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/lit/ - Literature

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17700320 No.17700320 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had an original thought? If so what is it?

>> No.17700333

Leave this board and never return

>> No.17700337
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Not sure

>> No.17700357

Yes and I'm not telling

>> No.17700368

everytime i think i've had an original thought i find it in some old book, often much more developed than i could have written it.

>> No.17700387

Yes I have concocted a philosophy all for myself:

Transcendentalist Catholic Anarcho-Capitalist Conservative Progressivism

>> No.17700398 [DELETED] 

One time I had an independent thought about economics, and then later found out Marxists think the same thing, so I thought I was insightful, but then I grew up and went to school and found out teenage thoughts about economics are full of fallacies.

>> No.17700493

Basketball shorts with back pockets.

>> No.17700514

Events are caused by events and so God has to exist

>> No.17700515

I realized my girlfriend was cheating on me

>> No.17700522

kill er

>> No.17700523

One time i pissed in an adult diaper
The next day i pissed in a new and dug the old one out of the trash and tapped it over the one i was already in then humped it until i came

>> No.17700551


>> No.17700552


One day humanity will be so advanced that we will build God. But because God defies time and space, as soon as we build him he will always have existed.

>> No.17700574

Didn't you steal this off that Asimov story?

>> No.17700579

>build God
>God builds man
>Human teleology was that we were created by God to evolve to the point where we could create him
>But now we have already created God
>Now what?


>> No.17700580

Language defines our thoughts

>> No.17700582


>> No.17700586


Yeah now that you mention it it's pretty similar. I always thought of the last question as more of a loop.

Sigh, back to the drawing board.

How about this: Shoes for your hands!

>> No.17700591
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>> No.17700604

>Murder for infidelity is “based”
Kys frogfag

>> No.17700618

murder is unlawful killing, the penalty for adultry is death, god said so.

>> No.17700622
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idk, I thought basketball shorts with back pockets would be bretty cool :(

>> No.17700635

There is no god.
Falling out of love isn’t a crime in any sense.
Stop being a cringy nitwit

>> No.17700643
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a thread died for this

>> No.17700664 [DELETED] 

There is a God but I don't have time or energy to explain it to a tripfag, even greek pagans who lived thousands of years ago could apply natural theology and arrive at that conclusion that seems to escape some industrialized first world country smooth brained internet addict

Interactions must be voluntary and capable of termination at any moment in order to be moral, but betraying one's trust in a mutually agreed upon pact of loyalty is deeply immoral in any context, be it romantic, social professional or what not, so quit sugar coating it, tripcunt.

>> No.17700666

damn, seems like you ve had plenty of time to become a pretentious faggot huh?

>> No.17700670

I think I invented the word "poogyna." Meaning yet to be determined

>> No.17700673
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Satan agrees

>> No.17700738

No one said the best thought of lit would be a literary one

>> No.17701864

I AM not just a bot, I have free Will.

>> No.17701887

Cheating doesn't have to do with falling out of love. Why not just break up instead of putting on yourself the burden of having to lie?

>> No.17701889

No such thing

>> No.17701946

none that I could articulate. Ive had original "feelings" but that's it

>> No.17701967

yeah i'll write a book about it in 15 years once i flesh it out

>> No.17702579

The only original thought there has ever been is God's first thought that created this universe. Everything after that is just acausal echos of that one thought.

>> No.17702584

>T. Cheater

>> No.17702590

Why are you defending disloyalty? If you've ever been cheated on then you'd know how much it fucks with your head.

>> No.17702594

What about deaf and mute ppl? Don't they have thoughts?

>> No.17703583

nice but what are gloves, and would we ever walk on our hands

>> No.17703633

If someone does this to you, you leave. No reason for murder.


I’m against murder. No one likes rejection, but only the deranged resort to murdering someone they claim to have loved over it.
Why are you defending psychopaths and their loveless sex toy possession freak outs?