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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 209 KB, 1080x1080, 02543D8C-CB64-435B-8299-39FD6526FA16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17713293 No.17713293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>blocks your path
>inb4 heh excuse me Mademoiselle but I'd like to get to the Big Book of Pokémon
It's been done before newfags. Get a new joke.

>> No.17713302

Fk...my shenanigans have been figured out. Are my jokes really that predictable?

>> No.17713306

have you even read the critique of pure reason?

>> No.17713308

what a fucking obnoxious thing to do.

>> No.17713312

Why aren't you wearing a mask? Didn't they tell you to when you walked in?

>> No.17713313

>spills your coffee, calls over the staff and blames it on you

>> No.17713318

heh excuse me Mademoiselle but I'd like to get to the Minecraft guide so that I can more effectively kill you. in Minecraft.

>> No.17713319

kick the coffee into her hoping its still hot

>> No.17713321

*steps over*

>> No.17713322

heh excuse me Mademoiselle but I'd like to get to the Big Book of Pokémon

>> No.17713325
File: 24 KB, 512x512, 1f924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17713330

Looks like she's half way through the book so she's been sitting there for a while. Pretty rude.
Unless... you guys think maybe she just sat down for a minute to take the picture?

>> No.17713332

*nervously farts*

>> No.17713339

normally when people take pictures to look sophisticated on social media they don't do it in the vidya and comics section

>> No.17713340

I dont go to barnes and nobles so i wouldnt be ever in this situation

>> No.17713348

have you ever heard of dostoevsky? hah, yeah, maybe crime and punishment, that one's pretty well known... no? haha, you'd probably like him. his characters are awesome. they all have these--oh, you have to go? ha, sorry to bother you, maybe i'll see you around sometime? have a nice day.

>> No.17713349

Why would anyone with any sense of social awareness do this?

She's desperately seeking attention...and I don't feel like stroking the ego of said Mademoiselle today.

I slowly and purposefully step over her, looking straight ahead without making eye contact.

Perhaps she'll be able to gather some intrigue from the Ms. Have You Fallen?! simps.

>> No.17713359

is that the actual origin of this picture? just some roastie who wanted to impress people?

>> No.17713362

*kicks her coffee over*
fuck you!

>> No.17713366

Hey lady, I was just thinking how good you'd look on a meathook.
*unsheathes katana*

>> No.17713368

>Wachya reading?

Any man who's worked over his inner issues and is secure and confident in himself should be able to run with that line and at least have some pleasant small talk.

>> No.17713384

I wouldn't go down the aisle, I'd find an alternative route as if that was already my plan.

>> No.17713389

So rude to occupy that space, other people might want to read shit lit too.

>> No.17713391

that's just my assumption. i can't think of another reason to take this picture

>> No.17713396

Hover over her and read what she is reading

>> No.17713403

So no one who ever uses /lit/?

>> No.17713412

maybe it was some faggot who found a girl reading minecraft books erotic and decided to take a sneakpicture?

>> No.17713418

it's another ostensible example of white supremacists taking up space from other voices. let's say that I as a black woman were to walk into the book store and see her there, filling up free space with her white smugness, I would fear for my safety and make a twitter post about it.

>> No.17713419

I used to work at Barnes & Noble. This situation could really have gone either way. Granted most of the time it was Instagram models, but there were people who treated the store like a public library. They would buy a coffee and then take a book off the shelf and read it for 30 minutes to an hour. Then when they finished their coffee they would put it back and leave. One time I confronted someone about this because they had done this five days in a row and were nearly done with the book. I told them Barnes & Noble isn't a library. You don't get to read the books in totality for free. You're supposed to purchase them. I told them if they wanted to read books for free to go to the city library. They got really offended and started yelling at me. I PAY FOR THE COFFEE WHAT MORE SO YOU WANT I AM A PAYING CUSTOMER I HAVE A RIGHT TO ENJOY MY COFFEE YOU CANT TREAT ME LIKE THIS. I explained to her that she has been reading the same book for the past five days and had completed it today. I told her this is not a library, and I told her the book was cheaper than all the coffee she paid for. So if she wanted to read the book she should've bought it. She then started yelling for my manager. The manager came over, heard her complaint and apologized. He offered her the book for free and another book of her choice. I was fired the next day.

