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File: 348 KB, 2102x702, wokemath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17712307 No.17712307 [Reply] [Original]

For the love of God. This needs to stop. How is it allowed to push an ideology this explicitly and subversively? This bestselling "social justice" math text book is now being taught in high schools. What is the limit to it?

For me it's not even the angle that it approaches it, it's the principle. Contaminating all subject matter with this ideological bias, including math which ought to be conceptual pure, is sick. It would be just as wrong if it was a textbook on Christian or Marxist or Nazi math.

See for yourselves:


Mods don't delete this it's about the ideological abuses of educational literature.

>> No.17712312


>> No.17712313

Fuck off retard.

>> No.17712772

Socjus-drenched Math textbooks is the kind of thing retards incapable of nuance think 'Everything is political!' means. Which makes them easy fodder for big capital raping their wallets

>> No.17712789

You first incel

>> No.17712792

How does one even incorporate politics into teaching math? Can you give an example of its contents?

>> No.17712798

>What is the limit to it?
I guess Lysenkoism went away when the USSR collapsed under the weight of the contradictions inherent to its ideology. Our own society's shelf life will surely shorten as even hard sciences and abstract logic are corrupted. There will always be contact points with reality where you're either right or wrong and being wrong has consequences. At scale being wrong spells disaster.

>> No.17712816

I could imagine teaching 13/50 and so on, but I doubt that's it.

>> No.17712873

the USSR collapsed because certain people no longer found it useful to their interests and decided to just loot it.

>> No.17712898

I bet the chapter on statistics is real short

>> No.17712904
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No, the collapse was very gradual until eventually the façade of functionality couldn't be sustained. Everyday the internal systems crept nearer to collapse as ideology superseded functionality and those who contributed to sustaining things like the food supply, availability of medicine, or even just talented or educated people to fill certain jobs had to compromise in their roles and lie to fit the party reality divorced from the real reality. There was no conspiracy, everyone knew what was happening and dreaded each new day aware it might be the one.

t. Belarusian who fled the USSR in the 80s

>> No.17712927

get rekt americans

>> No.17712940

You act as though the rest of the world doesn't just adopt Americanism albeit with a delay.

>> No.17713006

The American experiment is very unique in its total depravity. For better or worse there is nowhere quite like it

>> No.17713039

Now this sounds like cope. Anyone who looks at Europe and doesn't see America in the waiting is delusional. Hell you can even see the trajectory in places like China, America is like the Nietzschean last men, this evil inevitability.

>> No.17713061

Measure the ratio between police brutality incidents against minorities and their budgets

Calculate the difference between female CEOs versus male

Measure the derivative of oppression between different victim groups

>> No.17713143

How is this even happening lmao I don't know where it comes from or what's driving it, who benefits from this strange culture?

>> No.17713197

It’s a feedback loop, the more power it gets the more it needs, once a moral notion gets into that feedback loop and starts to define right conduct it’s basically impossible for it to be removed.

>> No.17713198

>the derivative of oppression
Depressingly I suspect we're right on course for some kind of social credit-style quantified oppression scale. Maybe as the PMC continues cannibalizing itself it'll eventually settle on a formalized scale as the best available compromise, with social welfare and cultural valorization doled out on its back. Since it'd really just be the codification of current thought, why not go the whole way

>> No.17713227

Isn't that what affirmative action is an all these misguided road-to-hell good intentioned diversity initiatives are?

Again I made this thread explicitly not to rail against wokism and its infiltration of all areas of institutional life but out of disagreement of such ideologically motivated education in general. And if you do have the courage to criticize this insanity, you're labeled racist and canceled. There's a totalitarian aspect to it, just as how in the USSR there was "soviet genetics" theory which was modeled on marxist dialectics and was total pseudoscience

>> No.17713233

Each person will have a scale of victim hood, straight white men being the most evil will be lowest, a gay white man or woman slightly higher, the highest will be disabled native Australian trans otherkin who will receive stupendous amounts of money monthly from the lower castes. It will be a neo-feudal relationship of serfs and nobles with inferiority as the definer

>> No.17713496

And the US is much more insulated from any external threats that might force pragmatism than the USSR was for much of its existence (even then its effects had quite huge limits). So the door's open for possibly infinite acceleration. Unlikely though, I'd guess this thing will deflate over time as it becomes a hindrance to the corps

No I think over time the rewards will become increasingly symbolic and less material. The question is whether cultural politics of the kind we're used to now will remain strong enough to make this sufficient, or whether we start to see discontent among the PMC. Clearing the ground for an elite intra-class squabble that sets up a new order.

>> No.17713520
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>implying implications most implicatory
Why are all capitalists such incels and bigots?

>> No.17713733

Stay triggered fishmouth

>> No.17714170

Just texted my sister who is a teacher about this and she said it was excellent. What mental state do people have to be in to not see why this is wrong?

>> No.17714187
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Leftists and women was a mistake.

>> No.17714207

Your sister doesn't have a choice bro, not like she can speak up about it and keep her job. It's easier in those circumstances to just believe in the stuff yourself than live in a state of constant secret rebellion against the institution you belong to.

>> No.17714223

If it takes 1 hour to cook a batch of cookies and Cookiemonster has 15 ovens, working 24 hours a day, every day for 5 years, how long does it take Cookiemonster to make 6 million batches of cookies?

>> No.17714228


>> No.17714229

Straight White males are the group most discriminated against in our society. Sad atte of affairs really

>> No.17714243

Yeah that's what happens when you build a civilization on imperialism and then decide to give the people you oppressed for centuries the freedom to speak. Tough luck, now deal with it.

>> No.17714256

based coward

>> No.17714266

Ignoring the "woke indoctrination", it seems to be good practice. It provides some modicum of real-world (and often personal) practice to make math relevant. It's laughably common for students to say moronic things like "why does math matter" and "when will I ever use this" and now they're given at least some real-world usage of various mathematical concepts without either going on to study mathematics in college or some other STEM field (and even within many STEM fields, the math isn't necessarily complex).
Were it not for the fact that 4chan trips over itself to be counterculture (and thus counter "woke", which is already bad since wokeoid culture only truly exists online and in a handful of HR departments), I could see this book being loved by a large amount of people on /lit/, same for /sci/ desu.

>> No.17714271

>That's what you get for behaving horribly like all other people in history and then stopping it.

>> No.17714275

There's literally nothing wrong with this. The only outcome will kids being more aware of social injustice and less racist. Terrifying!

>> No.17714290

Yikes, my dude.

>> No.17714299

>It would be just as wrong if it was a textbook on Christian or Marxist or Nazi math.
Yeah except the entire education system is indoctrination for kids to be good capitalist goyim and never question the system, but it's not "woke" so you don't complain about that one.

