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17716586 No.17716586 [Reply] [Original]

>He doesn't understand Fear and Trembling because he gets instantly filtered by needing to approach Abraham outside of the edgy atheist approach
I have lost 2 (two) friends due to this atheist cringe.

>> No.17716605

The cringe atheists are right. The moral of the story is that obedience to Yahweh is above family ties. That's it. Nothing deep about Judaism. It's all just Christian, i.e. White projection

>> No.17716641

God is certainly above my ties with /lit/.

>> No.17716682

What? It's God banning human sacrifice.

>> No.17716694

Then why does Yahweh later demand further human sacrifice, punish the Jews for not providing it, and reward them for providing it?

>> No.17716696

Yeah but Abraham is praiseworthy because he was willing to do it

>> No.17716697

>>He doesn't understand Fear and Trembling because he gets instantly filtered by needing to approach Abraham outside of the edgy atheist approach
Its not necissarily an athiest aproach, but I do agree a certain amount of epistomological dynamism is necissary to be able to shift you perspective and understand the quandaries at hand.

>> No.17716702

Midianite virgins
Should have specified it banned sacrificing *one's own child.* Enemies get offered to Yahweh, presumably as holocausts

>> No.17716737

No, the moral of the story is that you have to put literally all faith, even completely unreasonable faith, in God to protect you and fulfill his promises.
>God makes a sacred promise with Abraham to give him children and land (the passing of the spirit between the split animals)
>Abraham doesn't really believe him because he's so old
>God miraculously gives him a child from an old wife
>God then asks Abraham to sacrifice that child, even though it was already miraculous he even had it
>Abraham believes God that even if he loses Abraham, God will surely give him another child in his place.
>God recognizes that this is an act of enormous faith that he's looking for, and reveals that it was a test.

Human sacrifice is no longer EXPLICITELY required of the Jews. It absolutely continues to happen for centuries afterwards.

>> No.17716750

>Even if he loses Abraham
lmao, Isaac*

>> No.17716818

His name is Yahweh. He's the Jewish god. He likes foreskins and precious metals and lives in a volcano. Don't treat him as the universal God. That would be stupid, Anon.

>> No.17716826

>His name is Yahweh. He's the Jewish god. He likes foreskins and precious metals and lives in a volcano. Don't treat him as the universal God. That would be stupid, Anon.
O B S E S S E D.

>> No.17716827

first post kinda best post of the three, but degrading the faith of abraham as nothing but obedience to yahweh takes away the importance of this story to kierkegaard. could have just stick with the message of jesus, that only those who leave all family can be his followers.
Where is the awe and why would you be able to understand that which kierkegaard explicitly states can not be understood. His absolute faith is above all else but only through some strength from this “absurd”, by taking on the paradox he was able to do more than anyone else; to not be a murder when he clearly is intent on murdering isaac.
there is so much more to fear and trembling other than an interesting dialectical approach of the story of Abraham.

>> No.17716858
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>The moral of the story is that obedience to Yahweh is above family ties.

This is correct however it is very deep when you think about it. Christians are uncomfortable with this and so are Jews (who see tribal loyalty as supreme)

>> No.17716902

It's not the point but I don't think that's uncomfortable at all. Of course the entity which metaphysically determines what is right is above everything, it's by definition the case.

>> No.17716928

This is also reductionist, Allah did not say sacrifice your son because he changed what was right and wrong but as a test. This is Kierkegaard's big blunder in calling it teleological suspension of the ethical when in fact the end of the act was irrelevant, only the act mattered (a test of obedience), that's why its end was prevented.

>> No.17716945

Pewdiepie read Fear and Trembling?

>> No.17716961

Kirkegaard's biblical exegesis is so bad he got btfo'd by pewdiepie, lol

>> No.17716968

I think it just had to be established that the principle of ultimate sacrifice needed to remain while the act needed to be abolished. Abraham as an individual aside, it's more an act of reform than a test of faith.

>> No.17716970

How new are you anon? Not being a dick just asking.

>> No.17716974

Yahweh just is the tribe

>> No.17716985

This. It isn't simply a matter of obedience, but that the obedience is within a relationship that cannot be mediated but is solely on the grounds of the individual, and only the individual, and their relation to the eternal. That duty is not the essential aspect is seen in Kierkegaard's analysis of Agamemnon, where his sacrifice of Iphigenia, which would be considered obedience as well, is grounded in the ethical sphere of life and not the religious. That the sacrifice is not essentially religious, but merely tragic is that it can be justified within the community and not merely understood by the sole individual. The point that Kierkegaard is trying to make is that the matter of religion stands apart from the community and secular life. He is trying to raise the infinite qualitative difference between man and God while emphasizing that this difference cannot be mediated, nor cannot it mended with reason, but it can only be reconciled with a "leap of faith".

>> No.17716995

good posts

>> No.17717039

Pewds understood it after though, and apologised for being a retard in the next video.

