their whole lives until they die suffering from obesity, yeast infections, sexual transmitted diseases, all kinds of weird pains, depression, premature aging, a weird cough, lack of energy, etc etc

While some guy in his 60s takes his wife out for a bicycle trip and takes his kids too the zoo, these nihilists take their cards too the supermarket, to get their sweets and hard sigarets, so they can spend another night binge watching tv, smoking, scratching their legs and popping the 6 pills they need to stay healthy.

Then they can look angrily and with hatred to the skinny 70 year old guy and his guide book on insects, that they lived!!!! Meanwhile the old guy takes a bath in a cold lake and works on his insect collection, then makes thee in the evening and reads his adventure novels.

Nihilists are losers and we should laugh at them.

>> No.17719926

You're confusing mindless hedonism for nihilism. A common brainlet move.

>> No.17719930

Kek you scared the squeaker

>> No.17719933

It's not like there is anything to argue about, but
>In truth nihilists are the people who party hard in their 20's and then spend their whole lives until they die suffering from obesity, yeast infections, sexual transmitted diseases, all kinds of weird pains, depression, premature aging, a weird cough, lack of energy, etc etc
This means fulminant hedonism is a value

While some guy in his 60s takes his wife out for a bicycle trip and takes his kids too the zoo, these nihilists take their cards too the supermarket, to get their sweets and hard sigarets, so they can spend another night binge watching tv, smoking, scratching their legs and popping the 6 pills they need to stay healthy.
This means longevity/family is a value

None of them are nihilists in a strict definition. There is no such thing as true nihilist anyway.

>> No.17719936

Because today most nihilists are hedonistic.

>> No.17719940

>In truth nihilists are the people who party hard in their 20's and then spend their whole lives until they die suffering from obesity, yeast infections, sexual transmitted diseases, all kinds of weird pains, depression, premature aging, a weird cough, lack of energy, etc etc
That's not nihilism you stupid fucking retard

>> No.17719943

For fuck's sake it's CIGARETTES!

>> No.17719950

This is just a rejection of traditional values in favour of modern neoliber hollywood tier values

>> No.17719954

>There is no such thing as true nihilist anyway.
A true nihilist would just doubt everything and not have any values.

>> No.17719963

>not have any values
His life would be a value, since he hasn't killed himself

>> No.17719965


>> No.17719968


Gentlemen you dont know what hedonism is, the old guy taking his children too the zoo is the hedonist.

Secondly, yes I described the "nothing matters in life except pleasure" nihilists perfectly. Go ahead, chase pleasure instaid of tranquility and balance. You will burn out before you are 30 and you will be old before your time.

>> No.17719976

>"nothing matters in life except pleasure"
This is not nihilism, you braindead nigger

>> No.17719979

Bitch I spelled cigarettes the right way for you, don't @ me

>> No.17719990

>Gentlemen you dont know what hedonism is, the old guy taking his children too the zoo is the hedonist.
Blah blah blah stop this Epicurean shit. We are using modern definition of hedonism

>> No.17720037

Not a single argument was given. Enjoy your 50 years of pain and sorrow. Lol!

>> No.17720056

>Not a single argument was given
What exactly do you want? We are talking about definitions. Definitions are based on authority.
You are trying to convice us that your definition is better. Or you want to talk about Epicurus?

>> No.17720361

It's better to burn out than to fade away

>> No.17720379

cuckbain is roasting in hell lol

>> No.17720663

Because I'm alive and that's enough

>> No.17720718

nihilism doesnt say nothing in life matters, matters

>> No.17720780
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I don't understand why try hards get so mad about nihilism

Why are they offended by life and meaning be relative? Like what are YOU living for? Are you doing it out of obligation? Fear of death? I'm not the one saying your feelings are invalid, you are. If your life had value and meaning you wouldn't be getting defensive about it.

>> No.17720813


>> No.17720937

>be me
>lift, read, cardio, go outside, eat healthy
>don't do drugs
>this makes psueds seethe immeasurably
KEK! Why are they so angry?

>> No.17720957
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Read Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age by Seraphim Rose

>> No.17720996

>(see Ecclesiastes for a concrete theological manifestation of why).

