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/lit/ - Literature

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17696347 No.17696347 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.17696353

you faggots should read more

>> No.17696390

Day 354: I have been within the cocoon for quite some time now, but I still cannot emerge due to the pernicious disease plaguing the world. Oh, how I long to become the bountiful butterfly of my imagination, to share my light with the world, rather than be locked in my cage. But the end is nigh, and my transformation is not yet complete. More knowledge and power awaits me if I continue with my arduous, rigorous ascetic lifestyle while I count the seconds until freedom.

>> No.17696412

Can't properly decide if I want to write non-fiction or fiction. If I want to condense literal dozens, if not an entire hundred books of content that I have read in some specific topic into the form of the allegories, characters and story arcs of a story, or if I preferred to be more literal and straight forward and just deliver it through non-fiction as a mega-essay instead.

Don't think that I'm just ctrl c and ctrl v the contents of other books however, as I read with a critical eye and a desire to fuse all information together, digest it through my own lens and deliver it back to the world.

>> No.17696418

this is what niggas say no-fap is like

>> No.17696425

I took a benzo and read a short story by Chekov and i still can't fall asleep

>> No.17696454

Lmfao thanks for the laugh, anon

>> No.17696457

like an hour ago I felt like I was going to have some major emotional breakthrough about my upbringing. there were some flashing memories and a great sorrow. I could almost glimpse mistakes I had made, and could almost see someting like a whole picture about my whole family history. but then the breakthrough didn't come.

>> No.17696476


>> No.17696492
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Been delving into Neoplatonism lately. It really solves all the issues I had with platonism and seems like the metaphysical system which is most plausible in my opinion. Wish Plotinus was easier to read but what can you do.

>> No.17696510

I had something similar but thankfully "the breakthrough" did come. I think these are the mind's attempts at healing itself and processing trauma, as uncomfortable as they are. I would advise you to welcome these episodes when they come.

>> No.17696538

guise how do i overcome my crippling self-doubt enough to nourish my intellectual and creative abilities

>> No.17696549

what are your ambitions?

>> No.17696552

I made this a couple of days ago. I really like it, there are some misses and I can't really tell if it would be good to anyone else but I like it. Song by Billy Joe Shaver.


>> No.17696580

I like it anon, you have a relaxing voice that compliments the song well. Do you have anymore?

>> No.17696592

I always try to write as a form of escapism but it fails
I guess talking to myself with written words isn't really adequate

>> No.17696597

I want to cum inside RD

>> No.17696602

thank you anon. at the time I do not, I don't record very often nowadays.

>> No.17696612

You can do it!
Believe in yourself!
This moment is new!
Be better!

>> No.17696613

The career change is on my mind. I dont know what to choose. I've thought about going to blue collar route and picking up welding. There's one thing about fools pride that doing such step personally feels like a massive step-down from my current education (bachelors in physics). I just dont know. I even picked physics because i tricked myself into believing that i liked it but i hated the subject back in uni. However i couldnt just quit because i couldnt answer to myself that damned "so what would you do instead?" question.

>> No.17696626

I would be so into warhammer if they cut the cost by 90% (which honestly I think would still leave them a fair profit)

>> No.17696628

>just bee yourself

bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.17696649

>solves all the issues I had with platonism and seems like the metaphysical system which is most plausible
Could you elaborate?

>> No.17696691

My main problem with basic platonism was that I don't feel it was as fleshed out as it could have been. The introduction of potential and actuality, among other ways in which Plotinus fleshed out Plato's thoughts, solved that problem. I'm also a Christian, and while I already became convinced of God's existence through other arguments, Neoplatonism has given me a better understanding of the nature of God.

>> No.17697326

The reason the cost of Warhammer (or MTG, or anything like that) is so is that they want their consumers to make the brand a critical part of their identity. if you spend the majority of your disposable income on their products, you'll likely be far more invested. I remember when I played a lot of magic in middle and high school. people identified themselves as "mtg players" the same way people talk about their jobs. for the average fan of these sorts of games, it's the primary aspect of their identity, which is profoundly sad.

>> No.17697347

I'm starting a new job soon and they're really railing all my holes with these background checks. I didn't apply to be a secret service agent ffs. What's with the 20 questions?
Reminds me of that old David Chapelle skit about the cop telling him to "spread your cheeks and lift your sack" during a search.

>> No.17697349

Homer was a real person, people who disagree are soulless.

>> No.17697363

A question for non anglosphere anon - do you read native writers? i personally didnt like reading or literature back in HS so it felt like a boring chore but i feel like returning to native literature works as of late.

>> No.17697380

MATLAB, suicide, stoicism, failure, legacy, purpose, nihilism, family, time.

>> No.17697441

based. academics are bugmen. not only was he a person, he was the author of both the Iliad and the Odyssey. a singular genius that bugmen cannot recognise because you need a soul to understand genius

>> No.17697513

I can’t capture a vivid dream I had in writing.

>> No.17697537

good analysis

>> No.17697556

Basado, they don't understand the difference between (Homer) being influenced by a prior Greek poetic tradition, and then just the Iliad and Odyssey being nothing but the slow anonymous product of random individuals.

>> No.17697580

I dont seem to understand the subtle emotional states nor im able to write them out in interesting and poetic way. There goes the writer path.

>> No.17697618

Yes most of the Iliad was passed down from the Mycenaeans, but stiching it all together while making it centered around Achilles' wrath is a work of genius that has a very consistent artistic voice throughout. The Odyssey seems to me that it was more of an original work without as many lines passed down but obviously from a known myth and definitely by the same poetic genius. Seeing academics racking their small brains about how Ithaka looked like is just embarrassing.

>> No.17697642

I wonder how many people come here just out of loneliness.

>> No.17697728

Me. Even if no one replies to my posts, i enjoy the discussion.

>> No.17697758

Do people really not reply to your posts? It feels to me that most posts have replies in any one thread (maybe expect for this one cause it's a lot of monologues)

>> No.17697896

it's more likely than you think!

>> No.17697911

james acaster a cute! A CUTE!

>> No.17697922

You’re American? I can sympathize but there are only 2 benefits in having a degree then. 1 is to commission for the military. 2 is to get a visa to move out of the country. The would-be 3rd benefit is to be a professor/teacher but we don’t have to go there. You want my honest advice? Become a welder or some other blue collar job. Yes, you’ll dislike your coworkers. Yes, it will be dirty and unpleasant. Still, it’s not even a question. If you join the corporate rat race I promise you will regret it, especially if you’re already at this point. It’s just your frankly, deluded pride and over-socialization that’s making it difficult for you.

>> No.17697929

I’m so despondent about everything. Everything goes totally wrong. There is no escape from this hole here I feel drained so far I still haven’t found a real purpose in life. Sometimes I’m so afraid to get out of bed in the morning, there is nothing to get up for.
My life lacks any meaning. I’m meandering aimlessly lost in the universe. Lack of money is oppressive. What a terrible fate! Why bother to read these wretched newspapers, it just makes you feel more stupid. Politics is killing me.

>> No.17697934

watching WILTY eh?

>> No.17697950

no but I have. his netflix special has become something I come back to like how I imagine women come back to a cozy sweater

>> No.17697973

The new thing is that Homer was multiple people, all women, if you didn’t know.

>> No.17697986

what is more likely?

>> No.17698004
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Pic Related but make the monke just a normal Human in todays world and make the mushroom Religion.

>> No.17698007

There are certain thoughts and ideas that I feel the need to express but aren't really important enough to bother my friends with which is why I like to post here. When I'm in a slump or a bad mood the conversations here can genuinely lift my spirits sometimes.

