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17718291 No.17718291 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most absolutely schizo-tier non-fiction books you've ever read?

>> No.17718295

my writing

>> No.17718302

dylan klebold's diary desu

>> No.17718304

serpent of paradise

>> No.17718316

Gravity and Grace but it surpasses the level you're mentioned in such a magnificent way that it made me believe in God.

>> No.17718462
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Weil looks like one of those quiet girls who's actually a kinky degenerate

>> No.17718491

I would lick her shit-stained sphincter, if you know what I mean.

>> No.17718707

Maps of Meaning. Unironically

>> No.17718728

I haven't read much schizo non fiction so I'll have to settle for Bullshit Jobs. Dude had a childlike perception of how a workforce should behave and blamed it on a spiritual puritan compulsion to derive pride from work. Author seems to have some insecurities he's projecting.

>> No.17720257


>> No.17720357

The bible

>> No.17720369

cute jew desu.

>> No.17720374

Complete Works of the CIA (peace be upon them)

>> No.17720389

The small-unit leaders guide to counterinsurgency - CIA

>> No.17720399


>> No.17720408

The Phenomenon of Man, by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. It makes sense if you keep drilling at it though.

>> No.17720425


>> No.17720431
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>> No.17720438

Alien Liaison by Timothy Good

>> No.17720476

I don't really read weird stuff. I guess the communists are pretty schizo. Chomsky gave me that worldview where everything bad that ever happened in world history was a result of muh capitalism. It's all about the CIA directing the course of human events or whatever which is insane but really a mainstream view by now.

>> No.17720483

> Jesuit

>> No.17720501

simulation & simulacra

>> No.17720511
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Land of Lisp

>> No.17720596

It's schizo, but in a good way. If you asked her about it, she would probably agree to. I mean, she did admire the notion of a "crazy spirit of love", so of course some of her thinking might be a bit bold. But, just as it is bold, it also harbors some universal truths. In a way, such thinking sometimes bears more truth than the strictly empirical and rational. Furthermore, you don't really need to read Weil with a strictly Judeo-Christian perspective. During her early studies she had a fascination with all kinds of religions. Catholicism was just the one that suited her best, but she always held the belief that every religion was equal. Simply put, it's more universal to read God in her writings as the totality, or a Hegelian apsolute, and then through your own religious background you can adhere to that idea what you wish.

All in all, Weil certainly deserves a mention here and I would highly recommend her. This short sighted human loving anarchist has a lot to say. Legends say she was the only one in Paris who could stand up to Trotsky in a debate (keep in mind she was in her early 20s).

>> No.17720624

I think this night be a cop out but Schreber’s memoir.

>> No.17720684

Lain felt like a thematic sequel to GR in some ways

>> No.17720697

I was about to say David Icke but he is actually right, insanity is to deny that archontic entities exist
>all of this is just profit motive goy
Yeah, right

>> No.17720701
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>> No.17720724


>> No.17720747
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God man the word made flesh
Protocols of the learned elders of Zion
The unabomber manifesto

>> No.17720790

>but she always held the belief that every religion was equal.
Why do you say that? I have read only her Waiting for God. While she acknowledges the value of other religions and philosophies regarding the world and the divine, I think she knows Christianity surpasses all the others precisely because of Love. She has one of the most beautiful and pertinet considerations on God and the Trinity through the Triadic Love that is God.

>> No.17720845

You might get more in Gravity and Grace + her essays. But, you got it pretty much. HER views saw Catholicism as most befitting to her, but she never denied the same love in other religions. Also, she never actually got baptised, saying that there are too many things outside Christianity that she couldn't let go. With Weil you have to do a lot of outside reading to get the full picture.

>> No.17720859

Where do you read it?
Is it in print?
I fucking love schizo diaries
This should be a much more popular genre of writing

>> No.17720903

king kill/33 by james shelby downard

>> No.17720947

Yes, Gravity and Grace has been a must read to me for a long time and I hope I manage to read it this semester.
>she never denied the same love in other religions.
Yes, and I concur, but what I wanted to emphasize was how the Christian Trinity is the expression of Love itself or Divine Love, and Weil herself wrote about this expression of Love when she writes, for instance, that ''the love between God and God is God himself''.

>> No.17721023


>> No.17721054

Nothing I've ever read has come close to my experience with schizophrenia.

>> No.17721073

Would you be kind enough you write something for us that does?

>> No.17721180

is he crazier than Savitri Devi?

>> No.17721194
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to this day jaynes has never been overtaken on the schizo-meter, the man was off the charts.

