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17698166 No.17698166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You occasionally see this posted on /lit/ as a joke, but is it actually good?

>> No.17698187

It got trashed by user reviews on Amazon. It's a piece of crap.

>> No.17698200

idk, anything similar i might read in terms of erotica, id read online for free.

>> No.17698220

and amazon reviewers have taste?

>> No.17698238

Take your racebait back to [/pol/?] retard

>> No.17698249

>but is it actually good

Look at that stock images cover and title and tell me if it's any good

>> No.17698282
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me on the right

>> No.17698317

I unironically helped my Rabbi write this. It was his idea and his writing but he kept having to stop to compulsively masturbat and so couldn’t finish it himself. He needed me to type it out while he recited as he pleasured himself in the other room. Overall it was a horribly experience. And I learned the hard way about what it means to be “Jewed”. We originally agreed to $1500 dollars and he would set me up with the girl of my choice from temple. After we finished he has started paying me in $5 monthly installments instead of the $1500 at time of completion. And instead of setting me up with the girl I hoped for he instead set me up on a blind date with a MtF trans person. He rationalized this to me by explaining that the Globohomo propaganda had been accidentally absorbed by our own people and that we, liberal Jews, are undergoing a population collapse. Then he told me I shouldn’t have kids due to my “obvious” shortcomings so setting me up with the MtF made the most “evolutionary” sense, for out people, of course. He then tried selling me on the idea that I could ruthlessly fuck this tranny’s butthole-pussy without worry because buttholes aren’t fertile. What a fucken Jew

>> No.17698323
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>> No.17698324

just go to hypnotube and watch some sissygaljasmine videos. No reason to read a book about it, just hypnotize yourself into loving it.

>> No.17698333

>we, liberal Jews

>> No.17698358

Why are you kikes always like this? I wrote this! It's bad enough that my fellow /pol/acks don't understand the very complex dynamics of BBC fantasy and cuckoldry to have to contend with this. Yes I am a nazi and I love BBC domination, so what? You need to have a very high IQ to understand that by letting niggers fuck my wife, it's actually like having animals breed her. I am the Alpha in this situation, and every stroke of the BBC proves my superiority.

>> No.17698454


>> No.17698476

Why do blacks fetishize white women so much? Theyre demonstrably awul like 90% of the time. Is it just muh revenge

>> No.17698494

I thought it was a great work of science fiction, comparable to Dune in scope and philosophical depth. Also, I'm a sex pervert

>> No.17698497

Blacks don't fetishize white women, white men fetishize black men

>> No.17698505

maybe in the minds of a bunkerchud

>> No.17698511

Internalized racism which has been wearing off recently. The time to get a black gf now because they're extremely undervalued

>> No.17698519

>he doesnt know about black future posting
hello new friend. check the archive.

>> No.17698523

Has anyone done a full on lacanian breakdown of the sissy/cuck phenomenon?
Such a bizarre little quirk.

>> No.17698529

>white men
Jews aren’t white

>> No.17698616

I don't get how you guys can dispute this? I'm not saying all white men fetishize black men, just depraved coomers.

>> No.17698666

You should look into the purveyors of the BBC genre, it looks like an international Talmud convention. The Old Testament even has some BBC tales. Look at mainstream US media, Jewish comedians, etc. They literally can not stop talking about African penises lol

>> No.17698674

I know that BBC is globohomo propaganda but white (and jewish) men are still the primary consumers of it

>> No.17698724

I don't know how old you are, but it was not like this before. This is a very, very recent phenomenon. Maybe started 6 years ago if I had to guess. And it has been manufactured. There was no market for this and no one asked for this. It was pushed by a fella by the name of Greg Lansky. Now the dumbasses that grew up watching this agitprop actually developed a reprobate paraphilia. I don't even think that was the original intention; it seemed to be made as a demoralising agent, but the effects are even worse.

>> No.17698770

how do you know who the consumers are? all we know for sure is (who) makes it

>> No.17698776

it probably is since cuck porn is popular. of course there might be other demographies too and some of it might be black powertrip, but id think a lot of it is cuck stuff.