I still seethe over that.

>> No.17713428

ask her what is she reading

>> No.17713436

Have you considered that selling coffee is part of the business model?

>> No.17713441

didn't they teach you that the customer is always right on day one of wageslaving?

>> No.17713442

i reverse image searched it and she's an insta thot

>> No.17713443

I get you, I'd actually call a public assembly of antifa to vote on a motion to have her physically removed from the space for her flagrantly racist attitude of indifference and ease at the SUFFERINGS of those less fortunate.

>> No.17713444

The absolute state of US retail.

>> No.17713448


>> No.17713465

I didn't need to be told

>> No.17713472

Welcome to the real world, son.

>> No.17713475


>> No.17713483

>In order to read the book in its totality, the customer spends more money on coffee than they would have spent buying the book
>You, an employee who is supposed to increase company earnings, discourage this
I'm as anti-capitalist as they come, but it's pretty obvious that you just didn't see the bigger financial picture here.

>> No.17713484

Ok anon. Imagine going to a dvd store and bringing a dvd player. You pay for their coffee and then you crack open a dvd and watch it for 30 minutes. Eject it and put it back on the shelf. Do you really think a business should allow a customer to do that? What kind of precedent does it set?

>> No.17713486

Hello may I inquire as to the aroma of your feet? It'll just take a minute.

>> No.17713490

so you were mad at her for reading without buying the book despite making the store more money than if she had just bought it?

>> No.17713492

holy shit she aged like 10 years in 4

>> No.17713498

Wouldn't the cost of stocking shelves with book inventory which never sells drain more money than the profit from the coffee stand?

>> No.17713500

heck, this business model could've saved blockbuster.

>> No.17713513

Corporations don't care about precedent as long as the money keeps flowing. It's not a good precedent for the business model "sell books", but it's a good precedent for the business model "sell books and/or coffee".
And that's why you're the clerk who can get fired on a day's notice.

>> No.17713515
File: 1.38 MB, 1125x2194, 0CA501F4-1B19-473F-B3BB-C86F5B7FDC10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you smoking?

>> No.17713518


>> No.17713525

she went from uni freshman to 30 y/o milf

>> No.17713532

no because I slip the manager twennies to let me hide behind the bookshelves and masturbate to pretty bookbabes like the one in the op

>> No.17713536

Get off the floor you pig

>> No.17713543
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1440056149166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh excuse me Mademoiselle but I'd like to get to ur pusy

>> No.17713544

Why have none of you addressed this issue >>17713498 of continual inventory which doesn't sell draining money from the business. New books come out every month! We've got to purchase them to stock our shelves! Wait, they aren't selling...people are just...buying coffee and...READING THE BOOKS FOR FREE.

A business would lose so much money if they were continually buying inventory and it was never selling, even if the coffee stand is profitable. At that point just become a coffee stand.

>> No.17713548

Pull out my foot from my sweaty boot and caress her from ankle to thigh, simultaneously nodding and winking.

>> No.17713554

>It's been done before newfags. Get a new joke.
Get a new pic then, fag

>> No.17713561

god i hate women so much

>> No.17713570

tell her "damn girl you SHIT with that ass?" then do the michael jackson smooth criminal lean with fedora tip, 'OW shamone' and moonwalk

>> No.17713573

deliberately farts the brew of 6 tallboys bottom shelf beer and pork roast with sauerkraut right in front of her, then report her to management as a suspected shoplifter
damn roasties

>> No.17713597


>> No.17713598

*cums in her hair silently with the force of a thousand suns*

>> No.17713605

>Steps over her
>Picks Minecraft Lab Kids
>Nod at her and ask if I can read next to her
>Ask what she's reading
>Say I read it when I was 11
>Recommend Hegel her, and talk about the Absolute Idea
It's easy, bros..