>> No.17721255

Unrelated to schizophrenia, but does anyone know the artist for this pic?

>> No.17721383

Sold out everywhere

>> No.17721392

use saucenao next time

>> No.17721403

How has no one posted the The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick? Literally had to stop reading it because it was beginning to rewire my brain.

>> No.17721410


>> No.17721427

Probably UFO stuff like Jacques Vallee, John Keel, Whitley Strieber

>> No.17721431

He's not crazy by any means, he's just way out there. Savitri Devi is more normie friendly if that's what you mean.
Is it? They may have removed it from amazon then. There's another translation out there that you can buy from Wewelsburg.

>> No.17721441

Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa; ancient Egyptians were Finnish.

>> No.17721541


>> No.17721777

great thread

>> No.17722601

Post excerpt

>> No.17722638

>The Trojan War was directed by hallucinations. And the soldiers who were so directed were not at all like us. They were noble automatons who knew not what they did

>> No.17722659

What's schizo about it? I read the preface and it seemed very coherent.

>> No.17722670

Thanks anon

>> No.17722798


>> No.17722832

was gonna post this

>> No.17723307

Deleuze and Guattari thousand plateaus

>> No.17723330

Das Kapital. That shit was written by a literal outcast way before Freud developed his studies on psychoanalysis. Even while taking an obsolete philosophy as his start point, Stirner was closer to Hegel than that economically illiterate.

>> No.17723343

thats cheating

>> No.17723349
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read the rest and you'll understand lmao

>> No.17723357

jesus fucks space in the egg and this creates the garden of eden which descends into the dragon of chaos which you must slay to save your father from the dark succubi of the underworld

>> No.17723378
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>> No.17723396
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What is schizo about it? Now I don't understand everything in this image specially without context but from what I can gather we have the masculine and feminine aspect of the universe, the first represents matter and positivity while the other space and the negative the creative opposition of these two forces allow for the existence of everything and expresses itself in everything (I can think of Jung map of the unconscious). The descent of men occurs when he eats the fruit of knowledge and obtain consciousness, this act come at a great price as he is now alienated from a pre-verbal pre-symbolic existence where his contact with god was direct. Now I'm interest in the relation between the chaos and the chaos ouroboros and the walled garden.

>> No.17723526

it's theory fiction

>> No.17723536


>> No.17723549

always one guy

>> No.17723914
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This is just a deconstructed YingYang symbol. In the white section you have a black dot, in the black section a white dot.
The Yahweh bubble is white Yang, and the Paradise walled garden is the black dot of Yin within the Yang.
The Void bubble is the black Yin, and the chaos loop dragon is the white dot of Yang within the Yin.

The Precosmogonic "egg" would be a label that fits a coherent YinYang symbol as a whole.

>> No.17723948


>> No.17723985

he was right tho?

>> No.17724058


>> No.17724158

Unironically the fragments of Heraclitus.

>> No.17725071

deconstructed? sounds awfully postmodernist of mr peterson

>> No.17725100

peterson is a postmodernist who doesnt know he is

>> No.17726664
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He refuted the English language.

>> No.17726688
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>Why? Because I said so.

>> No.17726819


>> No.17728496

>he thinks this is schizo
That's just earth rocking

>> No.17728511

that title alone makes me want to read, god bless schizos

>> No.17729908

she cute, gonna grab her off libgen

>> No.17729982
File: 29 KB, 383x344, Bam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one understands that a circle is just two letter Cs on two angles and therefore it is everything in the English language and creation
I bet these clowns don't even want to cover themselves in piss

>> No.17730075
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>> No.17730103

Jung's psychology and alchemy. Though apparently his red book is full on schizo.

>> No.17730216

>I was about to say David Icke but he is actually right
The Biggest Secret is actually pretty coherent. It doesn't have a lot of outrageous stuff you couldn't possibly believe in it.

>> No.17730291
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Hamlet's Mill: An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge and Its Transmission Through Myth

>> No.17730408

Is this new age garbage or is it actually worth me looking up

>> No.17730422

Some book about bigfoots when I was 12. It claimed there were all sorts of species of bigfoots living all over the world.

>> No.17730484
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Where do I start with Serrano? Should I read Savitri Devi first?

