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17705244 No.17705244 [Reply] [Original]

What are the still-withstanding, if any, arguments in favor of democracy?

>> No.17705259

It's a highly entertaining farce

>> No.17705265


>> No.17705267

inb4 "there is stability in its inefficiency" because that's not true

>> No.17705274

it facilitates the transferal of power away from white people

>> No.17705297
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Voting is not democracy

>> No.17705319

And thats a good thing, pure democracy lets the majority do what they want to people they dislike.

>> No.17705387
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>> No.17705390

Democracies prevent famines. Also, there's a close relation between democratic regimes and the upholding of fundamental rights - such as habeas corpus, inviolability of domicile, right to petition in an independent court of law, prohibition of arbitrary imprisonment and so on. These things don't happen in effective democracies - although simple periodic elections, without all necessary safeguards, don't characterize democracies by themselves. On the other hand, I cannot imagine an autocratic regime surviving in the modern world without the violation of fundamental rights.

>> No.17705392

I don't know, have you heard of Churchill?

>> No.17705408
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Consensus building non-representative Direct Democracy, the purest form, also practiced by Quakers, is what I’m advocating. Fuck Hoppe.

>> No.17705679

Antidemocrats silently presuppose that things would go better/in their way if we would get rid of democracy. In fact their fundamental demand is refuted by their demand for it.
If tranny Stalin would ordain mass castrations of cis white males tomorrow they wouldn't say "at least it's not democracy". The only response they have is that if there would be no democracy such ideas would not develop.
Democracy is really just a promise that there is a peaceful way out of a government you oppose.
Without the presupposition of victory nobody actually supports the abolition of democracy

>> No.17705746

John Dewey's idea of democracy as a process of inquiry and a way of life based on free association. This process of deliberation articulates problems to be solved, and creates organic groups based on shared interests. By participating in discourse, individual citizens have more responsibilities demanded of them. They contribute more to society, but also get more out of society.

Very far from what we actually have, where nobody in power has any responsibility and people only contribute what the market forces them to.