>> No.17713608

love to kick her right in the temple

>> No.17713644
File: 28 KB, 491x658, wallvictim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is her in 2021

>> No.17713655

Grab her coffee and take a big swig. When she asks for it back I grab her head and kiss her forcefully, spitting the coffee into her mouth like a mother robin.

>> No.17713725
File: 120 KB, 384x405, 1615012858883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in such a broken filthy society that I will welcome any conqueror who imposes religiosity on us again

How did we manage to reverse engineer all human values and invert them so that the average working person has to lick the boots of the most entitled faggots, and his boss apologizes to the faggot that he didn't try hard enough. This is hell, we've created hell for ourselves and we deserve what is coming next. May this ugly sickness be purged from our genome with fire and brimstone and may humanity forever remember how low this species sank for a century or two. I hope your boss and that lady are screaming in some kind of hell to atone for the lives they lived

>> No.17713762

Excuse me madame but how many partners have you had?

>> No.17713773
File: 15 KB, 227x222, thewall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy moly the wall is merciless

It's like someone melted an army man in the microwave

>> No.17713786

That's a good idea

>> No.17713797


>> No.17713802

Based and Checked

>> No.17713836

She looks white in OP but she’s actually a half Asian goblina? Hard pass

>> No.17713837

She has a man voice. I don't like it.

>> No.17713838

when i see someone blocking the aisle like this i stand over them with my arms crossed and raise an eyebrow until they move because they are uncomfortable. if the person doesn’t look up, “um...excuse me?” or “move” works. i know you can just ask nicely but i assume that of you aren’t inclined to move a leg when you have acknowledged that you see/hear someone coming you’ve forfeited your right to a polite pardon. try it bros, just loom. bookstore pathblockers hate this.

>> No.17713852

if they don’t move that’s when you take a big goose step that lands squarely on the knee. crrrrrrrack! then run away before medical bills become your problem. yell “toodles” on your way out

>> No.17713857

heh excuse me Mademoiselle but I'd like to get to the Big Book of Pokémon

>> No.17713897

what are you talking about? she looks white in every other pic too.

>> No.17713898

Farting in their face has a similar effect, so they tell me.

>> No.17713906

good tip, anon. i’ll work on integrating that into my routine.

>> No.17713909

lol faggot capitalist drone

>> No.17713924


>> No.17713936

God she’s hot.

>> No.17713948

Nah i get this. dont let all these wannabe anti-capitalist posers get you down for doing a good job.

When you do your job, you want to do it well and follow the guidelines and stuff, its just good work ethic. I've had similar situations.

>> No.17713962

god imagine what her feet must smell like...in those shoes...no socks....


>> No.17713974

do you get paid extra for being a cop on top of working the register or are you just a cuck for free?

>> No.17713975

Sucks but you were right.

>> No.17713986

if he did a good job he wouldnt have gotten fired lmao
keep your head down and mind your own fucking business cunt

>> No.17713987

Do you suck Barnes and Noble's dick personally?

>> No.17713988

I guess this answers the OP. I would wear a black robe and carry a giant hourglass, then show her this video and say TIME FLIES..... and when she looks into the hourglass she sees her future wrinkles and melts into dust

>> No.17713995


Stop trying to make FEETA happen

>> No.17713996


>> No.17713997

Why are you imitating butterfree? could you at least try to make it more subtle.

>> No.17714000

>r u a cop? im here from twitter to crit ur bhvr smdh
>LMAO like just do your job??? im from twitter??


>> No.17714005


>> No.17714031

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.17714032
File: 31 KB, 600x367, germ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.17714037
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>> No.17714049
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Whats even worse is when those types of people leave the coffee on the shelves. Animals I tell ya

>> No.17714091

You will never get laid that way. Instead:
Don't you know how many of your coronas are getting onto that book you are reading. Did you wipe off your sippy cup after your lips parted. This is a gaming section are you trying to kill children. What book are you reading, is that Mein Kampf. I bet it is, fucking nazi. Good thing you are in the help section for dummies and I happened to come along. From now on, you can get all of your reading done on twitter and we will dye your hair a nice pink. Let's go get tattoos and I will introduce you to Tyrone. He will set you straight. No more propaganda for you, think of this as a hello but from the future.


