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17707635 No.17707635 [Reply] [Original]


Ignore Quine, Kripke, Searle, McDowell etc. the work of the CIA is the philosophy of the american spirit. If you think it is not philosophy, you are not of the american spirit.

>> No.17707876
File: 1.30 MB, 1900x2706, oswald-spengler-1880-bis-1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spengler of today would have agreed

>> No.17707971

boil it down for someone that has brain damage like me

>> No.17708030

In short, the CIA is engaging in gnosticism through their remote viewing propgrams and uncovering the deepest form of the psyche through banal programs as in MKUltra and the undeniable usage of DMT and similar to come into contact with interdimensional aliens.

The CIA also is the only organization actively trying to bring through an absolute world spirit in the material through their covert efforts of subverting all hostile people and bringing all under the new world american order (the repercussions of this are outside of current material and metaphysical thinking since it first needs to occur for it to reveal itself).
Its manner in approaching this is strictly "american". A European intelligence agency would never have reached this level of self-actualization and consciousness. The CIA is still a govermental organization but it is what the ultimate american philosophical school ever could be. Their approach to studying the minds and psyche through LSD abuse and abusive interrogation couldnt work outside of such an institution and especially not in a university setting due to the wrong intent.

Also through killing Kennedy the CIA was able to fully implement the the current system never to be subverted due to its characteristics being entirely that of a simulacrum, therefore securing its immortality.

>> No.17708108

Okay give me a quick rundown of what the fuck that pdf is saying because it quickly stops making sense and I did not feel like reading all of it. The images look wild though. I don't mean like >>17708030 I mean tell me what their substantive claims are about, something has to be behind those specific images they're using. I saw Transcendental Meditation mentioned somewhere? What the fuck is the CIA talking about, world eggs and white holes and idk what?

>> No.17708149
File: 422 KB, 1023x872, Screenshot_2021-03-06 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF GATEWAY PROCESS - CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the CIA is telling you the gnostics were right and you get bored and want a QRD instead?
The fuck is wrong with you?

>start at 12. Holograms to revitalze your curiosity.

>> No.17708166

based. Tell me again why I shouldn't strive to be a sneaky cia operative? Ill be a pencil pusher anyways...

>> No.17708176

Mind you OP all the CIA and DIA research into the paranormal was a reaction to Soviet research.

>> No.17708182

Because they only hire faggots from Ivy Leagues

>> No.17708195

What gnosticism have to do with anything?

>A European intelligence agency would never have reached this level of self-actualization and consciousness
See https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/NSA-RDP96X00790R000100040001-3.pdf

>> No.17708210

Also this, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.1148.pdf

>> No.17708291

ive heard that myth as well. Doesn’t deny the american approach found something new (ubiquitously true) and unique to its spirit.
Spengler would tell you to join the CIA or NSA, or perhaps the state department.

>> No.17708489

Unique to its spirit in the sense the intent of these abilities is for military and intelligence benefit. Not for humanity, in fact it is detrimental to humanity.
That is the American spirit. Soviets were no different either.

>> No.17708684


sounds like ken wheeler and timothy leary rolled into one

>> No.17708727
File: 150 KB, 745x317, concentration theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly shocked that they released this

>> No.17708753


any nerds want to get together and try to utilize some of their principles? i got nothing to lose and time to kill

>> No.17708774

Pretty sure I clicked on lit and not x....

>> No.17708776

Do you happen to glow in the dark?

>> No.17709365

what kind of Asimovian new-age garbage is this. Holy fuck.

>> No.17709764

Seething christcuck

>> No.17709897

You realize that theories like this only enforce that there is a God?

>> No.17709908


>> No.17710003

What do Americans trying to commodfy mystical experiences a have to do with Jesus Christ you solemn faggot?

>> No.17710013
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>> No.17710019

do they have any actual results?
Fuck, no wonder america is full of conspiracy nuts when they got this type of government. Makes em the lucid ones.

