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/lit/ - Literature

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1770214 No.1770214 [Reply] [Original]

Not trolling or anything... but can you guys recommend me some books that include incest and related topics? I find the topic quite interesting.

>> No.1770245


>> No.1770271

Flowers in the Attic

>> No.1770739

y u in cest

>> No.1770756


>> No.1770841
File: 496 KB, 500x275, tumblr_lj0n0ek4PB1qcwtveo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the god of small things

>> No.1770845

Nabokov's ada, or ardor


>> No.1770849

do you want abusive incest or loving, caring patches-of-hair-kids incest?

inb4 edgy/taboo/mfw

>> No.1770863

that book was stunning when i first read it. will help if you have a little bit of knowledge of the religious and political history of kerala. it's a beautiful place.

>> No.1771183

The Sound and the Fury.

Did you ever have a sister?

>> No.1771187
File: 63 KB, 554x537, Aquabro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitty imitator trying to stupidly besmirch the good name of the best tripfag of /lit/.
Deep&Edgy will fuck your sister and have incestuous relationships with her numerous offspring.

>> No.1771208

implying that D&E can have incest with someone else's sister

>> No.1771225


no no no he's saying that d&e will have relations with your sister and then once his seed has come to fruition he's going to fuck the children they have together

come on, man, reading comprehension

>> No.1771234

>implying D&E isn't sterile.

>> No.1771302

how about 'incest' by Sade?

>> No.1771307

More like 'The god of small dicks'. Its pure shite.

>> No.1771312


D&E trying to be ubermensch by breaking.. ahem... transcending boundaries of morality set by religion and society.

>> No.1771354

Yep becuase obviously OP is Deep&Edgy and not someone else using his name with a completely different tripcode

>> No.1771372


>> No.1771373

Right. D&E I publicly apologize.

>> No.1771379

why privilege the authenticity of one d&e over others?

>> No.1771380
File: 74 KB, 450x600, silversurfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks james means a lot to me

>> No.1771387

differing degrees of cuteness

>> No.1771410

d&e will you pretend I'm your sister and spank me slowly until my bumcheeks are glowing like the rosy mantle of dawn

>> No.1771421


/lit/ is a democracy we have room enough for d&e's of varying cutenesses

>> No.1771426

>implying since D&E tripcode isn't secure that there aren't legitimate imposters already

>> No.1771428

Man is the measure of all cute.

>> No.1771435

Best Thread Ever.

>> No.1771438
File: 17 KB, 282x500, ninjaturtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use secure tripcodes sometimes

>> No.1771463

Let's have gay sex
The tripcode commands it.

>implying I'm not using the public list of tripcodes

>> No.1771474

Let's keep this going, I need more people giving me attention.

>> No.1771481

bump for lulz

>> No.1771482

OMG poser!11

>> No.1771484

tripcode is getting close. d&e better watch out. lol

anyways fuck off. i like d&e. and especially so when he agrees with me on various shit.

>> No.1771485

Shit you had me fooled there for a second. Though I wouldn't have been surprised at all if Deep&Edgy had said that

>> No.1771500

Bump for publicity!

>> No.1771524

For anyone interested, this is #Y}N9hdLZ

To get the exact tripcode, you'd need a very powerful computer and a lot of time.

>> No.1771528

ITT: D&E makes fake trips pretending to be himself to ramp up his epeen.

>> No.1771532
File: 5 KB, 198x180, hegonakillu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thissy this. For the average computer, generating anything above seven characters takes days. DAYZ.
>/lit/ - Books and tripcode discussion

>> No.1771533

haha power relations lmbo. beep boop ubermensch