>> No.17714113


>> No.17714134

id eat her pussy and inhale the juices

>> No.17714177


>> No.17714195

this is great

>> No.17714222

absolutely, undeniably, inanely based

>> No.17714268

I would pay to see this happening in a crystal globe.

>> No.17714282

kek can't wait to see this in future /lit/ humour threads

>> No.17714297

heh excuse me Mademoiselle but I'd like to get to the Big Book of Pokémon

>> No.17714317
File: 14 KB, 267x323, 1547062819420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17714384

I intensely browse the books to her left, seemingly paying her no attention. Then I knock over her coffee cup with my right foot. That should get her up and moving. I wonder whether that Tetris book plays the music when you open it?

>> No.17714448 [DELETED] 

When I was in highschool a girl sat her crotch squarely and perfectly on my foot by accident (didn't look when she decided to sit herself quickly down on the floor). This happened in the school library, and let me tell you I did feel her despite my shoe: the form and mold of her crotch (she was wearing tight denim shorts). Another time (earlier still), in Catholic school, I was trying to walk crabwise between a wall and a line of desks (the square kind that you can combine together to form a larger square): it was a narrow passage and then this dumb girl, who evidently wasn't looking, comes out of nowhere and tries to get past me, also moving crabwise; the result is that we ended up getting sandwiched together between the wall and line of desks--face to face, crotch to crotch. We were literally jammed together, crotch making perfect contact with crotch; she was wearing a plaid skirt and I could feel the form of her crotch perfectly pressing tightly against my own. She was very soft, needless to say; very cushion-y, and very warm; it was like pressing against a little oven. I'll never forget that.

>> No.17714483

>>17713293 (OP) #
When I was in highschool a girl sat her crotch squarely and perfectly on my foot by accident (didn't look when she decided to sit herself quickly down on the floor). This happened in the school library, and let me tell you I did feel her despite my shoe: the form and mold of her crotch (she was wearing tight denim shorts). Another time (earlier still), in Catholic school, I was trying to walk crabwise between a wall and a line of desks (the square kind that you can combine together to form a larger square): it was a narrow passage and then this dumb girl, who evidently wasn't looking, comes out of nowhere and tries to get past me, also moving crabwise; the result is that we ended up getting sandwiched together between the wall and line of desks--face to face, crotch to crotch. We were literally jammed together, crotch making perfect contact with crotch; she was wearing a plaid skirt and I could feel the form of her crotch perfectly as it pressed tightly against my own. She was very soft, needless to say; very cushion-y, and very warm; it was like pressing against a little oven. I'll never forget that.

>> No.17714508

Again! Again!

>> No.17714518

Holy shit I actually wanna try this now. That sounds so hot

>> No.17714646
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, almost25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her without makeup. She claims she's almost 25.

Holy fuck is she aging poorly.

>> No.17714656

I can't take this crushing loneliness any longer bros. I've never had a relationship and I think I will die before ever experiencing one
Just want a girl to hug me and make me feel like I'm ok

>> No.17714659

It’s a stock photo.

>> No.17714669

>trips on her leg
>falls down screaming
>crashes into shelves
>books fall and batter me as i cower behind my hands
>weep openly
>roll and sob while employees come to help me
>just say OWIE as she apologizes

>> No.17714675

>person makes a purchase at a store and then bums around
>anon is so autistic he tries to drive a customer away

>> No.17714686

>buying books

>> No.17714694


>> No.17714708

lol/10 nice

>> No.17714727

She looks great for having no makeup on. Better than in her filtered and thot-makeup on her insta

>> No.17714733

God, what wouldn't I do to smell her shoes

>> No.17714770

next time you imitate them their tripcode is ##Übermensch
hearty kek

>> No.17714814

Holy shit this is amazing, god bless you anon

Someone got her new trip too? That's hilarious

>> No.17714825

Face it guys most of you would love to be girls so you could play with your titties, pussy, and wide-hipped ass whenever you wanted. Very soft skin, erogenous nipples, and multiple orgasms. Not to mention the lesbian action. But instead you're here moping on 4chan because you're not nubile girls.

