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/lit/ - Literature

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17703148 No.17703148 [Reply] [Original]

How are those shelves coming along lads?

>> No.17703287
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Crashing this thread with no survivors

>> No.17704066
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Hello Rabbi

>> No.17704164
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Not bad. Found my love for reading again, so making good progress. At least 30 minutes a day heals the soul.

>> No.17704167
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Not a Jew btw

>> No.17704199
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>> No.17704223

what's that in the middle of the top shelf?

>> No.17704261
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I'm now only like two decent sized books off from having my bookshelf half-filled. So in about another year and a half you lads can expect a thread asking about where you can get the cheapest bookshelves.

>> No.17704276

>Alter’s Hebrew Bible
Best translation

>> No.17705467


>> No.17705605

Based fellow Alter readers.

I wish. Being a Rabbi would probably be quite a nice life.

>> No.17705931

Lmao fucking retards

>> No.17705943

Why do people here always have so few books?

>> No.17705956

moderately to severely based

>> No.17705964
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Very nice collection of fiction, anon. I'm jelly.

Some old German picture book. It's two parts.

>> No.17706086

This is only one of my shelves

>> No.17706124
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college shelf. missing a lot of books from home.

>> No.17706190
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>> No.17706198

Best translation of the Aeneid?

>> No.17706200

anon, are those DVDs hiding behind those books

'fess up, what are you hiding back there

>> No.17706212

Based and self-sufficient-pilled

>> No.17706254

yeah buddy slowly purging them as i find good pirated copies

>> No.17706402

I use the Rhoades translation

>> No.17706460

Look at fucking Mcgiver over here

>> No.17706515

Answer me honestly anon, are you a terrorist?

>> No.17706908


>> No.17706960

not really just trying to gain the general competence that my grandfathers generation had

>> No.17706976

What is your favorite kind of chicken?

>> No.17707090

I long for the day I can put my college und home shelf together

>> No.17707529

IRA or bastard child of Uncle Ted?

>> No.17707728
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>> No.17707793

why is this shelf so depressing

>> No.17707812

What? The wood? Or the lost civilization that is the glory days of EU?

>> No.17707822

Is your name Olivia?

>> No.17707823

Back in my early days (ages 12-16ish) I had probably half of those books (the Star Wars ones). Grew out of it though.

>> No.17707830

Is that someone I should have heard of?

>> No.17707935

What's REE?

>> No.17707944

Looks like it says pocket ref.

>> No.17707958
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Filling them up, slowly but surely

>> No.17707967
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Shelf 1 - fiction

>> No.17707974
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Shelf 2 - Fiction, Academic, Poetry

>> No.17707980
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Shelf 3 - Philosophy, Theology, Misc.

>> No.17707984

Clown man

>> No.17707985
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>> No.17708037
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Autistic question, why don't you arrange them by publisher? I tend to do it.

>> No.17708059

Honestly I've considered it, but I prefer alphabetically. It would be a pain having multiple editions of madame bovary peppered about, etc.

>> No.17708073

Cute shelves anon. Excellent taste. I didnt see enough Henry James though

>> No.17708091

star wars books are actually cool

>> No.17708095

Bro I have the same crease in The Last Days of Socrates

>> No.17708151

>Cheapest bookshelves
The cheapest shelves I've found are from Walmart. They're particle board and take maybe 20-30 minutes to build. If you screw them to the wall using an l bracket (or two) attached to the top, they're decent, otherwise you run the risk of the bookshelf falling apart if you put too much stress on the sides. However, for $30 and the price of some L brackets, they're a decent bargain.

>> No.17708152

Which edition of the Trivium is that? great shelves btw

>> No.17708159

Honestly build your own. You can make it very easy

>> No.17708192

Thanks anons. I do need more Henry James. I usually get a couple new books a month on my meagre teacher's salary.

Trivium is from Wooden Books, they have a nice Quadrivium too. It's not as detailed as some other books on the Liberal arts - sister Miriam Joseph's is the most comprehensive - but works really well as an overview, and the book quality is fantastic.

>> No.17708193
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Oh those shelves are coming and going

>> No.17708302
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fuck me, now rotated

>> No.17708344


I just finished Thrawn trilogy. Most of my reading is non-fiction and I really enjoyed it as a break.

