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/lit/ - Literature

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17711723 No.17711723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I haven't been on /lit/ for a while but god damn this board's been hit harder by Eternal Summer than any other I used to like. You're more likely to get a good, on topic discussion on fucking /v/. Looking through the catalog I'm seeing one on topic thread per five off topic. They aren't even like the old off topic threads where I at least got some good animu/vidya/kino/comic/music (popular and classical) recs or some interesting political ideologies or history to look into, now they're all complete shit. The state of this board really depresses me because I would never have read The Book Of Disquiet, my favourite book, if not for it, and I'd have thought Infinite Jest was too intimidating because this is the only place I saw anyone tell you that it's actually not a hard read, just long. I will always be grateful for the charts. But I'll never see another thread like the anon whose novel had a fifth of the words as 'nigger', or Catgirl Misaki the Vampire Hunter, or that 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' writing thread where everyone thought one of the posts was Pynchon. Those threads were all in the last few years, but the board is unrecognisable now. The only thing I can give this board any credit for is that it's not quite as obsessed with trannies and BBC as other shitty boards, but it's still crashed and burned and will never recover.

>> No.17711741

not wrong. being entirely colonised by the tradcath lifting self-improvers from /pol/ on the one hand, and consumerist under-21s who like the idea of being a reader on the other.

>> No.17712042

>anime pic
gtfo, you're the reason /lit/ is shit.

>> No.17712066

>anime message board

>> No.17712084

>will never recover
challenge accepted

>> No.17712522

I left this board for a while last year after seeing a thinly veiled bait thread on 'optimistic nihilism' amass hundreds of reactionary replies, basedjacks, brainlets and the like. This board recieves successive waves of increasing activity, bringing less and less value with each progession. One day all the insightful analysis and interesting recommendations will be swept away as this board succumbs to the never ending influx of new users. A meaningless ocean of political infighting, proxy off topic threads and schizophrenic neopagan rambling, that is the future. What brought me back, those occasional posts of quality, will become so far and few between that neither hope nor nostalgia will tether me here. And I will be free.

>> No.17712534

/pol/ really needs to get deleted. There simply isn't any board that isn't infested by these retards.

>> No.17712569

I'd rather have a NGE thread every week and the occasional VN and manga rec threads than the constant shit we're seeing at the moment. It's all off topic but at least I get something from off topic recs. Fuck, I'm even missing the 'I can't stop imagining anime characters when I read' threads and I can't believe that's the point we're at

>> No.17712636

have you been to any alternative 'social network'? theres nowhere else for them to go so they just colonise wherever will have them. unless the place is sufficiently normified or jannies stamp them out they'll evangelize and shit up the place as much as they can

>> No.17712696

/pol/ was the first casualty. I've defended it few times in the past, but nothing of value is lost if it was deleted.

>> No.17714145

we must degrade this place further until we can no longer tolerate it

>> No.17714167

based accelerationist

>> No.17714295

This. I've begun trying to effortpost lately to counteract the sheer stupidity that's been on the rise lately, but there's only so much one man can do, especially given how many new idiots we seem to get every fucking day. It's the end, I only hope that some alternative chans pick up a little bit, because being on a board of 5 is too small for me.

>> No.17714323
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fuck off, literally the worse and most prolific nothing posts are “complain about /lit/“ posts. here is your (you) you don’t contribute anything but make another nothing thread that kills another. if you cared you would make a /lit/ thread.


>> No.17714330

Oh my god, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Faggots like you do this in every forum all over the internet, you bitch and moan about the forum going downhill but don’t do anything to improve it yourself. If you aren’t going to contribute to discussion besides complaining, so me a favor: get off the computer, but a shotgun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger.

>> No.17714341

Based, fuck these whiny faggots

>> No.17715455
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Did you see the
>2000+ pages of dragon porn
thread? a modern classic

>> No.17715505
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Anime website. We're not going to change for you. Assimilate or deport yourself.

Every board has people you think are "pol" because actually every native of every board here hates the bullshit you dragged in here with you from wherever you're from. You are not punk.

>> No.17715531

Why do you think they want to be punk?

>> No.17715562

>being punk is being a conservative

>> No.17715568

The /his/ split fucked the board.

>> No.17715577

wtf you talking about? if you think THIS is bad, look at /his/

also, if you are from here, you know it all cones in waves.

>> No.17715586

When all philosophy had to be taken to /his/ it fucked /lit/ is what I mean. /his/ is too up its own ass with history to discuss phil and you can't talk about phil on /lit/ without people sperging out.

>> No.17715637

people aren't really following that rule though, /lit/ is still where people go for philosophy, even if people bitch sometimes and mods occasionally move threads, it's not really a problem, at least not yet.
"& Humanities" was a stupid mistake though, people only want to use /his/ for history, the moved philosophy threads always die there

>> No.17715668

and philosophy isn't even the problem on lit. We get more threads complaining about philosophy than actually discussion threads nowadays. I swear there are at least 10 "philosophy is useless - frog image" threads per day

>> No.17715670

There is literally nothing than any of us can do to fix this board in it's current state other than to report low quality threads and hope that the indifferent mods of this website will acknowledge our pleading. Even then a deleted thread is only a temporary solution to a problem that is at this point now deeply endemic to 4chan as a website.