>> No.17710159

I'll read this tomorrow. Very interesting.

>> No.17710458

tl;dr: the universe is a hologram, subjectivists and panpsychists are right

>> No.17710465

>nooooo you can't try to explain mystical experience they need to stay mysterious and obscure otherwise I can't larp

>> No.17710987

they ro. there is a different report that specifically states that their specialists were able to penetrate soviet military institutions through remote viewing and gain some form of intel (but fail to be able to read documents). i will look for it later. This program ran for 20years before being “cancelled”.

>> No.17710996

if cops are pigs, then the CIA are the farmers

>> No.17711004

on the one hand, I know first hand how much bs military personnel will spout to gain funding. On the other hand, hmmmm...
i think it's a point against their credibility that the papers were released.

>> No.17711036

I mean thats just a compilation of various mystical techniques and experiences, I dont get whats so crazy about it

>> No.17711041


argumentum ab auctoritate. just because CIA says so doesn't make it right. the CIA is not all powerful or all knowing.

this kind proves to me, just as most conspiracy types do, that people just want a God, and will do everything to have one.

>> No.17711129

The institute still does the experiments and the OOBEs induced by the gateway process are widely documented. Your dumb skepticism in the face of reasonable evidence doesn't make you cool

>> No.17711188


>> No.17711240
File: 31 KB, 300x300, kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gave me the schizo vibes of reading Kant

>> No.17711277

>I dont get whats so crazy about it
It's secular, therefore not tainted by the biases of religions

>> No.17711310

So its just an aesthetic issue? That makes it even more boring lol

>> No.17711333


>> No.17711340

how so?

>> No.17711346

Religions make their own assumptions, therefore bias

>> No.17711353

You guys understand the Monroe Institute is a sect/cult, kinda like Rose-Croix, right?
If an "initiate" gets anywhere in a position of power of course he's going to end up finding a way of sending money back to the institute, that's how the whole thing is set up.

>> No.17711368

??? So does secular science, whats your point?

>> No.17711381
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dats deep nibba

>> No.17711395

>science / humanism is not a religion
lmao guy

>> No.17711409

It sounds sophisticated, but is actually complete nonsense; produced and published by the CIA, to throw conspiracy theorists off, from their (the CIA's) actual confidential work.

>> No.17712246
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Here's the previously missing page 25.

>> No.17712639
File: 392 KB, 1261x1141, __venti_genshin_impact_drawn_by_kawaiidani__a8a89052fbf59484ad4e6b331440f11b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One good thing about the feds, alongside the Homeland Security dudes which are absolutely underrated, is that they are open to making their theses in the public domain, and you can always get inspiration from them on how to be a good writer and a good thinker.
Literally doing a better job than most graduate schools, LMAO.

>> No.17712678

>disgusting file but
I agree. Reading their essays is really interesting solely for format and style purposes of learning.

>> No.17712715

They are playing 4d chess to fuck up retards.

>> No.17712717

Hi kantbot

>> No.17712735
File: 23 KB, 543x459, 1607179487591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be intellectually prepared to encounter intelligent, non-corporal energy forms when time-space boundaries are exceeded

>> No.17712755

>The problem with modern physicists is using logic and reason to explain the world
>You're totally chained by your world perspective, just get fucked up on drugs and destroy your perception to FREE YOUR MIND and be objective
>Nah dude, this method is HOLLISTIC, of course you won't be able to understand it using reasoning skills
What kind of crack were they smoking? I think I might want some.

>> No.17712771
File: 88 KB, 901x170, Screenshot_2021-03-06 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF GATEWAY PROCESS - CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, jsut like that retard Niels Bohr. dude jsut wasnt thinking logically.

>> No.17712793

Sounds based to me

>> No.17712801


>> No.17712822

God hates the CIA
Glowing niggers

>> No.17712836

gimme a youtube link, glowie. not clicking that shit

>> No.17712866

>he doesn't know mega
I was going to help you but you're rude and obviously fucking retarded so look for it yourself faggot

>> No.17712880

literally room temp IQ. the non-corporeal realm is better without you.