>> No.17714301

Math should be divorced from ideological .commentary

>> No.17714307

le epic Reddit sarcasm

>> No.17714328

It’s counter-prejudice, the inversion of values, the slave morality, neo-puritanical indulgence in endless guilt and self flagellation.
Why not just study the most important and best mathematicians regardless of their race and gender?

>> No.17714338

What a reddit comment

>> No.17714361

Lysenkoism was discarded before the USSR collapsed, even they managed to realize it was stupid as fuck before it permanently crippled their agriculture for all time

>> No.17714371

>For better or worse there is nowhere quite like it
Canada and Australia are exactly like this.
Australia Day is an annual nation wide controversy ffs, we literally have "Sorry for the invasion" protests

>> No.17714375

Yeah let's just ignore the issues in society instead of solving them.
>muh slave morality
They can read Nietzsche when they hit 15 like (You), before that there's no reason a fucking kid should care about "slave morality". You overestimate how much kids care about what they learn in school too.

>> No.17714383

Math class isn't the place to address racial issues

>> No.17714395

You'd know

>> No.17714396

Yes it is when racial injustice is directly resulting in disparities of math education and skill level.

>> No.17714410

math classes are structured to favor white and asian students so they are used as a form of soft discrimination because employers can then prioritize stem degrees or high math scores to weed out people of color.

>> No.17714413

>racial injustice is directly resulting in disparities of math education and skill level.
do you honestly believe this, like look deep inside yourself

>> No.17714415

>structured to favor white and asian students

>> No.17714417

Ever considered that maybe nogs just aren't good at math and have less IQ on average than white and Asians? Why not teach them other things instead of maths?

>> No.17714424

>Yeah let's just ignore the issues in society instead of solving them.
of course that means you have to pre define the specific issues create the specific narritive and so forth. even if the end goal is right, its for the wrong reasons. the process itself is tainted with an a priori bias that leads to pushing specific goals rather than specific ways of thinking to create reevaluate and make different and other interpretations of goals.

>> No.17714426

The way the lessons are designed require the student to supplement their learning with parental guidance and outside tutoring or clarification. Minority students tend to be poorer and have working parents or parents with lower levels of education who are unable to provide that extra guidance or motivation to stick with difficult problems, thus encouraging them to becoming dejected and give up on academia.

>> No.17714428

why would they do this. what is the end goal.

>> No.17714440

>clarification. Minority students tend to be poorer and have working parents or parents with lower levels of education who are unable to provide that extra guidance or motivation to stick with difficult problems, thus encouraging them to becoming dejected and give up on academia.
so its all correlative rather than causal? why is the end goal to opress minorities. this seems like backwards justification if a pre established thesis.

>> No.17714441

Maintaining white supremacist hegemony and the de facto racial caste system that has been in place in the West historically. The civil rights movement has made outright discrimination outlawed and frowned upon, so they design other methods and structures to perpetuate it through systemic racism.

>> No.17714454
File: 24 KB, 483x291, satscoreincomerace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorer and have working parents or parents with lower levels of education who are unable to provide that extra guidance or motivation

>> No.17714463

Asians aren't poor, no one claimed they were. Asians are not systemically discriminated against on the level of brown and Black people/.

>> No.17714476

The graph shows that the poorest asians have higher scores than the richest blacks, which contradicts your theory about the poor parents not providing guidance

>> No.17714478

They will never adress the IQ issue. Forget about it. They pretend it doesn't exist. Wait until society is run entirely by nogs and see how it collapses in just a few decades.

>> No.17714479

>Maintaining white supremacist hegemony and the de facto racial caste system
what does this accomplish and why is this considered a concerted effort rather than a gestalt enertia of how cultures people and macrogroups interconnect?

again, this seems prescriptive rather than analytical. is it really that simple that x dislikes this pigmentation?

>> No.17714480

There are other factors beyond just economic. Lessons structured around white cultural practices and biases ignore the unique challenges and realities of communities of color when teaching complex material.

>> No.17714487

Asians are more discriminated against than blacks who in actuality are treated preferentially.

>> No.17714491

I know they won't, I only post in these threads out of a kind of reflexive boredom, like when you see an ant on the ground and start making little mazes for it walk through with various objects

>> No.17714492
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Yeah nah fuck off mutts, Europe rejected America in 2020. You're on your own in this bullshit.

>> No.17714494

You are reaching so hard when there are far more rational explanations if only you look past your absolutist moral ideology

>> No.17714495

This is ignorant of history and the continuing entrenched systemic methods of control used to undermine the Black community
Maintenance of privilege and the societal status quo rather than allowing for more seats at the table

>> No.17714501

Anti colonial education is supposed to be disruptive because we live in a culture marked by structural and violent sexism racism transphobia etc. You have to disrupt the entitlement of the oppressors and the identification of marginalized identities with whiteness. Over oppression nazis and the alt right rely on a base of implicit opression(subconscious biases:the existence of which has been proven by science, internalized oppression amongst marginalized identities, microagressions, colorblind racism). Only white people cant afford not to think about racism. The mild discomfort you feel from having to acknowledge your whiteness is not even one billionth of the absolute terror marginaluzed folx such as poc and queer people experience every instant of their existence from living under white supremacy and heteronormativity

>> No.17714516

reeeeee, why are people in positions of power in the state using it to produce propaganda based on their values??!?!?!?!
the answer should be obvious

the most you can hope for with a post like this is a sympathetic reaction that is effectively 'wow that bad thing sure is bad'

>> No.17714517

>There are other factors beyond just economic. Lessons structured around white cultural practices and biases ignore the unique challenges and realities of communities of color when teaching complex material.
that sounds more like just how macrogroups exist. if course if the institution was created by a specific demography that over time encorperated elements of another, there is going to be a focus on that previous one. and its not like cultures are static and unconnected and independent. it seems like making particulate concrete thesises out of abstract relations.

>> No.17714520

The stereotypical notions of Asians being good at math or science and Black people being good at sports are harmful stereotypes reinforced by the media to perpetuate racial biases, box people into certain roles, and discourage black people from getting into STEM or to see education as something for light skinned folks.

>> No.17714525

Stop using this ridiculous ideological language as if it meant something. It's very simple; you look at income by IQ and then try to find a difference between blacks and whites. You will find none and then you completely reavaluate your notion of oppression. You really need to explain what you mean by oppression when it is statistically largely invisible.

>> No.17714535

shut the fuck up cretin. at least they should do it with dignity, not this bullshit "democracy" "liberalism" lying all the time like subhumans. This is just retarded and a fucking disgrace regardless how you look at it.

>> No.17714538

Come on this has to be bait. No one can be this unoriginal.

>> No.17714546

IQ is not a meaningful objective measure of intelligence and is hampered by the biases of the Western institutions that created the measuring. It was a test explicitly designed to reinforce the notions and implicit biases of white supremacy by failing to adjust to non Western contexts.