>> No.17714833

Yes, she looks better, but she looks older in the video. I actually took care to screenshot a decent pic to not be unfair.

>> No.17714837

"them"? Are their multiple of him? Just use "he" we all know the truth.

>> No.17714841

>Face it guys, you all want to wear a soft luscious fursuit like me and be a fag smelling of cum and piss matted into cheap felt.
Damn, now that you put it like that, you've converted me to being a tranny!

>> No.17714864

Idk, playing with my dick and balls got old many years ago, doubt it's any different for chicks.

>> No.17714877

They have far more assets than guys and sex is incomparably more pleasurable for them.

>> No.17714915


>> No.17714931

>sex is incomparably more pleasurable for them
how would you know that?

>> No.17714935

behead all satans

>> No.17714938

Because that's what multiple orgasms empirically entail.

>> No.17714975
File: 104 KB, 792x794, zcHp1E9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently most women don't orgasm at all from sex. Not my personal experience of course.

>> No.17714989

sure they can have multiple and longer orgasms, but does it feel the same for women? also, some women struggle a lot to even achieve an orgasm.

>> No.17715015

im assuming fake, but if not, you got what you deserve because snitches get stitches as African-Americans sometimes say. You worked in retail, why the fuck do you care about store policy? The only people who care about store policies are managers and their cuck bootlickers.

>> No.17715016

It's very simple to make a woman orgasm: oral or manual clitoral stimulation, as well as by stimulating the ceiling of the vagina at its entry point. Result is extremely intense orgasms.

>> No.17715062

No she has something Oriental in her.

>> No.17715134

a GOOD precedent. Intellectual property is fake you can not sell me strings of words. My PayPal is toiletbill(at)geemail(dot)coom you owe me 2 cents for this post lmao

>> No.17715165

i'd kick her. slag

>> No.17715181


>> No.17715198

Lmao imagine being this cucked that you go tell off some random so that maybe your billion dollar corporation can make another $8.99 on a paperback sale.

>> No.17715214

imagine you tell her to move and she headscissors you ha ha that would suck

>> No.17715227

she's probably reading scheit. go to horny jail if you think that's the gf goal

>> No.17715262
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>> No.17715316

Based manager BTFOing whining faggots

>> No.17715318
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>> No.17715327

>Gaming Section
>No physical copy of the TF2 comics (and the ones no one cares about)

>> No.17715331

If you say that, her dick is automatically larger than yours.

>> No.17715344
File: 189 KB, 850x400, 1606317138999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself groomer

>> No.17715349

>imagine being so much of an incel you think this woman looks utterly fucked by the wall at age 25

>> No.17715352


>> No.17715370

Oh god, they're multiplying.

>> No.17715377

>billion dollar corportation
>local branch in Small Town, USA going bankrupt
You don't know how franchising works.

>> No.17715467

that tetris graphic novel is very worth your time. Consider looking into it

>> No.17715471

I would just step over her to get it desU.

>> No.17715483
File: 359 KB, 600x1000, BOOBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair*

>> No.17715489


>> No.17715496

𓍄 𓍅

>> No.17715534


>> No.17715535

not bad actually

>> No.17715708

I wanna make love to her anyway she kinda has that mature hot vibe

>> No.17715740


>> No.17715795

>pick up coffee
>fart in face while scooching past
>Oopsie looks like the books in here are all for NERDS
>waddle out with a copy of mortal engines in my fanny pack

>> No.17715807

kek fuck you OP

>> No.17715831
File: 6 KB, 209x241, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17715835
File: 184 KB, 541x506, 1614897847439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute state of wagies

>> No.17715836

exactly, why does he care so much? maybe he thought mister goldstein would recognise his efforts and give him a 5% discount on his next coffee? im glad he got fired

>> No.17715856


>> No.17715876

She looks better without and completely desu. Most of these ‘wall’ incels would still give up their nintendo switch just for a chance to smell her hair irl

>> No.17715885


>> No.17715897

Pretty fucking crazy, eh?