>> No.17698012

contemporary American academics are just a parody so they don't count

>> No.17698024
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One might as well ask if the Sun soars above the world in grandiuous solitude because he's just anti-social.

>> No.17698055

Do you mostly post in these threads instead of in the rest of the threads? I always wondered if there are people who just come on /lit/ for these threads

>> No.17698129

I don't think coming here is something to be proud of bro

>> No.17698131

I'm going to go try to be a productive, and genuinely upstanding person. Wish me luck, and thanks.

>> No.17698164

won't work but okay

>> No.17698298
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the saddest part of my first relationship ending is that I have to let her go, no matter how much I want to hold on


>> No.17698339

This society benefits from broken people, it wants you to be pathetic, to hide in your room and consume. I thought I was winning by rejecting the world but I've played right into its hand. Realising this has given me the motivation I need, I will be healthy and strong and happy if only out of spite for this system.

>> No.17698347

Yo this is a story all about how
My life got flipped turned upside down

I need a good audiobook about history that I can get on audible

>> No.17698355

I try to leave as much DNA of myself as I can wherever I go in case it becomes frozen and years later some technology finds it and replicates me.

>> No.17698368

I'm not consuming anything I'm buying crypto which is one of the few things not owned by Jews

>> No.17698382

they can't replicate your brain from your DNA idiot

>> No.17698412

They can.

>> No.17698440


>> No.17698514
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31 khv here--friendless too. Is it possible to live a happy, constructive life without friends or significant others? Can one be at peace with his/her hobbies? Some days I never question my loneliness; other days, like today--and maybe this is because I have under slept--my solitude causes me extreme melancholia.
Hobbies include reading, writing and lifting. Maybe I need other activities to calm this wondering mind.

>> No.17698763

Let's get back together
Let's get back forever
Let's get back together
Let's get back forever
Let's get back together
Let's get back forever

That's what's on my mind right now.

>> No.17698777

It's not over bro. You can always turn things around. You may live 50 more years. That's more time than you may be able to imagine. So put it to good use and take what's yours.

>> No.17698784

I don't know why spend five years researching and writing a doctoral thesis for in the last moment drop the ball because I think my research will be irrelevant in the post-Covid world.

>> No.17698794


>> No.17698817

Thanks, friend.

>> No.17698820

wondering if ill die a virgin

>> No.17698821

take action - thats your solution. Good luck

>> No.17698847

Here's the thing, I have to wake up early tomorrow, I know that if I don't sleep right now I'm gonna wake up tired and I will spend the entire day, but even though I know this I can't bring myself shut off this thing and go to sleep. I guess this must be what they call addiction.

>> No.17698862

Turn it off bro, we will still be here tomorrow. Go get a glass of water. Do some jumping jacks, get in bed, and read a few pages of something comfy.

>> No.17698874

Disagree. I’m pretty damn broken and this society seems to have no place or want for me whatsoever.

>> No.17698974

Jannies delete thread where books acre actually discussed yet keep frogposting pol threads up. Huh.

>> No.17698993

Oh, nothing, just another episode of "we are breaking up" with me and my GF. It happens almost every week and make me loose any will to still be together and dream about a future with her. It's always some bullshit. Today's episode was because I didn't want to see her because I had to read some texts for /uni/ and wake up early tomorrow. Still, she wanted to come and I was like, yes, wathever, then she lost the bus and I told her it was better if we saw each other tomorrow, since I had shit to do today and she was gonna have to spend money on Uber (we are both poorfags from the third world). Her reaction? Of course she freak out and start rambling about shit who got nothing to do with this. About her begging for affection and love (wich is absolutely no true, since we sleep together five times a week and I'm always kind and full of love towards her), girls that I used to fuck before dating her, how she's tired, how I don't care about her and on and on and on. All of this because I asked her for one fucking day off, to read and sleep early. Why are girls like this? It always has to be the way they want or they freak out. It's like they never received a "No" in their fucking lifes. Jesu Christ. I'm so godamn tired of this.

>> No.17698997

There needs to be a revolt against the jannies. We need to awaken class consciousness amongst the lumpenprole users of /lit/.

>> No.17699005

but dat pussy game ridikulis

>> No.17699259

Why do you date women that make you feel like this? What is your attraction towards this girl or any other that displays the same behaviors? Are you so afraid of loneliness that you are willing to put up with these kinds of behaviors?

None of these are judgements of your characters but thought exercises for you to make

>> No.17699267

I’m probably going to end my life, probably fairly young. The thing is I just moved to another country and I feel a bit bad about doing that here, like I’m a bad guest.

>> No.17699350


>> No.17699360

based goebbels

>> No.17699372

Youre the guy from the previous thread, right?
With my experience, doing welding well is a nearly religious experience. If you go at it the right way it becomes an act of meditation. And even if you dont pick welding specificaly, I believe blue collar work deserves far more credit or pride attached to it. Even if it is humble, it is the simple mystery of exultation. The strain is a regulator, and you will come home tired but in a way fulfilled that is rare to us /lit/erati types. I implore you to cast aside pride for a, by the sounds of it likely, hollow proffesion and to take the leap.
Just get tabletop simulator off Steam, most of the models are ported one way or another via the mod workshop.

>> No.17699414

I feel like I can never been sincere with people irl. Nothing I ever discuss exceeds the mundane and when such topics arise that do direct towards greater depth I feel constrained from expressing my true beliefs. Most of what I do is small talk, and the rest I cannot say. It certainy doesnt help that most people I know are merely aqcuainteces or mild friends. I dont think I ever really connect with people. Theres always a wall between me and them and I can only at best peak over the top. Sometines I get drunk and I just unload on people. Tell them all at once all my deepest beliefs and thoughts in a jumbled and incoherent way. No one ever walks away from it knowing me better and I always feel ashamed and embarrassed after it happens.
I think the reason I post here so much and so often is that I feel I can say what I really want to say, unhindered, and actually have real engagement about it. The downside is that so much of it ends up as blogposting and me feeling bad about myself.

>> No.17699430

>The introduction of potential and actuality, among other ways in which Plotinus fleshed out Plato's thoughts, solved that problem.
Arent these things aristotelian and delivered in contrast to Plato?
Also, you should check out Augustine and then Aquinas. They provide a better metaphysical basis for Christian thought than Plotinus. Augustine works out neoplatonism to fit and then Aquinas then reintroduces such things as Actuality and Potentiality and then refines the contrast between essence and existence that plagued all classical theism prior to himself

>> No.17699434

Homer is a cartoon character

>> No.17699446

This society doesnt deserve me

>> No.17699449

Dont feel bad about blogposting, anon. /fit/ has the feels bar, we have this place.
I relate heavily, though. Some of us are just destined to be warped by or in response to the world as emotionaly isolated people who only get to express little glints of openess. I blame Saturn.
But keep trying, thats the only way you may meet someone you click with.

>> No.17699482

>Arent these things Aristotelian and delivered in contrast to Plato?
Yes, but Plotinus is in many ways a synthesis of aristotelian and platonic metaphysics

>> No.17699638

Why is there dogs?

>> No.17699662

are there esl kun

>> No.17699671

>peak over the top

>> No.17699699

What? What made you say this

>> No.17699719

My eyes hurt, my pelvis hurt, emotionally, I hurt because I don't hurt, I wish I could cry and then live a better life, but I feel empty, afraid of the future and what it could bring, afraid of what people will say about me, because I know what calls me in my heart of hearts, leads to a spotlight, and I know that the time that I have spent being a disingenuous edgy kid, will resurface, but I know I have will power, let time slips by and I can't even concentrate on what I am receiving from the world, I have stunned my growth by reasoning with the words, I hate words, I hate not having patience, I hate hating myself yet not feeling like I do, knowing that I am better than this so deeply within me and knowing that I know that I have been better but pushing myself back from becoming better again, reasoning to reasoning to reasoning, I need to stop masturbating and watching porn, I wish everything that I need to deal with would appear in front of me and I wish I could see that, explode into it and move on, yet its so simple and complicated, yet it can't be explained with words yet I am here, writing. I am trying Oh Lord you know I am trying, yet I promised by Dad I wouldn't try and that I would do. Please Lord forgive me and give me the strenght to forgive myself, whatever that means. Oh Lord please give me the strenght to leave this place. I know that divinity awaits me, yet my right hand stops my left hand from grabbing it. Right Brain and Left Brain. I can't reason anymore.