>> No.17714549

he used "folks" it's not even a troll at this point it's just someone joking and you being retarded

>> No.17714551

>tfw we punish the one group that saw the error of their ways

>> No.17714558

An incredibly racially unbalanced welfare system, affirmative action, diversity quotas, state-funded pro-black NGOs (imagine the sheer evil it would be if a white one existed), entire months dedicated to them. These are the systematic prejudices that exist in our culture, I have never once seen anything of the sort in the opposite direction.
You seem to notice that there are differing levels of achievement and then assume that there must be a prejudice that causes it, filling in the gap with an imagined prejudice like theoretical dark matter, when in truth, simply differing levels of merit requires far fewer logical leaps. But this is an evil heresy, and it’s immoral to even consider that possibility right?

>> No.17714560

Hiroshima, please perma IP ban anyone who uses the word r*ddit from this website

>> No.17714562


>> No.17714563

>incredibly racially unbalanced welfare system
because your racist system made them poorer

>> No.17714565

>people who don't believe in dignity should act with dignity
>people who don't believe in truth should act truthfully
big if true

>> No.17714567

>Maintenance of privilege and the societal status quo rather than allowing for more seats at the table.
but wtf, the very basis of these statements ask me to take rather concrete and myopic thesis as a priori logic before I can even take a first step into diologue. its seems like a problem of basic logical disconnect.
>subconscious biases:the existence of which has been proven by science, internalized oppression amongst marginalized identities, microagressions, colorblind racism
ok? but How can I accept these as a priori facts when thry seem like the gestalt narritivisation of many interconnected factors?

you ask me to accept a landrylist of historical interpretation before the playing feild is even set.

>> No.17714568

Then why are East Asians higher IQ than whites

>> No.17714571

>Europe rejected America in 2020.
The big George Floyd protests in Berlin indicate otherwise

>> No.17714578

None of those things are "prejudices" but are programs meant to rectify past injustices and address the impact of the mechanisms of oppression that were used to keep non white races in a lower socioeconomic strata by systemic design.

>> No.17714579

Asians outperforming whites on IQ tests kind of discredits that theory

>> No.17714581

It's too dificult to differentiate satire from ideology. None of what anon wrote is a wrong depiction of what these people would say, it's just too robotic and frankly competent.

Stop that sillyness now.

>> No.17714586

>imagine the sheer evil it would be if a white one existed
Holy shit you still don't fucking get it do you?

>> No.17714605

China and Japan (the high scorers on these tests) willingly engaged and opened relations with the West without imperialist force. They chose to Westernize and follow elements of their societal model so they are able to better integrate into Western society or adhere to their standards. Latino and African countries were victims of imperialism and having Western culture forced onto them rather than accepting it or adjusting to it willingly. They were never properly integrated into Western society but forced into it regardless.

>> No.17714609
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>> No.17714610

>the reward of mercy is treachery
So true

>> No.17714616

the US literally nuked Japan lmao, there are still military bases on their gay island to this day

>> No.17714628

You just realized this? He keeps reusing terms like "systemic racism" and "privilege", along with lots of ideological word salad, and he doesn't elaborate on his claims either. I'm pretty sure >>17714501 is copypasta. I'm getting deja vu from reading it.

>> No.17714634

>none of these are prejudices" but are programs meant to rectify past injustices and address the impact of the mechanisms
see? you have to be fully wed to that interpretation to even justify its existence. it must exist in order to even be considered fair. a black-white narrative is necessary for it to be considered. its a boy that cryed wolf. there very well can and probably is truth to that, but if there is a chink in that blanket statement, it becomes innately unfair. the wolf is a requirement for its justification rather than a generally applicable program in itself. no room for dynamism.

>> No.17714658

Lol my cousin in law is a Chinese guy. His family had to sell their furniture to have him because of the taxes. Growing up he'd forage for mushrooms to have something to eat. He has a master's in mechanical engineering.

I'm sure DeShawn has a tougher time growing up in Houston.

>> No.17714662

You seem to be defining success as just “whiteness”. Easy Asians are successful because they are more “white”? That’s a sketchy idea bro. Besides, are East Asians more white than white propel? How does that work?

>> No.17714673

basically yes

>> No.17714689

>China and Japan (the high scorers on these tests) willingly engaged and opened relations with the West without imperialist force
Like when they "willingly" accepted opium as currency, or "willingly" were occupied by the American military.

>> No.17714691

you don’t understand, these are not people, these are cultural units. Deshawn isnt like that because he has any agency, he is simply a product of his environment and that unit should be pittied for it.

this is not even wrong, but it would be nice if they came out and actually said it.

>> No.17714700

I'm talking government action not whatever kids do retards

>> No.17714711

The solution is then to fix the environment to make things equal for all regardless of race and allow for true meritocracy rather than having the embedded white supremacist biases continue. In order to remedy the situation for those who have already been negatively shaped and influenced by the white supremacist power structure growing up we would need things like reparations, quotas, policy change, greater representation in entertainment, etc. to sort of mitigate the impact.

>> No.17714712
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look at this faggot.
Yes, biological factors like lower cranial capacity, lower IQ. Blacks are literal archaic Homo sapiens, you can't classify them as anatomically modern Homo sapiens

>> No.17714717

It is going to have to be repeated until you understand and comply and acknowledge your complicity with white supremacy

>> No.17714721
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hahahaha ok mate, nice words you have there

>> No.17714722

no one is immune to the forces of the system in which they are raised. they are conditioned by the environment and structures to behave a certain way and the structures are designed to benefit white people at the expense of black people. this is the status quo that they seek to reinforce and maintain

>> No.17714723

Do you have any evidence that those things help black people or do you just hope they do? Additionally, are those things realistically possible to implement?

>> No.17714731

'no one is immune to the forces of the system in whey they are raised'

that's just tautology, your words do not contain information

>> No.17714732

They are slowly improving conditions for the Black community. The more work we do to address the legacy and residual impact of the white supremacist system, the greater we can improve the well being of the community.

>> No.17714736
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>meanwhile in reality

>> No.17714739

I was walking around the city last night, it was mardi gras. Saw a faggot in an expensive ass designer leather jacket. I coat hangered the poofta cunt from behind and rolled.
An asian bitch pretending to be woke. $800 balenciagas, loui bag, suffice to say that bitch need a new nose lmfao.

>> No.17714740

Do you have any original thoughts on the matter, or are just going to keep this charade up of saying nothing of insight and substance? Btw, I checked my privilege, and being white feels preeeeeeeeeetty good. I wouldn't trade my whiteness away for anything.

>> No.17714741

So...no evidence then?

>> No.17714742

they being implemented as we speak and you cant do nothing about it cracker

>> No.17714756

Kids are gonna be electing your government buddy, the EU and its members are democratic.

>> No.17714762

You realize that whites live in poverty also?
The structure you presume to exist does not. There is a structure, but it isnt white supremacist.