>> No.17730575

B-but those are supposed to be b-b-based

>> No.17730930
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>The unabomber manifesto
I definitely trust a 160+ iq genius mathematician more than some random pseud on /lit/

>> No.17731206

Yes it's probably a good idea to read Lighting & Sun first. Serrano has many layers and to understand him decently you need to be somewhat familiar with general mythology (especially Indo-European but he refers to all kinds of traditions), Jungian psycho-analysis, alchemy, the basics of occultism, and Hitler of course. Having read people like Evola, Eliade and Von List also helps.
For Serrano's fiction, start with Nos. For non-fiction most would recommend The Golden Thread but I think Resurrection of the Hero is a better (and shorter) introduction.

>> No.17732028


>> No.17732060

Blood Will Out by Walter Kirn.

>> No.17732220

Any good sources for the basics of occultism and alchemy?

>> No.17732229


>> No.17732271

For alchemy, try Evola's "The Hermetic Tradition", or "Introduction to Magic". For occultism specifically relating to Serrano/Hitlerism, Goodrick-Clarke's "The Occult Roots of Nazism" is actually decent if you discount the liberal bias and disclaimers.

>> No.17732287

Thanks man, you've given me a quality reading list for 2021. Really looking forward to working my way up to The Ultimate Avatar.

>> No.17732361

No worries, glad to help. It's the bitterest (red) pill to swallow though, no going back after.

>> No.17732451

Oh yeah? What makes it so bitter?

>> No.17732481


>> No.17732525

Well maybe I was being too general but for me it definitely was hard to accept (as was Evola), I used to be somewhat of a leftie a few years ago so it's been quite the journey. I had to find out that not only was the world how I viewed it before a lie, it was a complete inversion of truth. I used to think Serrano was a complete schizo but then I found out he knew very well what he was doing.

>> No.17732582

I guess I'm kinda where you were at. Still consider something in the vicinity of being a liberal with socialist sympathies even thought this thing that calls itself "the left" is making that more difficult everyday.
Fundamentally, my biggest concern is working out what the proper response to modernity/post-modernity is. This is mainly why I'm becoming more curious about looking into the far-right and fascist literature. Increasingly I'm starting to become disillusioned with the typical leftist responses to modernity and its consequences and wanna see if Serrano and others have anything better to offer.

>> No.17732646

Drown by Junot Diaz (I think it was based on real things)

>> No.17732651


>> No.17732654

Yes that's pretty much where I used to be. It was obvious that although many leftists are well-intentioned people, their good intentions are being abused by a system that's only there to keep itself in place. I was also unironically one of the least racist people around, I autistically judged people by character, but that led me to see patterns I wasn't supposed to see. Also being targeted for being a native to my own country, combined with the European migrant invasion then, made me aware that I could either pick a side or have them pick a side for me.
Serrano is pretty exit-level though, my journey started with Evola. I'd suggest Men Among the Ruins for his political take, or Revolt Against the Modern World for his spiritual/metaphysical ideas, if you haven't read him before.
Keith Woods is worth checking out on yt/odysee as well if you haven't, he's someone who also went from being a leftist/socialist to a third positionist and has some good "right-wing" critiques of capitalism and modernity.

>> No.17732687

Mostly garbage although their summary of hamletic characters and their stories is pretty nice and easy to read.

>> No.17733082
File: 280 KB, 539x964, 82C72CF0-391A-4C3E-A7D9-6FF2302087ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History: Fiction or Science? by Fomenko. Just read the Wikipedia page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_chronology_(Fomenko) His thesis is that history before the medieval ages is fake. The book is 7 volumes long and consists of him debunking ancient history. I only read a little of it out of curiosity.

>> No.17733089

Schizopathic writing is, by definition, fictitious; only autists can discern the commonalities between the physical, and the aetherial; the phenomenal, and the noumenal.

>> No.17734214

Suicide Note by Mitchell Heisman.

>> No.17734237


>> No.17734328

Man, I don't care how crazy an author is, I will always hate Wikipedia for leading like that. "X is a pseudohistorical conspiracy theory..."

>> No.17734359


>> No.17734366

Wikipedia is a goodthink propaganda outlet. Pseuds need to be able to quickly google something on their phone and tell whether it's a deboonked theory or a good-boy theory.

>> No.17734369

Stop regurgitating zizek stand up bits to posit them as hot takes on 4channel>>17725100

>> No.17734890

Haven't read it but William Dudley Pelley's stuff is probably high up on the shcizo scale. Man claimed he could levitate and see thorugh walls and was also really big into UFOs (in addition to his political views).

>> No.17735188

Apocalypse from the New Testament

>> No.17735244

>schizoanon can not distinguish schizo diagrams
it makes sense

>> No.17735248

I love thism itcs borderline science fiction but it manages to stay within his faity framework.

>> No.17735498


>> No.17735787

Gradually I began to hate them...