>> No.17699742

Why did you waste your time on this faggot?

>> No.17699753

It will not get any easier, you will just feel as though you are sliding more away from vices. Asking God for succor is good, but He will only help you if you help yourself.

>> No.17699756

it's "write what's on your mind" not "write what nitpicking faggots want to read"

>> No.17699764

read christian in complete armor or christ's samurai

>> No.17699804

Jesus is LORD. Believe the Gospel found in 1 corinthians 15:1-4 kjv to be saved

>> No.17699819

Not a justification

>> No.17699952

Aquinas crafts a similar system

>> No.17700027


>> No.17700037

I relate to DFW a lot (maybe because I'm a "muh sincerity" fag) and his writing/interviews are so refreshing so it pains me that him and his fans are belittled on /lit/ that it's become a meme. Makes me sad. I thought it was mostly shitposting, Poe's law and what not... but I think people here unironically see him as a pretentious pseud. Just bothers me everytime I see a DFW thread (I'll admit the jokes are funny though)

>> No.17700049

People like to repeat memetic responses as some sort of vicarious ritual. The fact that he hung himself, and 4chan is the website of an hero, doesn't make it any easier to have genuine discussion of the man and his work.

>> No.17700051

Read After Virtue frens.
Free on audible too

>> No.17700056 [DELETED] 

this is the same guy who always posts about how self-help books are "scams"

>> No.17700064 [DELETED] 

his interviews are the most god awful midwit things i have ever seen.

>> No.17700073

One of my favourite books

>> No.17700093

If I hear the word "normalize" used one more time I'm going to normalize random acts of violence.

>> No.17700108

My mind is a rollercoaster. I am
not going through intense feelings of pain or sorrow but every few hours I feel completely different. My thoughts will be different, my feelings will be different, my experiences will be different. I will respond to people differently. It’s like I am constantly being thrown a new puzzle, some of them easier than others. I am unsure if I should be solving the puzzle or carrying on if it isn’t there. Am I spinning in circles?

>> No.17700113
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>> No.17700147

how do i stop myself from hating on druggies?

>> No.17700157

don't, they deserve it.

>> No.17700202

Do some drugs. Learn to empathize. Spiral into a pit of despair and existential crisis. Live under a bridge. OD and get forcibly sent to a hospital and incur thousands of dollars worth of debt, go to jail for failure to pay outstanding debt, get a tattoo, join a gang, kill a minority as your hazing introduction to the gang, get assigned a public defender, get your 5th and 6th amendment rights violated, live out your sentence writing your novel in black and white string bound notebooks with golf pencils you traded four ramen packs for. Die from withdraw and a rapid onset of delirium tremens, give your manuscript to your bunk mate before you die, tell him to give it to your mother when he gets out, have your mother beg the head of the English department of your local community college to publish it, become famous in death, become an icon for a man who lived and died for his convictions.

>> No.17700205
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I don't understand the people who think that the current order of things in the United States is stable. That all the recent social media crackdowns, the question marks over the elections, the attempt to go "back to normal" after Trump is a sign of some great strength on the part of the people in power. It's not. It's a sign of immense weakness, that their moves must now be so open and so blatant.

The current social and political order of things in the United States is extraordinarily weak, and sooner or later someone mightier and more terrifying than Trump is going to come and sweep it away like so much sand on the beach.

>> No.17700220

>The current social and political order of things in the United States is extraordinarily weak
serious question: what can i do personally to make it weaker?

>> No.17700229
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>the question marks over the elections

>> No.17700264

go back to lgbt

>> No.17700328

I wish I could be happy. I can't remember ever being happy. Really, I can't. When I look back on my life I don't see happiness, only periods of stress and anxiety followed by relief. For the past couple of years now suicide has been weighing on me. I think about it every day. I feel so utterly alone. I know this isn't unique. Why cant I accept that this is the way things are? Why cant I just give up? Will hitting rock bottom knock some sense into me? All of life's redeeming qualities are overshadowed by its suffering.

>> No.17700355

As an immigrant from a war-torn country to the US the people who were born and raised here and grew "American" are by and large stupid as all hell. Their problems are incredibly superficial and they have no idea what it means to have nothing, and I dont mean have nothing in this country but to REALLY have nothing in this world. Waiting in bread lines and shit is something they couldnt even think of and they don't realize that the US is the literal best example of a society with a population so massive as ours that has it better than just about any other damn country that has ever existed. All ideals of morality are getting a swift kick in the ass out the door and degeneracy is hailed as progress. I'm only glad I've found someone to be with forever who sees things the way I do and we can have kids, raise them as well as we can and then I can die and not have to witness the absolute sodomy the world will turn to when I'm disintegrating 12 feet underground.

>> No.17700370

God I fucking hate Apple corp.

>> No.17700394

Talk to everyone you know about how democracy isn't working and probably was never going to work in the long run. Weaken people's faith in the system. You don't need social media for this, you can do it in everyday conversations. And actually doing it in conversations is better because you'll reach the Boomers more, and when the Boomers start to withdraw their support from the current order, it will REALLY start to topple.

>> No.17700482

Sadly but im not an american (im from eastern europe)

>> No.17700505

same. how old are you? im 30 next year

>> No.17700508

read the bible

>> No.17700533

how do you feel about anti-corporation sentiments and burger capitalism?

>> No.17700569

Recommend an author who is a parallel of Kanye West in the lit circles.

>> No.17700575

brett easton ellis?

>> No.17700595

Hmm Worth chewing on.https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/apr/29/bret-easton-ellis-part-dinosaur-part-sage-refuses-liberal-line-race-gender

>> No.17700609

>writing a diary is the closest thing i have to actual writing
i guess its better than nothing... maybe one day something will happen out of this...

>> No.17700617

i need to sleep because i have to wake up early but here i am

>> No.17700620

Capitalism is by no means a perfect system but it's damn better than anything we've had ever. I'm also not a strong believer that "everyone should be taken care of" because nature is brutal, no dolphin gives a shit if a dolphin in another ocean starves. Corporations should be allowed to exist except in the event they become a monopoly and the US needs to do more to allow small players compete with the bigger players or "ramp up" more easily. Ironically, I think modern technology has done a good job of lowering that barrier of competition but on the other hand since most Big Tech is still pretty new they are running around unrestricted doing whatever tf they want and I think just like all other technologies we've developed over time (airplanes, medicines, etc) there needs to be SOME barriers that these corporations should adhere to like guaranteed privacy. Anyway, I probably said a shitload of contradicting things but you and I don't need to see eye to eye, we won't be at each other's funerals.

>> No.17700639

Reddit helps.

>> No.17700648

>I'm also not a strong believer that "everyone should be taken care of" because nature is brutal, no dolphin gives a shit if a dolphin in another ocean starves.
Dolphins are social creatures so presumably they do give a shit.

>> No.17700656

Probably not in an abstract sense of fraternity.

>> No.17700660

>Dear Applicant,
>Thank you for applying to the [redacted] position at the Council on Foreign Relations. This was an extremely competitive year, and we had to make some very difficult choices. Ultimately, we decided not to proceed with your candidacy.