>> No.17714768

Poor whites don't have to face the extra barrier of racial biases that seek to box them in certain roles or prevents them from getting certain opportunities

>> No.17714775

To the white people ITT: when you've been the beneficiary of privilege and exploiting others all your life, minorities asking to make the playing field equal feels like oppression

>> No.17714776

> The solution is then to fix the environment to make things equal for all regardless of race and allow for true meritocracy
in regards to what pray tell? a true meritocracy should have all children being raised by the state a la republic. however, it seems like we also have a tendancy toward property and the freedom to impart our cultural units onto children. you have pre defined what the problem is. white supremacy for some reason, so you work back from a thesis rather than creating something by a process. you think lets include more black people instead of lets include people. its not even the goal of meritocracy thats in question, but the pre established notion of white supremacy rather than a gestalt of the cultural multifaceted garments of the greater whole. what a wonderfully condensed and sloganable truth. what a grand and uncomplicated truth.

>> No.17714786
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whiteness as the modern concept doesn't even exist 300 years ago so the entire theory the US is built around white supremacy is comically ahistorical and stupid

>> No.17714790

Way to go! You just dehumanized pocs by saying they aren't people, have no agency, and must have white people fight their battles for them. Congratulations, bigot!

>> No.17714800

I work in restoration ecology and plans need evidence. Something might sound great but fail in practice, which is why data and analysis is required for any serious project. Helping blacks sounds less rigorous than helping songbirds. It would be a great failing on us to treat blacks more flippantly than we do animals.

>> No.17714802

feelings aren't facts
if America is so bad you can leave
except instead minorities flock here to be 'oppressed'
Why? Because deep down even every black knows they are lucky to be born here and are better off because of white people, they'd be vulture bait in Africa right now if not for slavery. Instead they get a system bending over to try and get them into college despite their double digit IQ.

>> No.17714805

> no one is immune to the forces of the system in which they are raised. they are conditioned by the environment and structures to behave a certain way and the structures are designed to benefit white people at the expense of black people.
why not change black people then? unless there is some essential blackness that is necessary.
> this is the status quo that they seek to reinforce and maintain
why. a Appalachian coal miner is as good a prole as a black suburban youth. what makes it so necessary to keep blacks down.

>> No.17714810

Poor whites have to fight against the stigma of being 'rednecks'. If you had grown up in a poor white family, in a poor white town, and ever tried to find white-collar work in a large city, you'd understand. Viewed as lower class scum by everyone. From rich whites to rich asians.
Your lack of worldly experience is showing :^) But thats just a result of your privileges :^))

>> No.17714816

>build wealth off the backs of black labor in america
>europe strips africa of all its resources through imperialism
>black people want a cut of the wealth they were used to create
>get told to go back to the continent they were stolen from and had the resources stripped from

>> No.17714819
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oppression is billions of dollars despite total incompetence

>> No.17714829

yes, if they were honest about there racialism it would be slightly more based.

>> No.17714845

Colonizers attempt to write the history of a colonized people as one of "barbarism, degradation, and bestiality" in order to justify the supremacy of Western civilization, and they seek to maintain this narrative by keeping them economically deprived or subjugated through various systemic structures, mechanisms, and power abuse.

>> No.17714846


>> No.17714856

>>europe strips africa of all its resources through imperialism
The only reason Europe was able to colonize Africa to begin with is because they were already absurdly weak and technologically retarded

>> No.17714858

Blacks didn't build America's wealth, most of it came from industrialization. If simple slave labor makes countries rich and powerful Africa would be impossible to colonize because they'd be so powerful with all their slaves.

>> No.17714876
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>they seek to maintain this narrative
if you have eyes you maintain the narrative

>> No.17714880

>bought black african labor from blacks
>successfully won labd and resources through deplomacy, trade and arms (just like the native blacks and everyone else did to each other, just worse)
>get told to go back to the place they lost and try to do better if you dont like it here

>> No.17714898

Yes, but if they follow the manners of polite white society then they will be accepted and not denied based on their race, while an educated wealthy self made Black man will still face racial barriers or low class stereotypes regardless of conduct. They will still be racially profiled by police or assumed to be a thug, uneducated, low class, savage, and worthy of discriminatory policy that could theoretically result in genocide if taken to an extreme.

>> No.17714906

not the few hundred retards who went out you imbecile

>> No.17714913


Teachers are almost all brainwashed

>> No.17714919

many factory workers and low class laborers were black. black people have been part of this country since day 1 and used as second class citizens the whole time never getting a fair shake despite contributing immensely to american culture, entertainment, science, economic development, history, etc. they are an integral part of american culture society and history and deserve to be treated equally as they are promised in the constitution.

>> No.17714922

In poor communities everyone is equal. There is no racial tension. Nigerian, pacific islander, white, asian, doesnt matter we all share the same struggles and rely on each other for community and charity.
I've experienced discrimination also because of my home address. People instantly assume you are unintelligent, overly aggressive, likely to steal etc.
Institutional racism does not exist on the scale people like to pretend. Instead it is institutional classism. And its funny that the most hateful elitist assholes are the ones acting like saviors of the downtrodden on social media. But if you sit next to them in a cafe wearing hi-vis they are visibly disgusted. Regardless of skin colour.

>> No.17714930


You’ve lost your mind entirely.

>> No.17714937

The difference between left and right in the US is between IQ genetic determinism and bf skinner behavioral determinism(see the dubious theory of implicit biases). Both accept the fundamental premise that society is to be run as a total institution and reject distinctly human attributes such as discursivity, reflexivity self determination. Qanon and wokeness identity politics can be traced to colonial warfare and the british empire's tactics of governance, creating synthetic mythologies and 'traditional communities' that are actually wholly modern constructs ran as political machines for the benefit of a few. As a brown immigrant leftists end up sounding like englishmen in pith helmets telling us to pay heed to the authorized tribal elders.

>> No.17714939
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Do you disagree with wokism? If
a) you do agree
then great, why shouldn't it (not infiltrate) blossom in all dimensions of society, regardless of whether it's "ideological" (whatever that even means, truth can't be ideological)?
b) you don't agree
Then all this "umm I'm not racist I'm just against totalitarianism!!!" is cloying and gross. yeah ok chud you keep at it. Keep whining your impotent whines in the libertarian cuck club until I punch you in the face see how you feel then aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.17714940

the modern purpose of academia is not to create an environment for unbiased informed truth seeking or free exchange of knowledge but to push ideological narratives and propaganda. most teachers are women with liberal arts degrees in "x studies" which are centered around critical theory or intersectional analysis. they get trained to analyze issues through these lenses and become actors in a culture war against oppression

>> No.17714945

>past: social justice in math´s books.
>future: maths was imperialism

>> No.17714946

You're still the larper I suppose but this isn't true at all and you shouldn't distribute misinformation here. Behaviour and signalling through clothes for example is essential if you want to escape group prejudice. It's so important to teach that to blacks.