>> No.17712895


>> No.17713040

I too love the CIA, FBI, Israel, MOSSAD, Drugs, Elves from the veil. Basically everything that isn't human. Not a even a fed either. Just an AMERICAN

>> No.17713117

why do you need the CIA to inform you on basic occult crap? just read one of the million books on astral projection

>> No.17713124

I wasn't being funny

>> No.17713277
File: 45 KB, 338x499, 1597687677610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this one?

>> No.17713583

I understand what he's saying here, but being imaginative and being logical are not mutually exclusive. Your inability to understand something doesn't make it nonsensical. Tweaking for shits and giggles however, is.
It is, but that hardly gives practical results.
You weren't being intelligent either.

>> No.17713595

>that hardly gives practical results.
The gateway tapes do though
Though this is better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQjAIlFZWWc

>> No.17713823

>A bunch of paper-pushers is the most powerful institution on Earth
You guys would be so depressed if you realized how boring the CIA actually is lmao

>> No.17713827

Not in a position to watch that at the moment. Are these genuine scientific/medical discoveries or "DUDE I GOT HIGH AND JESUS TOLD ME EVERYTHING"? Asking like a faggot because I had a coworker who was the latter that always got fucked up on cough syrup and pretended he knew everything but couldn't understand how to pour a cup of coffee.

>> No.17713843
File: 65 KB, 474x474, based terry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread glows

>> No.17713854

Isn't the CIA mostly Mormon?

>> No.17713872

has anyone here succeeded in astral projection? i got to the brain buzz stage but got filtered right then and there. i became too excited that i actually made progress.

>> No.17713887

>You guys would be so depressed if you realized how boring the CIA actually is lmao
90% of platos academy were Glaukons. So?

>> No.17713895

They work and they don't involve mystical bullshit, just try it.

>> No.17714026

>the work of the CIA is the philosophy of the american spirit. If you think it is not philosophy, you are not of the american spirit.

this is true and why americans shouldnt be regarded as human

>> No.17714039

we're all american

>> No.17714161

> Ignore Quine, Kripke, Searle, McDowel

>> No.17714336

I’ll tell you what happens when NWO happens.

They’re happy for a while think they have won.

Eventually secret gets out that this happened and with proof.

The world of others kill the usurper.

History restarts.

>> No.17715632

>If you think it is not philosophy, you are not of the american spirit.
God be praised!

>> No.17715692



i like their propaganda on youtube so far. happy people walking around the forest barefoot looking for crystals, academics confirming my schizobiases and experiences, a clean compound where surely nothing evil happens behind closed doors

>> No.17715726

they like catholic schools more

>> No.17715730

National Security is literally the one fucking area left that you have to actually be a coherent non-disciplinary thinker.

While some retard Lit journal is jerking itself off over "the liminal experiences in ethnographic sex tourism", if you're a retard that can't think well in National Security the Islamic State takes over half of Iraq, or China beats us in 80 years.

Thank fuck I went with foreign policy with my liberal arts degree instead of doing a PHD.

>> No.17715736

You're thinking of the God Squad. That's a National Guard MI unit from Utah. There's a lot of HUMINT guys that come from there, they all fucking suck.

>> No.17715751
File: 183 KB, 700x678, 1610079220875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're already read and experienced in occult matters everything in that document is old news, but true enough.

It's good for hylic recovery.

>> No.17715797

Monroe Institute dropped off in the late 80s/early 90s. Monroe did die in '95 afterall.
Farsight Institute was also somewhat decent in the late 90s/early 00s. Now they just do full on schizo nonsense and post naked black women on their social media.
You have to consider that these organizations were founded and run by legitimate scientific teams. But par for the course with everything else eventually just succumbs to typical bullshit.