>> No.17698830

White leftist have a negative in-group preference, leftist are also the biggest consumers of porn. So it's probably bunderchuds watching BLACKED all day, and projecting it only /pol/.

>> No.17698837
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Agreed. I browsed through /gif/ archives and it was actually hard to find bbc porn.
That said you can still find many bbc vintage porns and references of women going black in pop culture like in Taxi Driver (1976) but the genre wasn't as popular for many reasons:
The west witnessed heavy waves of migration in the 2010s. The theory of white people becoming the minority went viral because for the first time the demographics of newborns confirmed this to be an actual fact.
Online-Dating created massive inequality on the sexual marketplace. And the heavy desensitization through the internet.

>> No.17698860

Oh and of course the shift in mainstream music.

>> No.17698867
File: 57 KB, 831x467, C-hUH7ZXUAA5zPQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBC interviews itself.

>> No.17698868

its probably both desu. psyoping is a powerful things.

i could both see an absolutly anti black person getting off on it due to crossed wires of disgust, like scat porn, and also a complete black white mans burdener doing the same due to the engerent racialosm of their thought process.

>> No.17698876

So basically what you're saying is your into scat? Maybe a little bit of "loli" on the side too?

>> No.17698894

> engerent racialosm
meant inherent racialism

dyslexia, a crap keyboard, and quick post fingers do not mix well.

>> No.17698912

do people that hate things also fetishize it in a sexual way?

>> No.17698924
File: 94 KB, 850x400, 51E94324-C9AA-47DF-8FB2-DB75A5BB4F74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books on the metaphysics of interracial cuckoldry?

>> No.17698938

i would assume they definitely can, yes. especially in the current extremely sexualized internet setting.

do you think brappers actually like the smell of farts? or that the concept of disgust mingles with that of elation?

>> No.17698942

And this is how the orc was spawned in the mind of Tolkien

>> No.17698958

Fart fetishists are simply men who never graduated past the anal stage of development save for the fact they've imprinted on women and no longer on their own diapered experiences.

>> No.17698964
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>this gets reviews, money and attention
>meanwhile your manuscript is being turned away and mocked on /wg/

>> No.17698973

Well, it's propably shit as well but less comical.

>> No.17698975


>> No.17698991

We also know who the primary consumers of opioids are. Do you think drug addicts are healthy rational people making good decisions too?

>> No.17698996

This just seems like a thing people say without any real evidence

>> No.17699002
File: 32 KB, 318x412, 33301711._SX318_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tyrone gets to slap my oneitis ass and suck her toes and he is "a real stud" for it
>when I try to do it I am "A menace of society" and am not allowed in the kindergarden anymore

>> No.17699007

Enjoy the STDs

>> No.17699010

this ngl. its just funnier than some random anons manuscript.
if you >>17698964 make some crazy tier book cover you might catch someones 5 secound attention span.

>> No.17699011

Just playing the odds.

>> No.17699016

yah, well, i haven’t exactly done a study.

>> No.17699103
File: 277 KB, 720x831, 1614237090751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people are the most physically attractive in the world. nonwhite women lust after white men, nonwhite men lust after white women, the vast majority of whites want white partners whether they have a conscious bias or not

as far as nonwhites go, the further you stray from white facial features, the less attractive they are. there are loads of extremely attractive non white people but 99.9% of the time its because they closely resemble white beauty standards

>> No.17699109

Oy vey oy gevalt, how can you do zis to me, eh?? I labored for years on this book, blood, sweat and tears, toiled countless hours, and for you to take credit which is rightfully mine, it's as painful to me as sixty six holocausts!!! The large African penises represent the enormity of our people's struggle, and its repeated penetration of perfect Aryan pussies (and also boypussies) our heroic struggle to enlighten the goyim despite their disgusting racism and ingratitude as they persecute and exile us in response to the advances we offer. Finally, of course, the goyim, and the white pussies, give in under the hard pounding, they break down and coom.

>> No.17699127

I agree right back.
I must add that frankly I had initially thought the target audience was actually black men themselves, as that was the previous audience for porn involving black actors. It wasn't until I became aware of racialized cuckoldry as a distinct, astroturfed perversion that I learned otherwise.