>> No.17714951

yah, but litterally all that stuff can happen to a hick to. i dont see your point.

and its not like either are unnatural in the world. we typecast all the time. if there is correlations in demography people will tend to assume them to some degree. sometimes to an uncouth degree.

if a gaunt white man starts banging on my door, i might assume hes a NE HEROIN addict. not to mention you assume the person in questions response.

>> No.17714954

This. To receive a proper education in 2021 one either needs to be home schooled or attend a catholic boarding school.

>> No.17714957

America was mostly a backwater shithole to Europe until WW2 when you got rich from supplying the war. Most economists nowadays estimate if anything that slavery and the importation of Africans to the US set back the economy rather than "built it". There isn't a single time in history I think where having a massive slave caste ends up being a net gain, the only thing American slavery did was concentrate wealth in a few people's hands and make it more difficult to find honest labor for the average citizen.

>> No.17714958

It all comes down to how you dress and speak. I realized that once I stopped talking with a bogan accent and threw my TNs away.

>> No.17714962

this. its fucking insidious. of course race is a part of it, but for some reason people play it so myopically and dont get any of the nuance in this shit. when you agree with a little of what they say, but they are so bull headed about and aspect to not see the forest.

>> No.17714977

>b) you don't agree
>Then all this "umm I'm not racist I'm just against totalitarianism!!!"
the mind of a wokist everybody, as black and white as you can get. and asks for another after the fact.

>> No.17714978


Yep. It’s class war. They didn’t off MLK or Malcolm X until they started talking about class war and uniting the poor.

>> No.17714981
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Africa literally didn't invent the wheel until Europeans arrived. There isn't an anthropologist in the world who disagrees, it's just a fact that Africans aren't that bright. I mean, chicken or the egg? It's not a coincidence they were and still are completely dominated by external powers. That's what happens when you're technologically backwards in an increasingly global reality.

>> No.17714983

they're too ideological and dogmatic. they also see themselves as like moral crusaders who have to save people of color from evil nazis or some shit and anyone that disagrees with them as evil

>> No.17714985


But they was KANGZ you son of a bitch

>> No.17714986
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Friendly reminder that 'privilege' doesn't exist and is a euphemism for white genocide.

>> No.17714987

is this irony within irony within irony?.

>> No.17714993

That's a simplistic assumption and generalization of a diverse group of people. Plenty of Africans are intelligent doctors, lawyers, engineers, software developers, actors, businessmen, politicians, and so on.

>> No.17715009

privilege does exist clearly. black people were literally enslaved and colonized by white societies

>> No.17715010


But much less of a percentage than say Jews Asians or Indians. How much of this are you willing to say is racism/oppression and how much are you willing to admit is a lower overall IQ than these groups?

>> No.17715011

His point was that if industrialisation built American wealth, not slavery, then the notion that blacks own American prosperity is false. Saying 'many' blacks were industrial workers doesn't address it either, because 'many' might still mean 'tiny minority relative to white industrial workers'. Which is why you dodged his argument to grandstand.

>> No.17715012

fuck off retard

>> No.17715024


There have been slaves of every color and still are to this day. Slavery is your claim to fame and it’s a shame and a farce. It’s literally all you faggots have to be proud of is your victimhood, nothing absolutely zero wise redeeming or worth talking about. Oh thanks for being great at sports and the bangn booty shaking music though. Excellent contributions that will be well remembered in history.

>> No.17715026

from what twitter college are you from?

>> No.17715030

Cool it with the antisemitism there.

>> No.17715033

In America the only slaves were blacks who were then also victims of segregation

>> No.17715037


Kikes are the ultimate evil and they brought blacks over as slaves on purpose knowing and planning to use them for exactly what they’re doing with them now.

>> No.17715045

Ok Nazi. No surprise here. Youre just a white supremacist who hates black people, Jewish people and minorities in general.

>> No.17715051

You are fucking retarded.
That's why niggers and spics can go into social studies and the white man goes into mathematics

>> No.17715052


I’m a minority. But sure knock yourself out.

>> No.17715054

It's blatantly a form of psychological warfare designed to preserve the power of elite gatekeepers in universities journalism corporations psychiatry the military intelligence agencies who are now justified as educators of the inherently bigotted masses. You cant trust your coworkers or neighbors you cant even trust yourself(the focus is not as on previous civil rights movements on the ability of human beings to shape their world, but on the threat posed by the subconscious) but elite institutions are inherently virtuous and absolved of any wrongdoing.

>> No.17715055

american music culture was built by blacks. even white music was stolen from blacks

>> No.17715061

Kill yourself

>> No.17715065


Niggers are being used as a tool by Jews almost exactly like they were used as slaves. And you’re still too stupid to wrap your heads around it or fight it. So busy fighting Whitey and relishing in your victimhood that you’ll never stop being victims. Whites are the reason you have a voice now or internet to cry on.

>> No.17715069

What's the point in this trolling?

>> No.17715070

no its because they are told they cant do math and then they cant get help for math because their parents have to be working 3 jobs just to make it or they got shot by a gang member due to the result of white supremacist policy

>> No.17715071


>> No.17715076

Every group has been enslaved throughout history.

Please stop contributing to the propaganda effort trying to genocide my people.

>> No.17715077

Do you sit on your computer all day waiting for (you)'s to reply stupid shit to?
Don't you have to dial 8 somewhere?

>> No.17715079

What 0 pussy does to a mfer
Yall blame the Jews for it
It's the truth though. Rock was made by blacks. Rap was made by blacks. Electronic music was made by blacks. Funk was made by blacks. R&b was made by blacks. Jazz was made by blacks.

>> No.17715081


Yeah yeah boo hoo poor blacks everything was stolen from them everything was taken from them so sad so cruel. They was good boys n theys never had a chance abloo abloo. They will never ever stop being victims because their entire culture is built around being victims and losers.

>> No.17715085

Name another racial group enslaved in America other than black people.

>> No.17715088

/lit/ bros.....
I’m really scared of this cult.....
When has behavior like this ever ended in any other way besides mass murder?

>> No.17715089


I suppose Beethoven was secretly black snd niggers are directly responsible for classical music and all music thereafter too huh?

>> No.17715090

The thing is that 'social justice' in itself these days in America IS a political belief. We don't live in the Les Mis type of injustice period today. All kids can go to school, all kids can get an education etc. The crux of the issue with blacks is is that their own gang mentality culture demonizes learning and actually being a smart person which is why they all end up being retarded. There's been a study where they even compared the financial state of white and black families and at low-income households whites still scored way better at different tests compared to blacks. Most smart and wealthy people therefore don't want to give their money in taxes to dumb and lazy blacks because they do fuck all with it anyway.

>> No.17715098

i think so. I can totally jive with a lot of mlk abd to some extent Malcom had to say, but the rhetoric today feels so slimey and using these naritivising words and nice little synthetic classifications...