What is this thing we must do that simply enough only requires us to work in union, instead of voicing our grievances, to accomplis? What is this magic solution siince it's so easy? Faggot

>> No.17715702

I still don't understand an Art/Literature themed "chan" styled image board hasn't been created by someone with the technical know how.

>> No.17715709

/lit/ is the most ultra pseud nonsense board
it's been improved

>> No.17715719

/lit/ has never been better and its only increasing in greatness

>> No.17715733

/lit/ was one of the boards that suffered the least during the last 5 years
sure, there are off topic and retarded threads, but generally it's still not quite a shithole
this is completely wrong though
niggers like you have been saying shit like this during 2016 as well and look what happened to the boards related to mainstream entertainment - it's all zoomers and redditors now.

>> No.17715741


>> No.17715762

newfag redditard. You're what's wrong

>> No.17715779

I miss Nickland/D&G schizo posting back in 2018.

>> No.17715783

I think most of the old posters left and are never coming back, the ones that stay are fags. blaming /pol/fags, bunkerchuds, or reddit is asinine. Its just counter productive, if you want to improve the board, make good posts and stop complaining about it

>> No.17715798

i am probably going to leave this place soon but there's nowhere else to go really, so my plan is just to not talk to anyone

>> No.17715800

Because it would be too slow and sparsely populated for it's own site. The art boards on here are just full of shit doodling and /lit/ is an absolute pseudfest, so I don't know what you're dreaming it would be like.

>> No.17716949

I lurk /lit/ occasionally for the humour when I'm feeling lonely or down.
I use the charts on the /lit/ wikia and search archived versions of /lit/ for actual reading recommendations. I also rarely create a new thread for niche book recommendations, and usually get good results.

Maybe it's placebo, but I do feel like reading archived posts here from 2010 to even 2015-ish have higher-quality discussions and recommendations.

But it's not so bad if you're highly selective on what you click (I only open maybe 3-4 threads at a time when I rarely visit). It's better to replace internet browsing with reading actual books/magazines anyways.

>> No.17716971

honestly yeah wtf happened

>> No.17716998

My corona!

>> No.17717013
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This is happening to all of the boards. You can see it. Take a look through the catalog. This new crop of posters isn't doing it for me. I am not having fun on this website anymore.

>> No.17717020

the tradcaths are worse though
did anyone else see that /fit/ for jesus thread LOL

>> No.17717024

And yet you'll never leave

>> No.17717030
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I'm not so sure anymore anon.

>> No.17717036
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>/fit/ for jesus

>> No.17717041

I like /v/ more now. For some reason it's mostly weeb threads now, all the normie games and twitter screenshots are gone.

>> No.17717066

>he thinks not being twitterwoke means you are automatically a conservative

>> No.17717081

like i said somewhere above, If you areonany board for any amount of time, the really odious shit comes in waves then recedes for relatively ok threads before the wave breaks again and threads like this pop up bemoaning the state of whatever which board. people just like to conplain and feel justified. I do too.

>> No.17717118

>I swear there are at least 10 "philosophy is useless - frog image" threads per day
It really is a strange trend. Even if we consider it bait, how do people fall for the same bait everyday?

>> No.17717172

I loved that rants too. These guys were surely raving but sometimes they made some good points. These threads were really interesting to read. The state of things of today is sad, not a pinch of talent can be seen, the same retarded baits and larpers is all we have.

>> No.17717183

>old posters
Where are they?

>> No.17717217

Animefags are the ones trying to save this board. Just look at /wg/, /sffg/ and /QTDDTOT/

>> No.17717243 [DELETED] 

Stopped reading here. Kill yourself faggot tryhard

>> No.17717261

A sad truth no ones wants to admit.

>> No.17717408

Pretentious dumb fucks.

>> No.17717494
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>> No.17717506

>any of them being good.

>> No.17717530 [DELETED] 

i think we lost the last mod who gave a shit when gardner complained to hiro that if he didn't stop banning discussion of his call books he would pull his neetbucks and spend them elsewhere.

>> No.17717651

Sex with Tomoko.

>> No.17717688

They contain, which makes them good by default.

>> No.17717783

Thank you for adding to the eternal summer feel by posting anime.

>> No.17717840

It's more like an actual psy op I think. Nothing that's productive should be socialized, i.e. free, hence they destroy things that express a genuine socialist spirit of disinterested, non-politically manipulative sharing.

>> No.17717849

you don't know what eternal summer means if you're using it to bitch about anime on 4chan.

>> No.17718274

I've been here for 9 years and I have no plans for leaving because I still get good recommendations and discussions here, on a level that is often not reachable with my social circles IRL, and online there's no alternatives.