Fuck this world man, made it to the third and final round of interviews

>> No.17700662

You do know that dolphins kill each other’s young and also rape weaker dolphins right? Fuck off with your peace bullshit idiot American.

>> No.17700675

Did I say dolphins are peaceniks, retard? I said they are social creatures, like humans, who also do those things.

>> No.17700683

Your big brain analysis wooshed the message right passed your head. Forget I ever said anything, take this final (You) dumbass.

>> No.17700691

*sentences you to 1 million years lice torture*
That'll teach you to talk out of turn...

>> No.17700732

That's just the naturalistic fallacy. The way things are done in the animal world are not supposed to serve as a model of morality or how things ought to be. There is no rationality in it. What makes humans special is the ability to step outside of the impulses of brute nature and reflect upon its folly.

>> No.17700734

Yes, it's a great way to connect with your native culture to read the great writers. When it was shoved down my throat in high school I didn't much care for them, but coming back to thrm on my own time was great

>> No.17700754

Did you have a phase were you treated native writer works as inferior ones when in comparison to the most famous classics?

>> No.17700837

Grow up in a small region in Ohio where some of your closest childhood friends (including the high school valedictorian) OD and your town only makes the news over heroin abuse. Ask me how I know. Never used hard drugs, don't even smoke weed or drink. But I respect people who've fallen down that whole and clawed their way out of it to become stronger and wiser - more than someone who never related to that struggle and thinks addicts are subhuman.

>> No.17700852

A pseudo-prophet whose talent and intelligence are overinflated by narcissism and then contradicted by their own personal issues?
Jordan Peterson probably

>> No.17700867

No, when I first got into literature it was just easier to go online and find out who the internationally renowned writers were. But reading the native ones was actually more fulfilling, as there is a greater sense of connection

>> No.17700871

I want to kill niggers

>> No.17700883

Without using any sort of religious explanation explain why they should? You absolutely cannot answer this question without sounding like the dumbass you try to hide you are. Your “aspiration to nobleness because of intellect” is the kind of dumbshittery I’d expect from an underpaid liberal arts major. Entertain me.

>> No.17700888

You can't be happy if you're not beautiful.

>> No.17700902

There's a weird puritanical tendency to view drug addicts as weak people, but it's this attribution bias. People take hard drugs because their life sucks. They need to numb the pain. You're in poverty, life is hell inside and outside you, and all you have to do is take this drug and it fixes the unfixable for one fleeting moment. The fact that there is considered to be an opioid *epidemic* does not suggest there is an epidemic of weak or defective people. But that life has gotten harder, people are poorer and more stressed and miserable than they were a generation ago, and there is nowhere for them be. You don't get "epidemics" by chance.
Not all poor people are addicts and not all addicts are poor people but it's ignorant to consider it a moral failing. It is a moral failing once the addiction completely crumbles the integrity of the person, but at that point what you call morality is subjective. The facts in question concern their dysfunctional brain circuits that have destroyed the person, they've been brain damaged.

>> No.17700913

You cant understand beauty if you're not ugly

>> No.17700919

I have no friends, but I can't be alone with myself. Is it really going to take another 10 or 20 years to finally be bored with the internet?

>> No.17700922

If you’re referring to “beautiful” as physical attractiveness then your statement is plain wrong. Simple logic refutes your statement of “all ugly people are not happy” and if something like 20 billion people have existed, to say that the only happy ones were physically attractive is not only stupid but it’s pathetic. Happiness is completely subjective and there have been countless ugly happy people and attractive sad people. Life is like 60% sadness 30% worry and 10% happiness. Stop reading like an edgy kid’s MySpace page and start realizing life is 100% what you make of the situation you’re in and nothing else.

>> No.17700950

I agree with your statement that OP sounds like some Gary Vaynerchuk-watching douche but I disagree with your reasoning why people take drugs. People take drugs because they’re too weak to deal with reality. Yes their life sucks but plenty of people’s lives suck and you don’t see them blowing white-collar employees behind the 7/11 for a vial of heroine. It’s the combination of the fact their life sucks AND they’re too weak to deal with it and the easy alternative is selling ass for 4 hours of a morphine rush.

>> No.17700952

Read Aristotle.

>> No.17700961

Trauma. Weakness born of psychological trauma. Check out Gabor Mate.

>> No.17700969

Meatloaf for dinner again. Great.

>> No.17700991

this morning my internet went out and it was probably the happiest i’ve been in a while. this has really put things into perspective. going to delete my social medias soon

>> No.17700995

I can sympathize for those whose weakness is born of trauma but it does them and society no good to tell them they’re right in the way they feel. It’s like pouring water into the well they’re drowning in and telling them “you’re right to be scared of dying in there”.

>> No.17701050
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I've been seeing some off-putting advertisements from health insurance providers recently. The advertisement was simply saying that you can reduce a myriad of health issues by getting a good night's sleep. It wasn't even advertising the health insurance (well, not directly), but was more akin to a sponsored PSA. Benign by itself, but these companies also have points-based rewards schemes earned by 'healthy living' which can reduce premiums or add up to a free fitbit or whatever. It includes things such as switching an unhealthy snack for a healthy one, walking a certain amount of steps a day, setting weight targets, or even things like calling a friend or family member and volunteering. Obviously the reason the company does this is to decrease future claims through reducing the conditions that would lead to them, and hence increasing their margins. And even though this is technically devaluing the insurance for customers, the outcome is seemingly a net positive for all involved.
Yet i can't help but find this corporate paternalism somehow more disturbing than the usual skinner-box manipulation by companies. I guess it boils down to a feeling that something beneficent done for selfish reasons is worse that something selfish done for selfish reasons, because at least the latter is honest. Or that this kind of behavioral management is beyond the proper purview of corporations. But i don't think that either of these are very good reasons, especially as the latter isn't exclusive to health insurance companies so there's no reason i should find this case especially disturbing.
I'm conflicted.

>> No.17701101

I open my bedroom window when I sleep, even during snowstorms, and have a fan blowing on me. Once I woke up and my whole room was frozen like what you'd see in a cartoon. Turned out it was -60°F that night plus snowing. My eyes felt like they were frozen solid, and I was kinda scared I destroyed them. I was fine.

>> No.17701103

Its to squeeze as much as they can from a resource pool, yeah. The credit and insurance industries are some of the most slimy, rotten corporate tumors to ever exist.

>> No.17701183

yeah, im the guy from previous thread
>blue collar work deserves far more credit or pride attached to it.
i think so too but here (eastern europe) its considered an simpleton, low iq work even if those people can potentially earn as much as white collars.

>> No.17701197

Ah, my deep apologies I thought you were in America. There is a sentiment of respect for skilled labor in the more rural areas here.
Then that changes things some. I do not know what the welding or trade job market is like in your country, is it something you could get into without much hassle?

>> No.17701218

I wonder if there will be any pretty girls at the doctors?

>> No.17701224

based homer poster

>> No.17701283

Its not the most popular profession but i see quite a number of employers seeking welders. I certainly wouldnt put myself into debt as i could acquire basic welding courses through job center.

>> No.17701302

Sounds like over here, then.
I cannot fully advise you on this because I am not you. However, you seem like someone I would get along with. Do not live in indecision over this. If you think you could weather the lack of respect the field gets, then why not give learning basic stick welding a try? If you think itd be a hassle and dont want to fuck with it, that too is fine. In the end, no one can make the call on this matter but you.

>> No.17701322

Pretty nurses I'm sure, good times to be had there. Jizzed in a piss bottle once when a pretty nurse was helping me shit

>> No.17701348

How accurate do you think the Homer busts are? It's kind of like the Eastern Jesus iconography, the question is how far back does it go, though obviously Western sculpture didn't maintain its original portraiture simplicity of him.