>> No.17715101


Never. If the left doesn’t off you soon the chinks will have you blindfolded on your knees in one of their camps waiting to be castrated. We’re headed for bad times.

>> No.17715103


Chinks, Indians, extremely poor whites

>> No.17715111

>in America
Moving those goalposts aren't we? Should we be asking Africa for reparations for the Barbary slave trade? More Europeans were enslaved by Africans than the reverse.

But to answer your misleading question, Native Americans were also enslaved.

>> No.17715114

>The thing is that 'social justice' in itself these days in America IS a political belief
I would argue that it has become a religious belief

>> No.17715115
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>This thread right now
>This board right now
>4chan right now

>> No.17715119

Can I see that study? Sounds interesting

America is a nuclear power retard China ain't doing shit

>> No.17715122

Where is your god now? Also Indians regularly enslaved the whites they captured.

>> No.17715126


The country is being slowly sold out from under your feet. Jews will continue looting it sell what’s left to the chinks and it’s going to be ugly.

>> No.17715131

I just hope its us mass murdering the outgroup and not the reverse

>> No.17715136


This. Slavery is just a part of history. Blacks here act like it’s some sacred thing special only to them when actuality almost EVERY SINGLE GROUP through history has made slaves of another group. Color has nothing to do with it. It’s power.

>> No.17715143

It doesn't matter how dirt poor America becomes due to economic strangulation, if it's a nuclear power it isn't getting invaded was my point. Same reason US elites couldn't carpet bomb NK like they wanted

>> No.17715149

It’s still going on.

>> No.17715154

>Blacks here
i assume you mean in irl in america and maybe europe now too.

>> No.17715157


Keep thinking that. Nukes don’t mean shit when the people running the show are bought and paid for Chinese shills.

>> No.17715163

>electronic music
Oh, fuck off. Blacks have a great rhythmic talent but even the blackest music outside of Africa was a collaborative effort.

>> No.17715168


Yes. I mean every single ignorant subhuman nigger who can’t be bothered to look into any sort of history at all. People have had slaves since almost day 1. Cavemen made slaves out of other cavemen families nearby.

>> No.17715177



>> No.17715180

Donald Trump ushered in a new era of American racial relations and forced us to confront some long standing questions regarding equality in American society. It's not so much that he was a unique representation of white racism, on the contrary Black people have known what's been going on for years while white people swept it under the rug. Trump forced polite white society to look in the mirror and stop running away from the racist undercurrents that are the building blocks of their society. His call to Make America Great Again was a blatant appeal to white nostalgia and identity politics, an appeal to the days of segregation and reactionary bigoted cultural attitudes in the face of progressive social change. The images of lynching, theft, colonialism, and slavery paint the pages of black experience in America. Today police brutality and the school to prison pipeline remain entrenched. Trump whipped the white conservatives into a populist fervor that tapped into white nationalist impulse, flirting with their dogwhistles and rhetoric. Racial animus on this level harkened back to pre WWII levels and took the mask off, showing white suburbia what Black people knew was the real face of white America all along. This thesis was proven loud and clear by the rise of militias, white nationalist rhetoric, police brutality incidents, and the deadly events of January 6th and Charlottesville.

White people have always opposed moments of black progress and reacted against them in attempts to halt them or reverse them. This was present from the abolitionist movements to the civil rights era to today in the wake of BLM. Trump's movement and the alt right were the latest manifestation. Racism is alive as much as ever and with the mask off. The religion of whiteness built on lies is shattering. The complex of whiteness is an impulse rooted in religion. What is religious about whiteness is it is an aggregated complex of individual and collective relations of power, corporate networks, institutions, dispositif, affects, cosmologies, myths, representations, epistemes, politics, and economics that congeal in the meaning and status of the bodies of those who live, identify, and are perceived as white, which structure the world, experiences, and relations with - and to an extent of - others who are not white passing, which function as the objective organizing interface with the world. Whiteness is a pseudoreligious worldview.

>> No.17715189

again not the bunkerbois here, but there was the midtake of making a breeding population of slaves and letting it get so very big instead of the ottoman style.

but i guess hindsight is 20/20 and you kinda have to deal with it now.

>> No.17715197

>but out of disagreement of such ideologically motivated education in general
If you really believe that any other style of education is not "ideologically motivated" then you are blind to the existence of the ideologies behind them. It's ideology all the way down, moron.

>> No.17715201

based copypasta retard.

>> No.17715202


Fuck blackness fuck niggers fuck you you’re wrong and you’re going to lose. Go ahead, stamp out whiteness. In doing so you’re stamping out goodness, productivity and intelligence. In short you’re killing off anything good and you’ll be left with only bad. You apes will run the country and society straight into the ground. It’s already happening.

>> No.17715206

So this is the fabled white intellectual.

>> No.17715209

Math is about the least ideologically motivated discipline there is

>> No.17715216

fuck off retard

>> No.17715218


What’s happening now is and always has been part of a plan. True slaves are castrated so they can’t breed. Jews brought blacks over with full intention of subverting the country later on.

>> No.17715221

i'm racist, i just thought you should know

>> No.17715222

I mean by these point i no longer see lgbt leftists or black people as humans one can have a discussion with but as politically correct victimhood units carriers of a putrid totalitarian ideology

>> No.17715225

Jews have nothing to do with any of this. It was the fault of white people wanting to enslave blacks for cheap exploitation. Stop the nazi shit

>> No.17715226

>Name another racial group enslaved in America other than black people.
It's so funny to me how all of these 'woke' leftist transvenstites don't know a single damn thing about history. One of the largest slave empires in all of history was in America and it had NOTHING to do with "evil whites".
Ring any bells? You know there was a country here before your previous and beloved niggers were so sorely oppressed on American shores, right? Slavery is a fact of all human history, and whites are the only group in all of human history to voluntarily abolish the practice. You should be grateful to whites if your goals are moral.

>> No.17715229

Trump was a Chinese shill? He was many things, but he clearly wasn't that. I'm thinking it more likely you're just a retard.

>> No.17715232


Jews brought those blacks over not “whites”

>> No.17715233

because you are an intolerant racist neo nazi

>> No.17715234

it is, but its better an implicit general ideology than skevy actively hateful and insidious one.

>> No.17715236

These people are going to call you a white nationalist racist fascist russian bot for daring to read old books disagreeing with corporate media or not wanting your children to be molested. You dont even have to be white

>> No.17715239


I didn’t say he was. I’m talking about current and future leaders. Not him.

>> No.17715241

Thanks man

>> No.17715242

I mean these people can dish it out but cannot take talk shit get hit.

>> No.17715247

Fuck off retard.

>> No.17715248

Schizophrenic nonsense. You are a deluded hateful paranoid who hates black people and wants to stifle any attempts at making the playing field equal for black people economically.

>> No.17715252


Calling Jews into question doesn’t automatically make someone a nazi.