>> No.17699174

I concur. Thank you for posting that pic btw, I couldn't find it again. Golden Ratio face.

>> No.17699192

Holy Caucasity, my wife's boyfriend read this to me through the window of my cuck shed. I almost burst through my chastity cage. I give it a solid ***/5

>> No.17699910

this post was written by a leftist who complains about cultural imperialism and the proliferation of white beauty standards. Notice how the word "objective" isn't anywhere in the post.

You're an SJW cuck who wants blacks to be fetishized again.

>> No.17699929
File: 30 KB, 750x431, Meeks-750x431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white guy who's only attractive cos he looks like a nigger

>> No.17699940

Actually the most beautiful women in the world are East African.

>> No.17699948

You see how illogical this is: "attractive non white people but 99.9% of the time its because they closely resemble white beauty standards"

What you call "white standards" are actually Ethiopid standards.

>> No.17699949

The book is either written by a white woman herself or an alt-right larper.

>> No.17699987

I know for a fact that many young alt righters watch cuck porn

>> No.17699999

I know for a fact that many young liberals are pedophiles and satan worshippers.

>> No.17700003


>> No.17700310

other way around

>> No.17700427

>20,000 words
So like 40 pages? wtf?

>> No.17700468

Guess how i know you're a bunkerchud nigger?

>> No.17700475

zoomers are completely fucked in the head
grew up on BBC and trannies

>> No.17700519

It's mostly all lefties watching BBC porn and converting to trannies, they remove themselves from the gene pool so it's good.

>> No.17700520


>> No.17700546

theres a book called a Billion Wicked Thoughts that discusses this. basically the two theories were either it was a case of extreme stimulation caused by disgust overlapping into pleasure because of some neurological quirk caused by how our brain perceives extreme stimuli or it was stimulating because it provoked a sense of competition with a rival

>> No.17700563

honestly though personally I think its just a case of degrading women. same reason people like watching old men fuck young girls or dogs fucking women or facial abuse. just whatever your brain perceives as the most disgusting thing to do to a woman

>> No.17701604


>> No.17701624
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>> No.17701676
File: 129 KB, 728x927, average blackboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that when I see muscular black men my first thought is "how tight are their chocolate holes"? I imagine myself caressing their muscles and then inserting my white member inside their anal cavity, swaying my hips back and forth as the negroes cry their gorilla moans, their anuses tightening as I start pounding harder and harder into their insides, yelling racist slurs at them, "GET BLEACHED NIGGER", "YOU'RE MY SEX SLAVE NOW BLACKBOI". Finally I imagine myself finishing inside their colons, their tired yet satisfied face and their sweaty body, I remove my engorged member from the negroes' anus and before making my way to the shower I say to them: "You're BWC owned now."

>> No.17701730
File: 267 KB, 1600x1200, 7100eefe2cc854778d93e43c9dc2b689f12d8d6b7470a259706bf73ccc2bde68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a /lit/ bf bros

>> No.17701745

post bobs and vigine

>> No.17701758

pls be in europe

>> No.17701761

Yes actually

>> No.17701774

Are you a girl or a boy? Why are you looking for a bf?

>> No.17701792

there are no girls on the internet anon

>> No.17701798

i'm not gay but you're kind hot ngl, wouldn't mind breaking your choker

>> No.17701801

Daily reminder to stop watching porn if you haven't already.

>> No.17701804

>that chin
I am not a faggot.

>> No.17701811

Thats not me, its some dude from 8ch

>> No.17701816

Because you're projecting, niggerfag. Try reading the summary of the book, retard.

>> No.17701829

It's unironically revenge.
Since /lit/ doesn't read they won't know this, but there was a prominent black panther in the 60s who was a serial rapist of white women, which he confesses and rationalizes in his "memoir" which in many ways serves as a guidebook to black resentment. He intentionally sought white victims because he "wanted to send waves of consternation through the white race."
His name was Eldridge Cleaver and he was, of course, a leftist cultural hero and often invited to speak at universities.

To be honest there's almost an element of homosexuality in how often it's actually the white man who seems to the target of black men's sexuality expressed as hostility.