>> No.17708348

>The Last Man
>The Monk

>> No.17708376
File: 1.50 MB, 3354x2873, PXL_20210306_032343612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the landmark histories (Arrian also on the way), wew a few of them are expensive. I just got them all because I figure price for the hardcovers in good condition is probably only going up unless they do a reprint. I'm going to start the Herodotus tonight

>> No.17708393

Excellent selection

>> No.17708394

>Just got the landmark histories
They really are wonderful books, anon. I'm sure you'll get much enjoyment out of them.

>> No.17708419

I've had my eyes on that book about Japan for a while. Is it Worth reading?

>> No.17708468

Asuka fig ruins the shelf, get misato.
Where’d you cop journey to the west set? Also how is gravity rainbow?

>> No.17708591
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That's a fan favorite, and landmark classic that created tremendous interest in further EU stories at the time. It has a fun follow-up later in the series with the Thrawn duology, starting with "Specter of the Past." The collections of short stories are also great, "Tales from ...", expanding background information behind the scenes of the films, exploring the universe in interesting and authentic print. What was Greedo's life before he ran into Han, and what happened to his shot second corpse? Etc. There are a lot of great stories there, the Jedi Academy Trilogy (which could have been adapted into a decent film trilogy), the X-wing series. Just plain fun reading!

>> No.17708628

Is that a Ralph McQuarrie?

>> No.17708706

Which ones do you reckon I should buy now?

Also, I love Mara Jade

>> No.17708712
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Who else man?

>> No.17708766

Love his stuff

>> No.17708771

Best shelf I've ever seen in one of these threads. Great mix of based, meme, and based meme.

>> No.17708775

That's a tall order, the ones I mentioned above aren't bad at all, you might also like the Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy that covers a certain Mandalorian's fight against old nemeses, the guild of bounty hunters, and forces pulling strings in the criminal corners of the galaxy.

"Shadows of the Empire" is a stand alone classic that takes place between the time of the 5th and 6th film, it was released as a media onslaught with a video game, comic and the novel. It features another look into the galaxy's criminal networks as our heroes face Star Wars's equivalent to Ming the Merciless.

>> No.17708820

Wtf is going on here? cooking books, philosophy and fiction

>> No.17708830

>he doesn't cook for himself

>> No.17708850
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the cookbook? desu I've only made 2-3 things out of it. I was kind of hoping it would be broader than it was -- like The Silver Spoon and The Nordic Cookbook, which are both pretty comprehensive coverages of Italian / Nordic cuisines respectively, but the Japan one seemed kind of limited.
I can't wait to read Herodotus's account of Egypt, just thinking about it is making me excited like a kid
yeh you pretty much summed it up. maybe my lower half will clear things up?

>> No.17708858

Maybe he just doesn't have shelf space elsewhere. I keep my cookbooks clearly visible on shelves in kitchen to intimidate and shame girls who know fuckall about cooking, but keeping them w other books is fine for people who aren't constantly thinking in terms of dumb mindgames

>> No.17708872

I don't trust people who have too many books by same author from same publisher, or every series w perfectly matching editions. All with spines which don't even look bent. If a bookshelf is aesthetically pleasing and not a mismatched scramble of colors, conditions, publishers, etc. I am filled with a deep sense of unease.

>> No.17708912

are you sub(You)ing me about my vonnegut? >>17708850

>> No.17708913

Based epub hoarder

>> No.17708931
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>> No.17708938

There is no need to feel distrust for those more wealthy than yourself

>> No.17708952

You didn't even finish the Sea of Fertility series

>> No.17708958

To be fair to him those two are the only good books in the tetralogy

>> No.17709021 [DELETED] 



>> No.17709026


>> No.17709042

I’ll read what I want.
Let’s see all of the sea of fertility on your shelf go ahead and show us

>> No.17709106
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There ya go

>> No.17709209

Based Dog's Heart. Funny book.

>> No.17709212


>> No.17709230

What’s your favorite book on the shelf?

>> No.17709246

>get misato.
how can a man have such shit taste

>> No.17709295

I haven't read anything on those shelves

>> No.17709314

Ohh, I don't think I could pick a favourite book.
I probably think about Kobo Abe the most though, just such confusing and bizarre stories - Kangaroo Notebook and The Boxman are two others by him that fall exactly into dreamy mess.
Banana Yoshimoto I've also been thinking about quite a bit lately too, but also she's the one I most recently read. Despondency, loss but also cute at the same time and fun.