>> No.17715253
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We won't make that mistake next time

>> No.17715258

3/5th of a person

>> No.17715259

>>17715201 >>17715202 >>17715221 >>17715222 >>17715236
0 arguments from the right, per usual

>> No.17715261

Future leaders whose identity and allegiance you have no idea about? Okay

>> No.17715264

>making the playing field equal f
by which you mean 'explicitly not equal' lol

>> No.17715269

you are not helping retard, not a wokester, but not a schizoid in the other direction either. thank you for giving them ammunition.

>> No.17715273

The whole pasta relies on pretending the races have equal average intelligence, which they don't. Try to argue against that

>> No.17715274


Watch and wait. America is dying.

>> No.17715275

Modern left combines the absolute worst elements of totalitarian stalinist communism with atomizing neoliberal capitalism minus any of the benefits.

>> No.17715279

Equality of opportunity and remedying some of the negative residual legacies of past discriminatory policy. This is crucial to achieve racial harmony and true meritocracy for all races rather than just whites or those emulating white culture

>> No.17715282

I think wokism is garbage but thinking "the best idea will blossom" is retarded.

>> No.17715283

fuck off retard

>> No.17715286

The decline will spring from internal dynamics. Invasion by a foreign power is laughable

>> No.17715294

>negative residual legacies
They don't exist, some populations are just dumber and perform worse

>> No.17715297


Alexander the great’s will published after death had detailed plans about race mixing the populations he controlled to make and keep a more easily controllable group. This was thousands of years before America. If you don’t think the people bankrolling the country didn’t have the bright idea to race mix Americans you aren’t thinking critically.

>> No.17715301

>or those emulating white culture
What do you mean by this

>> No.17715302

copypastas a narrative sludge fest that requires 6 levels of a priori agreements on abstract concept given fucking myopic form and expects people to engage and deconstruct the whole thing.
then finishes off with
> 0 arguments from the right, per usual
at least the rights embrace there retardation to some level.

>> No.17715304


Invasion during a major decline is a very real possibility. Theres opportunists out there.

>> No.17715307

black people have their own history, their own culture and way of doing things that isnt the same as the white culture. the woke people admit that indirectly. black people do their own thing and we need to acknowlege the black struggle and the black way of seeing the world when teaching people stuff work with that and help guide them with that in mind.

>> No.17715311

why do faggots come to 4chan if they know they are going to get offended even at the littlest things?
And we have arguments, you aren't listening, as per usual

>> No.17715313

If thats what they wanted id be fine with it but its a deliberate effort by corporations and NGOs to impose totalitarianism from above. I dont hate black people i hate cultural marxists

>> No.17715314

Nuclear powers don't get invaded, even if dirt poor. North Korea's continued existence proves this.

>> No.17715315

>emulating white culture
isnt american black culture largely a product of white culture? i mean, they fucking speak english. why do you try to make it seem like these are concrete different things when its a spectrum?

>> No.17715319

You have absolutely no argument in support of your religious precept that every human population has the same average intelligence. Not even a single piece of evidence supporting that, and you are not even good at trying to explain away all the evidence that supports there being differences in average intelligence.

>> No.17715328


I’m not talking in circles with you any longer. The country will decline and become unstable, leaders will be subverted or traitorous. We aren’t untouchable.

>> No.17715336

Perhaps there was a meritocracy and white people are just better.

The Indians willingly sold or traded their lands to the white men for trinkets, beads, alcohol and other worthless objects. Now they run casinos on reservations. The blacks shuck and jive on ESPN and MTV instead of doing math. They want to drink 40s, blast rap music, and smoke weed instead of read books.

>> No.17715341

Better hurry up and do something about it then. I'll be watching with interest

>> No.17715345

i never said I was offended. I just said it was stupid to copypasta. I think you got your templated “gottem’s” mixed up retard.

And I have already said that your “””””arguments”””” require fucking fey languages that assume a good few levels of societal ideas a priori.

>> No.17715355


Indians didn’t do that. They traded shit for guns horses and booze. They didn’t sell or trade any land because they didn’t believe in owning land. They got bamboozled and got their asses kicked and lied to nonstop. I’m not making excuses for them, it’s what happens. Might is right and they were the weaker party. But to imply or outright say they traded away the land is ignorance.

>> No.17715357

As studies have shown, Ashkenazi Jews score the highest in intelligence on average, followed by Asians, whites and blacks. Genes are a pretty big factor when it comes to intelligence. Studies have shown that identical twins raised apart are still highly correlated with IQ, despite being raised in different environments.

>> No.17715368


ayyyy iq is raciss tho

>> No.17715369

aka too complicated for you to understand or refute

>> No.17715376

Standing at the apex of the quantitative hierarchy doesn't make mathematics immune to ideology, but we're talking about education, not math itself. What is taught, why it is is taught, and how it is taught all depend on the ideological interests of whoever controls the educator class. Consider: Learning mathematics in order to calculate the date and time of astronomical phenomenae such as solar eclipses in order to not get beheaded by the emperor, versus learning trigonometry in order to navigate the ocean in order to pursue enemy ships in the Napoleonic wars, versus the literally religious motivations of the cult of Pythagoras... you believe your mathematics is "objective" because you are, metaphorically, a fish without a word for water. In a century or two your concept of mathematics will seem quaint and profoundly limited.

>the ideology I like is good and the ideology I dislike is evil
Okay. That's an ideological position, you realize?

I think a "social justice" math textbook is just about as stupid and inane as a "learn math with manga" textbook, personally, but I don't blame the downfall of Western "civilization" on every single marketing gimmick I see.

>> No.17715380

>Ashkenazi Jews... Asians, whites and blacks.
one of these is not like the others

>> No.17715388

Yeah teaching multiplication is definitely a hidden ideology to oppress the blacks

>> No.17715396


Hes making excuses. They can dumb down math to their hearts content, it won’t fix blacks.

>> No.17715400
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>> No.17715402

what is a "general ideology" in your terms? are you not referring to the neoliberal status quo you have been normalized into?

>> No.17715406


Oh we understand the bullshit you’re trying to sell, we just don’t agree with your mental gymnastics. Go ahead keep dumbing down math. Black scores will still be lower than everyone but the mentally disabled.

>> No.17715410

You literally have no knowledge of history. Your post enrages me at your sheer ignorance and stupidity.

>> No.17715419

in the collective unconscious minds of white society there is an idea of what constitutes intelligence which was formed long ago according to eurocentric standards that do not properly take into account black culture or the african philosophical/logical tradition

>> No.17715425

Okay, retard. Have fun arguing with the imaginary anti-racist you've invented out of thin air.

>> No.17715436

aka, not worth spening an essay deconstructing yours. Ive already wrote above how a lot of that shit requires stuffing complex abstract sociatle shit into neat boxes complete with a narrow minded over specific narritive that literally requires a scapegoat narritive to even exist and how the whole process argues backwards from a thesis rather than forwards to a well reasoned nuanced one, and I was not about to repeat it again to a kinda out of left field smarmy milquetoast word deluge that repeat the words I was talking about ad infinitum coming up with a nice little consumables narrative.