>> No.17715899

>its true
well butterfly is ruined, she'll have to start a new trip and verify it somehow if she wishes to continue her attention whoring. we should make sure its common knowledge that this trip is fucked so it stops derailing threads

>> No.17715919

do you have access to her nudes now

>> No.17715928

disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.17715929

t. hans the incel

>> No.17715930

>They would buy a coffee and then take a book off the shelf and read it for 30 minutes to an hour. Then when they finished their coffee they would put it back and leave.

I've done this before. I don't actually give a shit that B&N didn't capture my $15.

>> No.17715950

I'm glad you were fired, by the way.

>> No.17716026


>> No.17716314


>> No.17716488

What kind of retarded bookstore sells coffee? You're just begging for people to act like she did, I think she's based.

>> No.17716773

I think she's aging pretty well. I hope she has a couple kids but not too many because she has brown eyes and black hair. 2 or 3 would be good.

>> No.17716776

made me laugh

>> No.17716777

>I'm as anti-capitalist as they come
You will never be a woman

>> No.17716783

This is a tranny.

>> No.17716787

are you for real

>> No.17716806

Based, the B&N in Queens (and NYC in general) failed for this very reason, retarded business model where they let teens, women, faggots and old people treat it like a library. Always packed but not making any money? The managers should be beheaded for their stupidity and capitulations.

>> No.17716825

Ratfink turdnosher

>Ancient Egypt had In & Out

Anon is the only attention whore around here.

>> No.17716878

Ancient Egypt is in fact the origin of fast food anon

>> No.17716880

ive jerked off to this pic multiple times. she's cute as a button

>> No.17716892


>> No.17716986


>> No.17717009


>> No.17717012

Dude, it's likely only a few people at most that do this. Percentage-wise, they're barely a blip and at least the store is getting kickbacks from the coffee shop.
My excuse was that I was a poorfag that moved around a lot, so couldn't afford a bunch of books that would eventually just get lost in a move or stuck in a storage unit and redlocked because we were homeless again.

>> No.17717038

>walks around
There is no woman for any of you fags. Quit dreaming and give up. You're here for a reason

>> No.17717099

I have it and no, it doesn't play the tetris theme when you open it

>> No.17717212
File: 240 KB, 665x1000, tranny wignats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I never will be, not going to succumb to gender idealism. Kill yourself wignat tranny

>> No.17717249

Damn I'm from Queens too. I remember there was a B&N in Forrest Hills as a kid, but I'm pretty sure it gone now.

>> No.17717300
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I 1000% get where you're coming from here, as I think these people are scum from a fellow customers perspective, but consider this:

Mongoloid customer decides to buy a $4 coffee 5x days in a row, while reading a $15 book. The Starbucks that sells that coffee gives a cut to the B&N in exchange for taking up retail space. This person buys a total of $20 of coffee, puts the book down, only for the same book to be then bought by someone else. That store has now made a cut of the $20 of coffee, and sold the same $15 book to someone else, whereas if the initial person just bought the $15 they would have made less.

Your manager is incentivized by a profit margin to actively push this. While I appreciate your effort to get retards to not manhandle books with coffee laden hands, the company is actively hurt by it. This is why I stopped buying from that fucking place. They put a WINE BAR in my local one. Because while drunk idiots man-handling stuff I may buy may make sense for the business, it really concerns me.

>> No.17717305

"you gonna fucking move or"
*throws the books on top of her on her head*

>> No.17717366

yep, the books are just props to get people to buy overpriced drinks and food. The store is in the money-making business, not the book-reverence business.

>> No.17717639

Genuinely looks fine.

>> No.17717733

stupid sluts sitting on the floor in the middle of the book store. please fuck off and buy the book or get the fuck out you stupid roastie

>> No.17717826

based if she's reading manga

>> No.17717913

You guys ever notice how the comic and manga section is always full of Asian children (and some adults) sitting on the floor, often back to back? No? Maybe just my city.