>> No.17709320

I bought them all for show. Gotta impress /lit/ with my Japanese picks

>> No.17709368

I absolutely distrust every person wealthier than me, but this is a separate thing. You've outed yourself as very middle class or a parvenu, not inheriting the bulk of your books.

>> No.17709404


>> No.17709415

Abe I’ve heard good things about. I could talk more if you are actually interested in this literature.

>> No.17709429

Based Oxford collector

>> No.17709437


They hide their meme books. Everyone here would be afraid to show their whole collection.

>> No.17709468

I live in England though.

>> No.17709530


You're the only person in this thread without venom in their soul.

>> No.17709586

i arrange them by size of course

>> No.17709633

Holy fucking based

>> No.17709664


>> No.17709980

Based. You—or whoever this shelf belongs to—probably actually read these too, which is far superior to the majority of /lit/ posters carefully curated shelves of untouched books.

>> No.17710099

This is sung to the tune of Phil Collins's Sussudio.


There're these books have been on my shelf
For some time, Pseu-pseu-pseudo
Oh oh
Now I don't even know their plots
But I can just Wiki up some thoughts
Woah oh
Ah I only bought them for cred
Pretending to be well-read
They’re all I need, my false life
I feel so good when I buy one more
Just buy some more, oh

Now I cannot discuss them
I'll just take a photo
Oh oh
Ooh, God bless stack threads, I’ll just post there
I won’t need any words
Oh oh

Ah! I’ve got to buy some more, buy more now
I’ve got to avoid talk, and I know just how
It makes me worldly and makes me wise
And I feel so good when I buy just one more
Just buy one more, oh

Ah! I hope no one asks about them
I feel so good if I just buy some more
I just buy one more oh
I just buy one more oh
I just buy one more oh
Pseu-pseu-pseudo oh-oh
Oh, oh

Just buy one more

>> No.17710153

Would love to see a shelf here without all the fucking usual suspects. Do you guys ever develop a taste of your own, or do you just buy whatever you see on those meme charts?

>> No.17710161

Is Goethe part 1 good in english?

>> No.17710166

v good taste, but you should read more history

>> No.17710190


Shelves of a dilettante. Could immediately identify you frequent /lit/. Has disparate collection of mostly classics and well-regarded 20th century lit, only oddities are the /lit/ favorites. Rarely more than 1-2 authors. Non-fiction/philosophy shelf are broad overviews of a topic and typical beginner texts.

You have a big collection, stop buying things and read what you already have. Cannot identify any distinct taste or strong interests beyond a general beginners curiosity in everything.

>> No.17710200

not him but here

>> No.17710207

and yeah id say this translation is pretty faithful to the original

>> No.17710209
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This is not a new problem, it's as old as printing.
In fact, it was around before printing. Just think of all the kings and emperors who hoarded codexes copied by monks that they couldn't read.

>> No.17710219

Meant to say rarely more than 1-2 books per author. You've never felt compelled to read a writers entire oeuvre?

>> No.17710672

He has the entire works of Dostoevsky, Ishiguro, Hesse, and looks like most of Mann. Half the books he has I barely ever see recommended on here. Elaine Dundy? Graham Greene? Kawabata? All that Bernanos? Greene and Bernanos in particular suggest an interest in Catholic literature before even getting to the philosophy shelves, which look deliberately selected - outside the collected works it's notable he has individual copies of Plato's soul tetralogy, followed by Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas. Supplemented with Pascal, Kierkegaard, this very clearly shows a narrow focus on Christian theology, ethics and metaphysics. I don't usually comment but you're wrong and your post seems very salty for reasons I can't fathom. Imagine being jealous of bookshelves. Or is it the other anons who all commented that they loved his taste?

>> No.17710683

There is always at least one or two people in shelf threads that are here simply to act outraged at anyone who posts their shelves. It seems like some kind of weird jealousy

>> No.17710693

Also, the 'mostly well regarded 20th century lit' clearly ignores Shakespeare, the key Greek dramatists, Spenser, Milton, Wharton, Webster, the Romantics, and all those literary textbooks. I'd wager he's a literature student, which would in any case suggest he has more knowledge of the subject than you.