>> No.17715439

Whites are a dangerous race. They are not naturally kind or rational nor inclined to peace and cooperation, but rather imperialist subjugation of other groups. Their natural state is one of tribalism, favoritism, cruelty, prejudice and violence. Their history and power is built on these things rather than moral good behaviors.

>> No.17715441

The entire school system is dumbed down just enough for the dumbest people to pass
now that nogs have joined the party, they have to dumb it down even more
and that is making everyone dumber in the process

>> No.17715456


I will too. Fuck those woke fags.

>> No.17715464

Racism is so fucked up. Black people can feel love, joy, hate, sorrow and confusion just as well as any other person can. We are all a part of this world as one human race with the same blood. We feel, we bleed, we feel what you feel when seeing beautiful paintings or hearing moving music or experiencing love. The nazi shit in this thread makes me sick.

>> No.17715470


Racism exists against other groups than just blacks and there are black racists.

>> No.17715472

go feel it in africa

>> No.17715478

Duuuuude like so much this man. For real y’all

>> No.17715488

There is no honest reason to go on a spiel about 'bro nothing is objective' when the topic of discussion is whether teaching children basic math is a secret racist ideology.

>> No.17715492

no, something blithe and broad that doesn't mask itself as something it is not, something you can project onto. rather than being petty and presumptuous in application. In a black america they could still sympathize with the book or something else. not being autistically specific and partial in application.

simply from a perspective of process rather than specific goal orientation.

>> No.17715494

I noticed the racial tensions coming to a head before Trump when Obama was in office. In fact, all the things associated with the hardcore radical left got flung into the spotlight. You can't even find a news program just to tell you the weather report of what the hell happened during the day while you were at work without some social talking point comes up. I knew for some reason Obama saying that he could see Trayvon being his son was not at all the right move. It effectively split the Presidency into siding with one group of people instead of representing the whole. I saw Trump as a repudiation of 8 years of Democrat snobbery and the growing identity politics that is more radioactive than inside the New Safe Containment. Politics have since infiltrated into every aspect of life and it's very concerning to me.

>> No.17715495

Races have innate characteristics?

>> No.17715510

Inadvertently highlighting different stats between races. What do you think of Chinggis Kahn? Aztec society? Provided you're not trolling and have your own original internal monologue.

>> No.17715526


That sounds more like niggers to me. I thought whites were little dick pushover faggots who can’t jump dance fight or fuck to save their lives. Now you’re telling me they’re dangerous? Which is it? Or is it whatever boogeyman you want or need them to be at the time? But that’s okay though because it’s impossible to be racist against whites right? Right.

>> No.17715529

absolutely based. I have a fascinating fascist book that might be just up your alley.

>> No.17715538

its called BAIT anon.

>> No.17715542


Well guess what, I just fuckin took it.

>> No.17715556

Different circumstances and motivations

>> No.17715567

the duality of man

>> No.17715591

This will obviously collapse on its own. I'm still not enjoying living through this

>> No.17715616

it will lead to minority backlash against whites or white backlash against minorities

>> No.17715626


That’s the play goyim when really whites and blacks were under the boot together all along

>> No.17716003

There is zero evidence for this. Also I want you to know if there's ever a civil war we will be on opposite sides.

>> No.17716012

Fuck off retard

>> No.17716014

Retarded beyond words

>> No.17716062


>> No.17716134

Fuck off retard

>> No.17716148

fuck off, its a dead raid thread stinky heads

>> No.17716385

>guys, wouldn't it be awesome if we could all get along, and fuck each other in one, massive, hedonistic, orgy? Wouldn't it be great if we could just submit to our carnal pleasures, even if they seem extremely unnatural and grotesque unless you've conditioned yourself to believe such things are normal through countless hours of hard pornography since your early youth?

Or you're a woman, and your opinion is naturally very impressionable and easily shifts to accommodate certain ideologies in order to not become an outcast in the tribe, because that's how you've evolved to survive. Be non-confrontational, unless the hive mind agrees with you.

>> No.17716393

Raja de acá retardado

>> No.17716399
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>> No.17716448

This really sounds like hoop jumping, there's some incredible mental gymnastics at work here. I'm not saying this because you're liberal, but because you have said nothing of substance while writing a word salad. I've known communists with better arguments than this.

>> No.17716456

Communist's Had to do math, they had a working and very successful space program for fucks sake.
Whatever theses people are and whatever they defend is new and more retarded than anything that came before.

>> No.17716464

abi stulte

>> No.17716472

dangerously based

>> No.17716473

Vai se foder retardado.

>> No.17716489

I am very glad a take in this thread identified the correct issue; it's classism and race is a way for elites to very effectively dilute discussion and public awareness of this and avoid any systemic change or reform.

>> No.17716579

I wish this were actually true. I wish my people would round up and slaughter savages, instead of giving them rights and privileged hiring policies.

>> No.17716599

They weren't all baked in the 15 ovens as claimed by historians to be under the control of the Cookiemonster. New evidence suggests the Cookiemonster used mobile vans and trucks to bake many more cookies than originally thought.

>> No.17716615

Off the re fucktard

>> No.17716635

New evidence? It took them 75 years to dig it up?

>> No.17716647


>> No.17716658

Somehow, I suspect these methods will still not enable the bottom ~80% of black American students to do algebra, nor is any method likely to be found in the near future.

>> No.17716663

Why don't you go back to your country? I know Belarus is poor but it's 100% white paradise and from what I know skinheads beat up nonwhites and homos. If you are staying in the US it must be hell

>> No.17716667
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>> No.17716759

>I don't know where it comes from
Billionaires using NGO as tools to force social change. There was a good article about this


and it got fucking censored. LOL
Imagine being a liberal-leftist and thinking that everything is fine and normal.

>> No.17716781

found it on the waybackmachine


>> No.17716805

thanks, this is a fun article

>> No.17716828
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>he doesn't know

>> No.17716845

come on, guy

>> No.17716869

Attack the content, not the medium. Being in an anonymous site should have taught you this.
If you think there is something wrong with those two articles point it out, otherwise your post is just shitpost, a worthless reddit downvote.

>> No.17717112

Truly no good deed goes unpunished.

>> No.17717197

There is nothing the humans despise more than weakness. And there is a very very thin line between weakness and kindness, a line that has been more than crossed by "whites".

>> No.17717246

Indians enslaved Indians (and later whites). Whites had Asian slaves too.

>> No.17718113

This article is down too. This censorship is some third-world despot tier shit

>> No.17718148
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kys lmao

>> No.17718175
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>calculus books make you an evil capitalist

perhaps it is getting a grasp on reality, which makes most people capitalist