>> No.17717967

problem solved

>> No.17718040

the wall takes no prisoners

>> No.17718095

now imagine the book you're looking for is behind her. And you have to casually ask her to move so you can grab it, and then you anaylize yourself and hope you're displaying the right amount of emotion to make sure you appear as if you really intended to get that book, which you do, but now you're sweating and self-doubting your actions, while she's watchingand

>> No.17718117

no, i just ask her to move. and if she scoots over and i have to ask her to move again i do it again.

>> No.17718141

Your not wrong but who cares. You get the money either way.

>> No.17718179

You're a male (handsome) with a fetish for hot female feet, especially the feet of cute girls who like to read. You enter a large book store carrying a bag with three pairs of unused female sneakers--most common sizes). Your purpose is to find a hot girl sporting sneakers and offer to pay her five hundred dollars plus a pair of new replacement sneakers if she gives you the pair she's wearing. Because you're good looking and don't spaz weirdly when you make the proposition the girls never freak out or get offended, in fact most take you up on the offer, because $500 buys a lot of books.

>> No.17718217

It's never good looking or intelligent ones that do that though. Saw one a few years ago in Forbidden Planet Bookshop London. Looked like a Goth Shreck trying to lay an egg. I still love the evil glare she gave me as I (I'm quite tall) stepped over her and her nest of cups, snack wrappers and fingerstained comics.

>> No.17718245


You deserve to be fired and you better stay fired, retard. don't talk rules unless you own the fucking shop, and know your fucking place,

>> No.17718247
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Yeah you're an idiot lol

You realize Barnes and Noble literally lets homeless people just sit around and buy nothing the entire time , there's even a used needle dispenser in the Men's bathroom (which I don't agree with) . I like to go there and read books while drinking coffee and yes we're technically paying customers . After the age of covid this obv stopped anyway but it was a nice environment to just chill in I can only imagine someone like you coming over acting like that. Biglol

>> No.17718286

Yeah odds are staff would just handle someone doing dumb shit like this eventually, if they didn't move somewhere reasonable once they realized they were in the way of people.

>> No.17718322

>putting your bare legs on the filthy carpet
Why? Also saged for wamen posting, fuck off with that crap back to 9rk.

>> No.17718469

I'm trans btw, don't know if that matter tho.

>> No.17718479

peepee poopoo

>> No.17718513


>> No.17718579

>Sell five overpriced cups of coffee for more than the book is worth
>Still able to sell the book to another customer with no markdown
This is litereally pure profit for the store. Theres a reason bookshops often have cafés and reading areas.

>> No.17718985

>hope you're displaying the right amount of emotion to make sure you appear as if you really intended to get that book
damn this hit home

>> No.17719041

A thread died for this.

>> No.17719468

I accidentally trip and fall. Then dont get up until she gets scared and does something.

>> No.17719670

This is your boss.
Stop posting and go back to work, wagie.

>> No.17719715

My man

>> No.17719759

Fucking brutal

>> No.17719763

Top fucking kek

>> No.17719790

Has anyone ever unironically encountered a situation like this? Maybe it's because the used bookstore I go to has aisles the width of two normal people (width of one American), but I've never seen this happen.

>> No.17719806

>the used bookstore I go to has aisles the width of two normal people (width of one American)
top kek

>> No.17719834
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wow she still has the shoes

>> No.17719851
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>oh sorry am i bothering you sitting here?

>> No.17719859
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>> No.17719867

Gotta remember that

>> No.17719871
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>hey anon what did this Evola guy mean by "tradition"?

>> No.17719872

>steps over her
>Drag my back foot to swipe her leg just to make a point
>walk away without saying a word
Don't go fucking blocking aisles. Only a retard with no self-awareness or a subhuman would do that.