>> No.17717080

There was no abolishment as it wasn't a prior practice of the prophets

This is totally incorrect which you would know if you read the Bible which features him sending extraordinary punishment and catastrophe upon the tribe for their disobedience

>> No.17717123

op was a friend of pewdiepie?

>> No.17717213

It was a common practice all over the region and really the world. I's unlikely to be the Jewish interpretation but the universal God had to comment on that.

>> No.17717237

When God doesn't like something in the Bible he just says don't do it

>> No.17717269

No, he made two videos on Kierkegaard and in the second he acknowledged he was a retard and was amply told it (by /lit/, since he browses here) after the first video's release.

>> No.17717281

>but degrading the faith of abraham as nothing but obedience to yahweh
I didn't mean it this way at all. It's not that Abraham is obedient TO Yahweh. It's that he has complete and absolute faith in the obedience OF Yahweh. The moral of the story is that God will ALWAYS keep his word, and one should operate as if he does so. Not that you should just do whatever God tells you (though the overall point of the OT is that you should)

>> No.17717370

Not really. There's for example this trope about slavery not being addressed in the Bible but the protagonist are a people escaping slavery. That has to constitute some sort of statement by the architect of reality.

>> No.17717404

>for their disobedience
to the Levites who ran the tribe and gave it its religion. Come on now

>> No.17717425

Yahweh does not care about right or wrong in itself. The Mosaic law is a c o n t r a c t between him and his people. The point is to enslave the goy and not get enslaved. Lend to the goy but do not borrow from him. Take his daughters as concubines but don't let him take yours. Etc.

The only 'ethics' in the Bible are Darwinian. Nothing about it makes sense without the overarching goal of Jewish world domination.

>> No.17717459

Why does God test people?

>> No.17717492

idk. seemed like gereral old timy morality to me. Very much in group focused. doesnt seem too much different from an Egyptian or a Greek piece except in having the advantage of a universalizing yet particularly devoted singular god.

Also, there seems to be more a focus on lowercase good and evils rather than upper case goods and evils. as in what is good for me and what is bad for me "ie he attempts to do evil upon me" is less an exclamation of a conceptual evil deed, but the fact that he is trying to hurt you. to do evil on someone is to offend them, not to be EVIL in yourself.

>> No.17717501

To breed them in His own image (and it's beautiful).

>> No.17717507

But Abraham already had a faith strong enough to kill his own son for God before God told him to do it.

>> No.17717511
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But that's not at all how this worked out. It culminated in Christianity which more or less got rid of those evils. The abolition of slavery alone was a miracle. Darwinism seems like the furthest thing from what Christianity has created. Violence isn't what is celebrated, it's justice and sacrifice and the highest in the kingdom to come are those who suffered. You just take a snapshot of a particular historical circumstance without observing the progression since God entered the stage so to speak (who is often portrayed as almost frustrated by human action). You could do that if the motivations of the reformers that brought us here weren't explicitly biblical but they were.

>> No.17717528

Yes, that's it. It can have more readings but that's definitely the one.

>> No.17717552

How is Pewds still an atheist? After all that reading you’d expect him to pick up some theology and actually at least become a deist or something.

>> No.17717587

Send the two videos pls

>> No.17717645

Does he still do book review videos?

>> No.17717650


This is from 1 week ago

>> No.17717670


>> No.17717672

>epic tits lol

>> No.17717676

Does anyone have the fear and trembling videos that he did? I can only find the one he did on either or

>> No.17717706


>> No.17717737

Damn he really uses a marvel movie for an analogy lmao

He should really read the Bible or some theology if he was filtered that bad by Kierkegaard

>> No.17717791

Wrecking the temple doesn't seem like it benefits the guys living off the sacrifices

>> No.17717804
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He freed them so they could be thankful and because they were Abraham's progeny, not because he was a liberal. Enslaving of idolaters is fully sanctioned and Allah has the Jews reenslaved themselves when they turn to idolatry

>> No.17717862

He did it to get people to watch it.

>> No.17719120

all the direct interpretations of the bible regarding its time, the metaphysical level of yahweh, the morality are the exact opposite of Kierkegaard and have nothing to do with his interpretation of the story of Abraham

>> No.17720012

>Thanos is a knight of...
wtf is this retard on about?
Is he not able to see beyond the materialism that kierkegaard always disparages?
This retard has no idea what he is on about.
He must have read half of the book without understanding a single thing being written. This is beyond philistine.

>> No.17720107

>It culminated in Christianity
No it didn't. Judaism is Judaism is Judaism. Christians didn't write the Tanakh.
>doesnt seem too much different from an Egyptian or a Greek piece
Dafuq. The level of ethnocentrism in the Tanakh is off the charts. Not at all comparable to Egypt and Greece

>> No.17720109


This is pretty bad.

>> No.17720121

The 'first' one never existed, numbnuts. Solomon was never real. They made that up during the Babylonian sojourn.

The story
>you be bad, God make bad thing happen!
very much serves the Levites.

>> No.17720231
