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17713694 No.17713694 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys western civilization
Any books about the fire -> tools -> science -> enlightenment -> atheism -> trannies pipeline and how we would have been better off if we never discovered fire?

>> No.17713727

It was clearly not fire nor primitive tools that did us in, it was language, language basically already is culture, which already is technology. A proto-human or a chimp using a stick is just an extended phenotype, language is the Promethean abomination that leaves behind the genetic process

>> No.17713919

Take your meds

>> No.17715317


>> No.17715372

You are a mental retard, and I highly doubt you will ever be more than that. A philistine of the highest caliber. You're obsessed with the left's effects on society but you are incapable to think outside of structures invented by them to condition you to believe the retarded things you are parroting. You think the enlightenment was a genuinely organic movement born out of scientific advancement, you're probably retarded enough to think that scientific advancement necessarily brings atheism and logical positivism. Idiotic enough to not know that trannies have existed since before Christ was born and are only being used not as a minority to cater to but as a symbol of false-morality by the lefty WASP's, whose culture is so deeply rooted into protestant puritanism even their subversion manifests as social moral masturbation, getting a pat on the back for being goodies and indulging the freaks of society.

You're too stupid to fully understand the world around you, you're never gonna make it.

>> No.17715404

>Take your meds

>> No.17715508
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>bro ur ideology is like, bro it's like the elites GAVE you that ideology, it's not even organic bro
thank you midwit

>> No.17715524

>Fire is about technology and not the Sacred Essence of Life itself

Go back to your midwitgenstein threads

>> No.17715573
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>> No.17715582

Nice to see Mumford mentioned.

>> No.17715588
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The end goal of all reactionary thought is the return to the mommy's womb, the original Golden Age

>> No.17715618

>return to the earth mother and not the sky father

>> No.17715633

is this the yaoi version

>> No.17715639

Stop being an animal

>> No.17715690

>Stop being an animal
If that's your goal it requires going further back, before your dad came into mommy's pussy

>> No.17715706

based pregnancy fetishists.

>> No.17715806
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Literature with prominent (and ideally, happy) pregnancies?

>> No.17715824

You're very much welcome, if you're the kind of mental retard who believes that there is a natural progression from scientific advancement towards ideological devolution of culture, and not an active attempt from plutocrats to send their philosophers and think tanks to control the cultural and political establishment.

>> No.17716417
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>> No.17716425
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>> No.17716429

I the beginning there was the word.
I think your right, language is the enemy

>> No.17716431

kys but >>17715508
my bad, bro. you're ok

>> No.17716432 [DELETED] 

shouldn't have ate that apple bruh

>> No.17718082
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Seriously though, any reccs?

>> No.17718587
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birds and apes use tools and they do just fine
it's human beings who are retarded