>> No.17701356
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I simply do not have a high enough level of intelligence to feel good about myself

>> No.17701358

Well, indecision is always by my side (way more than other people) so i have much harder time to decide. I do realize that even if you'd put a gun in my hand in the end its my decision to pull the trigger. I guess my posts reflect my struggle to end neetdom.

>> No.17701379

at least its not R

>> No.17701389

Intelligence is definitely not everything, just look at Hess who had an iq of 120. Just think of all the great individuals, who were great by their wisdom and by their courage (the two thinks Nietzsche says one needs in life, though I'm no Nietzschean) and not this now-vapid modern understanding of intelligence. It is just simply a falsely constructed hierarchy. But that said, don't delude yourself about the unimportance of intelligence, I just say look at your life in the full, and then don't be so sure to discount your intelligence by petty doubt. What you have been joyful about, what you can see as good, is your intelligence. But do you have that higher intelligence, the intelligence of the whole character, of the will, to create? Movement is all.

>> No.17701394
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>Let us once more sum up this whole matter in one [349] exhaustive definition, and denote the most perfect Unity of artistic Form as that in which a widest conjuncture of the phenomena of Human Life—as Content—can impart itself to the Feeling in so completely intelligible an Expression, that in all its 'moments' this Content shall completely stir, and alike' completely satisfy, the Feeling. The Content, then, has to be one that is ever present in the Expression, and therefore the Expression one that ever presents the Content in its fullest compass; for only Thought can grasp the absent, but only the present can be grasped by Feeling.

>In this unity of the Expression, ever making present, and ever embracing the full compass of the Content, there is at like time solved, and solved in the only decisive way, the whilom problem of the unity of Time and Space.


>> No.17701400

Then you have my condolensces. We are all given gifts and defecits in life. I operate in trajectories for life, and this makes decisiveness easy, though I believe I am a covert narcissist and suffer auts and imposter syndrome. I am sure you have aspects worth being proud of.
Forgive me for rambling, but you may be right in that this is you subconsciously getting anxious about NEETdom and your future. Far be it for me, a 22 year old sperg on an Armenian rock thowing board to tell you how to live your life, but why not just take a few classes to see if it would be a good fit for you?

>> No.17701495

First of all, ill have to ask the jobcenter if i could even apply for those courses in the first place because i applied to different ones back in 2017. Secondly, thanks for encouragement anon.

>> No.17701516

In the case of it being up in thd air like that, then I hope whatever happens turns out for the better.
And no problem, friend. We can all use it sometimes.

>> No.17701538
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Once you feel happy about the world, you can feel happy about your place in it, and then feel happy yourself. Utilising ones intelligence is a bit on the side of life really, it will always be a greater joy to watch birds flitting between the trees - that brings a spiritual contentment beyond any vain notions of intelligence. That aside, I love that design collection, it is interesting to imagine what a death from a hypothermia dialysis machine would be like

>> No.17701575

On the contrary, you are perhaps too intelligent. Or had some overwhelming trauma in your childhood and early adult development that has warped your self image into a wretched, twisted troglodyte not even worthy of pity. Or that may just be me.

>> No.17701617
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the latter

>> No.17701660

Thats rough, buddy. Me too. It feels like having an immunodeficiency but for not even loving yourself, but just not hurting yourself over mistakes. I know it sounds hard, but you have to try and get those little cracks of forgiveness and taking your circumstances into account Im sure you have larger. Good luck, anon. We are in the same boat.

>> No.17701684
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Thanks. Take care

>> No.17701784

Liberating realising you're content with not having children. As a late bloomer (career and relationship-wise), I feel like I'd have to compress so much progress into less than a decade to get to the point where I'd be comfortable having children. Fatherhood has always loomed as this big 'next act' of my life, where everything then becomes subordinate to raising a child. I don't like children, and never have, but have always been terrified of being lonely in my old age, or the awful feeling it must be to realise you've missed out on something essential to human experience. I hope that approaching my life at a more tranquil pace outweighs that. I ultimately think I'd resent the kid, I'm too selfish to take enough (any) joy in someone elses progress that I'd be content sacrificing a lot of my own experiences.

>> No.17701915

they bit off more than they could chew, most of them young and dumb and most of them because of emotional problems. it could have happened to if not everyone then at least a lot of people

>> No.17701921

I wonder how to maintain this "I am not the sensations, the sensations pass through relatively what appears to be the permanent" perspective while living life. I've heard of buddhists doing breathing exercises all day kinda under their breath

>> No.17701933

LGBTQ+ is a death plot for talented and creative people as their natural explorativeness takes them to identify with different sexual orientations and "genders" aka. modern day archetypes. It is no different from people of the past being invested in fantasy, mysticism, astrology and so on..
Hypertalented and open people like J.K. Rowling would be trans if born in todays day and age.
I experienced the early 2010s version of the online animation community. the very same community is full of lgbt people today. that simply wasn't the case 10 years before. but looking at the personality profiles these are the same people with the very same genetic potential of the older fandoms.
some of them are extremely talented, producing high quality animations by the age of 14 but are also already taking HRT at the same time due to social contagion through the internet.
people with synesthesia, useful cases of autism, hyperimaginative minds and moral idealists are the first people going to decline and these people in their very genetic potential are the reason for all the beauty conservatives appreciate so much about europe.

>> No.17701947
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>Hypertalented and open people like J.K. Rowling

>> No.17701949

If you don't really enjoy the idea of having children, then it's better to put money aside for some good retirement home than count on them to cure your loneliness. Even when they grow up to be well-adjusted individuals that love their parents, they will end up too busy with work and their hobbies to have much time for you.

>> No.17701956

I think traditionally the way it would have worked out is you would have lived close to your parents and grandparents, and you'd have shared the load

>> No.17701973

I really dislike how I can get so intensely obsessed with a girl. Why did I have to be like this

>> No.17701978

I really don't know but I got that problem too. one suspicion is that it is compensate for a loveless upbringing, but that's really a guess desu

>> No.17701985

Because it’s true for almost all of us these days. It’s not your fault. We are bombarded with it.

Well then I don’t know how the military or student loan debt work in your country but I’ll venture a guess that while everything I said is somewhat less true for you than it is for an American, it’s still true enough to where the advice stands.

>> No.17701992

maybe you can channel that autism into writing poetry or making art

>> No.17702116

No one caught my eye, the nurse messed up drawing blood from my right arm so she had to use my left.

>> No.17702135
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there must be a breaking point, it's gotta come to a point where women are peeved trannies are taking the spotlight and invading their spaces

>> No.17702137

Tomboys transitioning will raise the decline of high-T males

>> No.17702173

Same with sensitive and feminine guys ending up as trannies.

>> No.17702204

Which is also bad

>> No.17702224

is there a conscious effort to flood reddit?

>> No.17702247

Always amazes me how a group of people who are like 1/1000 can occupy so much of the online conversation. I rarely ever see a tranny in real life.

>> No.17702306

It was mostly boomers at the Capitol. But there are two tiers of boomers. The blue collar boomers are mostly redpilled.
It's the noveau riche that rode the Reaganite wave and think they're some capitalistic guru that need to break ranks. They still think its 1980.