>> No.17710700

Yes, it's bizarre. I hate it and can't stand it. Reminds me of all the people I know irl who feel compelled to find or invent negatives for every person who has or does anything praiseworthy. I knew a guy like that in college, and we all found him loathsome. People can tell when you're a fox without grapes type. I would rather share the company of a drunk

>> No.17710760

Finally, someone who has something by Bolano other than 2666 and savage detectives. Really nice shelves

>> No.17710887

>2 tonne stack anon hasn't posted again
He died didn't he?

>> No.17710952

Based but I have the original Dragonball manga, the same Vizbig editions, and stopped at Z. Having all of them took up too much room. Check out the rest of dragon ball anon, it’s really fun. I end up rereading it a lot.

>> No.17711017
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>> No.17711294
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Borrowed most of what I read from my dad so don’t own most books I’ve read

>> No.17711423

You all have shit taste

>> No.17711435

is that red book at the bottom about sperm

>> No.17711658

that's a spoon

>> No.17711679

>untouched books
are you assuming that everyone who doesn't break the spines of their books doesn't read them? that seems like a better way of finding who bought their books used than who actually read them

>> No.17711900

>no Splinter of the Mind’s Eye
For shame

>> No.17711925
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, 1457152988098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you look at that shelf again

>> No.17711946

Based KUL history student

>> No.17711949

Checked, I have read, or am currently reading nearly every book on this shelf, you can clearly see all the bookmarks and strips of paper sticking out which mark my annotations. I can hold a conversation on any of them to the extent which I know of their contents. The books on my shelf certainly wouldn't give me 'cred' anyway, not many of them are regularly shilled here, in fact most are probably reviled here (one anon already felt the need to call me a 'fucking jew').

>> No.17712095

>No Musashi

Do yourself a favor and get on it.
Musashi is great, especially if you like Vagabond.

>> No.17712132

Yeah it’s really fun I’ve watched everything. If I had the space I would get og DB, also into other stuff atm.

>> No.17712153

I've been meaning to read it ever since I read vagabond.
I'll order it soon. Got a few books I want to finish first.

>> No.17712213
File: 3.55 MB, 4032x3024, 62AEEB9A-AD01-40E2-955B-39F8A0986C7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hasn’t read over half of those
based seminary student
Do you like the Norton Moby-Dick?

>> No.17712325

>Take meticulous care of my books
>Ensure the spines aren't cracked or creased
>Dust and protect them lovingly and with respect
>People assume this means they haven't been read

Good thing I don't read to impress literal whos online. Enjoy your dogeared yellowing pages lmao

>> No.17712333

Appreciate your sentiment. Would agree entirely except that I only buy hardcover books now so it's impossible to tell if the spines have been cracked or not.

>> No.17712343

anyone that wants to keep books that they like isn't going to stress the spines on purpose, however I do still have paperbacks develop wear on the edges of the covers

>> No.17713181

Norton Moby-Dick, yeah, I like it. it's pretty good!

>> No.17713226

I should expand a little bit more
It's a nice edition. I know that people don't like this, but I quite dig the thin bible paper, it makes the book more portable and it opens better. The font size is a tad tiny for my eyes (i use glasses) but after a while I don't mind. It has helpful footnotes and an appendix on whaling and nautical terms that help quite a lot. Good book.

I bought the LOA paperback edition to contrast it with this Norton one, but it hasn't arrived yet.

>> No.17713685


>> No.17714821


>> No.17714881

your shelf is book-for-book the /lit/ top 100

>> No.17714988

Didn't know that JK Haru got translated and published.
Interesting concept but got a bit tedious at the end.

>> No.17715112

The chicken book is based, I have a small collection of philosophical/sociological/practical books about pigs

>> No.17715334


>> No.17715429

Very nice.

>> No.17715545


>> No.17715823

Something inside me died

>> No.17716642

I've just gave them away or threw them away, buying books is the biggest meme of all time.
Still, I'd like to have bookshelf of literature that has been meaningful for me or that I've truly loved, but most of the time it's a waste of money if you buy them, and what's the sense in buying them if borrow them from library or a friend?