>> No.17719914


>> No.17719920


>> No.17720139 [SPOILER] 
File: 190 KB, 1000x1333, 1615130756236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gertude Stein is my favorite author
>pic related when you tell her that

>> No.17720251
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you are not allowed to bring beverages into the library

>> No.17720758

The number of coffees a person needs to drink in order to completely read a book is variable depending on the individual's reading speed and the length of the book. The person also isn't "spending more money on coffee than they would have spent buying the book", they spent money they would've spent on the coffee anyway and got the full value of the book as an added bonus.

>> No.17720797

hah pardon moi, Senorita, but i'd love to reach the Minecraft Lab for Kids

>> No.17720852

based foot detective, genuinely in awe of this post

>> No.17720918
File: 16 KB, 159x172, arent ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is your problem, i used to work for insurance companies and let people screw hundreds of dollars out of us instead of whining like a bitch. It's not my money i'm losing it's the company, imagine being an unnironic bootlicker.

>> No.17720934

You fucking retard, the person literally specified in their greentext that the person spent more on coffee than they would have on the book.

>> No.17720942

She's wearing a cross and taking pictures like that. I'm not even a Christian and I think that's shameful.

>> No.17720983
File: 32 KB, 483x695, when youre so trad that you hate the one guy trying to save western culture from liberalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tldr; a reactionary anon defends capitalist consumer ethics while not understanding that capitalism will gladly throw away those ethics so long as it yields more profits
Sad, many such cases. Read Adorno you capital-cucks

>> No.17721010

Stand literally over her and peruse the shelf she has her back to. Tell her to follow you to the restroom for a quicky and lock her in.

>> No.17721200

>driving away customers and business over elitist mentality about reading
they make money from the coffee sales and the presence of a high amount of customers making their business look more attractive and marketable. you driving away this customer makes it more likely that they will spread negative word of mouth to people they know about the store preventing future customers from coming in, as well as potentially causing them to stop going to the store. you made the store look bad and lose customers by being a dick while representing the company

>> No.17721263

Based adorno poster
The guy was trying to stop this hollowing of culture as commodity, but too many retards know him as"bad jew cultural marxist postmodernist"

>> No.17721275

most people havent read frankfurt school and repeat /pol/ conspiracies about it rooted in ill informed ideologically driven anti semitic prejudice without engaging with the material

>> No.17721365

Last time I went to Barnes and Noble (which was probably about a decade ago) the manga aisle was overflowing with teens sitting around reading manga. It was a bizarre sight.

>> No.17721375

I read and enjoy both Adorno and Horkheimer while being an antisemite. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.17722069

Why are you an antisemite? There are some Jews who do bad things but not all Jews are bad.

>> No.17722082

Those aren't the same shoes.

>> No.17722161



>> No.17722309

you were just a hired. don't try to change the business by your own. if you're not happy, tell what's the problem to your manager, not to the client.

no matter how much books did you read, you're still dumb as fuck. cry on your bedroom for not being able to manage even your actions

>> No.17722336

How many will there be?

>> No.17722375
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>> No.17722438


Walk past her and let rip a huge stinky brap in the area.

>> No.17722525

Kick the shitty coffee all over her and then fein it being an accident. Offer to buy her a replacement then fuck her in the ass in the Starbucks restroom. Works every time

>> No.17722567

As an avid Half Price Books fan, and a skinny anon, I can attest that these aisles don't bode well for fatty tatties.

>> No.17722604

sent ;)

>> No.17722745

Why did you post this, OP? I keep returning to your thread to look at the pretty girl. How many more minutes of my life am I gonna waste here? Why do you have to bum me out and remind me that I'm khv? I just want to fall in love but it's nearly impossible to meet people due to the pandemic aside from apps and I refuse to use those.

>> No.17722785

Lmao, just Google "Audrey Bradford nude"

>> No.17722989

I don't want porn. I'm against porn. I want a wife and a family.

>> No.17723055

Save her from porn then anon.

>> No.17723180
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 1599040206401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all the retards shitting on this anon: do you actually want the supposedly new books you buy to be used and read-through by some AIDS-ridden roastie whore with sweaty hands? Godspeed anon in defending the purity of our virgin volumes to-be-read.

>> No.17723188

I want to be one of the popular kids who injest your bait. Here's a (you).