>> No.17702320
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Yes, it is. Headgame tho.
It's not like I choose girls that are like this on porpuse, because at beggining they never act like this, but they eventually start showing this side of them... being super needy, kinda abusive and making me feel like I'm a egoistic monster. She's my secong GF, my last one was excatly like her, wich make your question valid. I guess I need to think about this. I don't think it's because I'm afraid of loneliness, because I really love being alone and whenever I start dating someone I start missing the time I had for myself, but at same time I really want someone to love and I'm tired of empty relashionships with whores from Tinder. At least that was my mindset going into this relashionship. I think I kinda fucked up by asking her to be my GF to soon, we barely knew each other and everything was so fast... From the beggining it was a strange relation and we were always fighint and making peace at each other. I had a lot opportunities to break up with her, but we always get back to togheter to the promisse of changing things, but eventually we fall into the same hole. It's so depressing. I remember that back in December I really wanted to break up with her, but I didn't because it was close to Xmas and she was away from her family and I tough I would be a asshole move to do this at that time, so we prolonged this thing and now we are here again. I guess we grown attached to eachother and we are both afraid of the break up pain so we stay together, even tough we are both misereable most of the time. Shit, I love her, that's the worst part. If I didn't feel anything for her it would be so easy...
Last night she sended me two messagens but deleted later. We still didn't talked since yestedays episode. I don't know what to do.

>> No.17702370
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Whats your opinion on him?
Why he's so successful in US?

>> No.17702375

gender dysphoria correlates with autism and thus being extremely online

>> No.17702403

some people think he's a chick cuz his middle name's maria

>> No.17702443

he looks like he makes good conversation, and like he cant stand normies

>> No.17702454

Pynchon probably helps

>> No.17702460

I need to quit my job. I’m just hesitant because I don’t have something to fall back on.

>> No.17702636
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>> No.17702835

Out of all the social places online and in real life I know this thread is maybe the most comforting one despite being low effort and maybe a bit young at average for myself now. I don't know. The posts show just a perfect combination of empathy, art, schizophrenia, normalfaggotery, pessimism, philosophical debth, hedonistic easiness, sparkled with few moments of brotherhood and the most intense of despising misanthropy, it just comes all together as a balanced meal for my soul to enjoy.

>> No.17702886
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>> No.17702899

Why do i even bother reading fiction when i've never been in love?

>> No.17702930

I've eaten too much lemon cake and I didn't go to sleep last night

>> No.17702994

Haha what the fuck
Are you Russian
Why would you do that

>> No.17703027

Going anywhere else is just as sad.

>> No.17703076

Lemon cake sounds like such a good idea.

>> No.17703080

Liberating indeed

>> No.17703188

I went to buy kitchen stuff and shower gel just now.
They had balloons in the same aisle.
I bought them.
My room is full of balloons now. No one knows. No one can stop me because no one can see them.

>> No.17703204

People with actual autism and not your meme 'oh I'm such a quirky weirdo girl' aren't capable of properly using devices to show their mental illness online. They'd rather take the device and throw it away or break it when they feel an urge.

>> No.17703219

My boss just asked me how I’m feeling about my job.

I said fine...I’m such a fraud.

>> No.17703236

Anon... These balloons at noon they will lose their oons and turn into balls.

>> No.17703257

I think I might have got it. I think the whirling dervishes whirl because it is a stable way to make the impermanence vision apparent. your view constantly changes, displaying its impermanence.

>> No.17703270 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17703284

I see something great
I have the seeing and the intangible knowing of the greatness
Does the knowing of the greatness have separate existence or is it always tied to this visual? Are these two stimuli or one? Is there any way to know?

>> No.17703291

How long does a watermelon keep without rotting

>> No.17703337

Reading famous writers, poets and famous people biographies makes me feel quite depressed. I compare my own experience with theirs and just want to close everything and retreat to the dark corner. One could say that its possible to learn something out of it but how can you relate to person which has completely different leanings and experience?

>> No.17703481
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Cried myself to sleep last night for the dumbest fucking reason. Read picrel (mob psycho 100 ch.98 if you care) and realized that I never really experienced anything worthwhile in my life. My few (positive) memories of primary and secondary school are laughing with friends, and I mean those memories are nice, don't get me wrong, but they're still one day just going to fade away. Meanwhile my classmates were going out, being social, actively seeking out and participating in new experiences; doing things they will actually remember. College was the same lack of experiences except I didn't even have friends so I've already forgotten that entirely. I'm 25 now and when I try to think back about moments I really cherish, I have nothing. I just feel empty. What's worse is that even though I've realized this now when I'm still relatively young, I know I'm not going to change. When I'm 90 and I think back on my life it won't be a selection of great joyful, fulfilling moments, it will just be one big blur.

>> No.17703494

I do the same thing. I notice a sort of story arc and relevance in their lives which I don’t detect in mine and that makes really miserable.

>> No.17703502

Sunlight seeps in my room, between the curtains. It is 10.30 am and yet another morning looms, Father has already left for work, younger brother is already off to college and mother is busy with the chores. She looks at me with mild disgust as i ask whats for breakfast. Yet another day i will pretend to apply for jobs and play Sims 3. Creating the life for a sims character is more enjoyable than building one for myself. Almost all my classmates and friends are working. Dont know of even one unemployed person in my social circle. Dont even have the energy and drive to run a business and interact with people even if father lends me some capital. I am well suited for a life of dredging wageslaving but such a job still evades me. Future is dark, lads.

>> No.17703524

They don’t make me as depressed as reading about great people of ancient history though. When I read about an author and I see this sort of story arc, yeah, I get depressed as a 27 year old wagie that’s never had anything interest happen to them and never done anything interesting. When I read about people like Alexander or Julius Caesar, I want to kill myself on the spot. I used to think you could be Achilles, Alexander, Homer, or Aristotle but not more than one. Now, I feel like you can’t be any of them, at least, I can’t.

>> No.17703525
File: 30 KB, 400x614, fugggggorr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 30 grand. in small bills cash. in that little silk purse. if this was somebody elses wedding, sfortunato

>> No.17703608

I honestly recommend Ulysses for a book that shows the value of the small mundane moments of joy that are not tremendous significant occurrences. Besides, experience, memory and enjoyment are mostly products of the mind, and the mind can perceive whatever you desire of it. There is so much value given to the idea of social interaction because people decide to give it value. For the last 5 years I have gone into a POTENT trip of altering states, objectives and scenarios and I haven't left the house for shit.

>> No.17703629
File: 8 KB, 250x231, 1573763886973s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the spring, I began to run every evening. At first, it was a casual “easy run”, alternating with walking breaks while my heart felt like it would beat its way out of my body. The day after a run, I caught the headline of the Sports page on the opposite side of my mother’s newspaper: “Young high intensity marathon runner drops dead”. Apparently, overdoing running can cause heart attacks in people with no prior conditions. It was perfect. I would be an athletic, well-built young bachelor. But before anyone knew my main plan, before I was married off to some woman with whom I shared no common joys, I would drop dead at the age of 30. Nobody would ever find out that it was a deliberately intentioned and drawn-out suicide. Drawn out over a decade. And so, I began running faster, and faster, and faster, until I thought tonight was the night I’d drop dead, but the night never came.

>> No.17703832

any books which explore the guilt over being a failson who had the perfect conditions for success but managed to fuck it up anyway?

>> No.17703882

My ass was full of shit but now it isn't because I pooed

>> No.17704253
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I had a similar realization a few years ago. I remember very little from my past, especially good moments, most of what I do remember are bad experiences and traumas. Sometimes I don't even remember what I did yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if one day I woke up and I forgot my name, or my birthday date, or some other important personal information.

But at the same, I don't really feel bothered by it, I don't know why, but I just don't.

>> No.17704265

While not exactly on point, I'd recommend you read some Kafka.

>> No.17704274

Why is there no Christian taliban? Why is there no Hindu taliban? Why is there no Buddhist taliban?