Wrote this down in my notes. I'm gonna reread that with this post in mind, thanks (assuming you're not bs'ing).

>> No.17721056

this is not a philosophy board. What specific literary works would you like to discuss in this thread?

>> No.17721095

>doing anything because anything matters

>> No.17721176

You are not a nihilist in a strict sense.
You reject some values, but not all of them.
There is no such thing as true nihilism. That would mean only death.

P.S. understanding that values are not given by a god is also not a nihilism

>> No.17721300

Nihilism is unlivable. Man cannot tolerate living an absurd life.

>> No.17721309


>> No.17721321

>reject some values, but not all of them.
So how would a nihilist keep some values while still remaining a nihilist?

>> No.17721435

That's like saying the sky being blue is a cope

Water being wet is a cope. If something is real it's real, you can't say it's a "cope" that doesn't make any sense. Fire burns but if you scream? COPE just act as if fire doesn't burn just act as if life isn't meaningless! if you acknowledge that it is you are just coping!

>> No.17721586

>If something is real it's real, you can't say it's a "cope" that doesn't make any sense.
I get what you're saying, but at the same time, you're neglecting something important: that the sky isn't blue, but the sky is blue for some of us. Life isn't meaningless, but life is meaningless for some of us. Nihilism is still only an interpretation.

>> No.17721618

Everything is an interpretation. Even this. Philosophy was a mistake.

>> No.17721632
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To say that life has no meaning when love, God and happiness exist just seems foolish to me.

>> No.17721642

Ok bud

>> No.17721887

for a fool

>> No.17721904


>> No.17722144

>So how would a nihilist keep some values
If he is still alive, then he has retained some values or created new ones.
>lift, read, cardio, go outside, eat healthy
These are the values. A true nihilist wouldn't do any of this. He would be borderline suicidal.

>> No.17722229

>Abandoning the search for meaning is liberating.
And yet you're acting, implicitly differentiating meaning of your potential possibilities.

>I haven't seen anyone make a convincing case against it.
Unironically even someone as banal a Jordan Peterson makes a definite case against nihilism. You have a plethora of possible actions. You choose a very narrow subset, unequivocally expressing value. Whether or not you consciously search for value is an intellectual exercise - you still act upon it, it still drives your life.

>> No.17722254

I agree.
>You choose a very narrow subset [of possible actions], unequivocally expressing value
If someone is interested in this take, I suggest reading Heidegger's Being and Time.

>> No.17722300

Kys brainlet

>> No.17722357

This actually makes some sense.
People who call themselves nihilists usually find value and satisfaction in rejecting other values, self-loathing and Cioran-tier masochism.

>> No.17722490

>Philosophy was a mistake.
But your former statements are philosophical, so obviously there was some value to that mistake.

>> No.17722492
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Reject other values yes
But for me it's narcissism and sadism

It's why I play games
I don't play to.win
I play for others to lose

>> No.17722511

It's precisely because everything is philosophy that philosophy is a mistake.
Even postmodernism cannot escape this. Even the rejection of philosophy is a philosophical stance. God I fucking hate philosophy so much.

>> No.17722758

Just though I'd drop in and weigh the thread's "copes" index.
Because the term represents the fact that someone is having fun without them, and without regard to their opinions about what kinds of fun are either salutary or pernicious--which is the quintessential resentment of those with an authoritarian bent. Also because the term has multiple meanings, some of which are almost mutually exclusive. The sexually impotent and ragingly frustrated Iago, who can't even have a wank much less top his old lady, is the kind of nihilist who starts fires watch whole neighborhoods burn down. Surf boi in OP's pic is the benign garden variety who can do without the heavily destructive externals when it comes to conflagration, since he can have sex, and probably responds to things like soaring music as well.

>> No.17722759

I get mad at them because the modern nihilist never adds anything worthwhile to art and culture. They just talk about how shitty and pointless everything is and belittle the actual beauty in life.

>> No.17722767

That's a very shitty mindset because you could instead work hard so that not only win, but everyone around you wins as well. Play to win.