>> No.17704289

I really need to stop jerking off

>> No.17704291

the question might make a degree of sense although not a very convincing one if you had asked about al qaeda for instance. the taliban are just ultra-giga-orthodox, but in a land that is literally pre-hobbesian tier, ie a land that actually is that old trad-land the larpers dream of. it would be one thing to ask why someone insisted on old-world law in the new world, but afghanistan is literaly the old world

>> No.17704307

shimabara, lords resistance army etc also christians aren't oppressed enough today

>> No.17704312


>> No.17704329

Not exactly really Christian though is it?

>> No.17704339

? I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. I’m asking why isn’t there an ultra-orthodox Hindu nationalist militia? There’s plenty of Christians and Hindus in this old world, is there not?

>> No.17704344

> When I'm 90 and I think back on my life it won't be a selection of great joyful, fulfilling moments, it will just be one big blur.

Quite American thinking. Basically, thinking life is supposed to be a neverending torrent of joy is something that got imprinted in you by advertising and mass media. Your classmates are likely not very different from you, and if they are, it's less because of experience, and more because they lucked out genetics wise and their brain discounts negative memories and holds on to positive ones.

Life is hard, even in the best of cases. Your wife will get unnatractive and boring, or just unnatractive if you're lucky. Your kids will be their own people, so your happiness better not be attached to them achieving goals you imagined for them.

If you're permabachelor, you will have to deal with constant social pressure to not be one. Depending on how much importance you attach to the judgements of others, this can be very rough.

There's no there there. What you expect of reality is not something anyone gets.

>> No.17704349

next you'll tell me that amakusa shirou tokisada the saint wasn't christian, he was a terrorist

>> No.17704373

So I will just kill myself then.

>> No.17704392

we found the athiest. Relinquish your arrogance.

Atheists aren’t Christians because they don’t want to be Christians. God says many times that those who seek Him, find Him, and the atheists don’t care to read the Bible to find out how to seek God. They think everything is a game where they use their master reasoning abilities to decide what is true and what isn’t. They haven’t yet figured out that faith is a prerequisite for all belief, and that believing in God is no less reasonable than not believing. Any reasonable person sees the limits of his own reason, and the infinitude that is beyond him. Any atheist at this stage can become Christian if we wants to.

>> No.17704406
File: 71 KB, 327x500, christ samu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but read this before you do instead of cartoons

>> No.17704445

How do I become christian ?
And I will check this out anon. Thank you.

>> No.17704462

Were the Afghans ever a peaceful people?

>> No.17704476

oh I thought you were after something else. well I think the answer stands, kind of. but if your question is "why are there no militant ultra-orthodox christians/hindus?" then I don't really know. it could be to do with how the injuncion in Islam to establish a righteous caliphate on earth. or it could be to do with how the muslims have been subjugated in war in ways the others have not, and so there has been a rallying as a response to subjugation. but aren't the indians getting pretty heated about hinduism lately?

>> No.17704481

Are Mormons Christians?

>> No.17704524

At a certain crossroads in life where things will be socially situated in a way that I will generally be unable to fill wants for companionship until some time off in the future. As of now, I’m not entirely unaccustomed to living a lifestyle which is more cutoff from the rest of popular society, but it becomes somewhat daunting to know that you are personally helpless in securing such comforts which seem to be abound in less rural locales. For a while there, too, it seemed as if this might not be the case; that there would be a sweeping change of sorts to bring me away from a rather bleak isolation. Alas, what can one do in such unpredictable times? You are never granted much guarantee for exclusivity within the social strata, and the efforts may well be just as wasted should you have never made an attempt to begin you trek from nowhere.

>> No.17704562

The balloons were a solid choice
Looks great in here

>> No.17704592

Not him, but you have to listen to your instincts. Do you believe only the physical exists? If so, you will only ever treat spirituality as a psychological coping mechanism, which is not what any spiritual path is. The problems of everyday life never go away, and you're better off dealing with them directly rather than getting involved with religion in hope it will take you to some lala land. Therapy and psychiatry could be involved here, but not necessarily. A perspective change is likely needed, but trying to deliberately induce one is a catch-22.

Are there things you do purely for fun, as ends in themselves? Why aren't they enough? And if there aren't such things in your life, why?

>> No.17704595

I can’t shake this feeling that there’s nothing worth doing in this world and my life amounts to nothing. I’ve tried to hang on for a while now and keep rolling the dice but I’ll be 30 soon. I think I’m getting ready to call it quits and end it all things considered.

>> No.17704598

very based

>> No.17704634

Erotical short stories became my new fap material. I'm avoiding pornographic images and videos by that. The scary thing is how potent these stories are for me. I can cum to them more satisfying than to imagery. Especially because they provide some scenes and fantasies that otherwise aren't allowed.

>> No.17704637

b-ok.cc has been cancelled :c

>> No.17704640

read the bible go genesis, exodus, matthew. After that ask for more, maybe go talk to a local priest, most will be happy to answer any questions you have, stay away from cultural christians and tradcath zoomer nazis.

>Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

>> No.17704648 [DELETED] 

Why do the jannies keep deleting threads that I spend time writing effort posts in? Are they mocking me?

>> No.17704653


you might also want to check out "the christian in complete armor" and "the bible project"

>> No.17704655

feel extremely confident and happy. trad boys are so easy. God Bless

>> No.17704724

Just go to zlibrary, aren't they the same website now anyway?

>> No.17704748
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It's truly amazing how my mood can change in such a short time, a couple of hours ago I was laughing like a maniac at something, now I'm thinking about how worthless this life is and contemplating suicide.

It's honestly funny, if you think about it.

>> No.17704762

Then why would a bunch of heterodox cult of personality idol worshippers be Christians?

>> No.17704778

LRA aren't, shimabara rebellion ppl were

>> No.17704790

Leave this little rodent alone!

>> No.17704799

So I’ve never heard of shimabara rebellion but looking it up on Wikipedia, it looks like it was an Edo period Japan rebellion. That’s not exactly what I meant when I was talking about a Christian taliban and it was several hundred years ago.

>> No.17704802

he must be squeezed

>> No.17704836

Watch out for Karma then.

>> No.17704845

round and round the wheel goes, anon.

>> No.17704997

>feel extremely confident
No you're not

>> No.17705007


>> No.17705020

t-the musashi---!

>> No.17705347

I’m going to drastically cut my computer usage and return to living a relaxed, comfy life. Only trouble is my soul screaming out in pain when I’ve gone 15 minutes without being online.

>> No.17705369

Up until the Russians and the British decided to hold a meet up there, they were notably low on the mass murder scale. Til then they were busy doing stuff like losing half their capitals to the Sikhs, or converting to Islamic hospitality at the behest of the newest local khan, then Russia and Britain showing up to test their hospitality just unleased the beast.
The Uighurs had a whole fucking head chopping Mongol bullying Buddhist khanate rather than be like the Afghans, before they converted to Islam late and started getting slaughtered by Chinese Mao tinged Confucianism.
I think it's just humans aren't peaceful in general tbph. They try to hold it in and then one day they're stacking severed heads thousands of miles from home into a large pyramid in the hot Indian sun to show the people they aren't dealing with bullshit no more.

>> No.17705379

Try reading. Or writing.

>> No.17705729

>wake up
> immediately start wishing it was time to go to be again

>> No.17705741

Being asleep is just so much better than being awake.

>> No.17705764

Not Russian, I live in the US. I slept in cold temp all my life and have trouble sleeping when it's not freezing. I used to sleep nude in the bathtub during summers to keep cool. When I went to sleep over at friends' houses I'd sleep in their closet, because it was colder. I don't know why I'm like this.

>> No.17705773

more or less been laying in bed shitposting and watching old dunkey streams for 7 hours now and it has been a pretty good time

>> No.17705784

cold sleeper is definitely a patrician trait anon, nothing to worry about.

>> No.17706007

Overuse of computers is one of the main causes of elevated depression rates in modern times. That I am sure.

>> No.17706063

Is smoking really that bad as everyone makes it to be?

>> No.17706066


>> No.17706070

I like it cold but I couldn't sleep in a closet. I keep my window open when sleeping because without outdoor airflow I wake up. I can get by being warm sleeping, but not having a nearby window is torture.
>tfw massive open window next to bed and just the right aspect the only time it rained on me it was during a freak hurricane
Whoever built this house was a genius.

>> No.17706084

it's probably worse
that said a cigar now and then is p nice

>> No.17706112

Yes and no. Yes in that, overall, the best public health advice is to not smoke. Most people will benefit from that. No in that for some people not smoking will cause them to get cancer. Then second group are much smaller so the public health advice to stop the larger group getting cancer is a good move. (There are other problems and benefits besides cancer but it is the obvious one).
You are probably not one of the people who will benefit from smoking.

>> No.17706214

2nd year psych major

>> No.17706492
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>> No.17706927

No I post in the other threads but only when there's something interesting to me which is increasingly rare

>> No.17707258

at least it's not the dreary depths of glorified excel (SPSS)
I hope to god no one else on this board was so unwise as I have been to continue into a second year of psych

>> No.17707277

calisthenics or home gym fren

>> No.17707293

I reach a new ''epiphany'' every other week and think this will be the final insight I can restructure my life around but nothing ever happens.

>> No.17707391

>no senpai you can't see to much i'm shy kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

>> No.17707431

I just realized that I’ve never had any genuine friends and now I have no friends at all. I don’t know what happened. I had a few in high school and college. They just kind of disappeared. I’m 27 now and I don’t even know how I would go about making friends.

>> No.17707606

Thought has limited causal powers. Think with your body through intelligent action and you can go from trash to cash.

>> No.17707933

I'd say I'll give it a read but i'm a bit retarded and I think it's a bit above my level right now lol, but I'll work towards it. Thanks for the recommendation.

I don't normally feel bothered by it either, that's what's weird. I don't normally cry either (last time I did was some 8 years ago). So I guess it was just a lot of bottled up shit coming out. I'll probably return to not caring in a few days, although like I said I'm not exactly happy about the fact that I know I won't change.

I think you misunderstand me; I'm not saying life has to be constant positives and nonstop joy at all, just that when you've been alive for that many years you should probably have at least some experiences to show for it. I don't think that's an unrealistic expectation, I think that's what most people my age already have, let alone 90 year olds. When I talk about experiences I don't mean they have to be anything crazy either; for example at my secondary school there was a group of ~10 friends and in the last few weeks of school they took a bunch of road trips on weekends visiting places together and had some photos of them all together. That's the kind of thing I mean; in 50 years those guys can look back at those photos and remember what great times they had with their friends. As for me, it never really even registered that school was ending. Nothing in my life really changed leading up to it and on the final day I just got my documents and walked off. In 50 years I'm not sure what I'll remember.
(>>17704373 is not me btw, I have no intention of killing myself. Like I said above, I'll probably go back to feeling completely unbothered by this shortly, but it's just cathartic for me to rant a bit in this thread.)

I appreciate the responses

>> No.17707982

In all seriousness, what do you do when you grow increasingly suspicious that there’s nothing worth doing with your life? How do you cope with that by the time you’re nearing 30 years old. The idea of many more decades of this is almost unbearable.

>> No.17708111

Haven’t had a few beers in a couple weeks. Feels good man. I should write more.

>> No.17708308

beer sucks try liqour

>> No.17708312

sports team or hobby group

>> No.17708315

>grey folds sneeding

>> No.17708333


>> No.17708354

Good for you, anon. Keep it up.

>> No.17708357

I am full of love

>> No.17708378

What does it feel like?

>> No.17708402


>> No.17708430
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>> No.17708456
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<— Book

Bby. George Bush wasn’t a legitimate president. And Mitt friggin Romney probably won. Fuck all of them and their illegitimate rich man’s republic.

I know. Late reply.


>> No.17708459

I shot all my love down the toilet shortly after waking up this morning

>> No.17708462

I'm looking for some motivation to get my habit of reading back

>> No.17708475

Pick up a book and read until you think of a way to get it back

>> No.17708495

It feels warm. It makes me want to be a better person. It makes me want to do better work. It feels like wanting to be kinder and more intentional and sometimes it feels like a raw and burning, heavy plea to God in your chest rising to your lips when you look over at that person and cannot help but pray that one day you will be able to have a family together, and it’s everything in you to restrain yourself from praying aloud because they’re just doing some mundane thing like pouring water into a cup.

>> No.17708500

GWB was based

read a good book, I recommend christs samurai

>> No.17708505

Also based

>> No.17708583

Thats beautiful, anon. I envy you for feeling something other than fear, self loathing, and the occasional cold satisfaction like me, but at the same time I am very happy for you.

>> No.17708593

Thank you for your sweet comment, anon. I too do not like myself (this “love yourself to love others” thing is nonsense) and thought myself not worthy of love. I hope something wonderful comes to you.

>> No.17708625

Thank you very much, I hope that such a wonderful feeling persists for you as well.

>> No.17708809


You like the forever wars? The surveillance state? You think Edward Snowden is a traitor? You think torture works and that everyone at Gitmo deserves to be there? Fuck that miserable pile of shit and his whole cabinet of evil

>> No.17708851

edward snowden is based, torture works, he isn't his cabinet.

>> No.17709552

Torture does not work. Snowden would tell you the same. Bush and his whole cabinet are culpable for war crimes and essentially knifing the foundational soul of this nation. Which was bad before, since they killed Kennedy, but now it doesn’t stand for any of its core principles.

In that era I went from non-political former conservative to progressive. I remember wondering what Gore would have done differently. But I would have been wrong. Nation-states always do this. As fragile and flammable as a shit hut

>> No.17709604

I still can't get the image out of my head. No idea where it came from or what purpose it served. The eye of a rabbit glazed over with animal ignorance; though I saw within it some kind of higher knowing. I wondered why a rabbit would wish to be born. Death was guaranteed but a rabbit's death was pain and full of fear. That gaze struck me like an answer or a pause which said I knew the answer all along and just refused to admit it. This creature was God, and its life was always written. The look said it all, and chilled me to the core. It created this world, and looked at me- its creation.

I dunno, not really a writer but this is a weird vision that actually happened to me when I smoked too much and I just needed to write this out.

>> No.17709792

Your post gives me a sense of deja vu.
Never killed rabbit. Ive had to kill wild dogs in the woods, smash rats to take care of an infestation, and hunt deer because softpoint ammo was cheaper in the longrun than chicken and beef.
If youre a good enough shot to be respectful you can get a deer in the heart and it dies quick, anything like a lung is long, and a gutshot means ruined meat.
There is something almost mystical about the cleaning process, guess its a caveman thing. You do it a little past dawn after the hunt and the body has had enough time to hang and drain of blood. You collect the meat and throw everything else except the head back into the woods. You bury the head close to an ant mound so it decomposes and you get a nice skull.

>> No.17709848

>It feels warm
What does this feel like? Is it literally a warmth over your body, in your body, like basking in the sun? I don't experience emotions so viscerally as others so I'm always curious how people "feel" them. But I'm glad you're full of love, although I feel it differently to you I think in much the same way whenever I go outside, how can one not appreciate the world when there is so much beauty

>> No.17710036

> This creature was God, and its life was always written. The look said it all, and chilled me to the core. It created this world, and looked at me- its creation.

Strongly recommend Transdencentalist Philosophy, specially the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson